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331# hongqi315 老外感觉顶不住了,是不是亚马头真的被牛牛给灭了吗?
& [* o" A2 M+ U1 g- y* [* n) r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 U9 T- V2 I. U5 _/ q7 c) P# b从加尔各答炮击吉大港的水面战队不幸中雷。。。/ U& F& Z# C, x- J
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ q) R4 w  ~( Y' h
TF 66 encounters mine field at Chittagong (55,41)
. {% ^6 Z3 `6 u2 m+ b  r 8 q5 k8 o/ a8 ~5 R  |
Allied Ships
" u+ S8 m. X% t: ~      DD Van Galen, Mine hits 1
) `. y( }0 v; i4 ?      DD Isaac Sweers, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
335# chuyun1221 总这样忍不住,牛牛本意是慢慢享受,万一老外被逼无奈弃牌就很难享受了。
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Nov 03, 42  d- [. L8 J9 m
# g8 G; i+ a5 _5 X5 B4 i& D* R派遣军大部队进入长沙,国军已放弃长沙,退守湘潭和衡阳以及常德南* z0 `. T" W4 D
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* `" l7 p1 @- K8 D- R1 L

: F7 Z) P: G. wGround combat at Changsha (82,52), H# i9 g: b- z0 k5 E# B
& Y) }. O( \6 x% v4 l
Japanese Bombardment attack: C! ^1 a  {+ o; X" A, G
0 u7 G0 x9 `' M' V% q
Attacking force 61924 troops, 912 guns, 538 vehicles, Assault Value = 2222
1 {. R# \2 ?- m
" y$ `: Z% I  l6 X6 FDefending force 50612 troops, 247 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 528
7 v: c( |9 I. ~2 B# @
; U, p" m5 h; \Japanese ground losses:
& S3 C) A3 i8 p      126 casualties reported
: |$ I& t! g+ h6 b  L) X         Squads: 2 destroyed, 5 disabled( b7 A$ ~5 A: T1 Y  j; M1 Z
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 ?7 f( g- B* d# O3 }         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 l* S! t& |1 R  R- j9 i

0 }# e; T3 S  |4 Y' P! E7 YAllied ground losses:
& L/ v( X5 h" ~$ q. E      149 casualties reported
4 ^7 f6 Q+ ], l( Y$ b         Squads: 2 destroyed, 15 disabled
+ b, v- n# ?9 x         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled  r* x. g6 h: C' P: S
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 T0 e+ q4 ^* o% p

/ L* Z! Z8 [% wAssaulting units:
" R# Y% V0 Y$ U: E1 O    55th Infantry Brigade
8 I& I( V2 R' b# ^- A& e, C    9th Division
$ ~3 i; w. E$ i    5th Tank Regiment5 l7 k& ^$ I0 r" _0 P6 x
    15th Tank Regiment
9 F6 O) B* X' E0 R8 G    13th Tank Regiment
% o! j) _9 |) {    3rd Tank Regiment
$ U6 j+ K& x/ o# ]  D5 D    14th Division
# Q& ]2 C) w; v    104th Division
! d4 X( {8 v; y. x& U    110th Division
) B! n$ O" q' y+ {0 o. C) A/ C    116th Division) S6 j5 F: m: k* }+ }
    11th Tank Regiment
6 J2 O1 y  w) w* f; K. p- I# z3 |) W    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" `, N2 {; P  F: m) ?5 K    3rd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
- s* n2 ]) ^  S: \9 E    20th Army" v$ B6 I, x" w/ g& ?* ^+ ]
    2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment. i) E" J) b. ?3 E9 ]1 F
    12th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
% f& {3 j" k) P$ U8 p- h* y  e4 |    9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment7 `, r# S5 d! N! G
    Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment+ h4 b0 ?: R0 _0 o2 i: R" J
    4th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
# `4 V- S1 B7 l" j  P1 c+ p& K    4th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion, e) ^0 @9 c+ j% c$ L
    15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment6 F* G# L* g$ Q, i; _
    13th Army! ?: @1 D* V! m
    22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
: b: f% R7 k' g) `0 }% ]    2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
1 g3 H9 ^9 t4 A  A5 b5 r% S    2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment( F3 R3 N0 j8 k" V: a
    12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
4 f4 i* p; x% ~/ ]4 k    11th Army
' d  V7 A* _7 h0 D7 J9 i/ j    5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment" x; X0 F# S" K5 n  H4 V. N8 P
    26th Field Artillery Regiment
4 @  h9 G1 h" d    20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" c1 n1 l2 R) g9 B0 }' |    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment0 H0 q5 ^- i) H9 i9 V8 L
    7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
# h- J( }$ l+ F' @, T    Botanko Hvy Gun Regiment
. P& c; ?& d7 V( R4 I; f# ]; J    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment2 r' h9 x8 ^6 _. k

7 Y' U& c. Y/ \% t; g/ aDefending units:
& s, w4 m$ H, `8 ]% [    25th Chinese Corps
2 {3 z7 R" r: L3 i5 f1 h' N6 J    72nd Chinese Corps
2 G0 D5 F( l7 i) ]    58th Chinese Corps/ G$ u! H! G2 U9 L) a2 d1 ~
    68th Chinese Corps
# N$ O9 \  c$ ~  t    63rd Chinese Corps+ n' f0 o8 F' r7 s0 m
    8th Chinese Corps1 ~+ A" Z2 t$ `* Z3 M/ U# [7 z
    86th Chinese Corps
" p* ?" c/ {, `( f7 q$ W    27th Group Army3 [' J, n2 i' f& ?
    7th War Area
% |6 r2 v- d2 S: G9 T    29th Group Army
$ Z! l0 O7 L: G5 T--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 ]+ e2 ?0 s/ S# m" s- D
派遣军进攻长沙,降低城防1级' j+ }- [% R+ T7 E& o
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ x) S  n8 A( O, z

1 P8 m( f/ W% q# e. dGround combat at Changsha (82,52), [5 V( e5 K, V. v- t

! d1 z; l! x8 ]: wJapanese Deliberate attack8 w+ U/ }% T1 m

. p/ d+ C7 ?/ s3 n. t% P" KAttacking force 78103 troops, 1034 guns, 897 vehicles, Assault Value = 2488" k0 ?% C; y* g5 E; @* U3 ?" H

  X/ K" J9 Z4 M+ r- X  qDefending force 50478 troops, 247 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 516
: ~" H) L8 c6 R# g) N : |- d6 T# Y" q- P8 Q
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 5! N7 \5 ?. W" G* S3 P- c

" ]  t+ h9 m$ x$ vJapanese adjusted assault: 1888
; @" C1 L* `# X . W- h$ u3 `) J- U
Allied adjusted defense: 1023 % Y# o  b3 ~4 r7 V

0 T# v# b. m1 n& k1 lJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 5)
7 q8 g4 o; H* M/ N  j 7 Q/ A) G! V  W7 w6 m& |
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 5
; _( l  [# I2 s $ Y  o1 I  Q" M& K% }9 q' d
Combat modifiers. i5 [+ Z' p1 m
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
: x) p" h& r1 }# XAttacker: 6 |9 k% V5 g0 w3 ^0 r, u) D

7 }; s6 ~; M% j$ {' C: kJapanese ground losses:# a; F+ _0 ~7 s8 j
      2678 casualties reported
: O7 t: N# U$ ]4 s8 Y         Squads: 6 destroyed, 276 disabled
; S% l  G4 U" l! c  v" Q         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
# B6 _/ {& e" f  [  ]         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 17 disabled
  v5 v  F8 K; A8 X      Guns lost 22 (2 destroyed, 20 disabled)
4 u6 r. }$ U: X5 y1 d3 ~! b
+ j. n7 q6 Z* l+ eAllied ground losses:, G% Q( i( {7 f' o% O! L; n; L
      2031 casualties reported
8 P9 }! p. v+ m$ z         Squads: 26 destroyed, 163 disabled6 {# {0 I+ N" h) i  \& ?1 ^) X7 A, c; D
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 36 disabled# u2 v& G8 d3 e( Q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled- W$ m3 d$ r+ ^4 Q6 d
      Guns lost 19 (1 destroyed, 18 disabled); _7 b8 ~  I5 H, u9 C0 k
. ~( |9 u: t% S7 i
Assaulting units:( J) L) v& M# F! D; N
    110th Division
3 }; Z- z" V2 |. m5 g9 t    14th Division
# y' L: Q+ P3 d$ I. }    5th Tank Regiment
% L3 E, h( P1 D) |& t    116th Division
/ u/ H; G: O2 W    29th Division
% E- n9 f' D' v7 v! S% W1 e- f    13th Tank Regiment
2 R8 O; k" w) w& i: L2 s) {7 ?! H/ F3 W    3rd Tank Regiment
% u& J$ @' r  F+ z6 T4 C    55th Infantry Brigade) b& n" }9 |$ M6 w6 z4 G
    15th Tank Regiment: R) e! U2 Q, b. O( F* q
    104th Division+ U& b) C* w* ~9 d- a
    9th Division' U+ ?0 d$ l) |! n* D
    11th Tank Regiment
9 |2 o6 F- P$ f) C& q, w    13th Army3 w, {; Z$ _" d1 I( d9 [
    26th Field Artillery Regiment2 D; r+ f9 x  i  X$ \
    9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" {0 `! q5 I0 u) a; V    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
5 s$ _% j  U* t; x5 J3 k; {+ L    Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment# o2 ]4 O% I; |; i  ^5 p" L
    12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
+ |" m7 D5 X# s8 J    3rd Hvy.Artillery Regiment
5 X( ]- Z: o; a  ~2 q! U7 `; T    20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment; m; `! j" J  p, M
    2nd Hvy.Artillery Regiment4 q6 [. h  ]% N3 ?9 c
    15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
/ T& F* u# f( J# L    2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
9 C1 b0 `4 H& E& c    5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
- X& ?7 s& m+ a( W$ E$ N$ d    2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment# g9 L1 h5 G( _! E2 ~7 u
    12th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion) p; H, ~1 v1 E; U, U! ?
    4th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
! x9 Q6 O2 X) g( A- S    Botanko Hvy Gun Regiment" N3 U  p' ?" p/ r# q
    22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
) b7 G/ R; T. @    4th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
4 s! |: e+ Z& C1 k4 L% l, V% X    20th Army
( X! N4 h# D, a* v" r$ p    11th Army5 o- w) h2 A% y/ Z+ F' M# [2 A7 v
    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
/ _7 p- b( b. w    7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
. V6 i, y$ e" I    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
( x9 n. t9 g% Y; q+ p3 W6 L% ~0 j
! W1 n0 Q2 w7 W: P6 l9 UDefending units:! _3 i# b8 w4 X6 V. Y
    72nd Chinese Corps3 l4 {8 Y8 [3 l/ e* `. `
    25th Chinese Corps
7 C. O9 D( y3 U    8th Chinese Corps! ?# K4 \% U# T
    63rd Chinese Corps
8 r) o: r; a5 Z0 A+ A  P    68th Chinese Corps% M/ Q( `: ~- S2 y
    58th Chinese Corps. O, o2 r7 E% D! E
    86th Chinese Corps6 C- @0 u& _( T6 T* Z  v- @
    27th Group Army
4 ]6 u+ C* z0 T& _+ c    7th War Area - U  t- Y4 n$ z% l
    29th Group Army
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Nov 05, 42& R6 t* h0 D. M( m0 c2 v5 ^+ q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 g; D3 g5 {4 e4 m+ l
+ Y% X+ N  o3 Q$ \! T7 c# e0 H/ V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" O: a/ u2 x7 j. @8 J8 G/ }, x9 Y9 p. u
7 `# Y: x, v5 h3 d  P, R, h
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
3 b) x! U+ P2 v0 M3 ], N# n; c # X+ V6 h5 @& i' P
Japanese Deliberate attack7 H! l* ^/ a+ G" ~
5 _" z- d! R6 J8 z. p! {6 ?6 _" ?
Attacking force 77518 troops, 1134 guns, 911 vehicles, Assault Value = 2307" T. b3 I( s, ~

; A% F0 b8 n& T9 `! kDefending force 49118 troops, 246 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 384
/ H' T( f0 H* g; o/ D* E# j 4 z5 `3 r! ?; N4 i3 c' P
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 45 a. ?. g4 K# X4 }$ U4 i

4 c1 {- g4 A! H' Z! LJapanese adjusted assault: 2497 / M* \$ I3 g" f1 M

6 O4 n( V% `: S1 QAllied adjusted defense: 975
/ \% U6 [; J! I% l
$ ~+ }4 w# G3 i! q2 bJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 4)
$ a% }2 Z" F, n$ |" ]* I
6 a# k. P+ ^! y% }9 {: L: Y; qJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 4; X/ v9 _3 n+ }& M1 g
" W4 s4 z7 X& F7 F
Combat modifiers* L% I3 \$ X, P
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-)
* V$ Q: o& g% |8 S6 a experience(-), D+ ?& d* Z7 C1 b5 [7 ?
Attacker: $ m( k3 o5 `* M$ r. k
  H6 v4 Q3 b( ~0 W7 e
Japanese ground losses:
" j/ E+ W1 ]4 S) p# o( ]: ~7 N5 z6 T% i      1961 casualties reported
4 O  q& E; q% Q4 d' u         Squads: 10 destroyed, 125 disabled
, n2 u, Z% B1 i         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 36 disabled$ T& N3 J2 L/ i9 P3 _: E) }
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
+ h  J3 o, e( g: ?+ K      Vehicles lost 73 (1 destroyed, 72 disabled)
/ }! Z% N  G/ `, L% [ / C( h+ F9 ^( Y+ e% _% v' @9 o* V
Allied ground losses:6 e$ a$ ^: b5 m2 @3 M" H  R
      1159 casualties reported
' n, ]8 U! S2 V         Squads: 25 destroyed, 63 disabled
$ [7 x5 y5 j& J# w         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 25 disabled
  D; R! q" {- F7 h         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
! Q% G5 j. i7 Y# u- |% _4 b8 Z% ^      Guns lost 31 (1 destroyed, 30 disabled)
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Nov 06, 42' m/ z* j/ U' A# R
) j( }9 }% R4 J5 K  V长沙城防再降1级,已然不保
. G& H: b1 H2 a' }+ B0 b--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 `' Z, o. G9 {! f" _$ B' j, X- G 3 f# m, ]  |  q; Q
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)- `% Y( b$ v- y& {3 A
! ]% L# H/ u8 q5 B- ]% x( J% ?
Japanese Deliberate attack1 @* _5 {! ?/ a. a* ]" w
( D1 f" g& {3 ~/ c9 u$ ]
Attacking force 76178 troops, 1134 guns, 911 vehicles, Assault Value = 2150
  Y5 m$ K- q1 O+ W$ l " d" Q5 v( T9 B/ ?4 H+ m
Defending force 55094 troops, 273 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4334 H. r7 \6 ~" {6 n. K, \( H

4 R# o9 p! o7 B- f4 I; LJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3
7 l+ C$ r6 i: u 1 L0 n* ~2 `' ^( E9 F
Japanese adjusted assault: 3253
9 n. c& q; t; e5 u  x( V4 s- |
/ q( W7 s( h! w+ `/ rAllied adjusted defense: 909 2 s7 v+ g: r/ O5 \* p
9 K, F- s- }+ g2 V8 _
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 3) 0 r- H. r* @: \  R- c' a# d: d
3 a) `5 a9 s% q) a
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 3( ~" E1 L9 o( d: y$ Z2 G

, O+ ?1 ~" |7 o0 q2 l5 e  A$ P9 B/ [* gCombat modifiers
& k' X# G* M. UDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
, s7 R& q7 F$ O% c# cAttacker: . f% k4 W, Q) }  i+ Q3 s! \

2 ]4 H  s. A2 g  e: WJapanese ground losses:1 I( R6 \5 l" |5 P1 |' c5 K1 t
      1052 casualties reported
! t3 V! Q0 B2 e: V         Squads: 1 destroyed, 77 disabled
. D7 H* w- Z4 K         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled' M* Y( g. r( l5 a: y  K+ V' t
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled! K" Y4 k& I( ^+ m6 |( D2 H+ C$ P2 u: U
      Vehicles lost 31 (6 destroyed, 25 disabled)
& N1 f  A" b( Y3 O( h% l, K
  G2 l6 n  E& {" g1 m; S; r: @' e0 }/ }" ]Allied ground losses:
4 |% t% Q1 \% U5 S$ I      1408 casualties reported: u7 b% x6 q/ u& u) w
         Squads: 35 destroyed, 90 disabled7 ]2 k/ G! j7 `5 g/ R' Z2 v3 j! m* q" s8 h
         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 53 disabled2 ]! j6 x" u% y
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 38 disabled
7 s% b+ h2 }) o: y      Guns lost 40 (5 destroyed, 35 disabled)
0 j( _2 I& T  K- W  |/ C& u$ n8 I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! T3 B$ O$ ?3 _
大陆战场,长沙陷落  T& a8 _1 w! B- @9 E) h
, p" `  P; E2 j( g8 _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# u& B" h2 Q/ vMorning Air attack on TF, near Lunga at 114,138
% @. V2 j" R9 C7 D
, |9 {( V6 v$ p: `& [5 q/ G' PWeather in hex: Heavy rain) d" W: N. k* w( W9 `
* j# Q6 b% Y$ p
Raid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 2,000 feet.
- n4 O% {# N0 [% D9 zEstimated time to target is 12 minutes0 I% Y4 G/ r) Y% ^# f. T( |6 b
! H! M) W" u4 [6 l' A6 M
Japanese aircraft; c: d' ~8 V' L! \# i/ F0 k
      A6M2 Zero x 34
& d+ c5 `/ R8 |5 k' w$ }      G3M3 Nell x 16
2 h" \8 |6 |) _/ n- g  O3 E9 j " A" M1 y7 L: C  a  Q6 ~/ D
Allied aircraft
6 G1 F4 {- L8 w5 y0 C      F4F-4 Wildcat x 24& g2 a7 ~( f$ U( @

" H" W5 d) M/ H$ vJapanese aircraft losses2 b2 z+ e: i3 F$ `9 @3 {
      A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed
2 ^; W( {- D' h6 p  P      G3M3 Nell: 1 damaged) [% e' c) f% W2 C! P) w
      G3M3 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak2 ?9 j8 b. F3 Y' n

4 o' P. X  k4 cAllied aircraft losses: f2 |8 ]. D# u
      F4F-4 Wildcat: 4 destroyed1 F1 B+ M% p  e3 v$ @$ T7 g' B
% K* ]1 Q  |7 ?. z- i2 O6 M' h% @
Allied Ships9 z$ U; H6 O2 W' r
      DD Crane1 P8 ]; Q1 D& S# ]' P$ E4 |
      DD Crosby
! {. l1 }. B8 Q5 X/ x      xAP Cremer! E. p# X1 h, F; O2 g' C& Y
      DD Kilty' n& ]8 x( l* {- B
      DD Kennison
# ]6 i; k" p7 f) x# u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 b# M$ s6 b4 ^" J- m  h: KMorning Air attack on TF, near Lunga at 114,138
! M8 f: o& W; x  O
+ `% k& n& s' T* I5 p. ?- f  yWeather in hex: Heavy rain6 A+ q1 H: w9 s% G) n

0 r: b+ `. U% kRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.1 G* n' j, o/ W( n
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
/ C& w; ?" o8 l3 R$ R
. I) Y! I  n. @/ T& }Japanese aircraft4 e2 ^$ {) f; D8 Z# L5 K* {) ?
      H6K4 Mavis x 11) W6 `$ x5 j4 [9 Q

3 s2 T6 L0 z9 H8 S& RAllied aircraft
9 h! q9 S2 W! o4 r1 o      F4F-4 Wildcat x 9
) ~& [' T& D' v" N% H! Z
  ]5 z: d+ q! y" xJapanese aircraft losses, }  z8 P5 a- K
      H6K4 Mavis: 5 destroyed0 u: `  X; K2 I; B: U# a2 f$ Y
  q3 m% u9 m! y% v; t1 h9 K. T
No Allied losses4 H* F* ^- J, Z# Y* e, N2 ?1 V
  `7 ?5 o4 `' j+ [7 dAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Lunga at 114,138" ?# |/ S: O) s' \; ^* y8 L: {7 N) C
# j( i7 C' {# M3 b/ A
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud% N0 b6 D$ |- V& g0 q) P
, ]- n1 @: S8 J1 ?9 G
Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
# L/ R# E- Y) \7 U' Q5 A4 aEstimated time to target is 11 minutes3 d  C: C7 ]- z2 O3 n2 l
/ M+ j; e3 V' ~1 j# d+ D7 s5 b
Japanese aircraft
7 l0 g$ Q$ j; A( I' m% w% P      A6M2 Zero x 157 P0 }) j3 ]8 D# f+ u
      G3M3 Nell x 16
1 A5 E: L( A/ h- X( Q1 X: h, c & L& s9 p# q1 Z" k/ T
Allied aircraft# Z8 C7 [9 r3 i  w! M
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 179 E3 P! u9 ?( d8 N4 q5 T. l

) I# f  _2 F3 b* W) w5 g5 zJapanese aircraft losses9 A/ P0 R. w( A
      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed4 d1 G7 D3 N  U" Z' P
      G3M3 Nell: 1 damaged
* \- N" a3 g  ^: G. J2 K ; b3 I" k7 f- T
Allied aircraft losses) a2 D( [( V' S8 e. {
      F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
. `3 d- g, {9 d) d9 a 8 ~( B* c, f& `8 a" n
Allied Ships6 i. E9 t0 Y" b& @
      DD Kennison
6 n) H3 V3 R, m) s/ R: x      xAP Cremer
2 ^& c( ~4 u& z' H) _      xAP Hong Siang, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage2 [. z) m4 j$ R) e; c
      xAP Hong Kheng
8 v& T3 T5 C0 L! @3 w      DD Crosby
+ u# s( a$ b9 F( _& _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  l) N( K, S6 k6 L. {

2 X: N8 i5 F; aGround combat at Changsha (82,52)% s$ A" @! {' U; P, G; u

( r- j1 D7 k+ d* _Japanese Deliberate attack
' q$ W" Y% j1 N* G1 ~  n* B1 b
. h0 s: ^/ c& V/ n6 B( g3 x9 @Attacking force 87515 troops, 1236 guns, 912 vehicles, Assault Value = 2094
5 _+ A3 v& j# E9 ~ 5 X. H5 F+ t0 }& j6 P
Defending force 53009 troops, 269 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 316
7 p) N* T& b! p0 U% ~3 L , B# J6 B$ G9 r+ |; l# K+ s
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
6 `' n# d2 l, J, l/ ~
' g  O! P% d1 l: O4 L& _Japanese adjusted assault: 3264 3 g8 }; U8 f5 G! E* \) r" @

$ v8 n3 ~! s$ \8 L3 K+ ]6 kAllied adjusted defense: 667 * s0 p/ x& F3 V! c% O
4 Y. u4 |. t0 l
Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 2)
* s' S3 \7 W3 v9 J$ Y $ O$ V: G8 ^1 d/ B# S3 O
Japanese forces CAPTURE Changsha !!!
' A- o- e! n4 B: [! @9 A1 u % ?% m1 g1 d% t% L, g) ]$ x
Combat modifiers5 b* t- V% \# X& k8 w
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
0 |& N2 ?5 C( ]9 S2 ^1 L supply(-)
( R1 M1 z8 r+ u* N7 s6 O' X0 k7 mAttacker: ( N7 h; i% i" b6 b0 J" ]# X

4 K* p! ?) X/ `% n' }Japanese ground losses:* {. F# P/ r: \: J* K
      1030 casualties reported
2 F0 @# \( n: S# c* W' s6 Q$ U         Squads: 4 destroyed, 77 disabled+ u% q+ r/ t" S6 N# V# H0 i( a3 n
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 17 disabled; U, H( ^, q: w; a# ^
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
( X5 ]1 B' ^: n0 R& Z, l$ f8 r: M+ M      Vehicles lost 23 (3 destroyed, 20 disabled)
9 B/ c  s; g  w' d7 _6 o7 X 2 x1 C% E3 S/ s2 M$ t
Allied ground losses:; g% `" \1 P. H  s
      20658 casualties reported
9 W2 S( n* ~3 P! n7 ?8 e( f$ |         Squads: 586 destroyed, 0 disabled  i3 a, J2 O4 ?& t4 {
         Non Combat: 667 destroyed, 183 disabled
/ ^8 x& E+ Z. l         Engineers: 186 destroyed, 0 disabled
" g: Y" Z& \. @6 p/ G) U' A7 _; f3 I      Guns lost 86 (83 destroyed, 3 disabled), z* V) h0 ?* \6 j% w- p) v7 k! R, n
      Units retreated 11
* q  j7 [% B7 T! H8 Q 1 p, p8 _$ f- r1 L  R
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!