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本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2012-1-4 11:40 编辑 ( W" `9 I+ A0 J7 u2 H: ^& p
) s) r2 y$ `4 X
0 E2 S  Y9 W( ^7 C! {6 g包括马萨诸塞和华盛顿号两艘新式战列舰在内的大批美军水面舰艇触雷,当场沉没了包括2艘弗莱彻级DD在内的4艘DD,另有4艘DD重伤,所幸两艘BB受创轻微,乃不幸中的大幸。盟军一定要吸取经验教训,全面协调所有的船只和部队,避免这样的悲剧再次发生。
* A  w3 Q! A( H2 m, n7 V9 {# }
* W' P  G& R* q! U8 A/ m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ H9 \  q' C$ J  h$ A& ~7 f
TF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
- P% H7 n# m1 \# ~% q
7 Z7 _# \" P' x1 @0 |& EAllied Ships# B6 r5 \2 I3 k- M/ |/ \! z! [
      DD Nicholas, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage; O, ]0 }9 r5 J* ~6 y8 Q% B
% G; J+ m6 j) i2 t
9 ~4 J3 s% W3 i8 z' C' ?6 {TF 162 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
3 E; c+ v8 D. Y5 e) p% b7 j; M% I7 h7 K  g2 P3 d2 e
Allied Ships; r3 C) O' b7 F# |& A! j+ J, W
      DD Cushing, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage5 h0 T! F" \6 E! O/ Q+ s% f/ y

) ^/ \$ b& p; A. ^: r- d--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 ^# f; i* S9 q% ^8 ?
TF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
+ E- q5 q9 d& r9 q* V) P; ?
+ r; Q" T+ L% o- J" oAllied Ships4 v" ]9 F* o" p
      DD DeHaven, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage4 I& N) V6 S0 J( `8 e

( Q0 ]/ d( R8 o/ w& E0 U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 c' h  m0 a9 f6 D/ WTF 45 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
+ [, e3 G- q2 Y* f0 \1 F, ~  H* W  W; x; K/ w
Allied Ships
$ s: _8 [* m6 X0 \      DD Monssen, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
4 A; r# v9 ]8 T2 [/ _/ W      DD Grayson, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
/ r2 W, y7 m0 ]
0 E9 E& G# P3 d) J$ x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 ^3 s) q4 n8 b  O
TF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
" C/ B9 d4 B8 d. t6 I) M
0 W6 i: s3 E2 ?' q! oAllied Ships" u4 o3 t* o, n9 A
      DD DeHaven, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage3 P5 |4 G' f- W

2 T$ }/ J  W4 T; ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ z5 r! f) \! s) m# b, t
TF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)  y2 V6 D% f2 C  I* s6 i, L9 ~

! ?5 e: c# P3 q1 L/ j0 sAllied Ships
) {* K: [; @2 q; W  u+ J5 U; X$ g      BB Massachusetts, Mine hits 1& t. r( S# y% P; T

, b8 P' L$ X! s4 c; b8 K9 U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 C, C6 x" ?6 v% s: r' RTF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
: Z# X& y. X! o) J5 H- `+ j/ L3 C; a6 M
Allied Ships+ E8 ]& u& c3 _( C. r& w& _
      BB Massachusetts, Mine hits 1
9 v; Z6 r5 X9 k& I5 V3 W% l      BB Washington, Mine hits 10 n. }2 P9 Q. a) ~6 A

+ U, \# c" l& S: @5 Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 A3 \2 M0 X2 b7 w: J* @+ U0 H
TF 162 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
( y+ Y% M* y9 s& i4 g
: `, F; E9 w0 D4 dAllied Ships, ~7 ^+ a. E" a0 k  f
      DD Conyngham, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
: i+ _& Y. u0 ~$ J7 n' c* d; h
2 J# l' T" [! I* r* ~5 q/ W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Y6 x/ T+ i) W
TF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
0 ^0 G  f6 B( C# s% @; }0 t4 m% a$ d( ^0 o) s% q% G
Allied Ships+ {1 L. [1 q! d2 R8 H
      DD Abbot, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
! t1 W4 k( ]. e. m/ O8 h0 N$ V2 C- S# O, O0 I4 J
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: d& W- v9 j/ L5 b! p% s% M- M0 E! H
TF 45 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)8 k, Y; R  k& K  n1 h- }0 }

6 j5 ^: O$ `( \' D9 H0 x0 mAllied Ships& u( |5 A% `: f& P( }  o
      DD Gwin, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
5 o4 C7 l: O. n9 [9 ^9 _5 n( e! ~
! i0 q0 {! }$ C: s8 I0 h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ j$ B. P. f- N7 A5 s& e
TF 106 encounters mine field at Tabiteuea (137,134)
4 A: u/ W$ d+ l  x( c  i# I* j9 I0 Z. Y) @$ T- W4 p9 Z& Q  ?
Allied Ships
0 Z6 P+ y) Q) B  \% I      DD Conway, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
我也是第一次知道己方水雷会如此大面积误伤....: `; p8 j8 n. z2 d0 }2 B
我以前见过中1,2个水雷的,那还是几万水雷的时代+ t, b8 Z# ?3 S
5 E; x: i' _! x: t
1 e4 M8 C5 {4 [! s. K
. c" K6 f; z3 u) W" o1 u0 v这次算是长见识了
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 18, 43$ P/ C4 J; _* U8 H$ x+ S

  X  g" v$ v# l盟军水面舰队再次压制吉尔伯特群岛的3级机场迈阿那和塔瓦拉,这两个基地分别由一支日本地勤部队驻守,经过连续的轰炸和炮击,相信暂时失去了起降飞机的能力9 ?" _, h# D+ U& }- @: O
2 [& o3 a' ~8 S: V) x
. U- E$ E% q1 b- E7 F) ]Night Naval bombardment of Tarawa at 136,128
6 z( w0 p' t  ~2 U' D- s, c9 t' h* j- s5 n" L& z: N
Allied Ships, A. b4 b; p; A
      CA Vincennes
6 O! {: i7 W( p3 B5 p: q+ v3 A3 u      CA Quincy4 s1 c4 k: o, t, J4 m
      CA San Francisco
/ s( f* M- q, l* {$ R% C      CL Santa Fe
, _/ P" y, J  U1 V* p      CL Denver
0 s) C! Y  ^9 B" G) q5 S6 B/ p9 j      CL Montpelier
6 D1 k9 r6 K1 E8 i$ {) H      CL Cleveland5 S5 ^9 s; V/ P, T' A# v" H8 \
      DD Doyle3 X" O* R' @8 Y0 B0 l. x! B. G
      DD Carmick
. x: Q6 t8 c4 }: k" b3 E3 t      DD Strong: M: U! [7 L; i, i% H/ k- K( R
      DD Saufley5 W# M7 @" o! Z+ W! W4 L' C5 d
      DD Radford0 }) E$ N7 O8 \# b: }7 V' F
0 B: _. l! z2 b$ y$ t
Japanese ground losses:: u( _& X$ V' O) F6 ~
      340 casualties reported8 e8 L( l/ U* @
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ }8 n4 o' `- z% t) @" b2 |  ?
         Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 31 disabled# Z; s7 h+ `! n, V+ O) d- L
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 23 disabled
4 \; Z6 w2 }' n7 Z8 K, c. D! ~! x/ B% ^+ l3 C& F5 h" p

+ R3 K5 K9 F: h+ I# S$ j9 A' @- T3 z; V' {- O
Airbase hits 21; j; l) u; g( M
Airbase supply hits 5$ q% m; t# q5 B: H; D
Runway hits 59
" H- M  ?6 T& _% I2 YPort hits 23
! ]+ v/ ]9 f- i# Z3 R+ FPort supply hits 6- p: X$ H) |8 U9 c
. s& T% p0 f4 G0 u3 r" N
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) \7 l2 w# h- l# N
Night Naval bombardment of Maiana at 135,129' ~: @& t$ H7 J4 i' t' K

" l1 P+ P: W6 _8 h, L" E- @Allied Ships
, D& K2 O# z! P2 ~6 Z% T2 S5 [2 x      CA Minneapolis
# b! \- k+ i, s7 X# h  V: O& d      CA Astoria8 Q5 a& I. J/ Y8 t# ?4 b
      CL St. Louis) r6 K! o. v, p) J$ A
      CL Raleigh3 M6 }& O4 n1 b, n
      CL Richmond
. V# N* S* b" K5 }& @      CL Danae
6 h" w4 L2 A& \% I1 O' ]$ x      DD Downes) S7 d9 v: q) N" w5 S7 S
      DD Perkins: ]8 K. p  q) o& i, t
      DD Case. z3 R% }5 R6 L
      DD Lamson7 U8 z- L6 ~) q: f" Z( O. W
      DD Cummings1 E" L9 G5 {( W7 ~

7 [, x6 m- p0 aJapanese ground losses:
" Q( K- |4 Y! z  l( L0 V: q; H      261 casualties reported
( [0 K- u7 \0 {( ?% s         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 ?/ F- K+ p9 t( l3 ?, y& L3 C
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled/ Z* |6 b: @. v5 a- D' V) }
         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 38 disabled
" w. o7 v. H2 d2 v/ u5 v# s5 [- i% q2 h8 d9 J- J. i; S. d. D" }

# z, x* B0 ~8 o3 n- e6 u6 b& {0 e4 _. T1 p6 P0 N: D; c
Airbase hits 5; h0 J) Z1 P. _7 x
Airbase supply hits 6
( K  t% r5 U' ~# @Runway hits 30( x0 w) X, V$ y8 i
Port hits 43 t# |- P( D" s0 o: M
Port supply hits 1
& O7 l% x0 w( M* H# Q& Z, K
% Z' \  @) N" b
( \1 S5 b8 J( D印度方面盟军也组织了大批轰炸机对进入范围的60w日本大军进行狂轰滥炸,第一天的轰炸结果还不错. X+ a9 \* r$ p* K+ {) g3 P. D
' b8 R2 @. P% C, kMorning Air attack on 27th Division, at 45,7 , near Hyderabad (Sindh)
7 ]8 N4 s% P' H. m+ @
: L+ B7 r4 }0 p6 Y; \5 @4 aWeather in hex: Clear sky) @1 u4 Q, |+ W$ |8 x. S

# G: D" w9 @/ }: I- g. [Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
) ~8 k3 ~" {# ^. m; C) WEstimated time to target is 29 minutes4 f9 V  j1 g+ H, ?9 _
, I2 @- p2 Z" d) w! H! Y% W

3 n# f% j/ E1 p) V1 yAllied aircraft8 x- p( i  }* [7 L8 w# t
      Beaufighter VIc x 27. v. t+ n  I( p9 ^$ ?% G
      Blenheim VD x 26
2 t+ m& L: y4 @      Hudson IIIa x 27
6 v0 h+ X  j! B/ E& j      Hurricane FR.IIb x 12( ?8 k* G# N; }+ t  f8 ?) Z% y1 n
      Lysander II x 13
" I3 D' v6 L  Q9 _7 O; ?, ^, z      CW-22 Falcon x 27
8 m3 j4 ~1 S5 ^# A      DB-7B x 11% t( j8 w, Y, _2 C' G
      B-25C Mitchell x 56
- x4 ~2 ~" f' [      B-25D1 Mitchell x 9& ^, w$ s" Y; `) L/ J1 k

0 K( `& @7 o9 t* U& h! g; V9 p0 V
; P- R4 I( b# y" CAllied aircraft losses, y/ T) e9 K9 j( [3 S: [8 O  D/ I
      Blenheim VD: 7 damaged
0 ?0 k$ Y2 P# G- V      Blenheim VD: 1 destroyed by flak
/ g- E& s8 Y) l! U      Hudson IIIa: 3 damaged
" n3 i7 h/ X# M0 z$ Y+ S. ^/ Z& n      Hudson IIIa: 1 destroyed by flak
% o. Q3 a( C/ J/ M6 g( Q      Lysander II: 4 damaged
! [/ v  |' Q6 G% ^- N0 K) X      CW-22 Falcon: 6 damaged0 ]5 B/ @+ E" j  V) q# A
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed by flak( j! _' t+ H: }
      DB-7B: 6 damaged
+ d1 U1 S* D% s5 \, y6 n      DB-7B: 1 destroyed by flak
. S' a9 V0 a0 X1 H0 |+ `1 t& t$ x* z      B-25C Mitchell: 14 damaged$ E" W4 {- g4 D
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 destroyed by flak) }* c" P% g) ?- I
      B-25D1 Mitchell: 5 damaged
& A$ g1 H" H" u, S9 l6 ]
  m( N3 x& P6 }/ tJapanese ground losses:! E# _( X. Q" b( @6 K! M: K
      881 casualties reported
: @" S5 D+ N. k% ~+ _  `. ^& @         Squads: 2 destroyed, 18 disabled
4 z2 {2 n0 D8 H3 \5 X         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 50 disabled
1 y" b8 D9 b, V: Z, u- ^         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled% g$ J& Q% V9 V7 E. |: T
      Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled), F2 D: w4 x; c# P4 B
2 j7 i7 I6 K8 m  ]1 X0 F2 A) [
; \7 R3 q9 Z+ C- a! i4 n  b6 B( y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 a$ Z; N2 d" {% Z1 k8 m4 p1 H% E
Morning Air attack on 40th Division, at 45,7 , near Hyderabad (Sindh)0 ^  r1 f3 l" V2 |/ z% h  h. ~9 F
: I* V$ r! l, \1 i# U
Weather in hex: Clear sky$ ^' o$ o! M1 K' W/ A
# n0 h; J. U) j+ y' a
Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
4 y5 ^' ?$ c5 r) ~$ y, r. B* F. w' FEstimated time to target is 19 minutes8 d8 r. ~2 c$ X) s/ A: d9 S$ f0 Q$ ?% I8 @

( Y( y) x0 D7 |5 C) y( X! S/ M
3 f8 m) f( E  ]8 M/ XAllied aircraft
' i7 I- I& B* A) I      B-25C Mitchell x 9
6 g5 J* @# z1 Q! J+ S      B-25D1 Mitchell x 20
( d2 P  E. a1 f3 C; }8 ]1 o% q) I+ i3 j7 z# V3 F
% v$ P; d: ~9 @! }0 `; @% I
Allied aircraft losses$ I$ d* W1 t7 G! L7 j
      B-25C Mitchell: 8 damaged: B6 o. M4 d4 A" H$ s
      B-25D1 Mitchell: 15 damaged3 t0 \% y$ f7 U$ x  L$ c# Z
      B-25D1 Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak- v' B2 `" t* W. s

) U# s8 J  L3 c& x! m9 }Japanese ground losses:3 {3 [: X  J+ S( n5 b8 T
      332 casualties reported
& p9 g) n( D3 x- r         Squads: 4 destroyed, 21 disabled
7 G, i$ ]7 F* m, J         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled" ^6 b' F8 F" \" p; j5 e8 f
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 {, ^. x( G" X$ }3 T  d
      Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)6 c  B; p& Z2 c& H6 N4 F: d8 k& \

* r# ^3 s+ k" O1 [+ O% S) `# x2 T) @  \( q

( \8 c+ H. e( o. t9 k7 A0 A美军肃清塔比特维亚日军残部,6000多日军被全部歼灭2 J6 F0 b/ t9 J+ G2 @
0 K- ^2 v: o; c$ t$ p  p& L' x% s2 J" H
Ground combat at Tabiteuea (137,134)* T7 x: M' G- z$ j; O

( R+ Y& S/ M- ]' P* uAllied Deliberate attack
3 j- i3 x: s* G5 D" ^8 D3 N, P' e6 e& ~5 f
Attacking force 20729 troops, 541 guns, 437 vehicles, Assault Value = 812; M  m4 V5 Z; A. L& A' a2 K* Z
3 k) ]8 `2 ~- @( `# X6 l' O* Q+ K( _4 I
Defending force 590 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2
' L9 U4 T1 t0 |7 f& E1 H
2 c$ `" ^$ {7 R9 rAllied adjusted assault: 376 # v3 e8 I* f/ b6 [1 l/ A
( w; f" H" v* Z
Japanese adjusted defense: 1
& T5 H) s) t2 b" I
3 V0 x% h8 m% G! L+ dAllied assault odds: 376 to 1 5 M; t* _* Z$ n; B9 J& L
- j& B7 u) T# Y
Combat modifiers
/ F$ D- ]2 ~" i; U7 _# J! p$ |Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), experience(-), supply(-)
6 t, y" b0 y/ v1 h7 C4 U9 H: AAttacker: ( ^9 _! m( M' \) U
7 `3 l7 w$ h) i' ]8 l/ @0 O  b: @
Japanese ground losses:
) P( Y) R! c' q, G1 R3 N      820 casualties reported/ \: h) A% J$ D
         Squads: 12 destroyed, 0 disabled5 i7 w6 E  D% ~8 \
         Non Combat: 91 destroyed, 0 disabled! R$ w* C6 E/ j& R( L
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 J8 R+ q+ t0 K$ Y. x! \      Guns lost 11 (11 destroyed, 0 disabled)) }. G, W. M: A4 E7 x5 Q
      Units destroyed 1
% t, z! ]# x( Y  p6 ~
5 s: e6 N: _2 N) G
: @+ G0 L* }5 I4 o
+ b- f  X& u; t; A5 X2 {6 YAssaulting units:$ _; `' w0 z& ?5 I4 t2 D3 J
    24th Infantry Division* W! _5 N* R/ w& s. T* n
    2nd Marine Division
* K7 D0 P. U" t5 ~- W. [    165th Field Artillery Battalion& t: R! a: W7 d/ i/ o9 W
    223rd USN Base Force/ d3 B/ d' C& [: n$ A: I8 s
    1st USMC Field Artillery Battalion0 @0 [: V; z3 [2 j$ U
    3rd USN Naval Construction Regiment; |" z# d2 e* G

+ D) H& n- P: t: @/ ZDefending units:: r0 j! ?& a- _# k' ]( m
    22nd JNAF AF Unit
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
老赵这次算是焦头烂额了有点。; V. }6 q4 I' |, V
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 19, 43  x, h( V8 y7 {/ `8 E8 @# H1 D) h

1 h* @. Y- f3 P2 z6 g# O; e印度盟军轰炸机轰炸了日本大军的殿后部队,这批日军有3个师团,没有AA掩护,在盟军的猛烈空袭下一天伤亡了近2000人,但是相比60w大军的数字,也还是毛毛雨了
" ~5 `' f$ D* ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ U5 L2 ?# O+ g* q
Morning Air attack on 54th Division, at 46,8 , near Hyderabad (Sindh)
8 ]7 e7 P. q/ w" `) e3 H$ \8 }$ u
$ G- i0 E" P9 x) iWeather in hex: Light cloud, h  h- L# i$ J3 B/ F

# P1 Y- M$ Q( H6 h1 P# DRaid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.( @& N1 [* O7 }& \4 z9 h
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes4 R2 y. x1 \1 d6 g9 r. ]
$ g$ f0 I, I6 ~2 O

" [9 e1 ^) i7 l- hAllied aircraft( x- W9 y, h" ^- V( i
      Beaufighter VIc x 7
6 e! _, j! K+ y7 g7 p      Blenheim IV x 50
' N" |6 d7 ~7 |; h' n- b      Blenheim VD x 17
" _, y* m) _! ?& L! P      Hudson IIIa x 9
) d( ]1 l+ w' S& x9 z! }; u" o      Lysander II x 12# T& ?" i$ V7 s* C, t
      Vengeance I x 201 B# q" ^; a  \& s  h/ E$ L* X) S$ O
      139WH-3 x 9% K7 g% R5 `) I: O. P2 v1 H
      CW-22 Falcon x 14$ \5 \5 L: K" {/ \5 c0 x3 \
      L-212 x 8
6 C4 z3 }* m! X4 K( I/ \      DB-7B x 12
2 V" A; J& F+ U( Q      B-25C Mitchell x 552 m: Y$ _6 D# C7 W+ h
      B-25D1 Mitchell x 18
" L9 O# {- n0 P6 o3 @
+ d' s* R* C; |# ?/ B, L. c$ U; d! s0 p" P1 c
Allied aircraft losses4 ~' ~: ]( I, S) r
      Blenheim VD: 2 damaged" `+ b, Q$ M5 W. E+ f7 r. q
      DB-7B: 3 damaged4 R* o3 u" e9 P, j8 w% b6 \# y
      B-25C Mitchell: 7 damaged
" {3 ]8 w9 P) O) f      B-25D1 Mitchell: 9 damaged
8 e. v: ^5 L( c) V: n  }& w+ T/ C6 x
Japanese ground losses:
6 R8 I. ?( y7 I. k1 h      1584 casualties reported* D+ B& u8 X( ]6 Y4 O1 w7 k
         Squads: 4 destroyed, 106 disabled4 |9 X- t7 w+ [9 x' ]; q- j
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 54 disabled% f& ~$ p, p& h/ o
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled% Z) k3 m  f, b$ o4 z5 v9 i

' M8 k/ |1 A) i. J& u0 \6 b' S% Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 h# X  j) Z; I3 y7 U6 u7 x
Morning Air attack on 11th Division, at 46,8 , near Hyderabad (Sindh)+ J2 m  F' W/ d+ H. Z; P# ]

+ p7 ~( @3 R4 H9 J' Z7 B: P3 IWeather in hex: Light cloud
# o. H6 k6 @6 Y- o
: j1 U$ G" |7 C6 F! T( n6 [. xRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
& S6 ~; {1 ^% r" d5 D2 wEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
" B0 N5 p" w# b9 u+ W
& J, }4 @$ m5 X! z
' Y) G6 ]* e" D# ?* b* ?" AAllied aircraft' ~5 W! F# i6 `3 s
      Beaufighter VIc x 81 V% Y  P/ _  k9 e9 S
      Hudson IIIa x 18
$ K6 S5 L! x; k! J+ L      Hurricane FR.IIb x 121 R( L$ k; x( \' P0 q
      Vengeance I x 36# P+ j4 z' n3 _2 p' S) k' d
/ o6 E7 N; c1 i: @6 l. }' M5 i% @

7 L, P3 ?/ R" @: l. p6 \Allied aircraft losses4 T$ j% p: c( s+ e$ {7 F9 j
      Hudson IIIa: 1 damaged: R7 U; ]/ u* Y- m" j
3 D( Z- q1 z0 S( C. r/ M0 [
Japanese ground losses:
8 ]/ z7 U. H/ {. L      286 casualties reported2 P, |  a) T' [
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled; @/ h+ A" U$ T, m
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 16 disabled9 [, b' p0 z; |2 _  y  V  X. a9 a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
据不完全统计日本南方军目前拥有30多个师团,40多个旅团加联队,各种步兵群,坦克/工兵/高炮,总战斗力预计2w6+, w5 a8 E3 v1 ^1 M$ u
& B& w. Z$ h, ~
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
终于看完了!两位大师的对局太精彩了!受益匪浅。还是打大剧本痛快。我正在打AI,AE大剧本,完成后再找个活人讨教。( [3 d( U  k( G! T) f. ~8 H0 @
lhdblys 发表于 2012-1-6 13:13
0 u& k* h% e5 ]4 \( J& z
  I+ |1 ?$ L& X: j+ v楼上有无兴趣打打小剧本。
我也是第一次知道己方水雷会如此大面积误伤....* k# e2 @: p/ U4 `/ e# L& B
这些水雷确定是盟军布的吗?有可能是日军布在那里的水雷呢?这个教训提醒我们以后登陆时要带些扫雷编队1 ~7 H, P) ^4 J# ~1 H7 @" X
红叶 发表于 2012-1-4 19:00
3 g# n& e; ~3 a# m" D7 a
/ u. @4 T" E' s' {; a) I
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 21, 433 C7 G1 ~( l- v& _+ J
% R5 I/ r( n  J" C

+ n5 p1 H9 ~- \+ N: `7 O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& R' [( `* Q- _
Sub attack near Kuria  at 135,131
+ F6 U. h' K- c  V( a  e6 ]+ c6 v  J8 P) x! J1 U* B
Japanese Ships
  ^$ i( }* H5 q- r5 ~. _      SS I-180
3 U: f# t9 o, j4 t0 Y9 v' l# x1 h* _( [
Allied Ships
  X0 ?& B' Z/ E7 i      LCI-23, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage- f0 [+ n9 l) [1 k" z
) Y0 n# f5 q" K  ~7 M
8 w  \( N" L( Q$ F5 g' s% ?; ?( Q6 e
/ e8 |' C' b& w! S  I$ I+ A# @; R2 n
SS I-180 launches 2 torpedoes
: z1 \# _" ?* x. N* f  Q( S) g* [0 Y! o) P1 M% X3 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 G. X4 ?/ O  s! U
Sub attack near Merauke  at 89,124  f- E/ @  W, G5 q3 a

6 g6 N+ `3 I( t( q* `- `! K% F0 zJapanese Ships2 ~4 O/ q  a6 v. d( a' i
      PB Daibu Maru, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
% |' H8 f2 f7 v' h0 V1 ]1 R      PB Kenkon Maru/ M9 S6 {2 S' X- Q2 L
      CM Itsukushima
) j' F' C" H3 z* e- j      CM Tsugaru  }1 H3 f4 r( U" y
      xAK Taiko Maru
# Z% a" F! B2 v5 O2 |1 k      xAK Sensan Maru- D7 A# v! G# X
      xAK Kohoku Maru; h4 y' d0 A" B/ {4 R6 W
      PB Nikkai Maru/ a9 Z$ ?! I2 c2 {: N# M' v
      PB Nanpo Maru
; s# P( O% K0 s- H2 i, I9 V2 m; L1 V3 Y% T$ n+ d- Z0 {* \
Allied Ships+ ]! U( Q# K( C( A7 p
      SS S-31, hits 6
' |* _  r8 R9 R& X
2 E; c  X0 h, Q; j
: `% e' I$ {' F, \% ^. m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~% V& ?- i  f$ D5 e
Morning Air attack on 36th Division, at 45,7 , near Hyderabad (Sindh)
* F1 o3 n0 a! E2 k7 g) z+ ~/ p' F
+ h. v) U% U7 e5 }Weather in hex: Heavy cloud& E4 w# q1 h, L

+ U# v4 Z9 G# T9 u  i6 RRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.: k8 T% {5 e! B$ o
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
7 l, K/ }8 d7 F& o7 D4 p# D. I8 M
! j/ t; J& C% R3 z/ T+ W  P1 H
Allied aircraft. n4 c4 A& t5 I  P
      Beaufighter VIc x 42
( Z( V+ T  \$ t+ j# h. u5 o      Blenheim IV x 39
" J. E1 W6 L6 E9 R) P. Q4 Y      Blenheim VD x 25# R# ~3 `9 ^+ Z( \
      Hudson IIIa x 27
& N( D: {4 I5 _0 b/ K9 u      Hurricane IIb Trop x 48
1 r. T& g; V/ [7 j      Lysander II x 10
/ [8 _7 _+ T& r$ A      Mohawk IV x 24( }1 u% N6 D* d4 u& }
      Vengeance I x 61
* N( T3 I$ {2 z' N% B# |      139WH-3 x 9
8 h( Z3 A' z6 ~- \2 q& a1 `      CW-22 Falcon x 20
' L3 ]! O+ V' Y+ f+ l0 |      L-212 x 8
! X  _! ?3 l: V: }5 I: h% Y7 Y# k      DB-7B x 12
  Q3 `) E6 ?, W: O$ q* w/ [$ R4 ~: X* c      B-25C Mitchell x 507 J/ f3 r( {! }5 O7 O+ u* H2 W
      B-25D1 Mitchell x 24$ n) h/ K0 p* ]  K# ]4 s# `
      P-39D Airacobra x 25, L# X. r$ C" z: q# q
      P-40E Warhawk x 49  g# V" r% f2 h5 f" d/ d5 d4 G6 w
* q( w2 v6 b# B$ ]

$ `  s2 Z$ X$ |Allied aircraft losses
  o( j( j* D1 ^) |4 O" e      Blenheim IV: 9 damaged% ~) c+ G* C; |% O% s2 a
      Blenheim IV: 2 destroyed by flak
% d2 D- W$ f' E) ^- r1 t      Blenheim VD: 8 damaged$ g! ^4 B# c7 L
      Blenheim VD: 1 destroyed by flak
4 v: w; P1 e. y- M( A. B( z      Hudson IIIa: 3 damaged7 V) B5 ?% o& _/ f0 ^& s4 S
      Hudson IIIa: 1 destroyed by flak
& d. O0 I- B6 Y% y) O: L$ x0 @% U, C      Vengeance I: 20 damaged3 q0 I5 B/ |5 Y5 W) _- Z& Z- a
      Vengeance I: 2 destroyed by flak
. k+ Z7 c9 k+ ]" G. C      139WH-3: 4 damaged8 X: K  u5 v, E1 g# b
      CW-22 Falcon: 4 damaged) |2 R3 o( e8 _3 R; W! N: j
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed by flak
6 z, g/ N; @7 C% i+ i7 ]      L-212: 3 damaged$ {1 j. V  k( M! f; Z1 z
      DB-7B: 4 damaged
) [5 a8 J& k/ b- u& Q" e1 R      B-25C Mitchell: 9 damaged# q1 g; h+ U# A' R* D
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak/ s5 D; Y" s2 Q( U
      B-25D1 Mitchell: 6 damaged
3 j/ I0 b+ ]# v4 V6 o2 f$ e      B-25D1 Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak9 T4 r# t8 P' c5 z, Q/ S; q
% F* V4 @/ V% N; b2 y
Japanese ground losses:9 t3 f2 k5 ]# K& Y9 [
      514 casualties reported# k6 Y! x6 s2 m! h- ^
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 42 disabled
$ K$ v5 f: C) ]' U' }( P% U4 U         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 44 disabled% k$ {; _- M6 d: ]* @. f
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
1 h% P5 a( D9 d) `+ l: n( s" p( |. T- l

9 }3 F3 i$ |8 J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: g# D7 O( s* P4 ?+ ~3 k
Morning Air attack on 15th Division, at 45,7 , near Hyderabad (Sindh)9 Q% _! [" ?7 p5 v

7 E+ X* }) O8 O: k2 \: w5 YWeather in hex: Heavy cloud' N( `) q6 v% ?8 c+ i9 I

* h( y; [' y0 H) B' Z# SRaid spotted at 44 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.% q. v9 [/ {* D% y4 q
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
3 q- A( f; g" b' J2 T* b! r0 F$ x8 E9 e$ \2 g

: u% b& p  z  ?Allied aircraft
3 t2 b) i8 f% @      P-66 Vanguard x 4
' E. [$ E, v$ B6 B* ^+ c6 _& r      Blenheim IV x 9) w6 S# ^8 N6 W- y/ K% ^6 ], L
      Hudson IIIa x 97 J2 _- y! R" O* E0 u* ]  N9 |
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 66 X! I5 r* ~0 j/ Y! z$ ]' X$ Q* J3 w
      B-25C Mitchell x 6+ n1 G6 A7 J. g8 w5 V

9 d* r7 D. Q% C& |  ?: D  m5 v) C2 G) V. A* r
Allied aircraft losses$ }7 |# F8 x& v$ N
      Blenheim IV: 3 damaged
4 o0 q1 q: Y$ h      Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed by flak% [5 A) j& J$ w6 r4 S' K; u
      Hudson IIIa: 2 damaged5 D$ Z/ d: \) I) k" |; I3 p
      Hudson IIIa: 1 destroyed by flak9 I0 q( d' N8 U3 {, q
      B-25C Mitchell: 5 damaged
+ j6 ]. O; N3 g- ~( f8 `! K
. A. t! u5 Y1 \# s; {; O0 i2 {" ^Japanese ground losses:0 x3 p" u% ]. S- n' a2 b! o
      25 casualties reported
1 j' v4 [1 |7 b/ n8 g( a# Z2 ]9 `2 w+ j         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
/ P1 M$ `2 t, {$ d& l& c* B, K         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
$ V9 T! K7 @  ~$ i# A: h3 g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 J& k9 t7 M! f& X
! W* j- l( A5 x  {5 L/ y; y

$ v# e  L/ T( C& v/ D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) i- |. p/ Z3 S. E& VMorning Air attack on 15th Division, at 45,7 , near Hyderabad (Sindh), N' ~5 x5 g2 t

2 ]' {: b5 Q" h4 iWeather in hex: Heavy cloud3 Z7 d1 W( Q/ c9 J
, p$ Y7 i) P% D1 l) j' L3 b( f
Raid spotted at 24 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
/ \+ m& |2 v! u6 u' q) O& eEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
" X# O/ V2 G5 X, t8 B5 f( A/ U/ E3 ?2 j' O
6 @, M  M8 s" L# w# f2 p, T9 ^
Allied aircraft
2 o. ^; w- s3 r) `      Blenheim IV x 121 C5 T1 @7 ~# J8 D2 A
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 71 D8 z, W5 Z7 e! ^
      B-25D1 Mitchell x 6- o$ z- G/ _" x, Y8 b  g

3 ~. E, ^) i; M  ]1 ^& [) }+ M) |& o' p
Allied aircraft losses+ U- ]3 B  o% N6 r5 o
      Blenheim IV: 1 damaged
1 M0 @7 t2 F: ~2 V. H: U9 o' v1 X      Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed by flak
: W$ w( X$ u/ d1 R' X/ I& o% J9 n$ W2 E- s1 K
Japanese ground losses:
- j: D: B! R- n" l$ B      76 casualties reported
. L; u+ O" n9 p* P# q         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
' @/ s9 `7 o8 _, N& X         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled) W" k6 `/ R. y5 F4 W, U
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."