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432# Deutschina / S; Y4 P2 m$ A
/ c2 A) b7 m+ d" C
3 U! m0 Q6 v$ X4 c* b) m( v莫港看来盟军没 ...7 ?8 q4 C2 t+ w8 ]
wangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-11 20:55
# D: k2 a, ~5 A; i. z* j
莫港已经够充分了,从月初kb出现在附近,然后上来700战力的日军,到现在已经月底了/ l+ D% e- ]* B8 U: q
3 }: Z5 J0 `& p( M! R6 c8 E能拖kb一个月,也差不多了。。
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 30, 42  J" z8 ^- I  B' }) J
驻岛炮击莫港,配合当天日军突击,莫港已成定局,能拖一天是一天了。- q& i" D8 g, s  X
6 q1 K2 y; [6 t+ Z0 I: o看来日军要开始封锁仰光了。
7 `5 p' {/ r3 |9 U---------------------------------------------------------) v! q. p2 V( p, J, f( D9 d
Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130
, F( X% c' o# J$ U: R0 qJapanese Ships: u1 q; Q% _% \0 M7 O' F2 v
      BB Mutsu& R) d4 E  X3 I5 i( A5 n- l
      BB Hiei; ?, f1 w# u$ m
      CA Myoko( U/ H, b$ v0 f1 w7 `* k  G4 q
      CA Tone# F! S* J* g" a
      CL Tatsuta1 D% |8 A( X' A( W0 H; O
      CL Kitakami
2 }/ _; Z; F* x  i5 _  kAllied ground losses:
4 s$ f. d, t$ d! K/ y2 p& a      149 casualties reported2 g& S0 Z( g1 `9 e, t+ J  n* g
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
4 |) _' h5 f7 \. |' |: @         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled- e/ {+ U4 Y( [' g0 W# Q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# U; f8 t* i1 j! Z: H% iAirbase supply hits 2
* x9 A0 Y4 R5 tRunway hits 8% h+ R$ s& H  f- |/ E
Port hits 13. t4 m  l' `, g$ S/ m
Port supply hits 3
  L- j0 |, y: b. }  FBB Mutsu firing at 1st Australian Division
1 W" G% v0 h7 W) CBB Hiei firing at 1st Australian Division
/ `  q% \8 ^5 d' R$ t& _; aCA Myoko firing at Port Moresby 6 a9 B: _. D8 {& S2 G& o' v, Z0 N
CA Tone firing at Port Moresby , b0 f% y! U- ]' u# N
CL Tatsuta firing at 1st Australian Division
0 U# Y5 D4 J) }9 A( w  DCL Kitakami firing at 1st Australian Division
/ z/ k7 k* t4 ~--------------------------------------------------------
" o3 z* b  M/ I7 Y- y) kMorning Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein
, E1 n$ X; P: q" Q; L1 j7 J" aWeather in hex: Light rain % N8 K1 g: w% T6 t1 L2 R& a
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
; u, k9 t1 }9 u. r: UEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
2 Z) I- ], O0 F- U$ f9 U- @Japanese aircraft; a2 j; D! B( G: D6 h
      G3M2 Nell x 24
# J8 G. s; X  b9 y% B8 K) w* zJapanese aircraft losses0 ^8 c+ d) Q. A
      G3M2 Nell: 21 damaged3 F1 Q$ u0 n$ Z) G5 U" t+ D3 d
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
+ y1 P( s+ K; n' M3 x8 @8 v% B8 GAllied ground losses:( |! Y& d8 v# v: B
      14 casualties reported6 x* e/ \& y( q2 R! N/ W4 H
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
" j9 p" z1 S1 }% p0 D' s- b1 e9 I% Y         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; h& }1 h. k1 ~' p5 |( B( P         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ x: A( f8 l# E" K1 h. t. WAircraft Attacking:4 I* V5 i7 u* R
      22 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet
, p2 Z0 b, X8 H4 A( A               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
8 Y5 k7 W* p2 Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 X% Z3 k. `5 W4 n2 H9 v
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 53,54 9 B1 |  z0 x! @% H$ z" F
Weather in hex: Severe storms
  N. [5 P# k! K" [; W3 MRaid spotted at 5 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
" W" c0 A" Y9 C& nEstimated time to target is 1 minutes , J1 D" D. Y" F' R5 b
Japanese aircraft
1 u5 @9 D, w) o1 }! h      D3A1 Val x 10 / B! t  g% k' c% j
No Japanese losses , b4 o& s6 N, h' A
Allied Ships- K2 E; x3 H+ r
      xAKL Mabella, Bomb hits 4, and is sunk
/ U; t* X$ F) ]+ r5 s      xAKL Honolulan, Bomb hits 1,  on fire$ R4 B$ z4 c$ v: ~% d
      xAKL Nanchang, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
2 p" ~' T  h& S8 j5 C( CAircraft Attacking:0 j& V2 f# s: m9 ~) T' T* n3 @2 a
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000': C" B5 x2 g4 k* d" ~0 n7 ^
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
: {" M! V( u$ X$ p8 G) {- m       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
/ m, D3 [0 n- n3 i               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb1 s  I4 B" [' N$ G2 J
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'. m) U6 o& |, S) P% d
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
. ~9 E$ K) K- ]% V0 j7 \Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Mabella
, l5 N; G0 A/ s' U# A# @6 j----------------------------------------------------------
* N  R$ a- d( v( e3 y. O! uAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 53,54
6 P4 K# G( q% K$ Z# A( cWeather in hex: Heavy rain , N: L4 a# B' Y
Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
1 j& y% y  F: W9 Q+ Y1 V" XEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
& W, t4 e1 x+ V9 TJapanese aircraft6 Z+ u% B+ K3 N7 s
      D3A1 Val x 12
0 ~$ Y8 `- ?! x; d# {No Japanese losses
  m0 }9 E, f" K& LAllied Ships$ z" h& ?, _1 t" K$ i- ?9 G
      xAKL Wosang, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage+ Q: S0 j( l1 n/ @1 t8 V
      xAKL Kwai Sang
% A* v9 s; a9 x      AM Bittern, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
; F3 [' B" q2 T& p      AM Finch
& l' J: S7 \2 G: h6 Y) i# J, fAircraft Attacking:! T; V' \% ~; w) p' M0 Q2 l6 C5 j
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
) V- u' M" p0 I, v* X5 D               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb  j' p0 b6 H& M1 l3 S" `6 N
       6 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
6 g8 o" Q: E  X; p& K  |, D               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb" X' m$ v8 N3 L; K. w. J7 j
       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
* T, T- @# U8 ]. F& q. h               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
, y) Y  [* Z5 b$ U: s# w/ V" sHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Wosang
  z: u; H/ b. u" r4 d1 N/ t------------------------------------------------- # I; A- _5 P3 W% X1 @3 o
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
8 d' i' I' R, i7 G0 {Japanese Shock attack . Z  A4 ]: C* t5 K
Attacking force 17258 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 690
; i9 [5 ]4 b8 E5 v  r( a, UDefending force 8604 troops, 94 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 231
" `& f0 ^/ L$ k4 \3 b, FJapanese adjusted assault: 376  
  L! D, b! @! gAllied adjusted defense: 179  
- t8 L& d8 l" }# E" Z. C- ^4 Q$ }1 }Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 2)  1 V( A2 G5 g* F: K; ?
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
0 s0 K5 e$ v9 JCombat modifiers% p' r* o6 |7 ^* v8 F; K$ m0 g
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-)
* [" [7 h* g* x' R& P, K3 G* @Attacker: shock(+)
2 [: O- }- g+ aJapanese ground losses:
" D) T7 s6 K: O4 L( g% s' ?! n      713 casualties reported7 B3 f! p* u; o) T& V2 i9 ]
         Squads: 17 destroyed, 18 disabled! G3 j+ ]( q2 i$ R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
8 F6 R- G' ~- g, I+ Y1 `2 i         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 7 disabled
/ i, v5 Y" @! v6 l8 d# oAllied ground losses:5 L- g  x# l5 v
      876 casualties reported% Z6 n+ w& |' D# y8 @4 n" f2 A& F
         Squads: 24 destroyed, 65 disabled
) t8 b- h) e" j, S! I         Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 19 disabled
5 m/ _* u' f( u6 x& r' x5 R% {         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
  Q0 h0 b/ [, P  T      Units destroyed 1 ( s; {2 V" \# b6 Q, ?  b
Assaulting units:
# ^6 g7 j! L, I' v+ j. q    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
& [" l& D' ~% u; b2 ]( Q. _    4th Engineer Co
0 I4 y' X/ X9 M0 h( |0 h    146th Infantry Regiment
1 m9 k% w* p3 i7 V    144th Infantry Regiment
: ^  b* I, n+ @# p    52nd Naval Guard Unit6 {9 `3 g  b3 }) w" s
    61st Naval Guard Unit/ y. e- J- I2 j* R& S
    8th Tank Regiment" ]" ^5 o7 r6 p" A
    16th Infantry Regiment
+ Q+ o+ S( @4 l) X! |& B    84th Naval Guard Unit4 ~- x5 h% I# H# }7 M; w+ ?
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF
5 O: m* B3 n# l- F6 J    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
2 L7 j+ |' ], k$ p! h$ bDefending units:3 c7 I, u) @5 g- q% |& m7 J5 o
    1st Australian Division$ g0 U- b7 y* A$ G' u+ f4 q
    D Coy/NG Rifles
& ?5 E5 `) F$ ?' I! p    49th Australian Battalion( V1 f: A6 [  ]! Y
    Port Moresby Brigade) U5 F# Y* q; n% J3 S2 u
    15th RAAF Base Force
% H8 ^6 h: i- a2 u# m" T; ~# X5 W$ D在陆攻的掩护下,日军连续突击莫港,莫港盟军居然挡住了这次进攻。6 e' [5 \0 d9 [- ?9 `! ]" r
( e, R3 ^9 ?# N: |! e) _虽有优势数量,却依然被有经验优势的零战横扫,损失近50战斗机
+ r( F5 s7 _) d, Q6 M+ H只击落零战10架左右,主要损失是21架飓风2b,看来是飞行员经验问题,
  R9 b/ O4 [' a9 `$ ?6 c不过目前也没有更好的英国飞行员了, 只好虚虚实实跟日军继续打游击了/ D3 u0 b' S( ~. a) l
( R( }1 T5 v) c同时4发光顾了那个驻有舰爆的小基地:Chiang Mai。5 T. Y6 u+ |" C6 S. P
7 T2 f: s* q% {Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53 3 \8 w7 V6 e, b6 }. J" [9 x
Weather in hex: Severe storms 8 `: b+ M# N' ?1 f1 Z6 K% b
Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
7 E% O3 S  X/ T2 k3 k7 W) ZEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
5 ^4 S0 b9 H5 B! P: P" J. d; VJapanese aircraft/ z$ [/ W( z/ m7 }9 p3 e
      A6M2 Zero x 45 . u, [, N  B3 }" M1 a$ c
Allied aircraft
+ g7 E* l. ]# o6 O" _* p$ K+ ]      H81-A3 x 17/ m2 }1 [0 s5 Q
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 10
4 }, f5 h) X! J) X+ D4 j, |      Hurricane IIb Trop x 30
8 E6 X# ~2 h$ H$ C" a' c& v$ S$ _      P-39D Airacobra x 18' ?' g, e: H5 l, n: V* [
      P-40E Warhawk x 18
2 `5 w+ v+ b& X/ u) l; B( sJapanese aircraft losses, V7 O" Q$ ^0 L$ l
      A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed ' |' }6 X/ s/ E
Allied aircraft losses
9 @8 {. ^) g8 N4 e/ o9 L: _, t3 l      H81-A3: 2 destroyed
( W: @, M( b* g      Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed- T  W7 P( C" f
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
2 Q2 Q, ]/ y8 K- q' E      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
6 \9 I- H+ x5 |" s" KAircraft Attacking:6 {2 z) _' }2 B$ c2 Y7 t
      20 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
7 ?# O8 T3 ^8 |' U* Z--------------------------------------------------------------
3 k4 k" O9 r, u  ?, }3 S0 F+ lMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  # G; T, _0 {1 i3 J& D- f
Weather in hex: Severe storms
, O+ k6 ]# [8 P6 P& hRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.- V% ~. ^" h! T/ D, ~9 y9 M
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
6 `2 L5 o. r& HJapanese aircraft  K9 e& ]' C& f
      A6M2 Zero x 36
3 \7 m& \) T1 N2 G% |6 sAllied aircraft
" m" k! z+ Y% E! v6 ]# S5 h1 _      H81-A3 x 6" k: T( S) L2 y; }; [
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 9
. A' C+ ?9 l  e. S      Hurricane IIb Trop x 21
" d% x; j; ]6 n' ^9 X      P-39D Airacobra x 15
, X# y8 d# ]) z# m      P-40E Warhawk x 15 : c+ {% z% w, y
Japanese aircraft losses2 a+ h$ I4 r" F; \
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed 7 K+ [. J7 c6 E+ a2 Y2 R! Y
Allied aircraft losses
" l7 I  O- ]1 S; N) f4 k      Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed& `; k7 ?1 m0 j$ [4 ~  h. D
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed
; Q9 Q1 d* `% m( Q8 C      P-40E Warhawk: 3 destroyed
; P. E9 r5 }9 f! m7 y' f3 [Aircraft Attacking:
2 T1 U7 l# v/ K" i0 \2 {, }+ X9 W      17 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
3 E/ }8 K/ }, l* V/ F( K-----------------------------------------------------------------
* k) d. G9 K- n0 T# uMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
7 j7 Q9 b! J8 N8 U# I. uWeather in hex: Light cloud " l. S; E1 G9 G
Raid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
% }- C1 f  H( @8 `  X' U( V  S- @Estimated time to target is 16 minutes
' x9 ]  W8 s1 D! W* RJapanese aircraft$ C' z+ e( @  ^. `6 S6 b1 p3 N) J0 R
      A6M2 Zero x 27
5 m5 T" p" s3 J      G3M2 Nell x 7
* m$ N: \3 Z, \& B7 p( n      G4M1 Betty x 15 * R: |9 f  A4 ?: M: z2 A, H
Japanese aircraft losses6 }/ M- S' E, X% m5 R- t8 L) b3 y
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged+ j; a% R5 N- M: J7 n1 O& U
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
" t" F; ?" E) ^$ R1 `( d0 ^Airbase hits 1
) J0 u" e  ?7 @( S0 LAirbase supply hits 13 x+ U6 U: [; h7 c! g7 v; A
Runway hits 5 1 x8 @4 u* R+ Y
Aircraft Attacking:6 A$ n  ]2 U( }& |- m6 J# X
       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
7 H5 Q1 F% r  j# A               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb& m5 [" K; M2 p" x
      15 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
- Q4 x8 k. R' a" E3 r               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
7 k9 q8 Q% X, y' S- ?  U, [: `Also attacking 1st Australian Division ...2 n$ k2 z3 N5 \3 K; r: S
Also attacking Port Moresby  ...$ F- Q: O1 \' l2 G
Also attacking 49th Australian Battalion ...3 S0 l$ o9 F% i  A
Also attacking Port Moresby  ...
$ c. ?: ^$ O( g------------------------------------------------------------) ^9 R! ^* h8 K
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
2 ?/ J! L# _$ u% t& h% ?6 d+ BWeather in hex: Severe storms
1 u( c* }- ^* X& n: a5 dRaid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
' A- O8 m6 S  Z2 l# Y! e! w1 R5 \Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 0 r1 W2 t) o- |
Japanese aircraft
# G# g6 m: m. {1 B# g$ c5 C+ c      A6M2 Zero x 45 & Z. ~2 _5 _  K  B* C$ i% [
Allied aircraft) ~# j. v- |0 E0 W+ f7 {
      H81-A3 x 4# w. K, ^* h% @. I  j) F* U% v/ W8 \
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 5, x. ^3 n! I/ u- B5 R2 A
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 12
+ j: h3 D# G' Z7 F$ s      P-39D Airacobra x 11% v% `/ \: M* _$ ~/ j& m+ M
      P-40E Warhawk x 4 # |- T! ^) N! T* I. U/ }
No Japanese losses
! Z* M8 @: H5 D; LAllied aircraft losses$ i% L8 i5 V" ^
      H81-A3: 2 destroyed
' q) }6 K/ U" t, A3 }" Y      Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed
. O4 c7 d+ m: ^( u3 i$ t      Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed" s9 R0 z/ Y. K5 i# D3 P% \' L
      P-39D Airacobra: 3 destroyed * Q9 u, r6 I' A+ D9 Y
Aircraft Attacking:: B9 p0 h* t9 t' S
      30 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet7 }  l2 s7 b  A5 b+ R; j
& f  p7 g/ _$ F/ {5 OMorning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  
: F8 t' ^- E7 x2 e* zWeather in hex: Overcast
2 |4 `( i$ k' F& Z4 V1 xRaid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.4 ~) V$ {2 e: y- O& |( H3 y
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
" Q+ N" U% }! J- t! I* a& [Japanese aircraft2 L5 F  w+ O. s. u' w( g' J. z( o) p# m
      no flights
  R8 |' T* G$ T7 X; j9 xAllied aircraft
5 \4 ?- l$ D6 ]7 N' H3 a: T      B-17D Fortress x 27 ) Q/ \' g2 `! p& _7 Q7 K
Japanese aircraft losses
. W1 @2 s6 C( w' T$ s" C9 U      L3Y2 Tina: 1 destroyed on ground
" o) W" H( e& SNo Allied losses
  G" n* R3 Z4 ^8 U, I; mJapanese ground losses:
" u+ n& |% V, z% I) J6 b1 G# z$ U      8 casualties reported. @# j& c  j. u& |1 [: K. U
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" K) ?0 s. G3 [' j/ X( ?% t, {9 S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
" c& v6 R, z$ Z9 K         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
& _0 y  O; Y" U( L8 A* _: `; q/ RAirbase hits 4$ b0 a4 Y+ U$ \8 M3 H
Airbase supply hits 1$ L4 a( M$ ]2 Z! i" y+ m9 P0 C+ B% V
Runway hits 31
1 e; X$ L! Q% X----------------------------------------------------------* ?  K. X9 j2 f
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 - z" V$ d, G: A3 I+ R3 x( i. s) F
Weather in hex: Severe storms
8 t! Q: P9 u3 x8 R* g; Z/ d2 ?Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.; X* o6 ]5 t; n3 Q4 n; G
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
% x. M0 r# h$ {' q7 q: W( R. _Japanese aircraft0 u0 W' F( @9 \  W
      A6M2 Zero x 16
- ^' |) n$ ?0 v5 H. B2 K      D3A1 Val x 13
- O4 t7 o/ n1 [& s) A8 R      Ki-27b Nate x 42
9 m$ [% P" K) |) b0 V9 JAllied aircraft
7 j1 R1 c; |* `" R. g/ }      H81-A3 x 1
$ j( w5 x: v# z0 a$ B      Hurricane IIa Trop x 2! G& Q" f' D9 a; C+ ]  {% V
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 3' e" e2 {3 W* r- v  F- \" Y! g4 P
      P-39D Airacobra x 1( b+ h( k. v" K  W/ u& {
      P-40E Warhawk x 4 6 O& U$ F' |7 G2 `; _1 t1 w; {
Japanese aircraft losses
/ a' r( N& }) v, a1 R% y      D3A1 Val: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged
2 `+ |7 d6 e# T0 q) k& Z' A! N      Ki-27b Nate: 1 destroyed
$ k6 t: Y/ o( `$ e/ A7 sAllied aircraft losses
* C! \: E5 o2 I6 Z/ I/ {      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
: O8 {6 w1 _6 A8 G& NAllied Ships: ^6 ?: W  x+ E
      xAKL Haiyang+ N+ p0 ]& O) d* k+ e
      AM Bittern,  on fire,  heavy damage- _; C: h* O& `. ]2 q9 Q& n
      AM Finch, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
4 [9 K) o9 @" y3 \) C0 f- wAircraft Attacking:
# Y9 X" A0 }7 ^1 h( m       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'. O/ C. N2 W4 G1 J) j
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb3 I5 d8 {# _/ t6 `  X& L; U
       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'6 Z5 ]4 d2 m3 y1 y3 x& I  k
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
; v1 d* G/ `( N       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
! I7 c$ D8 U7 H2 I1 H               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
! \0 s9 i( L4 h; `2 j-------------------------------------------------------------! \3 Z3 p! }; N; R9 q
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
% N$ ?; m& y& S+ F6 [7 k2 E& tWeather in hex: Severe storms 4 k% o. o2 ?5 ]5 k' p0 u6 h9 ]
Raid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
) G8 t3 `+ D! F7 _" Q& d2 c4 TEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
; \  e) k7 T& r7 o3 a: ]Japanese aircraft. G; @& U4 C9 D* n1 U
      A6M2 Zero x 36
1 o. P' t3 f1 H; B0 c0 r! l, r8 J. YAllied aircraft! [. w, q8 J5 M$ s. }, M5 c
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 1' C) y: m! N. ]' r& s
      P-40E Warhawk x 2 5 ?( Z7 N' k3 U! T
No Japanese losses . q% J. _. a  h
Allied aircraft losses5 w8 c9 C3 j3 N. c" q0 `
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
$ m; s7 k4 U  U3 OAircraft Attacking:
3 x: r, G8 ^' n; d3 B9 p( `& J      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
3 a' B- a$ f- h+ z# g3 J------------------------------------------------------- 0 T6 R' Z7 t5 a# K
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130) & O( m( f+ z$ l9 R' E: G; K
Japanese Shock attack
# ]7 C0 Y( E( z9 m# mAttacking force 16804 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 651
4 K+ x* _% [, ~Defending force 8010 troops, 94 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 172 ! u! h  ~% S; ~* W! m2 O
Japanese adjusted assault: 448  , d. n; K9 j3 N) f' y! h( {. r
Allied adjusted defense: 151  
8 T5 d( k2 q" X; X: ?3 C' }: yJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)  7 }0 v2 {9 ]% p% a7 [. m( G' e
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
( G1 O$ L, J8 C3 \Combat modifiers, ]( F9 b9 R4 j! l0 ~5 K
Defender: terrain(+), morale(-), experience(-)
( t0 V- U+ b# J* j$ ~+ qAttacker: shock(+)
: t& n1 ^! c* m8 [- eJapanese ground losses:
' y7 q% p' T( D2 ], ^7 H0 j+ a      621 casualties reported1 M* b, i3 Y! n% S3 _/ b' ^
         Squads: 15 destroyed, 28 disabled4 k. V: C/ h: T" q7 I
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
; C* j* A- `- E& l         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 5 disabled . ?* D+ G! y! K5 v
Allied ground losses:
8 v/ Z; ~, o1 w5 K4 J$ U      472 casualties reported
3 Z6 G+ `/ L' q  Y. R( k' N         Squads: 49 destroyed, 45 disabled
; U$ E- S% o  i' [         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
4 B4 o" B8 z! d& W% N1 H! S$ P         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled% P- h3 r+ D9 Q' D. @
      Guns lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)
( N' J6 e* C' }, b5 ?/ LAssaulting units:) M2 a, a2 |' @+ F' W4 k
    144th Infantry Regiment
; Y/ K! G1 D, a( W+ v7 \$ u% A4 s    4th Engineer Co ; a( f6 D7 J6 c
    52nd Naval Guard Unit2 j4 w' ^2 j# f" L* e6 d
    61st Naval Guard Unit
3 h6 T9 J; m+ ]/ X5 h% D+ ~! H    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy , G/ x8 q+ o  C3 a9 T+ t
    16th Infantry Regiment- l; X- s6 x8 F8 E2 D6 G" X7 f. C
    84th Naval Guard Unit/ M% M; m2 j( X2 \# k( S
    8th Tank Regiment
8 k% E- l0 ]& R6 l3 \1 K6 v    146th Infantry Regiment* s: [) V* U3 N$ t% f
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF $ v6 e2 k' P/ r
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
# r& W2 b- x# d/ E1 jDefending units:
* p  B' O5 }" Y  Z3 w' a: I( o+ h# u    1st Australian Division/ y3 J5 t4 H4 g$ C2 F
    Port Moresby Brigade
& l8 k0 x) r+ o    49th Australian Battalion: A' p! A! \' f0 ?1 G
    15th RAAF Base Force
432# Deutschina  , c# g9 g, y% W1 u& c* L
原来不是三菱搞出来的3 R! a: H; D3 {: q5 w( A
lala23159 发表于 2014-11-12 08:58
$ Z- c( M+ W. I# j, s
貌似不是 看日文的东西 只能靠日文中的中文字符乱猜-。-不负责任。。。-。-- C  y' X  U! }8 I

/ p$ K3 J/ `- N6 Z应该是最初由少佐近藤至诚提出了用气球炸弹的构想,然后自己琢磨,然后他挂了,而鬼子在神奈川的陆军登户研究所继续研发了这个东东。
" D6 R# W% T1 n
' R( h+ }2 i8 N$ \; _而在气象方面,是大石和三郎这个搞气象的发现偏西风向的高空高速喷射气流可以直接中日本抵达美国本土,然后因此可以利用这个把气球炸弹丢到美国去。于是,后来鬼子让一个叫荒川秀俊的研究一下这样两相结合的可行性。这家伙一调查研究,发现,成。于是鬼子就着手进行了。 而这个荒川俊秀也因为这个在战后被远东国际军事法庭列为战犯,并被判有罪,获刑7年。0 {. R$ W" b5 O* T2 S% t1 B

5 M) ~) T# M$ m- S' U: K7 E2 \2 Z8 S不过,这个神马劳什子的气球炸弹效率很低,整场战争仅炸死6个平民-。- 当然这个东西飘的倒是蛮远,美国境内包括华盛顿在内的十几个州以及墨西哥北部和加拿大都发现过这玩意儿 0.0
然后看这个登户研究所的资料 竟然发现鬼子曾经对中国使用过经济战0.0' o  O3 Q, S5 |1 n& x
2 d/ x9 o0 r* D5 O3 y
39年 登户研究所搞的计划就是 由于战争进展不顺 判断陷于持久战 于是 制造中国法币伪钞 0.0 试图搞垮中国经济
‘偏西风向的高空高速喷射气流’ 这个不就是地球气象带中的西风带,我有一个设想和美国某人想法相同,用大型飞艇在西风带中高全球贸易,比水面船只快很多呀,美国人已经设计了能载3000吨货物的飞艇。
‘偏西风向的高空高速喷射气流’ 这个不就是地球气象带中的西风带,我有一个设想和美国某人想法相同,用大型飞艇在西风带中高全球贸易,比水面船只快很多呀,美国人已经设计了能载3000吨货物的飞艇。
" M/ f, ?  Z7 j# b& d# }( alala23159 发表于 2014-11-13 09:28
( }( W% r! H: E& h. D0 ]这个高空喷射气流算是西风带里面的,但是不是单纯的西风带,高空喷射气流大约在万米高空。
6 X7 q  |$ V: s- P# P5 p% I8 [5 c. w+ \
这个高空喷射气流的发现是在上世纪的20年代,发现时间并不长。最初是在上世纪20年代,由上述的那位搞气象的大石和三郎发现并做了详细研究。而德国搞气象的也相对独立的研究过。; g, M& E5 X$ O2 ^6 D
' A7 J% X$ Z- S" G) k
西风带的发现什么的,主要是和最初航海有关,因此西风带什么的发现比较早。而这个高空喷射气流的发现,则晚很多,而主要是开始研究气象以及航空甚至战争有关。比方美国确认到这个高空喷射气流已经是在二战了,是由B-29对日本实行轰炸的时候才发现的,顶风走。。。很耗油 然后了解到了在日本美国之间的高空有这么一个高空喷射气流2333333% o/ s( ?' J- ?. b

* J2 A, _2 I- i9 l1 b. M至于你说到的设想,其实也和B-29有同样的问题,除非你设计的航线其实是单向的,也就是和日本的气球炸弹类似往美国飘,由西向东这样容易,而从美国往西向亚洲飘这样由东向西则会比较困难。
‘偏西风向的高空高速喷射气流’ 这个不就是地球气象带中的西风带,我有一个设想和美国某人想法相同,用大型飞艇在西风带中高全球贸易,比水面船只快很多呀,美国人已经设计了能载3000吨货物的飞艇。
  C5 T0 d/ A* m* p, W8 w, blala23159 发表于 2014-11-13 09:28
/ {; n) g+ ]& w2 G: w此外 貌似一般跨太平洋的由西向东的航线 都是借助这股高空喷射气流来节能 而反向的话 就走别的航线了
& L9 `+ `7 n4 H9 m5 L时间进入二月份,日军在陆攻掩护下继续突击莫港,盟军又挡住了一轮进攻。+ Z$ B+ e. Y7 R; u- Z5 J
  K% |3 E' |+ ^, C' m双方机队未发生交火,此编队带来了14w的补给,就看能卸下多少了。
- q" D5 H" B7 }0 g% `4发顺便光顾了下日军前进基地。6 x4 W/ G# q1 F
当天日军突击了新加坡,将城防降到了3,损失1w余人,损伤800+班组,其中200+永久损失。9 |5 W! k& r, ~1 L8 |9 \
; F( x% Y4 }: p& |: t, X; c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 u$ r" D0 X/ @Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
- `6 t1 A1 j7 w( }Weather in hex: Clear sky
  @% F  Z& P; e3 MRaid detected at 75 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
4 S) W3 W1 D6 P# U$ @, D5 DEstimated time to target is 29 minutes $ |$ @# x0 k/ {5 Y3 s
Japanese aircraft4 n2 ?& o. c& J4 e6 M+ P
      A6M2 Zero x 27; c& S4 t, _& D; K
      G3M2 Nell x 4
1 ^6 F4 ^- u3 j. y      G4M1 Betty x 12 " K5 G: D4 @) J& H  I* }+ L
Japanese aircraft losses& y4 {2 ]* q0 h( r" j
      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged
/ H% b6 Z+ u4 u" [$ ~( q      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
1 Z# R/ {; ?4 W" p1 D% e. zAirbase hits 2
% g  T% F' f$ D* f4 f  `/ \Airbase supply hits 1# i4 c" X9 B, q! q9 Z. u2 w
Runway hits 72 U8 Z$ ~+ v& Q7 s5 a/ t
-------------------------------------------------------------5 B; j& J4 L! ], o6 I' x
Morning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  " f0 H) D8 U* F5 I
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 8 p! s1 t" S+ Y" g
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.6 {) P& [( s- o0 E3 s# ]. ~
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
! q& b3 b0 t- ^0 KJapanese aircraft7 x7 O2 W& T& u3 }5 c
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 34
; @* s; }/ x3 cAllied aircraft
$ H7 k3 u7 o0 b- p6 T1 I( r      B-17D Fortress x 14
# D; O5 z. I  `0 k; C/ sJapanese aircraft losses
: x3 S) Q- t" ~7 K      D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed on ground 0 e2 v( d7 M6 z9 V, U6 p  J
Allied aircraft losses" _1 ~6 w2 r- e8 {/ }; Y8 c
      B-17D Fortress: 14 damaged
" h" s: S# q$ a* xAirbase hits 1 2 |" V% H7 X) R* o. T+ P7 c# J1 e5 Y
Aircraft Attacking:
3 {% g& H' T& f9 s9 W1 Y       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
2 l& Q, ?1 e/ J" {: M% o& G4 q: T+ ^5 D               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
* x7 [) ]( C+ c       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet- T& v/ J1 H: v% r
               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
' D5 t) u2 ~: i7 B-------------------------------------------------------; a+ n( i+ A3 Z) G+ {! }% e
Morning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  
$ E3 C$ g9 ?& J1 X+ U: _/ z) c7 MWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
& u4 ]$ v1 Y" CRaid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
$ y; E! o8 b2 @- r& P2 u3 W' J7 dEstimated time to target is 9 minutes " q5 p+ |, y0 ]0 s0 g6 d3 e
Japanese aircraft
0 m# {& w$ |& ^: O8 f! B' s      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 24 % @+ v) _- p6 ?" s  k7 l
Allied aircraft
, W6 c  [* k) g! k      B-17D Fortress x 7
0 B$ R6 H7 W% w; L3 a% nJapanese aircraft losses
$ n1 }$ I. P( y( g# x* C      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 destroyed
3 j) S( ?4 M+ k" q! F8 r      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed on ground " ], }) Q" r0 i- [+ ^
Allied aircraft losses
; Z" e4 D) {+ J& ]' V8 _      B-17D Fortress: 7 damaged
. L1 n2 T& W  ?3 \( x5 PJapanese ground losses:. U6 z6 l% Q( Q. s% d9 V& L, f3 R
      5 casualties reported' `; l$ x) N8 h' u) b" E
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 y. K  Z: s! }; N         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
& L, o4 W' W5 e         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled 6 F+ x8 t8 I: N& {2 ?/ a' k
Aircraft Attacking:& i" O  B9 m' @  U  H: a& n* _
       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
+ K$ s! j  U  c               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
; w7 b. c: @/ G9 S% P& H----------------------------------------------------------------
2 ?& M! E, z- p; @( l- qAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
, ?$ O3 x: a. f* v8 {* `Weather in hex: Partial cloud + k; z7 ?8 N, ]) q& m
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet./ r6 }- ~3 e* V; l/ \
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
) n- I) P8 s* E9 `7 hJapanese aircraft4 j5 X! P' n/ K. N" p) }
      A6M2 Zero x 45
. e! L9 o' F) J3 qNo Japanese losses
& \- g6 z) G- n  GAircraft Attacking:
) g3 O) }) G0 D$ O( {4 y; y      45 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
/ N' z# P! ^, g8 h0 I-------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ]% I% ^# m4 F$ CAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  7 N, \! w( r: i) k
Weather in hex: Partial cloud & Y. d) @; u* U) N, q
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.0 ?- C) q5 O- z! d9 f8 T
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
9 b6 k+ F& v" \$ ^% zJapanese aircraft1 A& K2 ?7 m5 T- `6 Y9 J
      A6M2 Zero x 33
. H5 G) r5 {$ [) c8 D' CNo Japanese losses ; w4 l- O  a0 b! \
Aircraft Attacking:
, ~& o  O7 Y' _1 H3 u' g      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
, a, l7 i! g+ q* H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 S' [& X9 r$ J9 lAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  7 y- ?) L5 K# A. c
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
; Z0 R: z3 ]- \' k, uRaid spotted at 49 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
2 x  Z, Q  O2 f8 H+ o3 E2 e" ~9 tEstimated time to target is 16 minutes
. R4 K7 h8 i0 `. \5 _) gJapanese aircraft! d/ q/ v+ e+ u8 y# [! |
      A6M2 Zero x 36
/ r/ O7 G+ w: LNo Japanese losses
# G  N. Y' I8 r2 s" O; oAircraft Attacking:4 D- R* f. s$ j; u4 r
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet # {! a% b( |, O- @* v
% ?  l" H# k& T* l4 z$ @) lAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
( s3 y$ V) ~/ v: kWeather in hex: Partial cloud 2 w' g, d; o  M. |+ ?+ e  h
Raid spotted at 32 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
. G: G5 l, p& t+ TEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
% L7 b: W9 Q% \. U- p6 z8 rJapanese aircraft
' P$ {4 s  d3 g      A6M2 Zero x 32
+ H* y) h$ ^( |9 G9 FNo Japanese losses
, C" [0 K' ]& c. I1 w; B+ [8 c" NAircraft Attacking:
7 \9 p% G8 B+ Z$ I      32 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet( G, f: Q! G  T5 C# ?/ m
----------------------------------------------------- 4 B+ D; }7 [3 o( J0 [- U
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130) ! v# C$ P9 ?8 f0 c
Japanese Shock attack ' B0 ?  A7 T$ j: s
Attacking force 16533 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 636
8 {% z2 l: S# ?) ?! z4 D1 hDefending force 7564 troops, 93 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 136 % L4 U  n) d" Q  d: s! |
Japanese adjusted assault: 219  
1 M# X2 w7 n4 x- s$ e2 Q6 YAllied adjusted defense: 201  / {, ?2 L% U6 p' o
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)
/ Y, P' G$ Y- XJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0 - H: q. w# l8 L8 ~1 I" P; Z$ P4 b
Combat modifiers5 n( b( |/ D, t
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-)
3 N5 L" E7 y7 Y, O( p; H7 ^Attacker: shock(+) , t/ \6 w0 |. ?2 \/ M8 n5 u2 a4 A
Japanese ground losses:
& |! r% k+ r6 l" t; k/ k3 C. [; R      728 casualties reported
: U+ z- ~: t, |- `5 ]         Squads: 2 destroyed, 75 disabled
5 Z( A$ k  f' P: g4 i         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
, y* m; o2 `2 N1 O         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled 6 B" U  S) {# q1 p2 u7 I
Allied ground losses:( \2 ], Q7 y. B5 i, F7 x
      605 casualties reported
6 Q" I3 h" U2 F: G1 m9 Q0 I         Squads: 14 destroyed, 21 disabled) [- i( E! u* j
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 35 disabled
5 }4 |: F, b+ u' B9 ]5 q3 A& P         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 7 disabled
. O) D7 `- ]* Q( g. A* P0 L      Guns lost 10 (2 destroyed, 8 disabled) 7 v2 Z* }# }4 J3 Q, l
Assaulting units:
; M) s4 ^( o+ _5 c    16th Infantry Regiment
. w( H+ {/ x6 f) B    146th Infantry Regiment
  y: \9 A1 S' u5 N8 ?    52nd Naval Guard Unit! x! `9 V" C1 Y9 H- n2 [1 w+ ]
    61st Naval Guard Unit
! |1 d$ p' b2 w7 B. @' |" m, h7 T    144th Infantry Regiment
) H3 u: o4 J: H! T8 p% V  O    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
. P6 ^: g1 E; _: f7 l, X% ?    8th Tank Regiment+ v( Z0 I' ~1 V& f1 b
    84th Naval Guard Unit8 S. G( b/ O* y$ ]4 d
    4th Engineer Co / m  u# ]& L# f& @! r! D
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF & x; B# n( [4 q  e  M& o
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
% ~' i( a3 `: v) L" V1 G5 MDefending units:8 C( e8 I0 a% n& C( o) R" D, ^/ _
    1st Australian Division
7 x" E: k' p& R8 ?; K( o    49th Australian Battalion& T: T3 U5 }: G, @7 W3 q, o' A" g
    15th RAAF Base Force0 t3 D6 D" i# w1 B
    Port Moresby Brigade , }$ r- |, c9 y6 f* J9 I# |4 i+ p3 f5 m* a
4 j6 ^( d: w& g/ u. @* [Ground combat at Singapore (50,84) 3 S  C, a  K4 \) f4 B2 _
Japanese Shock attack
, R% K' P$ [$ L# ?, NAttacking force 116546 troops, 1162 guns, 276 vehicles, Assault Value = 3519
- I/ A% _! M( e. B3 k/ l) ~; HDefending force 45177 troops, 498 guns, 298 vehicles, Assault Value = 1077
# Q3 V; l" M9 IJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3 # a% l- h; z# `& X5 W/ w, |
Japanese adjusted assault: 1158  
  J* \+ Z5 u( \5 ~1 z8 N3 N8 OAllied adjusted defense: 1503  
  I* q. P0 [$ m" J# _7 i1 ?  \Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)  - a$ ~2 j. n4 H
Combat modifiers, i$ i& z3 r; ~0 p% S$ _
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
) W: p7 M5 K" v1 B% [6 N6 xAttacker: shock(+) 5 Y7 o# l5 V  V- h
Japanese ground losses:
  C# k' l( D- ~      10212 casualties reported
" [8 |# G- _: _# I6 {& i+ T         Squads: 226 destroyed, 615 disabled
5 j& l' ~. N( b% m" y$ i+ Q         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 44 disabled- H$ P4 i# Q9 c2 U' M5 M  f0 b
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 73 disabled" i. ?4 A: u+ s7 j: ~
      Guns lost 89 (6 destroyed, 83 disabled) ' `2 b: T' G/ _  M6 ^9 S
Allied ground losses:
/ g. l; w+ v) r% x      3881 casualties reported! B& |8 r, L' ?. n
         Squads: 97 destroyed, 241 disabled
# A6 f, a/ m3 ^" K+ F         Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 92 disabled
% M% `. Q  U+ S/ c0 ^: o  R3 r' o' N% O         Engineers: 9 destroyed, 40 disabled
! }1 d9 N4 R' F; Q5 M3 I1 E      Guns lost 48 (4 destroyed, 44 disabled)4 J( s5 c; M% f
      Vehicles lost 21 (4 destroyed, 17 disabled) 9 ]* k- x' b6 X; T+ [* t' U4 p
Assaulting units:
+ D- b! W+ h) [6 P6 W9 b    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
1 _+ r! V; ?( h& C! g# t    2nd RTA Division  a5 _, I# l9 W. t1 m4 |, x3 O, S
    21st Infantry Regiment
* u) o7 n4 b4 o( {/ W    42nd Infantry Regiment; ?8 r+ _1 m1 B, _* ]
    3rd RTA Division1 M- R3 _  K# a6 J4 g! j
    38th Division- `8 Z  \+ x2 }" `
    55th Infantry Regiment
# A$ g: E  ]3 O1 l! {: ?    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment
" f/ _; S! K- V    56th Infantry Regiment
/ P$ Z8 z$ I+ u) Z& s5 S    III./143rd Infantry Battalion/ G7 j; @6 r: k& u
    4th RTA Division6 Y1 I$ }3 p7 ]# r; A9 t" o
    55th Engineer Regiment
/ \  l2 K3 ~4 ^* W" f    91st Naval Guard Unit$ ~# I% a5 {3 |( o
    I./143rd Infantry Battalion5 z- P2 \4 R: H" U4 P' x( L, F
    11th Infantry Regiment
' J7 G8 d9 z; S    56th Recon Regiment- M  @7 F/ V% G+ T
    56th Engineer Regiment. p  o6 c  r8 a0 W/ }3 v
    114th Infantry Regiment
- y$ b' x* Q5 {: [3 Z    148th Infantry Regiment; ~, \- P+ ^* I) X4 b% y1 S  H
    6th RTA Division9 R6 K+ f: \# {# A/ C
    21st Division
% c+ T3 q9 M# n, u/ A    Imperial Guards Division7 @5 j9 k$ ^3 z
    5th Engineer Regiment
: @! [2 Z# i, U; f; N4 C2 x& P6 D# o) R' r    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment0 ^' w! v0 j2 \" X6 E
    113th Infantry Regiment2 ?: L7 h; y/ F8 `6 h+ a" m
    41st Infantry Regiment2 y7 t# \" b8 N& u$ R6 d" i( p
    4th Division8 P+ z3 K$ y& O9 C$ |4 r
    112th Infantry Regiment
5 s( ?4 I9 [- }( y6 P/ X7 i, B; b    12th Engineer Regiment
) `4 H4 h1 `3 ~# |  u# q! Q% }    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
5 l, h4 w9 E+ l9 @    7th RTA Division
9 o* w* c; k% |8 k6 x& U    21st Fld AA Gun Co
. Z3 }) |/ r; s! l8 D% X! M" F2 ?    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment+ }. c( e. g; R: E  _  c$ w
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment* a- U1 S& }( i: f: A) c
    25th Army8 R) j- u8 ~9 n4 e' H8 ]+ ^
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment' z5 c5 Y( U* j9 G" \
    15th Army% U8 S: N6 T. ]  M* r" ^0 N+ }
    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment% w- B6 b3 u2 O1 M
    5th Field Artillery Regiment
; k% E! U9 x5 W4 O6 n2 h0 j" p    56th Field Artillery Regiment
) o1 V. F7 g. O: G! x8 D4 J; C4 Q    34th Field AA Battalion
) K' @/ `4 K6 _3 K- L* h    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion3 J2 @9 h7 _" w" {' G% R
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion ( U; {0 X1 N* ?1 y$ M
Defending units:
% i1 _- y) P/ C8 |/ [0 W    27th Australian Brigade. ^  B' a; D0 C/ f: K. f+ T( Z' C
    SSVF Brigade: `7 i) ]* ^* Q. S" \7 a
    1st Mysore Battalion  q. ?! d0 ?4 d' J4 }5 H
    3rd Cavalry Regiment8 g' A7 v# ]6 T. |* v5 u5 ~$ }
    11th Indian Division! f2 g( Q0 q0 y$ r( C, H
    2nd Gordons Battalion+ s1 e$ A  j* w+ L( J4 p
    22nd Australian Brigade
/ w( Z( X: Z& U    2nd Malay Battalion
& u5 T# e; c) ]% @6 Y* R    2nd Loyal Battalion
1 o. {6 M9 x  P' D, d5 d' ?8 p, l    3rd SSVF Battalion
# C; x1 N+ E3 f    5/14th Punjab Battalion
. {% i) _" O4 z5 F    1st Malay Battalion( e: p2 J8 ~7 H3 G% R- y
    2/17 Dogra Battalion' O7 q8 p2 H' b% f" d/ e
    1st Manchester Battalion
: t% F1 u4 n# I2 ]0 j    9th Indian Division
' h6 {8 }# ?) M  ^- N  F9 S    2nd ISF Base Force
% m! S! K' W) Q8 w    224 Group RAF
1 t3 y* R3 U) f    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment9 I" x; G1 B# x& }% W
    AHQ Far East . Y8 e4 A" P8 s! G5 P% L: y
    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment6 I2 J8 T' S$ P  ?0 p0 k, F8 J
    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment
3 v8 M( }' j6 K% _, N1 A+ E. I    110th RAF Base Force
+ {  Q9 z# c& E$ @8 j    109th RAF  Base Force
  a& H6 W, b' h. t& P; B7 E  Z7 m    1st ISF Base Force
) x: ]* `' C. r2 Y2 E    Malayan Air Wing
! m! G0 Z$ X% r& A7 ?9 k    Singapore Base Force
% Q9 R4 d7 y7 m$ {7 d" S& B    223 Group RAF
. k2 r, y9 f. |" t( {, r7 O$ ^+ H    112th RAF Base Force
7 G5 {" a! i, o. y6 b- v  E5 S    111th RAF Base Force  h; [  c) k. d1 G6 X
    III Indian Corps: C0 q( X2 l2 j7 }8 `& z
    3rd Heavy AA Regiment
& i% g9 w! k# Q9 p  o6 m. m7 _    24th NZ Pioneer Coy
' [0 M+ @; {; a9 ^* Q2 R    Malaya Army
, R4 [. F1 X5 x8 z9 T! t5 I' U    Singapore Fortress' w) G4 F' ^. \- r$ ^: O) S- t
    109th RN Base Force
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 02, 424 s: p% L  W2 c3 p- @3 P
零战大量扫场仰光,为了给机队恢复时间,当天仰光机队继续冒险休整,1 y5 C5 i# T! s& ?, U
4 S( N% G- c6 q3 @6 @预计陆攻编队需要休整大概半个月,因此即便没有飞机防空,仰光的运输船也不算太危险。% T; c& I& U) V) @
2 p, j$ B3 L3 ^' N0 JMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  1 @* J1 S! X) F
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
% J7 R7 E9 W- r6 A" U1 m! p! q  q- nRaid detected at 58 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
$ {7 B4 c2 _' iEstimated time to target is 22 minutes
' i  T& o- y- D: T; P: _# FJapanese aircraft
0 s: x8 o' d# E" X  o/ r      A6M2 Zero x 21
8 g6 I+ y, G+ j8 T4 V& a      G3M2 Nell x 7
" j2 {1 O8 ]* y* k! \7 c" k' M& j      G4M1 Betty x 12 1 s& ?9 h8 L. |+ k8 p' N& m
Japanese aircraft losses
0 w; I! @1 ^7 R      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
! q) h4 q! C  |' Q- y# N3 ]      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged ' |; O0 C0 d, A# E. M
Airbase supply hits 1
! |* N# ~1 @0 T4 R* _5 BRunway hits 37 M9 t# G" I$ r8 ?$ E
-------------------------------------------------------------4 p. P) M  s5 G( {
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 1 |+ q6 x4 Y: B( ?8 h
Weather in hex: Light cloud 5 B0 V' X: x" F' ?/ Z/ ]
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
8 v( }+ D3 {# HEstimated time to target is 15 minutes
" [: x0 Q5 v  l2 ~2 Y. [Japanese aircraft
' y2 ^9 T0 w% E& L4 G      A6M2 Zero x 26/ j# ^& l4 U: S, r& e0 Q
      D3A1 Val x 8
5 E$ }3 J8 g; t3 L+ f7 \No Japanese losses 0 a7 W' Y# J: M6 o% t: L
Allied Ships* e1 R! M+ j9 Y# [4 `# J
      xAK Indianan3 A5 T. T/ _1 n0 ]0 ^3 j
      xAKL Oklahoman, Bomb hits 1
) q! G: D9 W9 s4 Q1 P2 C: h      xAK Hoihow, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
) K1 x, A$ z3 D# h6 D5 A: _; dAircraft Attacking:
7 d- S) Y$ u, f       5 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
' R+ _- |9 i- U$ M               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
9 W$ V/ |2 m- e- p       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
% e4 e6 F& v- G8 s( ^               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
' p8 d/ Y$ ~$ s----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ X2 `7 z: m$ V/ IAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  & I6 ]9 o0 @, v* a  l8 w1 [0 n9 A
Weather in hex: Severe storms
' k& @' d/ o1 y9 R2 ?! v8 yRaid spotted at 46 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
( `! b/ x2 d7 IEstimated time to target is 15 minutes 3 j  Q; D, l5 B  T# ]
Japanese aircraft5 f! N7 t# G2 I. U2 U
      A6M2 Zero x 33
* K  K- }8 j: U( Q  t3 eNo Japanese losses , N+ W/ B' W3 U
Aircraft Attacking:
, n$ \. w, G5 A$ u  ], X+ q. H( e      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet ) |9 x0 m9 j3 ~8 J8 o& p& ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------# U5 f6 E. A0 y2 Y( z2 F
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  - U9 z5 `5 x9 P1 ^! v
Weather in hex: Severe storms
5 P5 A/ h: P0 D4 n9 oRaid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
8 n1 C' S* {: g/ b& AEstimated time to target is 9 minutes + ]2 I; b: x. J+ a9 x9 M$ H1 k
Japanese aircraft6 J0 |3 m4 `. _6 N. u
      A6M2 Zero x 24
4 C( i0 g7 t2 B2 ]: fNo Japanese losses: ^! S. o; g* O& j6 `
Aircraft Attacking:, G2 ^. [; v5 v3 v
      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet  5 n# V  n0 Z: B8 \, C" {
. b7 O/ E' g' }/ H8 {) ]Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  3 N; ?0 ~" J/ e( _& p* b3 q
Weather in hex: Severe storms
3 T  d0 s! u. Z) n+ G* {Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.6 g* o7 S! u+ k6 @7 @* K) C
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
1 g& D3 y, O5 \* t! [5 x; Q: l9 WJapanese aircraft
0 ~3 ]4 I5 F! x1 S: |7 _      A6M2 Zero x 24
/ M0 w, ~9 B! }No Japanese losses 8 Q7 H* ?. R# G- E  h* O+ v, S
Aircraft Attacking:
: a9 @# H& Z! K3 j7 h: B  x* ~" S* a' L      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 3 V9 {0 v3 N+ ?; N8 P  w3 I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' x* x% i, l* d3 b1 Y  o
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  ( u2 Z3 ]0 D  K% y
Weather in hex: Severe storms
9 `3 X4 I7 l1 R* v; VRaid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
( {0 I& a3 {# }Estimated time to target is 8 minutes " R$ ?$ W# f" @7 N/ b' N7 r
Japanese aircraft
1 I6 G5 q& {, J/ l: l9 b! e) A      A6M2 Zero x 27
7 ]4 k# }7 e. t9 \$ SNo Japanese losses , I( i" S' K2 t5 m
Aircraft Attacking:( f3 I  S9 d. i: k  y3 e0 L6 r
      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-11-13 17:38 编辑 2 o  T% @/ J& l8 K+ F  z. u, k* Y
) V* `% P5 N; s0 N& ?2 M/ I
- F- P& M) ~5 B) w. h日军继续增兵莫港,并在陆攻配合下再次突击莫港,澳大利亚官兵力战不敌,莫港沦陷。' \, t1 ~9 F6 Q4 M6 B, \8 r5 M
日军终于开始持续轰炸新加坡了,新加坡AA表现也不错,同时零战持续扫场仰光" d% |3 z  P, N- [7 j4 Q
$ j: [- K& m5 q打下零战23架,连菜花天皇都怀疑盟军超高了,盟军也没想到当天飞虎队表现和前两天差别这么大+ P, Q0 C3 e1 {) v
期间也就是补充了几个空战高点的飞行员而已,这是因训练机队召回,训练刚完成一半的飞行员。6 R  K  q9 m: V* R2 d

' Y" ^2 e- T+ E$ f' h6 ?# y" x---------------------------------------------------------------* D& y& g) m# b0 \8 S) u; t, l
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
* D0 U: o6 b: d9 p1 f& SAllied Ships
) `0 C5 U* l/ g9 E1 H      CL Durban3 K% Z- M$ i+ }, `& \  m
      CL Dragon
1 i: F" O7 Q1 Q$ k9 j' S      CL Danae" A; b/ H! N$ \( V5 m' l) ]
      DD Piet Hein8 a0 P: Y" T) _9 U" b
      DD Banckert
: i: G2 Q9 ~( H$ r  c      DD Vendetta
# s  @5 T, D8 R) f3 ~      DD Vampire0 _' g8 T; Z8 w5 U0 T1 U- w9 Q
+ x9 y7 O2 E7 R- IPre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)
* {# n0 p& R* M2 ~. i3 qDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
! Q; I1 @  ^/ ~) P: e8 r74 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. ; ~# D+ g" X& ^; k0 f
Japanese Ships! g) K5 N5 o$ N$ t) {' E4 V
      PB Kenkon Maru
6 f- X4 [$ g! B  \) z/ G      PB Kanko Maru' X5 H( K) B* ~
      xAK Oregon Maru * x1 e) d7 [5 O6 C( N9 T
Japanese ground losses:
4 \3 p8 L' g% j' h. z: g, _8 S; V      37 casualties reported8 @& P1 W, _* ?" R, ?
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
. C# r' W+ W( E, [0 n* ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
" |8 c& d. R* q. o         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) ]$ u$ G* {$ f------------------------------------------------------------
& c  m( p( P' h9 D6 t8 _4 d1 wMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
' X3 C) ?5 X) ~$ f2 h+ R3 D6 i7 [Weather in hex: Clear sky
( a7 }4 y# z8 B( S* `Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
* h' Z0 X; L2 z9 \- OEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
7 [# K0 U' P8 l  i' z5 }5 w# cJapanese aircraft- t4 M! s7 B: X  ?$ D0 T* `
      A6M2 Zero x 27 % C2 C5 ^5 m; E9 d" {3 w  v* W/ ]. ]: Z
Allied aircraft
8 @* s  l. d& \' V* T  G* p      H81-A3 x 18
9 ?, p" m! Z" {5 v  S" L      Hurricane IIa Trop x 11  w) Q; t4 q+ g+ ?1 Q4 i
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 22
$ `( \& g* Z0 W, W      P-39D Airacobra x 20" \; G# p7 s- c  {. p1 g
      P-40E Warhawk x 18 . m! ~1 b, c% H  v
Japanese aircraft losses5 q: s, P* G3 ?4 v* i. b3 H
      A6M2 Zero: 8 destroyed / R" e2 x( M3 n: E  W* E
Allied aircraft losses4 t; L: B9 T0 l2 l+ L% K. E% ?( a
      H81-A3: 1 destroyed- }4 w* F; \) e# }
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
1 i, m! R2 R8 O, \- F: n4 WAircraft Attacking:- T% B3 H) {0 q+ G
       4 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet6 E( r3 s+ J$ r
+ z* B4 ]" _: V0 ^9 `# GMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
3 Y. c- U, Q5 ?8 J: r' QWeather in hex: Heavy rain 5 w  B% K) j5 n) y
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
* U3 M$ y3 F- ]9 V0 ZEstimated time to target is 31 minutes # _6 |. b2 i6 W
Japanese aircraft
  v: j8 |5 x! i/ [      A6M2 Zero x 16( z- Z. ~9 a! f8 g  a/ q8 n
      G3M2 Nell x 7  a' i$ [$ T/ Z4 g
      G4M1 Betty x 7
/ _0 Q3 ^# W! U" R. A8 ?Japanese aircraft losses
: s: N4 w# H' `      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged$ M0 N9 H6 y! o' O/ p" }
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
0 P1 N' u( ]/ D/ K1 S/ b7 M; }Airbase supply hits 2
  `. j' ?; A; ?! VRunway hits 17 P0 v( a. ?" ~
' [4 y6 n4 I) X; Q) lMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
# W* N- F( N' d; D( [4 V7 RWeather in hex: Clear sky
4 w8 u  M8 Q. g9 x- WRaid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
/ i8 m# y% A8 i! ~7 ZEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
# x( u* ]. d! Q! M: N6 i% CJapanese aircraft1 {2 T, k" }4 m0 P
      A6M2 Zero x 110
1 i7 y+ D- I  {( _* i5 NAllied aircraft
3 c$ ]* ?- o0 [      H81-A3 x 13
# F, \1 N' f8 p, P      Hurricane IIa Trop x 7( ?8 s! h. m* d( }. z
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 19$ h. z, ?$ u/ ]0 }9 }7 [) ]' m
      P-39D Airacobra x 20
9 m6 G2 M4 j) O$ p3 h9 F( r      P-40E Warhawk x 13 ( O9 m& t/ ?/ k1 C& e1 o; }
Japanese aircraft losses" c; I7 a4 L& H3 k
      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed 3 Y8 i2 f8 J+ f6 N
Allied aircraft losses8 ~+ R) @3 X- h# O
      H81-A3: 1 destroyed8 ?8 I( w4 u- ~1 E% Z
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed ! {8 X1 t- [4 E4 T, h7 c- z
Aircraft Attacking:
/ I- {5 O8 G4 I  e      41 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet/ x$ a1 p; t) J: [
      20 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
# Z. v5 B0 m+ ^1 v% F; N% ^      23 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
+ T7 M% ^' [+ }       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
5 v* E7 b4 n; ~8 [' K$ }; iCAP engaged:
( R$ Z1 l9 c3 Q$ P0 y) GAVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling); t, t$ C) ~, ^# ?0 v! _
      16 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.: _& u( d& y! T
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 20000 and 25000./ y4 W2 R8 {, o0 M
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 54 minutes* c" w6 _1 R# W- r' g$ d
AVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
- }1 k2 L8 v0 N: ^      8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 5 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.1 E1 M( r& A/ T% Z# M; P! B( n/ n
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 21000 and 26000.
. T6 v1 Q! \! C3 w+ n      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
( j4 w: c4 F2 i9 ^! ?AVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 g; j/ R& W4 Q4 q      2 plane(s) intercepting now.9 W9 I5 S) O' T& o
      7 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.# j* T+ V( }$ u5 ~2 a  @! _
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 20000 and 28000.8 s2 s! Z) E/ G3 i6 E$ _
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 17 minutes
. w/ M. W/ L  A  K8 I2 RNo.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)4 P$ ~; n; T9 e4 o8 o
      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
! n+ N( @; p5 j1 [: I1 T8 B; [( D      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 20000 and 25000.
. b9 v/ |/ E6 i( L+ T/ W  b7 g      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
0 J8 J+ b1 b& m" v' r# _No.136 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
/ Y9 e1 g+ X2 p5 ~      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.; J$ X8 p! s, e' Y3 d4 x0 X. B
      Group patrol altitude is 20000
- x7 V+ o1 U* B- P6 J  m      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
* Q5 E: p% f7 K; ~  d5 ^$ xNo.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling), W/ d2 B6 C1 G2 b; [& S" P% _
      1 plane(s) intercepting now.
4 D* B# |9 a4 Y' m) d5 i- e      1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 1 out of immediate contact.& C2 t8 E" ?4 R: ?4 X( ~
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 24000 and 25000.4 }% _/ M  o2 }2 j) B! _
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 37 minutes
) \( I! ?. M* W. _No.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
% b- E6 c, d+ `) L# b6 z  }      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
2 f, J/ {7 y$ b% x      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 17000 and 23000.
" `. z$ s  m6 T# ?. e1 D      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 43 minutes" ~4 o* V% d# M$ z5 ]7 y
-----------------------------------------------------------6 l) `) E1 I5 r" h
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
+ x& w# U$ L- Q# L9 ^: Z" ?Weather in hex: Heavy rain
' P4 \( p( s3 ^. WRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.) ]# ?4 K: V/ Y$ V
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes % i4 F# f8 j6 ^3 e! N) i* m& }
Japanese aircraft
. l. @6 S1 L6 c  k7 \3 D: j) _" p8 E      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 16
! G  M% H# {6 z& x      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12- A# z+ U+ f( x$ W. i7 @# S
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 21 + j+ c7 V0 r+ z* u! L+ V* ]& R
Japanese aircraft losses
! ^) \( U; I- i% A$ Q      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
+ m) f6 J( `( }$ I6 {% V* c6 N' {      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
  j/ t$ `# G% D0 P      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged
3 Z: p  R; m+ C      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak ; Y  z5 `3 j% z% x+ E
Airbase supply hits 1" ?4 C9 ?3 I5 D/ R% I: H2 _
Runway hits 7
) R. U, X1 b3 IAircraft Attacking:
" D2 l  A4 ~& U      13 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet * 5 C* A3 t( {' z' Q# V+ r5 o
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb- E: D, p1 J* S9 v* g
      14 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet * 4 g/ H! j1 O* d* s1 J
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 100 kg GP Bomb0 c* X) C; P+ X1 C  v
       6 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet *
9 [# d8 x; O) J- _4 p               Airfield Attack:  2 x 100 kg GP Bomb
6 j+ [* f$ p8 J, U# x- U       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet *
$ B7 m. U2 I0 v; O6 [  l; B: |               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
& Z& J& C2 P- d/ E---------------------------------------------------------
  A- o! T6 E$ w, b9 VMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53
2 ^9 k7 B2 e( J8 NWeather in hex: Clear sky
1 V7 `! R, @2 @8 m- c  `' NRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.+ R5 s. U1 ~- ~7 g# {% |8 ?
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes + @- z4 B0 [8 c# I
Japanese aircraft7 r' @) Z% Z+ [( J  h4 \8 F! o
      A6M2 Zero x 27
. Y, f1 y" S9 ^7 V      D3A1 Val x 4 . ?" H( v+ N2 t; o) y
Allied aircraft
6 _  B" T  v6 @6 C% q1 \- T% y" Z      H81-A3 x 9
' y  x; w0 k; g- {+ R& `      Hurricane IIa Trop x 6, A3 j4 d) v6 j7 N, i
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 16
4 _: X, Y- [2 T* x      P-39D Airacobra x 12- [8 Q1 z2 ?8 v; @8 c* T. }6 g
      P-40E Warhawk x 10
4 g9 R  A5 X- u8 S! E& @5 xJapanese aircraft losses' |/ @- r8 `3 T/ _& t
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
! i* E6 E5 h) F- j- R+ J& z+ RAllied aircraft losses
7 b2 S/ X1 m! n' R      H81-A3: 1 destroyed
: B5 f9 u* Z+ \3 A4 P, kAllied Ships6 C4 g  @5 I& t! J0 X7 Z; ^5 x4 Y
      xAK Edgar Luckenbach, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
+ Q1 u8 z5 h% P6 XAircraft Attacking:
- ^& q* c; @, ?6 l( O( ~: D1 j       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'! y) z, H5 G6 o. f+ x
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
3 G+ E9 |$ ]8 i- V, v! [- _$ v-----------------------------------------------------------
, [  x' K8 |# d- I1 yAfternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  3 A5 J9 `) `) W6 l
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
/ |' p. l6 Y9 }  {1 U% E' ]Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.# ~" [, W% W3 t
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes * N" N% R! S% k! ?6 o7 M
Japanese aircraft7 V) r! }0 S- `
      G3M2 Nell x 23
4 E1 {# B$ {8 I2 I$ n9 H8 y/ XJapanese aircraft losses+ i. U" J- n2 T+ \, s. G  R7 b
      G3M2 Nell: 15 damaged6 A9 e% X& \  F; P/ q4 t
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
% h* y; u8 E) FAirbase hits 26 t0 N0 o! w8 g% U% g% |! \+ X% L5 B
Airbase supply hits 2
+ z. ?  a( i* R, \Runway hits 184 f* i, g* A6 y# {/ E
0 p7 w. H7 s2 q- NAfternoon Air attack on Toungoo , at 57,50  9 y: A  L' X8 i1 c( c
Weather in hex: Partial cloud . B  r1 g) S/ L3 Y. o- X8 h8 c% r
Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
, s8 {' G7 J! G7 HEstimated time to target is 3 minutes ' h  p+ h/ o7 T" M2 a7 j
Japanese aircraft  Z5 G6 E, H+ b4 s  }2 V  P& _  @# z
      A6M2 Zero x 233 \6 z% N, `, \2 o0 G! n2 F
      Ki-51 Sonia x 15
# V2 G; u3 }3 L+ @8 d9 j) j  wNo Japanese losses ! t4 q' K6 p& w) ?1 L
Airbase hits 112 a. s: V* G& U# J2 @# T% }
Airbase supply hits 2
; U3 X( W0 d- ]" xRunway hits 95 V5 p4 s8 c' M3 T0 I& [& s4 d
2 b$ o, L  V* f# i5 B" DGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
. j0 Z. v$ s3 a7 ^9 i3 CJapanese Shock attack
0 k# g( ^+ i# P( I/ r0 }Attacking force 18036 troops, 192 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 740 8 O; g+ d. c! a$ c
Defending force 7163 troops, 89 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 102 4 g7 G8 v% V, q3 \6 n4 C: y" C: {
Japanese adjusted assault: 241  ( X) k# Q" k& @1 x: ~
Allied adjusted defense: 75  
! V# M6 P2 K1 S/ i: l: vJapanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 0)  
, \6 e3 N) e, T  w& z% dJapanese forces CAPTURE Port Moresby !!! & A& l0 _% E- B" p) c1 {5 p
Allied aircraft8 Q* d! Y9 E: ~& m& y1 P( M* |
      no flights
- Q- d0 R3 a2 E+ VAllied aircraft losses
2 D$ Q# }" S0 u4 m2 `, a% k& [1 Z      S.23 Empire: 1 destroyed
2 H4 b$ u- s8 CCombat modifiers
+ R8 V! \) S& [; ]! r* v7 E# [3 SDefender: terrain(+), experience(-)% E% [8 F- a" _9 J$ d) X
Attacker: shock(+)
) g+ V' a, T0 D' p! R: |. MJapanese ground losses:
& K! K: X- }! i# X! l$ _2 u      202 casualties reported
, w# B& e# V/ ?         Squads: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled: E6 A! T  [1 P
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
- O% \* }  d& b6 Z. |2 p6 u1 n         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled 0 b, \3 F' Q$ y) }7 A% f
Allied ground losses:
. c( V, G" t7 r      1623 casualties reported; @, h; N! g3 G* B( G0 f
         Squads: 138 destroyed, 0 disabled
& I' ]+ w' S; k0 `) v         Non Combat: 266 destroyed, 0 disabled) i3 o. d& g4 U
         Engineers: 18 destroyed, 0 disabled
: x) s$ F- k: p& ]7 x( U1 I      Guns lost 34 (34 destroyed, 0 disabled), c8 r/ n) @0 |: {" x( H# v3 Y
      Vehicles lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)
) `  |$ m0 ]- H  s4 p% ]( _      Units retreated 3( g" F5 R2 q  c9 @( O  G5 a
      Units destroyed 1
/ l5 p. S' h+ C8 |4 vAssaulting units:
+ m- t- [% M1 \# \! g, J    144th Infantry Regiment
) W/ [, c! ~8 n7 z$ t2 ^% |: w1 l    84th Naval Guard Unit
5 I, V0 e; N7 K* q& b, u    Miura Det 0 ]% a8 R6 G8 R% Q/ O! X$ b/ |
    8th Tank Regiment
4 ?' A: b: k! r. j- }8 z    61st Naval Guard Unit
5 l  M5 F& _* o5 @+ `: y# @, X    Sasebo 2nd SNLF
8 q" t# i- x9 g6 G. P3 i# y; l2 f3 W    146th Infantry Regiment6 f( p6 D5 G! K' _
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
" }8 D! Q7 r5 j6 i5 |5 z    16th Infantry Regiment! T6 ?+ T9 N" S6 P' D/ v
    52nd Naval Guard Unit2 j* ~$ z6 P: D
    4th Engineer Co
1 B# v) ]) t; T) b    Yokosuka 4th SNLF+ J' h2 M+ I% Q+ G% E6 ^' T
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
' _% o+ A9 |- J* X9 W" bDefending units:7 I. W5 g% m. A( p, T; t
    1st Australian Division6 j" O; c# O! O% S( R9 C# Z& e
    Port Moresby Brigade; @7 n& I' b  j, t0 t4 c, e; W  E/ a; z
    49th Australian Battalion. K' M8 i. X' b8 n1 H; j
    15th RAAF Base Force
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