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: k$ E6 J9 m* a) W9 f9 h第一回合形式不错...香港1比1...关键的威克岛4比1拿下....而珍珠港直接挂掉一BB..其他基本都中雷重创...... . {1 H3 B+ l( u$ \8 y+ t" j, y7 ^

  _( q' o2 l3 tDay Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 112,68; c( h. A& q  ]: \" `6 ]
* q# w6 R4 A2 w- k3 S
Japanese aircraft9 Y2 D* B9 `" G  Q
A6M2 Zero x 76
) h1 u, a9 B$ R7 ^D3A Val x 117
5 e' m* [- Q% Z9 V; s% {B5N Kate x 154
5 E7 i" A3 q9 ^2 T5 N5 \4 R6 l( q/ d+ w  n6 L. i" Z3 Y/ G% j- U
Allied aircraft0 J0 \/ P# l' o; s/ j4 Y5 I
F4F-3 Wildcat x 15 U: ?6 u# j: b% B$ ]8 f! Y
P-26A x 5+ S! f0 |  D9 R) d, k4 @
P-36A Mohawk x 3
0 {+ `; W$ o$ V$ R: m* qP-40B Tomahawk x 10, r8 }. j5 Y9 ^" w4 `
9 c5 X, q: k6 U9 Q- P  @& c, o
Japanese aircraft losses- F+ C- V- j# L, Z8 k+ \- w
A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed, 7 damaged0 |( L" K& n( W2 ?; v0 ^2 G# L/ P* R
D3A Val: 3 destroyed, 28 damaged- T2 [7 D4 }9 m! x+ _9 D0 f* o
B5N Kate: 10 destroyed, 23 damaged
; Q$ u% M1 T& j; g( `, \1 I6 ]) B( I! S4 N5 b9 p* y* s: @
Allied aircraft losses) [  z' h7 [2 g0 S
F4F-3 Wildcat: 4 destroyed
. P" ?& G  {; \& ?2 rP-26A: 9 destroyed
9 b9 K" U/ _! O, C* vP-36A Mohawk: 12 destroyed0 w; ?& y$ D- `/ I/ J% T3 ^
P-40B Tomahawk: 33 destroyed$ k* x0 _  L2 F# A1 h
B-18A Bolo: 14 destroyed
$ D, `7 j% a* T5 @PBY Catalina: 24 destroyed
; S+ x- ]7 G% g1 p- E9 ]/ \" rA-20B Boston: 6 destroyed
( ?" \/ b' u: f' x% Q+ g& G+ KSBD Dauntless: 5 destroyed
' a5 A- o8 j& j/ x$ Z; V; PB-17E Fortress: 6 destroyed
8 r* U7 P6 ^; |( s; U3 h3 O# i& }
- p' |! w7 Z" P6 hAllied Ships
5 k( }$ u8 ~9 a0 ~BB Arizona, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
& e' W0 G4 t- nBB Maryland, Bomb hits 15, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
0 U4 n/ M( j8 e8 ~. GBB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 10, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire
$ b) f0 n* n( ^- LBB West Virginia, Bomb hits 13, Torpedo hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage& U  {. R' |# p4 _, q4 }
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 10, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
1 T2 G& w! p0 M3 Y9 w6 wBB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 11,  on fire,  heavy damage3 d5 |' e; ~4 S* m/ N
CL Detroit, Bomb hits 1
7 c7 j% O8 j1 t$ \$ T" bBB California, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage2 R( b! V0 Z6 w) [+ z+ W- U
AE Pyro, Bomb hits 1,  on fire$ O) s% g; [; j8 _/ I& C
AVD Hulbert, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage# J, x" z" A& ]
CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 1,  on fire" n* S5 L" q" K9 U9 n. Q5 g4 t: G
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 10, Torpedo hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage
; }4 h; N3 d- Z/ M7 Q; bCL St. Louis, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire
& [5 Y6 ?6 x5 w/ _/ jDD Tucker, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
+ l' _( |; C. t1 B* EAS Pelias, Bomb hits 1
+ W0 p" U5 G% I9 z' @DD Downes, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire& ?# C( s+ Q  y* |. v; E, S5 I5 y
CL Honolulu, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire0 C/ r' j3 M6 W+ \- Z
CL Raleigh, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire# I; d9 N: {& [" J

% z) Z. |' l2 [0 g[ 本帖最后由 冷情人 于 2007-3-7 00:58 编辑 ]
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
我也同意5 T  r- C# S  p& p5 d$ G1 V  P$ J
就冲这个珍珠港的开局,骑士就不灵 啊
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.