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感谢浆糊兔子的辛劳翻译,希望尽快完成全文3 W1 ]) b& C* }4 T" I
2 Z# C4 ]3 _& r( s0 S
太平洋战争 41-45 (43.9.27/07.3.28)# V& I  Z+ d. n. J; b, _. n

& _% ?! U7 \! a, [( T
# u3 y" w- U+ P3 }4 h4 K+ m* n) d1941.12.7  (2004.8.5)
9 n6 R& x* f) V+ H# @- Z
开局,PzB的第一场PBEM game,盟军是老对手Wobbly。

+ v7 j0 h% Y8 g( ^7 ?: L% ?设定:剧本15,偷袭珍珠港,潜艇、补充等等全部手动。& ]) x  ?0 U1 [5 O
$ P( l" J( y. j$ @& S
3 T+ c& h0 D/ r9 S9 J) x# o! z中国战场计划:打通大陆交通线。

5 w& D& @  t5 j. C, Z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; h6 P- c: n  j! J' I# k! E5 `: k偷袭珍珠港,5BB重创( f2 {/ d' ]% {0 D. ?5 @+ R1 g
Day Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 112,68 , F$ _& p, u9 A! B3 _3 U9 V$ {
Japanese aircraft 8 H( f3 {# s6 |3 @' @8 O5 N
A6M2 Zero x 90 0 p  U! }2 f, g. C( \+ T
D3A Val x 135 ( x% Z* ?  R2 q) r! O( t
B5N Kate x 143 7 n4 c( s5 E6 k, e5 z' R
Allied aircraft
9 e+ f/ C" ^/ p( LF4F-3 Wildcat x 4 2 o) F- H, p: n
P-26A x 8 & A- a, |+ U% l6 t% L
P-36A Mohawk x 4 0 b$ A: O8 u  ^
P-40B Tomahawk x 18
# x! W0 }, y0 U1 Z- m/ {; }Japanese aircraft losses
5 z! k! ]3 |2 yA6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed   S+ K, ^. T2 h& k' P/ k  }5 m  e
D3A Val: 28 destroyed, 43 damaged " Q. Y$ h) L5 C8 k
B5N Kate: 12 destroyed, 33 damaged
1 X. A+ O* Z6 ?* A3 ^Allied aircraft losses
9 K3 c) c- k" B1 j4 IF4F-3 Wildcat: 11 destroyed, 9 damaged
( v9 M+ g2 q. k; X) YP-26A: 20 destroyed " w6 ?  k7 \/ f& q4 R7 O
P-36A Mohawk: 26 destroyed, 13 damaged * A4 P' r) F& Y% l8 b9 a7 J
P-40B Tomahawk: 86 destroyed, 28 damaged
- o3 w5 V5 }0 E8 W( oSBD Dauntless: 9 destroyed, 9 damaged 1 j3 E: ]9 e+ o
B-18A Bolo: 21 destroyed, 10 damaged + F4 ]& d" ]7 k4 y- ~
PBY Catalina: 29 destroyed, 29 damaged
" C- i/ s& O  p* w2 y* Z5 _  bB-17E Fortress: 5 destroyed, 5 damaged
7 n- B: \! s. C( \; g" G; _A-20B Boston: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged * s* O3 A) e/ u. f
Allied Ships 9 t6 B1 j7 w5 D/ P
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 11, on fire, heavy damage
: R/ s  t5 W( W4 D1 ?( h! N8 G7 W/ UBB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 11, on fire, heavy damage $ K) c  `1 k2 M% p: x
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 15, on fire
5 G8 G9 Q" _$ Z  Q9 K, U( A& _BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 8, on fire
7 W( r; {/ q0 bBB California, Bomb hits 11, on fire
% ?  T  O2 `! \BB Maryland, Bomb hits 8, on fire # ~/ h/ R+ D3 |) _. c( c
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 9, on fire, heavy damage 4 p! D1 ~# L5 C( l: T
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 10, on fire, heavy damage
4 Q% |' L7 N4 J/ x3 Y

+ l0 f4 P3 r3 P" j7 t% t3 P& g其他战场,重创克拉克机场,占领塔拉瓦、巴丹岛、威克岛。
0 c3 B: K/ N$ k4 r
1941.12.8  (04.8.6)$ l4 P4 k# V4 T+ N  O$ b
拉包尔激战中,增援部队已经出发。% Q' U; F& m  Z. R) c2 M/ K
3 u8 D, V6 K( k8 X% a$ R* t马来亚英军撤往新加坡。日军占领关丹,即将占领哥打巴鲁。陆攻抵达古晋开始制海任务。2 D! t. Q, J% f' s9 q. V. r) C9 Q+ Y
日军开始进攻长沙。大轰炸开始。' M7 D, B, d0 d, R5 Q/ b, m# m
! H) R, a. K" _3 P3 l8 F
; C" ^8 n9 P& C战报:$ o: p: ^0 m7 X5 s: b- |4 ~) K1 V" t
占领佬沃、黎牙实比、Jolo、古晋、关岛、达沃、哥打巴鲁、阿帕里、维甘;+ O, q  V& m$ ?% x
南洋各处激战中……9 n. y: T/ R3 Z- m; U  V# E$ R4 X+ r
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + g. K9 |! i. Z$ q$ R1 z5 ?
Ground combat at Lingayen
7 e/ _, Z* u# Z" U  P) yJapanese Deliberate attack
0 w2 n3 B# B* r  @" |Attacking force 6817 troops, 113 guns, 0 vehicles # @6 u1 K- T8 r5 ?$ R; o' T; E
Defending force 4376 troops, 46 guns, 0 vehicles
. X3 p. x5 H: m# q7 dJapanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 0) ' r0 _8 F2 o2 O
- Z0 l( ]" r+ o, c; x$ _- NGround combat at Rabaul
* A4 l' h: {! m3 B) z) L. JJapanese Deliberate attack " `5 I1 y1 |8 A8 d- Z3 H3 }
Attacking force 4614 troops, 22 guns, 0 vehicles
3 e( Y, a9 x4 YDefending force 2466 troops, 14 guns, 2 vehicles / Q9 {/ X. Q) ^2 t  J  |: A9 O+ a
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 3)
* Y+ y* L" n/ c* N5 M5 D. E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 A* L/ l8 s& Q! P, }7 C5 YGround combat at Naga " f& k0 l% N) s
Japanese Deliberate attack

' @  w% U) Z7 O/ hAttacking force 20891 troops, 271 guns, 6 vehicles ! h& w5 J# c$ J' B% y& _
Defending force 11010 troops, 108 guns, 2 vehicles # \& o( E: l+ c2 G2 `
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3) 3 O! A3 M$ j8 V
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2 9 f" O; r9 z- N: e' p2 x! _
, s' y; e3 t4 J" BGround combat at Kuantan 7 u3 K4 C! Z* t9 S
Allied Bombardment attack
7 I# X, s% E# K( d7 BAttacking force 3057 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles
! F1 q1 u! {8 Y8 i) q/ IDefending force 12365 troops, 55 guns, 208 vehicles
( r) d- a, z% s; o4 Y7 g" p
6 [- f: v7 e5 y5 G- v
1941.12.9  (04.8.6)
5 ^) p6 {/ [& S+ B7 a关丹、拉包尔激战中。
- D+ e- o' R' n  G- ^/ M! n7 x第4舰队主力正在拉包尔滩头警戒。
% l  x6 W* ]. I" {8 ?5 K8 L# _Wobbly派出1CA+14DD突袭肯达理滩头,日军2DD沉没。
7 `! p7 J1 A3 t6 Y6 p运输船队因为DD的牺牲而得以幸免,大量0战、陆攻、巡逻机顺利进驻肯达理机场。. V! @! c1 }( _# r  F8 R% \
占领林加延湾,部队正在等待增援以进攻克拉克机场。, }: I' u; h) l) H: A
  f$ [7 q6 ^) F: B: H国军攻入广州,日军1旅+2营援军已经上船。' F3 `! \' w6 k* C
; I2 ?! d1 q( O2 k, ]- U% p日军登陆文莱。- z7 O7 V) w4 H" q! K9 O" E/ Y
陆攻正在大量摧毁从菲律宾出逃的盟军运输船。* o; H! ]% U/ F1 h
, n3 R& p- T/ c7 }, r1 _5 nKB加油后开始冒险行动,向美国西海岸进发。7 E0 F' W2 t) s6 a4 p3 A" {
' M4 h9 ~2 u8 T# [) {' F1 u# y(注意PzB的解说可能要比他的战报快一个回合,战报是12.9的,而解说实际上是下一个回合的)
5 a- G! R. E: x. f9 k0 P
! Y% e2 R, J7 P8 L- a+ [' `Ground combat at Kendari & }4 ]9 N: P. ^0 d! p
Japanese Deliberate attack ( B! t" K- A& |
Attacking force 8507 troops, 42 guns, 0 vehicles 3 l: y! \0 ?" k  N. Y
Defending force 1103 troops, 10 guns, 2 vehicles
: V8 y$ h6 Y; c7 }0 z/ P" sJapanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 2) 4 q( O! w1 Z9 K; e
Japanese forces CAPTURE Kendari base !!! ) s3 `1 z6 a6 H8 i
0 T7 {- L) s- S: l+ mGround combat at Rabaul ! n, m) |* Z8 z- ]
Japanese Deliberate attack
7 {! }8 u6 t+ g$ `0 TAttacking force 4691 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles # t# D1 O6 |3 @# y7 d
Defending force 2383 troops, 10 guns, 2 vehicles
, h  q6 |$ r# P. q* y
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 3)
, y$ C- X0 N: l' W) F  U7 X, M-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 x  I' v. J( k9 l& I; Z
Ground combat at Changsha 2 y, I1 r4 s" u4 b7 d
Japanese Bombardment attack

0 B$ y/ B$ K5 J8 _3 l# XAttacking force 37851 troops, 455 guns, 6 vehicles - d6 m1 N7 P) l2 y6 a4 U1 [6 x. \
Defending force 20141 troops, 143 guns, 0 vehicles 1 Q. i, t* n* Y1 v/ z7 k* W' X3 N
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / _9 e* q! ?- |: p, R
Ground combat at Hong Kong

/ b+ B0 x( E6 k# JJapanese Bombardment attack
  |" k, @9 [; @+ a; J) V- CAttacking force 42634 troops, 536 guns, 17 vehicles 2 ?. |1 M+ Q$ A% x0 R+ r& d5 U
Defending force 13200 troops, 121 guns, 4 vehicles 4 m5 T3 q. O" K8 p0 ~
8 F) z, M  X7 j) uGround combat at Kuantan
  g4 y9 ?: V7 v9 t2 ]Japanese Deliberate attack
4 q' r2 N% k: LAttacking force 11269 troops, 47 guns, 216 vehicles
, d; H2 L/ A  w: [Defending force 8564 troops, 76 guns, 2 vehicles
* w! K6 [' X# T7 ]+ q# S6 P5 l8 PJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 4) . g: t: x8 f# F: H! E, {. ?; u
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 3
8 D0 `- @3 H/ }' F9 T$ H' W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Q3 t: H. ]# D; _( Y2 cGround combat at 49,31 (河南东南)
9 L4 a/ J$ R( O+ }! eJapanese Deliberate attack
9 h( C; R& Z$ G2 \3 {4 B7 Y9 RAttacking force 39445 troops, 469 guns, 2 vehicles ! q: T3 H* B8 D% Z& R* G
Defending force 36122 troops, 236 guns, 0 vehicles
5 i2 q& d) @, `7 \
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1
6 m$ b9 f" F: g3 n) e* q* A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 w3 P2 _6 R! l6 [+ ~. yGround combat at Naga + b- d  @: ~1 F4 j
Japanese Deliberate attack   {0 v2 f; n% d' [5 `; G
Attacking force 20434 troops, 248 guns, 1 vehicles
' ^# e+ a; B" q3 xDefending force 10674 troops, 97 guns, 0 vehicles / M4 B8 K0 [$ B! K" ^& N/ h. m
Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 2)
* O& ?2 c# a% O" B! D9 H; V& n6 Z; @
0 i( S6 E; m  r2 J6 D& m

0 ~5 |- r( y9 W8 U3 x9 h/ p3 @# k5 r9 j) F
1941.12.10  (04.8.8)0 F! q8 X' P3 b: H; ~
拉包尔和关丹持续激战,但离陷落为时不远。& k0 e! i! |" |2 J
& m: H1 G/ N2 W% ?大批盟军在婆罗洲四散奔逃,日军空军穷于出动。
! H/ U0 f, }5 y- t. dZ舰队在巨港东北海域遭到96陆攻攻击,反击号中4雷。
4 ?8 g$ l6 Z7 ^陆航97重爆99轻爆设定为100英尺攻击——效果明显,大批裸奔逃命船队被消灭。
  x3 k0 H% _& O. G南中国海两艘日军SS战沉。! g4 o3 z* D( U& i8 A/ w9 G+ X& g
( K9 v3 w4 ^* D1 ]5 y15架0战佯攻珍珠港,发现大批舰队云集。PzB不打算让海航精英飞行员作无谓的消耗。; p6 _2 V7 F! G) \6 V
大凤、葛城、天城、云龙四艘航母已经加速建造进度。+ k9 L  `6 w5 K% s; s7 F7 S
信浓号被勒令停工——日军需要43年的航母而不是44年。5 L- s" p2 e: o& J) i
/ E$ ?4 F% R! X# N) k
% l: w4 b/ ]6 j4 EDay Air attack on TF at 22,54
6 n  Y9 H) \3 o  UJapanese aircraft
0 N, x! \4 ~+ _8 f7 jA6M2 Zero x 18 ' z# x9 T9 F, f2 f  @
G3M Nell x 30
% G/ s4 \$ v/ ~! {. I: k6 vJapanese aircraft losses / I/ Z& O( b: ~3 U  {
G3M Nell: 32 damaged + q0 D$ W6 N7 c! h8 g7 E
Allied Ships 4 n# T1 Y5 c! Y# I/ g
BB Prince of Wales ! D7 e( y/ x2 L" h. x% }$ o1 x8 u; N
BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage  9 n( O4 C; J7 x' J
CL Mauritius, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
) |0 `' C# _. _7 B-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ |* U8 V% J* D/ x- r6 S
Ground combat at Rabaul - 计划明天突击!2 N- X: I1 y0 Q  o- t
Japanese Deliberate attack
, ]& a+ J  h- ^0 [6 _8 T! Y( hAttacking force 14577 troops, 76 guns, 0 vehicles % Q( e# ~' x; N* |4 j
Defending force 2341 troops, 11 guns, 2 vehicles
3 i9 ~8 P! f* K  N  a. ]9 xJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3) 7 U3 p1 H! R; P1 t* {
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2 1 L$ e: [: e1 G! V4 S1 z
0 Q0 p& t4 Z  t! t7 }* oGround combat at Changsha - 计划明天进攻。
# O" x6 G. E( z+ f, u( {- E长沙守军明显减少,是不是去华南了?# X) w7 ?. ~8 y( }
Japanese Bombardment attack
7 v* L8 u5 G4 D, x, T$ X, dAttacking force 37998 troops, 459 guns, 6 vehicles
( t% ~& x5 r1 p0 o7 v! x  CDefending force 25122 troops, 160 guns, 0 vehicles
5 E7 d( Z" E6 l$ j

: @* J3 j; z7 ^. j6 E
4 w! s) z% d- L[ 本帖最后由 飞龙 于 2007-3-29 16:08 编辑 ]
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.