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装了这个补丁后,Truk的size 4 Repair Shipyard怎么没了?& d* B5 K5 H) g4 `! }" g$ Y+ p$ Q
kampfgruppe 发表于 2009-9-11 19:36
* j- V! X# ?+ I5 @9 j1 n

9 b8 J* u8 J3 M& K$ V& r% f
/ K+ w+ \) i( v9 i6 x% Z& O所有剧本已经取消了TRUK的修船厂
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
对了,我已经在用1.00.80beta. 不知道正式补丁和beta的修改有哪些不同?如果数据相同,只修改了程序中的bug,我是不是就不用重开剧本10了?
18# joysnow . c# [( n. f( y: t& Y- G
# I- h1 P  A( U+ x7 c
玩AE的剧本在升级时可以不用重新开档,具体办法见8 y3 P4 A( ?. ^2 k6 X0 B9 r

- H5 t7 x: Q  `2 o# U) c: B  D. O# |$ h2 Whttp://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2233574
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
I read the following at the official forum:: E5 `" a" f7 x9 ~, \/ l
Quote:. Q/ W+ t1 h9 B0 D  |: b
"Are there any AI script changes in the official patch that were not in the public beta?7 X; Y' @% }% `2 g1 Y0 U+ H
According to the 'What's New File' there are no differences in Air Group, Ship, Base data, and Unit locations when upgrading from the Public Beta to the Official Patch. If so, that means the only thing I could be missing by not restarting are AI Script changes which are understandably not listed."8 ^3 j2 f$ W' y6 M+ m( N( m7 @" w
Reply quote:
, d$ O1 s# x+ ]  n! F# ?"Duke yes but all I tweaked were the late war allied scripts so if playing v Jap AI it will be the same for beta/offical allied AI scripts have small changes not really material enough to warrent restart.", E' p  s7 q: `+ Z3 Y

) O3 t3 N1 e: s" dSo to me it indicates that all data files are the same between beta and official patches. I play against Jap AI, so I can just apply the official patch without restart.
For those of you running PBEM games, here is a recommended update procedure*:
' z) b, m% @9 M1 x2 Y. V6 P& I- W' J
(Note: v1079 refers to the game Release version and v1084 refers to the Update version. Your current version may vary.)
( \) f& E: A* H9 D! e
8 H! ^+ x5 W3 r8 m9 H0 s/ a1) Japanese player resolves latest turn using current version v1079.
8 X  b9 N# L/ o. U0 Q2) Japanese player saves game.
- C) _) N% x: t$ f0 T9 h4 s, o3) Japanese player exits game. 9 k, \% l& c  k6 ]- n+ |. r" Q
4) Japanese player sends combat replay to Allied player.   X; C, _- L0 V* e  u+ x
5) Japanese player upgrades to new version v1084.
0 O; V8 {- [4 l- z; B6) Japanese player issues orders and advances turn. : `5 S+ E" Y" N' x( v; @1 p0 c
7) Japanese player sends turn to Allied player.
% w- K9 `7 T6 Y9 Z) U) {) P+ L" j$ I. k0 L
8) Allied player plays combat replay under old version v1079.
, h+ g+ Q4 P3 D9) Allied player upgrades to new version v1084. 7 ~  Y- |+ K# P
10) Allied player issues orders and advances turn.
  c5 U6 s- F1 G6 }0 g11) Allied player send turn file back to Japanese player. / Q% q; r  `- Y. c

$ D3 K% U8 b8 I/ v  z3 |+ B9 s. C2 DThe key is that orders must be entered using the same version and then the turn resolved with that version i.e.:
+ W$ |4 h+ {( O( P' s& ?-J Orders v1079, A Orders v1079, J Resolve v1079, A Replay v1079;
, k6 f# m! p6 {/ s/ F# N: g; H( B-Both update to v1084, J Orders v1084, A Orders v1084, etc.
6 s) L, T# a# {. f' ~1 }7 r+ R: R* V$ p& J+ p2 s
For Japanese players playing multiple PBEM games, what this means is that you will need to collect all of your opponents' turns and run them before updating.
6 J2 ?# O" d4 b4 l, g
" [: j5 Z& [4 u% y) `; v& hAfter you run each turn, send off the replay file to the Allied player, and ask him to play the replay under the old version. Once you have resolved all of your PBEM opponents' turns, you can now upgrade.
2 v! B' h' Y. d1 A3 t& J2 G越骑校尉 发表于 2009-9-15 21:30
5 m, W. i- G' i( Q) K2 ?
+ ~/ N7 n! _( q/ @/ w
经测试,一切正常,可以下载) \3 L8 L( n* B+ I5 i" o; [3 f

: B6 W4 g; ?: e) R: ahttp://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/026ba878-9e75-11de-a161-0014221f469f/6657cc16/
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
发现AE可以正常显示中文的指挥官名称,问一下有没有把知名指挥官汉化的计划?PS:AE自带的Editor对中文的支持很不好,有没有其他好用的编辑器?7 }7 q, K" A& H- G, y( Y2 ^1 {! H
key3027 发表于 2009-9-17 22:20
. W' v' @) n5 Y# _0 B: M/ B
/ [  D9 L( A4 R& _在群共享里有支持中文输入的Editor,如果你有兴趣汉化指挥官名称,可以报名参与。目前暂无此项汉化计划。
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
本帖最后由 key3027 于 2009-9-18 09:56 编辑
, z: T3 p6 W; T/ ^  M2 x! W" z% e  v9 _' N( ~/ J$ o& o+ d* T2 v5 ~
  J# L8 e$ r* C6 \+ G- \# h. j! X8 T" G% {+ T& Y4 a: F0 H/ {
2 w; }4 z8 Q- X4 V5 g3 Dchampionzhao 发表于 2009-9-18 08:56
* J/ p* ^! f; v9 l
兴趣是有,不过能力有限,不能保证100%正确,为了不误人子弟就不报名了。群共享里是 AE Editor.fix.exe.zip这个文件吗?谢谢老赵。