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本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2011-7-12 14:31 编辑
2 B* y1 j4 ]' }2 t
4 Z3 D5 F" W+ i2 h0 F4 k% Z6 c$ O3 E日方视角:. }. D5 ]7 }6 i. }5 t4 u

! c! S9 W# N5 ?* S9 _1942年5月25日,注定是个伟大的日子,蝗军攻略帕果帕果之登陆部队,在已经完成登陆的情况下,水面战编队和运输船编队陆续后撤,KB也后撤一格殿后,然而一场海空大战竟然不期而遇。
3 L7 S8 D, @4 h2 L6 ?
/ \7 |8 I- ^! l9 O1 A7 |* I" N5月24日,敌水面战编队企图偷袭帕果登陆船队,遭到KB迎头痛击后,KB上宝贵的鱼雷已经所剩无机,米酋之TF58以4艘CV的阵容,0CAP出击~~
# A* q) ?0 K7 ?8 O) g) E- ^+ ^" J. k( y) O8 a) Q
+ y  s! G% r1 B  l5月25日下午,遭到重创的58起飞的飞机已经非常有限,几乎没有突破KB的CAP,KB起飞的200多架舰攻也因为缺乏鱼雷,对58的攻击扩大的战果有限。
) v3 ]4 B6 j0 E) G! X! K

  u3 y. u* i: G8 f- ?2 B9 u2 C; e重创后的祥凤~~,已经无可挽回,但是蝗军大本营还是拒绝了舰长伊沢石之助大佐的弃舰请求,命令全舰官兵誓于母舰共存亡~~ $ l" g2 ^. a6 c  `* P$ |

3 Z/ J5 h5 j" B
( E$ G2 M! _3 T2 t$ _* u3 g/ |+ }6 N* v( s5 l' k
4 F1 X( N) h: N0 N' \6 k
- N2 N5 u3 H3 {6 u0 m& k* w+ C
# Q) i+ Q! w2 D% S/ n% c值得一提的是空战的前夜,蝗军BB编队果断再次炮击了帕果盟军基地,致使盟军刚刚转移上去的陆基战斗机和轰炸机在天亮后的CV对决中未派上用场。
1 A( l8 a# a7 ^% m0 B, b& Y
# C4 w% f  K  e蝗军在帕果帕果的登陆部队今日还发动谨慎攻击,打出3:1.城防将至1,下回合可下,受创的盟军舰船附近已经无港口可停。$ A5 @8 I; R$ D. n$ ?/ p: p, Y$ f7 c

3 M) F* x* }9 ^: }  n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 q; E& k; ^  d, H% E- W: }* D- w
Night Naval bombardment of Pago Pago at 148,161 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!% |& U+ U1 S  l/ |6 ?! r
% \$ @4 Y& v3 \! }7 R- J* K
Allied aircraft! t8 w  j# c, w
      no flights
0 R' S! J' M) y; f8 O5 u
5 ^( b1 K& {& M( tAllied aircraft losses
, X0 A, F6 w0 i      P-38E Lightning: 4 destroyed on ground3 z, W: c, L/ ~2 }% F, m- D
      B-26 Marauder: 3 destroyed on ground: j, z) m( F* M; C4 h) m' z

0 R- `; G1 n6 ~% M4 A11 Coastal gun shots fired in defense." j+ d% o5 h! O  U3 F2 P; D+ ~
6 c3 C) F0 G2 ]1 Y
Japanese Ships3 u! q6 z# t. C$ A  C
      CA Furutaka4 f7 J, V! C' r+ y  E
      CA Aoba
. f1 F# _' E0 D3 e. u: y: t      CA Kumano
# \! V3 @8 u8 a9 A      CA Ashigara( T. l* s# S' X0 c1 T$ @
      CL Oi
  s9 S! t( {  W4 W8 V9 W8 b      CL Kitakami3 N, o/ P7 i# s- A. e4 L5 ?
      CL Yura
5 d: [  r9 ~* C! D/ k7 d      CL Nagara
) M# J7 H# X& c+ [      CL Jintsu3 O  u7 W) B1 y3 P2 Z/ o" m

5 g$ g# B9 X7 W/ o- `0 X
: _: h& o3 M  v" ^7 ^Allied ground losses:
, g+ ]7 Y) i: F3 W- a% [9 c. O- U( H      29 casualties reported3 `& h) ^" G8 W1 O; |
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 d+ Q5 j2 m( g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled2 u% w' |( ^" K$ I, ]
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( I2 i1 U! U4 F: F- `  y( U) d0 e8 m' s2 n. D" s5 S% d
% U0 A& H2 v+ V; _' {
Airbase hits 8
6 s: M' X" S' x9 d& Q# I  m7 ^) jAirbase supply hits 3
" x+ ~  J5 T$ m# @Runway hits 10
# B4 f$ H7 |# j
: j) Z3 _$ }" \2 p- C. E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Y! S* X, Z* F# _9 R3 O. ]4 D6 T

" ~' e# K" d5 J! S8 YGround combat at Pago Pago (148,161)
) {4 k$ z, q- Z- n: f9 w4 x/ s  d
Japanese Deliberate attack! ~* e  D- Q* E' z# j7 z9 x  n' l

9 p4 Z) Y- K$ D) L* [  ?Attacking force 13898 troops, 133 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 398
" X6 n" M6 ~9 ~& v" `2 L# ^" d% x9 u6 u1 K' h# v
Defending force 4228 troops, 45 guns, 109 vehicles, Assault Value = 84: y5 r  h) q# e9 t  ]2 s8 v- O

8 Y' [7 R8 k9 }Japanese adjusted assault: 139
  _, b- Y/ i! b1 `' h
  r: e; ]( ]# s# ?! Q% FAllied adjusted defense: 35
8 `2 p! c- V* ?% [8 o% }5 S( B1 l
' c+ k4 Y, d, i6 Q2 V3 P2 UJapanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 2) * T) t) ]- ^8 d# `# N
8 q/ X; y$ N2 y& I
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
) Z2 x6 [; D) Q5 v: M9 `. h& ^. h& n5 ?+ z2 A
Combat modifiers
! {9 b/ W& Y; [5 oDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-)
+ |4 k3 f4 n: w: Cpreparation(-), experience(-)
9 j. Y4 P4 m; Q4 _4 @Attacker: 5 z. F$ }- ?9 N' B  C
) o. y3 j6 G1 B
Japanese ground losses:
7 `$ j5 S/ t  {* z. p: U& h5 d      642 casualties reported
/ T8 M  i- x- H, d  q% G/ _         Squads: 5 destroyed, 32 disabled
! U3 T4 S$ x9 I         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 37 disabled
: U# x& a5 y; I4 [' ?         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled  e! H4 C" C! s

& N& A  U3 q# z1 d3 K* M% I" z) {  B5 e1 ?+ u) ]5 U! o- g: F
Allied ground losses:: {6 Y9 y# J: E9 [7 P3 a
      387 casualties reported
) {8 O% G/ W! V" s4 d7 C& Y- a- n  a         Squads: 4 destroyed, 25 disabled1 @1 I3 `+ O6 t5 I! }0 i# b; m
         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 34 disabled
: @8 k% ?/ i. K( j         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ P1 g. _+ y, `1 ?  |( V
5 S2 y+ F8 M; }9 A' p! l' ]

! B0 ^# y0 S% {Assaulting units:6 {5 A% Y( v2 q6 e& P
    62nd Infantry Brigade
: [, c1 w1 a; _' @    144th Infantry Regiment7 _( G/ Y9 R8 G6 e& I
    8th Ind.Mixed Brigade
8 s( ]+ Q) C" W5 N, G    56th Infantry Brigade$ ~4 \0 ?2 d3 L4 ?7 G5 E
    Kure 5th SNLF
8 i2 f3 P) F+ N6 @* Y
' i; N9 O, U1 [Defending units:
4 h, ]0 a7 ], x& J1 u    Samoan Marine Battalion
" L& F7 f! d0 Q6 E5 ^3 W    8th Marine Defense Battalion, `6 J: C1 p" \7 K
    255th USN Base Force
  U/ r" Y  E9 M+ O: u, M* K
; p, {( k& E5 O) v. v5 A# ~
, i# J  Y7 B4 k; m- L+ x9 E/ W同日在努美阿方向,蝗军水雷战队成功逮住盟军一队往塔纳岛送补给的船队,尽数将其歼灭
9 k2 D* H0 }! U; \% |
( Y2 A! E- l4 X4 l) |/ f, j) C. \  `
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* h7 Z# c  c0 ]
Night Time Surface Combat, near Tanna at 120,157, Range 11,000 Yards; M& O9 ^' X- b5 R: o# T
  K* h. V6 V1 e; n4 b; r+ F# U
Japanese Ships: d1 B% X7 v# O/ M, ^/ x9 v1 _
      CL Tama
# R4 P! k% j! O" T. f      CL Kiso" f0 Q: U  {; B' H4 k# S: t1 m
      DD Maikaze% F' S6 e" w  v2 Q8 C
      DD Shiranui2 t) g) T  R) O- {$ }% W/ [
      DD Tokitsukaze
. c) z6 H- c9 t, I0 P* O8 q. a      DD Urakaze- [. v* j# J3 P2 B7 u& |6 H. a* Q8 M8 h
      DD Natsugumo
" f0 _4 q5 |; ]" P      DD Asagumo
* ^2 E- U! z1 S; }: B      DD Murasame
  `. `/ ?3 Y% N- e% K      DD Samidare% _5 f  J. N+ z" F" \; j. n* d
      DD Kawakaze
* X- G$ p$ Y- c2 T% m. w& n' C      DD Umikaze6 ^1 y1 O2 s9 c; c
      DD Suzukaze7 E, H' t# G9 U8 @2 A" d4 ]  L
      DD Hatsuharu
6 V0 I9 s1 {. Q( s- a% e! ]# D% `9 i0 i9 }1 n- k
Allied Ships
7 }* K. f3 G" }; y) G      AM Vireo, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
% O* M  W) ^) L) W/ ]) ^      AVP Heron, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
# e0 p/ M. n* p; U# q8 a      AVP Avocet, Shell hits 13, and is sunk) t* ~9 P+ z, J
      xAK Delawarean, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk4 `) H' P; q7 T/ e) U, U# J% M. O
      xAK Floridian, Shell hits 20, and is sunk+ ]6 b  \: p6 W4 G
      xAK Indianan, Shell hits 19, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
- h$ G, s, o9 s& V* h- O$ M      xAK Montanan, Shell hits 22, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
8 e+ _+ x; L6 G& @      xAK Ohioan, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk+ w' O$ `  c- C9 c7 s& q3 V
      xAK Oregonian, Shell hits 32, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk$ n1 G( E& k) w( u
      xAK Texan, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
8 E+ r# _* n: g      xAK Santa Elisa, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk4 s/ O3 H& S* J, R9 \
      xAK Ensley City, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
' G2 d# m: _. n* ?6 v6 ?$ c      xAK Montgomery City, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
+ x" ]! O$ X3 C! l) |      xAK Edgar Luckenbach, Shell hits 30, and is sunk
( J4 B- S: c) Y2 |      xAK F.J.Luckenbach, Shell hits 20, and is sunk) u, S: W  S& \7 s( ?$ V+ r: \
      xAK Harry Luckenbach, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
6 \4 J5 {; ~  B2 }/ u      xAK Julia Luckenbach, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
9 i0 `& l6 p* m( C/ K: v6 `      xAK Paul Luckenbach, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
* Z& ~7 d2 v/ y2 ~      xAK Walter Luckenbach, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
. [9 a$ n0 i+ ?. m      xAK Coquina, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
3 O3 ^& m. s2 {  O      xAK Fairland, Shell hits 12, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk2 f2 S: ^& e; h. a9 ]( m9 \
      xAK Talune, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
+ e; ?$ M) x- o# w# G3 w      xAK Koomilya, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk6 G+ B- d) N/ g( x6 N5 s0 w
      xAK Mangola, Shell hits 25, and is sunk" S; a5 a$ |9 U8 }7 K) A* t7 l

* Z9 k; L3 `- J% G9 }; f; m
5 \% q- \; W: G* G! X- H5月25日,日军视角的情报界面0 U! O( e6 J8 B' F; m: }+ J

% f9 M6 A( H' D& Z; H! u. R+ e& {* Z
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
: z: K' n! ^2 j) a0 G' B红叶 发表于 2011-7-12 14:45
# W0 N- B4 F4 n5 V! V% H没影的事,虚报战功乃米酋飞行员一贯的传统
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
不明真相时报:9 m. w# L/ X. @
* Q: l* o( Y  o6 j, [9 q6 g( g* j/ t; V
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
1942年5月26日$ V2 j' m& w7 w: ]* \3 s
4 \: y% W" i5 a* \3 n# V( Y2 l
. K+ S% n, K+ i/ s( f5 I5 `  |! s* D9 l# w* `2 n4 W
然而分散突围的盟军58萨拉托加分队竟然和KB同方向航行,遭到返航中的KB打击,再次被弹,重创大火,估计应该不保。0 G) Z& y5 w' E/ N

& b! O$ i# S# f0 E3 GMorning Air attack on TF, near Pago Pago at 149,165# u1 l, X6 B% d: M

& V+ f0 \* A, l: y0 HWeather in hex: Moderate rain
. ]  b, }; Z. d) V
# S  Q  L0 L, ]4 f: ^Raid detected at 121 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet./ _  b+ b* p9 o' b+ m
Estimated time to target is 51 minutes( W. i0 k/ l. r( R* y  d& ]; o

* R6 @) v/ o" O! f+ I  [+ xJapanese aircraft
7 J/ ~1 C" g3 D2 W8 C/ U! t4 ^* c      A6M2 Zero x 52( {2 L; k( L/ M' B; v' r1 @# V& Z6 p
      B5N2 Kate x 39* M/ I: ^  |6 D5 q% k" q7 C7 M, T

' }0 u% X; _2 X; }, h
" t; I+ L7 R' i9 |8 F6 w
3 j/ f) h$ N+ eJapanese aircraft losses
. S* }! ?2 i. E" P9 m. _7 v' h      B5N2 Kate: 5 damaged) R( N8 I5 n4 W, G/ J2 X+ I
7 c! g0 H, ~5 e/ P
Allied Ships
7 x; I9 a5 ]2 u! Z# P$ |      CA Pensacola,  heavy damage0 s' j" p8 i( I2 |5 d
      CV Saratoga, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
0 C7 Q$ Q2 ?) \: Z# X0 E      DD Ralph Talbot, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires* b# Y( G  e, o" q: ^4 l3 f6 C" @2 ]
% k! g9 E* x) \& v! [- U7 z
陆战蝗军今日全面告捷,印度战场除卡拉奇外基本打扫完毕,一日攻占包括图拉吉、帕果在内的数座基地,大批盟军战俘放下武器走进战俘营。5 s7 e" u# h) r/ D2 ?& Q

) I7 g5 S2 |" e  f; b  IJapanese forces CAPTURE Rawalpindi !!!
3 ~) o: Y3 Q3 k& ?+ JPeshawar Division SURRENDERS !!!
. ^1 T9 K( `2 W9 iNorthern Command  SURRENDERS !!!! c# U! R; U- v& @9 ?
3rd Central India Base Force SURRENDERS !!!& I  O  U( n0 d7 D+ V( c' ]
Japanese forces CAPTURE Paoshan !!!; }4 a9 Z6 W/ {) c
54th Chinese Corps RETREATING towards Bhamo8 @+ w1 F) s) g; d+ |: m
99th Chinese Corps RETREATING towards Bhamo
8 G4 D( W7 j# i0 y& S- c. q74th Chinese Corps RETREATING towards Bhamo! h: M6 \; A. I, D
53rd Chinese Corps RETREATING towards Bhamo
* K! S- t+ k/ e: ^9 `88th Chinese Division RETREATING towards Bhamo) O$ a; l% @' b: e+ h
16th Chinese Base Force RETREATING towards Bhamo/ `- f3 \: i' o! s/ T/ D
Central Reserve  RETREATING towards Bhamo% z" U% `5 I- P; a- ~0 ~! _
NCAC  RETREATING towards Bhamo9 p% [+ Z( i$ ]
Japanese forces CAPTURE Pago Pago !!!; L* x3 Z* {1 s8 v' G
Samoan Marine Battalion SURRENDERS !!!
1 j7 D9 k9 w, y4 J; }) W% X8th Marine Defense Battalion SURRENDERS !!!, \1 y- `7 ^0 A  [  d
255th USN Base Force SURRENDERS !!!9 N; m8 x+ A9 K5 D9 S$ L* T
Japanese forces CAPTURE Tulagi !!!, l2 i( P/ `$ @4 R3 {4 a# U3 a! e$ k
132nd Infantry Rgt /1 SURRENDERS !!!  W( A" ^4 Z- `# ^
8th Marine Rgt /3 SURRENDERS !!!
- O3 i1 ]& |. _. q8 H, }131st Field Artillery Battalion SURRENDERS !!!. ?$ b$ N) M2 `6 M! b. ^
64th Coast AA Regiment SURRENDERS !!!
( ^9 {. c2 q$ i* ?" B( `147th Field Artillery Regiment SURRENDERS !!!+ @- V! ~1 l( V& z& G
2nd Marine Defense Battalion SURRENDERS !!!
8 H+ B# Q! w8 V0 _* x- f3 u6 o7 b( n" y( P148th Field Artillery Battalion SURRENDERS !!!# Y  N: G, ~6 T
Japanese forces CAPTURE Multan !!!) h) h, h. p# j, m( ?5 T7 c
2nd Peshawar Base Force SURRENDERS !!!
+ J% Z: j: a8 L1st Peshawar Base Force SURRENDERS !!!
% @: p1 j' H, W6 \& m2nd NW Frontier Base Force SURRENDERS !!!
# ^3 n& d; Q8 c3 e( _% y7 X1st NW Frontier Base Force SURRENDERS !!!8 J% m: J6 k! c: v2 c1 ?
1st Hyderabad Base Force SURRENDERS !!!
$ D" B. t" Q0 D3rd NW Frontier Base Force SURRENDERS !!!2 j+ V0 c" z! w9 y3 \
21st Indian Mountain Gun Regiment SURRENDERS !!!
: l5 h  p% w: c  m* VJapanese forces CAPTURE Srinagar !!!8 \& ~- _4 |, p* s; E4 Q1 ]# U
1st Mahzbi Sikh Battalion SURRENDERS !!!/ q( Z6 |( z4 A2 y% r/ h
, J4 c( Z6 i' R, {

  _+ ^9 Y. \5 ~! A努美阿一代的盟军四发裸奔出击苏瓦,当地CAP奋力迎战,自损4架0战,击落击伤数架B17E~~% h* [2 p, }" N
& f( a- s8 ~' |
0 k; Q8 W# V% G# Q* d+ S+ OMorning Air attack on Suva , at 132,160 $ V9 w/ |) i1 h3 K0 w
  _: E4 s5 }8 O( u- e  b: @
Weather in hex: Severe storms; E9 K% J, j$ l* x! ^
* ?$ R! [. U- V2 D# |/ D: R! H
Raid detected at 183 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
  m1 R" _0 F' l+ N, z* y* ]$ `Estimated time to target is 56 minutes7 z/ _7 Z# ]5 |/ @3 a3 c9 |
+ |& ?  g6 U% Y1 i5 h
Japanese aircraft8 f5 w1 c  g0 G1 Y+ _$ I4 T( j1 A
      A6M2 Zero x 71& K$ l8 C' I( f3 Y0 e# G, m1 E
      Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 8
5 o5 d1 x' Y- b1 x$ n, R. I; Z
# D9 s% _, P$ ~  _
) P5 }7 E: J2 w3 q! O& @: D 8 Y/ u: {2 P# `% I: I/ a' q) r
Allied aircraft. u3 d& k# i; k) w
      B-17E Fortress x 391 r  F1 `5 Z/ t1 e; g) e2 E
* {8 \# R' p  Y& e: R

! h4 S5 g8 A9 E3 `5 J3 e: xJapanese aircraft losses0 S, L- F7 K: L( u" L. L
      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed/ b+ k' g- C& U0 H! c7 K

' w$ p1 A9 y$ B9 L8 r3 g: E5 o! yAllied aircraft losses
  _6 j$ M1 U: m( |1 w4 [/ l      B-17E Fortress: 2 destroyed, 23 damaged
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
1天不更新居然在首页都不找不到了+ b/ _$ ~) Z+ p3 ~( L# d

+ T" d' r# q5 A8 G- t这几天无战事,双方都在舔伤口8 L5 g' Y0 h1 F& D# }
% u! e) p5 {9 @# Z2 n) y) k
/ y6 B; A. k$ l! O. _) q0 J3 J9 o" \3 D( m% x/ L0 F) C
南方军部分兵力攻入爪哇万隆,抛尸7000多打出3:1,降低一级城防" T% P; ]4 w- a. G
" {' m* U2 Y* W& L6 q ; V# B5 T# g: F2 i/ t) @1 a& B
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)4 |2 s5 J- p% L  W0 d& o' t
7 H2 F# [) e  \9 b0 D0 Y8 R) Y  E
Japanese Deliberate attack. L  n2 p2 N8 ^2 b7 W2 `! g7 `

7 m& \+ Z& `. u5 {! Y' a7 u6 nAttacking force 125793 troops, 1358 guns, 268 vehicles, Assault Value = 4325
! C- V6 q+ F% [- q8 g. `* \
' l5 ~9 q8 [5 m. XDefending force 35514 troops, 289 guns, 257 vehicles, Assault Value = 1068
- S) Z* h7 \+ C5 w. \& I 3 a8 a) }8 G( i1 [5 w
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
8 W- r2 ~8 ~1 i" r. B 1 a- V0 F' y: K0 k' \* N
Japanese adjusted assault: 2502 / P2 R5 J- W0 m

: Q& G$ |- _! _9 v5 G9 LAllied adjusted defense: 796
/ c. E, P2 U  E' L ) e# _6 |0 Y, g. ~4 ]# u; N1 i
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 2)
" P+ @! I0 ?; q, [5 h( ^ 3 `! q' W$ ?8 n2 D  _/ C( o+ ]
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2# a; Y+ b! J# N3 G
# \. d' a8 s8 M3 t) ]' Y$ ~0 |
Combat modifiers
+ h) m! s# P3 E! y% ?Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), supply(-)- g( [4 N1 J& l+ v+ }. D2 P  s
4 G" l4 w! b$ w8 b" R- u8 j
' t9 f6 z0 O: b) H5 v4 RJapanese ground losses:- f8 o3 m- L# e9 D' _1 |
      7623 casualties reported
3 ~, m9 v! G0 B% m# R7 \' S" h         Squads: 23 destroyed, 401 disabled" b; m* ^, I0 j5 S" f  F$ m
         Non Combat: 19 destroyed, 465 disabled
; Y. e  Y* g$ _# U$ e9 |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled
6 c, S# P" e& @/ w" m* \ 5 q0 R* w4 h  i$ h% k
9 v% W% u: a1 I- u
Allied ground losses:
4 F( [2 a2 Z: v1 [      2431 casualties reported
4 q8 U! j' M8 M$ A         Squads: 15 destroyed, 194 disabled
; P( o% M8 g" F- I         Non Combat: 33 destroyed, 263 disabled+ l5 S# D" A( N" `$ Q
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
, R2 \, v" f+ u      Vehicles lost 48 (24 destroyed, 24 disabled)% u1 K$ l1 `. H  i; H$ k% z
      Units destroyed 18 n6 p3 V& V9 x9 _/ K& ?
6 ?% Z, D' j5 y& Y* P1 W6 c
4 b& W3 {* u8 }, S4 V
Assaulting units:! r# ~" _6 e' n5 _, J' A
    66th Infantry Group
, }* T: v5 x/ W" |) p( c    III./143rd Infantry Battalion% Q0 {! r, @7 B" ^( _
    4th Division
! Y( ?- X/ K9 M( _    15th Guards Regiment. ^* n' `. j5 u- g: f# y# a
    21st Infantry Regiment
$ ]8 _( a. o) O7 K- c  e    Sasebo 3rd SNLF& m9 z( Z/ S$ Y; `7 {( N' f
    16th Naval Guard Unit* K$ E& I- z/ p1 F
    9th Infantry Regiment7 M* z! w" y8 M* R# e
    33rd Division' u  `# H. e( X; w: ~
    53rd Division
4 v, \! H# g) F3 ?/ ~2 _, }    38th Division
+ }% P" k* c$ n    42nd Infantry Regiment
: {2 L% b$ }* u    11th Infantry Regiment6 n2 g6 }4 Y& j3 m% d" V% I% f
    16th Guards Regiment, f+ W7 M6 ~+ Y% ^
    4th Guards Division# }% Y' ^2 k8 [# _
    113th Infantry Regiment4 G& _( @/ U, J  j. W7 H
    21st Division3 _9 K! d& L: A- C9 A& t* X* ^; b
    15th Naval Guard Unit0 n1 a3 Q5 C$ C3 u
    47th Infantry Regiment
- M  X9 o7 Y( F. w' A+ u2 P+ Z, N    55th Engineer Regiment
) W' N  S* G. F$ b    17th Indpt Guards Regiment
: e& {# C- w$ ]8 O, p9 C& W4 F    3rd Mortar Battalion
# |) F$ p: e0 X4 F    5th Mortar Battalion6 x3 Z% s1 d$ D" f% A
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment: B. r& @* [$ i+ w7 q" k
    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion+ x8 g* J* R2 p
    1st Mortar Regiment/ W9 o4 T5 u! F
    51st Field AA Battalion" V6 X( J& v; c5 Z# f" w
    1st RF Gun Battalion$ U) Z0 _  y; a& r, f! a3 \  I
    48th Field Artillery Regiment6 G  h! }7 m4 k8 `9 m1 u
    20th AA Regiment
  y& V; t) E/ y) b! @) |    Southern Army
% ~  s, h( X6 c! L    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
. n4 j! U7 _0 a) O; G ! M2 [6 C, f' y8 e' _( x
Defending units:
( o1 n, y, K) {( |$ _1 ^# k    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn
# a3 S* w; p! ]- U    45th Indian Brigade
0 _. ?5 m; {7 I$ k; @% |9 ?! n    28th Gurkha Brigade$ d+ W' A# v( o, T
    22nd Australian Brigade) Q; @2 I9 w( n  b
    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion
1 p6 ?0 H& R: o& h9 k$ T$ V    1st Regt Cavalerie ) s$ y% Q1 Z3 q
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion
1 ~1 D) Y  F" i" _  T    2nd Argylls Battalion- Q: N# T& u2 D' F5 [
    27th Australian Brigade0 l; c) \( z$ r1 T  g# Y6 ~* K
    2nd KNIL Regiment9 G1 X* m( y7 b
    1st KNIL Regiment) T/ c. T5 @2 M, n
    4th KNIL Regiment7 k* s2 Z/ G& B
    44th Indian Brigade' k5 Z* F; q# U& d
    6th KNIL Regiment- F0 C- s3 d& x. m& Y* y. w
    48th Gurkha Brigade5 l: |6 W( e- U, P2 N% G, l, {
    South Java Base Force9 x3 D/ D6 ~& J0 E1 K% C
    Batavia Base Force
: ^5 W6 N6 c) A4 D6 r" O    Tjilitap Base Force  a: A$ t- T$ e% q% ]
    3rd KNIL AA Battalion
+ ~" L2 [# m3 T; U+ Y, T    Bandoeng Base Force% i1 \& p) M- K- b4 m
    1st KNIL AA Battalion( g9 E6 J% M" I% K) B4 B9 t3 t
    ML-KNIL $ g% X7 p+ A7 L7 F* W; w
    North Java Base Force" D) [7 B! p6 |3 l
    Soerabaja Base Force
( U% C0 q! W# Q# n! i    KNIL Army Command
  Q& E4 u3 c2 X0 e7 M4 H3 ^0 |    106th RN Base Force$ h1 o0 I% I1 l$ @4 q) w

0 X/ v0 Y/ ^: C0 H
8 Y6 Y+ z7 [: T日军又一艘潜艇在奥克兰触雷上浮,被运输船队打爆& {7 O0 Z: c* V0 Z3 M
" C+ a' g% [0 ?* w6 R, J4 q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ?2 x) ]8 }8 |" M
TF 36 encounters mine field at Auckland (115,185)/ P. A0 @) T) x! a4 K7 `
. w& m1 {3 `4 N/ c. }* C
Japanese Ships
9 `# F1 n2 w& V! f& ]1 D      SS I-21, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage
3 [; c6 A0 o) \* d5 g+ {' d) t  c1 r7 J5 E! b+ W" ^
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# h3 O) [# A; H: R! E
ASW attack near Auckland  at 115,185! f( O7 L0 r6 G
$ {- H/ d' N/ S2 X; H" @7 q
Japanese Ships4 w  M) L6 F6 p% G/ H4 Y, y4 T
      SS I-21, hits 10, and is sunk
8 D# O+ c' a- P3 R5 v, M% a5 J  o; Y . y# N4 q" `- t8 j( G8 g  i. K
Allied Ships$ N1 d: R+ B2 \
      PC Kimball. Z' O! e) K; W6 q. B% b
      AO Ramapo5 Y2 o, F4 m' M! G% n+ J
      AO Tippecanoe
; }1 w' [# U* A% W      AP William Ward Burrows0 D) T( Y! G( ?# l9 N- p
      TK Harpa3 E& p) Z( l. F3 Q( h
      TK Gulfdawn
2 d& a6 {3 X/ O. s$ |4 R( M      TK Mobilstation
3 E' D# s: b* ]% n# F      xAP Montoro
. D" s2 y2 v) T/ ]" P      xAP Murada
. W# F6 D) Y3 T+ ]5 n      xAP Mildura, Q$ c4 o, s4 m
      xAK Zvir6 b+ u' m4 {7 q: b
      xAK Oakbank; d5 B" A% A  `* o3 G7 r6 h
      xAK Clevedon9 K8 r7 b& H0 _% y
      xAK Crown City
6 n- g5 ]  T# }. T- J6 y8 S      xAK Onomea
3 g) G( z) `: B- ]$ w7 _$ ]# @, t      xAK Horace Luckenbach& ], m1 l) {+ Q2 ~( W9 ]" n* z* o! w
      xAK Santa Teresa- W% T; D/ h3 p. t  A
      xAK Alaskan
( h# J" S% g1 J3 @9 \% J5 W* K. L      PC Travis
( h' q3 [; v" n      PC Jackson
' p$ B7 T% _( {& V6 {      PC Crawford
3 W! S8 D! _3 @0 x      PC Morris
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."