WITP 1.806升级方法(转自KK); D% l/ V4 n' g9 r
5 x+ ^( h' n5 r* j# s H2 o
- T' t1 M% X. t7 O/ n9 k4 p
还是老办法,用修改内存的方法破解。 ) S8 e& g" w3 X从官方网站下载1.806补丁,进入安装界面之后,直接去修改irsetup.exe这个进程的0x0042A709和0x0042A70A 这两个字节 ,原来是7507改成9090然后继续安装就行了。要注意的是,继续安装的时候不要选witp所在的目录安装。之后把解压出来的其中3个文件(War in the Pacific.exe WhatsNew V1.8.0.6.rtf和WhatsNew.pdf)复制到你的witp目录下就可以了。为了安全期间,你可以把原来同名的War in the Pacific.exe文件备份一下。此法适用于英文版witp1.804升级成1.806,中文版适不适用不清楚。& g D$ {( S, [
6 N' E' ?) P. v8 W7 x' qPS 补丁解压出来一共5个文件,其中一个隐含文件maga.mg和序列号有关,千万不要把拷贝到witp目录下,把原来的maga.mg文件覆盖了,除非你有备份。这也就是安装的时候不要直接安装到witp所在目录的原因。
v1.8.0.6 HOT FIX - 5/25/2007 4:27:52 AM # U3 \- }/ [! V- c7 O# h/ x0 P: C5 a, t+ [3 R
The initial release of the v1.8.0.6 did not contain the item#1 fix * r+ }" R, p- H8 z! N* Y$ g
Item 1 – Correct issues related to task forces discontinuing loading after another task force was disbanded in the same hex. " H1 a Y7 F2 `4 a1 A
This item was inadvertantly "backed out" of the patch after it had been corrected and tested. 8 y4 f( L' h% I
Thus we now have removed the initial invalid v1.8.0.6 from the download site and installed two new versions " n' [' h6 @: F9 l
(1) v1.8.0.6 - this version should be applied only to v1.8.0.4 games. It is a corrected version of the original v1.8.0.6 patch including the item 1. , L/ [$ z5 ]) L* e1 P
(2) v1.8.0.6 HOT FIX - this version should only be applied to v1.8.0.6 games. It adds the item 1. 9 a' J3 P# n4 O, q9 SWe apologize for the error.