本帖最后由 veiver 于 2013-10-21 10:05 编辑 8 f# K4 ?/ W8 H: c2 d& I
! K. _* @# Q. f% w* ~
$ C$ G; P- b8 n# O1 N% \是一个终将被历史铭记的日子,脚盆帝国联合舰队鸡动部队在南云忠一中将的指挥下,经过漫长跋涉,秘密抵达了夏威夷外海,并于拂晓时分发动了对米国太平洋舰队母港珍珠港的奇袭。
. }2 f3 _- ~7 x+ Y) _+ H3 j1 x9 m% d, k尽管最重要的目标——航空母舰不知何故并未停泊在港内,但是整齐排列着的战列舰也是绝好的攻击目标,经过一个多小时短暂的空袭,珍珠港陷入一片火海,强大的太平洋舰队损失惨重,8艘战列舰中,马里兰、宾夕法尼亚、亚利桑那、西弗吉尼亚沉没,内华达和田纳西被命中5枚鱼雷,危在旦夕,加尼福尼亚和奥克拉荷马各被命中3枚鱼雷,伤势较轻。* t3 V9 ~; A; X. C# Y
" z( {9 h& f( G xMorning Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 180,107
- Y4 w4 E7 J% n) k& E R2 F + I4 d# \/ d+ t( `) [, J
Weather in hex: Clear sky5 y! T2 L: \' \. z
: _- P$ ]7 v' k# p) |
Raid detected at 93 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
: {' G2 ?$ l* w% aEstimated time to target is 31 minutes1 `. m+ \( L2 }+ u
, ?! u. D2 y2 I2 q k4 f0 x* qJapanese aircraft, Y# b) o/ M) k! ~" a
A6M2 Zero x 68
j' l) F0 @6 A3 I: e B5N2 Kate x 144( [4 f- l& F% _( Q: ^7 x' Q
D3A1 Val x 126 [5 }% {1 v0 Z8 Y% r$ s [
& A; z& B! @# W% v+ q7 o& y& M
Allied aircraft
" ], X7 Z5 c" s7 e& @1 n no flights; ?' c7 T; k7 l( ], N z
Japanese aircraft losses
0 S% E4 o5 G. w3 f" C A6M2 Zero: 12 damaged
& T* R( u- A! T# R/ R A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed by flak4 `, `; y6 X, T% n, A- X9 r$ m
B5N2 Kate: 3 damaged
+ e4 S7 H+ `9 g$ O% n+ O D3A1 Val: 4 damaged
/ K+ f; ?. j" [3 @, V D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak* d7 Z0 \ f2 r O/ h0 M
! \2 D0 H, q7 K1 Y* O9 `: I
Allied Ships
' g. s! T" L8 I1 o: a5 n# E' f8 V BB Nevada, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
4 ]- X% D( s: L% B6 g BB Maryland, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk5 R+ ?: c' V7 M0 R- l3 @9 q
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 11, Torpedo hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
* o, F u' _7 q+ @" f7 W BB West Virginia, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
. X* B. q% j* y5 p! ] BB California, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage# A1 u5 F' r0 ^4 l( I+ x% {# J& y9 L- m
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 10, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage6 e9 d6 `/ W7 b; \- A8 ^" ~
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk4 @6 i2 k* v# f; b2 }5 o
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk
U* N) c! D. L7 I: R0 c% D( d0 p9 U' t# p
同日,位于中南半岛的帝国搜索机部队也发现了英国远东舰队的踪迹, 两艘巨舰正北上超帝国的哥达巴鲁登陆点挺进,位于西贡的陆攻部队奉命出击,经过两个波次的攻击,击沉了战列舰威尔士亲王号和战列巡洋舰反击号,为帝国在南洋地区攻略的顺利开展奠定了良好基础。
! L# d5 ?1 W7 X- J- s+ Y+ g a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& f: |5 _# F( X+ u" }* h) ~! YMorning Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82
2 ]2 D v* V2 EWeather in hex: Clear sky
$ K! A7 R3 o0 J" ]+ ] B+ H2 t& i8 d& sRaid detected at 28 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
% n9 q( q. c- ^( y" s7 i. {Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
w0 ~! h7 }6 k; j D$ kJapanese aircraft
# K/ ~' p- T( N4 H3 h* { G3M2 Nell x 183 e/ u. \$ Q" D5 v/ |, v/ Z" F
Japanese aircraft losses. z% F$ ], t' J9 J- }# K: p
G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
% V6 C; j- v0 k1 w# XAllied Ships# G0 ?% ]5 N2 o+ U2 i0 w# a
BB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 3
2 q D, ]! N1 E' K& q7 d8 p BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 3, on fire- N% D( ^) J& q' S
0 I& Q* a, N' |: c
2 r. _7 e7 j4 Y! } h" [ u; bMorning Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82
8 k! v( O* Y0 R# D ~1 VWeather in hex: Clear sky
2 o7 L6 M# {1 V' qRaid detected at 91 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.8 A1 x7 {. I) J+ j* J. V' q) ?
Estimated time to target is 31 minutes
1 _/ l5 f& G1 N" G, {Japanese aircraft
& B8 i, G9 O: b3 U7 t# c" e4 A G4M1 Betty x 27; O! N: e) |* x( o8 E
Allied aircraft8 b' l& t9 L% Z" m
no flights
. |" f1 B. V; vJapanese aircraft losses
: a" d+ T. x. N' E5 A- A G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged2 E( R, c7 B& l# D7 g& H9 v
G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak% x7 m6 z( p9 F3 J/ z( O$ P7 c
Allied aircraft losses: X6 |* u4 c/ b" I9 J
Walrus II: 1 destroyed
! m& R) i# K& I1 SAllied Ships% O7 z+ t4 `% e x& j+ Y) `
BB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk) F: F1 b2 S" `6 }( f5 M2 x" _6 E
BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk, G8 X! w: }6 U- |# e
& I/ b- U) T3 I7 R# O
在帝国大本营的精密部署下,各条战线均取得了预想中的战果,今天最大的损失来自于下午对英军Z舰队参与驱逐舰分队的空袭,位于新加坡的水牛战斗机击落了十几架陆攻,帝国十几位精英飞行员血洒南中国海。 |