本帖最后由 kevin_hx 于 2010-3-3 22:13 编辑 呵呵,越战时期新泽西的齐射,或许是战列舰在人类社会中最后的轰鸣……
重磅炸弹 发表于 2010-2-21 10:54 不要信口开河
Copy image of an aerial bow view of the New Jersey (BB-62) firing its nine 16-inch/50 caliber guns simultaneously, 30 Dec 1986.
A Mark 7 16-inch/50 caliber gun is fired aboard the Missouri (BB-63) as night shelling of Iraqi targets takes place along the northern Kuwaiti coast during Operation Desert Storm, 6 Feb 1991.
以上是实战和演习的简单例子 |