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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 05, 42- O" `1 Z' F7 ^
吸取了先烈的教训之后,天煌玫瑰赵对爪哇战事格外重视,不但联合舰队倾巢出动,KB从太平洋千里迢迢赶回增援,就连一向在国内坐阵的联合舰队司令部都亲自出动,山本大将挥舞着指挥刀冲在了抢滩的第一线,所幸大将机智过人,选择了一个完美的登陆场,空无一人的海滩,摇曳的椰子树,都似乎冲淡了几分战争的气息/ t3 h8 V0 P0 [4 r) r5 S: L6 A/ Y9 z
6 [. ~+ @4 O$ t
8 g& C  o8 D$ `/ DAmphibious Assault at Semarang (53,102)
! o' C/ w) |! c8 u* V% _' E/ F) F5 r" ^
- o4 O2 o  ^' u* cTF 239 troops unloading over beach at Semarang, 53,102; Y" Y, X- O3 \+ P
* t+ |& C1 d7 J1 J) R
Japanese ground losses:. z. k$ s2 j" I2 u: Y
      418 casualties reported. L% d+ f; K0 Q1 s) u
         Squads: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled
# N! W" V8 p2 }. }         Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 t$ d; s- `4 ~, J( K2 A* l& p3 T         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* Q: w/ H, d0 e; e0 _  k6 N: k      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
+ N$ T) n! W& F6 O: S
% r5 ?- k9 B6 k6 d6 }6 `/ m8 I
7 X1 F, Y9 g  ?1 ~" F0 _1 u
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 54th Div /1
+ Q& }" h! u' n) N19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /1
  \0 Y' f( r/ ]" {, ~: x5 b0 i% d, A8 k16 troops of a IJA Cavalry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /12 D4 S* h8 U/ R4 n# f3 W9 {
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div7 F  d7 k( P2 m; B% V" v" Q5 Z2 {  \) F
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div$ i( e! L6 y# [# u+ U) ]
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 54th Div; P6 p, l! W: L# m) U4 N/ m; l
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div! S6 ?- S- p. Q, }/ X
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div
$ ?/ G/ l; @# N18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad lost in surf during unload of 54th Div% Z8 t$ _6 x' ]( L% |
8 Naval Support troops accidentally lost during unload of Combined Fleet /2- ^: A7 r! Q4 z5 d. E
8 Naval Support troops lost overboard during unload of 1st Fleet /2; u3 b, E7 O! d1 |. Z, v' T
8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /2
) t; W8 V0 q6 w* g0 Y+ V8 Naval Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 1st Fleet /29 _5 H+ f  m( e+ m
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div /3( g# j5 U8 n/ p$ t
10cm T91 Howitzer damaged beyond repair during unload of 54th Div /34 Q9 q& K: [3 H6 s# w2 p7 S! r( k; N
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div /4
( K1 g0 X5 s8 y" [" z19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div /4
- R, m. a0 T4 R+ U  @/ n5 B! J19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div /4
; ^9 x8 j. f- c19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div /54 m6 t+ g+ [( X
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /53 [6 K% q  f" R7 j. W
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /56 |. k+ ]" s; w' M- ^! t
8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 14th Shipping Engr Rgt5 f# E1 ?- a* g) g
8 Naval Support troops accidentally lost during unload of Combined Fleet /35 p( f2 H# f* [5 x
8 Naval Support troops lost overboard during unload of Combined Fleet /3
1 h0 R; `' v' P* A; \- t- t4 D) M. W% M8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of Combined Fleet /3# E1 x% p) D) y& t/ O
8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /3. H% E% V3 A# u+ A+ }  e
8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /3
+ l) J0 m7 L- F7 m/ ]# h% D1 B8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /3
0 u, N; z. W7 p# }
4 B$ O& f5 M5 O3 {) U
) ?" e6 }" e3 ~; }. G# K; E6 X当天盟军对日军滩头发动了猛烈的空袭,但是由于KB的存在,空袭毫无意外的无一突防,全天盟军损失了70架精心训练的鱼雷机和战斗机
# `' U" k6 N5 X4 p日军在梅劳克等爪哇三地强行登陆,损失轻微,盟军部队已经收到指令后撤,准备与日军打一场长期的艰巨的战争
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2011-5-26 11:37 编辑
: K- `! {) [3 L* W! n, K3 ~% Y0 \! p+ Q
HQ加成是其次的,联合舰队搬到爪哇目的有2.& e( n3 d- t  Y
其一是使用登陆占领的5级港口三宝垄,利用联合舰队和第一舰队提供的海军支援单位,就地组织可补充CA弹药及KB出击数及鱼雷的基地,准备爪哇战事不顺时可长期就地作战,同时,也有利于伤船维修和加快运输部队的卸载速度。" n* M1 I9 e4 M. m  r
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
8 R  \. F$ d% E/ I. u; F" l& T" I; C8 R- @" f6 t# C
1 d, _* y; r# K" x- f) Q9 n) l" I) i- w, x! _$ _
& A- \+ B+ r! T) w) ]! m6 N/ P% d
2 L! {; Q5 C6 c3 X3 c) w中国战场:: r) @* Z6 A: I6 {

+ v9 L6 v- c; q& U派遣军和华北方面军在得到关东军的重火力支持后,相对国军拥有较大优势。1 _' S3 |' i+ f" u7 Z
9 B0 v: n" s) a; F& R
; K5 E: `5 I1 @0 o+ G* A
+ ]4 W* _# b  E0 V! J
3 {6 q6 w  B  w& b+ t" h2 K华南华中,相对比较平静,蝗军已经攻克江浙赣全部基地,正在往湖南境内迂回。. i! Z3 s0 a. C  t3 i( h4 L

, _" M' e/ |0 T( q/ w( |
9 y2 D( }0 ~! }/ X' }- J' T% R9 W! ^! N; z7 W6 G
( G7 _2 s- R) m' H) }- S0 H' ?" J9 e
; P& h  k! J0 {9 @1 h+ ^) y4 Y5 r& i
) n; ~' G9 n9 d7 Y
6 f" _  O7 C3 J7 H! o$ N# s8 u南洋战场:
/ T1 T1 m6 q7 G1 X! f) y% F% s9 c/ z5 \% A2 \  X) @
8 D0 ~' V* V/ e% R* p
攻占苏门答腊后,蝗军在巨港和山口洋集结了近2K战力的部队,于1月5日,兵分三路,分别在陆基和KB的掩护下,强行在爪哇三个基地同时登陆,爪哇岛上的盟军已经被拦腰斩断,预计不出1月可解决整个南洋的问题。: a! [( w" T2 c1 K
1 b0 @" C$ O- k& U8 W
2 G* z+ U, X, G
! P: L2 v& Y( L+ A2 }) c* m7 ~8 u/ {- X1 ?+ l
, x; x' v0 p' M4 _, ?

1 }% f- I" ?/ B0 `4 U0 a% j7 AKB机动部队行动路线图,可以说能够顺利推进的关键是KB马不停蹄,掩护蝗军攻城掠地。
( f" o, G+ S. N. V. L" n5 c. R& V. }* h# s: P

+ B2 m! K0 L2 K: L3 N
3 S4 Q6 g; d7 G3 o截至42年1月8日蝗军情报界面图,已经击沉盟军各型船只近200艘,不过值钱的东西不多,大舰已经被米酋集结到安全地带,至今未见58的踪迹,蝗军真正的挑战在后面。0 c$ p, X9 t0 E+ r& g7 v' ]

5 z9 J) R& ^# h' \, M+ Q2 K
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."

AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 08, 42! e- J( i0 W/ t! _& c2 [/ Y, T

7 d; _2 b" _: B" S& D, k) }+ v; w# t仰光沦陷
2 x* p- l( F2 Q" F7 |1 y$ ~; a2 g! b7 u9 h" c
鬼子在丛林里爬了一个多月后终于冲进了空无一人的仰光  p- }3 z3 C4 d/ P2 s+ A. _5 _
. ~3 i6 O) b" X5 V' w' A) ]; b
+ m, t' T* X5 [0 t  q  ]! TGround combat at Rangoon (54,53)4 s4 R2 O6 A1 _$ y
; K/ r0 A9 v3 `4 r; Y2 r
Japanese Deliberate attack! E$ R4 G+ q+ Y
& _3 J7 T) t! J5 y
Attacking force 9631 troops, 103 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 363
# P* ^$ D- ^* m: N0 f  r: D
9 z% q2 Y6 j2 t. `- ADefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
2 j! r; Q3 W2 q. N2 W1 x$ q
6 @1 c  g9 Y0 K% R9 Q3 w% }& A( {Japanese adjusted assault: 155
+ ]+ g; p% c$ z- D5 Q2 C6 I  K2 m* e
Allied adjusted defense: 1
: {  k$ u: b/ d
$ h7 w. C; B$ D" wJapanese assault odds: 155 to 1 (fort level 1)
' A  _$ P$ B) e
8 i! X/ U7 M4 x( k2 F5 HJapanese forces CAPTURE Rangoon !!!
+ ?3 Y/ e) s: v
, ^" r, Y1 N: x1 L5 gCombat modifiers; e9 ~/ P# v/ X* v8 B9 ^/ I
Attacker: . A8 V. C- X% `
4 g- S9 P' p9 `; B

) X8 u8 l& D. @0 Z9 f( z: R7 d( S- |) u+ n8 a/ K
Assaulting units:
6 k! Y% \8 L: k    2nd RTA Division3 Z" h  Q+ k5 j0 f
    15th Guards Regiment
% d" {  r) ~- y. T    4th RTA/B Division  F2 x% w/ F. N/ \
* D1 `  u  }. T% e4 F! Q
/ A4 m! P0 H  q5 I
8 {6 X6 X# }3 v5 X; `6 _: }
  U+ z' o+ P$ D5 o' G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Z" t6 h! q- [; ~) f. E- [; ^- w
Day Time Surface Combat, near Hengchun at 85,68, Range 4,000 Yards
2 v2 h, w- N7 v8 i& g1 j7 k) P' j/ |: M5 ]8 R3 o
Japanese Ships" L+ C4 j/ J4 m5 s( e. b
      SC CHa-5, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
' l& H  M6 \0 V: l      SC CHa-8, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
0 w3 p4 Y# W3 ]7 e      SC CHa-17, Shell hits 2, and is sunk+ i7 L1 [2 w" {. u. ]
      SC CHa-20, Shell hits 1, and is sunk; c# \3 b# O1 L/ \# h( l2 X, S! l: L
1 q7 u, J7 Y. j- W  v
Allied Ships
( y  v: V0 c+ x) b  y. A/ F: V" {      DD Vampire* o& `* o; |: R! W' S- K; R
      DD Vendetta3 f4 W: ~6 s5 D) w) Y6 l& F
      DD Banckert
" ~* ~5 R9 y& X: e0 |( L      DD Van Nes' h1 ]  [+ k8 u+ V( ~: F5 q' G; O
      DD Witte de With, f1 e( ]6 t9 G6 f" |
      DD Kortenaer
; o, n3 u, A8 H+ n; I! g7 i      DD Piet Hein$ Z5 ?+ l" V( o6 B, {  c0 s
      DD Van Ghent! f' s7 e5 [$ N; \7 A& z
% L, U6 l1 A  B; k5 j" E% S# @
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) ]: H- d8 O! I' h* h
Day Time Surface Combat, near Hengchun at 84,68, Range 4,000 Yards
8 v0 s' p& N  h% L
0 d; A( |, K# \+ Q; gJapanese Ships
; i$ x2 D2 S& O! a9 A      SC Ch 5, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
; E1 Y' u- X7 B  \! T4 Q/ w$ r, g      SC Ch 6, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
% ]/ K4 m. |7 ~' K" ?      SC Ch 10, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage5 U0 x& i' L, G  b$ l3 T
      SC Ch 11, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
' d; |; Q4 ~) U* S2 q: C$ P/ [" |; A$ A* U; P1 b1 e+ f7 h  M
Allied Ships
4 q4 b; v9 W5 J- U( O! C& z. S      DD Vampire( I: H# _; e- j# n9 J; _2 X5 f9 C2 [
      DD Vendetta" A% d8 k6 E5 \& ]! ?
      DD Banckert
, U; N. ~7 |3 Q7 X# \      DD Van Nes
. G8 f! C: W( g      DD Witte de With
$ @+ o0 h7 E, g! Q  a      DD Kortenaer: g! `5 Z& U' p0 |  L6 Y" \. Z  ?, x* j
      DD Piet Hein
1 w& h3 O  U# G$ C5 ^, ^6 g1 L      DD Van Ghent3 u4 T  I. x  S2 p& E3 ]
8 v: @) M) \+ B
: W8 \' O6 Z8 i4 v7 ?

"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
8 }2 ~! J  p% L1 G; k; r7 e+ Q8 n4 P- w* R4 X

# k- A# f3 r% p: {' [! Y4 R' U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Q$ Y8 x/ _' k6 R& ^Morning Air attack on 22nd Australian Brigade, at 49,99 , near Batavia, ]3 f( X" U& N- p

& p% T7 J) x" |3 Q% w( qWeather in hex: Overcast
. w4 X  Z) p) \/ a3 _: e; {; L
9 U& ~: c/ h1 BRaid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
1 J7 I: {1 a, f' |& J) LEstimated time to target is 8 minutes- H) C( q" x/ l9 B+ x$ Z
& }4 _+ \: Y1 I% o: |4 m" s
Japanese aircraft
. m4 x, g0 ]( W2 K      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 123
  V; T* B0 K- R3 R$ H3 e+ A
# L# p, S* H, e' e0 Y
8 q+ h2 ]; S! b% x
0 U. i2 x' V' o4 q9 d" Z6 {& o6 GJapanese aircraft losses
, D/ K8 k+ a3 R3 y7 J5 c1 |' D      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged
: a9 A% |% @5 G: N6 D
, g) ^8 L4 V" v; u# R+ @1 W. F* `* [& e9 S
Allied ground losses:
: |5 p/ O& Z0 X9 \5 b- k. l      359 casualties reported* ~) s4 c" C+ ?: _: E
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled
+ @, @1 m; j" h: q2 R1 r         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 77 disabled' W3 E# l5 E- ~* t* Z
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
& e! {4 w- e9 }, F+ o      Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
6 S" S! P& \/ g/ g: Z2 t9 [      Vehicles lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 10, 42/ r/ y4 {/ J1 d! @* ]5 a( }2 v

: k# u' U2 X) G# ?' Z* c新加坡陷落,城内剩余的不到3万英联邦国家的部队缴枪投降! x9 I6 [5 ~; Q* I0 R

6 h  l" _9 ~' G' C0 z& b# l/ Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  t5 L5 q4 z7 Y5 l4 [* o0 y, ~* [

& x; |7 ~0 r) W. L9 }3 f1 PGround combat at Singapore (50,84)
, j) b6 {! K" D
, ]/ F" H# P: e- @Japanese Shock attack4 e7 h0 a* |" I5 o4 s. G$ V
) b# K, T; b' s" y2 G6 m
Attacking force 79650 troops, 689 guns, 676 vehicles, Assault Value = 2909
6 _3 I  S0 U, [8 W3 r/ e- N
/ a9 l. A# }0 v# j; y! SDefending force 28983 troops, 395 guns, 305 vehicles, Assault Value = 518
3 a0 m$ K" n2 Q  [
/ g6 b' {; t- f; d% E# eJapanese adjusted assault: 2219
  Y' i3 k3 D3 x  ]& u
7 S" p* h! u- L# x) C4 bAllied adjusted defense: 523
  c7 I  O% w  b: v0 J9 T6 |
' H# m, ~- G0 C% F. W9 q. WJapanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)
" y5 m1 N- n  Q1 T! \+ Q( O8 B
. A. u( N8 ]$ j1 h* ]. k! E! c" JJapanese forces CAPTURE Singapore !!!
$ \: }5 A5 H8 B' y6 D; e8 [: T+ T, l( N2 v( g' Y: Y
Allied aircraft7 |6 R4 |) ]& [; E4 w4 @- `
      no flights/ g* O9 F" i; A* z+ b
8 q+ M$ t* r9 ~! ~+ m
No Allied losses+ a. m# d5 @1 E/ n! V0 ]4 a

" m& J0 e, F/ u6 b; MCombat modifiers
0 u7 s6 d/ v% c! q1 G6 fDefender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)3 n; `) [( `' d" S3 ?+ `
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)% P3 ^/ t0 H5 Y2 H- t" w- Z

8 a- W& K# M1 OJapanese ground losses:' [, p/ T9 M( R# Y  u2 T+ k  O7 z) i
      5159 casualties reported, }1 i" |; M" q/ d7 f; {; W' _
         Squads: 16 destroyed, 269 disabled
" b' s6 L% a+ b( Z9 o         Non Combat: 13 destroyed, 142 disabled3 N: D5 N) ]  v+ m
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 37 disabled8 k/ A% x! ~6 C6 W: u3 m( d$ [
      Vehicles lost 32 (6 destroyed, 26 disabled)5 g3 E( u2 i, g; z6 w
      Units destroyed 1
; z! J4 Z( l7 @* U, I1 F. w
2 K. H$ L6 Y! A5 e5 C
- O0 g& t5 R! ~Allied ground losses:/ A+ G+ B- p/ i
      27088 casualties reported
- }8 _) x+ e  c1 h' O( |6 ?         Squads: 557 destroyed, 0 disabled( K7 v$ b/ @" J$ c7 q" J
         Non Combat: 2263 destroyed, 0 disabled6 K: }7 o) w! f
         Engineers: 125 destroyed, 0 disabled
- @4 d$ B- m5 I: V; x5 y      Guns lost 277 (277 destroyed, 0 disabled)5 s: ?! H% \8 g: Y; d. b
      Vehicles lost 347 (347 destroyed, 0 disabled)% a0 A# k* S* B' m5 {+ t
      Units destroyed 390 H0 H6 T0 I* k9 H# T
  }; a/ z) ^+ {& ?3 M) g8 `4 \. g
9 a2 h# L9 ?1 @7 d6 x4 e
Assaulting units:% A5 N% Q' _5 ?
    1st Formosa Inf. Regiment% ^9 F; f* f2 P5 V
    5th Engineer Regiment. h9 A- N" q; E  u" w
    65th Brigade
# @1 u. |9 q+ x0 p5 H0 I    33rd Division
. J, y6 U7 Q9 d0 w    114th Infantry Regiment
$ T+ ]  N- |6 i- b    5th Recon Regiment2 u1 u: \1 ?/ U: O7 ]
    55th Infantry Regiment
$ s6 }' V% q+ i& J8 [2 G    1st Tank Regiment
5 v. C7 g6 @( |, V# d0 l0 t* P  u    7th Tank Regiment, Q1 X  e: ?( [; x. K
    21st Ind. Engineer Regiment# M/ N3 X# x: c9 D! _/ U/ |( ]
    21st Infantry Regiment
! h# S, c' A% @* Q  A    2nd Formosa Inf. Regiment
7 S3 [" z3 Z8 b0 z- E1 q. V* N    112th Infantry Regiment
; O8 c- }6 Y, ?    II./143rd Infantry Battalion0 C8 Z, m  ?) t. C9 H& N4 `8 A% ?* W  R
    48th Recon Regiment2 w; U" }( M' Y3 v1 J9 M' j' ^3 ?
    14th Tank Regiment
# B8 B4 S- K- V3 Y6 ^$ Q% G    Imperial Guards Division
- j3 g! T9 G. t9 w( ^2 f9 C+ w" a. ~    56th Infantry Regiment
# k9 |- k; q7 R! n/ A5 Z, a    42nd Infantry Regiment# |0 @1 B9 \/ O+ A1 o6 T
    11th Infantry Regiment, J) j* g) V" j7 K7 X
    2nd Tank Regiment3 Q: P+ b6 I) ~8 \
    4th Tank Regiment5 b. F8 h3 M: S( A/ E" [* v
    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
6 a' u2 O% Z) a: a8 F2 N    6th RTA Division
3 f/ Z; p+ n- R3 U    5th Field Artillery Regiment5 {9 l. W# @; y9 h
    9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion! B+ D) F8 x: e$ `- d# A! q
    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion6 N! b( x9 Z, E9 I8 n
    43rd Const Co
* S8 f3 J; l4 i) Q& O# b/ J    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
6 t9 u) x/ a, e9 |& ]: X    5th Field AF Construction Battalion+ ?* y$ s5 [' K. j5 E  K/ c9 S, x; ?
    Southern Army6 U; Y; e0 K' K1 Z4 D2 S" c
    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment
9 A2 }. u5 m4 N2 r7 v( W    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
& `7 N9 |' D# [* O: t% Q    8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment* \. m& p1 X. b0 [0 L* x
    53rd Const Co
2 G) x1 P* O/ ?. `0 O    54th Const Co + C: j1 t  a: _4 X1 ?3 k

; w2 U+ x9 P) X5 w3 a: oDefending units:
7 G5 g8 @; _6 ~: f    3/16th Punjab Battalion# L; ?( {6 N7 A+ s
    1st Malay Battalion
# c: Q; c$ J9 g4 h* ?    SSVF Brigade* n1 p6 F% U3 e- ?
    27th Australian Brigade
$ C8 {9 o. M' ~* S) W) V1 |    Singapore Fortress( P2 t1 X2 Q/ y& G& c$ G
    3rd SSVF Battalion  p1 W- \3 h3 h, S
    2nd Malay Battalion
' E" q! @7 }3 Z) B" N, P) j) u    2nd Loyal Battalion6 b# v6 ^/ p7 s4 W
    5/14th Punjab Battalion
7 u( [% k; H( T: u    5/2nd Punjab Battalion
  L* y" i  \' M/ O3 f. t    22nd Indian Brigade
" ~" o/ {8 K, g# Q8 a    2nd Gordons Battalion! l2 j, S3 @. `9 K# f6 X
    3rd Cavalry Regiment
! U6 r' j! i7 F* Y& b! c/ j+ x    28th Gurkha Bde /1" [& b! `/ e& Z! {
    1st Manchester Battalion
7 E. B3 \  z0 O6 M0 s    2/17 Dogra Battalion
, R+ |4 q2 w' B" H! y% B1 _    22nd Australian Bde /1& L* K9 W5 `+ L0 I' i9 Z/ @% z
    2nd ISF Base Force) w/ G  G5 l, k2 }* U. i) V& ]" [
    2nd HK&S Heavy AA Regiment
* m0 H# E( ~5 K    223 Group RAF & Y% A% u9 p3 d# ]7 }8 {
    III Indian Corps
- I1 l% N  C( }  j) X2 X# N    Singapore Base Force
# y1 Z& [: v% ?1 w8 n4 z    109th RN Base Force! b1 B" m% P  y' _2 n
    29 Battery/3 HAA % a/ r$ Q% d6 X% ]  v# i
    24th NZ Pioneer Coy
' S5 q2 F, `4 @7 H0 e    110th RAF Base Force
3 ~  f( `! d' j8 B    Malaya Army
9 g0 w; Q) G) k* d# r    1st HK&S Heavy AA Regiment
7 {9 u0 x3 J4 L* [4 o9 u    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
$ s4 O* @% l( F6 E2 x( y8 y    111th RAF Base Force
7 I" d4 `1 ]% o; R    11 Battery/3 HAA 4 L; }9 s* M5 F1 p( s! E& X
    224 Group RAF 7 {1 a/ a, u* U3 o, e
    137/155th Field Regiment) Z- s+ u" S; C4 C# y) [+ X
    112th RAF Base Force7 M) j9 t1 O2 T6 M4 m0 i
    AHQ Far East
2 o: C9 o5 y" o    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
8 W+ d, W; a% V$ w; r2 O    2/215th Bty 80th AT Gun Regiment; j: h0 ]' h& x+ s& Q) M# L6 |
    Malayan Air Wing
7 n- w+ c8 ^0 g- w    272/273rd Bty 80th AT Gun Regiment
  l5 A1 h3 |- h    5th Field Regiment
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."