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' `1 U3 P, ^4 d4 X& j视觉效果上变更了字体,网格淡化以免影响美观,同时将每个基地的资源用不同的方块表示出来。8 z5 i0 g( _* n! [; t2 w

! R% ?8 G) [2 g3 X+ o  U5 ^' O/ @Installation: 4 R  g- U7 h! P6 D- d" r

+ g. u; R' F- e0 p. p5 w# @) ]1 F% sUnzip files from the archive into your C://…War in the Pacific/ART folder, overwrite original files. There are 40 files total - WITP00-WITP19.bmp and WITN00-WITN19.bmp.
6 r- E0 d7 u' }+ n# h
0 G4 ?2 M4 a! e8 D" Q  ?
- T+ `& b% O3 v
8 D1 J9 M6 Z; Y5 s
) s5 O4 d, \- Z1 m& E+ `
  • This is graphical mod, it does NOT change or modify any game data.
  • If you play pbem games, please note that your opponents do NOT need to use this map also.
  • This version is 100% compatible with the official Matrix/2by3 patch 1.60.
  • Please back up original map art files before installing this mod. Map files are (WITP00-WITP19.bmp and WITN00-WITN19.bmp, 40 files in game’s ART folder).
  • When playing the game with this map, please pay attention to map legend and terrain key charts in the right low corner of the map.
  • This map mod was designed for 32bit color mode
+ N& M; [9 V' U2 p0 Z
In order to initialize game in 32-bit color mode you have to do the following:$ ~& ?; N. y. J- c% L4 p7 k; a

! F' N% n  p# q# d" F0 L4 V
    • Create a shortcut from the War in the Pacific.exe (right-click on it then drag & drop it).
    • Right-Click on the new shortcut and choose properties.
    • Add space then -deepColor to the far right of the “War in the Pacific.exe" on the target line, such as
“C:\Games\War in the Pacific.exe" –deepColor: p/ t$ m  t( B
: O! F9 k4 H& h6 c
Main features:
6 z* X  D0 I8 i7 N8 k" k1 H& P

& X5 D  N/ W% k* \2 a$ x
  • New water areas colors.
  • New costal and shallow waters adaptation.
  • New map fonts.
  • New hex grid visible only over the water hexes.
  • New feature – resources / industries symbols.
  • New feature – malaria free locations names color markings.
  • Various corrections done to make the map art match the map data.
; I. {1 [& U& v2 Q6 L! g' N
Map art corrections: . V; o. M. U0 h7 C( Q- t% t8 X

9 O# J. @. T3 V9 \1 \( N(!) All map data changes introduced in patch 1.60 reflected * 9 o' r  N$ _3 a7 B. b
Additional corrections: 2 b9 t( x. x( H: j# D% O; ]
* i7 K& @3 _" M- f. e
  • Railroad in the hex to the south of Bombay is shown on the map.
  • Railroad in Tasmania is shown on the map.
  • Roads in Pokrovka-Ruchlovo are shown on the map.
  • Trails near Padang and Bankha are shown on the map.
  • Singkawang-Pontianak trail on Borneo was represented as a road. Fixed.
  • Roads in Prince Rupert are shown on the map.
  • Costal hexes in Banjarmasin area corrected.
7 O+ v$ F1 e, x- K4 E
% j; q6 M6 B7 C  z4 |4 ~; i& [

* P3 w2 F/ `, Y1 @) f( L- }2 j
  • Woods on Lepar and Belington islands are shown. Previously these hexes looked like coastal clear.
  • Mountains on Sinkep islands are shown. Previously these hexes looked like coastal clear.
  • Hexes 47,77 and 48,77 (north coast of New Guines) changed to deep ocean, to match the map data. There was an island drawn in these hexes.
  • Hexes 103,29 and 104,28 (Alaska). More “deep water” added since these are deep ocean hexes.
  • Hex 84,32 (Petropavlovsk). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 69,37 (west of Sapporo). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 49,44 (east of Tainan). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 24,45 (Khota Bharu). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 29,31 (west of Pagan). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 18,21 (Madras). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 20,47 (Bankha). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 53,91 (Port Moresby). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 46,109 (Rockhampton). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 38,125 (Sydney). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 28,125 (Melbourne). Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 33,127. Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 48,92. Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 20,62. Hex now looks coastal.
  • Hex 55,85. Now deep ocean, originally it looked like shallow water hex.
  • Railroads in hexes 49,31-50,32-51,32 (Kaifeng, China) are shown on the map now.
  • Railroads in hexes 53,32-54,32-54,33 (Tsingtao, China) are shown on the map now.
More minor changes done to make map art match the map data. This map is still more accurate than original game map. # u; J4 G/ ~: R" _% r% o  e

( B3 r+ O+ A$ `+ u9 d/ B* From the What’s new 1.60
8 h8 U1 {/ v' \
2 c0 Y- M/ y/ s$ y14) Hex 41,55, near Iloilo, changed from coastal atoll to deep ocean. There is no island drawn in this hex. 6 f4 L% z" A6 M' N! g4 \
, G& z  ^3 Y0 k3 S& H* E( i
Note that this hex was left unchanged. & y: P- H4 [8 E

" N1 [, J6 s; i37) Hexside between ocean hexes 34,79 and 35,79 changed from land to ocean (this looks like the hangover from an island that was removed from the map). 7 ^9 S5 [$ t; m
$ _7 d- s( Z3 X0 g# d+ B5 c* T% D
Note that this hexside was left unchanged.
$ C' m; u8 O# Y8 l: b
: F* ?( [% ]+ Y" [1 ~, [4 S
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
1 q6 p5 K9 f8 o2 e! K
. R2 j2 ^( C+ H  B  }http://witp.tylerroguedesigns.co ... 2.1.%2832bit%29.zip
这个地图还是要强烈推荐一下,大段的英文不逐字翻译了,基本上对修订情况做了介绍。, b7 Y/ a4 W3 C; m' C4 V

- Q8 r8 b! d0 S- K" N首先声明的是此地图没有改动任何游戏数据,完全与官网的基地数据一致。同时更正了官网上存在的若干个错漏之处。下面是几个典型例子,大部分在本人的对战里经历过。, O# d& x6 \7 a  S/ j

8 y/ y2 N" L) i& E( R1、中国华北,黄河以南,河南以东的铁路线在官版只表现为十字交叉,实际上更为复杂,从武汉出发的日军可以包围这个区域的国军。参考飞龙vs弗雷的战报。0 D, `( S: ~2 w

+ h* k! p; P5 H% S/ S2 {: w2、印度钻石港与加尔各答之间的铁路连通状态被修正。
2 w' O: |, n* h1 G/ ?* O6 C. c8 c7 H5 V" L& Y, ?7 n
3、澳大利亚南部塔斯马尼亚岛上的两个基地之间有铁路线连接,但在官方地图上没有体现。6 d; C3 h$ b# J8 G! ^0 Z

5 P, |( j- S- }$ h- w4、孟买与印度内地的铁路连通性被更清晰显示出来。
' k% e8 u. c, L/ V" P" h* n
6 b+ V! I& r) [本地图的另外一个特点是将拥有资源、修船厂和武器工厂的基地名称下面用不同的颜色方块表现出来,虽然在日本本土显得有点拥挤,但是其他区域的效果非常好。
! s3 y, R3 H0 m& j; ?( Y, S" L6 S
5 J; [$ z; r4 p$ y因此,强烈建议官版对战更新到本地图。
這個請飛飛幫忙吧. _1 G* T, |- `" y# X/ e0 N
3 j+ Z- g7 i7 }8 v, F
" y9 o2 x7 a: B3 o偶最感兴趣的是类似CHS的淡化格子,原版的格子太明显,加上很是碍眼+ x! ~- f2 f$ _

% F  H, _7 x0 h$ ^[ 本帖最后由 xuanyuan 于 2008-1-31 11:19 编辑 ]
+ m" p, a3 k$ z, \. p# Y( g个人使用感觉不错,界面舒服标注也比较实用,推荐大家试试