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7 M3 i# q+ s6 @, z缅甸的攻略,个人感觉要不就速攻,开局就压制仰光,然后带近2k战力爬过去。
8 T' y% ~: W, H, i: U! s' E- {5 R  h前期马来半岛的部队都在走路 一般要到1月半左右才能到新加坡附近,7 R7 c  t$ E( w0 W& u
0 f7 d0 Z; _" E) u# f要不就要等新加 ...
! ?5 |+ q9 t( ^- |7 B* Vzer0 发表于 2014-11-17 15:29
8 x8 ]' o2 G% a( u! R% q% }
% h5 v: A" O5 d1 d缅甸兵力投入多了,对前期的盟军来说肯定不划算,毕竟是二线战场,前期兵力紧缺的盟军有很多更重要的地方必须布防。一旦缅甸战败,这些部队得爬很久才能回到印度,万一不幸被截断退路,更不用说了,对整个战局影响颇大,因为缅甸不比南洋是日军必须确保尽快拿下的,大可以用小部队截断你退路后速攻兵力空虚的印度或澳洲。
6 J. E/ a/ g: X* [4 R6 c缅甸兵力投入少了,面对日军迂回更加不好办,你该用多少兵力去应对迂回的敌军?少了,有被截断退路的危险,多了,正面日军强推就容易了。
1 y+ t  y4 f2 i; U- g总的来说,前期盟军不存在和日军在缅甸拼的资本和必要,缅甸和印度没有直接道路连接也为盟军防守仰光带来很大隐患。和中国战场长沙附近一样,一旦日军形成包围的态势,由于地利不适合防守,为避免包围通常只能选择主动撤退。
新加坡看上去快了,预先默哀一下吧……8 B8 p( V0 `$ S6 D
hmsd 发表于 2014-11-17 16:06
7 I: C: o+ e# t7 l% k本人用日军时,一月多就陷落了,现在撑到2月了已经比较满意了。 4 j" C0 m6 V7 v# c/ T) ?& D% y: n6 a
* \5 E% P5 }2 `! }一开始有迂回兵力的情况下,你未必就能知道对方虚实如何,战略态势利用的就是虚虚实实。1 i  W, |: g0 M: B3 Z$ K0 J+ L- K0 y( u
缅甸兵力投入多了,对前期的盟军来说肯定不划算,毕竟是二线战场,前期兵力紧缺的盟军有很多更重要的地方必须布防。一旦缅 ...
# c2 p7 W- L" ^wangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-17 18:32
6 G6 L7 g8 R% K, w" D
) W, l. g: J6 i% b' V! S6 P! I" W! a要登陆的话,没有kb护航,在58已经到了爪哇的情况下,风险太大。8 E% m+ j- i6 k. D4 O
' O" U6 h/ t1 j9 r# D' W这个时候盟军机动能力较强,可以利用铁路机动防御。
+ \7 u. m- r1 U至于划不划算就看各位统领的个人判断了,有人选择放弃大陆战场,那缅甸就没必要抵抗
3 I: f3 s* p5 r2 \  w* u/ \本人希望借助大陆的2w多战力,拖住大量日军,缅甸就成了一个重要战场了,
' V8 f& c! n# P5 a- n: d投入1k-1500战力完全值得,由于开局马来方向的日军战力基本是固定的$ V, q  @" a, l3 e; l! N, i. ]7 A0 T
) a' G$ F6 A+ g8 H7 Z估计要过来2k战力才能啃动,再多战力去缅甸,新加坡方向就更危险了。; R1 l* B, [* d" p; d! z9 v
盟军前期也就是新加坡,爪哇,缅甸,其他地方更不用着急了。6 x0 N7 k" N$ Z
印度自己还有2k左右战力,等到2月还会出现近千战力的澳大利亚增援,- G# J2 x# m5 X* L2 Y- z
在本人看来,战力并不紧缺,本来就是自由部队的这些旅和师 用在印度反而更不划算。
% m" y/ F) ]" X! ~! U) d
还是没搞清楚你说的迂回是如何迂回。登陆缅甸?* {' q. d- }5 h, Q1 X4 R  u8 t  |
3 M! b8 r1 V/ I4 N, z9 E5 Y3 g: W如果从陆路过来的话,南边肯定要走这里,除非北面直接去腊戍方向,
. S& e! e# {* o1 L这个时候盟军机动能力较强, ...1 D. X( {' J6 X6 u
zer0 发表于 2014-11-17 19:57
5 N# c% r! _, A! l
迂回自然得“正奇结合”,不然哪来的效果呢?至于说缅甸战场的价值方面,当然也有一定的价值,不过初期盟军兵力是不够与日军在这样的二线战场上死拼的。仰光港的作用在星加坡陷落后就自然丧失了,投入太大兵力并不划算。毕竟,缅甸的价值是和制海权密切相关的,这不同于其他日军必须尽快陆地占领的基地——由于必须攻克,放置更多的兵力即会导致日军更大的困难。' g8 y$ n6 o/ _( y
而且,缅甸初期投入太大兵力,一方面肯定会降低印度和澳洲的兵力配备,另一方面,你需要回收这些兵力的时候,会发觉远比之前想象的困难。7 [) ?( t$ q' P2 K3 \
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-11-18 20:47 编辑
! K$ |0 s& |2 v0 k! W5 `: P3 W
, a- I! P3 ]; o' X! D
7 [9 X+ ]: ?6 v7 r8 b4 j* o" m( N
迂回自然得“正奇结合”,不然哪来的效果呢?至于说缅甸战场的价值方面,当然也有一定的价值,不过初期盟军兵力是不够与日军在这样的二线战场上死拼的。仰光港的作用在星加坡陷落后就自然丧失了,投入太大兵力并不 ...7 v/ D) z8 y$ B- W) u( I! N
wangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-17 21:11
* U6 u! N/ X& o% @) e7 c仰光南面的两条河,如果日军不投入相当战力的部队,过河突击就是菜花现在这结果。
: x$ O) Y. H6 w如果不过河,在河对岸如何牵制盟军呢? 倒是北线也许还能形成对峙,& u, Q: `# C' a4 I3 A, s  H% X% @* c
目前缅甸的制空权并未完全丧失,即使新加坡没了,如果kb不支援过来,日军水面舰只也不敢乱来/ p# B8 p0 V0 z4 ]$ H& z
应该是可以守一段时间的,至于说日军绕过仰光直接去印度的话,基本是要到爪哇沦陷,* ?; w  ]7 }* k
kb配合下才会有这种行动了,这时候已经3-4月了,补给也运上去不少了,  X( f" g, B5 Q
有收获就要有代价,这1k5左右的战力就是本人愿意为大陆战场支付的代价,并不一定要求能撤回来/ e& g6 b8 T6 w1 K. E/ @
其实真正投入的也就是开局的那些机队战力,并未从印度改属,印度目前还算安全。' P8 h8 G3 {! Z: y4 W* R6 r0 k
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本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-11-18 21:09 编辑
+ T3 A! ?. a2 a& S
; T4 p0 g  I, ^3 ]' t: R; qAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 11, 42- p1 M9 ~; e% Q$ Z4 W/ Y/ t+ D8 Z
日军开始不遗余力的炸新加坡了,当天又掉了约30架的轰炸机。7 f* E" m- E* C9 b2 |
日军真大气,感觉比盟军还要财大气粗。 7 \0 w0 |  }) Q$ Z$ m9 g
荷兰空军的两架Do-24损失,是因为kb出现在佩里硫附近,侦查kb的2架大艇被击毁; p3 \! z7 M- ]" @! E: u

' x0 G/ ?5 S3 j  P# z-----------------------------------------------------; z! H* |2 c4 w) F6 D
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
7 h1 G+ l) f  MAllied Ships
$ z' F) C' _# ?2 Z4 X. |/ |* u! N      CL Durban+ u, Y4 g3 t$ v
      CL Dragon' V% f/ j5 _, M3 M8 I$ v, z, ~- U
      CL Danae
- `. s7 H0 v, B$ j. i- N% ~; ^2 G-----------------------------------------------------------------: k! D) A4 |5 m( x/ D
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  8 F5 ^7 [& R/ b) E3 M! X
Weather in hex: Moderate rain ( N" y1 v0 ]/ [( Y6 i
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
) B$ G& ?# G2 t) N, Q! c( ?" zEstimated time to target is 14 minutes
1 c! w( y& w) X: E5 cJapanese aircraft
5 b6 {! n, b8 J" J9 i      G3M2 Nell x 51
# u! A: |% I" N. S      G4M1 Betty x 22
7 c% L5 J$ s$ _; k! }Japanese aircraft losses
; B& w9 D, _4 e      G3M2 Nell: 14 damaged
0 B+ c, |. |* v. r      G3M2 Nell: 4 destroyed by flak
% M( }% a! T7 t      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged" ~! [4 r8 j4 @+ k" e. \& ]( ?
      G4M1 Betty: 2 destroyed by flak   X( o  Q9 ^% _1 f$ @' N8 x4 q
Allied ground losses:
( m5 ^! N7 Z1 ^      5 casualties reported
1 K4 Y( K; `2 O* [0 c1 _         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled, `9 |) K* Y1 [
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled5 G8 m9 k0 |( N# N2 P9 v# b5 i* m
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 2 R9 s1 q3 ?! x
Airbase hits 133 R; H& K0 {5 {( G: J* h/ u4 ]
Airbase supply hits 3
$ I2 O, D. U. MRunway hits 177 w8 ]9 U( h- K, d
-----------------------------------------------------------( Z/ u  _" M/ v. p6 h
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  ; s; `# d% a: e* s9 K
Weather in hex: Moderate rain ( ?/ i! ^5 A' K
Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet." U, \# ^0 j9 K! }
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
- ?; K. Z" L( O. c. s# h  TJapanese aircraft
% ]- I0 q: w& p% `      G4M1 Betty x 6 5 Y5 g7 s2 u" e8 a4 A% j& U; [
Japanese aircraft losses
3 d) B. C. x8 ^) ^5 N      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged5 e7 ]3 Q! }% C7 _" X
      G4M1 Betty: 2 destroyed by flak$ M+ Y, Y& ?9 d, w1 ?8 _
-----------------------------------------------------7 P; N' a9 O) W% y
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  3 F) w8 I0 R2 m
Weather in hex: Moderate rain ' o* S+ w  p' n1 x' u
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
6 O3 B. d8 E1 l6 P: wEstimated time to target is 7 minutes $ M% v' k- O6 t' d
Japanese aircraft
" X9 N1 K. M4 v      G4M1 Betty x 16 % `6 E3 ]" ?' L8 i4 W# U6 w
Japanese aircraft losses9 {1 ~+ h0 S9 r/ i; K
      G4M1 Betty: 8 damaged
0 r" i. i6 y& o$ l! R      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
7 G7 w5 E( B! X5 }! f: ~0 [Airbase hits 3
& j  [9 x7 i% _; g: kAirbase supply hits 1
6 h* N$ {  X. a# V- vRunway hits 159 V: U7 q3 h- A) ^
3 e9 ^6 o  Z/ a/ j2 h5 \0 f  ZMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
6 T: o5 h+ o+ ]( B- q$ o; W4 ~Weather in hex: Moderate rain   z% N4 D4 Z! F5 c8 z; |  h
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
/ p2 e# _+ G& h, C' M: wEstimated time to target is 11 minutes & s6 C* ]. p. ~& n, p: s
Japanese aircraft
# p1 V- j" ?/ ^# f5 M7 p" T0 L      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 146 H9 u+ m& q4 d" F) D* k
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
' Y4 |' u9 ]0 [' I# p4 [      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
$ w7 B! M! G$ NJapanese aircraft losses8 Y+ g" X) ]4 w4 E! I7 k* j. J
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
( h% T* }- q0 ^5 x3 s% {, i7 i      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 5 damaged" X) f9 {4 }7 S; s, ?  _6 M* I
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak % z6 u& z. D4 _/ {: l
Allied ground losses:
* J0 U8 [  J4 K9 `( s, f      7 casualties reported
% y8 L0 n/ c. b3 y" n! _         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 m; n+ F& K8 y+ \         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
" ~  s. J5 Q4 w, h. ]         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
. ]4 u  L- b& S) t      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
7 j# e: z/ M. G$ VRunway hits 4" j% v8 I0 j/ a5 B6 e+ a4 j
-------------------------------------------------------9 Z) g* R& S4 @- J
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  9 o  G$ u* `3 o: ?; t0 v
Weather in hex: Moderate rain " x' x# h* m( }7 I
Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
+ k* V4 `9 [$ rEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
" L1 s% M% g) {. C7 D8 hJapanese aircraft
7 H. w% t/ M) d9 V0 X/ v* d      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 7
2 h, T% U' @) \2 oJapanese aircraft losses
% \$ v4 g2 t% W  g      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged % Q. \) W) \5 f: K) l" Z* f% j
Airbase hits 1
  L+ F7 \1 O1 R7 S% T" H8 @) }Runway hits 1 ) G: O8 z) s6 {7 F  x7 W0 Y( d
Aircraft Attacking:
  H1 b* d" h. c: j7 j- O       7 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet% Y! B6 n& x$ Y" X
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
; p7 L$ s- J0 D6 X' ~-----------------------------------------------
; ^0 }: ?' R1 M- Z* S( D, F7 \Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  ( A6 K# f/ d/ R) M/ v1 H/ L
Weather in hex: Moderate rain * [! C2 Q" k8 m/ F/ U# e- q- Z* D5 B' h
Raid detected at 30 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.* {' k' Z& F8 _, V5 x5 J
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes 0 K2 G; F* X8 n+ I0 }0 z2 c
Japanese aircraft8 ^1 E: Q; y' s) F
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12 / {  Q" }  B# e6 j- o, m
Japanese aircraft losses; \- |  ]# c2 c
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged ' ?* P3 M" j- M. d
Airbase hits 2
2 g7 P0 J! b0 E0 _Aircraft Attacking:. O5 K$ A& Z! g% S# p
      12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
8 ?; o. H) O8 n/ @' r/ l4 \               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
- ^9 P0 o  c, Z2 N. U  _-------------------------------------------------------% @5 U' {( k/ U) Y$ ]6 C/ U* d" D  _+ G
Morning Air attack on 1st Division, at 82,48 , near Ichang 1 {7 F9 M' P. E2 l, M9 E
Weather in hex: Overcast / t: q7 H) s" K. }1 r' ]/ _% J- D
Raid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.( A; u/ a) a; M2 y
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes
1 M5 j* _  i+ `, R) v( T3 GAllied aircraft
- c$ j; G7 |* r* j  U9 b      A-29A Hudson x 8 # f$ s4 S. q: G5 Y+ ^: S) P
No Allied losses
1 R( R, F+ \! j- [+ E  bAircraft Attacking:, |2 K" D- Q/ L2 |
       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
; ?6 o6 b! B) _$ R               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 7 \0 d! d( J5 k2 s
7 v2 l# V* E# m0 cMorning Air attack on 1st Militia Regiment, at 74,52 , near Tuyun , v( H5 a& C9 V# j2 e+ ]. O
Weather in hex: Severe storms
+ A2 o9 g+ a& URaid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.6 o) u, F1 Q  [7 a  E  M
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes 7 N! u. z+ ]8 j" R( d& e! r
Allied aircraft. a0 F4 T: O$ ?: M8 ^! ]( ?
      SB-III x 3 & |/ Z  b% D6 {% B
No Allied losses ( ^5 S. f, K3 a; x
Aircraft Attacking:5 u# h) V! x% z# l1 X; Q* C  t
       3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet * / v* I" A6 X5 A: P) d! X" m/ t- ~
               Ground Attack:  3 x 100 kg GP Bomb
( k- f/ Y7 w: \1 v; O# g- p--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 \# b7 v+ m) _9 U' GMorning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai % U) Y& \/ R9 }) |' K' `: Q1 i+ {
Weather in hex: Severe storms 7 O( ?! j2 [: U: d& L
Raid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
0 g9 \, N$ J. u3 t0 n8 q) r! sEstimated time to target is 3 minutes # t% e0 i% r" Z) G/ n
Japanese aircraft
+ F! Y- Y$ b7 n5 X0 u$ P) v. k; s      A6M2 Zero x 2 ! ?) J* D( g/ P# J* }# A
Allied aircraft
' m+ I# d/ |# C( l! Q' o' ~5 g$ @      Wirraway x 3 ! b! G; C2 a. n1 |; p2 K. j7 Q) ?
No Japanese losses
- d& \3 a/ V% O+ K3 bNo Allied losses
/ A( C( z9 X) a' A) wAircraft Attacking:
% h2 i1 I; s8 m! N/ s3 W       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
+ S5 h7 s$ ]7 |. J5 e               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
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4 R" V# G& O" z- M) C: ^日军继续轰炸新加坡,当天又有约20架日军轰炸机被击落,  l+ K5 T! @/ q$ m1 d
: |. p; d/ Y! @5 I6 \) n虽然死伤人数依然多于盟军,不过盟军已经有4个营级单位被歼灭了,& Z, b! U) W9 o9 g& Q# |% T& ~
9 K7 C: y& ]/ t. W, y) a6 p- V$ |1 B( }1 y1 b( I) Q  T0 w6 y
5 U4 a3 b3 m/ `& d+ h6 P% [Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
& ?% J5 I6 J$ m) v* RWeather in hex: Overcast ! L" c: m+ k1 D: d9 {0 P2 z( o( b
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.+ F9 d2 H6 C& j! y& N( @
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
" b  r1 I' |7 D& C  i  dJapanese aircraft! N, B0 f; P, R: ~
      G3M2 Nell x 73 Y3 Z( T  W/ s' W9 {
      G4M1 Betty x 13 2 S) |* X2 q, F: j* e/ g/ o# M
Japanese aircraft losses! _0 b6 h' s4 p" Q
      G3M2 Nell: 6 damaged- Z. v0 r" b7 p
      G4M1 Betty: 11 damaged. m8 d0 B4 q( |7 x
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak , K( K; R- L) J: h' X
Allied ground losses:
% w7 ?. H, a! n4 x9 w' w      4 casualties reported' Q# y" g. w' W3 L4 `
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) C( B( P2 j; v: D( c         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 l2 r# F1 g# r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 4 |( H; p  @+ c' e
Airbase hits 47 V0 i5 b4 K7 U; l
Runway hits 24
6 C4 D2 t, z1 A* E3 }- P------------------------------------------------------------
& x" G( a" {& I" u+ ~1 eMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
1 j2 D( c* |2 OWeather in hex: Overcast
7 ~; ~" v; i% ?" L3 kRaid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.9 Z" t% w  ^2 k
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
% ~' a$ |" f. ]& h. e& b: E( aJapanese aircraft
& x8 A& [3 x/ M4 x. L* H/ v      G3M2 Nell x 319 l) d+ q' U2 p% U" d
      G4M1 Betty x 14 : y2 z+ n5 d" `8 y, w
Japanese aircraft losses
/ P  p( P# p& E- ~: J      G3M2 Nell: 17 damaged
+ L4 F- A# V4 t& e7 `! w      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
, J' w! @0 X% h. h! Y      G4M1 Betty: 9 damaged$ a! H% K+ t% {6 \
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak / E) [; D$ s$ M
Airbase hits 6
1 c5 N7 S* I8 @$ B$ W' q5 uAirbase supply hits 1; O- X: b- V0 x; B1 [: s
Runway hits 30
: h* N, h  K9 T. h' Q# A-----------------------------------------------------------
* d- F0 E8 N" x: d4 P- A4 iMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  . Q2 c( V+ L5 K
Weather in hex: Overcast 4 D: ?! S( p% K! F, n5 r
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.: r) A' a& X' P. g$ X9 z1 l! e
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes # ^5 t) d+ f. w! O
Japanese aircraft, r* W5 d3 D2 l% w; S+ C! a
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12: m1 C( \$ t% {( @0 {( s
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 111 h2 L6 y* f' ?' K
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 8 * l  d& L: A& v3 P1 w% x
Japanese aircraft losses. v7 r1 x: [; t3 X) M5 b% E4 O
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
0 W* W7 d9 o& p; r0 p9 n2 y" C      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
$ C& L4 D( g! X      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged 4 J7 v# A8 `, g0 T; a2 T
Airbase supply hits 2
  k; A  S( c, D" b5 d. LRunway hits 3
. x* z3 B8 ?5 T& I! d--------------------------------------------------------
/ Z2 w! Q1 }* i4 o3 C% h; qMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  5 T9 z6 f0 r7 E* E3 `5 @7 x+ w
Weather in hex: Overcast 1 b6 X# e5 B% `5 K
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
2 q% A" l4 Q: zEstimated time to target is 9 minutes * C3 Z  a; _! ]9 r5 n
Japanese aircraft9 {& u* N. I* c$ E" d$ Q
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9 ! r- S  V- A; {' o% H* H
Japanese aircraft losses; U$ T' w4 ?7 g/ S
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 7 damaged & M6 I1 I8 e) o0 z8 d0 Y4 I
Airbase supply hits 1
& Y% k# T- W: F& t& v3 ]! g' {: tAircraft Attacking:3 [* z2 L' G# ^9 y5 M" R
       9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
2 _& ]% x' N1 l3 N               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
. z" P5 N* E6 w+ N$ n9 O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _5 E4 k1 z% S; }! O
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  6 g5 T8 M4 X( Z4 d2 E" P( S+ b
Weather in hex: Overcast ' q0 n% R4 ^- G( T1 c3 `/ o% C" b/ ]/ j
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
! [8 _! n& |. R5 YEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
% Z% _/ |# o) j3 _" LJapanese aircraft
! G& H" P3 K( T! u9 t$ B      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 14
# e- _0 b$ e8 ~1 f! v5 W2 n" A      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12 & a/ u7 s1 O' k% _. K" a9 T
Japanese aircraft losses& }/ y, l4 z3 W/ R' D
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 11 damaged
; t! @* @0 w% A0 F8 n      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak 0 _& I) `; P, u' ]
Runway hits 2
( }( m: R! y8 I, Q9 N" [4 |( p--------------------------------------------------1 A+ W4 k% B$ \: }2 ^
Morning Air attack on 1st Mortar Battalion, at 82,48 , near Ichang 7 T; p/ S. y8 H& a  b
Weather in hex: Clear sky
' V5 Q0 x, |. I* r2 A* YRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.3 v6 d* n% Q( o; z: ^7 O2 X6 W+ B5 C0 J
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes " V  W+ P) l  P6 H! Z9 c
Allied aircraft. X' j5 G! |3 t6 [, G8 i7 ^
      A-29A Hudson x 8 2 d% x7 F' W3 W+ @: R% Y3 ~* u2 I
No Allied losses ( b; R* @3 a  K
Aircraft Attacking:8 @2 m$ w* Y' o% R( g
       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
( J9 j) N- v, V8 U- S               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 7 V7 ~3 l% s$ R3 Y' l& }& q6 T
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 R. `4 X3 f- ^5 M  b! b
Morning Air attack on 14th Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai
: p) i5 o- H  D) U  D3 VWeather in hex: Thunderstorms + q" s9 H4 q7 o* V8 Q" \
Raid spotted at 1 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.) m# v% A, R7 F$ |
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes 1 q) y; ^! f" e/ p" j3 \
Japanese aircraft7 ]4 H0 c) `5 ~" G: }' W
      A6M2 Zero x 2 0 w9 d% n2 Q  f( E% W: G' O+ N
Allied aircraft% f1 d! t" h: j0 `2 e: {/ D+ m9 h
      Wirraway x 3 8 n4 Y: i+ c6 J7 y/ S
No Japanese losses 2 I3 t& U9 i$ Z+ e. C0 x' ~6 v
No Allied losses 1 R1 R0 I) ^9 d* r/ T
Aircraft Attacking:
7 U8 }1 D7 \9 D7 l8 T0 F' C       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
: o7 d2 O6 b6 {# C( _0 ^6 K9 P6 m8 V               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
) ?5 ?; [- P5 ~5 g6 }# \3 e( f-----------------------------------------------------, \. k' d% F6 M1 a; x, j/ W
Morning Air attack on 5th Recon Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai 2 o8 h1 ?" q0 b, ]: {) z
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms # }' X4 p" M- {4 N6 ~8 T: j3 Q
Raid spotted at 2 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.6 u1 f$ F; c( F& [1 F
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes - u/ S( l7 k5 }
Japanese aircraft4 h1 A# g9 m7 B" S
      A6M2 Zero x 3
( W/ a6 N8 `" C# V2 q+ m. OAllied aircraft
$ R' K! l# S& Z( K      B-17D Fortress x 7 % V' h4 z. g- |5 \  O  J
No Japanese losses % h. M- H# W0 u* z& \
No Allied losses % S3 ^8 m: M8 i1 r  q& e3 a
Aircraft Attacking:
4 B  i1 L3 V, F4 |       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
& V. y+ j! j$ v- r# M               Ground Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
7 F( |0 ^6 K, O* B  V-------------------------------------------------
7 v3 b/ i" `. a( p* D0 j1 Y, L% |- xGround combat at Singapore (50,84)
9 m& X* i  H! y3 o! s7 gJapanese Shock attack
- M) W( Z  c. S! W( mAttacking force 114175 troops, 1167 guns, 279 vehicles, Assault Value = 3363 ) ^: h8 \7 Q) R' L3 C2 J9 v  D
Defending force 41460 troops, 478 guns, 291 vehicles, Assault Value = 818
6 G, X0 {" h/ yJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1 $ y( ?9 x0 C* g/ I" p, x' q
Japanese adjusted assault: 1562  + k3 J8 n; P: P  V4 Z) N7 T
Allied adjusted defense: 1457  & j* ]; F4 x* F, L: {8 _
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1)  $ ?) d( w4 q" T4 o1 S6 Z6 n' p) ~- j
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1 2 K9 Y" j1 K$ x5 f* Q# d4 ]
Combat modifiers  _, j. i6 P* |! e) I+ F
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)' r5 @6 f" ^4 H5 @/ D! {) \
Attacker: shock(+) , B7 v& ]' q  B. I: w
Japanese ground losses:
( A7 {- x0 g2 C. y! |' n      3756 casualties reported
( P0 m- g- x6 K7 `         Squads: 83 destroyed, 447 disabled
5 i3 D$ \0 M# ]4 |         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 69 disabled" r. W5 z# L9 ~/ I! R) Y/ U' m
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 42 disabled; b6 e( {- Z% J8 t
      Guns lost 47 (3 destroyed, 44 disabled)* n1 o' j8 r, ^, v7 y
      Vehicles lost 20 (2 destroyed, 18 disabled) 0 Z' K0 t# ~* O# a, [6 s  W" s& I, X1 ]
Allied ground losses:
: ~7 U* Z! M' G" g' z( ]; ^      2916 casualties reported
5 X1 ~) a/ ]: ?$ J" k         Squads: 89 destroyed, 152 disabled) W9 t, s" l  D
         Non Combat: 130 destroyed, 73 disabled* w/ J7 Q; v! j0 h9 r$ d4 u' n" `
         Engineers: 15 destroyed, 48 disabled
5 j$ ^% A! h& h( \, G! ?& G1 c      Guns lost 32 (10 destroyed, 22 disabled)' G0 K3 z5 k: O9 ]0 }) E8 x  ~' R$ a: g8 ]
      Vehicles lost 60 (33 destroyed, 27 disabled)" r. ^: _& X* g
      Units destroyed 4 * i0 F; Y7 Q; ~$ s
Assaulting units:" Y' E! D4 F  }, c8 x" n4 |% O& X
    56th Recon Regiment% J( D2 S- N2 |/ A% s
    41st Infantry Regiment) @: ^3 K# W3 s- \9 w2 K
    3rd RTA Division
& b- Q/ _! v, a: u" q0 A    91st Naval Guard Unit
/ {2 ]+ Y2 T! f, x; R    55th Infantry Regiment
8 D# O4 F8 C% C2 B    4th Division/ ^; b9 Z$ I+ d8 [& `% f
    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
/ ^, s$ o7 _  K0 O) g: r    12th Engineer Regiment8 M5 q( K8 e) J- f
    113th Infantry Regiment- ~3 N6 r, @- ?% P$ G) U
    4th RTA Division
/ m- m5 E% p; }: t4 j, a* j+ ?* F6 r    11th Infantry Regiment
' L8 ]3 d$ T  c$ I2 T' S5 U2 C    56th Infantry Regiment
6 A, z- [" \' p% T" [    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
/ M0 J1 t' @/ S" v. g6 h' }    148th Infantry Regiment
5 \1 o; Z! T9 m* ^    38th Division$ f0 R# b1 x" {2 ?' y
    5th Engineer Regiment! v. L* L- S% x' t& j3 N) Y
    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment
/ v' B7 q# a4 ^2 K9 I8 Q    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment0 {: f( [6 A* z- i/ X+ n1 G  E; R4 R
    56th Engineer Regiment, f$ Z7 `, g- N7 T* ~
    21st Infantry Regiment  H0 G1 Y$ X3 x7 U* I# R
    55th Engineer Regiment) E* u  a; o2 X; Z8 F% l# O+ ?2 k5 z. U
    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
8 C' p  Z: L1 Q    6th RTA Division2 ]( U( q. P) `: Z+ ^2 k& i) d% |
    Imperial Guards Division+ }; L" [4 L8 M8 F
    2nd RTA Division& X/ M7 [' i1 s8 H  O1 c5 x
    21st Division
$ a2 G9 Q0 e0 W0 C9 p! e: p    112th Infantry Regiment
4 i; p4 K4 o  }/ V1 a    42nd Infantry Regiment# G9 _. B( `9 x) v$ k! g8 d
    114th Infantry Regiment
5 I7 z8 F: W& M' v4 }    I./143rd Infantry Battalion9 @  T* P0 H5 a7 I8 \
    7th RTA Division: _+ V  B' ^4 |! p
    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment5 ]7 @5 A- q( }- r4 o
    56th Field Artillery Regiment" c6 ^$ a+ w9 f  _
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
& |6 q) T# D; p8 V6 E. T: o    15th Army- I, F3 i1 A9 C- C
    5th Field Artillery Regiment
9 r+ n+ `5 u/ t. ~  p    25th Army. H- A1 O4 B$ a$ d+ T/ b
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
) W- [. d+ s8 b  _: L0 K2 I. r    34th Field AA Battalion! T6 a6 G4 ?* e
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment" [( X# O3 O( X+ ^1 W
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment9 ?3 P7 ]: y& @, S
    21st Fld AA Gun Co
8 v# D9 B8 z# X0 n- `    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion " m  b/ p2 }2 b( u5 x
Defending units:
7 [5 L; U8 y# o8 F. L    2nd Loyal Battalion2 V3 B6 ~/ t8 u! S
    1st Manchester Battalion9 z" l; o1 ]; R# @
    11th Indian Division" G% ^% J" s& B6 C# s' b. U
    3rd SSVF Battalion8 {% I9 R& w9 m
    2/17 Dogra Battalion, ^: a5 A! E  b! f! s
    3rd Cavalry Regiment; b+ t9 L$ B' D+ k/ j
    5/14th Punjab Battalion
" A5 _+ r7 x8 d6 Y    27th Australian Brigade
& ~' Q, h# w3 C9 A0 W    SSVF Brigade
% ^; N; }3 V& @: R- g6 L    1st Malay Battalion
/ `( X$ J8 d1 k3 \    22nd Australian Brigade
1 b7 W, n9 D5 B    9th Indian Division
$ i5 i; `$ V! J    1st Mysore Battalion; ?1 X* l& ]2 P9 ^3 }( O9 f
    III Indian Corps
& S6 l7 B2 K  e7 m; z    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment
% I& N. ?5 j# `3 W6 X3 z    109th RAF  Base Force! m- |  Q, O8 p
    110th RAF Base Force3 h  X9 ?  E' C" P+ Z" ]4 Z" ~
    Malayan Air Wing
2 Y% m1 A9 ]8 X3 L. |    24th NZ Pioneer Coy 5 P* b+ w5 x9 A8 r  V6 @! C) {; D
    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
- @% [/ O' E8 ^3 d3 O    1st ISF Base Force
4 _8 ?, H3 Y7 Y    111th RAF Base Force$ q+ r/ ^& r2 E+ f& ]+ p! X
    Singapore Base Force4 A; I+ F6 P5 w% m( W. ?7 `" l, S$ V
    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
4 b, Y# ~% T- ]5 q4 P4 [    2nd ISF Base Force
' V5 X( H- B1 V5 [" k. [3 ]    AHQ Far East
4 t( X0 {4 I+ [6 w    Malaya Army2 {6 |/ Q, r& Q' T9 k
    Singapore Fortress7 l1 a# C8 ?9 W* V- I
    2nd Gordons Battalion
6 A4 _: q8 a# i& g    112th RAF Base Force
% k/ B+ X1 F6 e- n5 t% \$ x9 t    224 Group RAF ) B+ t1 e- H6 P1 Y4 g: X" R
    3rd Heavy AA Regiment7 k, c$ b* _, P4 A% B
    223 Group RAF % {* [& j) J  m4 f! g0 f" g9 ^# m1 L; k
    109th RN Base Force
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: U, A# _4 I+ I3 X* o6 X% I; z& R
仰光南面的两条河,如果日军不投入相当战力的部队,过河突击就是菜花现在这结果。+ C2 p! D7 m. F0 R7 ^7 B6 P3 H
如果不过河,在河对岸如何牵制盟军呢? 倒是北线也许还能形成对峙,
4 B( w. h6 r6 r目前缅甸的制空权并未完全丧失,即使新加坡没了,如果kb不支 ...
& d. T/ u! c" H, F1 ezer0 发表于 2014-11-18 20:45
" l- D7 Y9 ~9 @2 n缅甸兵力这个说到底有些跑题了。
. T3 @6 O1 |" p8 O% K: A% J0 u迂回战术形成战略态势上的胁迫,在初期的日军和后期的盟军都可以多活用。很多时候不是必须打一仗才能达到目的。当然,战略态势威压也必须对有一定战略判断能力的对手才能起作用,否则你真包围上了他还可能没有反应过来,更谈不上胁迫其主动撤退了。
% }& P2 j& T1 k  L+ _1 [! E当天新加坡继续打下20左右的轰炸机,但是日军炮击能力视乎突然加强了,; ~" f/ B8 L* {
( y( W- j% x& ]& ~0 Y当天出现了个怪事,一个荷兰CL舰队选择全速突击莫港的运输编队,侦查显示当地有ap和tk编队
8 V! r2 ^* S" T: v* p$ `+ Y& b在读001的时候,下面情报栏显示该编队遭遇敌方编队,但是却没有战斗发生!
3 x6 N! B4 |: t5 z4 a2 R也没有战斗报告,很是怪异的事情,对方是运输编队,不太可能靠速度逃离,
2 f+ M6 T" f6 G6 k8 M3 A本打算送些日军下海的,却出这种意外。刚开局时在菲律宾附近也出现过一次这种情况! V8 Q/ @& q( {" @; `& z; S
一直没搞清原因。。。 2 b+ A, n6 t( K" V- [$ a& Y% s
. S% c8 j, f, C% `5 C9 XMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
, D8 S4 J) I, a# @8 o, k' y( i( aWeather in hex: Severe storms * r; Y( A6 W+ k, U
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
) Y% k- b; [, q: vEstimated time to target is 14 minutes 8 H% `3 Q  |: y/ ~  _/ g0 B
Japanese aircraft; c/ C. Y. k, i# _
      G3M2 Nell x 29. ?7 z0 ~' x! _& u
      G4M1 Betty x 9 , [9 T+ O& }% `. D, C$ W
Japanese aircraft losses
) {# c$ q4 _$ ~# x* H1 C      G3M2 Nell: 18 damaged
! [1 A; d7 i) y4 k6 ]- j8 f      G4M1 Betty: 8 damaged& ?% C8 |4 q! H2 S- f
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
; S+ C: g7 O. s+ |$ c- s0 Z, HAllied ground losses:- Y* Q$ j* @$ \1 N  ]0 F
      5 casualties reported
1 r5 X( ~. q4 D' ]; X4 B3 O         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. s% K) S& x9 C) g" ?" j/ }! a         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
" ?2 S' O+ R+ F0 ^7 M         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 6 q- i  t& x4 c' |6 X  y' Z" p5 H" f1 E
Airbase hits 5, H. c) v& z. h# r6 ]
Airbase supply hits 1% H* U5 v0 V" s. ]2 |. r7 U
Runway hits 8
9 p. Q/ |3 B( ]+ E+ l4 j-----------------------------------------------------------. J/ c& u6 Z2 t% ]- y% ]
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  * ], L, H: z4 ]! _
Weather in hex: Severe storms ! q, J4 X# i6 z
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
9 r$ X4 I+ t4 A- C; ~" o) oEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
$ U& v6 a7 x! w1 Y; h3 ^! SJapanese aircraft
1 H) Z+ e% _# i: e* v* @      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
6 o8 y7 w, M; }( ]2 T      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 121 J4 w( I; y% t7 v& {' S- c0 U
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 13 3 E& X2 Z# k+ E$ H$ `- b8 N4 d
Japanese aircraft losses" F( S1 y) P- z4 [" R3 Q! x
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged1 w* {7 _, S1 b3 u8 |0 t
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 7 damaged
  ?5 y" r% A& Z: l$ k/ cAirbase hits 19 S0 \+ L8 V4 c. @- s+ m% Q
Runway hits 3
  v& i, C: G& T! D/ d---------------------------------------------------------------& g+ k+ K7 x5 M6 c
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  5 A' e% K* E3 r! W. k
Weather in hex: Severe storms   G% \1 j! d4 E5 n  m
Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
$ g2 s# J) G) g1 k8 CEstimated time to target is 8 minutes ; r6 B2 E8 H! X* M( j9 ~
Japanese aircraft' P& x& x4 e7 `; r+ u, v9 q
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12. K4 r, }/ s% C" O- P# D
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6 - M9 I: n8 @; \0 q1 F
Japanese aircraft losses3 B0 O  b5 t, y7 s% b
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged; M6 @9 P" M  U, A2 ]: r$ r- Y* T
Airbase hits 1, R! f6 s9 E* J: D
Runway hits 2
$ A  g/ M) Y: i; g------------------------------------------------------------
) ~7 r! Y1 F* _% C! LMorning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai
' U# |3 ~0 `( U* B. }Weather in hex: Overcast
* H  T  F; ]5 r8 e: {5 z  \7 eRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.- t/ O( S1 @9 J* _2 t
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
6 @3 k% k$ M# y8 o4 a( N4 p" O  eJapanese aircraft
, V/ ?# [) o  Q0 @      A6M2 Zero x 3
7 v" P; u$ O0 dAllied aircraft+ y1 T, @3 k$ G$ U6 i& i$ H! E
      Wirraway x 3 $ I* G: z3 N/ _
No Japanese losses $ R+ J/ b: k, L3 ]* O! v. d1 i" ^5 d
No Allied losses
8 y& @* P! Y% q& Z8 g# vAircraft Attacking:
' L" Y2 M: F0 Z4 D5 o$ r, h  [       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
/ [( l, l, e3 R5 y               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb! ]! J% {2 g( H$ s% p9 t  ]' Y
-------------------------------------------------------------6 B+ M5 k' {- f: B
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
3 k2 m0 S! U0 `& u) D) Q2 MWeather in hex: Severe storms   [  Z( h' \, D5 c0 }2 @7 [
Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.6 O2 o" b2 h. v# E0 G( G
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes , S$ y* o; ~7 G
Japanese aircraft
, m4 e7 j8 r6 @      G4M1 Betty x 14
) W. n5 G# V; r- hJapanese aircraft losses! w# C; Z9 B$ S& v& Q! M
      G4M1 Betty: 10 damaged
/ q& V( _8 H% B! \" a$ \      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
+ A1 T9 a9 w3 Q8 J, K4 pAirbase supply hits 1) S( T$ ~* m$ \- X4 d7 @, D
Runway hits 3" O9 [1 ^/ C( W0 {1 X, V8 j
-----------------------------------------------------8 ~  f2 t, |- ?  i; E# B$ y
Afternoon Air attack on 1st Division, at 82,48 , near Ichang 1 V' I0 k  I# |7 |+ N8 P
Weather in hex: Light rain
0 q/ n5 O/ I3 c( |9 v! [( mRaid spotted at 41 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
' L, U" n2 N1 A# T1 F0 QEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
/ ?2 u. S  \3 t. M8 y! L" uAllied aircraft# j9 b/ {- w2 e& s' k
      A-29A Hudson x 8
2 ?# N+ H5 `2 y" V! F; @No Allied losses 6 l8 y2 p4 D% j# s% L6 a! e
Japanese ground losses:
5 V* `" I" T2 ?% p9 }  T" F' h      17 casualties reported
& X7 Y5 o. ?4 J7 Z) L! r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ X, w' N& c9 V  V  M         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, R7 ?  y0 f  ]' t* M
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' c* i/ \+ [( n: I  t
----------------------------------------------------- ( h+ S( p! P: a8 X2 x/ |% \
Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)   v/ q# M4 x$ s0 T# h0 h( i
Japanese Bombardment attack
# [% U, J5 ]4 h0 T# l! N- n0 IAttacking force 97322 troops, 1062 guns, 221 vehicles, Assault Value = 2943
9 b9 ]% \# z* P. R6 g0 nDefending force 38499 troops, 470 guns, 260 vehicles, Assault Value = 640
7 F: H( P+ }. m9 Q' D' E3 f9 ~5 kJapanese ground losses:
7 s1 F: r; b  Y$ Z# m* s% a* _- \      39 casualties reported5 c' C2 Q' }; J! r
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled$ g3 v  N$ ^- a2 t
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 d- b/ @# W  @6 q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 8 x! o- R; D+ V! f
Allied ground losses:
3 I: V# W4 l2 {/ I      94 casualties reported6 c+ ]9 e" U3 z0 j
         Squads: 17 destroyed, 1 disabled
/ f: f* v% f; a- M3 C- ^. v" S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( U$ G% [$ |) I* a0 e9 x3 u
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ l+ _$ e* a: v+ B- O5 o4 R      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 14, 42. \# V+ ?4 U( a0 k% E- m: l
) O% H& D6 q8 U( D( }& M由于日军当天没有攻击,这意味着本档新加坡也能撑到历史上的2月半了* P8 ?% V3 s( [  ]5 ^! Z
kb到了万鸦老,居然靠港了,不怕飞机起飞减半的惩罚,万一这时候58来了。+ l: `7 x2 X) p
$ K" T% u+ Q6 y0 ]从泗水出发的约30ss,已经前往附近海域埋伏了,看哪位艇长运气好能摸到kb。 6 Q- @; U6 D4 G$ K! O8 t
----------------------------------------------------------------------! Q! P9 H3 h7 p
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
! ^3 y- H6 d$ s8 \1 C1 TWeather in hex: Moderate rain 4 R" l4 R+ x$ o0 U4 K
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
( D; Q2 H7 p! j" K; N  v/ @Estimated time to target is 14 minutes 9 S% U. L) |$ ^3 ]
Japanese aircraft# x0 r! s( [" m0 F4 ]  s9 B( }6 o7 f
      G4M1 Betty x 3 0 l, l1 W% g2 W& v1 t& M1 e
Japanese aircraft losses0 I$ F6 ~% X- }; P2 |  w
      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged - x5 M8 l* _" w8 x9 G
Airbase supply hits 1
" e8 M+ P- h+ ]2 tRunway hits 6
2 N! t" B: o) ]) q, H--------------------------------------------------------------, z8 F# ?" r* e
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  7 V' a$ a$ @2 `; ?
Weather in hex: Moderate rain " @; b" {4 X( ?( c5 u$ b' I
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.9 u4 k3 U4 k; t5 A
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
% k  x" j& q4 uJapanese aircraft! w% j+ Q( a. x8 m& z
      G3M2 Nell x 8 : f3 @; e3 B6 Y9 U
Japanese aircraft losses4 V1 b3 ~! _8 j+ o! s! V! I
      G3M2 Nell: 5 damaged! d2 Z6 T2 o: ]- h8 u5 y% _
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
4 z5 L  E1 j! l8 IRunway hits 1
# `7 k* \$ C5 l# m--------------------------------------------------------- I: N% S$ T; S, W$ n/ a
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
* L7 X& D$ ~5 U+ |' `8 [) [Weather in hex: Moderate rain
: U: Q. s- G; ?4 [, N5 B2 m+ _Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
- n$ y# ^5 D( w" s+ n0 X8 I; s3 s. QEstimated time to target is 15 minutes & Y2 O0 |# p8 i* S. i
Japanese aircraft3 l( z3 T( K% B1 D
      G3M2 Nell x 11
1 a7 r: r3 ^3 H! X( V      G4M1 Betty x 7 5 X& V3 W" v5 r& I  A; Y
Japanese aircraft losses
( m7 E( C" C. \# e      G3M2 Nell: 6 damaged3 v, _' m( N4 K
      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak# _. C% ?/ H+ B9 }( s+ s9 g. E
      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged % [9 z0 F0 S) q: `4 S
Airbase hits 2; F, l& r% [( h
Runway hits 4
- ?9 u$ ]7 i% F3 s2 s5 C' o; Z& q-------------------------------------------------------- E1 m4 U3 Z; W; B6 W: T3 W& I3 n9 q
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
6 ~$ |7 G6 Y4 F+ e7 a( gWeather in hex: Moderate rain
2 t9 v+ L/ B( S. wRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.& ]) `. q) m8 n% L
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 7 I% a7 M/ ~( `; u" T3 k) {
Japanese aircraft
) \" q! b$ M% L$ s# k. w      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12
" H6 f) C' _( c+ [3 s! B      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
/ H8 ]8 p  E' W8 A2 p/ J+ r      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 26
6 s- `7 A$ w% N5 A8 S' f! fJapanese aircraft losses. B; Y" P# `3 P" c- Q0 E6 k
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
, \1 [; ~: E" @      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 7 damaged ) Q5 G7 r( h- I# [8 G
Airbase hits 1
0 ]8 N) x& ^1 |Runway hits 5
# K4 w3 H9 E$ j% C, T----------------------------------------------------------+ P, g: [: E4 k
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
5 P! P& B% O" o7 E  ZWeather in hex: Moderate rain
3 ~) y0 M" |* WRaid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
8 F4 m+ ?+ M" o% d4 @Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
) f: T; K& q: Q  NJapanese aircraft" x- b8 C1 |: t
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12
) {3 ~+ L7 Q; a      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
8 R/ D/ b" O) t: yJapanese aircraft losses
% Q1 P4 p- K. Q: S$ m/ _9 K( ?. }      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
! g& D( L- S- e4 f% xRunway hits 2
0 @: Z. s4 W4 T/ T4 {- `! j-----------------------------------------------------------5 A6 k; S% n4 n, G4 ]' s
Morning Air attack on 14th Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai " `( N8 c' K; H& d" G" G* `( Y5 D
Weather in hex: Moderate rain 4 |6 B8 k( U$ Z4 G
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.( V7 |% E/ ?& d. X
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes
$ h3 O7 R/ Z% @4 Q4 X5 \Japanese aircraft
9 n. [7 t7 g6 c8 ~8 b; v      A6M2 Zero x 2 , _& i  S$ v4 z3 O
Allied aircraft
- s8 L8 D; [& h, b' n, R  h      Wirraway x 3 ) e1 L, H( I9 u& R% g9 t; t
No Japanese losses 3 ?. [" U' W! u( r% c8 {
Allied aircraft losses
6 j, t) [3 @' B      Wirraway: 2 destroyed
- N9 K2 N$ r" D( U( o3 Z- \$ s----------------------------------------------- 5 ^! [+ U7 b+ l/ r6 Y9 T! s
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) $ M' n7 F: a# J6 K
Japanese Bombardment attack
( \$ _6 w# T; Z+ D( q# |( gAttacking force 70350 troops, 950 guns, 488 vehicles, Assault Value = 2308 7 N& v8 b4 n) _$ @" P
Defending force 107625 troops, 598 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3003
, q9 N$ y" ?; t2 N! Q8 @6 y/ D/ h0 }Japanese ground losses:) b% P0 e2 S% j: }9 l6 d
      30 casualties reported% Y0 X: {+ u7 T0 `+ ]
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled; O: d( w6 f( L) F
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* A; A+ P% R. u$ t  P+ {
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled / D1 O  c. L+ p8 C
Allied ground losses:, }6 T2 f8 e' Z0 z2 D9 E/ _& A5 P
      151 casualties reported" s1 s: d- v' f  A$ k. t
         Squads: 3 destroyed, 14 disabled6 U* A4 o2 ?7 C# [- Y7 V9 J* u
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# }2 C: i% E  ~' W# _1 m         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled! Z$ I* v7 A0 N& g- w+ _8 [
----------------------------------------------------- ' f  ~& l) z/ b% W# r
Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)
0 ~7 O; F8 A4 hJapanese Bombardment attack
0 J" z8 W1 S4 {3 f# _- ~- O; ^Attacking force 88979 troops, 949 guns, 221 vehicles, Assault Value = 3046
3 D( O# C! W3 A) X& C# G- N* yDefending force 38748 troops, 469 guns, 260 vehicles, Assault Value = 662 9 Q; Z0 V, ]. c6 t
Japanese ground losses:
; l/ t6 V  T' l- P+ Y7 j      46 casualties reported% A1 M+ s" \' T: n) t: r% r
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled; f4 a. k! W4 `& p/ a# [
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! }- K3 ~* p" T5 q+ _2 }9 }. ^% m
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 4 R' h9 P5 G5 ~- g
Allied ground losses:5 o6 E, u( H" {) o. [% K
      54 casualties reported) q/ }7 d5 [/ h5 n
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled+ ]6 C, b3 F; o7 t) ?& J, d
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled9 b' X; D3 T5 k  F0 g$ w$ h2 A( p
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
这是目前的态势图,日军攻势不算太快。, }3 X. t( a4 \% Q" }8 r$ U3 E

. t) Q! {- }5 h. Z! J6 T3 r细看下发现顶在前面的居然是mini,日军知道58在附近,还把mini顶这么靠前
. B2 Z( v) [9 T1 i加上前几天的侦查,基本断定kb在后面不远的地方,不过58倒是可以试着再去摸下mini
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