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[AE] The Road to Pacific 老赵(日)VS 9527(盟)剧本2-喋血马绍尔!!

本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2012-9-17 11:40 编辑 ' C' M6 L9 o# v
3 ~2 c# K# p5 c9 p& N
) T' a9 P/ ?8 u$ p* y5 U( |7 T( }1 N8 c' [* a8 W! C! o
版本更新记录:# Z% ?5 {2 R2 z$ I
2011.5.23 双方更新EXE为beta补丁1108m58 M6 v& c: _; n- n7 z9 O& Q& e
2011.6.8 双方更新EXE为beta补丁1108m7

2 i1 h* v% t3 c! \+ J0 s* ?2011.6.12双方更新EXE为beta补丁1108m8/ O, u9 ^! Y. n! U& @$ s
4 l7 K3 C7 s! o2011.7.25双方更新EXE为beta补丁1108p5
" M  e+ \$ R& l& l' D& W/ a2011.11.15双方更新EXE为beta补丁1108r2: e) l4 e. K3 X2 j% P; i
2012.01.15双方更新EXE为beta补丁1108r8. S: I0 T) v, p

+ q( J% ]; J. o! b
. q$ O; N, U: N  F3 P一、对战设置
' ?- R' y6 ?, h4 C8 N' f
1、真实度选项  P2 Y; A2 w* O" ~; a2 e! f
战争迷雾:开启3 p& A' o( p  H. j8 j8 l
  g$ Q$ o/ S0 y盟军损管优势:开启
0 o$ V% J+ Y# k! c) r玩家自定义升级:开启' j' I* a  Z4 H: D  N! P
历史第一回合:开启( O$ b. [- U" Z- {) m- |* i# c
12月7日奇袭效果:开启& _! n/ ^3 I" v- k) c
& u: [* P3 O7 c. [3 d史实研发:关闭) ?3 {- e) e7 r5 `5 S" |
$ N1 l% ?/ Q4 \4 h1 Z. a# o9 p增援浮动:大幅改变+/-60天
, s% q, }. T6 k" e. P" `2、参数选项:
5 L2 a! p3 r# Y  S8 x5 }战斗报告:开启
3 O- J! a9 e$ Z/ ?+ W2 b" ?潜艇自动操作:关闭
0 w  h0 D5 ]# U% y$ ~飞机/舰船移动半径:开启  k& H" w+ |0 Z" k  s: x
所有设施初始扩张:关闭# }: _7 A. ^- a1 v) B- T) s
. I. d$ X: c+ a2 f, g( h  W接收地面部队/飞机自动补充:关闭
* y, [1 j+ @) W5 y+ X# I# u
# {2 r+ v- p1 U+ t& d二、对战规则
5 r8 l8 i5 i$ C9 `' l, J1、战略轰炸限制:
8 X& y8 @8 F3 g实施战略轰炸仅限于对日美两国本土,同时禁止盟军利用中国、苏联基地和北太基地对日本实施战略轰炸。
2 Z' Z' N# i2 q5 K9 y! K. y; u/ `, u( I, O( V3 J( Q/ e
2、北太作战限制:; ?& t6 R) H$ @6 b
双方在北太禁止一切形式的交战,北太的定义为横向53格以北北太平洋地区,包括阿拉斯加和北海道、库页岛。作为北太休战的补偿,双方部署在上述地区的部队视为最低驻军要求,一律禁止移动。0 Q- ^0 a3 [, f: ~3 @. c7 r
4 h& f# n" x' ]7 A) c# |
3、四发使用限制:' d4 ^: J+ k+ v, p5 r3 W4 S' F7 }2 Z7 G
   禁止四发轰炸机对海、搜索、反潜,四发轰炸机最低任务高度为10000英尺。必须在5级以上机场执行任务,其中B29系列和兰开斯特系列必须在7级以上机场执行任务。# N  C' ^% G1 s' @$ A9 S
0 E' v+ a( B! A
4、鱼雷艇使用限制:9 `" f# ?4 x4 F4 u2 ~
   单个基地限制编成上限为6艘PT的1个鱼雷艇编队,鱼雷艇仅限用于港口防御并只能在浅海移动。$ f9 {' x2 b) Q7 [
6 N# w9 f& k) N% j6 u7 h7 c# H% V( N
5、舰队编成限制:. C1 g6 I' [/ _- _8 }( d6 R0 I
不得以单舰或小舰队方式停泊在前线港口,具体来说如果有多艘船只靠港,则每个舰队不少于4艘,此规则无论对敌控或我控港口均有效。目的是防止触发太多水面战。+ [# y, g. x! p9 y4 C  y

2 N' O0 j! a- D2 I* ~4 J& h4 k6 @6、部队出国限制:% O* X2 S* k" k. Q/ Z1 C
    6.1任何情况下盟军不得进入和利用苏联基地作战。* K+ V- N" \1 i6 c" ]+ L" ?
    6.2中国国军地面部队必须改属为中国远征军(HQ为NCAC、X部队、Y部队、Z部队)才能出国作战。* c8 K: Z' z9 V- ~4 O5 L) N
! N& p( ^0 t! m2 h/ a+ y# ~4 g    6.4中国伪军只能在中国本土作战,泰国军队只能用于印度支那、马来半岛、缅甸作战。
' ]- U! l+ l1 x7 Q' v3 S    6.5派遣军、关东军只有改属为非受限司令部的部队才能出战区作战。- |# k" ]8 N+ u4 y4 ?
9 ?# ]0 f) S7 b1 ~1 k# L% O
/ {2 P- p) G, T( w& \日本满洲驻军8000战力必须满足,日军不得在45年之前攻击苏联,不得故意激活苏联。* C7 r: X) M+ T

5 R% u  u0 [1 N  u( Y8、登陆限制:
4 U+ n* q" e" L     只能登陆基地和潜在基地。8 {3 e4 x) A' k; e' q
* z6 A& w) C' Y% `& J7 E3 _4 l
9、伞兵使用限制:& J7 K% \; c/ P4 s
单个伞兵部队同时只能在一个基地空降。( I2 T/ d0 g8 }5 N$ I- s$ c! J

7 r9 e9 \8 W+ y- b4 b4 p7 x4 k10、飞机对海攻击使用限制:
; l, p/ D* l8 I- t禁止除攻击轰炸机外的任何飞机对海超低空(100英尺)攻击行为,机型类别为中型轰炸机的需10000英尺以上高度执行对海任务。
# Q3 h- [" a2 B' Z+ k& b$ Y; E) D% _" a, r1 q
11、美军地面部队印度洋战场使用限制: - W$ {% Y8 E4 a" i* V7 ?
美军只有隶属于ABDA和东南亚的司令部的地面部队才能在印度作战。+ V1 S( U' x2 g. s

" M$ T$ j8 D' Y5 X/ Q6 r( S12、地图外移动限制:( R5 ~( t/ `# v
盟军不能将地图外的基地作为进攻出发点,除非所有可以作为出发点的基地全部被占。7 H$ X1 a1 {: W: I

1 E' S( W! O3 z* C" L% `9 o13、地面部队改属限制:. y& a7 t- ^3 s/ @
日盟地面部队除国军外,改属必须达到编制的80%及以上,并且必须花费完全PP才能改属(即不能改属到同战区的其他HQ来达到节约PP的目的): \7 X- j) J/ e% f

1 p& J( \- o. [" R$ v14、舰载机手动调整编制限制:
6 m& F) ]6 a% A" L; l只有舰载机队才能在所隶属的舰艇上执行手动调整机队编制大小(resize),并且每艘舰艇只能1个机队进行调整,系统指定的编制调整除外。
* O: z2 E' M) O! Q$ Y$ K7 r7 t4 ^/ \( s( r# [* g, ?
$ q0 ]: {7 k9 @7 v, _5 d禁止双方战斗机极限高度的同温层扫场和直掩行为,具体为双方战斗机执行扫场(Sweep)、直掩(CAP)任务的最大高度以该战斗机的第2最好机动性高度为上限。
5 _3 w/ q# ^, @* U; u, J1 Q% m  b
16、地面部队堵路限制:; `  Y; m+ F; I8 A! V5 V1 ^
0 }% L! ^8 R4 B6 d  o& M
- I* M6 ~: ~& y% f5 J- l, ?8 z8 n0 |/ q/ K' T# B' I+ y
6 M/ E3 M+ x9 F) j
================================================# \+ }0 m9 T  e9 g2 z/ A

& A# U: Q/ w$ }( B* B: o; e2011年7月4日
- e5 M/ b3 {: ]经过双方友好协商,对HR增加如下条款:/ I  g' K& h4 c  v

: n% `8 `/ e0 K) D0 e& w2 V+ T13、地面部队改属限制:
& j4 R' {) q; E. c4 {日盟地面部队除国军外,改属必须达到编制的80%及以上,并且必须花费完全PP才能改属(即不能改属到同战区的其他HQ来达到节约PP的目的)5 T2 m5 p) _% x% j7 e. |

+ E6 }  g; T, t# a; p9 x================================================
) n: G8 P- S2 g7 ~" C2 L7 l1 H. v; P) _
9 h# |; K0 W. U) u
) T) P; s$ j/ z, X5 S; {经过双方友好协商,对HR增加如下条款:
, q% a+ f$ P& c' H+ Y, |
* Y- q+ P9 @5 Z
0 Y/ o' s$ L$ {8 N3 o================================================
9 }0 V$ k+ _9 ~- p" ^' o+ d8 Y& ]; t
" Z8 p  l0 \7 _- J# G
3 o$ G' l5 r$ o  L# Y) H
5 g+ y* y  C6 ]6 B# \3 I! B4 G9 j. B3 Z  @; b1 o7 V$ {
1 R( _' A0 F; L$ V: o   禁止四发轰炸机对海、搜索、反潜,四发轰炸机最低任务高度为15000英尺。必须在5级以上机场执行任务,其中B29系列和兰开斯特系列必须在7级以上机场执行任务。
! I- W. H5 z% S0 a* C/ x

: i! n1 y7 m( U10、飞机对海攻击使用限制:# _* T3 b5 S* U
禁止除攻击轰炸机外的任何飞机对海超低空(100英尺)攻击行为,机型类别为中型轰炸机的需10000英尺以上高度执行对海任务。' r" G$ ]' |1 u3 M
================================================: j; R3 V& }9 k9 \2 `$ m+ P

% T3 g6 I! {% g% A# a2012年1月18日+ v$ u  M0 v/ V' Z5 B5 d
/ g5 C, N% m* z2 c9 n: E6 Z& s* r3 b0 z+ H! {8 e% m
3、四发使用限制:. v/ C# n+ q. I
" h) E& ]1 q7 V" w

; h3 s3 l0 Q  W6 @  n0 |3 e' J同时增加以下HR- r# q0 O4 y# G) [% A3 J
9 W, f, i4 V6 A+ K. Y
! `! ~, X# r- H# D6 j- j) v% S5 ]+ M
16、双方部队相邻格对向前进时,禁止采用小部队故意阻挠对方前进的堵路行为。! A3 S+ R2 X8 B
6 D- ?, @1 K9 G. l) ^# P, V* ?  U. L1 p0 t

4 h) ?5 \) p# z以上房规为基本房规,随着战事进行如发现不合理之处双方可以通过友好协商,重新修订部分房规条文。


  • 151125

  • chenrong

  • 红叶

The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
剧本使用1106I是什么意思6 G. y. M) g8 B4 t
大脸猫 发表于 2011-5-11 21:06
6 Q$ F0 x& N/ c) |1 M* B
! r4 H1 S2 S' m7 a官方正式补丁只出到1106I,包括完整的剧本内容更新。目前官方补丁不再更新剧本,只更新EXE,最新的EXE测试补丁是1108M3,看链接:http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2729580
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
写在前面:7 e1 a3 ~6 b5 m7 ~
$ x) T) X4 O9 o% H3 c话说之前用盟军和克劳德对战过一次AE大剧本,进行到42年6月,后不了了之,战报也没怎么认真写,甚愧!今次对战,本天蝗虽首次上阵,决心努力检讨,书写战报,多谈个人在日军使用过程中的一些看法。本档不管成败,结局如何,唯与诸君共讨议,帮助更多日军新手和我一起上路为最终之目的。
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
41年12月7日3 o4 z0 T- o+ T

8 A' Q% F1 M# W" P) P8 H/ w% M珍珠港方向:
8 c: T+ k6 Q5 O7 U
% z" M; W2 E" n% M* w- {' |2 r: p# }( [% z0 B( B; f
大本营对KB首日对PH的奇袭战果表示满意,帝国各大媒体纷纷头条报道。& E4 f! {" ?8 P5 y

) z, \! x# u& w. }2 u1 \: ^参战飞行员全军通令嘉奖,拍照留念。$ |. t) m) L3 S4 B* r- J! E

# R9 ~9 x' @, L" {+ @8 P
9 s. O( ?1 p" f# d+ _3 e- n7 a( l4 v& v  E& \! I
* O2 ]) F; G# g1 ?2 z/ f6 C# E5 L9 i- q  H
Allied Ships
4 j6 D& }7 d* m3 J7 z1 W. V4 U      DM Preble. f  s" t- |$ g( h
      BB Nevada, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
7 f$ s7 w& N3 j. \  M      BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 7, Torpedo hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
' l9 w- \7 U( l      BB Arizona, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk
3 T& r2 r- B# x: x, V! Q8 e      BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage2 q' H3 C, e  c1 {+ p# c
      CL Raleigh, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage
5 z' A9 X9 q( H; y3 a      BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 6,  on fire,  heavy damage
3 L6 X/ m+ m# N8 u, B. M      DD Tucker, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
, ?7 g! G$ A$ x- M      BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk% ^# f  S: m( m/ ]2 p
      BB California, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
: V! l: Z2 u% i5 g7 t& {. \; J% l- ~      CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 15 y9 h& a5 D. g
      BB Maryland, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& p$ g% @/ S/ {' `" F4 o      AV Wright2 h1 H. J8 x' Y! b
      CL Detroit, Bomb hits 3' j5 [1 g, o2 z$ M6 \
      CL Honolulu, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire
, d: h6 z; L5 b7 t" f7 P      PT-28, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
+ @$ D9 A- Y- G; Y      DD Hull, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage4 |. `# G$ b$ F- S+ g- T5 y: U
      AV Curtiss, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire
5 W4 X7 Q  y% F* s      CL St. Louis, Torpedo hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage" X2 w& t& }; o! }* z) H1 H8 h
      DM Montgomery, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
. u9 o. i, M0 p% J. _1 ?0 y2 V      DD Helm, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
4 y6 }8 A0 `; k, ]* ?3 k, {  O) a      CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
( ~+ N9 C5 G$ p/ u# l; H; w, C      CL Helena, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage/ j4 e7 P; n2 G% x9 ?
      DD Chew, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
: ^: h% D- E* N1 H      PC Taney, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
' D8 L) J) C( |: a      AV Tangier, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires7 {8 W" l$ ?/ p) J; K7 U2 t
      CL Phoenix, Torpedo hits 1
% f, Y0 Y  @3 V+ L  r      DD Schley, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk/ n' q4 m: t4 h
      DD Dewey, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
: z; C0 R* q, w4 [% B      SS Tautog, Bomb hits 1
& @1 `& Y- o: }) b2 K5 n* j9 b      DM Ramsay, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
4 L  A6 M7 D2 n! l/ b  j      AVD Hulbert, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
. X' F% I8 X$ {8 Q% g      AD Rigel, Torpedo hits 1
: o; D+ D* {6 e2 j( I: D( I      DD Mugford, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
% V8 F. x' ~/ R, D  {: a0 y0 u, M- ~0 a& M
) B- K9 F! _1 d' J4 P: a% L& w$ x/ j7 i1 A
陆攻不够给力,出动的波次太分散,加上新加坡水牛的RP爆发前来直掩,Z舰队逃过一劫。陆攻多波出动,仅命中亲王1雷。+ ~+ C, f( b0 x( L1 }
' G8 r2 z  [+ t+ BAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,820 Y5 g' b+ ?/ H1 L; I# z6 `$ |2 F' T

! o& f  N) w7 iWeather in hex: Clear sky' b; K2 k2 B8 y$ a) S4 V

& V" n7 ^3 h2 w) {Raid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
/ D5 M4 @$ V  a( p5 cEstimated time to target is 26 minutes
% g% `6 L2 K, |: e& g
; @' f6 s( W' ^/ O9 L) X7 c/ w7 l2 D1 rJapanese aircraft$ K5 I; l. u2 Q. K* }3 ^
      G4M1 Betty x 13
/ X3 l* Q- U6 f. [6 L  U# o! C
0 {+ N( v# ^+ t- _) E
; f* k+ i* b7 G9 X: N1 L. R1 x: D/ \0 c ' b! s/ \7 Y9 U& m& {
Allied aircraft
7 v- H" G3 M) o      Buffalo I x 96 {7 m4 V, V3 g: o( P
/ p( f0 W6 \3 w% h# C

& ?5 F% w; \3 K! j% Z5 Z4 S) L% iJapanese aircraft losses8 p) p7 J& \* k. r1 ?5 Z/ Y7 R
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged: k! ~/ A0 q4 L$ V
. p6 z! i9 o, C2 ?/ n! {  t6 q
No Allied losses8 I, d* H' D: y" H% C3 v
& b; I: `0 H3 c
Allied Ships
0 ?& i1 @3 b( t  r      BC Repulse
8 v: a2 x. q/ p+ T- B, a5 E( q      BB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 1$ ?) ]$ D. B- f) @6 c* Y) D
0 }( Q$ C$ i. d3 g, D/ L
/ }+ D0 D& E3 F5 D4 a+ U* R( H/ K- g8 t5 [4 e/ e( Z& W+ i3 j
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
; u5 \2 e1 h$ ]
面对霓虹国史无前例的无耻偷袭,米国大统领9527,罗斯福 对全国发表了紧急讲话,全文如下:
- V! z& y0 F$ @/ d" r
" Y; I- p, a3 z3 ?Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our secretary of state a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.Yesterday the Japanese government also launched as attack against Malaya.Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.Last night Japanese forces attacked Wake Island.And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.As commander in chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. . .
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."

" ]/ k8 F$ g1 I9 c8 E( W5 m$ T6 ~5 _- C% U
PH出港避难的BB马里兰号和和BB加尼弗尼亚号不幸各种两雷,双双毙命,日军没有对PH发动第二轮空袭,KB逃去无踪3 x1 L) f/ d# o- e, O/ D9 ^
0 I3 K/ `: g4 G

; J8 v7 ^' ]' u全天战局相对平静,日军攻占了哥达巴鲁,同时压制了仰光,乔治城,克拉克等几个盟军大型机场,但是盟军完全没有应战,只有菲律宾的玩具枪同日军0战陆攻小战一场,双方各损失几架飞机& N* x+ N2 ]+ V0 c- s( n
# g5 ?9 w+ u* ?# u( S
# B4 A" {0 ?6 O! d" s3 J* [# @* U. w
; t$ W' B. z# z, \( [; X( j9 zSubmarine attack near Molokai  at 181,108: V$ C7 [8 a- U- v$ X4 D- T& d. P% v

: N+ j. b/ u# y7 F1 ?0 h! YJapanese Ships1 P: C' A; B' F! v# X( Q) [
      SS I-174
8 V0 J; M$ S5 w) _4 e, S4 o' J' C0 R0 \8 R+ c1 i5 a: R% g
Allied Ships2 O1 ?& M# E# h. r4 ]9 R& J
      BB California, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage; I7 u& A+ L7 E# h5 \- w" Q

0 Z: w9 y7 [, ~2 D  K+ J. x7 Y/ a- J8 {

9 o: L" ~- W7 _1 zBB California is sighted by SS I-174$ I1 D7 X. u  }1 b& F+ O4 C2 G0 Y: s
SS I-174 launches 4 torpedoes
3 m& h. N0 z/ l# C- j4 j1 t
8 q+ \& l7 F4 O" X1 }% v0 @! c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! }. D" [7 y' G
Submarine attack near Molokai  at 181,108
6 Q8 J3 n9 C9 m5 T' b7 [& |" R* {+ L% [! J$ N
Japanese Ships4 d% L& Z5 x! q
      SS I-1684 m) {2 f4 g% F) |8 ]* L

& B+ I, d) Q# ?" YAllied Ships$ X0 c: U- ?4 T% s$ v
      BB Maryland, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage
! v; k& y  o  {, o( Y; ]/ r' q6 t1 ~- U1 w/ b% |* ?+ F
* U7 L: Z! H$ g

- b0 b5 E" o; l2 e8 zBB Maryland is sighted by SS I-168) y& \9 d9 f% O
SS I-168 launches 4 torpedoes: ~8 ?" d. W4 w& X6 u1 C

; _% a' j+ I8 H- D/ I
3 @' Y9 W) t7 e3 b" _* W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# e7 A' ~/ Q/ n9 F  g9 G# a5 K( M# q! JMorning Air attack on TF, near Manila at 79,77
) o0 Q1 g" M3 ~  y! Y& @! {, Y; o* S! [* p
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
5 l7 W* ]  w6 G: E$ i
( G# F: J1 j- C8 J1 |Raid detected at 50 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
  V$ I) `9 e. F& N4 U2 P1 BEstimated time to target is 17 minutes0 R* x; W. Y% W/ x3 w, g- n
* q- c" b4 G  u& `" `6 p
Japanese aircraft
8 N0 r3 [, Q& L1 i+ b      A6M2 Zero x 101 u8 W7 r( E9 P  f) b) l2 Y. b
      G4M1 Betty x 6  T" n9 k) \' @' r4 C
# ^7 Y0 o0 {! S! |

# u# U( J1 O5 w/ Q5 k4 M+ o" L/ K" Y; m& b- f( |, O3 Q
Allied aircraft: N& D  S7 F1 z' Y: o
      P-26A x 7
+ R) g. x# m+ ~0 m  U2 f2 ~      P-35A x 18& e2 c' v* `/ y, q# Z' }8 N7 d

5 s3 s+ O9 }# G+ ~$ `
; l4 b* H' I7 dJapanese aircraft losses5 y$ }' K& k5 @, O
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed5 b) H/ G$ Z3 k4 `& m9 H
      G4M1 Betty: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged" z4 U( [8 L+ ~: {9 y4 @

3 N- ^/ _5 s" i& d) B2 z$ AAllied aircraft losses- M: c' N" E4 {: K: q. @" D
      P-26A: 1 destroyed
2 v0 ~# A( H) F5 R3 R( |# c      P-35A: 5 destroyed
- Y. [2 M& ]3 o( d6 w% T2 J* Q! g3 a, p; Z3 D" @
Allied Ships
$ q( O( C7 H) R2 i- A      xAK Tantalus7 Q# @8 a3 K% b- S

% `, X5 [& a1 c/ y( o* ?
9 z/ Q" S+ V4 j& G! j0 P6 D5 D
, l4 u* Y" m3 V% g5 t当天盟军的其他损失可以忽略不计
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
41年12月8-9日4 g6 T. X* Y7 L  d

( l/ i" ?) ?( `, g% ]
6 G) V2 q0 u& i8 ^# B8 Q显然27大统领8日除了2艘BB被击沉其他盟军损失可以忽略不计的说法,完全在草菅人命。蝗军各个战线高歌猛进,捷报频传。
3 b/ m8 e% \7 m3 q  z  [) G8 b8 H# b6 V. o0 I
地面上:1 L) e& S9 r' \% S4 ^4 ~& a
) \+ V7 X. U% v) i
马来战场,哥打巴鲁的英国殖民军2个旅遭到蝗军痛殴,第56步兵联队以受伤80余人的代价几乎无损歼灭2千多人,顺利占领该地大型机场,高经验的蝗军打这样的杂牌简直是砍瓜切菜!0 u* A" H8 }+ s" X. j$ b/ E2 F
* S" v+ R% ]# H) _. \1 I3 {2 ?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ ]$ n$ a( A5 k* G4 j
6 e- p: s6 j7 E1 |
Ground combat at Kota Bharu (51,75)
, h* A2 d# U( F  @* E
, S1 Z" K* P' g8 b6 d' hJapanese Shock attack
: Y0 s8 v% _5 l" D8 g
, B! Q% I) ~7 t) L7 n9 e: D0 ~Attacking force 5007 troops, 41 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 176" j1 ^8 @/ k. q9 N2 a
; K2 R& p8 @2 K
Defending force 3604 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 125( i* l8 ]4 Q% @: c! X; d/ E
/ q. i; C0 [" a- |* U9 D+ S) Q
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1
* u; Q: D9 w  g: P
( B) R3 @1 ]- U1 C( g- _# i( iJapanese adjusted assault: 251
( R9 y6 x- F! M  F
( c' F+ R' E, e" IAllied adjusted defense: 29
0 A% m9 e9 {9 D# R/ h! [, }; }
) w3 v- ^/ Z4 U$ a. [9 c+ qJapanese assault odds: 8 to 1 (fort level 1)
" C* j9 R0 d* i3 m# \0 v# d! k
% y$ R/ a5 l, G$ f$ b& ~Japanese forces CAPTURE Kota Bharu !!!
6 t% a/ D3 ?' s+ |! N
2 G! c% |/ Q; h9 jCombat modifiers
! s; M" ^2 N, t, {Defender: forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), preparation(-)# p. s0 }; |: B( h- J" a; m8 ?
fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-)
9 r$ h/ b9 p" T0 M. S9 kAttacker: shock(+)5 a  ^9 E2 l$ T7 b! P- \1 v" ]0 t

& |4 ^, F& C3 u5 X3 ]) B. yJapanese ground losses:
" f4 e* |# a) V2 B      82 casualties reported
! o9 G7 [: H- Y. k! F3 R( k         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
; R. x/ ?8 l% a, C% U' w5 j" I         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
( U2 Q6 {2 Q" O9 Z% M1 k5 B/ L- O  V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
! c7 A$ c, P, P( g, ]4 o 0 G0 w! b; C% C0 ^. m
( M7 }" T' l7 V
Allied ground losses:
$ n, ]- D) A9 ^4 h' I      2386 casualties reported9 Z: q# K; N% Q; k( s
         Squads: 82 destroyed, 4 disabled
# G8 S# ]# `% z3 c. [         Non Combat: 53 destroyed, 1 disabled
. e2 W& }& q3 ~% Q0 o         Engineers: 30 destroyed, 0 disabled
% _. h8 o3 c4 A0 s3 z      Guns lost 13 (13 destroyed, 0 disabled)
/ w# y  T4 b1 N9 W8 D3 V      Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)! {; h) ?0 |0 H
      Units retreated 3% C& E# Y* |* ~- q: u, x+ J6 n" C# c

1 J& i# u; |3 O
+ M9 |# K$ u9 }Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
! w7 `& [$ s) F' l" y* {4 i 1 S# \2 }+ a& _
Assaulting units:
# p, e) _& q% B4 y5 \    56th Infantry Regiment
$ G9 Q  C* O2 t0 D. r. A. [$ k! D2 q    12th Engineer Regiment
4 I3 `8 r! \# Q: j: w6 z8 I    5th JAAF AF Coy
; n' C0 g" {: t' s! J( _1 k0 M/ V 5 C  @5 ]8 P' W& T5 S/ }/ q6 z
Defending units:
4 H" W2 x$ d) f) p1 X    FMSV Brigade
1 @( S" V* v2 ]1 [2 t% V    8th Indian Brigade
; m5 p8 q+ V) c8 L. c- _    3rd ISF Base Force$ u3 A  R" t  s, M; v2 T
- u; `4 }& I9 C  B" u$ m5 ]
- F1 `0 T4 r0 t, ?* P' @( q
1 S, c1 H0 k8 C' ?4 F南太,蝗军第51海警队攻占了瑙鲁岛,歼灭了岛上澳洲白人一个基地队。
: S7 j, h1 m' v1 L' `中国,蝗军第13混成旅团击溃蚌埠城下的国军第89军。* ?. T& r2 w# O
3 }5 ~  T. n; U- _: V
, w; B+ Y+ Z3 ?# YGround combat at Pengpu (90,50)# M- O3 Y: \% J7 q
  ^6 A9 P7 Z( M6 K9 \/ R8 V* W+ o
Japanese Shock attack
; x$ c: Q  W; u) t
6 L6 C7 f! ^3 b* y, `Attacking force 5460 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 184
7 b% C1 K1 v$ K5 x& @6 t' ]
# R1 K3 B( K5 W: ]0 ODefending force 1389 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 45, ~+ e  v/ I3 G  i5 n

* q" [  v+ n% s/ k8 n9 f1 `Japanese adjusted assault: 145 4 b. _; N, u7 ^% c
' B: j! \, j" H  z
Allied adjusted defense: 4 / V+ W  p" I" t, @; D
; E' v% F5 u1 T4 l# S& w
Japanese assault odds: 36 to 1
6 _; b; A# Z/ _# U8 k " ]8 {4 d5 `0 v2 o
Combat modifiers0 J1 ]" a4 X' ?, j+ |9 J
Defender: morale(-), experience(-)' q- A1 A5 }/ a
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-)" @9 V2 L" R- w2 \

# F9 c( y8 c+ ~5 s5 I& Q1 Y: @- UJapanese ground losses:+ q9 l3 b$ T. H, @; {1 L7 K
      404 casualties reported/ Q$ K: n/ ?; d
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 37 disabled
2 j* o2 c' l  Q8 q# z         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 27 disabled6 @; n" F, k9 e/ w* s/ Y% C
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# V8 e! g/ [' t ! R! k' Z) y& I8 Y+ v

3 A! s1 V$ c# s( N; {Allied ground losses:( }0 ~, O3 S' @
      857 casualties reported% u# a6 p: k1 w0 a$ H# c' K
         Squads: 26 destroyed, 14 disabled
$ C9 d( m; K$ B0 i% ^         Non Combat: 29 destroyed, 9 disabled3 a7 h6 O4 S% f6 S/ m: s7 L4 c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled: u4 j2 e* X5 Y
      Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
: ]% Z  O: |( W6 ?      Units retreated 1) @0 Q% \, e6 ]
4 s  U8 z+ Z8 ^( k& y) J+ i! e" [

+ L: n/ s7 s- {2 z/ dDefeated Allied Units Retreating!8 K! ~9 k: `7 m* u( [+ e

3 r, ?+ l% v: U! h9 ^Assaulting units:* I; r6 l8 s* {* `$ L
    13th Ind.Mixed Brigade7 n  }5 j9 y2 E! A

+ V8 X; C) O) W( |2 I! X+ x& zDefending units:
- _  r( m3 C# i7 Z! m3 p. R1 y5 b    89th Chinese Corps4 O& ]' ~  \& v" ]0 C+ v
0 b9 P9 ?0 B. [  d
8 {5 R/ o3 J6 H" y& B海面上:
8 n& ?4 ?4 {# A' u' K四处仓惶出逃的大批舰船,在陆攻及蝗军水面战舰的淫威下,大量入海成为珊瑚礁。
* l4 P: F7 N* T& [$ u: e随机举出几例:5 q6 w3 s/ [- {8 a1 g
      xAP Hong Kheng, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk3 i) e1 y0 T& Z# ]* y, R$ E6 q
      xAP Dominion Monarch, Torpedo hits 1
7 u, k  i$ k+ e4 L+ {( R4 U/ {      xAK Hanyang, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk& i7 {( N' \; j0 i' c# ^
      AO Neosho, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage1 }' V6 j4 Y4 A, t
      xAKL Kanchow, Shell hits 12, and is sunk
5 @' O. b" r* G9 I" J( G; ?# f      DD Peary, Shell hits 12, and is sunk
2 I& i5 ]9 @/ s3 Q) ~2 |3 U$ f9 b      xAP Matang, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
& ]5 \; y# k* @+ F      xAKL Tatung, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk- K8 x7 F# P& V& i1 L2 p
      xAP Sin Kheng Seng, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk% T- K4 Q7 {. ?- m  Q" T
      xAK Wulin, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk3 R  c: `+ g' I4 I+ c
      xAKL Lyemun, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
+ a& [3 H# F2 K9 p# S! q; {      xAP Kepong, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
. x% M7 T% ]) w. ]: ~2 @      xAK Ravnaas, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk8 g( H! C$ h1 |
      xAKL Kanlaon II, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
, C; N: T, ~( {8 J0 b7 B      xAKL Latouche, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk' [/ w! J" x0 s: ~& n6 F) g
- I5 R- J- m5 L! Q% ^
1 ?# ?- q$ C) [6 P2 k* E. C  z6 h" }
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.