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  e1 \- B6 t3 S
( u. l. H% _! g# G1 i50 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
+ a, C; j" j7 ?" m: UJapanese Ships, q6 P1 I6 O$ ]8 ]. i' B- x' G: C
BB Yamashiro, Shell hits 58 O/ x- h, o& N( n) t" q; r0 J
BB Fuso, Shell hits 3+ V+ _+ l, p; d9 `1 f/ q( ?( K
BB Hyuga# |" G# i: M4 h: X8 G" s6 d
BB Ise, Shell hits 3
/ |5 p3 A# r7 G$ G6 B$ rBB Mutsu. Q; t; U! W) t1 Q  H
BB Nagato
- m3 C2 H' e6 Z, X6 Q
6 m/ o$ [9 l$ A5 [  H: L: U" [* ]; @Allied Ships" X4 t% }, U* r
AK Pangkor, Shell hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage: k9 Z8 n' f! p' H& ?; e* }4 p
DD Encounter, Shell hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage# c0 p6 L( _% W) \  P. _8 F+ r, Y

3 \6 f" c; q/ s; c- O
+ w  x! I0 \& m6 N; u' }5 ^7 GAllied ground losses:: w3 M0 k* \' A- g4 f
7268 casualties reported& I. `% j% o; ~, b
Guns lost 1435 F7 |: ~( O$ N3 {& c, }5 P. R
Vehicles lost 2
3 d( p* @4 h* E
/ R" v( ^( o3 p' V$ M4 qRunway hits 86 S- c* Y& g5 E$ n4 V- T: m
Port hits 1
- a( J6 r2 K  R5 n) T 6 ^- f; d8 |( B
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Y1 \' E; ~$ g
Naval bombardment of Singapore, at 22,51
% D$ O7 n% L1 f+ ` 7 T$ e; ]1 A1 B! N4 g* L1 s. l
, v2 j* V8 H3 I) G3 I2 i. E. e( u
Allied aircraft
6 F& C; I) L# ^/ pno flights& r2 u* `+ C2 L
/ u7 u+ H1 D( R' }7 r( a, s

$ Z6 Q, n& A. j. SAllied aircraft losses
6 u% Q0 Y% J1 r+ i( c# }Buffalo I: 1 destroyed
0 {% S3 I% e8 d' c( ?" k7 l& T4 ZBlenheim IV: 1 destroyed& s1 V5 w  ~9 y4 G; D
Vildebeest IV: 2 destroyed4 L' t) L; A# a4 @% V0 ]9 }1 W, |3 }
Swordfish: 1 destroyed# Y1 y) w+ ?, v# K

8 P+ m* s, |0 }" i9 G1 s- VJapanese Ships
  ~5 O  M  k# @( _3 ~BB Kirishima
* e  E4 x$ t# qBB Hiei4 j, _- M" B9 |- N
BB Haruna
8 Y7 Z: S! V/ h) XBB Kongo% r" z% V" L1 h' ^# W: l$ ?- Q
- W5 x4 ?8 U( C& A
Allied Ships- l( L1 s! X* d* _
DD Isis, Shell hits 8,  on fire,  heavy damage- F: O" T/ C  x" A6 g
DD Express, Shell hits 5,  on fire,  heavy damage
4 j7 r- w3 r$ ^. GAK Larut, Shell hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
$ N" i% d# v7 z8 l2 ^  a, n' _$ u+ KAK Pangkor, Shell hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
: ~! ]  h  m6 Y$ K/ N/ i5 tDD Electra, Shell hits 8,  on fire,  heavy damage
$ c5 O, Z# Q; A  ]9 ?) t2 ^2 ~AO Pleiodon, Shell hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage
, @5 r- |( M- E8 c% n/ r1 FDD Jupiter, Shell hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage# d' x% u6 {7 G5 e( R
DD Encounter, Shell hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage  B/ c2 p; n5 N7 u* w
LCVP LCP(L) No. 182, Shell hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
+ k4 {* {" m6 p/ [2 Y
# \+ a! s) I" k; m
( ]! e. C2 f1 v" Q6 r, T, \Allied ground losses:* i+ i8 y! m# b# ~& z& B
4347 casualties reported
) c# j3 l+ ?4 R4 Q' \Guns lost 65( g4 m' n8 e' j& j4 z
Vehicles lost 1. {6 a0 U/ q' v7 Z" r. j  E( Z6 P

* n8 L' d: J2 P& ~/ {Airbase hits 1$ W  n6 O% O/ Z+ F( {( R. i
Runway hits 21
; x# m6 @8 v& v, |, l1 NPort hits 2( R/ H  }1 }6 ]6 ^/ E% _
Port fuel hits 1
% y! p6 l. |8 Y5 _5 D: f7 S
# ^, y! J1 N3 {6 u9 L$ Y& r- }* Y5 v& k港内避难的英国驱逐舰几乎被一扫而空。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
: |! T9 h! Z7 d% ?% H. ]5 d9 L: o7 V
hades你事先从来不侦察吧,就一头撞进去了。+ e- \/ c% ^) \6 q0 S- g
! ]# J- [% E4 f8 Z
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
6 q- H: q" u9 r1 L  E
- K  @+ o& M, J) W5 A1 L7 C有一点要表扬他一下,他尽全力做了抵抗,连P-35战斗机都披挂上阵轰炸我的舰艇。另外也展开了所有残存的潜艇。他的一个印度旅已经到达哥打巴鲁。估计该地不日失守。另外盟军在水牛的掩护下连日在仰光抢运部队,损失惨重。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
. q  v# N2 o0 |1 X' N! [$ A, B5 {( h
在丰盛港的登陆遭到盟军猛烈抵抗,2艘扫雷艇被击沉,数艘货船受伤。* `, W6 q1 s8 E% ~! M
8 V+ F' I, d: o' n! Q0 w
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
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Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
% M& C2 R  g- Y- q( W8 ?$ L9 h: E   a0 n  k7 r! S; |) i
另外达沃今天共荣,一师菲佣草草抵抗一下就投降,5000人被俘。3 Z& Y! q6 y% ?4 e* |

9 T9 t% c, a4 m4 u  g7 ^Ground combat at Davao
( K) [6 \& Q0 t" c- W; l : J1 J5 L% w; e* }; a# y! F) r8 d+ F
Japanese Shock attack
. R" v! _4 ^8 I : |3 @% K; U+ g7 Q' [/ P* w1 m
Attacking force 5763 troops, 24 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 178* N7 D9 C* q( F* ~7 C8 X

. d1 p6 y1 g; j. `+ ], G+ PDefending force 3089 troops, 33 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 94% Y! o1 B$ r3 A7 L$ h
+ c: ^& |, S; X1 B- y' p% t5 R
Japanese max assault: 256 - adjusted assault: 172
) k; c1 b" J  W* @& k % ?4 v) f6 Y- W. ~" I' Z7 m: z% O
Allied max defense: 98 - adjusted defense: 31 / C( u+ Y9 H, i
( [! f, [2 d+ ?9 n8 g/ n
Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 2) ' w* i; g! a5 N2 h3 V  f' T0 f
" z8 I: i9 M* r7 O7 w
Japanese forces CAPTURE Davao base !!!! G5 j1 r# O( n" }

9 e* \; C% V1 K- H
. V. x  ?# F$ u9 Q, f- e  R * B/ b) p5 Q; D0 ]/ j, P$ H
Allied aircraft: A; V; R; J# C/ x" u' d3 B
no flights
# b1 w( Z1 w. n6 i" t # R; i2 N2 |* w$ F% |2 L
* W  B" M, U' Y- z) ]4 r
Allied aircraft losses
* S. b; r' T, D7 M: |( j; ZP-40B Tomahawk: 1 destroyed
7 |& _" t9 X& X: t/ rP-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed* _% L- ?- l' o
' T" F' e  p' y) t# o' `  H5 E
Japanese ground losses:5 i; h) S  f0 G7 M1 i
107 casualties reported% _- j$ w+ u7 t2 J( l
Guns lost 13 C7 E; x1 E) U( I& w% P, ~
" E8 X+ z  e/ |& U% J$ [; P
Allied ground losses:
! F  s' A8 n" r8 E& q1 @- b$ ]! p% g4872 casualties reported) K5 T7 F8 Y' R; A
Guns lost 217 o4 I. |) l7 l
% a5 ^, Y. n5 q6 A; p
[ 本帖最后由 bf109 于 2007-4-10 17:48 编辑 ]
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
# }( C  ^+ a) s" j( E# l. R
+ g4 A+ q; g. q  y在爪哇西边的那个海港,他实际上有一个步兵团,一个装甲营,一个守备步兵营,一个岸炮团,我攻击部队就只有30来辆坦克,不知为什么他就不把这些部队调往巴塔维亚。虽然我兵少,但天上飞机每回合都炸,两个三比一就拿下,估计他也没料到会这么快。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
今天美军大舰队,包括至少2艘航母,三艘战列舰,6艘左右的巡洋舰和大批驱逐舰出现在马尔库斯岛,屠宰了刚刚卸载完毕的2艘小客船!! :da: 2 V& _& E; E( X& }4 t/ h

* K1 e$ S5 m+ F0 ]0 u  Z1 ]4 b8 _" u! v0 i另外在丰盛港匆忙卸载完毕的2个坦克团发动突然袭击,打垮了刚刚到来的澳洲第27旅,坦克尾随败逃的盟军开入了柔佛。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
今天日本坦克突击柔佛,因为印度第12旅适时赶到,加之暴雨,空军无法支援,结果失败。另外日军6BB轰新加坡,杀6000多人,毁炮50门+ x- g+ k) D( \% R4 A
1 b, ]8 ]; Q. S6 r; Q
Naval bombardment of Singapore, at 22,51
5 o. W- B% u4 A6 o- H% H
! `& z3 a. ?( E 4 s. p  h4 |6 |! Y# j
Allied aircraft4 E5 w& t5 y  ?, I: F/ N+ [
no flights
" H/ Y5 z* C. \  Y1 S6 n
" C' v& ?3 H: {; \1 r
: f( q/ f& f0 g3 V# R4 VAllied aircraft losses: J5 G& {9 U+ B- x. V
Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed
& ~" k0 D+ D' y$ w- w/ H/ yVildebeest IV: 1 destroyed6 y  A, x7 s6 B1 B% K. _
Swordfish: 1 destroyed7 u+ _) D" @- L5 N& O
Catalina I: 1 destroyed9 d7 I# ~& O! m
Blenheim I: 1 destroyed( k: R$ H% C9 c" x2 T) t
B-17D Fortress: 1 destroyed
) y3 I* l  `& d
: m- L4 u% l; C5 X" L+ v) E! LJapanese Ships
- W9 r) ]- d- T$ W2 {BB Yamashiro3 a0 G) [" g# P. w6 k) |4 Y
BB Fuso
1 q6 o$ t, H% q5 ]. ~3 rBB Hyuga
7 H. p$ G% E' e4 \. nBB Ise4 y1 r5 z% S& Q. |
BB Mutsu* W9 }+ O& R8 a  u! H+ X$ d
BB Nagato
/ H* T: J! z. v/ Z! f. u! S
, _+ x3 Q3 h3 z( T+ t( Y0 o7 dAllied Ships
- ?/ ]( \# l- x* h$ B7 q: B" @LCVP LCP(L) No. 184, Shell hits 1
5 g) M9 w& C* [+ v  ]' f  @ - Q* l0 N8 [$ P/ y' {! F0 L
& x) G5 @2 k4 Z4 d: w5 B. T8 z4 T" r
Allied ground losses:3 U! n6 p" N! B  P9 `7 z
5848 casualties reported
/ s: e9 E% g; P: D9 fGuns lost 495 {# \* [- B6 [+ m- O' V
Vehicles lost 1
" i8 W7 d' I3 U( A- ?
# w# z$ x* F6 Z7 x; f. W2 ]% f3 ^Runway hits 397 N4 L$ e8 o( F" [* ^6 ^
Port hits 1
$ ?9 h$ [2 \& X" J8 _& X, A5 {4 V7 OPort fuel hits 2% L) ^4 a* U. X0 E8 W' `5 q
+ J1 p6 P+ C1 z- W
感觉这跟陈佩斯的小品一样,成了圣诞节的保留节目了 / W' m2 z4 K: E1 w, N* B
8 g( S2 B: I' x
/ n$ G- }3 N. x, r1 u- g0 x8 }9 f0 G* a* _# I
138 Coastal gun shots fired in defense." W/ {8 v( H( z# T/ P- U" [" Z: x
Allied Ships5 {8 b% @! ?: c. _
DD Ward, Shell hits 15,  on fire,  heavy damage+ K0 S0 Y4 V' }  Q+ B: X% w) ?
DD Litchfield, Shell hits 15,  on fire,  heavy damage) D, v, O& V6 a1 e: W+ }+ A
DD Aylwin, Shell hits 13,  on fire,  heavy damage. {& \* `& m6 {- q
DD Monaghan, Shell hits 9,  on fire,  heavy damage6 G' \+ f& V2 m5 s' i
DD Dale, Shell hits 8,  on fire
. Q' d% D/ J' }; I" t. |2 ODD Worden, Shell hits 7,  on fire
4 [3 P! f$ l* @DD MacDonough, Shell hits 8,  on fire,  heavy damage
+ W  Q* s# U" f. t$ V8 RCL Detroit, Shell hits 1+ X0 M  N! v; ?& X- Y1 n2 ]8 G, Q
CL Raleigh, Shell hits 4
, b& Q  ?* y7 R* A1 u" BBB Tennessee, Shell hits 15 h* \3 m: {$ }  T
BB West Virginia
+ ]9 b( b2 G7 `! |BB Maryland& S7 o5 R, s6 U( B. S
8 A8 E. t: U* X& U$ Q2 q
Japanese ground losses:+ q4 T: L$ [* L
732 casualties reported
, Z$ ~, Z; B! }# c3 hGuns lost 107 ~; M, `4 \4 N0 @% s8 i: g

  |) M- \1 M# G6 I1 r: yAirbase hits 1
* r. `+ Y' I+ M* p% X! jAirbase supply hits 1  N5 p: u# k! F) ~
Runway hits 11# w6 T- q: N/ F. F8 O  E0 r
Port hits 3
2 m* X/ z) s) r# w8 Y$ G' _Port fuel hits 3
- M3 |' M2 O; K4 Y$ _' ~2 ^Port supply hits 47 c; A% k- A  p$ `- g
0 H  T- p, q) Z6 s$ U
驱逐舰Aylwin号当场沉没,剩下4艘重创的船能给他回去一艘就不错了。 :time: 4 d) z0 L7 T! ^0 v
9 m# e* |0 S7 }  R0 k6 U7 U  I, [
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
+ c; P! }* U0 j4 u
& g" P" u: `% m9 U5 S另外今天泗水和安汶岛共荣,盟军又损失了11000余人和60多架飞机。荷兰殖民地全部纳入王道乐土。 :time:
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?