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' c. w1 f8 I( A3 Y% O4 x虽然时间上有点晚了,但应该还是有看点的。
* ~! P' w5 Y+ F7 c- [) r: L5 \! x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 M7 y9 c) {; d: i缅甸战场,转场到邻近机场的英联邦空军力拼蜂拥轰炸仰光的日军陆海航,仰光上空火鸡如烟花般灿烂;
- c) R3 \& T8 G% w2 L; \8 `南方军不间断地对仰光发动第二次总攻,1:1再次降低城防1级,仰光已岌岌可危7 e6 W4 J  P- B. Q9 R: [2 H! U: h
: e' E1 y  G8 r* G( {. S% o派遣军如预料中对萍乡发动总攻,不出盟军所料,虽然2:1降低了1级城防,但是由于堆叠惩罚,日军损失极其严重,几乎无法再次发动进攻  @. ?# ]4 d6 l  o* n2 q  `
3 f8 D1 v7 L  x/ z& X2 k3 jMorning Air attack on Pingsiang , at 82,54 ! m3 R/ b9 o- e; y

* \$ O2 i/ S1 r6 Q; _Weather in hex: Light cloud
. y+ k0 v8 T* G3 Z9 L; m
2 Q3 I- [( G+ p7 kRaid spotted at 49 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
# I: [2 R2 d. @+ pEstimated time to target is 16 minutes
: l" s6 A% L; k* q" h6 n, w: q
+ |  L: a' V5 T& N7 KJapanese aircraft
# A* L: Z$ P: a9 W; O, P      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 21
" @9 v8 j8 E- h' q0 y) n) ~3 _ / P6 K9 p# W/ F+ ^
Allied aircraft
1 F# ]; d) y: m4 Y3 w6 M+ g      H81-A3 x 3
" m$ P! l# R, p. k7 _1 B/ g+ q      P-43A-1 Lancer x 21
7 T1 B& J7 v5 v8 K- b6 X8 V      P-66 Vanguard x 3
9 A- {/ z3 ?' t$ K1 A' G      Hurricane IIb Trop x 12& D+ X. ]- K1 ]& ~- ]. k, L0 u
      P-40E Warhawk x 39. {) F( e9 Q2 \5 m

  ~' c& B6 l" @2 _2 ^Japanese aircraft losses9 v- u6 C# I8 M% A; f
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 7 destroyed
. v0 _2 R; z; m/ f; K! v6 ^; z
$ k3 }0 ?# B- K7 BAllied aircraft losses% W8 z( Q, |6 J9 K4 r
      H81-A3: 1 destroyed
# z3 e: }4 Y+ J- y* P      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed5 Z/ O: z  E+ s8 J& Q% }$ H
3 ]$ z$ t1 w2 O, G6 ]Morning Air attack on 66th Chinese Corps, at 82,54 (Pingsiang)
  h4 S6 F, X+ K$ w ) N5 N# ^6 t7 y' }( g, D
Weather in hex: Light cloud
+ c& h1 A$ M' g3 m! z% c% V* M6 l  { 6 L$ Z# P( a8 x! H: K1 l, ^
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
4 T# A% s. f. _- o( {2 ?" V5 l: v2 XEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
  ^0 [$ y3 A" @  K : n  k! q/ F- [! N; \
Japanese aircraft
5 R& I2 @9 U  _6 a9 w      Ki-30 Ann x 20
# L; n) b$ s6 o6 \7 \7 G# ?- N! } & n8 T3 V( ?/ C1 ~7 d0 m* H( J
Allied aircraft8 N$ R% u% I/ Q* ~  c3 Q
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 15
; V8 w( Z6 d3 o) s      P-66 Vanguard x 2
) Y7 ~0 ^1 q! G0 k* G" m( z6 f6 Z      Hurricane IIb Trop x 11/ u& K- N4 E0 p9 I! ?2 U9 q/ Q
      P-40E Warhawk x 314 o  e/ ^; L: D( W( t

" `/ d1 q6 j- m6 nJapanese aircraft losses( x2 Q9 W6 @9 J( i( s  K& ]* i
      Ki-30 Ann: 14 destroyed4 H% Y) l4 K# ?% P5 C+ S3 P! \

& l0 V" R) }( x$ c5 l( ^& p% tNo Allied losses
( n2 |7 i9 W3 k6 Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- g: a) n# u6 \% b! A7 v* VAfternoon Air attack on 44th Indian Brigade, at 54,53 (Rangoon)# I& a* C  U) Y

& U  Z, B( }; Q) K$ T  p, |Weather in hex: Severe storms
  x! N; Z2 Q  [  k& ]
3 \* z4 S8 }2 u+ i# b$ NRaid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.7 M* H2 R/ }; \+ u
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes1 ]; o6 ?0 D6 k, O- `4 B
. R. {; n6 f% y; n- N/ O2 b
Japanese aircraft
  ~* B% n2 v5 _/ m' f/ v      G4M1 Betty x 8
" @6 O0 ]+ o1 [+ h! K
0 `7 x' r, N# a# m, uAllied aircraft
3 E* H( ^$ e. D9 a. J/ ^/ U      Hurricane I Trop x 8
! D* p' N" o0 l+ P3 f4 ]5 a+ Y7 r      Hurricane IIb Trop x 13# m. ]- N- P! q, Z1 D
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 4
0 Q( L" ]5 B' D8 O4 {
* X1 j. l- q6 B# }Japanese aircraft losses0 O2 d; C9 O$ W* f7 A& S1 \+ f
      G4M1 Betty: 6 destroyed6 f4 [6 ?" d5 h0 m, \; V

0 r- y  w8 [9 E8 S6 H' r" NNo Allied losses# x: k' a6 l0 l; O+ @$ M
! _3 T% J2 o# v8 N" _9 V! [( }Afternoon Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 54,53 (Rangoon)
. u1 L/ |: e3 r7 V4 W
5 s% T" ?' _( }$ v6 uWeather in hex: Severe storms
: j0 t( g' f/ ^( h! j4 J 0 W/ E6 U! M" T) U3 R- H
Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
# G! G" X: S7 v" c) g+ O8 d. mEstimated time to target is 10 minutes1 [& r* ]- Y5 r$ s
% I4 ~' c0 J+ u2 J7 }
Japanese aircraft
3 k. d& |3 W! f+ a3 i# o* T      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 31
) o# y  d& }! n% @/ d9 ^ 2 \4 N  [5 J( W5 [1 _
Allied aircraft: [8 x  z! b+ r
      Hurricane I Trop x 8* M6 m" E! x' j3 p
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 11
: L  R# f! b- U: y, B      Hurricane IIb Trop x 34 a9 s1 {0 S; L  n9 |2 O9 D9 P
1 v0 _+ d' h# r$ K( D
Japanese aircraft losses* o! M* z$ r7 x0 B' {* s. I
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 11 destroyed, 7 damaged
, R% H& w" g# d, ?1 l4 Z2 U; `
! A: H3 M5 C3 d4 V/ `( Y3 ANo Allied losses
* Z* F# l4 u5 K1 s; r$ ]' t. y; A& ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: q  C, e1 \( z+ B! {/ ]& {5 @6 l
Afternoon Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 54,53 (Rangoon)
& J/ U* d/ B0 h; r: B2 n ! T- b' F6 E5 N4 P) k
Weather in hex: Severe storms
- I/ c& G, i  h. {" p- z0 s , j! R! s7 X8 q6 l
Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
/ J% s+ Q1 ?% e5 Y! W$ X) f) NEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
0 B" z( D' m/ U  Q$ s) k ; H' X( K' n; f( Z8 j4 ^" u
Japanese aircraft
! D" y; k; Q& p0 H& w      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 26* z0 Y) a: l+ i, N5 E, T" _
4 u, ~; l  B& k8 G% N! P3 w
Allied aircraft5 f( p" F- H! G
      Hurricane I Trop x 4* u; l& G9 J: F8 R$ h' d) [6 D
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 5
7 }% M1 _8 y# s. l, L      Hurricane IIb Trop x 35 E4 H# v7 X$ R7 T
# `+ E, f( M7 t0 R" O: {
Japanese aircraft losses
; U; u3 D  K  _0 U+ o& a      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 destroyed, 4 damaged; E3 Z0 }2 h1 u! I: r$ `2 o$ `
7 |* `' d# }! ~! Y) q
No Allied losses
) G) j2 n! M# w& n , {& [! X$ |  \" o
Allied ground losses:0 n7 Y1 @, b5 r" h8 A1 k. x% I, b
      10 casualties reported
3 A& b3 ]* C" B) K/ @) o& ^) x         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
, |( r- k- E. h         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 z( x. P& F, r7 l2 L         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: ?3 ]  p4 y) e0 y% p/ v* ^' S--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: B$ r! l$ {: @/ K# {$ t% M+ v
  @* H1 Z7 E: l% I' L
Ground combat at Pingsiang (82,54)+ u2 m/ d% e4 l2 M

. }; q: H3 L) f3 Z) E5 k% cJapanese Deliberate attack- o/ p/ T) }; c/ ~9 h3 |
  Q! ]" l0 p7 \6 G$ v4 D
Attacking force 57733 troops, 506 guns, 1062 vehicles, Assault Value = 2205
# B4 c$ a$ A; p4 p+ [% c- U+ c
4 g. a3 w0 Y, ~' W4 a- j3 _0 hDefending force 40602 troops, 252 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1415
- X. n( A/ T$ X6 d' y4 }: L ; x6 [  L' T8 H7 P$ p& x
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
, C  w8 k% U4 f! y - _; Y  D! {, p7 M, c0 B: w
Japanese adjusted assault: 2434
" m+ x9 W* n8 d/ y" `
: o# X" W. Y1 o; s; W: jAllied adjusted defense: 963
) b2 S3 G5 j$ q# J* W* s
( h4 c9 s' T# t) vJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 2)
1 q2 ]( \7 p, N4 w& E8 Y
; A7 u4 t2 W0 YJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2$ t- o; _8 F- t
6 L0 U% z8 v, @. T" z
Combat modifiers
# _" I1 P% F4 tDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), supply(-)' b% j5 B! j$ M! F7 N
Attacker: / Q# @) J% g3 x* B
6 q8 J( L  B! W! q* o
Japanese ground losses:
6 i& s5 b1 l4 l8 U8 F      10574 casualties reported
# [; y1 k% s: e* M, y         Squads: 343 destroyed, 160 disabled
" [* u7 |5 n# U: r1 ~         Non Combat: 138 destroyed, 168 disabled
  V$ |4 D8 b- u         Engineers: 23 destroyed, 18 disabled; [/ G. B$ _/ ~( c0 w! f+ ]. j
      Guns lost 43 (26 destroyed, 17 disabled)) k1 D0 \7 R0 }# i7 }% S
      Vehicles lost 107 (9 destroyed, 98 disabled)

7 e$ C) n* }1 L' I/ C) g  g9 _Allied ground losses:
* t1 j5 R! R% [7 i6 c* F% A      1248 casualties reported. y4 q9 i* G/ D" G; m6 h
         Squads: 13 destroyed, 92 disabled
6 t) y: b- @2 @# E         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 26 disabled3 V4 T* M" }% ~4 n: M, L7 M
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 2 disabled
8 F6 A" o/ z; e5 K      Guns lost 24 (1 destroyed, 23 disabled)
. Y* f$ n7 ~; Q9 a) U$ B/ k $ V' M9 K) j/ }9 b
Assaulting units:) M) V; }3 i5 r5 R: z6 C$ l" M
    9th Ind.Mixed Brigade, p9 C3 I- ]5 c5 @" G  E! T& |- ~
    3rd Tank Regiment5 i; x7 s0 c3 r3 I
    13th Tank Regiment- F- v: C* b, J/ K
    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade- S" ]6 s2 k: G' @2 I
    6th Ind.Mixed Brigade
, r3 o2 a9 Q2 Q. ?    4th Tank Regiment
  E6 W" y* n  ^: O1 v    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade% {- y) o4 Z! i4 b
    1st Tank Division% g& m5 |( g  S$ J8 K% s
    40th Division
. @9 {8 U5 w3 M  l    70th Division( n9 Q" P: Y! V" l6 L
    23rd Tank Regiment
9 q; _4 x: `" S* c3 i0 j    7th Tank Regiment
8 g, W8 j; v  G    13th Army
0 g' k$ ?6 d1 F; s4 n& e9 F6 o- y    15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
4 f5 v0 ^! R3 N; ?    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment* O! V# ^$ h# G( Q- {
    4th Mortar Battalion
, `9 q4 a0 J' ]5 {4 K/ B    29th Ind. Engineer Regiment
$ C8 s7 K$ z, o. L+ E" f' x; Z 7 j4 |' D0 I% a4 j" v  E
Defending units:
+ l1 m9 d$ s. {2 x    73rd Chinese Corps
8 F" g- s/ z) p9 y9 Q    3rd New Chinese Corps1 m/ K5 Y+ A6 Q' Q/ R1 N6 u3 B
    78th Chinese Corps1 m7 S, m4 d3 l* @, U
    66th Chinese Corps
. e( V3 o6 w; t9 E5 g$ D7 |& Q( b    19th Group Army+ s+ `1 I  O3 |! U# U# b% s
    32nd Group Army
: o5 |9 |6 {0 ]. v- f--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 G0 x2 @  m4 D/ V
4 l- }) N$ \; e- q
Ground combat at Rangoon (54,53)  F1 C; {/ E! ?3 B1 O

  J0 E2 n6 p$ `: FJapanese Deliberate attack3 ?! f" M" h$ L/ g1 L
* X7 K. J1 G/ i2 Q5 y/ |% b' p6 q
Attacking force 45611 troops, 556 guns, 310 vehicles, Assault Value = 1359
! a7 x, }# ]- i4 ]" l" C! D# ` 0 O! ~4 f" A5 i% x
Defending force 24200 troops, 295 guns, 159 vehicles, Assault Value = 661, j. o7 Z7 Y9 z" M

+ C& L5 L5 G) S7 F2 z$ B5 KJapanese adjusted assault: 1792
% ]3 H8 ]0 k& R ) h2 s# ?3 g) V7 O# Y
Allied adjusted defense: 1511 : v1 m, w1 x: U3 H

& s/ |. b* W4 DJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3) 4 O  Y) t$ m1 D! P' F

5 Z, B( N1 O8 K. yJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2
" [1 B, t/ _: f3 g " S3 [& T3 @, l5 }+ K
Combat modifiers6 F; f8 l, ]: V) L" D
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-)' i, [  Z: j5 u+ Y# y) T, A
Attacker: 1 f/ N0 ~6 K0 m9 v9 G5 e
$ C6 P) x' `" p: _
Japanese ground losses:
4 V# M5 T$ ^' M      1337 casualties reported& h$ z& ]5 ?9 }. p3 C5 S  B; _
         Squads: 21 destroyed, 59 disabled) n8 x/ h* S' v! U# O
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 20 disabled  t/ e5 v; d/ T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 28 disabled
1 s" x2 X1 e1 L  j, p( T% Q5 L( O      Vehicles lost 33 (13 destroyed, 20 disabled)
! G3 D/ Q6 t! _, _- H; O 4 z4 o6 T! b/ j
Allied ground losses:" i2 h, \3 k$ M4 ^4 c
      1237 casualties reported
+ U; W% p; t8 j, I. j/ E         Squads: 87 destroyed, 73 disabled
! Z+ s1 t5 h2 w+ ~- H# G, y         Non Combat: 19 destroyed, 43 disabled1 M7 w# D) V. |! D/ u% I6 H1 o! p
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
; _- U8 X8 o! d! `3 F5 h! W      Guns lost 30 (10 destroyed, 20 disabled)* L" z! }* K$ P  N& e( N
      Units destroyed 1/ n6 c) ]9 g  `; }

7 W$ t! w& d7 y+ ?: b2 }! lAssaulting units:8 l. ?9 h$ q. C' S" k) X
    14th Tank Regiment
& B+ F8 j9 q* ?* ^$ |  u5 Z" c    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
" I' s, j8 o; z- Z9 I    38th Division
# @2 [5 n1 k2 O) A% G3 @0 h    112th Infantry Regiment6 H# @: K) D# N& \
    33rd Division
: U, g0 @) }: W5 q8 r    4th Division- {9 h7 |6 c% S, F$ W1 ^0 L
    II./143rd Infantry Battalion9 j4 A4 b+ @" O( z
    2nd Engineer Regiment
  I& Z5 X; J6 Y) ~5 m    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment. F/ }2 _# G0 z( x. b' V
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion) d2 Q4 s$ o1 J$ j: X( I
    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
. s7 x" j( W9 p% h    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion& i$ Z9 \. k9 y) I' W4 }
    23rd AA Regiment  B: `8 o6 N( o  W" i6 J
    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
, j/ w& l+ r' e    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
  F) I+ d0 C' B% v* K    2nd Field Artillery Regiment4 p, L! l+ X. y
    8th RF Gun Battalion
" B/ p6 k3 |5 v2 X$ u6 B. g
" B: A  U, D; S  e" q' s8 NDefending units:% ]5 M/ f" @; z" D
    3rd Burma Battalion
) M: A- k2 _2 N6 r; B1 N    4th Burma Battalion
0 o- w% X) h7 z& L  T" A! Y; q    Upper Burma BAF Battalion
. R6 M4 S4 ~9 @8 W    Railway BAF Battalion
9 P9 B/ ?& t9 c0 ?' L    1st Burma Battalion- i' e1 _  U% B3 b  x& x
    1st Gloucestershire Battalion8 V2 K& _4 ~8 e2 I' s$ W7 U1 a
    Rangoon BAF Battalion1 \- _) p# v; J
    5th Burma Battalion
) B* }) g' I; g3 p% S3 n9 C    39th Indian Division
: L8 C2 d: L' ?4 S    44th Indian Brigade3 u. W. B; u+ F$ g3 V7 O1 M
    17th Indian Division) [' S8 l  _- I+ H" e- z7 C
    221 Group RAF
7 b" c+ @1 S7 a9 w: j    103rd RN Base Force, s( X! a( C" W$ x( u$ ]8 Q. n; T
    108th RAF Base Force
+ @6 h1 j" d; f, o6 d" X    1st Burma Auxiliary AA Regiment! l( |; ~6 k  k3 J9 e. A
    107th RAF Base Force1 ]; J! p- T5 ?! o; B* ^
    RM Viper Force
5 a5 C9 t& K8 r# i* @+ j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! w& u1 T0 A: Z6 Z9 H中国战场,查克大将不计损失,不计人肉,继续增兵萍乡,战力达到2700多,对萍乡发动突击,以损失1个旅团为代价2:1将城防降为0,萍乡岌岌可危,似有高人在幕后指导查克大将?
& W7 `# a. ^8 B: a$ W0 O; s萍乡一旦失守,常衡防线将全面崩溃,国军必须分三路向后方退守。。。。
9 i" F( M, R9 @2 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Z& H5 F1 ^) N1 q. u
0 y' j( k; U( H, h2 y' S7 sGround combat at Pingsiang (82,54)% d. a" J% O1 b& p8 G) P2 m7 p5 \

+ ?; |# u+ t# a6 fJapanese Shock attack
  T- H. Z" g2 F5 B5 k: C/ G, C4 V' ~! |1 ^
Attacking force 76145 troops, 693 guns, 1147 vehicles, Assault Value = 2705
  B$ g% q' e3 B9 i0 F, E* J) M" L4 Y; z& X4 b
Defending force 39462 troops, 251 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 12863 L; j, F/ z, I- I3 b

* _& Y% A, r& ?- j. J! jJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1
5 m# z. S9 {, o9 R1 ?/ k- e7 f. N/ V" D! E/ M# x! R
Japanese adjusted assault: 2238 * n' S9 ~, \" L0 `% r

  v2 f, o: f% \Allied adjusted defense: 747
* a* r; ~* D+ C* D5 x& [1 w( D, u  J0 g3 f* t8 @
Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)
" B# \: z4 q. r% H. u/ j/ y
$ l0 I9 _: o+ u* Y  }Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
; C2 ~& k) U$ s& B1 b* j0 @& P5 |$ y; Z4 d2 \, s
Combat modifiers5 {" E7 |! m+ }- Y
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-), supply(-)
5 q/ x- `0 v7 |" H/ D8 |$ XAttacker: shock(+)8 y2 q- l0 i" A0 _7 A( o5 S

7 |6 V- u' I) K5 ~0 _7 H7 S" QJapanese ground losses:
9 I1 S' ~# Y0 S      13052 casualties reported
( V4 N% a/ N9 u6 y9 {         Squads: 180 destroyed, 344 disabled
+ ]7 m  S3 n' e  S         Non Combat: 223 destroyed, 76 disabled
, I) J9 U! Y* c         Engineers: 44 destroyed, 19 disabled
5 V& m; G# ]& P8 C      Guns lost 84 (54 destroyed, 30 disabled)3 q4 c( t9 O* z$ _. Q6 f
      Vehicles lost 129 (33 destroyed, 96 disabled)
0 o$ i  \2 X6 c  D( V0 r5 H2 p
( N) g; q7 S3 |% N, Q
Allied ground losses:
' P% E3 _' T: m0 |' o      1596 casualties reported/ T" w, e4 }1 r- N6 h! t7 W8 T: s1 V
         Squads: 5 destroyed, 141 disabled: ?) M& V+ E7 C* e- D. e* }2 N
         Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 42 disabled! V. g+ B* ^/ E- @. [' L
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled) f% c7 s1 z7 M7 o6 Z! ^- `
      Guns lost 28 (2 destroyed, 26 disabled)
! t  h$ J) K4 `! X* |% P: b( O7 `+ c! r9 i1 |
Assaulting units:+ z2 z8 {: ]' t$ S- H
    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
: V2 n; n  \3 F" m3 V2 _5 Q. |    3rd Tank Regiment
5 Q, ^3 J, m% v3 B    9th Ind.Mixed Brigade
0 g4 S4 k1 C* H7 E/ P+ u    34th Division4 k5 G% u! a, Q$ L
    6th Ind.Mixed Brigade1 d4 ~( L+ C: m$ X' f- A# z
    13th Tank Regiment
2 T+ c; J1 Z! d- |/ K    1st Tank Division
* B. U" W) u  z& [8 R# n    23rd Tank Regiment
) Q+ s* f  J% }# g  U/ {    40th Division# ?$ u! \. c! Z/ u+ X7 P( ^3 m
    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade) G; H( K1 a% t; A, G
    70th Division: O; B- o8 V7 d& ^* z/ F% G
    22nd Division4 s3 V& I/ _  s
    4th Tank Regiment0 V) J, F; c! `  Z9 q1 T3 M
    7th Tank Regiment
; {; x: F9 x; w3 x1 H- j: F    4th Mortar Battalion
9 ~% ^, h8 l. `6 d% {  a9 e    15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
; y' R0 `* U  D4 Y. D- w) v! e    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
4 T+ N1 I! q* i; @" C& b    13th Army1 p( B  m! ~% x/ |' Z; w
    29th Ind. Engineer Regiment1 l  F" }; y( O3 `( M, ^) F
% x  |8 o( I) v+ y
Defending units:: ^: o- k7 \1 t" G2 ^& k$ Q
    3rd New Chinese Corps
6 H- L& t, d. b3 ^5 K& t    78th Chinese Corps1 T. U6 s. o7 R! l0 [6 D
    73rd Chinese Corps( K' u0 x" @, ]  M; x" a
    66th Chinese Corps( A2 D; \% [5 |
    19th Group Army& q) \9 n: U1 M% e% e
    32nd Group Army
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 09, 42* j: O+ S/ @# m( t2 [; P0 r
& y9 t/ c( U! _5 B9 G南方军再次发动仰光攻坚战,城防被降为1级  j) a& H. ^, |3 B+ f" O
同时,南方军偏师配合伞兵部队继续向北深入缅甸腹地,夺取防守薄弱的各个小镇,一路向曼德勒挺进9 g3 q. e" }* S! O# l% z
0 G6 P1 l0 z, j5 h: C* n 6 J$ `1 \: ~, A" z
Ground combat at Rangoon (54,53); z( b. S6 ^; B2 ^
  `8 E. [+ O, P
Japanese Deliberate attack
  ?& R- f, h5 B" t( _4 c , c- A) g/ \" t: |& e9 U8 p, z
Attacking force 47815 troops, 596 guns, 317 vehicles, Assault Value = 1335
) ?5 M: w& K) D1 @! H / t0 \* v0 W! [& w1 m! o. J* Y
Defending force 23704 troops, 289 guns, 166 vehicles, Assault Value = 613
: P8 h9 P- X, V% m! g( h
4 @4 I9 k1 |& ~* E3 U8 sJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1
3 M7 |+ y. l0 q" t ( s6 E. t1 d" v: k, |& ]
Japanese adjusted assault: 923 4 s  T* ]4 f$ H+ X/ O

& v* H, l# h3 DAllied adjusted defense: 727
3 p' j+ r( u+ a" Z" e3 J
, b( ~3 @. R9 G" g8 TJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1)
) v7 l6 G( `5 \" a& I. _ & C$ \$ A$ k' Y3 X9 N6 i  e1 {
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
3 J" M) z& Y+ e4 K) H
$ C' K# V6 N5 l% Q6 o! f* C3 P! `  ~Combat modifiers9 @: N3 n7 P8 {! R) _0 Y4 A: A9 ]) O
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
7 O# Q$ d4 x& O6 OAttacker:
+ F% G  N. R* f2 F. ^
! y/ ?- H% A# C9 L/ L5 Y" C; RJapanese ground losses:8 B8 J+ C2 H2 b1 v$ x. C# Z$ @' T
      1601 casualties reported; q6 i0 a$ H) B# y; q8 f
         Squads: 19 destroyed, 93 disabled- E. \+ v- M/ v: F9 N
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 43 disabled9 D0 l' i: u5 J! K+ T
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 23 disabled3 V* a6 n& E& ?
      Vehicles lost 39 (37 destroyed, 2 disabled)- L5 f3 _2 U; I$ `1 M
" H# |6 w) F, \5 V
Allied ground losses:( s" \$ c% `  u4 a: r
      1471 casualties reported
: h2 D' f! U0 D4 @: o/ Q3 j         Squads: 66 destroyed, 43 disabled
/ a" w1 [  e6 K" C, t         Non Combat: 27 destroyed, 39 disabled
# u/ c& w& V  z% u. F/ g* k         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
3 ^- d) R* {+ G0 |4 w- \/ W      Guns lost 15 (8 destroyed, 7 disabled)
6 C& I& F. ]: a      Units destroyed 1/ O1 v& u2 L1 y6 t2 ^

4 g0 x1 J$ m8 v) i6 fAssaulting units:; C- b" `& s# E. D% t
    14th Tank Regiment
' v' \. D3 H4 f9 M" g    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
6 B7 Q" Q9 p7 o# V, S2 ?6 j    112th Infantry Regiment
& t4 _9 f' r/ ]1 o2 D    II./143rd Infantry Battalion
7 ^7 t6 m. I5 |* _0 P9 [/ I    4th Division
5 f+ \- T. i. A9 Y( h1 ^/ S  s+ F( }    38th Division
/ I/ o- D! O, p. i    33rd Division
, |0 z, X5 U# E# \4 ^4 P. W7 _    2nd Engineer Regiment% [8 s. j6 R, o/ S6 G
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
  _# v6 K! [8 O& a1 W" u3 R    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment5 S8 `3 u0 h4 Q* Y
    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
1 h0 T2 t: r/ _4 B9 I, b8 m& \    23rd AA Regiment
; B0 U4 T, Q" ^* W4 _2 t% T8 o3 J    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
5 K: z3 x7 Q( L6 ?2 @! t; b8 u    8th RF Gun Battalion" \8 B8 b* c2 ]6 |
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
8 G3 G$ j/ H+ I% z, g  ^9 D    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
+ M$ l. \) e, j8 O5 j1 L    11th RF Gun Battalion. H8 t) f* f9 a; i) b
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion; Z8 t: Q1 ]8 F0 d
    44th JNAF AF Unit 7 }- O3 G8 f' Y* F7 U8 @* \
" l, z/ |% T# x% D
Defending units:
* W8 J* p6 k" C. |0 E! Y    5th Burma Battalion
: `6 ]% K6 n; d) _    Upper Burma BAF Battalion
1 u5 m' B+ ~3 q2 a; r" S0 P    1st Burma Battalion
& F0 V' Z* R" x' w( m9 K    44th Indian Brigade
2 Z) {: y4 H/ y5 B. \    39th Indian Division: [4 E8 P9 W7 ]! V, `1 N
    1st Gloucestershire Battalion
% @  z; o" x$ j5 M    Rangoon BAF Battalion. H- Y$ s7 {! p$ G( e/ E
    4th Burma Battalion
: \+ x6 c, h1 K7 @    Railway BAF Battalion
7 p- I0 H4 i* t  Z2 z. z7 [    17th Indian Division2 ^* N7 N- n, v& D
    108th RAF Base Force$ C  m: I% ?: T  U" t, N
    103rd RN Base Force3 j# h- u2 R, [) |
    221 Group RAF
! @6 _# V; A6 L0 T  B0 ~    107th RAF Base Force* d0 Q3 M/ w# A% R0 F
    1st Burma Auxiliary AA Regiment' E. P$ c5 z& ]9 }
    RM Viper Force ! e  M6 M" s, k7 S. a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& o# e& w6 {8 S. e/ P

2 v( ~6 n7 u) Y' C0 n' d: ?1 D+ OGround combat at Meiktila (58,47)/ N% g- K) ~. @" ?9 n1 ]

# b" C5 T4 o9 EJapanese Shock attack
5 `' d8 N3 x* E8 u+ @1 A. j. ? 9 S# U3 `. }* d, ?
Attacking force 682 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 35" B3 m. N/ @) D8 Q9 E& J: I
3 t. M+ Z; E$ L8 a/ L4 @. ]# }5 V# m
Defending force 552 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 30
6 ^* Q; B3 `1 ]+ N; s 1 X$ W4 O. Q: v/ I* x
Japanese adjusted assault: 16
4 F. h* C2 _7 a+ `3 t - N1 J) L+ Z8 C9 P+ f/ d+ P. D
Allied adjusted defense: 3 % ]( |# W0 a, H3 j! `) p
# c, a4 b" v; d! N9 w8 _- f
Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 0) $ Q3 a( a( T# O

2 ^9 ?+ t0 {* x/ L, I# jJapanese forces CAPTURE Meiktila !!!* H# t% ]+ k6 x2 G1 v& \( y* }

  {! a% G2 l" C: ~4 V9 c( t" GCombat modifiers0 c1 c+ B+ B  r" C: U4 z+ O
Defender: leaders(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)3 }) ]6 W& n0 _  H. l1 [4 z
experience(-)3 m& F  Y$ s3 q" P, k# s, q% h
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-), disruption(-)! W5 @( D% o: w
4 K9 w  }: p. B9 c6 s
Japanese ground losses:
' B, N9 i" q, z. \* {4 E      67 casualties reported$ z! |5 E( U$ l! h/ t& W
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
; B. J$ p2 r( _$ {9 d' [         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 O* v: c* Q' S7 [* g
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! c, k& J+ H( R% y" e) C/ N
6 E. X7 u; h7 r" ]+ v) `Allied ground losses:
+ a* l3 w+ D$ t' w      108 casualties reported0 B* h0 H4 s# l' Q1 q
         Squads: 8 destroyed, 12 disabled
2 J0 H. q/ u/ g" i' X( B! j, f! ?         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 1 disabled" o& {2 ~8 |% [+ c; \+ Y# C
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* O: o$ L. }* j) c7 ]$ w      Units retreated 1: {* c+ f3 q% {5 H& `8 D
( x4 m- {# v5 b5 b! ]3 {
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
  f2 U0 d# q; `
6 z( M: {2 }) nAssaulting units:
: @' ~4 r0 `" y    1st Raiding Rgt /1
' t# w2 b, V7 B. T$ ?
; S+ p4 e! P. Z, C; Y! vDefending units:
1 `. i4 ]9 y/ [6 o    13th Burma Rifles Battalion
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 10, 42) u$ X- O( v$ ?* L! {2 y/ x' k  Z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 E2 W$ p6 t  F% p
南方军一改谨慎的做法,继续进攻仰光,城防被降为0级,仰光很快陷落已成定局4 D7 t2 V1 b" \; y6 Z, |/ H
此外据情报显示,萍乡的派遣军已逐步撤退,萍乡保卫战再次获得重大胜利- k: y; m+ m3 C* _7 u1 b0 L. f/ m
4 C: Z2 n) F: J& L1 ~ 6 V! `+ |0 k9 S3 ]
Ground combat at Rangoon (54,53)1 z. |( d6 d' n) s
4 M- O. W$ ?8 `
Japanese Deliberate attack) y5 [9 L2 q/ B- `( ?+ s* i2 n
" l# g0 E  l) U
Attacking force 46922 troops, 636 guns, 253 vehicles, Assault Value = 1296
* r2 @3 _: X- [& ^) x ( L: b* r: M, X, a% L
Defending force 22636 troops, 280 guns, 163 vehicles, Assault Value = 563/ B" u( |9 q4 K, a2 r
- Z& `# j3 _! O
Japanese adjusted assault: 2091
, P  P2 c8 |7 S' } 1 E1 g. t" \1 B  b
Allied adjusted defense: 773   A0 b' y; G7 |: ^; T

) X1 D6 V- a: |% l4 j6 G, KJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1) ( \! n9 V$ |) `- [& Y
. A6 J7 G, L* y! I- R4 u
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
9 }. P- c% x  e. L% Y( W
, T- Y' q/ P2 _: JCombat modifiers
) D, d' }9 V2 |% V& MDefender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)* P: {5 d1 r% g* J9 N+ J1 B
Attacker: - C1 c7 I2 Z( t# h! t) Z- T  h) ^, b
& Z% z) J) W% I3 \5 E+ }- z
Japanese ground losses:
, s, j! J/ I( A; P8 q      1581 casualties reported- R5 `$ Z! [8 k5 ]4 u' i
         Squads: 43 destroyed, 171 disabled  M. E% T7 H  }# i
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 24 disabled' ?. }: q& C1 A+ l. t
         Engineers: 25 destroyed, 34 disabled- D9 {. m% W) w* N5 E3 d7 K3 y
      Guns lost 16 (1 destroyed, 15 disabled)& I" K) _. Y0 R9 X5 o: z
  G7 j4 L4 n8 T
Allied ground losses:# S5 e5 C' m" R4 J( T9 V' x7 r- c
      946 casualties reported! [! a( k( Q2 x7 S9 C6 {: D
         Squads: 66 destroyed, 13 disabled
/ v' C3 Z3 v; }1 N, i) X) V         Non Combat: 15 destroyed, 25 disabled
$ ?3 U) ~& w! w! ]9 h& W         Engineers: 8 destroyed, 4 disabled
9 |3 ?9 b# {9 N9 ?$ L- p  Z* d      Guns lost 19 (8 destroyed, 11 disabled)
4 ?7 ?% G) X# `" Z7 ?* \      Vehicles lost 10 (3 destroyed, 7 disabled)
& a. I2 \9 ?% @! a      Units destroyed 1; t4 X, L( D# D/ d- j

) U2 G9 |. L! w$ t) _1 GAssaulting units:& p5 r- w$ R6 c6 f9 x! Z
    14th Tank Regiment2 R! K6 f+ e* d- ^+ \
    38th Division# e- j1 O$ V- {, S! D  H" C
    55th Engineer Regiment+ n" \; V5 l7 ~# ^' N) H- l. H
    112th Infantry Regiment1 L+ E- ^  ^! o$ r3 C* }3 Y" A
    III./143rd Infantry Battalion# y3 Z( Q- z8 ?  c$ w- Q: j, V
    33rd Division
. T' b4 I! ?4 |8 h    II./143rd Infantry Battalion
: }+ |3 u- v3 \* Y% s$ s' C$ `- V3 P    4th Division' E, ?1 {3 u& e( o& t9 D
    2nd Engineer Regiment* ~! `: g# B2 K$ x) m
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment8 {  p. P- H* Q: p+ w
    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
1 P" `/ y2 E3 B; c4 n! V% R    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment9 d; d, F9 Y7 r7 ^: ^7 K; f& U
    8th RF Gun Battalion
; E5 ]- T, C( V1 q% ?( h; w- y# k: V    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion' E( v  [1 h" ~# c$ Q8 `
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion+ W- k4 a, J6 r6 R) G9 K
    11th RF Gun Battalion( Z: }# W/ }% P9 D8 y
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion4 ?% z; [& M9 a
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment& W5 w' f4 x5 \: G9 G& E/ l
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
6 |7 {1 y7 a5 G6 ?1 e    23rd AA Regiment0 x  i7 i. g2 v) D, G. y
    44th JNAF AF Unit 5 G( g# [2 E' o! y1 g

* O9 k2 w( H2 [7 Z9 U# ~4 m. N  IDefending units:0 ]$ R9 R- ~# R* q) g5 j
    44th Indian Brigade
6 P5 [1 N; k# N" p    1st Gloucestershire Battalion1 t% h  O, o0 k  ^: i" _0 e
    Railway BAF Battalion
5 i, `# H: p1 @4 ]! W    39th Indian Division
3 `# C7 Y9 j8 d6 W! b    Rangoon BAF Battalion
1 N; w9 L$ V! t2 I1 l  @    4th Burma Battalion0 T4 F$ c" Q! `; V+ x' s/ t. j2 }" U
    17th Indian Division
: X9 b9 ~$ S# r# ^8 [" W6 p: K    103rd RN Base Force( }* B( ~  Y0 Q9 t# [: f7 e
    221 Group RAF ) K; G4 M2 w: f) N4 G6 l$ j% ~5 `
    Upper Burma BAF Battalion4 D0 c  {/ @8 m' e, p$ U* C
    108th RAF Base Force
+ e4 m6 p& r& C- z2 J    1st Burma Auxiliary AA Regiment' M0 ]  ]3 j7 Y: U' E6 \9 s; X
    1st Burma Battalion* f+ U; o3 O1 [5 ]. u
    107th RAF Base Force
0 o0 w; v5 C1 H+ ]$ V    RM Viper Force / ^2 R) D4 D3 z- L: b6 e! G
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Z+ `$ z. E7 J3 L0 c

: z5 p# Q) e7 Q: m5 qGround combat at Pingsiang (82,54)
  y& y& e: J" z, w
- |2 K8 M3 i4 R; x2 FJapanese Bombardment attack5 g3 r: ~) o3 l0 M( L* z# a

9 H: {% M' {+ g: b' V+ y+ H" A$ x4 FAttacking force 45336 troops, 467 guns, 84 vehicles, Assault Value = 1579
2 ~9 u9 |/ f2 d4 L5 z ! [0 H$ s2 D% s1 ]
Defending force 57951 troops, 325 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 17178 @1 K* c! k# Z: V6 Z( H0 l
+ @8 T# q, t7 N) W- D1 ?4 y+ h6 W" i
Japanese ground losses:
! q0 D: I; A: {9 j      69 casualties reported
# ~! a& B& N. u7 O+ b, o         Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
. F+ a  P7 m, \' K& o) q  t8 X1 n  k         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  [' {" o6 F" |5 M+ h5 S. J         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 ^* q  |3 {/ b$ I5 C1 ~8 H $ D' Y% c3 i/ R; t! s. u# K2 p
Allied ground losses:
- }" c: A/ A, t      515 casualties reported/ O6 q# K% m! {; n. t! a  D
         Squads: 12 destroyed, 29 disabled
; M) v; R% w4 C* j$ v. d         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
% U. s/ _1 l" S, b- y         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled5 s: s! ^5 J, a9 }9 i
      Guns lost 9 (4 destroyed, 5 disabled)
3 X+ T, V; N& X 2 P0 P7 X* J0 A" x7 b. U0 M- P
Assaulting units:% v7 H9 J/ D, Q9 E
    22nd Division% X' @! h/ A: z2 p
    34th Division5 p9 A- z6 b3 _  |0 z7 k) K! N
    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
5 ^. ^- i$ Z4 T' b" \9 h: u* m    70th Division
' i" l: x1 L+ s! q; O' G1 ~    13th Tank Regiment
6 L, h! P$ K6 o4 N( @2 h    40th Division7 p( h9 }+ L! F: s
    6th Ind.Mixed Brigade
7 t* f: y' N6 B8 ~1 W    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade7 J1 a/ `; o1 v1 P
    13th Army
0 S! v2 y1 J% Q    4th Mortar Battalion* p) W2 Q; w" D6 y2 R
    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment9 ~4 g* I9 N* p% t0 L# V
    15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
8 J; k) k+ K) P, Q: {    29th Ind. Engineer Regiment
2 E# B8 b4 a% d 6 k' s% G( t3 s( {1 N* h6 C: W  @
Defending units:
: @2 z3 h* h: j! ^) B( ^    3rd New Chinese Corps9 k3 ^# a$ u& d2 ]) `
    25th Chinese Corps+ T) e$ \/ A+ _$ g9 A; g
    37th Chinese Corps
. u  _6 Y7 @6 e, T    78th Chinese Corps
/ H: w5 L* K1 H, g- i, {( z/ B    73rd Chinese Corps
" i* m! h8 m! C7 `! ^! O. ]    66th Chinese Corps
! x) }2 e6 l6 e" T8 K" J    19th Group Army  u' y  H: @5 s
    32nd Group Army
查克大将事后说,萍乡差点打成3:1,最后的AV比是2.995:1,看起来牛校长真是RP超好,差一点就防线崩溃啊  F) I- N4 @/ L9 D) B6 g# u3 W
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 13, 42. `6 y+ {4 H# G1 W# \- S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 `. f. X! d0 [- T0 D1 n
仰光在南方军和联合舰队的联合绞杀下,终于陷落7 J1 g" [" U/ L4 F0 f+ `( Y
: Y' H- @  s. Z; }$ q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; j; _1 J5 `9 N; `, y  S2 |8 D  }- n. Z; D! E0 e
Ground combat at Rangoon (54,53)
# B& B" Z+ z- G) x! R
5 `9 d4 j9 `! n: K4 L6 yJapanese Deliberate attack
( y/ q1 G7 J4 [" g0 l2 Y
1 J0 s( F4 `& D! tAttacking force 60936 troops, 762 guns, 296 vehicles, Assault Value = 16954 h$ a3 m9 p* d: H

( C2 V( O: v8 E. lDefending force 21017 troops, 275 guns, 164 vehicles, Assault Value = 500
0 ~' d+ c3 X+ V7 W4 R" A
% y, [: U% k1 VJapanese adjusted assault: 1926 % m9 r9 N. [+ ]- N' ]' ^
# w) e9 C7 Q% e: K0 I
Allied adjusted defense: 395
  S& q3 k, J, c; b4 }7 Z% r. l3 ~
' J$ x; u3 Z% t( T! t$ uJapanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0) ! S; I3 u  j- y. P

4 o5 d2 X7 F& W2 {9 AJapanese forces CAPTURE Rangoon !!!3 g5 g1 `3 K: V3 k% J

' h7 `* s" ^, E8 u. ^& {Combat modifiers
& n1 U5 f* }* J9 P0 oDefender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)) c& l0 f+ `1 k8 y
Attacker: 9 O6 Q* E6 h" P6 T9 @! G

# H) _3 |; o) M8 b6 J7 w1 e4 kJapanese ground losses:
! l/ U8 n2 Z9 Y8 U5 V9 a      552 casualties reported  N6 f9 k3 {8 o/ y/ V( G
         Squads: 10 destroyed, 43 disabled
0 D; x: d/ C) s" b$ C% D# G         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled% D$ O1 L$ O5 z
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 9 disabled
1 n2 J) j4 @6 ^. q" o      Guns lost 12 (1 destroyed, 11 disabled)$ ^. ~; i4 ^; t6 \( c" e5 e# Y
      Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
$ O0 D5 w7 ~; @) I  D( ~5 m' Y+ T
' a1 F; f3 k: \, M0 J- CAllied ground losses:/ m% }. [5 w$ {/ |
      4097 casualties reported
8 e9 D! \8 I! {% T( X* J         Squads: 218 destroyed, 24 disabled
9 d- X  r4 q( `' n* r' X* ]) A         Non Combat: 488 destroyed, 23 disabled
$ s% e0 f: F* f8 ~; O4 S         Engineers: 72 destroyed, 0 disabled: F3 i6 {1 S: o) A# M
      Guns lost 100 (83 destroyed, 17 disabled)
* l/ X8 A( R$ f( v: y; i: d: |. J" F      Vehicles lost 87 (87 destroyed, 0 disabled)
* {  \5 j5 u! o( Y% \# G4 o$ F      Units retreated 10
* ~* K5 I8 v1 Z$ I9 t, r      Units destroyed 4
+ |- G& z' a  O& n* Q1 R  Z$ f" n3 I! L0 z9 S  K& t1 J' V2 W" q, u
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
& P9 s0 _+ A! y! I" c! B. u6 ^8 F, N# E- Y8 z
Assaulting units:( ]+ `! G6 r/ E: [- |& W
    14th Tank Regiment9 w3 I+ J! S. s! V; b1 j0 F. A% ?
    112th Infantry Regiment* t, R" I! {: C) i6 s0 Q
    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
6 \, `" H$ u5 i    55th Engineer Regiment- v  z- V7 V" \! k0 C% d5 O( [
    33rd Division
2 M4 i0 h$ n* E$ X9 S- F% u7 _9 C    55th Cavalry Regiment
$ t; {8 x8 F; e- B/ d. k% P    38th Division# `' M  J. I  |3 S' m& O8 d
    18th Division
+ Q( F" v& r" A; {7 O    4th Division
2 }, s2 G! {8 l% c' o    II./143rd Infantry Battalion' ~6 f6 r$ Q, W$ {& G; A
    2nd Engineer Regiment' B/ f6 I+ k1 e0 x9 f7 E
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment# c8 N2 ~4 c" L( J$ ~8 Q
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion. A; \% _) D5 R5 @, s8 W1 A
    11th RF Gun Battalion( z/ k, ^* l6 F
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
0 P8 u3 C5 i! Q3 I    8th RF Gun Battalion/ `1 S  V* j  b3 I
    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
+ V$ p5 X7 @' I4 D* E    23rd AA Regiment# x/ n  @7 C3 s4 ~
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment9 w# c2 ?6 H" {7 N: `" S. S
    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
3 q' h5 T# w0 c' |# P7 C    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment% r' Q5 T% a4 |" @
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment
/ x: |: `; X4 u! w: W. P    44th JNAF AF Unit
+ H, \" y. _- h3 k- v+ K3 X0 z) d8 `$ h
Defending units:$ E7 w. O  Y2 P% G. `
    Rangoon BAF Battalion& k% Y9 n) J/ P
    1st Burma Battalion1 q& D: P3 k! M
    39th Indian Division
. X  r& r6 K4 Q$ j) |5 k    1st Gloucestershire Battalion0 g0 ?/ D( u# v5 C# y
    44th Indian Brigade3 H  B  u% g/ x# ~2 \
    17th Indian Division& H$ O4 S/ ?) Z6 w0 J9 Z. S9 O
    4th Burma Battalion7 U6 P3 |, ]  Z0 v+ d" }7 y
    221 Group RAF ' P1 {$ I$ y5 x* n" q5 p
    107th RAF Base Force
% W8 ~0 K" d& g    Railway BAF Battalion
0 a, C7 X0 h- R    103rd RN Base Force% E7 N5 }0 W$ `. ?
    Upper Burma BAF Battalion
: y/ y5 U; n% J* M* _    108th RAF Base Force* P3 W' B% N8 e7 t
    RM Viper Force
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 15, 426 R  v9 s2 w3 F/ c0 d  |7 l
% V; @, T. d; M( E" o5 E6 R北太阿图岛西南方向发现联合舰队KB分队,侦查显示包括战斗机72架,轰炸机144架,从规模上看来应该含有3条CV,当此之时,盟军58的6CV正好到达阿达克岛,准备支援对阿图岛的登陆行动,看来北太爆发开战以来首次CV对决将在所难免,不过如果日军没有其他CV增援,盟军将在CV数量上占较大优势。侦查显示,58有可能没有被日军发现,但日军也有可能根据种种迹象判断盟军的CV已到达北太。
, [$ {% t! {: E是否爆发CV空战将在此后几个回合中见分晓。