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击落过德意日美法西斯的王牌,在意大利坐过牢成功越狱并潜逃,最后娶了坐在被他击落的美军运输机上的护士5 j3 Z: \# `' k2 e  O6 D

" F# M: ]1 H8 W5 e6 qLt Col Louis Edward Curdes/ |4 K, l( g* R5 c

8 j0 H, \4 J9 I) W7 u* rBorn:  November 2, 1919 Fort Wayne, Indiana1 F+ S3 k# ]% I7 i; I
POW:  August 27, 1943 Benevento, Italy, P-38G mechanical trouble; Y3 v. i$ D+ q% x7 d; ~
3 v' p" R( i. [$ a& P9 Z% A  Z
Died: February 8, 1995 Fort Wayne, Indiana; E% O2 B4 E! }! Q& s/ |, |
7 {2 r0 r  s  `! @, q
Louis Curdes joined the Army Reserves on March 12, 1942. He wascommissioned a 2nd Lt, and rated a pilot on December 3, 1942 at LukeField, Arizona. He joined the 329th FG, but transferred to the 82nd FG,95th FS, where he saw action over North Africa, Sardinia and Italyflying P-38Gs. On April 29, 1943 he shot down three German Me-109s anddamaged a fourth near Cap Bon, Tunisia. Two more Me-109s fell to hisguns near Villacidro, Sardinia on May 19. On June 24 he brought down anItalian Mc.202 over Golfo Aranci, Sardinia. Another Me-109 was damagedon July 30 at Pratice di Mare, Italy. His last two victories in theMediterranean Theater were two Me-109s over Benevento, Italy. Duringthat action he was forced down and taken prisoner. He escaped from thePOW camp on September 8, 1943 and managed to survive behind Germanlines until crossing into Allied territory on May 24, 1944. Herequested combat duty in the Pacific, and joined the 4th FS (Commando),3rd FG (Commando) in August 1944. On February 7, 1945 he shot down aDinah while flying a P-51D thirty miles SW of Formosa. This feat madehim one of three aces to have shot down enemy aircraft of all threeAxis Powers. On February 10, 1945 he shot-up an American C-47 which wasattempting to land on a Japanese held airstrip in the Batan Islands,Philippines; a chain of small islands north of Luzon. The aircraftforce landed and thirteen crew and passengers were rescued. One of thepassengers was a nurse that he later married. An American flag wasadded to the German, Italian and Japanese flags painted on his P-51D.After the war he transferred to the Air Force. He was promoted to Majon September 1, 1951, and retired from the Air Force as a LtCol inOctober 1963.1 _' X7 n5 `  D+ R' G

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& l# Z5 f- J& Nhttp://home.earthlink.net/~aircommando1/ACACES03.htm
这哥们贼牛,把德意日的飞机都揍下来过。# a- ^- ~2 ~2 L# U% x
最后连自己人的运输机都揍下来叻。8 }, H& T9 R3 p0 g
+ G3 A* U4 V  d$ k所以,这哥们飞机上刷了4个国家的小旗。
8 _1 f6 S& [( @/ K8 \. I听明白了不?
wasattempting to land 算不算击落啊?
& x) i% @) o: M! u" b
- ^% m" K$ T  F- x难道这家伙的飞机上真的喷着4国国旗(当然不算机翼上的)?