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原帖由 bio 于 2007-9-18 23:19 发表 7 s4 R2 d9 x5 p; D
' {  Z4 Z7 r9 L( F5 y; q
9 J$ k' @1 y3 f! t0 N已经上岛的陆军,如果补给足够,调整好了,足以拿下提尼安。
不上海盗,我看美军抢不到制空权* I6 }" A, g# r. @6 ^" }7 w
ANDY要拼啦 : c% K) U& b) _& L2 Q/ |5 j0 ]
CVE's will take two days to arrive at Wake and I am going to wait for them. ' S3 y4 P$ B! e! r3 E

' X7 W0 _. a: x& b: O5 Fresh CVE's from West Coast will bring me fully up to strength with where I was a few days ago.
5 q4 f1 N& x9 h% l0 ?' \9 A
7 t8 k6 Z; y* b* O3 WAll 5 CV's will have 40 F6F's and 36 F4U's or 80 F6F's
. B* y0 E8 Q+ m/ W0 R: P3 CVL's will have 21 F6F's and 9 TBM's % k7 `  p( A1 a( c% ]
Hornet will have 90 Helldivers. $ y' H8 F7 j9 o9 s/ H' C
( E) s4 b/ S" s: q4 |8 s& ^" K. F
I should have about 20 CVE's total so about capacity for 600 aircraft. $ s" {. x. u; D. W0 t
3 will operate F6F NF's total of 72. , O$ v+ k9 |! A
- @' n0 |$ x, u2 X
By stripping Saratoga of Hellcats and ditching the replenishment groups I should be able to allocate about another 150 to the CVE's
0 w( e& W: Z9 H( r# q8 ]1 I; U" [/ X' j/ R4 c2 H
All other berths will be filled with strike aircraft. ' _9 q3 {  }: J: l# f3 n
- X. J4 l/ W: A& O8 ]; b8 T/ L. R. g
In total I will have 108 F4U's, 72 F6F NF's and about 450 F6F's I am not commiting any Wildcats with the fleet I cannot afford the pilot losses. . N( ?; C( |  Q9 a0 a
( M; ?$ L0 O1 i' _3 E) y7 X
The only reason I can do this is the 200 I did not commit in the first phase.
! Z( d: y( g4 ]
4 ?& W9 t/ _: l# T( wMissispi sailed from Pearl to join the fleet at Wake. 3 z# p0 y! Z" P4 f

" F, v6 ^) T$ ^9 n0 R/ a/ ]3 r; G1 ^So what is the plan well its simple SEEK out and DESTROY KB.   s3 l2 d* \0 s
; x. C( E8 n" N2 s/ l. I
I cannot even attempt to fight Jap LBA while KB is a threat I am therefore going to hunt KB down and destroy it if it refuses to come and fight then I will use massed bombardment TF's on Tinian until it does. ; F  ^! v% f" `( M, P
8 N, m( ]0 p* W
My replenishment groups are in reasonable shape still so fuel and ammo are not an issue. ; ?8 C( h# m0 F$ L1 r6 V: r

1 ~6 y* u' \' @: oThis is it guys no messing straight down the middle cannons to the left cannons to the right etc etc
: ^5 \0 M. P: X, t% Q
+ ]" x& ]6 C2 |- u3 aIn two days the fleet sails and it WILL rescue the allied armies on Tinian whatever the cost.
0 J' c4 E3 j+ f, a% ~6 t- {, \% q8 t  ~" B! D/ h
100多架海盗  TMD !
3 f. X. ?. I, S4 f3 L加上450架F6F  72架F6F NF
+ p# t- j7 y4 A% r8 ?8 d日军需要做好损失2000架战机的准备啦) ~* ]8 J" o5 a8 j+ S; p

2 O9 h' n, P* q[ 本帖最后由 talentpanzer 于 2007-9-19 21:11 编辑 ]
) J' d2 n4 Y3 c+ }) F' v  J! @9 v
' J0 I) n- u) a1 f% p3 d: v3 n3 T这场跟pzb那场有什么关系?
据说先前约定 在神风之前不把海军陆站队的海盗上CV
& }/ a: k9 B' H% {7 A4 j5 \# O
3 D8 y2 O; A2 D7 n( F6 A$ PAfter we get through this I will be entering negotiations - historically 10 Sqns of Marine Corsairs served on USN ships - Pauk and I had a deal with regard to use of these 10 Sqns AFTER Kamis became active - I will be seeking acceleration of this deployment but NOT until after we finish the mariana campaign one way or the other.
+ @) |4 R- [! b* `44年产5月23日0 f! g( N, j- U! h6 y) v2 _
PAUK桑在TINIAN 附近,海空力量联合绞杀,一日击沉敌船54条以上!
( U" Z& q( \# Q0 X& g' z至今,日军已在Mariana 海域击沉285条敌船其中运输船150艘!不过PAUK自己也在问:
$ K1 ~/ b* X- ^- E7 dI'm finishing the job. 54 more enemy ships are sunk today - just checked how many ships Andy lost in Marians campaign: 285 so far! App 150 of them are transports, and so far Andy lost 300-400 transports. Question for the AFBs - will that hurt Allied transport capabilities?
5 `- i# g7 v$ O1 s8 E' ^6 q6 N. \/ y2 j5 A, [6 W0 l; N
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
7 X4 j  l  ~3 o- C+ O0 s9 X1 b回想起来andy桑那天的谨慎攻击实在是看不明白,明摆着要吃0:1的,这个战斗力比还不会算?
原帖由 talentpanzer 于 2007-9-20 07:10 发表
% L0 U. }4 a8 D最新进展
5 c/ ?9 u% }$ g9 D$ o9 C  V+ b44年产5月23日
4 b! z1 |5 n& I# d% EPAUK桑在TINIAN 附近,海空力量联合绞杀,一日击沉敌船54条以上!
9 F, a$ G4 j8 f- C( G8 O& _3 q至今,日军已在Mariana 海域击沉285条敌船其中运输船150艘!不过PAUK自己也在问:: t! L% d' U% w( P& N
I'm finishing the job. 54 more  ...
  T* O6 q9 T$ J3 U/ `/ F% U6 L我前面贴了
9 u- q# p9 [) ]6 g8 F9 N. j' c  nANDY出动了962艘船,可能还不是全部5 `2 [7 u- r8 e/ P9 @7 M/ U
原帖由 bio 于 2007-9-20 11:02 发表
, V% B8 r/ ^/ E+ S2 b无所事事的陆航战斗机都出动扫海了,船实在是多的打不过来啊
4 ]( R* t, |5 j2 k3 q+ h7 O- q% d回想起来andy桑那天的谨慎攻击实在是看不明白,明摆着要吃0:1的,这个战斗力比还不会算?
9 \3 d9 S3 H5 o* j: s+ Y
登陆之后估计是混乱比较高. T8 O8 z* j. L
先歇了几天9 g- b. e+ b: c& M
, }, I. R: g9 F, p# z天天突
* `6 U# s5 f9 u3 c: z# M  s; }+ k* N本来就是鱼死网破  q3 w' K, e7 Q. m+ E
* N9 i, t, k( e8 P9 b. n结果可好,打了4天的谨慎进攻,终于把自己玩进去了
% o. ~3 \2 ^# ^5 `( g. K) A
* ?% y& u; R- c/ c也可能是ANDY对困难估计不足
& W2 g" F# O2 ?0 a0 l2 F- }7 q, O以为可以抢到制空权
' p0 h* o' t$ n2 {' l所以准备慢慢卸补给,慢慢进攻
7 A- `  j5 K/ {7 \结果没想到被日军打惨了; {. x9 e8 H4 O4 Y
6 I' z3 Y3 z" E& s这都打的焦头烂额了
/ ~* k, \) `1 c7 M+ @那边还回了PZB一档
开始3天都是突击,都是1比1,而且AV余地还很大,按这种打法一直突击很容易就把提尼安拿下来的。如果是补给不足,那么为什么要谨慎攻击,肯定是0比1,降混乱和疲劳消耗的补给更大。, m' q+ S2 z4 ?) _! s8 k( [+ r: d
: K4 ]" Z" h0 I7 C+ S不过这次也太露骨了,会不会暴露啊