发表于 2013-9-11 21:45
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' b `1 t, C) j经过几天的奋战盟军终于取得的缅甸的暂时制空权,日军在这一地区投入的空军兵力远远低于预计,估计缅甸也成为日军的弃子
- e3 o" |$ F8 k+ W" @
7 Q% M* v8 w, i% |. I不过由于铁路的限制仰光空战受伤的敌机只能在附近的几个基地修理,盟军轰炸机果断出击在机场上炸毁了180架紫电改和疾风改,虽然这点损失日军分分钟就能弥补,仍不失为开战以来机场上炸毁数目最大的一战
1 z7 k2 V8 m' l9 ^3 F' g& s- \2 o. [2 u8 l9 O5 D2 T* N
6 D$ a$ T9 ?4 C- _4 a' D, z2 CMorning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55 ' o0 ]# h6 Z. a- D8 k- X$ V
8 |4 c6 h. }4 ?! EWeather in hex: Partial cloud( \* A# C# g' e- a
! `( y! {6 i! A/ ]
Raid spotted at 41 NM, estimated altitude 44,000 feet.
( P; F. y _6 o+ yEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
% g9 \# ]& \; u& S+ k+ D* g3 F
# {! R! _: x. x0 D: h& m3 }Japanese aircraft7 I" |$ L5 E& }
N1K5-J George x 43
( K3 c! l" C' \9 Y( C% L Ki-84r Frank x 6, a- [! ]% S( g
- M5 Q7 D1 C, d9 w7 s0 C* H/ {
Allied aircraft- c: z- o9 w+ C7 r6 P
Thunderbolt I x 45
4 c/ t4 y/ X* N4 b0 Z0 P
6 O: ?9 r/ P' X/ P0 J$ Y$ L. t% WJapanese aircraft losses
- O' @- J% }; p/ X# X% e/ j6 } N1K5-J George: 4 destroyed
( a, J& t" }6 X5 l+ i8 R Ki-84r Frank: 2 destroyed# f+ Z" Q9 Y/ T" C9 r
6 s0 r1 u* S9 o6 i W0 pAllied aircraft losses% l3 N; r# y! O$ Q" K. x
Thunderbolt I: 10 destroyed
8 z1 J' o: V9 r0 T: Q3 r1 W" i. V" N) h) Y; g+ s% P; u- Y `2 `
CAP engaged:7 I7 A b" t+ P) @: f
Hosho-1/A with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 13 on standby, 2 scrambling)8 \. [: B& q0 x8 Y
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
. F. m4 I: I9 \) T Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 5000./ S3 G! \" ~: \9 h8 w, h
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 21 minutes1 ]- I5 x' Z' X0 P2 ?7 p( n, ]
302 Ku S-1 with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling), s3 f$ X9 Y! Z0 m f' C
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.* l" U9 P6 x8 h0 S
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 5000.
q: X! W% w% l" p% X( O# B, c, H: H Time for all group planes to reach interception is 11 minutes2 s0 I. A3 a5 }4 Y- b b& n5 L
S-313 Hikotai with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 12 on standby, 2 scrambling)
" f. y# J% f2 D2 o$ l9 { 2 plane(s) intercepting now.
7 H+ t6 T& b* L6 V7 l+ K 4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
5 S# w6 x% }; _* _ K& P9 Y* V* d0 f6 r& Y0 ^ Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 5000.
0 h. Y( c9 d6 c$ P# m Time for all group planes to reach interception is 18 minutes4 Y# J+ Q4 p1 u1 o
1st Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)& H' ? \; E& G
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.3 G/ f. o) G1 m
Group patrol altitude is 9000
1 }9 D6 X$ K% A* G9 ^- I; B Raid is overhead; @% ^- G i! f: T2 z4 _" M
59th Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)" e4 W! O# Y; i5 B4 m
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
2 m0 L+ R- |2 |( I' P. |$ [ Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 5000.1 R: f# e# i% y+ y& q. ?$ W3 Z) o
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 23 minutes* N4 H" _. R% ~4 }! M3 ?0 m/ ~
* x) Y7 g) G. _2 u5 Y
5 C0 p' k. _6 E& F5 a, f( k& c0 C+ d6 {
% f4 l" [" ~ b, k# m8 e
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 e( L1 F N, f. n+ X/ m
Morning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55
" Q4 d' ~$ L" g
. q+ ~3 r, Y" L: X& P Q6 hWeather in hex: Partial cloud4 ?; W2 K4 z% i
/ R. o, `4 @& W `- U* E! aRaid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 45,000 feet.
1 c( I$ W( G, p1 M+ N% sEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
! A9 u+ L/ o5 c; s/ ?8 O ?8 x* i+ p! U7 E d! m% L6 I ]
Japanese aircraft
% A) n% m8 J7 u3 x" i, s7 \6 _ Q N1K5-J George x 24" A: O7 [1 C$ x% X" E% m
Ki-84r Frank x 28 g; O! J. ?- [" a/ e$ X3 r& t" f
; h7 }3 w! ^' G/ K' M! mAllied aircraft. j) v9 c u8 z( k8 c: t
Thunderbolt I x 39
3 Y& Y, @5 _, `+ c, J8 I+ L8 w! ^4 y6 s6 r6 d
Japanese aircraft losses
2 V# \- W3 K9 q! l8 A l N1K5-J George: 9 destroyed* D) T' J% t% Q& t9 l" [+ V
Ki-84r Frank: 1 destroyed
! h. Z* g1 b' w M& t) Z( P A& e) l3 U
Allied aircraft losses2 }7 `: e- w+ v* F& {. H
Thunderbolt I: 4 destroyed2 m* [) R. ?# Z
! H& u$ s/ @2 u* K- f+ U( XAircraft Attacking:' k$ f, L+ r& X& d0 t( U
8 x Thunderbolt I sweeping at 42000 feet
: L% ~; x: I2 p9 P- j$ ]5 M
2 n5 D" S7 Q( l" M3 ECAP engaged:. j* J$ R3 [" s' Z' l9 A
Hosho-1/A with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)* F" Z$ q8 R- q6 @$ L
6 plane(s) not yet engaged, 5 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.' L" F; a/ o2 [# E' s" T, y2 }1 V2 ~
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters between 6000 and 11000.3 F; L% j/ T+ |' C
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
( n2 m) @; d# MS-313 Hikotai with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
+ z8 V# G7 i/ k2 H2 ]8 V 6 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.7 B% ] t4 z' |6 Z
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters between 8000 and 11000.
/ Y- e) h( F/ a! o7 w: T/ C( x Time for all group planes to reach interception is 47 minutes5 R+ y; H; }- k5 o6 \! v3 b9 p! I
302 Ku S-1 with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)6 Z- N! O' f1 ]* v' d, j
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 2 out of immediate contact.
4 {( J: b: i5 P. g- H Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
. v8 q; S8 x# M% k: D Time for all group planes to reach interception is 36 minutes
; r! i+ \: P% S* h; m1 U59th Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
I8 w5 j8 R$ o2 N. x 2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.* c( ^2 I) v2 \
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 9000.8 e& E4 N/ w- @3 W) e
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 30 minutes6 t* b' I+ T$ }& F" O3 I F: h& I
& S @, O$ L- k( p$ k6 _; |# e
* n* I6 U! O4 O3 R
' l+ ~- E, H; u/ |# D: W/ x
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' D! a7 C& y2 D2 v4 w) R/ M0 D: Q
Morning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55
0 i/ H( P- v4 h* N# g/ K( O
. o, c- K: d$ J" X( ]3 ~Weather in hex: Partial cloud
3 b$ U% ^8 {. x
+ v* W6 v1 j" [ q0 R2 ]& I7 kRaid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet./ S4 ~& s7 B8 L% [2 s2 Q# L: ?. o
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes* Z' J: s, s9 a/ ?, s
5 ^- l Q1 r' _ N4 w4 }2 i0 xJapanese aircraft: a, q' l5 g/ O2 M2 @
N1K5-J George x 2
& @3 j" {( }6 ?! ?5 w, Y
8 B7 p1 u& i- c. J, i @Allied aircraft
6 P/ O5 d( g8 A! Z% k P-51B Mustang x 21' ]2 A! x1 `2 C
- c8 E; ?, s2 I% }( Q. d
No Japanese losses
7 O) Q' o+ o. ?0 n. q0 A6 k* f I$ [. a& W7 b4 W: J3 Z
Allied aircraft losses
/ ~+ X, a" q) x5 [9 m7 Y P-51B Mustang: 1 destroyed
1 H z4 {. c4 U) h) ^) ]+ o: j* V$ h: ^) [6 {# R* I
Aircraft Attacking:
! S# c6 m4 d+ S% V9 u' u 18 x P-51B Mustang sweeping at 42000 feet
3 l5 z; ?% L$ j/ M$ c2 A6 l1 U/ ]; @* ]! o6 [
CAP engaged:
# `4 q. M0 {: `7 IHosho-1/A with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
7 f! h. Q# B X; c* e" X1 x 1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.. Z/ }2 T) T/ r* j: L' A, V
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 11000.
- v4 t3 ^- b9 [, @$ v/ y. x Time for all group planes to reach interception is 73 minutes
8 o5 m0 `+ }& r& \3 f6 ~' TS-313 Hikotai with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
6 K9 o T- t8 g) t, \3 m 1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.& u F2 U1 y2 e! a" M3 g
Group patrol altitude is 9000 , scrambling fighters to 14000.
' z B: _( n! r3 r8 G( | Time for all group planes to reach interception is 16 minutes! S) c+ S- {- x" ^
1 C9 c5 J. {2 x8 f3 O$ y
5 \8 {! K2 Z3 g: I1 l) H4 u
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ c7 N8 E( E; `" E# |' V
Morning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55 ! W. g+ C3 }; Z$ X% m
- \* ~+ I+ f2 q0 BWeather in hex: Partial cloud4 S7 i2 Y5 n9 V
1 I2 d4 @4 h. C& U* \
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.6 V- b8 Y: v! G9 j- c5 {. }# `/ M3 @
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
1 t( ]7 Q" t# v+ g0 ~- J+ O1 e! F; U$ V$ s- @3 d
Japanese aircraft
% q' |; z5 U3 i2 m+ I$ i no flights
) J+ |1 H% [$ z* t
! r J) b) d+ Q4 fAllied aircraft0 p; N: s; }5 O7 [$ t, ]* K3 s
B-25D1 Mitchell x 8
: Y# @" ?* `$ j0 F B-25H Mitchell x 39
0 o9 Q& W' ?& w
$ z0 n. O4 V7 n, l+ U6 \/ ]3 KJapanese aircraft losses) C, `" V! Z, L
N1K5-J George: 24 destroyed on ground
# ~" c. p5 Q- h* d Ki-84r Frank: 16 destroyed on ground6 w# N. b( V0 t, V# \ B- V# Q
N1K1-J George: 8 destroyed on ground
$ A1 V7 @: D. O4 m7 G( j% q& J+ E( n& ~3 J( S# S+ R; M
Allied aircraft losses ~ C% i# J( P5 `& |+ N7 `
B-25H Mitchell: 1 damaged* M' {5 l7 J7 b& U q9 t. C' [
7 j$ @) s3 D w# I% ]8 V2 t' WJapanese ground losses:
B5 T7 r) J# y 5 casualties reported9 n: m) M4 ~5 ^5 a* D
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* b4 Y f7 j0 Q/ C) K
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 J, r1 J {5 A9 y3 B! a+ \+ M Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- F, P* e- f( n8 s! v! V5 }% g& v9 ^
Airbase hits 19
" q2 [7 a, p& HAirbase supply hits 81 n7 H% G6 c$ U9 K
Runway hits 806 M( |0 V3 f, F$ D
# O* O. J7 z4 a: m, ?, s
9 \; Z; ^0 \5 R( @8 X; i/ C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 Z) s# L) R! S: h- o# A$ P
Morning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55
2 r* n/ Z+ E- W' V
& {/ w3 O+ f- S( pWeather in hex: Partial cloud0 G* T- u9 E" ?3 z/ I. n" j
( r1 v/ X- ^6 r$ _/ {" Q! K" O' tRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
) {* ~4 {" a# N: nEstimated time to target is 4 minutes2 U6 U% q5 x F# v, W/ A5 H1 ]% W' K
) k9 J& \' P9 R# `Japanese aircraft0 T- E6 K1 b9 U
no flights
0 F/ ~0 }$ y6 ^1 h" i% D
7 j% f. q# ]- bAllied aircraft
* Z0 q: K& q% }# O B-25D1 Mitchell x 309 B- d% }9 B# C: `6 k6 K( b
B-25H Mitchell x 187 Z% b! l; d- j! d
1 q4 s0 \( x8 J k7 LJapanese aircraft losses
8 B4 C& E0 ]9 _% [ Ki-84r Frank: 18 destroyed on ground* O+ N* @2 F8 ~) V" D! Z
N1K5-J George: 31 destroyed on ground
. Q5 P, \4 V- s. t, E( s: \- c N1K1-J George: 3 destroyed on ground
+ g( f! M( @1 v5 r* R% `9 H6 Z$ k8 ]: e
Allied aircraft losses
2 ]1 o! v( ~. ^( G B-25D1 Mitchell: 1 damaged
2 `" @, T1 @0 v) S f
9 i. m/ _+ v" }! V& s1 z, `/ h% tJapanese ground losses:
2 f% k& Q/ m) K9 t6 l 5 casualties reported
4 u0 Y7 @( E" C" K6 { Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 g+ e& q3 o+ R0 v Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( q; z6 x& F5 M( U Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled: _% ]3 o, G3 T. `, w
" L& _: ^0 B- H8 S. |
Airbase hits 9 g' r4 D4 ~8 I0 \) j8 }* x* F! O
Airbase supply hits 2
* T2 U! `6 V( M/ T& c nRunway hits 487 X1 {5 L* o4 r( o
u2 X* s) B8 `( N9 Q; M5 y
7 n. z9 r/ o8 J2 r" T e# e* i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 c* X8 I/ l8 Q) D, v5 u' d- }; T7 @
Morning Air attack on Moulmein , at 55,55 / e" m7 j4 A {/ ?. M
- i( i* \; m2 |* x1 P) }Weather in hex: Partial cloud
) B$ H" @2 c+ L) j5 N9 U5 i
* ], Y8 e) q8 P3 f- ^! r5 v6 o& FRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
" q1 D: K2 X4 K5 V* X; pEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
2 U# Y( b, n1 `1 ?# ~1 D# | \
0 @9 l. k9 E0 X7 D" @, w( hJapanese aircraft
. u2 R% \1 V1 O& P no flights3 c4 O% y4 U% L4 B4 N; _
2 ~; t$ O, h' n: L; Q( q
Allied aircraft
3 Q5 y" R; |3 O8 p, H* X+ P$ z! C B-25H Mitchell x 9. s$ J$ C! w6 b g* {, s: ^( \9 U
9 j7 J6 A9 k% u; m3 B8 {' J- X. gJapanese aircraft losses
8 r2 Z, N g& M: I Ki-84r Frank: 1 destroyed on ground. ~) P$ y: K+ V" S
N1K5-J George: 3 destroyed on ground
4 ? W% b# Z% {
# z; P2 X- [. W) yNo Allied losses
9 @; M/ I( n0 R1 c: H' \$ q8 h
- f2 u. O$ y4 w3 }/ iAirbase hits 1: A& t; g: z4 I! q1 u: k' `
Airbase supply hits 1# T3 y! f- j0 e4 _1 @* Y
Runway hits 5 |
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women." |