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Witp 1.806 补丁发布

2007 MAY 23 - War In The Pacific Patch v.1.806 (3.3mb)
% O& o# N" @  b. g6 s; H& l
The incremental update brings a handful of changes and gameplay improvements, especially with air detection devises. Note that this update is currently only incremental with a comprehensive release expected to follow shortly. 4 x3 R/ f1 j6 U- {; Q5 S
ftp://ftp.matrixgames.com/pub/WarInThePacific/WarInThePacific-UpdateDR-v1806.zip5 v/ T7 u+ J5 I8 ?+ k. `

2 X2 H/ g; q, x' T1.806补丁内容: 3 t% w- I$ j1 q/ r: ~
Item 1 – Correct issues related to task forces discontinuing loading after another task force was disbanded in the same hex.
/ N7 H0 U" H9 yItem 2 – Correct issues related to TF destination fields not being cleared. This was causing some TFs under player control to move towards apparently random destinations.
2 P: Z0 B' U; F  j4 }' fItem 3 – As an interim measure, until the scenario data can be updated, correct the Type 13 radar (device 139) to have penetration=500 thus enabling it to function as an air search radar. This change will be removed once the scenario data is corrected. - W3 \: b! e, P: D
Item 4 – Add air detection devices to the device pool displays.
; I5 X4 f4 c) {+ W2 E3 v; b) q! YItem 5 – Add code to enable building of air detection devices: 139, 142, 137, 138, 213, 143. ! [/ o% w" t+ F/ V. R/ p" s
Item 6 – Complete enablement of air search radars aboard ships and increased randomness of radar effectiveness.
! @( _- G, w9 }1 ^9 o: f* J3 ^Item 7 – Handle overflow for planes diverting to CVs to convert to Op Losses.
: a) V/ @" j& v# _Item 8 – Additional performance improvements for DivideCrippledTF.
+ w2 V: L8 D  H. E& V5 {Item 9 – Change to AutoMineSweep to enable MS to sweep same base.
算了,没中文的俺肯定是不会要的。: ~4 L  I# d) U) O2 k) o, x" P
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
1.806补丁内容: 5 N. p2 L% {7 T$ V) P
Item 1 – Correct issues related to task forces discontinuing loading after another task force was disbanded in the same hex.
4 h. f$ H+ w' U0 F& l- J& k             修正了舰队未能正常装载的问题
7 N, p- d& g& T, ^. D+ TItem 2 – Correct issues related to TF destination fields not being cleared. This was causing some TFs under player control to move towards apparently random destinations.
' Y0 g/ o! R1 ]             修正了舰队未按命令抵达目的地的问题
9 i. I5 K- O! ?' B# I$ ?9 KItem 3 – As an interim measure, until the scenario data can be updated, correct the Type 13 radar (device 139) to have penetration=500 thus enabling it to function as an air search radar. This change will be removed once the scenario data is corrected.
2 O( g* U$ A$ `7 X             在exe中修正了13式对空的雷达的功能。当官方剧本数据库改动后,改修正将被移除  W0 {* @; x/ c0 Q
Item 4 – Add air detection devices to the device pool displays.
/ T9 V; Z# I3 ?! ^: R# N             增加了对空雷达设备列表(?)0 l' Y+ x; O* S( Y$ c; X
Item 5 – Add code to enable building of air detection devices: 139, 142, 137, 138, 213, 143. 8 v* r1 \, N5 W5 l6 _
             增加了对空雷达设备j建造代码(?)0 t  d* F* H6 a. m. Q
Item 6 – Complete enablement of air search radars aboard ships and increased randomness of radar effectiveness.
  o9 }% W( A/ @8 m7 `- L             完善了对空搜索雷达的功能1 w+ W$ T9 s# m( r: }. v
Item 7 – Handle overflow for planes diverting to CVs to convert to Op Losses.
2 p* z# T* X/ I6 T% Z/ S             调整(?)了航母超载时的OP损失% J- e0 }6 P! Z! a% _
Item 8 – Additional performance improvements for DivideCrippledTF.) }: e) {& m2 }
# |/ K7 \9 |5 j; x& q; \Item 9 – Change to AutoMineSweep to enable MS to sweep same base.
9 t; F% G2 C( \1 a3 @+ w             允许以任务速度自动清除基地内的水雷
4 H8 l5 T: d4 F' w. v+ H$ F3 O" ?& F1 K3 ?+ `* L
Item 7是指航母大战时有的航母被重创后,飞机飞到别的航母上,结果导致后者超载不能起降飞机…………所以加以改进。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?