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【转】Matrix Games Needs Writers!

To the few and the brave, 0 Z4 e  @/ O! j$ g2 k& [6 n0 M) A

/ \3 k8 o! i0 \  @6 vWe are actively looking for a wargamer who also has writing skills to help us take our manual writing to the next level.
/ }( d* s& e  t4 C" [
* Y* c. I. n/ Y7 N2 Z; A$ V5 V# F! [: iWriting wargame manuals is not a simple task, it's basically similar to technical writing in terms of getting all the details right, though it also benefits from the ability to include historical anecdotes and background and a good writing style.  Writing a manual also involves playing the game (usually in a beta state) and getting to know it as well as communicating with the developer and project manager to make sure nothing is missed, so a candidate should be good at communication and be organized enough to keep track of multiple streams of feedback that require integration into the manual draft.  This is a paid position, but pay is by project rather than a salary, so please consider if you have the time, knowledge, commitment and discipline required to start and complete a wargame manual before you apply. & u2 m% y1 N- b# o

' A2 H2 n8 j6 JEveryone who applies will receive a reply and if you meet our requirements you will be given a short trial run before we assign you to an actual project.
/ O% T, d! @& O1 x6 ^, }
: r9 v  r; F; ~& w( ~If you are interested in applying, please e-mail
karlisr@matrixgames.com as follows: ! e; b' S) M7 \- N4 `) u  {

& v8 N. d: r+ k- h1 q7 ]Subject: Application for Manual Writer Position 1 w1 H& ^7 c# A! V/ r% B8 N3 q* |

# F) z$ t  w* Z4 w& V5 E% pIn the body of the e-mail, please indicate the following: # N. Y/ `4 h4 T/ P$ [) N

5 y4 i6 P8 D+ C! V( p$ M*Name
& ~) r& e: J9 p6 W! H6 O1 b*E-mail
: X1 S/ D- i* q6 w* i*Phone Number
) z% D- V/ B$ @9 u% Z% o*Your Forum Name
; q) C1 [1 N4 Q1 M8 J*Previous Writing Experience
' P, m6 k7 C6 V0 P9 }3 C1 O*Any comments on specific qualifications or reasons for interest in this position?
& b) |. j( \' g% y/ }*Any unique qualifications that would make you an exceptional candidate?
4 A9 F8 }$ A& v$ Z% Z$ j*Your current PC Specs - CPU, Memory, Hard Drive, Video Card, Sound Card, Operating System
% w, e8 z: E/ Q2 Z3 k*Your current internet access speed 3 v. H% d7 x# T! P
% O! V- B3 x% F2 k$ ~  p7 t
We'll respond with a NDA for you to fill out if we feel you may be a good fit. After you sign and return the NDA to us you will start working with us. Thanks in advance for your interest and your time, should you choose to apply and be selected. & y- F5 l8 i- ~( B2 Y; Z% s
' s  f4 P% V, `+ r1 L9 \, S" `
6 d$ C0 j3 w" w; F  |% G3 E1 d/ f9 i2 I6 N
- Erik
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
It's a paid work, and how much?
本帖最后由 发电机计划 于 2010-6-2 20:43 编辑 ) ?1 w/ G6 q3 m( Q& m" k9 z* k
1 o& w& [+ T. q! a3 r: J
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.