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经过周末的思考,发现其实 盟军开局就可以迅速将澳大利亚的部队从民兵部队全部升级成正规军5 ], E2 m2 O: L  o/ _
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 21, 42+ |  z6 G% O! K, u6 z" E$ V
/ l- M; `0 L  j- F% }4 ^6 N8 c4 f当天KBn停靠米里 估计是去加油了,KBs继续停靠拉包尔。
8 m* M0 y$ X. A0 e; }' Q- N
( Y$ F3 J  n! j0 Z' E0 B- s/ g/ b8 x: K, ~. G
-----------------------------------------------------------------5 s( t' o1 t, G7 I
TF 91 encounters mine field at Singapore (50,84)   X; j! X" _" N, e
Japanese Ships
, v& j* _* V) f- K2 `) `      AMc Kembu Maru% M! q, r' S1 K
      AMc Toroshima Maru1 p- |3 {# [# p
      AMc Wa 19; d/ H/ H  d. y( z0 F
      AMc Wa 3
3 i: [/ `" [& W+ L82 mines cleared
4 E& U3 S( Q* _1 c% T* P-------------------------------------------------------------------
( c! [4 N+ R- h6 m5 @TF 91 encounters mine field at Singapore (50,84) " Y6 S2 V1 }4 @: W# m  y. @& z  j9 f6 V
Japanese Ships5 r2 j' j6 _+ T# a, I
      AMc Kembu Maru- N  X! R2 |' v- W2 b
      AMc Toroshima Maru) k( Q# I" @: w: i
      AMc Wa 195 v/ T' A4 _4 ~$ \0 }0 A; d& U3 T
      AMc Wa 3
  z' c: Y! r. Q, U2 |1 g) s% l103 mines cleared
! b9 |# z8 W. D5 z0 @5 W5 D--------------------------------------------------------------
8 F5 d% }, v) b4 T5 L0 @: cTF 91 encounters mine field at Singapore (50,84) 0 d4 ]/ r5 K( {/ C' w
Japanese Ships/ w, S- [& A& [5 e
      AMc Kembu Maru
; s+ l) L* T- ?, C      AMc Toroshima Maru# V/ p* e. N4 m7 {
      AMc Wa 19
! e4 |9 k  ]4 E- _* p+ _3 k      AMc Wa 3 * R6 Z+ D1 F: r* H
37 mines cleared + ?% z' U2 I# p7 |) l7 B+ V
! r9 m+ T* p" i4 x% BMorning Air attack on 9th Division, at 81,43 , near Ankang
# E7 i8 l1 V0 D" J9 @# EWeather in hex: Overcast " J- v* I& a' U" q! \
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.  H) U( W1 [3 O6 L$ t4 o& p
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
5 R1 r! v- s  A( tAllied aircraft
9 [! Q. m/ y6 X- e6 s: {" n1 e      A-29A Hudson x 8
5 d/ K) g/ r- X  fNo Allied losses ' O' O; G6 D+ N2 R0 ^$ Z+ \4 _) v
Japanese ground losses:- C2 z+ }: e% h& U
      5 casualties reported
8 \6 P' Y. ?: Z( s$ M( C. k         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! D* r6 I6 X1 l# t' F- ^  ^# j
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 ?3 h  \; h+ t, i# n
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' p/ J- I, K( u2 ]5 p5 HAircraft Attacking:
2 ^1 l( e: n% `/ K. E       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
, k' o* @  u% w; D3 A& B               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb7 i# p- N9 j4 k8 N3 X# o- t
4 v4 o, H) q/ d$ g! {Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) 1 y6 [0 ]+ p/ K1 l( t* k
Japanese Bombardment attack ! l+ H' M# f9 P9 v  Q3 P7 r
Attacking force 59578 troops, 882 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 2324 ) l: s3 t& _4 n8 O9 i6 ?
Defending force 105339 troops, 643 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2977
, `8 z" G& O' P# e6 MJapanese ground losses:
/ I$ t7 @- [+ m1 i3 Z& ^6 [      30 casualties reported
. h- ^0 L" h) o! M* ]         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled' o* l6 @5 o' o  S1 ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! b: Q0 Y4 [( L" T' V
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled / c6 m7 A4 c: V& P
Allied ground losses:
% i! a  M7 b$ }      119 casualties reported$ p! E5 G1 ?3 Y
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 10 disabled
$ q- l6 S. X3 I         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
1 I' Z2 e& }- `* Z+ _: F         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
3 F  ^7 T% p* d------------------------------------------------------------- % f* y( e, I6 F4 G
Ground combat at Loewoek (71,101) 1 `; y$ [4 x" b4 ~, ^
Japanese Shock attack 4 o& A. f& z- Q2 r/ F) P
Attacking force 342 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16
5 o: K5 U; w4 s( O/ ~$ s% t9 GDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
0 I; L$ ^4 F3 S0 [, G5 `0 P  ^Japanese adjusted assault: 16  ) A- O# F& j) }2 V
Allied adjusted defense: 1  0 w) ?( S/ T/ W+ R7 n2 C( C
Japanese assault odds: 16 to 1 (fort level 0)  
8 m8 t3 D, B3 s/ iJapanese forces CAPTURE Loewoek !!!
9 N1 m& T/ {0 f; f0 JCombat modifiers
/ A8 I( P6 Z) ?Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-) ' Z/ o5 n' G+ U* @8 V
Assaulting units:+ d) y: j* C+ \% K) [. y/ c1 c$ a
    8th Indpt SNLF Coy
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 22, 42* `' s9 ?2 O: E. T- b8 T# }
日军增援达拉根,当地守军奋力反击,击沉日军1运输船。 3 n2 |5 I) M  g/ F, U0 R' P& B
7 [, Z4 G. C- V$ q8 E$ [9 e6 C走投无路的一个国军师选择突击西安,竟然打出1:1,降低西安一级城防,
% v( A- U) s, x# X' Q日军后勤线上还是有机会的
- f; b* U( o4 Q. w! ?( v. w: Q) P2 H最近发现长沙附近有大量日军部队在集结,已侦查到的单位达到25个左右,战力可能过8k% h5 |# x8 i$ G: o9 k- v1 j
, \2 O. @: j4 G  N在仰光附近日军别出心裁,21日开始选择了爬山过江,由于日军目的地没有公路,
+ A/ F* K5 h/ N9 o- D这一爬估计又要20天左右,日军真喜欢爬山啊 * x. W! _' W9 j# O/ c5 [$ f; o. B
  w+ V3 {, L, D' U
! o. Y* R1 _  X8 r3 x  Z, Q
--------------------------------------------------------------------2 l4 _7 h7 q# H6 T& [# Y" s% D/ f( p5 n6 a
Pre-Invasion action off Tarakan (67,91); W& _  P8 T; t% o6 ~6 @: S
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
8 w  F* |, y7 ?4 `6 M55 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
) V6 g; |+ s: T5 {& {7 uJapanese Ships
0 Y  i9 r$ b: ]! l      xAK Manila Maru, Shell hits 11,  on fire: z5 C4 ?* r. t4 R  X! @# i
      PB Taiko Maru* F) F" y9 C# v) t: O/ a+ \/ y
      PB Keiko Maru
3 K4 q+ ^1 ^1 n0 |2 w  G8 |( Q      xAK Asakaze Maru
3 Y1 C7 U1 j/ `8 S; ]Japanese ground losses:- e2 R2 k8 V+ P# N
      39 casualties reported; ]7 k. O% l6 G, P- i% R
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled) f' t) O4 D0 J& j, t& K8 X
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled& P' t& W( s3 p# [* `/ ^
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% q" s; m6 g& n8 ^$ k
* H0 c% r% @0 v% UAmphibious Assault at Tarakan (67,91) : [' ]( o! C$ {( h3 ?* W
TF 17 troops unloading over beach at Tarakan, 67,91 5 V) F/ S9 W0 C9 f5 N
Japanese ground losses:
' s8 M5 l8 U- a( L) l0 g      54 casualties reported
9 k) u7 H- H2 v( q! r. E" x2 @         Squads: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
; h5 `! R( A. W6 `/ p4 R         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 e' `7 t% S* x3 D) l: V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% ~. y8 U: f5 C/ {) u, R/ ~; t; X      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)- k3 F& `- \( W8 N* B' P; v
) X$ {- l# K. b+ FInvasion Support action off Tarakan (67,91)
1 ~) e* g- w( fDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force & Z( l4 `% h. S/ }2 u) n
28 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 5 W' U( l/ c8 k& V. G! b
Japanese Ships8 {, w# t  l. h  c
      xAK Manila Maru, Shell hits 8,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
; Y+ G* @/ m3 ~# L      PB Taiko Maru
! t" r1 i/ a. Z. {$ H+ P9 w      PB Keiko Maru3 B( X% m4 y3 k8 p2 C8 ?
      xAK Asakaze Maru 7 h6 r" U+ k7 J. E$ I
Japanese ground losses:1 d& Z0 {, o( y2 v4 N5 s
      31 casualties reported
+ ^6 Z- q& ~+ {/ x, P% A         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* R* ]/ }" \" Y& |2 o4 B         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled7 `# N9 s$ u& x; H' a  q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ k" L5 v! b+ W/ v--------------------------------------------------------( r( _6 j+ w3 Y
Sub vs Sub: SS KXIII attacking SS I-155  at 66,98  - near Balikpapan
& E2 L: [6 a+ MJapanese Ships
9 \: d/ z: r: y4 r. |# W; |      SS I-155
4 n) h- l6 ?5 {: L0 d# wAllied Ships
% o. m7 |7 q4 n' K' s1 `      SS KXIII
0 x: X% g. x( VSS KXIII launches 2 torpedoes at 3,000 yards
4 M% m. M( s" F------------------------------------------------------" {+ _, r* ^$ t- Y
Morning Air attack on 26th Chinese Corps, at 79,50 , near Chihkiang " o% d( J  g+ L6 w
Weather in hex: Overcast
0 d9 ~6 |" ]  S: |Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.$ ^. A2 N$ j) I+ r# f4 a) g$ a+ i
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes : x! L2 j& |/ l  O
Japanese aircraft
1 N! ^) U$ p' G) J4 M0 t3 h4 g  G      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 6
5 c8 P  H5 ?/ X      Ki-51 Sonia x 7 % Z: Y6 d: u9 ]$ h1 B
Japanese aircraft losses
1 F7 s6 x& \8 T! r. U0 x      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 damaged   |2 _6 _! a: F/ J* W/ J( P1 ]$ Q
Aircraft Attacking:
! q( k9 w$ M" F# Y& n       7 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet; {7 T3 H8 `& g$ y2 M  a
               Ground Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
; e0 k" v4 k7 T1 k0 y2 t4 BAlso attacking 72nd Chinese Corps ...  h0 V9 @7 v8 y7 h5 U
----------------------------------------------------------8 y* U/ {! B! U2 w% K8 @
Afternoon Air attack on 9th Division, at 81,43 , near Ankang
$ \6 S- V( [8 xWeather in hex: Light cloud
5 `# ~1 a7 x6 V9 k$ f/ Y! JRaid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.2 l! s! o9 ?% P0 v- D, L# M
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes 5 }: b; d& Z6 }. ^2 D2 C
Allied aircraft
" f) C4 |8 p) y6 W* \2 H      A-29A Hudson x 7 * ~. f# o8 l7 s  \+ i7 C1 G
No Allied losses
3 {# J7 v* i# U; a$ L7 PAircraft Attacking:4 p( G+ Q2 A+ h8 P, H/ P& N0 B
       7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
7 \1 }  f- h9 z               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
1 s' e9 f! g5 \. p+ ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% \' \+ U9 S/ M8 b" u# dAfternoon Air attack on 6th Division, at 81,47 , near Patung   f! A- k* ~+ f$ u' c( r- E! h+ J
Weather in hex: Light cloud
9 q/ ~0 N# G* p' w, K& gRaid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.; w( Q5 h; a6 B& z/ E7 R
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes 6 V! p1 N) ?* S7 R
Allied aircraft3 z) c9 a. ^1 e5 q! M
      SB-III x 5
( x) k+ e" |+ c) \7 Z/ v  vNo Allied losses # J7 w+ J3 }% S+ T4 w9 f  K6 g# Z
Japanese ground losses:
0 Y- p  {* b3 x; e) \8 O1 A, v      7 casualties reported) L' p6 J3 }' \* y' l* s
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. L/ j& [' l- a
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 C2 }' v4 G, @/ a7 c% Q! C         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 h& r2 k5 ~; CAircraft Attacking:/ m+ G) x2 i5 }3 ?: U% F( J
       5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet; w' d# A# ^+ k, h
               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb ) b& u) s# v  R4 I  N
# C) X- d: [0 A9 A5 hInvasion Support action off Tarakan (67,91): `0 I% Z1 z2 g6 P$ C/ h5 C
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force 7 |3 D0 X- x" ]& Z9 M" z6 V# q. n7 Z* K
7 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.   t. _0 m* U; F+ X' O- o$ P/ u
Japanese Ships
* }0 ]$ o! c3 y+ S/ |      PB Taiko Maru' o) `. [" G( `3 P* @) b; l
      PB Keiko Maru
; i9 O) l5 x) _! a! e$ ^7 r7 G      xAK Asakaze Maru
. [: i  y  R' k6 h--------------------------------------------------- - n/ o$ I% U) _' i& x
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
! Q  Y7 y3 w: B0 O( CJapanese Bombardment attack
5 \7 b6 P9 f' W8 X% qAttacking force 59618 troops, 882 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 2330 % {* O+ ^6 _8 \+ p
Defending force 105444 troops, 643 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2986 - w& y/ N  G& X7 S6 p
Japanese ground losses:
; P5 A  Y+ n0 C$ @9 r3 l      28 casualties reported) i$ C4 [/ p7 c
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled% L: k2 H( T) _; n4 p
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 Z2 }! V4 [( r! x& L8 X; E* T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled 6 S( a* m2 S: G+ ]# K- E- Z
Allied ground losses:
( `/ Y" c# d& c$ q      58 casualties reported
) I3 x) c2 u6 o. K9 w& [$ V9 {  L/ ?         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled4 ?. x/ D. H* v$ U, `! ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
' U0 s0 j) p% L/ J: j* T         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled1 G7 |3 a% G; ]9 H1 H0 F
$ x  {5 k9 v$ u$ s' O' SGround combat at Lanchow (81,34) 9 ]9 e! _3 D; l- G
Japanese Deliberate attack 7 d! g: ?  D, {. v: N5 R# ~
Attacking force 1422 troops, 20 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 348
# _$ @" I1 S# sDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
% {5 U4 {* _' JJapanese adjusted assault: 43 , `' g. @: d  t/ Q
Allied adjusted defense: 1  # E& i/ _  j0 \7 p0 u
Japanese assault odds: 43 to 1 (fort level 1)  
/ G- K: y5 I4 }8 |% I+ G+ Q/ cJapanese forces CAPTURE Lanchow !!! , a- x* v( }! c9 P( B5 m
Combat modifiers
1 l& k2 ^! q; u' zAttacker:  3 [9 Y, \5 h: r, `- z
Assaulting units:4 ]  b0 C, `/ `4 Z3 @
    2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade3 N# \& ?- T+ ^5 {
    1st Cavalry Brigade
' B: {; L, r4 c    4th Cavalry Brigade
  F. F! w4 B4 Y7 x  R7 U    7th NCPC Infantry Brigade
; R" X  U/ S8 m0 F7 i4 {) f+ N--------------------------------------------------------------------& l1 P/ S/ d+ W; Q7 O+ \
Ground combat at 99,130 (near Port Moresby) 5 `) Z- j+ I" z
Japanese Deliberate attack - F9 ]2 m. ]8 h6 |2 b/ f) Q
Attacking force 8335 troops, 113 guns, 17 vehicles, Assault Value = 293 5 F* D5 k' Z1 Y8 y
Defending force 5142 troops, 39 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 83
) P' ]. T+ X3 KJapanese adjusted assault: 150  
7 ^+ `' p) ~/ x; f0 UAllied adjusted defense: 118  
8 N: u  V! s, M; H# n: P7 D6 \Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1  4 Z7 n( U5 Q* f: e
Combat modifiers  n3 N+ E+ W! [
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)& ?* Y1 Q) A! r3 L! t
Attacker: fatigue(-) 1 Z4 h! U+ X# ~/ s5 [% F. G6 h
Japanese ground losses:! i" d& p! e* O2 E9 Z) U
      198 casualties reported  P# p- v3 J+ e% `) |* S: [: j
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled# p7 [* O3 J( L( i; T2 O* o
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
. `6 [9 O. [& x' n% z, L" m         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
/ m5 x1 O  {# W, vAllied ground losses:; R- l, X- d1 B- b5 G; f- {
      252 casualties reported) A& Q2 q& g% x
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 20 disabled: B" Y& N6 b+ h
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
3 K) O( A3 _2 F; Q1 D/ I0 o, b         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- G3 x3 W0 w  l2 e7 t5 W+ q8 V, j: m" F3 wAssaulting units:% T3 [9 u4 }* x8 _- L6 U
    146th Infantry Regiment; P* i' ~( y+ K6 L4 E
    144th Infantry Regiment; Q3 @7 E7 [/ R
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment + Z7 T8 q, Y" t: |
Defending units:
" n8 h4 m4 t/ t. s    1st Australian Division7 M( }7 @7 Y7 k% q
    15th RAAF Base Force : y6 A6 K& ~) \  |( g) p; k
: o, p6 |7 Q2 B6 O2 b2 p7 q6 A2 ]. HGround combat at Manokwari (85,109)
+ B& f3 x9 S! A! i$ uJapanese Deliberate attack 4 |& [/ @" q& R) r5 K
Attacking force 1416 troops, 13 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 60 1 e$ n% K% ~, G. Z6 o6 `) c
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
' Q* r6 b9 f$ J  LJapanese adjusted assault: 30  
; }  I8 t2 i% ~- A7 j7 P. UAllied adjusted defense: 1  2 |% W6 f3 {" m  Y
Japanese assault odds: 30 to 1 (fort level 0)  
  z" x# B: Z5 E3 o9 G  XJapanese forces CAPTURE Manokwari !!!
$ p) t( Z' M$ o7 T3 ICombat modifiers
0 e, s# {) @# u( P% h& p4 F* A' SAttacker: leaders(-) + h3 b$ T, v  t/ ^0 `: [5 a% S3 v
Assaulting units:4 Y4 a2 w, h  L; X7 Z6 C
    66th Naval Guard Unit - U; ~# q, L: K% ?5 G% o8 |
+ T% I* F! _( d6 Q6 jGround combat at Morotai (80,101) . ?" o1 j7 z. X  l! I/ W  G$ g* Q
Japanese Deliberate attack 7 I  {5 }' U( q( b0 v# F0 R4 }
Attacking force 342 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16
/ B  H/ h1 O. W7 p2 [/ EDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 : W$ V. J9 Y" I  {* i' q
Japanese adjusted assault: 17
6 A  v3 K. e0 r7 p3 b& kAllied adjusted defense: 1  
1 h( B4 t# X& ^+ Z7 P6 X' a3 wJapanese assault odds: 17 to 1 (fort level 0)  
+ ]7 z% |4 {) y" \( XJapanese forces CAPTURE Morotai !!! $ A' Z+ h5 l7 O4 _$ p
Combat modifiers
0 q0 [  x. ~! e+ l2 j7 }Attacker:
7 v: \9 y2 b/ ?1 t! W) f& g) tAssaulting units:
: F  [# Z9 S0 _' u% [& v* P% A    1st Indpt SNLF Coy  
3 w' Q0 V' Y# ^8 Z" r; B---------------------------( S& D" i8 ~8 ?/ s
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91)
8 z4 B5 Z: _1 b2 W/ U5 dAllied Bombardment attack ) p: `9 j; m: k% V
Attacking force 1105 troops, 24 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 54
  ]& X5 h3 z' A$ L4 ]Defending force 3007 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 120 " N) L- n( f" _
Allied ground losses:5 C  U# c; ^$ r9 `. \% d# a
      5 casualties reported) l( T% {; V% i1 Z( f, l
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled' x! `( \4 y, V* `/ m$ T9 |1 E1 P
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) ]2 c1 |) _, U3 [; a         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) f9 J$ S8 h4 k7 G4 C% y- h* iAssaulting units:" N# c- X* ]0 R) ]$ w$ V
    VII KNIL Battalion7 U; K4 S2 w+ P* Q2 A, T
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
1 e1 c! `$ E) ^& W    Tarakan Base Force
0 J& W3 P+ J/ \. q$ T" rDefending units:  T2 O* @  b" g4 t
    I./124th Infantry Battalion5 @  o/ c) N8 T
    15th Naval Guard Unit
! K# D' }" N# v- t    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  
* b7 ]4 A* Q- @- |) r$ z--------------------------------" @. d/ Z6 }, K2 c7 ^/ v2 [
Ground combat at Sian (83,41) 5 j# s; B/ P8 ^0 V
Allied Shock attack
! P7 t* r" F& t5 rAttacking force 4586 troops, 61 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 62 . m5 S1 Q1 ~: x7 T2 k
Defending force 6474 troops, 26 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 117
: a+ s7 K& R9 s% cAllied adjusted assault: 96  
4 D4 }- h( d4 `7 ~Japanese adjusted defense: 58  
& |, g' F0 ^" J1 S8 i1 M# }Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3)  
  L" t) d4 q! ]& z9 {2 ?2 |Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 2
: f$ [! e/ a) o- V1 T3 K9 F8 qCombat modifiers- J5 Q* u. ^+ B! s
Defender: op mode(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
' L+ _( r* v6 n) G# a- p: g: WAttacker: shock(+), leaders(+)
  b1 R0 P9 {# w1 ^, WJapanese ground losses:
+ J$ g! f4 q4 }9 R, a% ^+ M      76 casualties reported! m3 U, ?3 `; O+ c8 o( ^) J- P6 {
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
5 _2 i9 n8 V% i) \* l( c5 B' e         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
5 C- U) }4 t2 y4 h; |" x         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled   t2 ^: m9 Z, x
Allied ground losses:; N( I# \$ g6 d7 E4 A
      14 casualties reported  L3 U0 }" V; }; s9 n- ]; @
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled+ y* N6 T# J, J- r& s' c
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' t0 E" c$ Z% j* o9 \8 L         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled . K7 O; x- e0 L
Assaulting units:1 o* @/ @3 S  \% K
    35th Chinese Corps + ]3 k+ \( W9 D
Defending units:& s# D  i! ?/ @5 V) D
    102nd NCPC Route Brigade
) w6 X3 Y9 j3 t/ `0 R- ?" v5 o+ k9 ^    15th RGC Temp. Division7 y4 b2 m" ?1 g" e
    19th JNAF AF Unit
+ b' \$ G' j3 [* D5 t    69th JAAF AF Coy
2 l7 X. ^$ x: R& F7 K1 A    North China Area Army
3 C! z) z7 Y$ o. ?+ u( Q    68th JAAF AF Coy
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 23, 42% j2 O5 [; }5 |6 c
当天又一个运输编队到达仰光,飞虎队全部升空直掩,日军侦查到了这个编队,舰爆机队出击( R( ], S# j8 n% {  m, W
! o. L6 ]. Z$ c# }$ J日军突击了达拉根,将城防降为1级,盟军也选择继续突击西安,因补给不足而毫无成果。' G; K3 {* G. r) O
KBn编队离开米里西去,预计下一站将是新加坡,拉包尔附近的KBs昨天已从盟军侦查界面消失7 r$ `- O+ F- I' _( ^

3 K8 S+ e$ p  N! D
) X0 `, |5 X: Y- G# C  Z" J) n-----------------------------------------------------------------------
; l+ r$ A: \; Q; J6 f8 l# X1 {+ R& [Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53   q9 O) I5 O/ w7 n) H
Weather in hex: Severe storms
5 C/ y& e$ N, p3 w" C% G$ ~" {7 R+ xRaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet." s" J. s. b, Q! w) g2 q
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes 9 L2 i8 A2 h: x5 A# Y3 X- P* x
Japanese aircraft  R6 }! O; k: C& c8 J8 w  h" ]
      A6M2 Zero x 7( ?+ o7 k; j. ~$ \
      D3A1 Val x 12 1 x$ C6 z& A1 x- s: O
Allied aircraft! _- j" G$ L' j$ }' T2 A% d0 ^% H
      H81-A3 x 112 w! G- Z+ G+ \" Z# g. a$ x2 m
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 13! c$ p: s' p  O; B4 E  \# A
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 33' \6 N5 F, ]3 {6 ^1 q8 `9 u
      P-39D Airacobra x 23
7 i& {, S) R' F/ t      P-40E Warhawk x 23
3 y7 p* V) Q6 }% G: X; `Japanese aircraft losses* j; m2 n7 ~+ ]9 \& A
      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed; Z3 W% a- M. J, H* u
      D3A1 Val: 8 destroyed
3 h2 K6 t0 [8 a/ Z8 y( S4 o' _) YNo Allied losses
. y% z7 `4 _) U8 S; [CAP engaged:
- A& B# A( ?' fAVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (23 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)6 Y& j% _. S# Q# M8 k; X
      23 plane(s) intercepting now.$ K& F8 ?4 x% O7 k7 L0 z  q
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
% E( Q8 V9 C: B+ N' _8 E/ J0 H      Raid is overhead
; l  `+ @; T# M- o2 A1 k: sAVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (23 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)6 y) D; U: k+ K7 c
      23 plane(s) intercepting now.) ]0 j% ^1 h3 W# p' U. F+ {) X
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.# Y( E: P4 R! Z# ^
      Raid is overhead
0 j/ ~+ J' j, ?$ C; Q4 t5 i6 pAVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (11 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)0 X* U( U$ X' _" \' N: v4 V9 f' U
      11 plane(s) intercepting now.: k- _, Q3 K; B0 f$ |2 z
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000./ J! ?1 R  f6 T: H: B/ C. N# J9 k1 C
      Raid is overhead
) K: D# M# K+ hNo.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (13 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)2 O% k; J7 N$ F8 y5 B* ^
      13 plane(s) intercepting now.
1 m& ?7 x5 c: S0 N      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.$ z9 C8 A- S' d1 A
      Raid is overhead. `9 h5 |$ Y5 m& N& V$ n  t0 M7 m/ Z2 R
No.136 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (14 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)& e5 F- ?/ a( C  [" Z
      14 plane(s) intercepting now.
' l9 k2 F7 e1 N, a      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000./ B' K3 V) R- D/ w
      Raid is overhead
: z- M  w0 l. U, H9 LNo.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (6 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 o; Q8 s$ d5 \* `( Z5 I5 X& X* y      6 plane(s) intercepting now.9 G1 w, Y5 T3 P7 j: Y: V3 ~# S' J
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
3 x, v, h0 y+ d4 j      Raid is overhead3 O% ]# I! s1 ]) Q; q5 s
No.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (13 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 y/ t2 H5 Y; K      13 plane(s) intercepting now.
; k. B: ^  I( O5 D5 c4 T      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
$ H; J. D- Q  g7 h7 _# G6 b      Raid is overhead
* P, _# C' S  `      13 planes vectored on to bombers % l/ C" B% \1 y3 K, ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ [1 ^- M$ u% ~4 q/ Z
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 - t6 W5 h% d# L0 R6 W! E
Weather in hex: Severe storms . o, D( I/ F% o2 C( @
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
: p' C' a- n, z5 |Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
# `$ e4 P9 W, a. EJapanese aircraft
  h/ `# [1 W% p( u/ }' @( K      A6M2 Zero x 105 C4 N' e) @2 U6 N7 X1 T" U$ U
      D3A1 Val x 11 ! F, [% z- E( S% [( ^6 Z
Allied aircraft
% l: h, T; }  @% N      H81-A3 x 11
+ _6 \" F/ p; h+ l/ N2 W# A2 ?      Hurricane IIa Trop x 138 f+ s9 Z% N( Z5 a4 ^
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 32+ [1 w7 D; s+ U/ l0 k) k
      P-39D Airacobra x 233 o  y2 U& @; ^8 u* r' E( U1 Z1 i
      P-40E Warhawk x 22 - V% X8 [# n5 D, e  t
Japanese aircraft losses
2 n6 }# h6 C! V* d      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
/ }) Y! L) h* j9 m' _      D3A1 Val: 7 destroyed
% E* ]8 ?$ ?, K2 [" _# ~Allied aircraft losses2 O9 G4 `) \, O& k( s/ P3 N
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
+ T1 i' M; x, m4 X-------------------------------------------------
6 x: @1 Q0 N5 n+ ?' b$ X6 G. CMorning Air attack on 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 81,43 , near Ankang
5 p7 p; A3 A% Q  B; @6 a8 NWeather in hex: Light rain
- R1 P0 X, y' B* \' sRaid spotted at 5 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
" N4 z6 N: u- w# X  s6 l5 }Estimated time to target is 1 minutes/ @  b; g& `4 N# {5 Y
Allied aircraft
; G+ V6 h% s$ c4 \& o; @9 _+ z( ]      A-29A Hudson x 7 . E+ f0 W- I! Y( I5 E; c5 P) E9 U
No Allied losses % q$ F( a6 ?! Y1 L3 Z
Japanese ground losses:3 [" u7 c4 h/ D' y2 _7 k3 T8 ~
      10 casualties reported5 u" |( I$ u0 J- t2 U
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled- e9 Q* b# u4 `
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 W) [( K4 J; I. G
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) f$ U3 i& }# p7 |" ZAircraft Attacking:
* D, g- |2 S) n9 ^' I' k+ t. f8 K       7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
+ \% }0 h) Z) b7 d: ]  W               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 1 T6 O& g# R9 d" d! q* a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `2 r# j9 R* B4 L- ?3 z
Morning Air attack on 6th Division, at 81,47 , near Patung * [6 g: `. F+ I/ _/ r+ \
Weather in hex: Clear sky
; H  v) ^% I, Y# F# @0 Z* N6 R8 ^Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
2 ^2 g4 `9 {0 Z% E/ D4 UEstimated time to target is 3 minutes 1 ]  L, @0 G8 l7 ^/ R. ]- {; [. P
Allied aircraft: `7 N6 z) T  K5 ~( X
      SB-III x 5
' T- ]- _; g: y" ]9 o( f, {: WNo Allied losses # i3 J  T2 i3 }
Aircraft Attacking:2 t* r3 H2 Y. D; T0 V; a/ F
       5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
1 N+ ~. E! l' X2 A: ?               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb 0 h  ^7 l; e4 l6 |8 O; k, X
----------------------------------------------------------------------- * r- k, W: X) o. k  L
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
* V$ M  Z( F6 L, {7 hJapanese Bombardment attack ) t. f; b5 l' K" x
Attacking force 59655 troops, 882 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 2336
1 [. L9 z7 n  l6 L, k! SDefending force 111577 troops, 643 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3260
% x. t7 E/ K9 H) l9 j! IJapanese ground losses:% T' Q. p' H5 L- T2 b
      29 casualties reported6 p" [9 i2 b+ G* ?7 q
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
: N% x% D7 W4 ^  @! i  x         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled7 [- C4 q4 ]7 H: P/ U; m$ o) O; \, w
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% P' e0 f( `, w% W$ ?$ FAllied ground losses:
; \* g* M& X, U! E- v      66 casualties reported
* C  {3 Z- M2 W2 |) N9 e3 G- V9 S" q         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled0 Y& M! w$ a- o& j  L
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled: }6 d# _$ {- }8 U/ R% K
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 b3 P9 S& R  W/ Q1 m----------------------------------------------------- ; G1 T  r7 |- n7 E& y
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91)
- W  y/ e1 M! a6 M$ @, \/ GJapanese Shock attack 9 b" {; Y  A6 G
Attacking force 3017 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 120
4 I4 m/ e4 A: MDefending force 1936 troops, 39 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 53
/ Z$ {( k$ ^2 p# P" oJapanese adjusted assault: 86  
1 A. h- E8 A3 S# RAllied adjusted defense: 52  , j5 g+ i) c" x1 |/ {% ~  v
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)  
/ ~; J7 J# ?. p: j: vJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
  P+ U4 ~& |" V/ G, g, sCombat modifiers0 ]( {; t- [9 b  o
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)
( A9 `; T, a9 I experience(-)
, C0 [2 k0 H0 ^4 b9 CAttacker: shock(+) + A1 p+ E+ c0 f- j( T* I, s
Japanese ground losses:6 t7 Q% Q1 h: s: w" X; k, s* Q5 f
      236 casualties reported4 |8 f5 T& ?% T+ O
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 25 disabled) _! F+ g7 K( A; x' _* A- g
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 ]% F! U8 y9 u. l' Y( j, J         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ U- d+ d/ k# B6 {0 d% T$ fAllied ground losses:$ Y+ V7 |3 o- u/ C. p$ V$ P
      147 casualties reported
) ]0 O+ {8 v0 k         Squads: 1 destroyed, 14 disabled
3 v/ a) i% q) `! D4 ]$ o' j         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled0 {$ x7 w: ~9 G6 t: w( C
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 N0 H+ M0 N3 e, C1 c. l; m      Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled) . G) C8 B* y- E. \' K& O
Assaulting units:9 H+ J4 |; H& c# J1 q" S9 r
    I./124th Infantry Battalion
' n# l# q" P4 X6 _    15th Naval Guard Unit
" p; C: l; j  X4 _0 p4 t  }    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  
; I$ B1 r$ i: O  m5 iDefending units:8 s7 T( I7 @- U
    VII KNIL Battalion
/ L% j3 o1 ?; p, d    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion8 [+ n( r" @' b! r& ]  x# I
    Tarakan Base Force 1 L; b  R' g# q! \
( V* |% k$ U9 V2 s! p/ K4 OGround combat at Tarakan (67,91)
/ W1 @/ P* n' _5 t8 c0 iAllied Bombardment attack 4 a) n7 ]$ \% C% C1 r" E* {% G" R
Attacking force 981 troops, 24 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 41
$ J" F3 c1 J8 A+ s( BDefending force 2828 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 101 , n7 h7 N9 i, U7 X
Assaulting units:) |! g) O4 E" ?2 f! X6 ?- l# S( ?3 I
    VII KNIL Battalion' h, K  I" K3 e* Z# g! ?
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion( \6 A- J' n: U9 Q) m
    Tarakan Base Force
( S8 V% L4 {) {Defending units:
  k1 E4 |* ^3 H1 m; D    15th Naval Guard Unit
& d$ Y  v0 F  s3 Q    I./124th Infantry Battalion
5 Q: r* F. j- t# B& Y# s* L$ n: v    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  
9 |  h" ~, [1 ~+ }6 ^) B8 s* W" s---------------------------------------
( {6 l3 w% ?% R$ ?( l& o; jGround combat at Sian (83,41) 4 g* @1 T% S2 C: Z2 a
Allied Shock attack
1 ?9 J) F' l. ~. F1 a1 jAttacking force 4578 troops, 61 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 60 1 z6 x/ \  ~1 q' c( W7 |7 J% r
Defending force 7390 troops, 26 guns, 196 vehicles, Assault Value = 165 ' b% D% a2 L' j1 d3 x1 n, y* r$ z6 h
Allied adjusted assault: 1  
% }6 b1 w) H; P/ U- ^! a0 BJapanese adjusted defense: 72  ) }& Z- x% {9 b! Q9 F! ?
Allied assault odds: 1 to 72 (fort level 2)  ! m; r4 I5 I* t5 @
Combat modifiers
$ i2 C' o' g7 a) @Defender: preparation(-), experience(-)$ E& ]# i6 E' \% I% F$ B4 s1 s
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-), supply(-)
% u  n4 ]( f* ^# I/ D) f- yJapanese ground losses:8 u. o) i  H1 e6 W7 `
      54 casualties reported
8 K& K( z; P( I' D& U         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
. W1 N# t2 L: v; G         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
8 K( ~2 K, _+ L         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 o/ Q, n% \& Y4 }4 `; TAllied ground losses:
& S" p: c8 s$ L; M      259 casualties reported0 y8 @) u8 j  m4 L7 k" |
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 35 disabled; _0 F. j( J/ n5 Y% n0 S
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled% O3 K9 p$ w7 }. U$ f  H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. d5 ?9 t- _- y' ^0 M! ~, _! K+ iAssaulting units:# M* K# y+ U0 R' ^- s
    35th Chinese Corps % i& w, X3 l/ X4 n  G
Defending units:9 E. R. \% j  W9 P; L# g( i) E
    102nd NCPC Route Brigade
& z: F# o' z: E, @; d0 {  l    23rd Tank Regiment6 S0 e  c! \6 G# {4 @# v9 _/ {
    15th RGC Temp. Division
* g- T+ c' O% r4 l0 D, f+ l    19th JNAF AF Unit ) U5 {9 x: W7 @% ^, z+ Y2 }) T! f1 A
    North China Area Army' C4 R7 o+ M) [% U
    69th JAAF AF Coy # C8 }+ `' j6 v6 d2 A* V) p. D
    68th JAAF AF Coy
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拿下新加坡后再以空袭压制仰光殊为不智,几条DD即可轻松搞定的事9 i3 F8 \) C3 l8 m# q
wangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-28 07:45
8 n6 }# ]) b5 w9 S) W
" ~, R' ?0 o8 Z4 P4 u仰光无法停靠BB,也就是CA这些大型舰只可能进港,
& D& l) t0 L' P  ?; P预计不久后盟军水面舰只将停靠仰光,与日军水面消耗。# @2 X  e, m( @
- e/ D; \# V5 Q1 F: y: r: Q9 J就看日军的决心了。
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 24, 427 m$ Q2 f2 ^! l' e: G$ @, A0 n! B+ T
  K% m+ F! O6 W/ Y7 m7 ?4条最小型的HDML 编成一组往东而去,估计是为了隐藏实力,KBn没有全力攻击( S6 \& i, \1 t3 }3 L+ ^
即便如此,侦查结果也从几天前的170+增加到270左右,看来以前的估计没错( z& o0 D; t( {5 D2 c4 S( C2 F6 a
: u2 X. R% r& L* ]判断是KB主力护航大型运输编队准备登陆爪哇,荷兰海军终于有活干了。
0 _' a3 c& C; |在肯达里附近,两个CL编队遭遇,双方各喷了对方几发炮弹,目前尚未有船只沉没% B* @2 e2 v$ u* d7 O* D  w( g
4 }. s3 S' j3 @( _! j日军从此地撤走了几百战力,看来日军已经开始转移进攻方向,国军也在相应转移。0 y$ p; w, h6 H: w
, P( q: K1 l. g& r  |" H. d7 \" Z
-------------------------------------------------------------" e( d& j: m7 e( }7 c
ASW attack near Singapore  at 49,85
( U8 {- F+ I1 [$ U# W5 t* gJapanese Ships
4 l4 O" v8 d  ]5 h2 C      SS I-122 " H  X  O, t+ Y  a! V
Allied Ships+ E! x6 g6 q- L
      CL Dragon
9 _* @3 d$ P1 r- l; s# P, ^      CL Danae
  o4 Y& ^- v4 r: G5 L7 M' O      DD Vampire/ M5 d) C* r4 |" }7 P! g
      DD Piet Hein' M$ u  F( z; N% u1 M
      DD Banckert" y* Y! m5 S. p, D1 e
3 p) ^( N, d; D  V, l! \Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84 , Z2 I; @/ Z/ N+ u5 M) f
Allied Ships
& U9 o% q( b' P( T4 J6 ~& ?      CL Durban, G7 s0 V; m% B$ u# x- L8 k
      CL Dragon
* X" p4 e. T1 x  Y      CL Danae0 ^$ m' ~( z$ d: e- A- F
      CL Sumatra6 l; I& T% ?. h4 {2 O
      DD Piet Hein) n2 k# ]) v: Q2 i% w
      DD Banckert, T% \; x4 ]) n" I3 ~; \8 }. Q
      DD Vendetta9 J9 g3 c, _  Q0 Z$ ?% C
      DD Vampire
6 v/ Y5 K3 ?7 u  ?2 F( r3 OJapanese ground losses:- Z: ^( d8 L" ~8 e' m9 z, n
      19 casualties reported4 t* a4 [# r: Z
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
1 h0 n$ |! s  H- z8 I1 @         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
* b; Z2 \' ]/ H% H  n         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) s$ m1 H3 L$ I0 \Airbase hits 5
* F& n9 |- V; k4 ]2 N. OAirbase supply hits 11 {" c. c; Z8 E, v" Z0 ?
Runway hits 22 8 C3 k* `6 F! l& ]
CL Durban firing at 38th Division
3 K1 V' T  p9 V/ o7 T1 [CL Dragon firing at Singapore
6 I$ C1 c  N% U6 Y, kCL Danae firing at 38th Division$ m2 v# Z( `  L; p
CL Sumatra firing at 5th Field Artillery Regiment
" v. q& T/ p9 uDD Piet Hein firing at Imperial Guards Division
* Y+ q: J% e3 D" ]1 }3 SDD Banckert firing at Singapore - M4 r# c' F7 _: n) Z* M. ]
DD Vendetta firing at Singapore
% ^* |! @% G2 B% pDD Vampire firing at Imperial Guards Division 8 P9 ]" X  T+ i/ }; y- i: B
( j+ ]% U1 s! B% s+ S9 w; aASW attack near Tandjoengpinang  at 50,86
5 Y* H; Z- ]" ~, E) c0 }, oJapanese Ships  B( A" U+ V% M) `
      SS I-122
* O. z; \; N4 {4 O9 }/ bAllied Ships
! l2 N  x+ g& ?9 ?! s      CL Dragon3 k5 L% T1 w6 {1 o; q5 L
      CL Danae
, U4 k9 e% ]$ J4 m9 f8 C: g      DD Vampire
/ ?, ^" x0 M  M  Z, S* j4 S- M( q      DD Piet Hein* ]9 s) R) y- e4 g' e3 a7 x
      DD Banckert
* G4 ]" ~3 q4 F. `  u% W-----------------------------------------------------------------
2 I. [: p, n# g- G. ~ASW attack near Singkep  at 50,88
5 Z5 D) n* v5 d3 MJapanese Ships
* Y/ q) T0 d" h; x& C      SS I-121
- l7 V% E' f+ L/ s% HAllied Ships" q+ Z6 @8 E! [, F+ O/ T& u
      CL Dragon3 A4 i- V- J$ x" }! t% M! O
      CL Danae. G: E; f( ?% |. }' B! W7 i
      DD Vampire  n9 R: ]0 r3 q2 e. x
      DD Piet Hein
0 W! a) N2 M* y9 @8 w# ]  Q      DD Banckert
- {$ o( t9 q! j  q' m" ?7 q---------------------------------------------------------------------) F$ [* Z  y/ x" O+ d4 Z4 d
Day Time Surface Combat, near Kendari at 70,106, Range 22,000 Yards & C+ _. c7 ^9 h/ Q# @: n' `9 T
Japanese Ships
/ N9 W  g. [- b) z; v, P      CL Yura, Shell hits 1
/ o9 z* L! g9 @& O% ~) C" L1 q      CL Oi, Shell hits 1
% [! k: U' t% r      DD Minekaze
5 U8 ~& \: G) r: u      DD Okikaze+ R$ `+ S% u' {2 f
      DD Akikaze, Shell hits 1$ Y* z# F! q$ S
      DD Shiokaze, Shell hits 1$ B" x" s* o9 {( r( A7 D6 Z
      DD Yakaze
- v% E0 M; i) X2 g5 a) @      DD Hokaze, Shell hits 1
" [* v, q" @9 `; @9 I+ a9 vAllied Ships2 H& e* [) v2 p8 z0 U+ z2 q
      CL Marblehead, Shell hits 1
+ `/ I6 @, f5 u% y      DD Bulmer, Shell hits 1,  on fire
! S1 J# N$ T% l+ T      DD John D. Edwards6 W1 h# o7 D" X1 `5 u8 ?" Q
      DD Paul Jones, Shell hits 1
2 h, \# t0 Z5 ~5 x3 ~! e      DD Peary, Shell hits 1,  on fire
3 C$ m: w  K& i% c      DD Pillsbury
3 H0 X' {0 r7 v  f  c% h% Z. WMaximum visibility in Clear Conditions: 30,000 yards
  W* p# @, k) l! z: l9 @$ ]CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 22,000 yards
/ a& b/ @1 W% {9 F) ?  Z/ YCONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 22,000 yards
5 ]( U- b! L! v7 L: Z1 r# `CL Marblehead engages CL Oi at 22,000 yards
, P! E" m1 M6 f* b. N) {Range closes to 17,000 yards6 b/ B4 B8 V: y9 Z* ~9 B6 K
CL Yura engages CL Marblehead at 17,000 yards
4 f$ ?* q% ^4 p$ _  e& A3 l; {0 XCL Yura engages CL Marblehead at 17,000 yards
' F( Q0 M' |! Y" Y& s/ V0 N5 uDD Pillsbury engages DD Shiokaze at 17,000 yards
2 g' P4 m. O0 XDD Akikaze engages DD Bulmer at 17,000 yards
* A+ n4 T' Y. N: D& H$ yDD Okikaze engages DD Pillsbury at 17,000 yards
5 v# A! O0 P; XDD Minekaze engages DD Pillsbury at 17,000 yards
0 i" ~/ W. k5 q& u4 k, NRange closes to 15,000 yards
( J/ p- `# ~! u) Y. U* }CL Oi engages CL Marblehead at 15,000 yards
( s3 i! p- l! s! B% h- a5 g8 `CL Yura engages CL Marblehead at 15,000 yards' F3 n" D+ l1 a7 W4 E& g1 V: e
DD Hokaze engages DD Pillsbury at 15,000 yards
  m- C+ |9 J& Q( SDD Minekaze engages DD Paul Jones at 15,000 yards
* I0 G3 ^6 A% h" p0 iDD Shiokaze engages DD John D. Edwards at 15,000 yards
3 a0 {, I2 f6 }3 [/ UDD Akikaze engages DD Pillsbury at 15,000 yards" @# v: e2 c3 Z. k. \
DD Minekaze engages DD Paul Jones at 15,000 yards
3 {/ i  l2 m) rRange closes to 12,000 yards& \5 O% p' z5 a. m# e- n
CL Yura engages CL Marblehead at 12,000 yards
- W6 x. k% s  M) p- {CL Yura engages CL Marblehead at 12,000 yards9 y3 }+ z: X5 y
DD Hokaze engages DD Bulmer at 12,000 yards
& I' t4 z1 Z: K1 z# Q- N3 FDD Akikaze engages DD Paul Jones at 12,000 yards* |* G% u5 e( @' U/ C
DD Minekaze engages DD John D. Edwards at 12,000 yards: J6 S4 _2 C( f
DD Bulmer engages DD Yakaze at 12,000 yards
0 j. X7 T+ v) x. B6 D4 U, U. KDD Okikaze engages DD Bulmer at 12,000 yards6 A, h7 z9 ]; W1 s
DD Minekaze engages DD Paul Jones at 12,000 yards+ [9 i) @8 ]1 C% y3 H. e# {
Range closes to 10,000 yards" b, Q0 V3 |( f' w! W6 P9 E0 R- }
CL Oi engages CL Marblehead at 10,000 yards
# _7 m& Y$ d7 ?. ?* a# ], UCL Marblehead engages CL Yura at 10,000 yards
4 @* H! ^4 T& i) t$ QDD Hokaze engages DD Peary at 10,000 yards
  A9 g7 M) c' f4 ~: ]" _/ QDD Yakaze engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards0 s9 i" F# G2 V7 _
DD Paul Jones engages DD Shiokaze at 10,000 yards2 U" \8 h3 m2 H0 T2 S
DD Bulmer engages DD Akikaze at 10,000 yards- q  K8 j* v6 W2 d3 _. i7 g
DD Pillsbury engages DD Okikaze at 10,000 yards
+ t( \! U9 f# R4 `- i5 P) EDD Minekaze engages DD Paul Jones at 10,000 yards% Y, }. H) j* L; ^- J' P
Range closes to 8,000 yards
4 n  n- y/ \) R( _  H$ J* t' ZCL Marblehead engages CL Yura at 8,000 yards0 b. |; E9 }( f
DD Pillsbury engages DD Shiokaze at 8,000 yards
& a! b6 O& Z, TDD Hokaze engages DD Pillsbury at 8,000 yards1 q5 D1 G0 k/ }1 P
DD Akikaze engages DD Paul Jones at 8,000 yards# k" x  \9 m. U
DD John D. Edwards engages DD Shiokaze at 8,000 yards
8 \- b4 N8 K, i2 s2 |1 ]' YDD Bulmer engages DD Akikaze at 8,000 yards
& l# {/ W6 Z  l5 W/ O7 F; rDD Paul Jones engages DD Okikaze at 8,000 yards- G5 y. M9 ?; |+ G% T! x1 Z
DD Bulmer engages DD Minekaze at 8,000 yards& W* h" R) v1 h% [: s" Y& ?  Z
Range increases to 14,000 yards7 M/ w0 s+ f8 J4 L8 r  \- z9 R
CL Oi engages CL Marblehead at 14,000 yards
* o5 n- A! i% b' c, _4 _CL Marblehead engages CL Yura at 14,000 yards6 L* I6 c6 W& T' L9 T: z8 ^1 }' K0 s; X
DD Hokaze engages DD Peary at 14,000 yards
/ z8 s+ O7 Y) N8 L5 ~DD Peary engages DD Yakaze at 14,000 yards, n' ]- u8 |) j7 H/ m$ L
DD Shiokaze engages DD Bulmer at 14,000 yards9 \9 D5 v1 p8 ?0 F( D. ]
DD Akikaze engages DD John D. Edwards at 14,000 yards$ Z2 E7 u6 x, J" J& a
DD Okikaze engages DD Peary at 14,000 yards# n% v4 _3 n5 K
DD Pillsbury engages DD Minekaze at 14,000 yards
( F( C# B5 w5 e0 WRange increases to 19,000 yards+ D2 p: h4 k! \9 r! i5 v% x2 K3 ]& t
CL Oi engages CL Marblehead at 19,000 yards* N; o5 }& F) g  a
CL Oi engages DD Pillsbury at 19,000 yards0 C: c/ t; F* R+ W2 [' |4 p
CL Marblehead engages DD Hokaze at 19,000 yards
! o* N. x+ J! ~" _5 l  ^  _" LCL Yura engages DD Paul Jones at 19,000 yards
, p2 U& d' t" }. x/ L* wCL Marblehead engages DD Shiokaze at 19,000 yards+ X0 i( O" S" w; |4 I: N
CL Marblehead engages DD Akikaze at 19,000 yards& I+ ~1 z  d( p  F8 r
CL Marblehead engages DD Okikaze at 19,000 yards
5 c4 }  j* O2 wCL Marblehead engages DD Minekaze at 19,000 yards2 ]) A7 v5 g3 B; X9 O' J
Range increases to 24,000 yards
. V, p% j( [# }* hCL Marblehead engages CL Oi at 24,000 yards
, q" K* c9 ~' f# ^CL Yura engages CL Marblehead at 24,000 yards. {% C0 ~  c6 R
CL Marblehead engages DD Hokaze at 24,000 yards
# u5 w/ ?+ |' Y; w0 m0 L2 e- y- d  XCL Marblehead engages DD Yakaze at 24,000 yards: a4 V( N# O" o- L6 k3 V0 s- N1 s. f/ n
CL Marblehead engages DD Shiokaze at 24,000 yards. k; c  D3 c+ O  y! g
CL Marblehead engages DD Minekaze at 24,000 yards0 y1 b8 G$ S# I2 o
Task forces break off...9 ]  A* i! W, V
4 ^" X; M. Q# MMorning Air attack on 9th Division, at 81,43 , near Ankang
' d) @5 A' I; KWeather in hex: Heavy rain
6 f5 ^; s) x3 u( a& m/ V. o. ]8 xRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.5 M% e# _# _( ^& }$ S( e4 O; {
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes - h6 Q  f' I& }! z. N
Allied aircraft
7 V% k1 j* k* Y      A-29A Hudson x 8 , u, k' z4 X+ M& y
No Allied losses
1 W  Q* Z. }+ y8 gAircraft Attacking:
; H' ~9 c) p% a8 q       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet8 }: c9 H- R- w# O
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
3 m$ ]) X- @. D$ E+ o- h( J------------------------------------------------------------
( D/ a" b; X6 b3 s: B4 J  \Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Kuching at 58,88
4 V8 u1 I4 I5 a$ X0 Y7 |Weather in hex: Severe storms
: P& [2 q- b5 X4 ]! r- V. lRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
5 {1 Y% ]& o# X" H$ k+ U( DEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
% c* o# I7 t7 _4 m/ Y+ eJapanese aircraft6 }' ]) P/ v/ t( d: G9 c
      A6M2 Zero x 35
( O" d  d8 e! `7 `- B/ i) r' {      D3A1 Val x 17 ( ]! m' t! b- b$ j4 Y$ z5 Z3 r
Japanese aircraft losses
; b( D/ P8 o9 D      D3A1 Val: 2 damaged + K0 n( l4 c! R) `# k5 X
Allied Ships9 r7 I6 B* n% S7 ~
      HDML 1096, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk5 I* k9 l3 @+ a# h9 b4 \
      HDML 1062, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk% h" `' r( Q& H9 c6 Y. ?
      HDML 1063, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
! R6 B& N% s, d& R/ ~& h8 ~Aircraft Attacking:
% @$ A0 k5 G: H3 M, x" ^$ V       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
' _+ y1 v5 P1 h               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
# ~8 K: Z5 u1 B6 |* p( M& b       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
. [8 c; W  T* R               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
) \* j, X. X9 [3 {$ N, c9 c+ v       9 x D3A1 Val releasing from 10000'
8 X' R& _$ B+ Z! M! U               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
) O/ b) E4 w6 E. l: H-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 S5 n; B5 ]. Z& J5 G8 K$ h
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) ( ~: F0 ]) s, Z, T& w! x9 {! Z
Japanese Bombardment attack
+ d: p, f$ m2 D/ E: fAttacking force 59655 troops, 882 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 1958
+ K  \; {0 k9 kDefending force 111648 troops, 643 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3271 2 d5 V6 q8 q9 G5 a6 s6 I
Japanese ground losses:
& u( k# N3 J7 Q; L9 Z, Y, p      50 casualties reported5 n7 E4 f* A4 _/ a7 g
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled) y$ `: P4 X5 L+ p, Y  P5 b# D0 @
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- z9 C- |  ^( Y& \3 t  V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled $ ^8 {% }/ V, r# D0 B
Allied ground losses:
' D% \+ X+ [7 e; K1 ~      98 casualties reported
) v4 W8 \2 [3 |: m' u& K; @         Squads: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
# o" M: R% ?4 \# u+ I+ T         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
4 F: h2 a6 l% M, X3 k         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ ^2 A5 ~( D0 G! \5 \Assaulting units:
: c: J% o( h+ }, a  [    19th Division
2 C- J$ s5 I: z' y! J- _    34th Division
6 p8 L+ x  B) y, D4 `    3rd Tank Regiment
! j, m" X/ i( x; i    24th Division' Z. \' C' Y+ s' [# `+ [. c. w
    13th Division
* q+ z) T2 _! B    13th Tank Regiment  G8 H, O- g4 {" y  S$ g4 a+ s4 N
    138th Infantry Regiment6 o, D$ m, B% b" s- b: g! N! v1 t) J
    5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" [- O% W) e4 Z6 ^- z: c    20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
' W- \  }5 Q0 f; R$ M    3rd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
9 F  `# b! B2 f5 B. ]    7th RF Gun Battalion
! f% R1 e6 s7 ]7 d( n2 i" Z! _    4th RF Gun Battalion( {+ [2 \$ `, ^$ F' x7 w
    7th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
3 {: [- \- K& ?/ K( z% G    4th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
7 V* N# C- @$ x" W! X0 B9 h    10th Mortar Battalion: D8 _  C( ^/ [2 _/ U6 J
    11th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
$ a' r8 |0 r4 m' E, @    12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
, r" c" _( b8 L* _3 p    4th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
1 M( d5 W! L) J6 O8 A    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
4 X- I( |$ j+ \  G    6th RF Gun Battalion
' r! r) z8 `5 X" g+ t+ y8 ^. o  L  U    15th Medium Field Artillery Regiment* q" x1 y$ q1 B, V1 a# w/ `
    2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment- c) l3 h3 S/ B& H! L5 a# ?6 x
    3rd RF Gun Battalion0 Q: G* U) U! n/ \
    Botanko Hvy Gun Regiment1 H+ n# S+ i/ T7 {' l) n
    10th Mortar Battalion 2 C0 g  E7 d! d. ~; R! ]7 H/ Q
Defending units:
/ t; z9 W& I3 w. ^) C1 I' C    90th Chinese Corps
/ r3 j8 d! y4 A1 A, Y& T* \# P& e    19th Chinese Corps
+ i" w% Q8 [, I/ W    92nd Chinese Corps
  E/ m1 }1 e* d' s# z! O; ~1 |, v    12th Chinese Corps
, m) i$ b. ^0 W" o" F. h! ~% ?( i    23rd Chinese Corps
1 X* G: n. J, p1 }    41st Chinese Corps
: l, R# G* v$ n9 E; o+ T    8th Route Army 6 l6 o  c- }' g5 K$ o
    55th Chinese Corps
! L. ?4 Y; T7 x5 {    1st Construction Regiment
& `1 m! {. y$ N/ ~4 Z  @    85th Chinese Corps
1 y. w5 g* U! t' |! x+ V    13th Chinese Corps
2 z; Y) ^' s+ `% `2 N% @    4th Chinese Cavalry Corps; I9 M* _, D0 X* o
    33rd Chinese Corps! P' t5 y! P4 m0 I/ \1 C0 T. k
    29th Chinese Corps. x% U0 o8 p: h% p: ?6 Z
    77th Chinese Corps
1 o+ x2 o9 b1 Y) z. B+ `* X    30th Chinese Corps, D2 S% O& h. u( v' T5 I7 r, Z
    3rd Construction Regiment3 h/ Z' ]3 M5 t) H: T# b
    34th Chinese Corps: O& t4 U8 a/ q* V6 ?
    2nd Construction Regiment9 S2 c; m' H3 s" T0 u
    42nd Chinese Corps% e! c$ P' y! y
    7th Construction Regiment
, O1 {% }, x- ]9 w) u    4th Construction Regiment
6 v- O4 n4 j1 a    3rd Group Army% |  \. H: T4 w% g! x. C4 S
    5th War Area $ V" d( M/ G8 ^2 l0 w: g! n
    31st Group Army- p9 I! r3 Q& }
    2nd Group Army3 ?: W/ |. a0 w$ L4 y% U8 y( M* f
    7th Group Army
5 b; W/ i5 g; _; t, E4 _    22nd Group Army5 Y4 W- V; M3 g3 U
    18th Group Army9 K% b0 H3 L! y; p4 S' U
    2nd War Area / X# k/ ?# `; K' v* i# ~
    6th Group Army( r$ N8 |( d+ _' z( S
    4th Chinese Base Force 1 x. a+ l: r1 K( o- I
) F( g. R+ p0 r. dGround combat at Tarakan (67,91) % k  w  q2 z8 j7 N' J8 `, `
Japanese Shock attack
8 d2 h8 ^" E4 ]0 r7 G2 j6 IAttacking force 2875 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 106 . d9 H/ T- g  ~1 Q. T$ z5 \
Defending force 1806 troops, 38 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 41 4 u6 m3 i% B& ?$ {
Japanese adjusted assault: 72  
0 s4 H( ]7 R6 t! U/ F! fAllied adjusted defense: 76  
( l- x: |/ ~& C- {+ i* kJapanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 1)  + t1 E  Y" V& y' g4 _. y) y7 W( T
Combat modifiers" }) B5 f' `1 E5 u1 V* K
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), fatigue(-), experience(-)! p' p. O. {8 d6 v1 V0 b4 f& @$ O; A" y
Attacker: shock(+), fatigue(-)
. S1 F; q4 A* f, ?; C, @' jJapanese ground losses:5 z1 c- p* h5 O" u) V6 N
      196 casualties reported
( u" }4 @% W* m0 M. V$ [         Squads: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled
# a  v9 u& R0 \6 H  G         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled5 _- d' w, {* e/ U
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  U! o% T4 v  b% G" zAllied ground losses:
9 b' T% Z5 n1 e& i/ t$ t      99 casualties reported
2 g, r; F" m8 m5 h4 ~         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled' c& U+ o4 W3 u2 g  Z( [
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled
: O) a! ]& J# a% T0 L1 ~         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled + m) ^$ g7 M5 f5 Q& a
Assaulting units:4 N  J8 Q* s& L6 X. A* |& J) H
    15th Naval Guard Unit7 C2 D( B5 X% F1 q4 A
    I./124th Infantry Battalion
# r5 u( D# t6 j7 O0 K) N    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  
, d" v% I6 x9 O& kDefending units:" c) x) O( _+ ^6 E$ e
    VII KNIL Battalion
( s  m$ R$ |  Y  i6 t9 V" N5 e    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
4 E9 r0 S# v2 @# h    Tarakan Base Force + Q2 d& f9 M* y8 C9 W0 ^- m1 N. J
-----------------------------------' F5 A% `& J) y" x5 V
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91)
0 ~& O7 d; K' vAllied Bombardment attack 1 e) ~* }' {3 B1 Y: j9 \: k2 l
Attacking force 958 troops, 24 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 37
% i$ s. C/ x, {Defending force 2728 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 927 m$ s% h( b' `2 o) R0 Y
Assaulting units:- |1 g. F, j6 i! S4 d
    VII KNIL Battalion
" U8 }& m3 `" K' \7 `    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
/ L! }8 f+ ]9 c9 i9 ~1 P" m9 k    Tarakan Base Force
: r; f* }9 W& ?. p* r1 vDefending units:8 \3 {4 ]/ Z( k; D
    15th Naval Guard Unit
. V# o0 I8 b- D2 D    I./124th Infantry Battalion# j2 Z) d2 X5 C2 w, e$ [! f
    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy
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7 W3 ^: u$ a9 X( l: r% `  |# q( A" Y0 Q6 {, z3 v
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 25, 420 b+ C$ O( P/ \6 x8 i* P
7 p. P  V/ @+ t; B# z由于被日军多次击溃,实力已经不到1/3,而投胎后可以免费得到1/3实力,决定主动投胎' s' C4 q: \  X
其中22军投胎成功,35军尚在努力当中。 # y2 m% g( a. l4 x
, T0 ?5 d6 ]1 b% m' Z2 S又击沉了几艘运输船。不过kb没有按预想的路线去新加坡而是靠近了巨港,; D) h8 e) b# X( T3 I/ h. p
当地一队正在运补给的xakl船队被KB屠杀,只有一只小船幸免,4 O8 Z1 ]6 h- j3 i# O
0 l) K8 ?" \4 t; G4 X$ I3 R7 O, [2 `. C. g8 h
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! A$ B- G3 T5 l' K9 ~
Pre-Invasion action off Tarakan (67,91)
5 f- L: B: o$ C' x3 t- A2 T8 fDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force0 ~* x8 `" e, q% D' m: ^
38 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
9 p1 \; {6 N8 e$ @3 {2 wJapanese Ships
9 u% Z6 k& N/ h- n: M9 Q9 @* D0 E      xAK Tacoma Maru, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires
- i' C) I% `' B, z, K1 a4 C0 x# b      DMS W-16
4 b* `" `& F0 s+ ~4 ~3 i      DMS W-152 U; A4 g$ T! z' N  C
      xAK Daido Maru, Shell hits 2,  on fire5 |+ _# _1 |- @
      xAK Hino Maru #3 . k4 d. r) `, ?! j( {
Japanese ground losses:
% s) M0 ^* @$ U" D      21 casualties reported
) O" E8 J- q8 Z8 \4 K         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled6 T6 D5 G# q4 ^9 I6 x, y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% n! o5 v; N- {& u5 s
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, h+ q5 \5 L" t7 u, G------------------------------------------------------------
- o2 p/ a- W8 v* EAmphibious Assault at Tarakan (67,91) - g6 V4 j% Y3 {& X
TF 5 troops unloading over beach at Tarakan, 67,91 0 p1 g+ f! P3 r  v. H' @
Japanese ground losses:2 T& U0 W* X' \
      32 casualties reported
4 m& m( M$ B! ^/ Q* j         Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
" [% Z9 `, e# c% h- H+ l         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ m: S3 q8 @3 l' T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled - K+ e& g8 }6 s+ E) F
17 troops of a SNLF Squad lost from landing craft during unload of Kure 3rd SNLF7 x+ O. a  t# f6 y
17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of Kure 3rd SNLF /39 5 c1 M6 y% \% c
/ r; {* D! M6 e% U% Y; n+ E) \Invasion Support action off Tarakan (67,91)
# V. j0 K# h! WDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
7 {7 P2 i+ L6 q: ^& N( c" Q20 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
2 r- o9 a6 r/ W8 J# F* b: TJapanese Ships
& a* t( l$ @' u, P, z0 ]# ^! O% w: L      xAK Tacoma Maru, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
/ d( D: `( j8 C) n- w; c      DMS W-15
, F% ^0 y" @7 n: s      xAK Daido Maru, Shell hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage- a, T& k2 `1 }' D5 e2 z7 `
      xAK Nissan Maru, Shell hits 1
! Q, y8 q! K$ @' c! _, t* l      DMS W-16
2 ]! }. \1 `1 L- P  M4 E      xAK Hino Maru #3; P+ y/ i3 E1 l& x8 @, w1 z6 |
2 `6 _+ H* K2 \. }# ]9 u5 d' ]Morning Air attack on Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion, at 67,91 (Tarakan)
1 O( a; c  x; B6 M5 ^4 N3 Z6 l# @Weather in hex: Heavy cloud 4 M5 A4 \1 n4 `; y
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.! K) {# R& U4 Q! `& r$ k$ Q
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 2 p: D; Z3 O/ ~" ^9 k8 Q7 Y; i
Japanese aircraft1 o0 O6 `; A% M9 E! I- P
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12
# b/ k# ~# S6 y3 F% ]: v8 `- j      Ki-27b Nate x 7
. h# W5 L; ?* pNo Japanese losses # K2 d& e' y$ }0 d9 s# r
Allied ground losses:
' W6 A# i- R# Q2 c# ?+ |& R* V1 B! l      37 casualties reported+ W4 t! H# `& C
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 G' s4 H. x6 z; K7 u) P2 j         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled! G  o+ w- I* l$ D& {
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled # X, G/ l( ~8 F4 X# ~, V2 F
Aircraft Attacking:( O$ _% d1 }3 B1 J6 D
      12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet *
) X7 b1 b$ q) B               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
/ u4 b4 M( D3 T------------------------------------------------------------------1 l6 d" R* J" }
Morning Air attack on 9th Division, at 81,43 , near Ankang & y( l7 p0 q  Y3 e
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
5 v0 I1 ^/ O. }& qRaid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
1 o9 T, e" u: n* q$ xEstimated time to target is 2 minutes
$ L: g: X7 M1 f, [) R  K( L; L/ BAllied aircraft
+ ]0 C4 J. I: U& z      A-29A Hudson x 8 - a& l8 N& o$ Q* j4 F
No Allied losses # f; q' F: u+ b% h6 d4 K
Aircraft Attacking:* F, c$ w7 p8 e2 s( f8 W) H
       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
& B( g) a4 E! W% E% P1 ^+ G               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
* ]+ e! C! k4 K- L, [6 x! V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. Z/ I1 z1 `8 B6 ?  Q& [Morning Air attack on 6th Division, at 81,47 , near Patung 0 G) U/ n) m  G# {! b% i" u  p
Weather in hex: Light rain # ]& Q) J" a2 F" e+ Z$ U. H; g- t
Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
% M, v4 x) H0 u0 l! }; ^5 _7 z3 hEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
7 r# X& H" P( g9 [5 aAllied aircraft- O+ Z* a% `* J
      SB-III x 5 9 u/ t$ Z1 D1 g/ r, X. ]
No Allied losses 5 }! v& H% C4 v# h$ v
Aircraft Attacking:
. I2 Q6 `4 r$ ^1 q# O       5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
2 A( @1 x9 T; |% _8 v% h# ^+ c) a+ ]               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
+ x2 y; ~; W( H6 a  U5 {* \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) |1 S* ~# Q% K/ O0 A/ _Morning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 / w1 v8 m- Y' l' X
Weather in hex: Clear sky
0 L5 p2 T( }/ e" [! `; jRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.2 h2 ~, P% ]1 X& R
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
- g* O) Z7 n& ^0 \Japanese aircraft
% K2 a0 t) e5 s2 h! q' i0 m) I' G      A6M2 Zero x 56
( d8 o8 P1 C7 u: Q4 h2 Z      B5N2 Kate x 641 ^  i/ {+ r! C; q7 W
      D3A1 Val x 40
/ w, d* x5 l0 J0 q8 D- UJapanese aircraft losses
$ `/ d" z3 l1 n      B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged; Z2 {3 S2 `/ e! x: ~
      D3A1 Val: 4 damaged 4 z$ M5 E- R" r$ K1 r/ s
Allied Ships8 \. F2 }7 Y2 E: H: q
      xAKL Benkalis, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
- M9 ?) N  @6 L; M" h2 k      xAKL Buijskes, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk; }+ N# v# V& j* k
      xAKL Sigli, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
. M7 M  P. @  P5 V3 f7 o- R  F7 ]) v      xAKL Siaoe, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires7 _/ {0 n4 A- g0 f# C
      xAKL Sibolga, Bomb hits 6, and is sunk
, U( `3 Y: Y) x* \& L      xAKL Lematang, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
8 G9 o' a8 P+ C( n# A/ n- E      xAKL Sinabang, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk* @. Y. f% j; e: W
      xAKL Belawan, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk! A5 A$ _7 t, i* V- D- O: k6 l
      xAKL De Klerk, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk8 i! s4 P; J7 n- v
      xAKL Bust, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
8 V2 J2 i4 |) H# s- r      xAKL Beatrice, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
0 f# J8 ^! c- y: P! f/ m      xAKL Lepus, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
: I  E% ~6 G& l) L0 z6 Y% V0 }$ Y      xAKL Boelongan, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
6 q: ?7 x% a6 U1 O      xAKL Siberoet, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk2 n9 H( i$ i* g# a) h
      AM Abraham Crijnssen, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk0 n( O2 ?' a1 l4 t
      AM Eland Dubois, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk2 |6 T: a  ?( y' {0 U4 j
      xAKL Duijmar van Twist, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
7 n1 {( R. X) K8 w2 E5 p6 `      xAKL Meroendoeng, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage" k' A2 U$ V) ]  i! l; ?1 Q& J
      xAKL Lee Sang, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage$ P9 B  X4 c- P
      xAKL Ipoh 0 f7 v0 h% I1 C6 F" L, p0 v
Aircraft Attacking:7 X% w1 i  J4 O& H) y% t  [1 n$ \$ I
       8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000', {* @. k/ A$ B; w7 @0 D$ G3 h& v, ]! K
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb- p( k" Y: N- ?7 W7 x0 s
      13 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet) L' y( R: X1 D% }
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo# ^& Q6 Z* T1 I
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'6 t3 S- a. @* T1 s& G
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
( F$ u5 C4 b' R  c       9 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
! \$ F- y# o4 Z! O# ?+ x               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
8 [1 q! L/ B' D  F9 w1 i       8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
5 I5 S; v8 j. N: o               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
$ }% ~0 U& i& M  i3 W      17 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
) F, o2 g# ^+ ?/ s               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
( n0 w9 Y+ l) J9 O       6 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'# K$ ?0 C+ l- G- F% r; Q
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb6 G4 G+ j: Y& Y6 F0 g, g% y; H& L
      25 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
: B7 e0 n' v- ?, b- [; y! L               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
) u* V1 N+ {% Y( M4 g; u. v       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'' s- g# p: T* s& ^: c
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb) m$ G" P& Y: c2 m
       5 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
+ U/ }3 ~' G3 |1 K5 ]5 X3 F0 r               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb1 Y2 l+ R2 w2 C  s
       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
/ m6 |) v6 D; P# Y               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb6 j  z) \! x. `: p" J7 U& \
       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000', X! q1 P1 H0 p7 A( f
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
7 \1 q4 k, ^- E       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
' ^: P; i$ Q+ L# q               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb / p/ ]7 c0 ?& O2 ~4 M* t
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Benkalis
9 q# A( H1 A# i9 u5 SHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Sibolga9 [! j" m. X6 Y0 ]. m+ ], ?/ Z
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Meroendoeng
. Y7 a# g2 F2 c: g; ?' EHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Lee Sang
" k5 I' ?' G2 Q$ o) z0 eHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Siaoe
$ |( @5 q: i, F5 V0 l---------------------------------------------------------------
7 ~( n5 x3 ]# {* f! O% G, h# QAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 8 [5 |! X$ @& O9 D8 ]) x
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
" u; x! S; }4 c" d6 s  ~Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.  W8 s2 f! R: I
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes 4 Y& T3 P+ ^9 @$ i! e
Japanese aircraft
) |" P7 K/ X1 O0 N( k      A6M2 Zero x 35
% `! R' n; F  c' {6 c! l      D3A1 Val x 17
) _" Z2 k7 t4 G" O0 t% A; uJapanese aircraft losses
+ j% Z4 n; }4 n3 w" ]! {. M) C( f( {      D3A1 Val: 2 damaged ! C; x/ s; Y, _/ s8 g8 o
Allied Ships
+ v3 G' O" f5 K      xAKL Ipoh, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk) ?' k  A( N* ?. e+ a
      xAKL Legazpi, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage' e+ b6 W4 {2 h" J6 i, W
      xAKL Lepus,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
( |- w4 `8 E, |7 o5 k4 ]      xAKL De Haan, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk8 d. h1 F8 A0 c7 |9 J, u6 U
      xAKL Lee Sang, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
+ X5 o; T2 w: J/ W4 M1 \Aircraft Attacking:
7 y8 @: M/ |0 T0 C+ O       8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'* @7 Z! W9 L: V1 g6 @0 i
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb3 |& |  w9 ~! f8 K; g8 s  j8 L
       8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'" _; D" v7 O) u* g$ h* o% Y8 b9 Y$ v
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb; |5 j: g3 p7 E( U7 [  \0 L" h1 {
       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'; }  g+ Q! p$ i: u
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb " a& U3 E# B, N( Y5 n/ h, g
- q  p2 E3 c* t- i! z6 ^8 cInvasion Support action off Tarakan (67,91)4 j+ l6 o% A& T
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
4 u9 X$ d0 ~/ y& R5 r0 O* r2 X10 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 1 G' Z0 o0 x. M) {3 M" S
Japanese Ships
# B. w! f: ~! ^8 O+ o' j. a7 }4 h      xAK Hino Maru #3, Shell hits 1,  on fire2 u; l. p5 c/ r7 j: U! I9 ^) H
      DMS W-16
' x' E7 k/ D  _# _0 Z  g0 u      DMS W-15
# x3 S: E; |; T, A4 _75mm CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Hino Maru #3 at 7,000 yards
! a$ d3 D* `% o6 \: ZDMS W-16 fired at enemy troops
# I" Y* C1 c" b& m. {DMS W-15 fired at enemy troops
! {. U: z3 @; i' h: m4 y-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 o+ @) n: P( Y* z( W' G+ j! }$ |
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
0 o3 p' b" R* L. a( i! U; u5 B) tJapanese Bombardment attack , u' ?1 @$ z$ M6 s! I9 v* z7 {
Attacking force 59733 troops, 882 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 1963
& u8 L7 C/ j$ QDefending force 111749 troops, 643 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3273
, ]* X3 X) ?6 R% CJapanese ground losses:
# E0 F. E) ?1 s0 a2 S6 l      25 casualties reported$ F/ m% H& Y  x0 k1 w4 @
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
: Y* |# V0 [; Q7 L' m8 d; z         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ U. N9 r& s6 y# d' \5 R
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled ! n" ~' P( M  P* T* i) f6 q
Allied ground losses:# h8 }2 S& t7 d& ~3 `- \
      135 casualties reported
) J% R# Y6 z& l: |; K+ K         Squads: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled  R; r# m" O2 Y/ ]. u
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 P3 m6 e2 ]! Y: e- Z8 n         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
- u& Q: c- e: r, ^/ t0 SAssaulting units:
6 W) X( x' q3 h( s- h3 H, k; m    34th Division$ A+ Z. j0 E- H& g
    19th Division, \" d9 N: O* k) ~: a2 T
    3rd Tank Regiment
8 `' I3 d3 A6 t7 z$ L    24th Division
  t; s% o: p$ r9 h. h7 p    13th Division# n" n; @, C+ a8 P& x6 G2 }
    13th Tank Regiment
+ T4 m/ ?' \0 V& J8 R    138th Infantry Regiment( T% w& `3 n( B# f5 j$ O
    2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
$ B, |- z  s. \' W5 R/ t8 |    5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment, N4 m2 E# ~+ d
    7th Medium Field Artillery Regiment  Y7 ^( o1 @) g7 e8 O( F
    11th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion$ c! Q2 s5 Z( _9 G: U7 D6 Y5 n5 s, A
    7th RF Gun Battalion5 p, T/ h! N$ S& Y
    4th RF Gun Battalion; t9 R" r# v  y! l; X
    12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
. ~/ B0 c5 K( Y    3rd RF Gun Battalion; v- B) b5 ~9 Y% R2 q
    6th RF Gun Battalion  `/ s% W, i. q5 w8 o% J
    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment% R4 g  f' p4 L- l2 c7 L" ]
    10th Mortar Battalion
4 _8 w2 Z8 _, `! g' z  b    4th Medium Field Artillery Regiment. p5 @6 Z9 i" z1 O' N
    4th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
0 L. W, I7 L+ W. t/ S    Botanko Hvy Gun Regiment, ^4 g6 e5 o. Q7 C- F0 S% J# n
    3rd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
! [$ n9 b& A+ M4 E: I    15th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
5 z0 m7 V8 B2 N" Y0 O" q' N1 q: O    20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment3 E! S) i( K) p1 J9 T0 B5 a' c
    10th Mortar Battalion
/ F+ L7 l  Q. K' [6 |0 D( XDefending units:
- x% C: @& F- P1 i) D" X; {* {    3rd Construction Regiment
" F6 g7 q: I$ j1 d7 y    41st Chinese Corps
- ?! k0 |& N$ {( H8 `2 T" P* l    12th Chinese Corps8 X6 w8 u. A0 Y; {
    33rd Chinese Corps6 L. v. h& A* o6 P, ?
    23rd Chinese Corps' w: R0 ^3 n+ E- v+ ]) w
    85th Chinese Corps. K; E$ e: t+ F5 \, }  z0 q
    19th Chinese Corps/ A/ {$ P" w4 T/ C) L1 v
    92nd Chinese Corps# R# h5 {% Q) F# m
    1st Construction Regiment, K' Y( f' y) K- M5 M$ g
    90th Chinese Corps
, {2 E. s% d- K8 t% {    55th Chinese Corps
+ {6 K0 n8 K" z: H    4th Chinese Cavalry Corps
: i% S& D' T, R. ^    7th Construction Regiment' w1 u  t9 k* o- ~
    13th Chinese Corps
* i0 r: e3 P' n" X/ q    30th Chinese Corps
; M% N9 [- g: @4 m0 C4 a9 i    42nd Chinese Corps
5 X3 m* i& ]+ t; @: r# T    8th Route Army
3 A  g) [! W* D  F    77th Chinese Corps  L! C  _7 c) k5 G3 C  n6 W
    29th Chinese Corps
" j, q5 H8 i# l! e    34th Chinese Corps" ~  _0 E' o  R& U! C5 n- j; A( I
    2nd Construction Regiment
; @% Q8 t1 T" v! C+ z/ H0 s$ t    4th Construction Regiment5 ^' m4 K6 l+ z. Y4 O
    18th Group Army
& O2 \) {4 V% y% l& s( L+ E    7th Group Army
9 h9 S+ J4 u  z2 w+ P    2nd Group Army
" {1 k5 p! d& p) B. K    31st Group Army: v+ }4 v" Y% `6 Z
    22nd Group Army9 `3 I% @5 Y! U6 w6 f
    6th Group Army
3 W; A6 m* a- m" S5 S( @' h    2nd War Area 6 L4 V( J- Q2 {7 A
    5th War Area % P" _0 o$ _: N# Z
    3rd Group Army
8 G& {1 {5 l% f0 N" H2 S: x5 |( _    4th Chinese Base Force   c0 H' I* m4 Y
: P$ N1 v/ B* t7 {3 t( H" t4 F- pGround combat at 82,39 (near Sian) 6 {4 E: T. j/ X" r4 o$ ^
Japanese Shock attack " ]5 g% B4 ?# s, X- m- B
Attacking force 25689 troops, 270 guns, 132 vehicles, Assault Value = 908
* n. i# }# I( G  a1 |% ]. @Defending force 599 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16 ; d9 o' j$ O' X: b" Q: p7 [
Japanese adjusted assault: 1278  
" f# o2 V5 w% _) VAllied adjusted defense: 1  ; b+ V$ E+ k! v8 U
Japanese assault odds: 1278 to 1  " K6 i/ m4 u7 `( c: U0 n* d
Combat modifiers
2 B, W; t9 P0 @( s. r; M$ fDefender: terrain(+); G% G1 q6 s9 D6 n( U
Attacker: shock(+)
, P4 P8 H+ l/ s1 e* [; A3 Q+ ?% BJapanese ground losses:/ l: }) a1 b( X
      23 casualties reported
9 r# E1 [6 [0 p* w8 b# a$ H         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
3 r# \- }6 M3 G5 P# C  t  O% z         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; V2 h$ K0 k$ p         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 8 ~3 Y, m! t4 J' _- G
Allied ground losses:
  C. a$ e! `3 D$ M      778 casualties reported
6 B6 \4 ~* f" U9 S5 g6 B. q* n         Squads: 36 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ ]6 C% U' Q3 k8 O6 [         Non Combat: 35 destroyed, 0 disabled/ C7 _  G0 t8 G6 ]6 j
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& K$ t+ A. l; l" g# b
      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
9 b" r6 V! }& m' R  _4 m      Units destroyed 1; c( q/ X3 p1 n0 P) ?% Z
Assaulting units:  n5 J7 b. S% u8 |3 F
    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
+ l% @5 u: `9 g' V/ Z/ e    37th Division# @' N# L6 a# Z3 @+ h$ f; F1 h6 P
    9th Ind.Mixed Brigade4 z% K+ \+ ^. E9 J# @9 A1 R7 E
    7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion" N+ n/ _$ t3 \4 F8 R4 ~
    1st Army* d' s; J7 I- c! v9 S9 k$ E
    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment2 p: x0 K3 J4 t5 u8 v
    1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5 f& p( u* D/ g" C4 \    11th Field Artillery Regiment
0 F0 a6 n* x5 XDefending units:
1 A. }" C' Z4 p  e    22nd Chinese Corps / A4 f! a+ R9 [. c
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * W& @' ~4 j! F4 ^% t, `4 z
Ground combat at Sian (83,41)
+ k. l7 r7 P% M3 hJapanese Shock attack 9 D- r5 r, ]/ I; T* u, Y4 p" U3 ]
Attacking force 8893 troops, 54 guns, 116 vehicles, Assault Value = 371
, [- N: G; h, JDefending force 4385 troops, 61 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 37
& H9 `, d! a* F% v  D5 WJapanese adjusted assault: 361  & [+ h% [: L/ T
Allied adjusted defense: 8  ' `1 o2 @8 c5 u( O
Japanese assault odds: 45 to 1  : ~" [' b- m  c
Combat modifiers
( t5 q. c* ^$ N* @9 ]$ |1 vDefender: leaders(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)7 N& C0 k+ u" s4 ?: p( }
4 c  B( T) F$ [Attacker: shock(+) % p1 S  B7 @$ u4 Q/ ?+ P
Japanese ground losses:4 E; A. N: a9 R- ]9 C
      146 casualties reported0 W6 L0 ^8 o  W" ^% z' {% t" V
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
1 m; i. {3 U+ G/ q         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled0 d5 ~: ?# b: s: f3 u0 L3 K2 N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, b" J/ E) R0 [1 Y) d1 N1 n3 t6 v* SAllied ground losses:+ |; i! y4 \1 L/ K
      2146 casualties reported9 t$ P9 Y8 u1 X" l
         Squads: 154 destroyed, 0 disabled+ \- I" i0 C" K! J+ Q
         Non Combat: 84 destroyed, 0 disabled
" u/ W6 {5 v0 m4 w8 B. X         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 6 disabled
8 z- d% x" I* ]3 m/ P      Guns lost 53 (19 destroyed, 34 disabled)! X% R+ ?3 c8 d* }" R
      Units retreated 1 / g. J* R) y6 F0 g) _! q) G+ n" \
Defeated Allied Units Retreating! - j1 o$ y' t! m# R" y- F5 V
Assaulting units:
$ c: x! f6 c4 q) e7 W    102nd NCPC Route Brigade, F+ k( w3 x$ B; Q6 y+ \, L
    4th Ind.Mixed Brigade/ A. y+ u3 v  a, [: D( M4 e
    23rd Tank Regiment" T  W, R; V0 X$ q' t! q0 s
    15th RGC Temp. Division9 V$ Z9 K& r, {+ `) E1 V: H
    North China Area Army
+ ~, ~& z% P1 w$ F7 [$ `9 y, e    19th JNAF AF Unit
" k: l# P  @$ [  F6 W. m, M1 T1 B    69th JAAF AF Coy 0 W+ T! L% n2 _7 X) G
    68th JAAF AF Coy  : x% I1 \' K/ {9 m
Defending units:
* Q$ i& f% k) u3 O$ a+ ?    35th Chinese Corps # \$ J' y) ?9 W3 C
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 k( N9 ~9 M& K4 y( Q, k
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91)
5 u( Z5 r! D  r+ ]) N7 |2 s( @3 t+ h7 YAllied Bombardment attack
; ~7 m, e8 h5 X( b6 x- l' D4 MAttacking force 918 troops, 24 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 37
$ Y3 F& Z, f1 W9 k- }Defending force 4232 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 154 % k2 W$ s* L3 J' z
Assaulting units:
$ l5 c# q) U. W9 ^    VII KNIL Battalion( B* R: S6 H1 Y3 G) J+ j3 L
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
* L3 L% l4 q8 a$ F    Tarakan Base Force
6 U0 p( J( \6 r# c. ADefending units:
4 u) R2 W, T# t& J1 @    I./124th Infantry Battalion
/ Y/ A' Q6 F9 Y; y! F" z    Kure 3rd SNLF
. ]( k4 A: e0 F# G    15th Naval Guard Unit( s0 s& {$ E4 g. |
    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy
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+ d$ |' m1 F0 m2 l- J3 H" |, o2 |新加坡起飞的陆海航联合攻击巨港,港内避难的xakl(上回合幸存的)去和海底的伙伴汇合了
$ }1 Y4 O3 _5 E2 Q+ b! i# vKB突进到爪哇,估计想抓巨港逃跑的荷兰舰队,或引诱荷兰空军出击,有实力就是任性啊
- l9 f- d0 b7 I3 m' B4 \4 ~$ ?' n为了守卫附近小岛,盟军等待多时的PT编队正在做决死突击,可惜与kb擦肩而过,停在了相邻格
% |; L2 J7 X3 \2 l头一次和明星KB这么近距离接触,PT编队表示很激动啊,不知道啥时候能摸到明星: R6 A  T1 r& ?4 [* a( ^
爪哇附近这些小岛林立的地方,非常适合水面舰队打游击,也适合SS搞围剿,- z" w# e3 D, ^# z8 c$ e5 L
6 l6 Q# B- {$ o2 Q& B当天一个cl编队突击了巴里巴班附近的三马林达,全歼了一小型运输编队,可惜部队未上船。( U5 b  P2 j, [  |' Z7 u
9 Q; G0 \8 Q# n/ t: u7 q- M- l
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# [" T+ [6 A+ }/ ]
ASW attack near Tandjoengpinang  at 50,86
( X7 S0 V9 M$ u9 t" P6 eJapanese Ships- Y8 M  V2 k- R( m* n4 F8 V/ m/ X  l1 N- f
      SS I-122, hits 3 - U% c. b5 f. i: R; p; d1 J
Allied Ships6 ?% F& E$ I. J6 B2 ?2 C
      CL Danae  K) f+ ]+ [6 ~- a$ t6 O
      DD Vampire5 j* }: z: w1 l: A: K
      DD Piet Hein
. h% ~5 p6 ]  b9 A3 [( K4 x      DD Banckert/ w2 N4 T; J  X) }% m+ Z) B
---------------------------------------------------------------  ^% Q2 G6 W! I  b. N6 b
Night Time Surface Combat, near Samarinda at 65,96, Range 9,000 Yards
% k9 d: _) c# e' ?* _7 y+ |9 hJapanese Ships
; n" P8 }& h& E3 m7 h) {' B, ]3 j      PB Tokuho Maru #5, Shell hits 6, and is sunk9 c3 E. P$ M& a8 a5 L) z# i0 @
      PB Hakkai Maru, Shell hits 26, and is sunk
1 _/ g& z9 S' k! ~6 N      xAK Tasmania Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
; G/ D) m7 t- M/ |5 D      xAK Tateisi Maru, Shell hits 22, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk 6 R! }' b5 {4 a, Y) `
Allied Ships
3 n  A3 N  `9 j$ O  Y  G      CL Marblehead, Shell hits 2" N; K  g9 i  m- `% l: y5 ^3 x
      DD Bulmer& G7 K5 ?- H/ i1 g0 Y6 b
      DD John D. Edwards. T3 Q  b, j' I, a- O, q5 p
      DD Pillsbury
) @" Z! e7 N1 d-------------------------------------------------------------------3 f0 L+ M/ J  Y" |9 m, P: _& B
Amphibious Assault at Lolobato (79,102) / F$ t3 M7 F, P+ M
TF 105 troops unloading over beach at Lolobato, 79,102 6 O, |2 I# v+ |3 i( S
Japanese ground losses:) G: x8 W  s9 N
      20 casualties reported
: B* F+ j# ]5 @1 [         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled/ I- L- x5 m7 h2 _2 c/ d$ j" R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! V/ \: R5 V6 k2 L6 ?' t5 z* ^1 y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ' g6 w+ u( D4 L/ o; n$ a
17 troops of a SNLF Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 8th Indpt SNLF Coy  $ `  V8 ~- i4 s, q8 h) s4 J
% `( y' C. ]% n3 y2 pMorning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
3 Q- K) n+ \5 \: S0 Y/ pWeather in hex: Clear sky - h5 i6 k& U3 Q/ ^/ C( z
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
/ J3 C. i" [" Y) ?4 NEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
- }6 u* ]0 \5 |2 PJapanese aircraft
9 y- ?$ z3 {  p      A6M2 Zero x 613 a# }$ d1 V- L. J. U7 }, U
      G3M2 Nell x 22
; o# v' C2 Q1 ?2 Q      G4M1 Betty x 16
3 ?9 }2 o; s4 P, b3 D9 F3 ~1 bJapanese aircraft losses
7 L3 K  R$ T* \3 Z. r1 _: L      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged' T0 Q7 E4 C" q4 ?5 X0 k, i
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak " z1 k2 Z- S+ H) f7 y
Port hits 10
9 _! q/ y8 L; t0 H5 oPort fuel hits 65 v/ Z. [  F: c6 |" V
Port supply hits 2
% \+ }; F( L. p% B% R1 C9 RAircraft Attacking:" D0 X+ B$ }; z
       9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
& B8 }& L& R  p+ ~- G, }' }# O6 ~               Port Attack:  1 x 800 kg AP Bomb/ C  c! y- P! j# }6 B  N" v9 Q' |
      22 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
7 |5 Q: }" S: h" G               Port Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
" g/ g( W0 x: |8 ]       6 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
+ |/ h- `; X2 `/ m7 d1 _) N# j2 V7 f               Port Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb+ m1 f. {4 \& _; r7 C7 W0 S
7 N" r( {. E- R1 U( F' E; mMorning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
) @$ L8 c0 {! c( v8 `Weather in hex: Clear sky / o$ _$ n0 a7 V% c
Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
( d( |+ Y, V+ c  dEstimated time to target is 4 minutes 6 d% t; |- A# P! ], K
Japanese aircraft: K+ H" R5 J: Q- w1 T
      A6M2 Zero x 24
- i) n3 s% q8 c6 P! i. x' F      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21   g5 M( W4 f; c- R
Japanese aircraft losses% _6 Q3 I; D7 {. S5 [
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged 9 B  f" ?8 E& j+ |
Allied Ships
9 b; K$ k! y( k7 S6 B      xAKL Silindoeng, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage * y* w3 d. F' |1 s
Port hits 7) A6 R. W* L. B9 W1 ]
Port fuel hits 1; O3 a7 @! `( ^7 }. B. K, M
Port supply hits 1
+ }, Z2 _* y4 |4 \  u9 N( J( N! ?--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 I7 a6 c0 F3 u' F5 R+ aMorning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  / D* w& j- `( E4 e( u& ^) j
Weather in hex: Clear sky
0 e; N8 h4 u, y9 w+ _7 u1 FRaid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
; w; @+ e5 l; [1 Z( c3 k, C7 N8 T. YEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
: m5 G" B' `0 t( UJapanese aircraft
! C* p; ~/ e7 T0 s, c4 e      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 8
3 T1 [/ }. R) M1 VJapanese aircraft losses0 O) ^0 Z# b( _9 G9 A6 R" `3 _  e
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
( L, S" W- q2 e1 H4 o0 Z* kAllied Ships2 d# T. c; q$ t6 {. m+ q
      xAKL Silindoeng, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk ) m3 Q& v" }! e& v6 c& ?/ Z
Aircraft Attacking:
$ z5 U9 K; J1 M6 q4 ~       8 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
) k/ Z1 d; l% E0 T( i               Port Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
7 Q8 g5 U2 J2 W3 G0 @7 O9 ^------------------------------------------------------------------
% M) T8 w; q, L0 \- P0 jGround combat at Ankang (82,42) ) i4 L0 N1 ?& K- f' c2 P
Japanese Bombardment attack / c& w/ B( m, p) G7 z' X. e# O
Attacking force 59801 troops, 882 guns, 456 vehicles, Assault Value = 1968
% r  {# d( y! Q( ^- D9 _1 XDefending force 111823 troops, 643 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3277
* C  j5 ]1 D2 t1 a% H: ]$ i7 }Japanese ground losses:4 L% Z4 o3 k/ O: l% `/ y9 `8 _
      20 casualties reported
) q( R0 D+ ~4 t) s: t3 O         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
& s# S- o% D# X  f4 j7 }1 e         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& X; r. _- Q- v! \* A
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 8 m7 S- F2 b' @' g+ w
Allied ground losses:- h3 b( z, ?8 y! `; b. o# K* u( {
      45 casualties reported, a- ~5 X* y3 [( J7 o
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
9 c: S& L4 R. Y6 U; l5 x         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* z4 j+ r' {$ p: G' l& X         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
. [' I/ ]6 x6 g------------------------------------------------------------
1 ^7 \: Z$ Z) n7 ^4 |8 ~: t. Q2 iGround combat at Tarakan (67,91) . M2 U* U8 c% @
Allied Bombardment attack % j( d! c4 P" v
Attacking force 913 troops, 24 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 37
. K1 o( t8 I7 h4 LDefending force 4358 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 167
0 W5 K/ f2 e. hAllied ground losses:# B+ w, A: H+ i( G7 w
      15 casualties reported
: h: E4 F- ]& N7 ]" i; d         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
0 s( X0 E4 p0 K$ W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled0 \* J! F: i2 O# k( u
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ( i* @( i+ ]7 @7 p9 v  r# G% n" I( \
Assaulting units:
$ u8 X& x* z! D6 F0 Y- \    VII KNIL Battalion
) X" Y. k& M% x* m7 z3 \    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
" M% Q+ {7 }  k+ n: S6 ]    Tarakan Base Force 0 C! f! ]4 t* c2 o
Defending units:
* B" f1 w: A3 h    Kure 3rd SNLF
0 H  ^8 _0 a: C+ q7 j* w    I./124th Infantry Battalion
; q5 Z: @/ U4 Q. D    15th Naval Guard Unit
) d5 q% e8 c  Q  X: q( n7 o  x    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 27, 429 e& v8 }4 U7 g! ?6 w& V0 y
大陆战场日军开始用轰炸消耗补给了,所幸仰光附近又停靠了2个补给编队带了13w左右的补给: J" K+ Q( Z2 ^; ~
仰光港正在没日没夜的卸船,这一切都被日军看在眼里,日军却无动于衷,连零战都不来扫场了+ F3 s' p3 N; p0 e: I8 z  c) K% `
盟军也乐见其成,双方用眼神在战斗 ! c' P; p, s& x, ]7 v
4 I3 i7 |  q  _4 w8 c' i8 r仅用一天时间,就将ss铺得到处都是,可惜没有一个撞上KB
( _1 t" Q" t- T+ H5 x! @  Q" A, ^
' S/ l- H! ?3 HMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
7 |, T; ]5 F+ e" @Weather in hex: Partial cloud 5 x( A3 `( b! D. p1 Y( j8 w2 N- |+ T
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.; v; h2 e/ O8 m! P
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes / C7 n* q$ _0 S& Z: ~6 J
Japanese aircraft8 ^4 v! S+ u7 ]" H+ }# O
      Ki-32 Mary x 24
7 X- C+ _" t8 A6 Z, T      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 33
" ^; r: E# M, V  l: y4 C. j      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 3
6 h5 j; F6 R$ @% K2 VNo Japanese losses
1 W" V' g3 K: B6 R+ L/ cAllied ground losses:
( ~$ E/ j( |; n      5 casualties reported
0 H- r# N1 T9 E) b         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 t5 g/ k, v6 x$ c0 B         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
! I4 Y3 Q. B$ K, S% a0 l9 I         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled , q( m! ~" H+ u9 f
Airbase hits 1/ C* p' a: i, D6 r2 w) ~. R
Airbase supply hits 1
: d9 v# ^7 C6 g/ \9 K: g- [Runway hits 3! S2 `. s* f  D/ Z
----------------------------------------------------------/ [* a! U- H! ]! x( S. c+ p. Y
Morning Air attack on Chihkiang , at 78,50  
; V% O  @, S8 w6 I( T* f& h4 p; H# iWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
+ Y& c* C% s) D8 ~, Y6 y% Q$ E- W, L) qRaid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.# V0 ?# i3 n8 c9 Y
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
- @# v; C+ N9 A. ]7 eJapanese aircraft* P4 \6 `, h# @) E; p1 F$ Z
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 6- I/ x# M1 R, W4 M# F' F
      Ki-51 Sonia x 17 + A# z" U* U2 b' o! D/ Q
Japanese aircraft losses' {: a1 d$ L% y) _  I8 D
      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged
/ T; Z* l) `7 A, p5 X* O$ D5 kAircraft Attacking:
8 [/ [* k2 A6 E3 I      17 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet * ; q$ V2 \, G8 _5 _/ f1 V; {/ `
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
+ s, q4 G5 r5 R" R7 q. x--------------------------------------------------------------------
  b: V# v- W* C$ ]" \Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
/ u! h3 P7 N' j' N0 h9 U) ZJapanese Bombardment attack 7 I0 A" b5 x  f9 I
Attacking force 60552 troops, 947 guns, 482 vehicles, Assault Value = 1976 8 G+ {" A/ `* m+ B4 _
Defending force 92667 troops, 567 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2512 - W% Q0 i' y. [
Japanese ground losses:  Y* F8 z; V. c+ `3 p3 U. {. c& L
      20 casualties reported
5 M5 G' X" r9 d2 J         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled7 b$ }3 ~; }2 j8 C7 ?) P* L
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
& f' B: b' x4 ~9 H; o" G         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 2 t  I5 V1 g- B, K; d# O
Allied ground losses:
2 z# n: N! y' O, L) I, n      136 casualties reported: R: L+ |$ W" l# B% @% R: I$ R
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 11 disabled5 A; F5 \+ ?* y. V/ C( L
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
. F  J4 p- x9 `+ ^- T2 X         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
9 H3 t. W/ E; d8 p0 ^. h-------------------------------------------------------
) U; y7 V# L) E2 ~7 U2 o& oGround combat at 84,40 (near Sian)
, p7 l( x  z! y# p! fJapanese Shock attack
+ `6 W( |+ V/ B; o; S1 jAttacking force 5856 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 211 9 y& F' ^5 Z% y/ }5 ?/ N
Defending force 2434 troops, 44 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4 ! I3 O& z) \1 [1 }! G
Japanese adjusted assault: 372  
5 K* h! M$ I. k9 {Allied adjusted defense: 6  
  W: k2 z0 W3 d3 z0 X8 T9 fJapanese assault odds: 62 to 1  
) i+ V0 ?$ Y! R6 z/ Z% H$ GCombat modifiers
4 t4 h1 e7 Q' A4 f7 ?% DDefender: op mode(-), leaders(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
; n" k: P. c1 }9 o experience(-)
1 h! j3 M6 p, x9 g: {: DAttacker: shock(+)
* v: [; {$ l! e, t2 _' F$ K4 mJapanese ground losses:& z- F3 f- o+ K# \) }7 k% h( ~" [
      14 casualties reported4 E  [& {. S1 z- g) e& r9 z
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
' ~' A1 }$ k2 a* W  ]5 J! I% }         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% q7 ?  Q! W8 K         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled . l" x+ r* v4 R; I) F  \& w9 S4 i% f5 X
Allied ground losses:% W% x$ q% K! A3 I/ ]
      1013 casualties reported2 k" i) b* l2 G0 ^" t# S
         Squads: 33 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 S' \$ r, c1 F0 w1 B1 ]+ K         Non Combat: 80 destroyed, 0 disabled8 o* C4 Z6 C# @; Z( K9 e* S0 z
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled. S8 f$ `: @: @5 E1 O) v
      Guns lost 11 (11 destroyed, 0 disabled)6 z5 g8 k' N' o" D* K
      Units retreated 1 7 I2 i9 T9 w' [; X
Defeated Allied Units Retreating! ; Y% ^+ |/ z" C& x" h1 C
Assaulting units:' p+ m) n2 ]' G1 q, |2 c
    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade 3 R1 s; m( Y! l
Defending units:
; R8 Z0 U7 K7 y) C% H    35th Chinese Corps) A$ Y8 d& K* U
1 W! C7 j3 a4 F9 r+ G! G4 P$ |Ground combat at Lolobato (79,102)
5 K/ m1 |& s) T  `& M8 @% eJapanese Shock attack , m% [/ p3 R" J# R! y' n/ q4 }
Attacking force 342 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16
- V  U" b( F7 B( m( M- CDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 8 X; L( [0 }- A. e. t
Japanese adjusted assault: 9  
4 N, h; b2 O0 V) M+ k9 ]8 SAllied adjusted defense: 1  3 g8 f8 i/ q# ?$ L& c+ A8 v
Japanese assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 0)  + L9 Z4 K$ \- V/ I
Japanese forces CAPTURE Lolobato !!! ; {7 p, N$ \1 n) x. l( |6 w9 h# F
Combat modifiers
* M; V( \: O1 s- W# M5 _& W) O7 i$ ^$ PAttacker: shock(+), leaders(-)
( d. W* q" H+ x! Q/ @5 I' k4 wAssaulting units:+ s! @1 H1 z* |3 S& ]8 |
    8th Indpt SNLF Coy
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 28, 427 T5 Z- B: `; a2 m+ p& j
/ L! T- C; y5 z" ^kb就这么消失了
5 w* X# ^( A+ r2 X+ @: u大陆日军在乱扔炸弹,顺便侦查各地国军守备,这样国军的布防日军看得清楚了0 V5 v+ Z. `* U* ]' U) p
& u2 U/ j$ H/ E1 R在完成开局拖延日军追击的脚步后,现阶段任务就是各地侦查,( \& `" w+ C8 z/ |
: i3 e0 W! }- i: F  q美军还增援了一个编制为13的F4侦查编队,侦查半径极远,如果北太开放可以取道苏联进驻大陆
$ H7 E9 H; e% t) d: N由于本档不开放,正在想办法转移进大陆,机队所用飞机F4尚未量产,转场损失一个就少一个,# b) D3 W# q1 P* e

& k3 G$ f% ]: i$ i4 [. V- K! i几艘荷兰cl在凯恩斯附近被日军陆攻发现了,所幸未受伤。
0 R3 b; p  W3 B  C& u, r& t达拉根日军再次突击,荷兰陆军表现神勇,居然挡住了这一轮突击。
2 u  m* @# W) I: c0 ^6 V2 T
) s$ l9 L+ V0 _& H0 a" ?/ V7 h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 c) g: ?5 S* e: @
ASW attack near Muntok  at 52,89 2 V- Y: c1 g  E8 v2 ]/ B- V/ y" i) h
Japanese Ships
  Q1 M- \/ M2 E      DD Hibiki7 L2 l8 P& p3 r. ~0 k
      DD Shirakumo
7 u+ q$ t0 V- S6 o% ^* T      DD Shinonome
8 q3 t3 i& K8 e4 F7 W2 [Allied Ships
! m, K1 h  b/ B  i3 K  {      SS Sargo, hits 75 E3 G8 K  Q2 t# f
---------------------------------------------------------------: l& v& n4 V! y! p- r8 M0 ~
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  6 s2 q) w0 E/ O' s# P
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
$ C, h" W( f( A+ e+ Y; SRaid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
. y) b& }2 ^0 c7 G# q0 nEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
$ }" S( B9 Z3 i' RJapanese aircraft
+ c" p4 [/ P$ n      Ki-32 Mary x 24
* v9 E+ `2 g" b% c% P( X      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 16
0 q+ U" I2 u. e, b. g: T      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 3
4 x8 M2 t2 y  e  b5 AJapanese aircraft losses1 q2 `% N" N) @7 w, s
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged ' I% a5 M# z' B* B8 z$ L- E
Allied ground losses:. p& h0 T+ k5 B" v5 `! _! ^
      5 casualties reported
9 f! T8 S: k0 r& M0 H         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, M2 b; O; r2 z% L; ^% u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled! N! }, n$ _) M& F! g0 [% n& N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 7 w# G0 C8 D/ N5 W$ `# r, w
Airbase hits 1- e; G$ S8 p; A8 F+ Z3 z
Airbase supply hits 2- C! L0 y: t/ v  Q3 ~/ U- p
Runway hits 9
! S  M8 G& X) H% e+ H---------------------------------------------------------
  }, ?/ ]: D1 Z9 p' LMorning Air attack on Chihkiang , at 78,50  
# D9 F9 R! }6 O6 {4 B. w* qWeather in hex: Severe storms
! e; U  D+ |& M" vRaid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
9 `$ A" D9 H8 C; W0 K/ D; |, L' AEstimated time to target is 11 minutes + s$ n- z) c# ]/ w& ~! a0 T
Japanese aircraft
+ V: [4 C7 g0 }" y( [0 d: x: ]. v      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 6: L4 x, T. q% |- H# l! Q
      Ki-51 Sonia x 17 & x* v8 [- C4 ?" `( f' o: y" r5 I) F# |
Japanese aircraft losses: Q7 o! N; J( `- P/ t# X6 r, b- L
      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged . J: n$ _& ]- l$ `! e
Airbase hits 21 W: P7 L' ^2 }* y2 z# `8 U
Runway hits 33 q$ b, S" {+ `# l! m* F% q
; o. a0 b* ?5 J! s) n9 DMorning Air attack on Tuyun , at 74,51  
/ ?7 C2 ]. l3 m2 e, XWeather in hex: Severe storms
* J0 F& X1 V4 m+ t; URaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
) x3 p$ j( I3 A$ HEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
% D+ w& j$ N3 K- b. @0 j( L+ ~Japanese aircraft
3 j( n; L3 K' u; ^( G      Ki-36 Ida x 19
" ~( K2 l" z/ N, Q  TNo Japanese losses 5 C, u3 h) Q" e% B  Q' P
Airbase hits 3* T# s: e4 _: l* b
Airbase supply hits 48 W! [  Q) |( m7 M- k- z4 I
Runway hits 15! p) J* d9 c( k
7 X" d2 O3 x" U: O5 y3 k+ dMorning Air attack on 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 81,43 , near Ankang & A+ J8 ?$ p8 ^4 Q  ^& c* s
Weather in hex: Partial cloud - s4 c0 f# ?. q3 T
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.2 p- b2 {7 e0 f6 I9 l$ R
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes * M: q% j4 [/ N
Allied aircraft5 }6 U6 D+ v. D% }2 Z, `  p  j
      A-29A Hudson x 8
( v1 N& o* N  y6 v5 QNo Allied losses
/ I; T8 T& K4 {- f- K" lAircraft Attacking:: r& `! H4 p0 S1 m) \. |
       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
8 [. {- g6 U% X$ y4 j               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb, |/ _! Z( x) k
5 H4 w  Y$ c9 LAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Cairns at 93,139 ! ?3 N2 z7 {( l) e0 ?
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
# D# \" {$ o( {Raid spotted at 8 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
2 N/ `8 q# J% M2 j8 [- N0 GEstimated time to target is 2 minutes 8 O; i( q' m" t' _# z( Z
Japanese aircraft1 B0 {  i1 O1 k% s! d. }$ W
      G4M1 Betty x 12
* }. b' o2 k5 @; v  U/ w* K; ZJapanese aircraft losses; p1 u' r) Y" F0 }( P, c+ A
      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged , _% M7 H! Y" \1 n1 r* u
Allied Ships
% x! f+ u6 K+ W! K. x' w      CL Java
1 B3 B2 a# N2 h* h5 V- x# W- ~( ?7 C      CL Tromp 5 o7 `9 j7 S0 @# ?4 b
Aircraft Attacking:
7 z8 q; e. H% _1 R) `$ x& d      12 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet" H( ?3 s( i' h3 e/ b' [. d1 I, `" A
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb ; U% {3 J1 v- O2 q: x' n( p
- I' m; R+ c! u- m* }Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cairns at 93,139 ; w& G$ ^8 }% Z$ J# F# \9 P
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
" ?* y# o2 Q& x) }. ^, ?: w+ |Raid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.3 ]) c* L2 [* y$ L
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
+ K5 l! a- I. R3 \6 b/ `! RJapanese aircraft
9 x* z1 h: _# d' |3 }      G3M2 Nell x 7 - P* n8 t3 F' P8 l4 k1 M9 q0 S+ G
Japanese aircraft losses
' H: h; ~1 @" X. m* t9 t' ]      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
% [, l, y+ s: M" H) S$ ?Allied Ships
* ?5 i) ]9 e3 j! Z. A      DD Witte de With
+ v7 W* f2 c; g! v      CL De Ruyter
8 y% T3 Q% n9 H) x8 `/ m4 o( I3 H4 rAircraft Attacking:
2 V2 d5 o9 a) u$ m       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet% O8 E! L/ ~% I. _1 V3 S! U
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb 1 U/ ?9 P! F/ h% s
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! `* S4 Q3 O( n9 O2 [( d- s
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) 1 r+ @5 p5 }  {8 J
Japanese Bombardment attack 6 e' n; ^2 `* e- J
Attacking force 60588 troops, 947 guns, 482 vehicles, Assault Value = 1980
% d8 f7 j1 O  X( i. r  BDefending force 84674 troops, 529 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2246 , `! j7 @: ]% q# X; ]4 ^' s
Japanese ground losses:& m, j) C. c3 m$ p0 _
      25 casualties reported
3 `- h3 d. s% a2 H% u  {         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
  y3 f) u' e  u" }         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ E6 {; Z5 }+ M  l6 ~  Y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# @0 H7 x( w' ?  \      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled) " A( E" z) B+ S4 {: b: s# n" |
Allied ground losses:2 J" u1 A8 `: Y! O6 h% e
      154 casualties reported
4 v. f5 {8 K; q2 Z9 G         Squads: 1 destroyed, 14 disabled8 h8 R4 o2 H! n5 k6 K! L1 T$ w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
9 t( E4 }' M! [( k1 [; ]         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, V8 ]; Q4 Y5 f7 n. U* t      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
5 F2 E4 e; ]% y-------------------------------------------------- 7 U) a$ M4 @0 f2 b; b
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91) " y3 a1 p+ d& z$ o5 i7 m, u
Japanese Shock attack 1 f! c# o" n1 y7 M% D# n9 n: F% h) q. _
Attacking force 4517 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 181 - k6 O! M& p6 e% G  r
Defending force 1704 troops, 38 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 38
; k9 K) z. ]- B/ P! C$ Z, N: XJapanese adjusted assault: 116  
9 W& o5 @8 Z' g4 ~Allied adjusted defense: 85  ! W" C6 }) r2 @9 o7 O9 a$ B
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1)  
6 S2 L- s+ @4 P1 M) zJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
0 A% [" X$ u- V! s) W. rCombat modifiers2 ^. X& }& N$ g2 D! Z. e+ F
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), morale(-), experience(-)
  N4 p" B) y+ F2 _Attacker: shock(+)
# P0 V9 o1 P, Q0 \Japanese ground losses:' r8 z. B) ~7 ]5 T6 g4 w
      170 casualties reported; a3 l  a. [& f9 X1 x% k$ z% m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled& X0 G" D- O( N9 J9 L
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( h- Y, N5 {! ?3 ?6 O! `* e& z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ( \0 ^& d$ @  |* \
Allied ground losses:
1 N- \3 g* K2 W) f( p      205 casualties reported& U$ U/ Q1 \) m7 B3 |) d
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
( J; X8 ^1 V6 z3 Z! S0 M         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled2 o. J) f- F' `1 l0 ^: f; ]2 c8 Y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled + I; Q; d1 U& U+ B; T* f3 Y7 U
Assaulting units:" N8 m% T* o! G; T, O9 m
    I./124th Infantry Battalion
0 Y" p+ |( @, K" @/ [" b    15th Naval Guard Unit* A; U( i% M/ w/ E
    Kure 3rd SNLF: ]! ^, K- O% v5 p0 V" y0 K
    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  
+ }# R9 x/ X( B+ j% M7 i( J& ~Defending units:
0 k6 U* n& @" O; L' v% P    VII KNIL Battalion
0 P2 ]6 _, I# y) ~% U, y6 `' B    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
1 S0 _4 E  V2 Q    Tarakan Base Force / j* Z0 |# G2 \. j+ o8 x
----------------------------------------------------------------! j. ^7 a, s$ L: }' b: q4 w/ l
Ground combat at Gorontalo (72,99)   E8 q3 Y$ ~7 v* P3 W2 c& ]) |
Japanese Deliberate attack $ L' y* ?4 r7 s4 K$ X7 Z# a
Attacking force 1529 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 62 7 z  l1 ~) H5 k6 K  X, s+ a% W; }# V
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
3 R, P+ w: @" Y$ ~- \% |Japanese adjusted assault: 29  
$ J' n) V( j7 d' E9 j3 a* s1 \5 TAllied adjusted defense: 1  
- p5 T7 M$ u' D, H+ T# TJapanese assault odds: 29 to 1 (fort level 0)  
4 f) P# ]* B+ l3 f8 HJapanese forces CAPTURE Gorontalo !!!
  ~. o& M1 X8 X! z. hCombat modifiers( A, M9 c# p/ C9 K1 Y8 t
Attacker: leaders(-) * D' z9 V( _& X; e2 p  m
Assaulting units:
! v# K3 N1 H. _8 H; S) p: j    Maizuru 2nd SNLF
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 01, 42- d! z* A# E+ y/ \0 M& Y8 g
莫港附近巡逻的荷兰舰队继续引来陆攻围观,依然毫发无损,却不小心进了舰攻的9格打击极限" p$ ?, N' i7 E4 v  ]' a0 _
  p+ R) J) H4 m# U重头戏来了:kb突然穿越巽他海峡,出现在了爪哇以西,还护送了一个登陆编队* n) _3 }4 s/ P4 d2 C$ \4 j
看来昨天KB根本没走远,是侦察机出现失误了,孔雀港的水雷也没有响,5 J6 E; j" g& T! |* e# l$ D- M9 J
/ V' c# K& D% C' f8 |; s- x. W+ _# S8 ?$ m
# w  ?2 Q2 [; T9 N* p5 @9 |8 p: FPre-Invasion action off Singkawang (56,88)
9 D1 Q& p7 p$ C  T( ]3 D' O8 c11 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
0 i2 t' _  y) y+ N( N: f8 q, RJapanese Ships
8 x' q" K* a( H" ]8 F$ M      PB Naruto Maru #3
' P7 a* z8 k8 I, j$ y" n      PB Nako Maru #2% U7 ~1 s* [3 ]) M
      PB Sozan Maru0 r2 }- b& [, w
      PB Eifuku Maru1 j  r) |  Q+ \- k+ c2 N
      xAP Hakozaki Maru
; o& Z% k1 L" F6 i---------------------------------------------------------
4 E: h& i- t6 {" `2 |! EAmphibious Assault at Singkawang (56,88) 1 j* P, k; X' Y' O" Q6 G
TF 134 troops unloading over beach at Singkawang, 56,88
. N2 F1 @2 H0 `5 _. XJapanese ground losses:
' ^; X) n* I7 ]5 U) J& K1 {      Guns lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)
3 v. b" H: k0 m      Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
% A8 O" g$ i* H7 E+ rMotorized Support dropped into water during unload of 12th JAAF Base Force /1  V, D# n2 ?0 N+ N9 J; s) q
75mm T94 Mtn Gun accidentally lost during unload of 18th Mtn Gun Rgt
! e3 v2 w( q3 E& x, s& @Motorized Support lost from landing craft during unload of 12th JAAF Base Force: W/ }# A) M8 u
81mm Mortar lost in surf during unload of 3rd Mortar Bn
( i3 T. B7 a4 A2 ]# U% |, {10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 3rd Mortar Bn
5 b5 \3 j. B  X81mm Mortar damaged beyond repair during unload of 5th Mortar Bn( L& S! E  }4 z9 I
8 Engineers lost from landing craft during unload of 22nd JAAF AF Bn % m- U. j3 F, j( n& a
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 22nd JAAF AF Bn  
/ I2 ]8 D  M! U0 `0 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ O$ z. N  {; |6 c/ H' n1 p% J* ?6 t
Morning Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137   Q; M( p- }0 s3 r9 C: m+ M  S
Weather in hex: Heavy rain + H2 |2 C5 Z' |
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet." n1 l( }7 C8 V( ]! a, a% L
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
& e' s* B& T( z5 m& t4 d  S$ B* |8 CJapanese aircraft
- J, {* {0 t1 l      G3M2 Nell x 10
( N  B- C" R9 U- T8 ]      G4M1 Betty x 7
$ p2 b" K: C0 u# n: GJapanese aircraft losses
! f6 z: S( x, e! o3 f$ u) V      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
5 C/ e% k6 r* R5 @! ^, A, ]( p# gAllied Ships# Y# o5 A5 T" E" Q
      CL Java
" Z' }! J; d" r& F$ ?      CL Tromp
1 x" E. B' y4 N* G      CL De Ruyter# R! A8 R0 \" {# o# Q: H
--------------------------------------------------------------+ r! M- Y" H( ]$ Y& s
Morning Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137
6 X# N7 i# d! r+ }" h; j/ F. JWeather in hex: Heavy rain
; d; i) I  Y; k* [* Q8 [Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.* c0 G1 I0 P& }8 T7 L
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
  B( i# n- n% m: _9 hJapanese aircraft
8 b- [  b& u% T7 f      B5N1 Kate x 8 " A  Q( e3 a) U3 I
Japanese aircraft losses
- X& P4 G: s3 r8 Y  c      B5N1 Kate: 1 damaged
/ z/ p8 h! ?/ l' p* f! gAllied Ships
9 h; W1 C7 h2 j; M5 i1 [      CL De Ruyter, Bomb hits 1,  on fire9 ^* T% b2 \5 H8 h5 \/ E
      CL Java ! S5 A4 s+ a( X3 Y
Aircraft Attacking:
& A# m6 z+ U; c0 Y" u2 y7 e       8 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 6000 feet * * ^" S+ O8 B  W$ _$ x
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb6 P/ Y' v1 A) U! g  j& g" `
# c2 m7 ]$ c, }6 ^Morning Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137 3 |5 F9 ]: s% ]6 Q7 W2 b" Y
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
) z, U% i; c# A0 J' TRaid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.$ ^% ?" ~% Y5 \2 m  K& {% v5 g2 x4 }
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes   i4 \* D+ Y* W: f. C8 W
Japanese aircraft
( |" F8 K, }; }. o, o      G4M1 Betty x 7
5 X2 ~; O, S4 l( NJapanese aircraft losses
6 Q- y+ C+ I5 E# J      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged
+ c% x- q0 i0 uAllied Ships9 k! ]5 i' l4 h& y# I% L$ Z/ @  Z
      CL Tromp
5 m1 D6 a* `# R  w. A* Q% u) ^+ L      DD Witte de With 5 S9 \8 c$ U# r  R
Aircraft Attacking:1 K' B% a# [* Q. V# R8 c
       7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet0 X- K/ N% W' A" n: G2 T# F
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
% ^# X0 G( [# M1 Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( j1 V+ \2 S3 ^5 m! gAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137 5 P. z& t' d: g0 i
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
' c$ P* C1 J6 N3 O8 a  ORaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.4 {1 |7 h- K5 i
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes * e+ [" F$ _. M
Japanese aircraft
" g2 L8 i# ]: i' J! |" a# K      G3M2 Nell x 9
) H2 x0 {; T2 a. H) P: p      G4M1 Betty x 2
# |; w% \5 `1 {: [+ qJapanese aircraft losses1 q/ f2 e: P) w" d7 R
      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged+ A+ E2 {- S& G  }3 b. e$ U) H5 l
      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged
; f7 j' G0 z* E+ t- t" k" `8 hAllied Ships4 J7 `) g% N/ {! E/ R
      CL De Ruyter
" l1 y: N9 Q+ S# f1 i% q, e      DD Evertsen
. \1 k5 z0 ]; s% VAircraft Attacking:1 H7 h" f9 Q3 w$ E6 ~: p, K! o
       9 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet' P2 [/ S' p4 S! r7 A) Y, `' f
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
7 V" U7 g3 i6 }: h5 L       2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet/ H! C/ U+ y* \' S( i8 z
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb# y  q& |3 `- Y: n8 y
-----------------------------------------------------------7 P# A# @5 R" d
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137
6 ^& P; H0 g9 g' f$ cWeather in hex: Heavy rain
7 @. K) E- V2 X3 G! Y6 A" H9 |+ kRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.! Z# k  V. h# v$ G+ C- f6 b2 I
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
" k# Y; x. ]. gJapanese aircraft! [$ `! F9 i) z) r+ U: D
      G4M1 Betty x 8
% ]! P' n* `1 P% A% wJapanese aircraft losses
! y! v3 w7 B% K3 q' f      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
$ R2 B8 L% ~, X# B: IAllied Ships
  d8 W; F# S8 O  K      CL De Ruyter
/ S( o4 P. Y1 ?- p9 O: }! sAircraft Attacking:
6 c0 T7 \$ D8 U3 p5 {  c" N       8 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
7 S4 P, d9 `- Z% {$ h) \               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
: t2 A  Y) f/ D' Y7 S% J/ R  a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. b% c/ B* N, t' Y0 d
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137
7 P# g" m" s3 n  vWeather in hex: Heavy rain
; Z( I: S. H+ [; A, N/ }; ARaid spotted at 9 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.7 P& T9 k8 v7 Z3 h
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
6 \  J3 y# `5 C. IJapanese aircraft
" e9 I. B; C2 P: k* l' V" Q2 c      B5N1 Kate x 6 6 q' N4 j1 e# B& i
No Japanese losses
; q: ~' _7 Z* r( o5 e' AAllied Ships/ d8 g7 e3 Q3 ?+ k) g) n8 X3 m
      CL Java, Bomb hits 1) n6 G5 {! f3 d  Z4 ^1 W. r
      CL De Ruyter, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
1 X  u) G( N" z. P# h1 e$ }( E4 F+ LAircraft Attacking:3 v% J) M3 n; P1 V, b& x) \5 Z
       6 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 6000 feet * ; I5 `$ N% w) i; I! j- f  o! C" Z
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb4 g+ @) @4 `5 Q) W! d% ?
------------------------------------------------- 5 L* D! h9 U& u( a2 v* s: z$ e" B1 J/ s- s
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) ! C( c. o" }8 K. K( e
Japanese Bombardment attack 0 m3 G0 ^3 q! o/ u" H
Attacking force 60605 troops, 947 guns, 482 vehicles, Assault Value = 1982
9 d6 N9 i8 r  F5 G7 gDefending force 84789 troops, 528 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2256 # s! |4 }  t, d' N
Japanese ground losses:' B/ n3 d& S- A6 N
      36 casualties reported
  q3 ?& E9 u7 w8 n         Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
& p( N3 M  g  T/ J3 T6 H* ~& m' N         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 d* X9 m! ?1 N# x: J: \( y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 3 I, Q2 m1 h$ ^+ Y- I
Allied ground losses:" \& ?2 q8 T2 a* {1 \2 B
      38 casualties reported4 ?  J& X& d0 V7 e
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled( @# L! }* j# H2 T+ `, ^8 u
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled$ R5 N7 Y# i8 K7 ]3 M# E/ e; i
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled7 V( `+ h) Z& N5 z) [/ o3 h
--------------------------------------------------------------------- . T- _% |* R( \
Ground combat at Sining (80,32) 7 u8 z0 @. G4 ~; ~
Japanese Deliberate attack
" r  [0 I6 h0 n# |Attacking force 1422 troops, 20 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 86
, a1 V+ g( B6 E/ F8 |$ D$ iDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 / y' T, D5 O- B7 L) U
Japanese adjusted assault: 22 / r! ?& A8 E. c! r
Allied adjusted defense: 1  9 X7 S( ?6 s, ?8 p6 f; P" C) X
Japanese assault odds: 22 to 1 (fort level 1)  ) k; M+ I+ s: ]% E9 z1 K
Japanese forces CAPTURE Sining !!!
. n) `& U6 k$ w5 m, uCombat modifiers; i1 F& g9 ~5 G. S
Attacker:  ! S: f9 H/ h4 \' R8 I& `7 D" F
Assaulting units:, ~3 w, w) b, d1 y) I" a, |
    1st Cavalry Brigade1 A9 U( C# o. D% x0 O# f- s) n
    4th Cavalry Brigade
/ G1 Z: ]; C3 L------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 N5 i: t" I2 L6 C* N) ~2 u
Ground combat at Wau (98,126)
6 n$ t" D: G% ?; D8 W: hJapanese Shock attack , s9 g) b" b4 {: \1 R, h, [# J
Attacking force 1214 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 51 5 _) X* t; c: |' N' v( W1 `) {
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
8 E" \* _- y' t7 S+ DJapanese adjusted assault: 44  
( k" m7 b" `6 q2 SAllied adjusted defense: 1  
( _5 @: c; L' ?, y( k: RJapanese assault odds: 44 to 1 (fort level 0)  9 f# U% h. P3 [
Japanese forces CAPTURE Wau !!!
' D* [! m, B; C9 f8 i" nCombat modifiers
' {/ o' m+ V# Y. i9 KAttacker: shock(+), fatigue(-)
7 V# X4 _- ?  g# _* f1 {Assaulting units:
0 i7 N5 Y8 h( _0 r; m4 x    53rd Naval Guard Unit3 ?/ s* c6 M. k  b% {5 @/ _! n3 |  ~
; g* L' S% q( Q( D3 E$ q! j7 WGround combat at Singkawang (56,88) ' u6 S5 e. _& B- `! c
Allied Bombardment attack 7 V; \$ |! n0 ~7 D4 t# d
Attacking force 895 troops, 5 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 39
* J! M) J8 S1 \- @3 HDefending force 4473 troops, 150 guns, 131 vehicles, Assault Value = 56 # Y8 w  X# i- n& q8 c/ r6 ~  \: l: H
Assaulting units:# w4 s& S/ R$ `5 F) l, T9 y
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion) R/ u. g9 ]& Q) c
    Bintan Det. Base Force
" `1 j7 X+ {, i6 {: _    North Borneo Base Force , s' U9 o$ ^$ G
Defending units:& I4 I. H! F1 q* [
    22nd Recon Regiment; n! @- y3 O) e/ p/ u
    1st RF Gun Battalion
8 s: p- I- G+ \' H    18th Mountain Gun Regiment0 y3 ~# |( g3 s+ |+ Y5 ]2 r7 b
    3rd Mortar Battalion
  h7 y4 c* C2 U) ]/ V9 E    12th JAAF Base Force- X1 R) }" e- l: U7 u; K
    5th Mortar Battalion
! a+ _, G. H/ d- N7 |: V1 V2 }    22nd JAAF AF Bn
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 01, 422 P/ q2 T# [" ]& E2 E
在莫港附近巡逻的荷兰舰队继续引来陆攻围观,依然毫发无损,却不小心进了舰攻的9格打击极限& |' U% V6 A  ?. m
有2cl不幸中弹,有一艘起火25点,目前正在往回撤离。 ' R  P+ D  k" L' U
重头戏来了:kb突然穿越巽他海峡,出现在了爪哇以西,还护送了一个登陆编队% e( `) B( ~0 I: Y
5 ?+ I- }0 q  a/ T预计日军将从南部登陆苏门答腊岛,由于预计登陆地点属于浅水区域,ss和PT正全力赶往事发海域。; `: ?% T9 `; v* L8 u. |1 t& |, Z/ ?
--------------------------------------------------------------7 I% f* V$ N( {! {
Pre-Invasion action off Singkawang (56,88)
# F7 H( s7 Y: H3 i# p" g11 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
( x9 r2 U- V: \7 rJapanese Ships
- s  O* [1 w& W  y! ?7 R      PB Naruto Maru #3
7 n: q# h7 D* p$ H* ^      PB Nako Maru #20 x% n4 I+ o2 x. o
      PB Sozan Maru
0 v; G, s8 }0 d      PB Eifuku Maru9 e9 @. X  I4 v
      xAP Hakozaki Maru- {; q- ?5 Q, w% ?- ]' w
---------------------------------------------------------$ r" W& b* m* }; c* k0 b+ c  I
Amphibious Assault at Singkawang (56,88) ! a  T6 M/ e6 f' e
TF 134 troops unloading over beach at Singkawang, 56,88 : q! Q: z4 j; [/ A& D7 [
Japanese ground losses:) x4 U2 P" c) ]. A1 @- ?; A. ]
      Guns lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled), H9 a! D5 ?. M; `/ h# {6 y5 m
      Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
+ F' l1 c5 f& J$ J, Y. d7 UMotorized Support dropped into water during unload of 12th JAAF Base Force /1
* Q! {: M, h( T/ h; s* D& T4 K75mm T94 Mtn Gun accidentally lost during unload of 18th Mtn Gun Rgt# `# J" w# {& o1 V  x% e
Motorized Support lost from landing craft during unload of 12th JAAF Base Force
! M" l6 |& w% R5 h# b81mm Mortar lost in surf during unload of 3rd Mortar Bn
) ^; z& Q) w9 J8 B$ [1 G3 _10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 3rd Mortar Bn
5 _4 l+ b% f, H: C  P81mm Mortar damaged beyond repair during unload of 5th Mortar Bn
+ `- Q, [9 t% r5 \8 Engineers lost from landing craft during unload of 22nd JAAF AF Bn
1 [! o6 s  F# H5 _/ d: }& q10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 22nd JAAF AF Bn  ; _0 ]( m% F  R2 N( g$ o: P# x
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 h8 U7 d. I5 w
Morning Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137 , P6 U/ C( s; C* |/ a
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
, P, c; ?3 e9 C0 s3 ARaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.$ e8 _6 i1 R# C* c- [4 M
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
" G' i( Z! r" D2 @Japanese aircraft
1 G* |* q0 \8 @1 T" _5 d8 [4 B      G3M2 Nell x 10
7 p2 l0 c% f1 w- h: K* M      G4M1 Betty x 7 8 Q2 w: B2 G: V* S/ t3 S6 i
Japanese aircraft losses
9 y! Z+ Y" y" G9 U      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
" j7 @# g/ g) S; y" b* L/ sAllied Ships8 T$ p+ g5 V  \4 Q) n# f# C
      CL Java) ~& }* Z: h0 s' M9 W8 j( {
      CL Tromp/ ^. _" y$ J! M% Z2 R9 i( O$ k  O
      CL De Ruyter
0 a2 d: q. s' S5 _, S--------------------------------------------------------------
6 ]% k% Q$ x8 {4 J% Y9 K* U6 hMorning Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137
) P9 |0 T' b0 `  H: n, mWeather in hex: Heavy rain
! P0 t! c  Y- ZRaid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
* B! `' F4 s. _) t6 }# k  tEstimated time to target is 4 minutes + c9 ~; e& a# I; E9 G; D
Japanese aircraft
, b- e' }/ m. s. t( o# V; ^      B5N1 Kate x 8 $ |' N  q0 K. t* R' A3 ~
Japanese aircraft losses  O0 e( l  L3 e/ B
      B5N1 Kate: 1 damaged
4 o( }* `( `8 O! }Allied Ships( y7 P6 A6 V7 I% o4 y
      CL De Ruyter, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
2 d0 D7 E) w4 k      CL Java - A2 l- w9 ~& |* u
Aircraft Attacking:4 X5 T# t4 e1 `; R- Y9 ~
       8 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 6000 feet *
3 N7 d$ |/ m$ V* z( N2 S) g: b               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
) q% j4 @4 N6 i, E  h+ M6 P----------------------------------------------------------------------6 A/ j. D; w' T! E
Morning Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137 ; C3 |/ Z8 E& l# I5 x. ~9 g
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
  K* o* C2 q" C! M/ q; Q' pRaid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.9 v6 V* E. A8 x  ^; \/ K
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
+ y9 \9 _# i# z: iJapanese aircraft
, b% x6 J: g) }  k) {2 W) t      G4M1 Betty x 7 - F/ I  b4 I* D3 y! q
Japanese aircraft losses
( x5 k  X5 t; S& T      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged 5 ^3 W+ d' Z$ r5 M! u4 i. J/ C+ |/ f
Allied Ships
3 E5 V" g; i$ |2 f; h1 k6 d" m( H6 j      CL Tromp. n; i4 ^$ N3 f# ~( X% Z1 p+ V5 F
      DD Witte de With 5 X) _' X4 z" F. I% t
Aircraft Attacking:7 I/ x" ~& g0 F+ H) C  v7 O9 _
       7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet) w% `2 R. Y0 a$ K7 @/ Y# J
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
+ e- |5 v9 C8 Z1 s0 g0 `--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ^" [0 j& m2 Q8 R+ X( u
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137
4 a5 f3 D4 K. f8 CWeather in hex: Heavy rain
: _( k9 `' t  X& U& p9 c6 S4 [Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
; }1 S/ r! ?( n) HEstimated time to target is 7 minutes % _% Q7 g8 [" ]) O* T
Japanese aircraft
6 D/ v, F0 l4 s6 C2 G      G3M2 Nell x 92 B7 y9 s( r# w" a; ^9 N5 H  E
      G4M1 Betty x 2
4 R" B, m# W6 qJapanese aircraft losses" y5 B" g1 `' R
      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
# s6 o$ F/ c6 }" t) T& V% D) E      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged   e3 Q8 [* D) i/ @+ Q  B( V4 W( l$ }
Allied Ships
5 H: L; _) j( h4 o9 c      CL De Ruyter
" W5 I' v6 G2 ^0 j      DD Evertsen
, u+ l" V0 \) j1 ~4 g2 nAircraft Attacking:9 E. w. B+ |5 w, J
       9 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet2 I, F1 c6 A7 g3 K
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
" J7 y& F, d0 t9 I: @       2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
$ d7 B9 A5 c% g8 ^( H- S8 y               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
0 L5 |3 [' k. n0 T5 D-----------------------------------------------------------# X- ~7 ^4 s/ V1 q6 `4 k) @
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137
; G+ `2 m# [% Y1 O9 g0 eWeather in hex: Heavy rain
" Y% u: |9 w" [6 X( FRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
: r5 \6 m8 X. n$ ~5 ?, y) sEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
6 p- R. I7 f% I) M6 aJapanese aircraft
: |0 L, x7 B( ^4 I      G4M1 Betty x 8
' p3 a0 D% g7 K, KJapanese aircraft losses
) r# U- `# |/ d9 G1 n( U0 f. N) ]      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged : D8 C4 e1 f. @7 |
Allied Ships
4 Y% K2 f& L$ ^  m) _      CL De Ruyter
/ z4 E$ K9 M6 {& GAircraft Attacking:
4 i- Z7 e0 P) S0 o. V* F1 X$ t0 u       8 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
* D4 }3 m) V2 Q+ |2 R( {) G+ d4 Q               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb 6 `1 _( \# A7 K# \) ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* T9 Y1 N. [. s" v! _
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Cooktown at 92,137   W# r& r( M* U$ [1 s: X1 A
Weather in hex: Heavy rain - z1 g  B' s4 l8 T# v, W7 i+ y7 D
Raid spotted at 9 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
+ _1 K* V3 w! _! |9 BEstimated time to target is 3 minutes # k4 |2 {+ j" I$ c* k/ g+ ^
Japanese aircraft
; `9 v0 b& w# X) I. x      B5N1 Kate x 6
1 M1 N- Z1 c/ w  n& MNo Japanese losses
* b( }9 t- J2 F& PAllied Ships
- ]9 y; |# s: h$ o/ }/ ^: F      CL Java, Bomb hits 1
5 p  h1 K; E* ~. m7 C      CL De Ruyter, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
' Q; a5 z% ~, z4 iAircraft Attacking:) B- \# G0 F/ y& }6 F3 B- _
       6 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 6000 feet * 9 h7 q. ?; e" S! q
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb* ~3 P/ a# ]2 N$ R- t+ i
------------------------------------------------- , f1 j+ t4 R  B! ~+ N
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
; R2 R& t! t9 X, Z7 d3 AJapanese Bombardment attack : d; n: r& P  @0 p% Q6 d7 A) Q
Attacking force 60605 troops, 947 guns, 482 vehicles, Assault Value = 1982
/ ?, U( c5 U+ D6 J; ^$ e- QDefending force 84789 troops, 528 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2256 6 Y: W) g* M3 t  [, |" O8 h
Japanese ground losses:7 r0 H' o1 c3 w' s" o6 t
      36 casualties reported* N7 ?# E6 K! R) h8 K/ u+ J7 r8 ~2 N
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
" m) g3 A: u( x! N9 Z& U         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 ]+ N' H1 a& ~  N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' c+ V# j! r! N& t3 J$ _/ C7 |Allied ground losses:
6 L& |8 n5 m- v      38 casualties reported
& j4 a6 f, i* b         Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled, o0 p, [) j2 t" X1 t7 E% v
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled# A$ d* x# l% }& A5 i( P
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled% n) V+ R0 T1 M( ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------- / H# \# j* }/ N/ F: c
Ground combat at Sining (80,32) ( O' h! @/ M2 O
Japanese Deliberate attack 7 o2 `) U) \# k, y& U$ c4 e- m
Attacking force 1422 troops, 20 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 86 . ?! M4 x3 v6 a6 z5 }
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 $ v( v0 x9 v1 }; i+ f/ R
Japanese adjusted assault: 22
2 }9 }( ^# l5 D$ F) fAllied adjusted defense: 1  & p* S% Q* o2 ?# X
Japanese assault odds: 22 to 1 (fort level 1)  
: K* C( T' T/ vJapanese forces CAPTURE Sining !!! 3 U7 N) w6 N- @" L) Y- a
Combat modifiers" P7 p$ q2 O& o4 l% v& ?" }/ b
+ c1 @8 X; f  DAssaulting units:- w% q3 d( H; t3 g
    1st Cavalry Brigade6 R  ~* t+ m+ _' D, y
    4th Cavalry Brigade8 p8 x5 N' d, ^
------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 n3 S& m  q9 [9 l( g
Ground combat at Wau (98,126) 1 H; f3 r# A/ K! _6 [
Japanese Shock attack
# U# v+ `, L5 S' R5 y$ K; PAttacking force 1214 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 51 # R7 z# q& B' E4 n# b& k) U
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
" V- D' Y# L% V3 _' i" hJapanese adjusted assault: 44  
& e# i* e3 O" a2 y3 [Allied adjusted defense: 1  
+ a  Z# H9 ]; x' zJapanese assault odds: 44 to 1 (fort level 0)  
: E) J$ A" V; i/ A3 P  q# E0 oJapanese forces CAPTURE Wau !!!
; E1 o# ~* T' cCombat modifiers, K; @" e' p* o! c' K8 @% }2 G3 ]' T
Attacker: shock(+), fatigue(-)
3 q6 Y# O" R2 G% Q7 W8 sAssaulting units:
+ Q3 D( K/ k2 E* R& ?0 A    53rd Naval Guard Unit
' F, o2 C! E. ?9 o9 y* j+ K------------------------------------------------------------ % k3 s6 b" B+ U. C( I3 ]0 w
Ground combat at Singkawang (56,88)
6 k& j% n1 H, A$ R% O3 vAllied Bombardment attack 3 M  r% P& R. s+ p# T4 i( O9 y, {; r. ^
Attacking force 895 troops, 5 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 39
% ]+ T9 ~6 j" |5 K& GDefending force 4473 troops, 150 guns, 131 vehicles, Assault Value = 56
% e& p( J4 n5 e0 K7 k, ~. j4 s: {2 HAssaulting units:$ q& @- H# }$ L$ m$ d
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
( u* C3 m5 w! C( I; }    Bintan Det. Base Force
1 w8 J5 H7 D! q! ^; O    North Borneo Base Force
$ S# a3 {+ g- xDefending units:
+ A$ K9 Q7 K  b    22nd Recon Regiment( D' ?0 X2 ~, w) h4 T  K% [- n  l
    1st RF Gun Battalion
* K' X) x' J8 F8 M    18th Mountain Gun Regiment
" w# M1 M6 M! f5 t; y    3rd Mortar Battalion
* {0 U: A3 p9 r5 W& s    12th JAAF Base Force
0 J9 x. e! w& X4 P6 A6 b    5th Mortar Battalion% \, o0 K1 V4 q
    22nd JAAF AF Bn
$ \9 x8 ?, i0 a% O: G$ O当晚是个大满月,PT编队如愿遭遇敌方登陆编队,本以为会是一场屠杀,却让对方全身而退,
+ N4 Q! I! Z# f* s$ D" K报告显示,日军编队先发现盟军矮小的PT然后跑了,而盟军PT居然没发现巨大的运输船!
- m/ F$ T# o" j) k; c盟军无所事事撤往事先设置的基地孔雀港,却发现日军不是来登陆苏门答腊岛的,而是来登陆爪哇的!
, b0 [- Z. y4 bPT编队和守卫滩头的BB编队打了个照面,又跑了,跑到了航程的极限三宝垄港 8 {, U/ ?  n1 @: b6 E
4 ^) f) u6 [9 H7 \/ A3 ZKB依旧呆着昨天的地方,附近的ss已经到了现场,正在满世界找KB,期待一次亲密接触* Q* b3 k8 r2 `9 T
荷兰ss o19成功摸到kb,一激动对着瑞鹤号射出去4发,命中一发,顺便把弹药库打爆了 3 A$ B% a0 ^# @2 w
巨港的机场已经被新加坡起飞的轰炸机炸得稀烂,# M2 \/ n7 Y6 U2 f( o/ N% P- b  h
为了削弱KB,盟军水面战编队前移,准备突击登陆场,由荷兰空军提供空中掩护,( o! ]* B& N5 U# a' R7 @5 w
虽然荷兰空军经过几个月的训练,不少飞行员对空技能已到70,奈何飞机性能低下,, a5 R! U& p! P1 B+ S- {$ \
面对妖人驾驶的零战,空有数量优势,被日军轻松突防,炸沉1dd : }! H, r$ F5 T; e: u5 O
( N2 z; ^1 ~; e- L+ s/ x" q  R6 C" `" x7 ]
--------------------------------------------------------------/ m: M2 r: Q8 |6 ~. Z! u* @
Invasion Support action off Puerto Princesa (73,83)
+ v7 A9 ~& c- R% F! I4 V; w# j4 pDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force 5 s0 p* b$ O% Q
4 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
; t3 N8 t& ~. X) Z  t' HJapanese Ships3 g- Y, A& {3 z9 q. f) }# r
      PB Nichiryo Maru' z, \9 L! g) ?) i
      PB Nagato Maru- l" h9 m0 [2 H. g; x/ k7 A; l3 G
      xAK Shinwa Maru
0 B- H% E1 q! i/ rPB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
2 j0 _' N: ^% C2 x4 h& r7 tPB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
" q7 L, v& F/ p* E& A4 x  m4 X' z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: m1 L9 F8 Y+ s3 bInvasion Support action off Singkawang (56,88)* d" ^7 L2 d: k6 p
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
; K3 H2 V4 ?+ @/ Q5 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 0 a& P! B& I- m2 Z
Japanese Ships2 e- P/ s% `4 ~
      xAK Hakodate Maru# ~) x, W# [' R- k" U  ^2 e
      xAK Hokuzyu Maru+ {; O% n% R  [0 q+ p7 F0 w2 m9 Q0 N- Q
      xAP Hikawa Maru
7 @% d  w7 A9 [5 Y, {      xAP Hakozaki Maru0 g- T* s1 R. B1 Y
; D  s, R3 K% \. ANight Time Surface Combat, near Oosthaven at 47,97, Range 11,000 Yards ; g6 h' f3 G: P2 X# Z% H! q
Japanese Ships
+ u9 O# e% P" ^! P) A      DMS W-2
. S' f# w/ i8 f7 I# \% t' b      DMS W-9
& m6 ^9 Y$ V4 d* B/ I: {      DMS W-10) d/ [) v7 ?1 c+ Y  {
      xAK Sinsei Maru4 p) A: N+ b- i  c# W3 z8 d
      AMC Saigon Maru4 D2 ~" Y, r0 F5 J  J
      xAK India Maru3 d2 j3 B- k5 n, U& W: j
      xAK Victoria Maru) M& O/ [  |0 i
      xAP Argentina Maru! _6 y2 [* x$ B7 ?3 ?* t
      xAP Baikal Maru . j* G/ j/ u- D/ x
Allied Ships, r7 o4 j; v, j- c/ E
      PT TM-50 u2 U5 D' P" K9 g( [/ P1 C
      PT TM-6( e. r7 W+ n9 |( G
      PT TM-7
3 R" G4 r0 P) W2 ~. E+ R+ p) _      PT TM-8; y' f. m' R' m2 r% R
      PT TM-10' r+ ]9 @/ U0 w( K+ l! ], l+ B' ~8 u
      PT TM-11
0 m3 L& w( Q# m      PT TM-12! B* d1 L& t- S! T4 O
      PT TM-14- P' l9 t" S. Y2 r/ Y8 N9 m
      PT TM-15
, g$ a+ F% j# w      MTB 7- m7 d7 I. G+ l" Z
      MTB 8' o% Y  h$ G3 y4 d6 _
      MTB 26 $ f; z/ P3 r- r6 |. ]. x
Improved night sighting under 100% moonlight
' D0 O- a$ _) X' f. G% RMaximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 100% moonlight: 11,000 yards
6 B* f% B9 A+ T6 `: J- SCONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards1 G/ {- g' ?+ S6 ^; A: _0 ?
Japanese TF attempts to evade combat& W% U1 L, }& J: c* }# Y( Z
Range increases to 12,000 yards...  j. ~9 Y2 L/ f: {5 X4 `2 T$ b
Range increases to 12,000 yards...# A5 N) h2 D. H/ l( O) @6 e
Japanese Amphibious TF evades combat
# c. x, `" x, Q  H6 u8 e4 D: q3 Q# |2 M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 v# j) O) o) S% X8 mNight Time Surface Combat, near Merak at 48,97, Range 11,000 Yards " B5 u+ u# q5 w- n  A" Y& G
Japanese Ships. F  Z/ Z4 S! ~. C& m
      BB Ise
9 g4 A6 D$ x* g$ }4 R/ I      CA Ashigara( J6 N- A3 z# l0 y' p# G$ X4 [0 z
      CL Kinu
; k; V6 [; x! b, M8 T      DD Yugumo
" H3 d/ @* J6 b6 q4 R0 G* m      DD Hatsuharu
) Q9 {3 B' K3 T9 t      DD Nenohi
) h6 `1 ^) s0 S& u& A      DD Asakaze9 c1 \/ j' N8 v+ q! K
      DD Harukaze/ E% P& e/ V5 ^' [( z- Y
      DD Matsukaze
/ N, H" U3 k; W6 S0 [Allied Ships
- r' C6 y2 n) L$ s* g" D      PT TM-5. L  L7 w9 i+ m1 M
      PT TM-6
6 U# m* T/ x% q/ w3 e2 e2 O      PT TM-70 n% Q9 j! y$ \9 s
      PT TM-8. Q4 F* W( D8 s  S+ T5 @8 H. `& j
      PT TM-103 A) x- F# K: G
      PT TM-11
. A7 V" d' \( A) M1 N! P      PT TM-12
# D5 [+ f" M5 n7 W# |& S% ]9 C! W+ A      PT TM-14
! O' h4 g: q7 e$ }      PT TM-15* E8 ~/ @7 z1 V! M+ K
      MTB 7
* I% g) y; g" j1 Y5 _4 ]      MTB 8
* p9 X0 o- \4 P      MTB 26 # K+ D. x: ]! u  c8 ^7 j6 W2 _
Improved night sighting under 100% moonlight6 R  D: I: h3 h. n/ I
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 100% moonlight: 11,000 yards& y9 U( G& U# G( S! D0 g! p# \6 P
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
- D4 e. z6 l! H2 Y6 O2 sCONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 11,000 yards1 [7 g9 Z- N+ B
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 11,000 yards
. w$ o( w& b0 w  N9 ?2 Y3 n: ?; RDD Harukaze engages PT TM-11 at 11,000 yards
# }5 [6 s+ q5 X) x% eDD Asakaze engages PT TM-8 at 11,000 yards7 j  G, S. u: b/ [: Q
CL Kinu engages PT TM-6 at 11,000 yards
! N: y% Z5 Z& |: sDD Asakaze engages PT TM-5 at 11,000 yards; M* u# }1 G. I3 O, X: M
Range increases to 12,000 yards
& u) G5 P- ?: \/ t& d! xDD Asakaze engages PT TM-7 at 12,000 yards
* l* x6 u  P0 M4 D: UCL Kinu engages PT TM-6 at 12,000 yards, w/ b% l' y) B6 W6 x4 }( g
DD Yugumo engages PT TM-11 at 12,000 yards5 Z; }- D- j. N2 a: I/ S
DD Harukaze engages PT TM-11 at 12,000 yards. |7 B0 p$ U( {# i0 E1 h
DD Asakaze engages PT TM-11 at 12,000 yards
/ Y! Q6 t) I, E+ lDD Asakaze engages PT TM-5 at 12,000 yards
: I# e9 ]; k$ B, J3 {- L; ECL Kinu engages MTB 7 at 12,000 yards) u4 Q) {" p2 s1 p6 G0 ^
Task forces break off... ( p8 b2 {7 `7 X% i% Z$ U: t
4 Y& r6 T6 k+ z% j0 F0 k6 z2 hASW attack near Oosthaven  at 47,97
, n8 `) D2 M" p, dJapanese Ships
  W; ^& J* E5 v# y% ?8 V, L      CA Aoba/ }! Q$ X1 I# z
      CA Atago# F8 _$ K( w5 O: Z* K3 C7 X
      CL Jintsu
, }2 \( e. Q& M; B; o      DD Mutsuki, `( W9 C) o, O4 G  F
      DD Tanikaze
- O0 k/ D, H, c9 O* `! l      DD Akebono, j- N& ~% N0 m. \  d3 u4 [9 I8 t
      DD Oboro: q" U3 x" v: A: G/ T; K& A# s
      DD Shigure
: T, n; \- L: h* h      DD Kasumi " q5 F+ m) g& w3 n. ~; v
Allied Ships
' {2 n0 [0 P5 K  Q      SS Salmon
6 G3 E2 P% X2 b------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 h3 p: ^0 s& y( g  M7 hSub attack near Oosthaven  at 47,97 - h" G" `! J- L% c, |( \% l
Japanese Ships  ]- ?# b* G4 @" Q* K7 @( @' a6 ]8 f
      DD Nenohi' ^, s9 I2 p, i# n% l8 F
      CA Ashigara
+ F. @, ?4 l5 `      CL Kinu
/ Z" @8 _3 C5 J# ~4 W/ ?2 N      DD Yugumo
4 R: `1 o# b; M: n      DD Matsukaze8 r5 D# H. x' H1 T- r4 t: K! j
      DD Harukaze3 j; W4 \% J* h( e
      DD Asakaze
6 @6 N7 g' L: n1 N* t! aAllied Ships4 b0 h4 `9 n# ?& [
      SS Salmon
& R7 c# W1 b% v--------------------------------------------------------------------$ N+ x6 [9 k" R% j- n
Sub attack near Oosthaven  at 47,97 , G' N( x4 T8 }
Japanese Ships2 v6 J* _5 u8 I0 Q6 |, O4 b) N# ]/ J3 p
      CV Zuikaku, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire
" I5 z3 B" O1 b! E& h+ Y# C, T      CA Aoba" ~" A! B/ }3 }' S
      CL Jintsu9 P3 t2 y# X6 A2 u: H$ q# f
      DD Mutsuki
2 i1 T/ V( U# U/ b% ~      DD Natsushio
$ c  k( T& i* R      DD Akebono. L  M2 m) {( V6 k2 c5 {5 l
      DD Oboro+ c* y+ Y5 J! ^6 b  F5 b2 H' d' a
      DD Shigure
& m3 L1 G) P9 n5 G1 a      DD Kasumi
! F, k% o$ ?3 w/ YAllied Ships/ a$ T0 H) S, N. E6 I
      SS O19, hits 5
- f. W# E7 G. K& F7 p, WAmmo storage explosion on CV Zuikaku
/ `" T  L" f/ r% Y0 O  W$ g4 j; USS O19 launches 4 torpedoes at CV Zuikaku' P0 o3 N, k7 Q* G: [
O19 bottoming out ....1 A! \* q& }+ f+ Q7 A2 X% |
DD Akebono fails to find sub, continues to search...+ |# i! K. r' K4 h; l2 t
DD Oboro fails to find sub, continues to search...
/ L1 b+ N7 C9 k  J4 R+ S8 xDD Shigure fails to find sub, continues to search...0 o/ R9 x" a6 p
DD Kasumi fails to find sub and abandons search
( k, d/ ?, `8 hDD Akebono fails to find sub, continues to search...
- _5 q# W2 j" G  H# LDD Oboro fails to find sub, continues to search...
! }# @5 Q( Z0 c' |4 H" T& H% oDD Shigure fails to find sub and abandons search
* c8 W3 s5 j! g. I, f# T: _DD Akebono fails to find sub and abandons search: N5 F% W% _9 [2 T: B
DD Oboro fails to find sub, continues to search...
6 s( f4 U; Y8 h1 `0 A! _DD Oboro fails to find sub, continues to search...  B3 G5 k# a$ n( U5 [) Y
DD Oboro attacking submerged sub ....
$ s! [# \; Y7 S( l" [DD Oboro fails to find sub, continues to search...
' z" N& m% l6 e, C  o6 p7 }DD Oboro fails to find sub, continues to search...
  }* O% y* C( c& p: q+ \' {2 PEscort abandons search for sub 2 C( Q, R2 O; q  r. a! z- I
6 f0 P% J( P& o2 IASW attack near Merak  at 48,97
  x; o2 Y; r& _" U6 D+ w# lJapanese Ships
0 x  ^, w1 G, `      CA Ashigara) A8 s' n# H2 K) o3 z
      CL Kinu
& R6 Q, V- [! e5 ^      DD Nenohi# L7 K6 f& x7 F1 P! e. P5 W
      DD Yugumo0 A0 [+ U& Q8 I
      DD Matsukaze( M" ?1 H. U5 u! z/ {) q* n' M2 [) O
      DD Harukaze
" d  q# E3 q& x7 d3 Q3 X      DD Asakaze
- w$ W7 _& F: F- W) N7 GAllied Ships
, I( x) e' _/ k( b% B      SS Perch, hits 1/ ^4 W7 i% C: F$ p& N) Y2 F9 @
----------------------------------------------------------------6 H0 h# R$ {% C5 V
Morning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
8 U* N& O3 C% g& _. R, N' B/ h7 RWeather in hex: Light rain * u4 U& _* x; c
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.) Z1 _$ i/ J; o, h
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
! ?$ T* k# t! h. e% E  a" N% s8 F" {Japanese aircraft
0 b; k8 _5 @8 @! U      A6M2 Zero x 560 D% I" h+ O& j# O
      G3M2 Nell x 14' j! I& v4 o/ d1 b. V
      G4M1 Betty x 33 & S# n% h  Q# a! c7 q
Japanese aircraft losses$ i6 s) G& x# U4 _4 X! l3 T
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
3 ~  z; Q/ I0 l      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged ! r. J; t" W" a2 C% J) x
Airbase hits 20& y( z( k8 V, u/ A
Airbase supply hits 5, k7 g* q0 ~3 D1 J' u8 }  B
Runway hits 71
$ O. `" I3 G9 w/ BAircraft Attacking:
8 M. R# p( c/ W, i8 e- Y      19 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet* o# b6 u) t0 n3 ?" k- Y
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
) P, Q* _5 N% L" L) I% W( z' j       7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet( }$ Z/ T+ c5 M! _; o
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb. U' y) q* \/ b# I) H* p
       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
+ `! m" t: r8 q* o0 ?" y' p0 k               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb% N7 D7 e0 q  ^. g: g; M
       7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
" X3 _+ S" @+ |, u9 \& H               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
: H- F6 [5 ^( M  S7 {! a8 C2 m       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet1 C$ {8 U  v- L; e# h; g- r
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
) v$ n1 @. |: u) `  T0 Y1 z0 s4 D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 p/ |/ E; m" r8 k& {
Morning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
7 G" o& y4 ^" n0 j$ {7 s4 jWeather in hex: Light rain 5 `4 C, w' s- E2 o/ |
Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
- F, I1 f( c+ X7 }Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
: Z0 ]9 ?. |! h) a0 s6 }& \( }Japanese aircraft
1 \( x& T7 o* u+ g/ y      A6M2 Zero x 3
  v" R: _2 d6 n" q4 s, h/ A$ s      G3M2 Nell x 17 0 ]. J% [" G* q
Allied aircraft
! {( u/ S. u0 j% Z      no flights / L5 K# t4 J3 Y) {* D0 ~" \
No Japanese losses - q% r1 z) f5 m! {: P9 w) i
Allied aircraft losses
) ?* f0 Q8 F* Z( h: E" w4 l; D3 h5 d      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
: B; j/ K* P% D. |* jAirbase hits 4
0 S- m9 \. G; u) j/ wAirbase supply hits 2
, f: h' t& R8 ORunway hits 7
" p& c2 @* p3 C# }7 o+ NAircraft Attacking:
' m$ [  k& m( _% ~8 X- Q( l      17 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
2 r) c1 U! _/ D. c; S               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
/ C  b: f! X. P-------------------------------------------------------------------------------  N  D! b( j" f2 b( c
Morning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
* h/ X" |+ z( D& ?' KWeather in hex: Light rain
* S. v3 |& [! G% d8 z7 v2 pRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
( |7 M, c0 y! }/ L. Q& ~' w- qEstimated time to target is 5 minutes 0 X8 P# w- U, S
Japanese aircraft  y7 S$ Q- k) m( @/ S7 ?- R) o
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 233 N* c+ h3 Z, R7 D
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17 % {2 z! ^& N$ L( P3 @
Japanese aircraft losses! z, ?. u0 b/ _* \& J4 A
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
: q/ Z4 Z# c& X$ o      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
- f- D5 F# y1 _5 DAllied ground losses:
& l1 o0 N- b; m+ p+ p; O+ h      8 casualties reported
0 N) [5 c# z6 U2 p7 s) x4 L$ W" R$ }         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ S( `; s$ b0 j- n) {5 x
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled* |# U1 B& x# _* C  a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled + v! |: X# e4 e" \6 `
Airbase hits 6
% b& L" v, r6 w, G/ k) oAirbase supply hits 73 b* [# N1 ^; f" |* N8 f4 g% d- m9 s, e
Runway hits 23 3 |2 b4 `2 ?" h8 d/ @
Aircraft Attacking:
, U6 `+ U$ Q' [5 k+ v5 [      19 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet  \- R9 e5 }. W
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
# ?. @' j3 n) o5 K  U# Y      17 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 6000 feet
4 s" p$ f$ X( E+ Q- O& Y) c               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
& C2 z/ ~# e6 f& d% \       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
. h% j+ a, Y6 Z0 E. ^* Q3 e4 u               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
" k( ~& Y6 g# F* i8 T----------------------------------------------------------" n& H6 Q0 _) G
Morning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  4 F* O; `* @( X& o% j
Weather in hex: Light rain
0 B2 I) x" [7 d7 |Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet./ T. q) A: v/ j7 ^- ?, l
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes   G8 o0 a4 J; D2 U
Japanese aircraft
! U+ h5 J2 a7 ~) z" r( U! M      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 11
) g% M1 H4 {( p' F+ |8 yJapanese aircraft losses1 S9 t1 B. U6 B( a2 E. }
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged2 i5 }+ C& I5 N  O
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
5 H7 ]9 r6 F% ~2 r' ?% FRunway hits 3 ( }1 n$ ^$ f" ~7 K1 n7 [
Aircraft Attacking:
3 \5 ]/ p* ^- L* K# K- [! {4 p      11 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet8 L* M2 @; \2 {
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb   \9 Z) Z0 X" e8 t4 M
  C  b; S7 H# h  q7 [7 S1 s) S, Z* RMorning Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  , n$ ~: ]" `9 _0 H" I; g
Weather in hex: Light rain 2 P6 n# `% Z% L0 y  c6 A4 m: F
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
3 k1 p9 C: Y" aEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 1 b+ L% @- A+ P: a9 n) d4 N
Japanese aircraft
) T* M+ H0 o( Y      G4M1 Betty x 9 1 F) ?! U" [& x9 O/ C
No Japanese losses
# L2 m1 v" a0 ?4 ?' m* xAirbase hits 2
) l& q' M1 F* k+ n; vRunway hits 2 / b* W+ f% Y, C
Aircraft Attacking:
. `; v4 O7 }# e3 v( U! H5 t! B       9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet. l- K1 f- D# K8 Y' t
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
! M+ v9 F) x$ {----------------------------------------------------3 N( n" \  B+ g' F$ e' T$ d& y
Morning Air attack on 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 81,43 , near Ankang
4 z! L6 [. L, v* D% W, Q' o7 [$ E" wWeather in hex: Severe storms
) g% e8 z9 C+ ?. JRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet., s1 J& o: v: H/ C; F' ~3 E& Z
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
' P: \0 x3 l" }% M; a) }, C3 I, }Allied aircraft
8 N* n, {6 U( [+ ]+ @( q/ k$ I      A-29A Hudson x 8
* p. t$ u8 k9 X/ n+ H& Y- N. TNo Allied losses
; \6 a& E5 j  G, yAircraft Attacking:
: Z4 J5 P2 U) J% y% f       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet; ]; W3 i* y$ f+ |3 b  m) W3 w
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 6 \4 R$ y8 W) P
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 N! P" f, C- a/ w# b# ]6 z9 X
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Kalidjati at 50,99 3 W- V3 l+ z# c$ A# a0 Y
Weather in hex: Clear sky
: ~; U' L* Q  ]2 |Raid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.7 H' I" |! X! z1 J4 u  ^
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes ' [, Y7 ^# Y2 d4 `8 v% |
Japanese aircraft0 @: q! j. [0 t( e) t2 M
      A6M2 Zero x 26" ^: Y+ A- e3 _
      D3A1 Val x 17
0 k0 e2 ?+ X8 Y0 _/ R5 EAllied aircraft' M: J, L; A* S; s$ e, s/ l
      Blenheim IF x 25 g8 j. o4 {% \' U( U" |+ C
      Buffalo I x 11
* q5 ~1 @3 D! d: Z. d      Mohawk IV x 2  v0 p) m( y" {4 i) r1 x
      B-339D x 35
* s- X8 M4 ~/ @5 ?      CW-21B Demon x 8
6 u% C3 Y' D* ?$ o& g7 Q      75A-7 Hawk x 6 6 L: _$ k4 m% @, E
Japanese aircraft losses
' B% N% M" u$ g1 ~      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
# u% O5 @; F1 O: i3 w; n! D) s      D3A1 Val: 2 damaged
$ h. w& C+ H3 G* ZAllied aircraft losses
! V/ t: ?/ K3 ^5 d  \      B-339D: 1 destroyed
/ a) v/ {, u% i" Q+ A4 z' X$ c( s      75A-7 Hawk: 1 destroyed - b; W& k' |* X0 W0 I6 z! I+ s
Allied Ships
6 d6 h$ P# O+ D1 a% v( n      DD Pillsbury, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 w" j' H1 h" L, `5 M8 C9 {      DD Paul Jones, Bomb hits 1,  on fire( a) l% u; v9 ^. H/ ?( d
      DD John D. Edwards
% |/ Q6 ]- R) n" N1 o3 bAircraft Attacking:
4 O# {7 v7 T! |4 O( P8 ^       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'0 l0 N) }3 j( n7 Q- v; z* y
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
% @/ }. B# o1 W  j7 _+ Y       8 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
. k* Y  J7 j/ A. C               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
" N% k. O7 w6 \* M# T       5 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'1 ~/ ]' }$ k4 z1 |' y' O
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb 3 t' V: q, A, \' D, y
CAP engaged:% t- \1 Z/ ?, [+ a7 x, u. ]* ~. Z
1-Vl.G.IV with 75A-7 Hawk (6 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)9 {( B9 u8 Z6 k& W9 V6 K9 R% u
      6 plane(s) intercepting now.* P+ j' l5 e( E# @& P& [
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.! r9 t& e# o2 G0 j+ K5 ]
      Raid is overhead
3 e9 k- ~) A: o0 c6 V2-Vl.G.IV with CW-21B Demon (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)0 }% `& y3 W5 S. J( K
      8 plane(s) intercepting now.
; C" l2 g# X" e) W      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.5 o# b! l" Y4 k: V: O+ _' R
      Raid is overhead  ?3 {) l( [5 }' x5 M4 [
Ambon Patrouille  with B-339D (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 P/ F& p4 ?5 ]* }! m% E9 O      3 plane(s) intercepting now.& ]- o& K1 S/ j3 O
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
+ B7 @+ `  N" G% u& ?/ ]* G& u      Raid is overhead* D8 i2 Y$ A1 V. y* R
3-Vl.G.IV with B-339D (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
% _# U" `* n/ q& Q6 @& w      8 plane(s) intercepting now.) v/ |. _7 ]1 I: ], ^' n
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.# f5 v1 C( u% T3 C" T8 `) E# D
      Raid is overhead
" ?  q; _% f; S9 h+ @, b1-VI.G.V  with B-339D (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
7 h2 Z; F3 K0 `8 [/ u; a% w      8 plane(s) intercepting now.
2 c5 }0 M6 d, L, G+ K1 L- |, Y      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.! A, Q  ~1 ^; k. Q: `: W5 l+ i
      Raid is overhead
8 t3 p3 D/ H$ t" W, {% m4 y2-VI.G.V  with B-339D (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
7 w6 e& M# z( _; E, m, I# C) o% C+ s      8 plane(s) intercepting now.7 `; q, y) r4 _7 q' f5 s2 w
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.+ J+ Y7 \( \5 w" R5 [2 a
      Raid is overhead$ y) C  `. f5 ~# T4 V7 L; g, v# O
3-VI.G.V  with B-339D (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)/ \" f% ?3 e) j& N
      8 plane(s) intercepting now.
5 L9 {( v8 p" `4 E8 m$ J      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
9 \2 H. g( {% a: n8 p$ v3 t      Raid is overhead
  O. a) ?* H5 ]5 T  \No.27 Sqn RAF with Blenheim IF (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
6 ]5 [5 U" o2 o( f      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
  _  P. w7 F! X) Q      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
+ C4 d0 k5 N" p" k& C      Raid is overhead
8 N9 m* n8 }9 T4 uNo.243 Sqn RAF with Mohawk IV (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
# u. D  ~$ Z1 l0 k5 v( M      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
* i' m1 p5 h& O; j1 g      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
, x* E4 R* m' G/ ^      Raid is overhead
7 a, v2 q9 s9 j) d* a4 hNo.488 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (11 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)% U! V% u; N: n, Q+ _+ e. Y$ R0 w9 [
      11 plane(s) intercepting now.2 A+ o% h: ^& k2 ?! Y
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
2 D# G/ c9 w& m) k      Raid is overhead
/ G: i. m% |! s# V+ H, hHeavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Pillsbury : q9 o" J7 h. `$ K0 f) l8 b" N
9 Q* N8 |( [* T$ AGround combat at Ankang (82,42)   H% L( B* P) X- g1 A
Japanese Bombardment attack
' F9 r, I- p% ~7 `' @" z5 L( lAttacking force 60581 troops, 947 guns, 482 vehicles, Assault Value = 1981 ( d% O( t1 G/ B5 }' [; r3 O
Defending force 84869 troops, 528 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2264
& `9 w+ X: M1 ?; f8 N- h# h7 WAllied ground losses:
0 n4 @; M: y! O; e      77 casualties reported
! F( h2 ?# ?  W$ `         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled/ k: k0 N9 ?3 n
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
! I4 G+ a/ x. Z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
; [& u2 Q( q& R--------------------------------------------------------- 4 D" h! P6 m7 P' U; \7 }
Ground combat at Singkawang (56,88) ; l1 }7 Z0 `- c" p- l
Japanese Shock attack
" o+ c4 f; ^' w: X! zAttacking force 2066 troops, 131 guns, 57 vehicles, Assault Value = 56 : {6 ?/ D. X" R0 z5 q1 j1 _2 E  w
Defending force 1554 troops, 11 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 39
- h, E3 C) D0 s2 }( v4 jJapanese adjusted assault: 13  
' p* u( L2 d; X; M" FAllied adjusted defense: 27  5 x( Q/ m- v- B
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 1)    ?" f7 T6 C' E( J, ~, t8 o
Combat modifiers% F; ?$ F% L1 B
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)- L3 y0 @8 w" {9 ^' V2 w" K
" h4 F' j* k3 ?$ S9 m8 C4 JAttacker: shock(+) % f* }* L% \% ~8 r
Japanese ground losses:( y% q  X; T( @  J+ e1 f
      141 casualties reported- }7 m% _2 V5 \7 J5 y' C/ ?! Y
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 20 disabled
* M2 [* I- P  q$ i) A5 W8 {         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 P3 A' w( E% _$ g0 ?         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled , Q& W; d- d6 d6 [0 d
Allied ground losses:1 {% `6 K' y: b# |- l  R/ k
      26 casualties reported  M8 Y7 N! \6 Z( X' l$ I
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled2 ~  w& [% X3 G" X8 e3 v
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled. ~- S9 B* {0 J- c5 T8 f
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 b5 F. L% w4 Y      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
# c  s* ~( f9 o( ]- X& N      Units destroyed 1
- G3 {: b+ p5 U1 S4 _( ~1 EAssaulting units:9 d) G+ A5 r0 O* G
    22nd Recon Regiment
, B6 c/ u9 g. o    18th Mountain Gun Regiment! \$ t; u& f- y, ~' S7 i4 p
    12th JAAF Base Force
6 Z9 I- _- f) F2 d0 n' N7 g    1st RF Gun Battalion
1 E& \( `6 p2 z+ m    5th Mortar Battalion  L7 |+ {9 P& c/ r% I& ?3 `+ j
    3rd Mortar Battalion
0 {7 F% F5 K! G0 |7 n4 w, F0 X0 E    22nd JAAF AF Bn  
0 ?- w+ z; k+ v/ m" d0 cDefending units:( J5 R  Z- T- o% h9 M
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion* c/ ~' K& S0 u# s+ y% x+ k
    Bintan Det. Base Force4 D. _& D& [6 y/ b6 o+ ?
    North Borneo Base Force" n& H9 t% C' N' D
) ]( ^! l8 l, R6 oGround combat at Puerto Princesa (73,83)
1 g6 B1 b+ J5 G( b# q  ]1 N9 kJapanese Shock attack 9 O5 s' u+ V: y- L: S
Attacking force 1426 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 60
- ]6 w. N! |6 HDefending force 166 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4 9 {& l2 {/ T. g- e% R3 h6 ?
Japanese adjusted assault: 54  
7 H* V$ q* W+ YAllied adjusted defense: 1  , o" \' N3 A9 m6 J0 I( B# p
Japanese assault odds: 54 to 1 (fort level 0)  1 h5 A8 m( I' C, o( N% G# @4 J5 t9 h
Japanese forces CAPTURE Puerto Princesa !!!
. t: }. L5 D4 j3 M! `: wCombat modifiers% I+ L, i& r: d9 t
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-), morale(-)
& b7 N0 n$ u8 Z" u" ? experience(-)8 c* S7 x3 s, D2 W, O& z
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-)
' y+ o  M) S: V/ uAllied ground losses:# L& s0 m9 f- |7 `: F! J
      55 casualties reported
, ^/ Q! I* p" g' t         Squads: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 T( u8 o  @9 m         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled
3 P" D- g% V8 t. r6 Q6 S# `) S         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
! p7 A* D# E3 k& F      Units retreated 1 + Y# w0 f3 T/ c
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
4 `' t# @6 _/ ]8 fAssaulting units:3 k0 I, q, P; ]% r; d- R, b  _  E
    66th Naval Guard Unit - i5 L% w7 k. r) q' L# y' x% i5 T: M
Defending units:
- o' I; c3 d& M8 b- d    2nd PI Base Force
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