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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 18, 42( Q7 c. g" c0 k% d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* n( o, N* m1 U  Q* }
北太战场,发现KB这几个回合正在以阿达克岛为圆心,距离6格左右距离,按顺时针方向转圈子,这个回合转到了东边,并空袭了港内的反潜DD编队;岛上的SBD勇敢地裸奔空袭KB,命中CV加贺一弹,KB上空的零战直掩越来越少,一旦被盟军TF58逮住,必将是全灭的下场。; \6 }2 t9 t( w# G* d9 U5 Z! H
, W( C( a' g6 P; M: t( r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* _1 T1 O, c) I  I2 `! v
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Adak Island at 162,52
% j6 o. B' X% C6 }2 M0 `
, K- j4 r) K% K- IWeather in hex: Clear sky
% D9 R. \0 v) z6 _ " ^4 H# q4 U2 V; r3 {3 f& `1 T. A
Raid detected at 92 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
4 Z$ D6 s9 y/ |3 xEstimated time to target is 34 minutes. V4 }% _: Y2 I1 v" U4 o% t

, g7 }, ~6 a! K: pJapanese aircraft( |3 }$ \' H* A9 r: Q
      A6M2 Zero x 39! {2 ^: w: R: V% ?+ L! ~
      B5N2 Kate x 25! f, s" w+ l3 J
      D3A1 Val x 29' ?1 U( V, c. G, u( g) n+ k0 L

2 P0 o) Z3 h( @$ h5 zAllied aircraft
4 Q( k! o- L( ]/ t) [) z& M      P-39D Airacobra x 22
; \+ u1 S/ k" P# {5 q2 y" F
! y% Q7 R5 e5 q( R" _5 [# e$ PJapanese aircraft losses4 A9 n' Q. G! R7 R, N6 v: K
      A6M2 Zero: 6 destroyed
" U; R5 d! H: b, ?' N( B      B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
' r7 y3 h5 K  A! V7 V0 \$ j6 z# Z2 T5 v      D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed
! y' }2 k9 f% N: l4 G5 g4 b # L1 r; i8 D" m
Allied aircraft losses- t* C6 i! Z) \* u
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
! Q. ^8 m+ `2 l1 I9 _9 ]
. O2 h$ Z/ Z5 P. V- @- Q# VAllied Ships8 v* r% x8 A/ b, Z6 k  r5 Q' m% h8 B
      DD Hatfield( i5 h+ m& I% E
      DD King, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
% ^. p2 W+ Q( s+ h0 X7 O      DD Sands, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage# b, }: B; Z. e4 [9 z
      DD Lawrence
3 p8 P2 }4 Z4 |& ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) b- V9 g) ~8 \3 u& ?. f
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Yunaska Island at 167,52
% w) j$ O) u$ X# @1 l% Q' L
# f, W0 V  a! ]1 dWeather in hex: Clear sky0 m& n6 H% ]  L

5 w) V: @! Z, @8 d" TRaid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.# i; a; ]4 ?) C% }
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes4 w% p: T# m  w+ D! |" H
% P( J- h. Y0 X) g7 l. ^; `; a: i, y
Japanese aircraft
+ W2 M8 e& ~, h% ^      A6M2 Zero x 23
6 C: z" Q$ ~1 ~* h! |: Y1 V
$ y2 B5 c. H2 xAllied aircraft& V! G3 l& z( k4 `" b7 ]5 Q5 d. O
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 16/ I7 `! u0 X+ P
) n! V. r. N, B1 o! R1 c  Z
No Japanese losses
5 b; T3 f) n5 s. |) _
3 f' r& e3 q6 ^# O2 B+ q* K% WAllied aircraft losses) m. K5 h. w8 S& A8 c1 o' }& y( k
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 5 damaged
% x( ^) o3 R! F  W+ ]/ \      SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 destroyed by flak
6 q; B+ _. D7 Z1 m! z
9 a2 C6 D8 y6 r/ eJapanese Ships
/ M' E; r7 E' F8 O( Z# b      CVL Ryuho
& |* U* Y) |. M% s; p7 @      CV Kaga, Bomb hits 1
4 `- m0 Y/ p4 L' _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 `2 Z7 i- Y  OAmphibious Assault at Attu Island (153,49)6 B7 h& I( u' b+ A( n0 b
8 v  y3 l( g# `2 m; y/ L, m: p, S! v4 ~
TF 198 troops unloading over beach at Attu Island, 153,499 f  ~6 Q9 u5 M
( L7 _' P8 e" Y. \
Allied ground losses:
6 y/ ]1 E1 t; ]  a- d      14 casualties reported
; B, p2 l: T" x! z         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
5 J( `- d- ^' D0 F         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
( t: K" q9 P8 D$ y: u8 u# Z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 y" X- ?% H. {  c: v( i
      Guns lost 3 (0 destroyed, 3 disabled)" w  }  ~# O/ ~

/ @- ?0 s/ g* a- A
  }: a* o1 D* J& }
: j2 x: {5 v7 R3 z3 E& p, o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ K: a& u4 @2 Q  QInvasion Support action off Attu Island (153,49)5 O) d+ a9 o( E% o( n
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
3 ?* k0 v" Z5 M( A2 V' a : u0 y! I$ [& d# x
27 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
8 f1 W( l7 p, k) q' G0 i * L. ?4 s8 F7 [- H' ~& n2 w
Allied Ships* j# ?; t1 N7 v
      xAK Manoa, Shell hits 2+ X/ M6 U8 W9 k. U, Z# ^6 n
      PC Warrego9 N5 q, E) |/ `4 x$ u; e
      SC PC-579
" ]1 K- ~5 z, u* `' Q: E      xAK George Taylor
0 Y; B1 C- x/ `5 q      KV Quesnel
! g( R* m" |% ~ 3 o9 a, {& \8 [! ?
Allied ground losses:
7 M$ m( e8 Q% Y( Q0 R      30 casualties reported; w6 L  Z4 i/ t5 g# z/ J
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, i) p& V. K; N* f0 k& U) y6 i+ |8 C         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
$ ]! o$ \6 n( ]- W/ s9 u         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 19, 424 Z" C) e7 R) k( _- k, b" r! P9 l
' y5 B1 c2 P6 v2 t+ ?北太战场爆发迄今为止最大规模海战,在阿达克岛海域,双方各参战3BB和数条CA,日军甚至加速建造的2艘RA剧本中新添的利根级重巡光芒号Hikari和岩城号Iwaki也投入了作战,夜间水面战盟军没有占到任何便宜,并处于劣势,/ Y& a4 {& r0 r" _
天亮后,KB全速向南逃出了TF58的空袭范围,日军的水面舰队即遭到58的屠杀,累计击沉日军金刚级战列舰比睿、雾岛,和BB山城号,日军利根级CA光号和岩城号悉数沉没;盟军则沉没1BB、2CA,重创2BB! j3 j5 {8 G4 u% m9 b6 B8 E
, n: Q* L$ `9 h, }$ W3 E. r2 r" q9 J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 ~! l  h1 o4 b. a; TNight Time Surface Combat, near Adak Island at 162,52, Range 8,000 Yards1 M. v8 d! j) T/ b  i2 o( x, V$ W+ M

( U7 E  ^: [8 y0 g5 m$ MJapanese Ships: Z' Q* L) t2 C* u, h/ [0 c: u, f
      BB Hiei
+ Z/ X6 ^" y' ?6 U4 X' l) ]. T      BB Kirishima
* |& c9 p2 ^* X3 S- [      BB Yamashiro, Shell hits 14,  heavy fires  p- o# Q& T( m6 K
      CA Iwaki0 u9 N( e! `: f
      CA Hikari
% f  z  Z! n1 P# _  W      CL Natori
3 G9 l4 F2 I# G! o      DD Arashio, Shell hits 2) s6 R) C7 x6 \+ E9 |! p
      DD Natsugumo( o# Q; N1 }8 K$ p. B, u! w
      DD Asagumo, Shell hits 2
2 `- S( y7 m/ v% v0 B7 ^      DD Kawakaze
( Z/ [; h% ?6 S. M+ L- P8 ~- \
$ }0 @* U" n' \" t6 p3 H: Y. C' H1 xAllied Ships0 E( y- H) C& T3 S) l4 E2 v
      BB New Mexico, Shell hits 13,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
* ]) R; s1 r5 S      CA Chester2 f) ?+ Q3 j  \' A! n6 X" C
      CA Chicago, Shell hits 15 u/ H  P: a/ @7 }& b
      CLAA Detroit, Shell hits 8,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
/ E9 i" q0 R1 y) A$ }      DD O'Brien
, x* Y7 N5 M9 [( F+ k      DD Walke, Shell hits 15 b% V: w  |8 |0 b% @# g$ k* T
      DD Morris, Shell hits 1
6 W2 J( i9 U, A" s  U      DD Blue
" U( x* h0 r3 ^      DD Helm
. W. e$ \( w% v4 N* L      DD Mugford, Shell hits 1,  on fire
2 D6 ?# Y- H6 F% D      DD Talbot
2 M% @- V6 \% h# u/ X7 h* t$ O, R5 E1 `      DD Dent, Shell hits 1,  on fire
: `+ q; Y0 E7 d5 p      DD Crosby, Shell hits 1
4 U  c. A0 w9 ]5 c) I! Y      DD Brooks
' N: c. v4 Y  V& g: S1 h3 D      DD Lawrence; _' v0 G9 g1 l6 b: F
      DD Hatfield
* g5 S8 Z4 F& O& o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 j$ V/ I7 h( Q$ ?2 H4 iNight Time Surface Combat, near Adak Island at 162,52, Range 6,000 Yards
6 m7 d# z; {0 g1 x" Z
, t  Y2 j& L; M2 ^Japanese Ships0 o. r* c3 `9 _! f2 E" U" F
      BB Hiei, Shell hits 1
5 Z8 v  W& z) ]6 t, g% V, ~      BB Kirishima, Shell hits 9,  on fire,  heavy damage
5 C, ]& w: d- v6 }      CA Iwaki& D9 p' ~. G% a! u& E
      CL Natori, Shell hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
% e) {2 Y, c) P2 {" l. n      DD Arashio, Shell hits 2,  on fire, y% e' G: I5 n; r- f  O
      DD Natsugumo2 r! L' ?8 V' Z, ?# C& H* u. \
      DD Asagumo
. l( k# h. |- c" p$ L: b      DD Kawakaze  L1 J9 l; T8 ^* G

/ \: P/ F8 K# A" B0 H* ~Allied Ships7 ^& L' T& w: x0 v
      BB Colorado, Shell hits 6,  on fire
1 o+ l: B% \9 M1 G% d' y; u      CA Portland, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires
* w$ r2 V6 c  i      CA Northampton, Shell hits 1! c6 r! ~6 e% V5 w$ [7 f8 r; ]
      DD Aaron Ward
' Y8 J8 h' O' y! e4 u$ x      DD Laffey
' u9 r# r$ R6 n( x* n3 _      DD Lansdowne9 ]" T( {) Q  p6 M
      DD Lardner
' H0 p; a, e  k* ^# u: u3 v$ o      DD Mustin, Shell hits 1
  y" a2 k# y1 I5 \( g/ a7 v      DD Russell, Shell hits 1
6 A5 a: O1 l+ Z! q0 C; {2 p1 U" K9 H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 n7 F* w0 ~: k( ?; ~) |  t% m# C* [! g
Night Time Surface Combat, near Adak Island at 162,52, Range 6,000 Yards
9 f. n, b. ^6 f  b! E5 H3 f
) x4 \9 o% c- z1 y- _' w( {Allied aircraft- C3 f6 I4 ^' W- o& P0 }
      no flights
0 b( `) Q" w! H( A! b # v3 j: c+ L; v. P+ z3 i
Allied aircraft losses
# x: d! m4 {& Y4 [# z5 z      OS2U-3 Kingfisher: 2 destroyed! N& \; o4 @% ]# w' _

- ~* X2 f5 d% t( y. ^' H3 VJapanese Ships
5 y3 B/ Z" `% R5 ]      CA Mogami, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires
( B: H  b3 w0 J7 M7 o      CA Mikuma, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires
1 p/ J+ o2 X8 N) d, l! Y* i      DD Natsushio
: ^+ y! L- u: P1 t' p) I7 w      DD Asashio, Shell hits 15 i- A8 U& K; k  b7 Z- [. x
      DD Oshio, Shell hits 7,  heavy fires6 r2 K# K! l# Z# h% J  q* |
      DD Michishio  K' u+ W- E% c: ~1 A

9 _4 [$ j; i8 F% i7 Z% N" e- MAllied Ships* X, i& F2 r/ C2 K
      BB Colorado, Shell hits 12,  on fire& s8 }' K) i6 V) X$ H2 Z
      CA Portland, Shell hits 24, and is sunk- T; `  B4 ~5 n6 X0 c. B
      CA Northampton, Shell hits 5,  on fire
0 {* i; I; }! J& r4 ~% k. T% }2 k, J/ X      DD Aaron Ward, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
  C3 n( C# s1 d1 x, e/ f7 ^& ?3 O      DD Laffey, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
! Z( G& r3 `7 Q) F- [* Y      DD Lansdowne, Shell hits 34 k. y$ ^# }& j8 W, t
      DD Lardner, Shell hits 33 k4 J: R, s  q6 v+ @* O2 I7 V2 f
      DD Mustin, Shell hits 2
; D! A& U5 x+ t3 k      DD Russell, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires
0 e; ?; c$ F2 t/ W( \2 m% e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 _. f5 P" A0 d) C! r6 b
Sub attack near Adak Island  at 162,526 K8 V# f; P& y* `% u5 h- ^

4 R5 G' w9 H* F" s+ t0 x0 gJapanese Ships9 U" o7 T" y4 q& z9 O3 L
      BB Yamashiro, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage  y! P* t) o; W/ V  B. x
      CA Hikari
& s7 M% {3 N1 f6 ?% B; a% N ! @% E+ ~6 n% Y# n
Allied Ships
0 G$ X  O" ~- l6 ^      SS S-31
* i1 g4 ]" |( C/ P! z  |6 U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  f. c8 I: b. A- i- [' A% MDay Time Surface Combat, near Adak Island at 162,52, Range 20,000 Yards$ x8 c. z; H$ a& `, x2 ?8 y( L9 v

- }# _4 o: E5 F2 }0 q7 q. N. Z: @Japanese aircraft/ C/ y% w/ x$ Q2 S% D
      no flights
6 n; J. R% g4 d) [4 n4 X
0 N! e% c& i- J2 Y) aJapanese aircraft losses0 ]1 @8 v# Q5 h  u3 h7 \
      F1M2 Pete: 1 destroyed
/ I: j1 A  N' [, t: S: o% I7 k
6 s% p- k6 o  ~0 ^, n" LJapanese Ships
. `( s3 [2 ^" Q" m      BB Yamashiro, Shell hits 12, and is sunk4 G/ [) ^" G9 w. U. s
      CA Hikari, Shell hits 2
) ?# \* O7 |, X) [5 _! S9 [, o1 B
. q+ f0 a" ?! L' F, }7 E8 eAllied Ships1 X  i9 w7 y, {3 q, c
      DD Ralph Talbot, Shell hits 8,  heavy fires,  heavy damage! v: T2 D- p" {7 |$ K1 p- y9 W* r4 E& `
      DD Patterson, Shell hits 1,  on fire' B! {) p) {) D" F- c$ V
      DD Gridley, Shell hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
# y0 w5 s$ ~( N' E! L7 H0 t0 x% j7 ?0 ?

: g% w" I- z' X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: m( G' S2 z; h1 E, g* L1 B9 w% EMorning Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 164,549 ~' C4 A" w. N8 E* u0 j, Z. i, @9 u

" Y" n6 K* F) G3 {! \Weather in hex: Light cloud% \% k4 S! L' S; _

+ w, t; A  y6 b; R6 S0 ~/ R  L4 _Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.# H* S# W' @, [$ P) [
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes* ~7 Z1 N8 Z( t# u2 K) n$ w
  T4 f1 d. j) f% S4 _1 G* v
Allied aircraft
  C+ {! ]0 i8 \" R" B, R. z      F4F-3 Wildcat x 12" f: ]' k4 Y. |7 j1 z% C) |
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 12
* `& {& K0 V0 f7 X3 I      SBD-3 Dauntless x 36
( n! k8 A9 M4 l/ G      TBF-1 Avenger x 15
  `1 k' D0 v% C$ w. `3 c+ e7 B% |+ f
( C7 I3 E! Z0 W5 Q% NAllied aircraft losses
1 |, }  O: V8 r  C, Y9 c% |- c      SBD-3 Dauntless: 6 damaged
3 u4 ^) j: j" n2 X+ h! n6 F9 w      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed by flak( _  j2 \2 d& V! a

8 B6 p7 J' V/ B) H4 kJapanese Ships9 ]2 O& G+ ~2 ]- o; s2 ~9 f
      BB Hiei, Bomb hits 8,  on fire# x  K' `% e( p+ u0 d
      BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
8 K2 t1 R5 X0 l" G      CA Iwaki, Bomb hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage6 H) R+ Z- l8 G7 W; m
      CL Natori,  on fire,  heavy damage  j1 o# E- v; G* z, k9 N
      DD Natsugumo4 _" {- w0 U9 p7 W' A
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' n" j* i7 |/ T" w) C2 f
Morning Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 163,53
* H/ Y# F( ^1 L7 k2 g. K4 T3 ^ / h7 y2 A7 I, k1 Q9 ~$ l, H3 P9 s
Weather in hex: Clear sky
7 F8 f; |- V  X; l, C5 K
0 \4 q1 g- ^9 e+ n' ^4 `7 N' {Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.# n* {# K( O) E- E1 q% V
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes. Y+ T( l3 l% c. w2 a, l0 H$ `& |) A3 K
* U7 V4 D  W& C5 ?) p& S
Allied aircraft
5 T- m4 x% j9 e      SBD-3 Dauntless x 18
& z/ o' ?0 R1 a      TBF-1 Avenger x 15/ X$ @* v: r8 o, H  L" w
( w; G$ _$ p: q8 m0 z# U
Allied aircraft losses
* @# a5 h8 j# f2 Z! ]      SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged6 y& u3 X3 S/ M2 f6 `% o) {
      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged
! d; v. L' L; c7 Y& Q+ j
0 C/ E6 m9 G# R1 `Japanese Ships/ l) T1 ~& U# s; E6 a
      CA Mogami, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
, i2 o; s# M+ _9 ?# F% d) w" q* d# ^7 ?      DD Oshio, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
6 j  N1 M0 {5 M: F3 d( [- k4 h      CA Mikuma, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage4 }! J' s0 x, t6 ]+ H# U
      DD Natsushio
# J- `, k4 o* J* Y3 f: f      DD Michishio& D8 `3 G$ B, `" [7 I) N& F
      DD Asashio
0 W+ S3 x+ q/ L) G8 ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ [/ m. b* _* d( j7 _4 \/ j. \Morning Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 164,54' I- q! J0 I: K4 a* t: [9 g

, u7 {$ b% t8 X' u5 eWeather in hex: Light cloud$ V9 @# ]3 G; A1 ?( w

0 ?3 ?* k3 v0 B0 H, M# K! A4 |Raid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
* L) t9 Q* s# A5 R  J" @Estimated time to target is 2 minutes
2 L( q" E7 ^7 }; X 7 v2 S9 `6 M9 Q5 \6 v
Allied aircraft
# z' I  L0 p, ~5 h- H8 D      F4F-3P Wildcat x 12) S4 a# g7 J6 z" A7 _  I) C: v
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 16
2 S; l7 x! Z6 @9 S1 a      SBD-3 Dauntless x 18+ H/ g8 B" O5 P: m- f" x

: M. \4 D: Q  Z5 q, |Allied aircraft losses
) g! S, X  q  ^* q% s# V) K      SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged
' i# C$ H, x& I1 e1 r + [2 [' W3 A# X; |8 v' |+ ~" {# ^1 _
Japanese Ships3 ~4 `4 E' W. F; o% T- U
      BB Hiei, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires4 s' `, g) }# h. o7 o  p
      CL Natori, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage7 Q0 v$ V& \% V6 m; A9 q  ]
      DD Asagumo, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage0 ~: {" _' q1 V/ @
      BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage' \* P/ ^* M0 k( Z4 s6 {. k8 l7 H
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 T' a+ [# d9 d# t3 E* D
Morning Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 163,53+ I; T8 z/ J4 r' I
. j8 u8 _- w3 s
Weather in hex: Clear sky
2 \- g* F$ k4 Z1 B! u5 N
9 Q$ D  f5 _0 _8 C& ARaid spotted at 1 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.. A- k- K& H, t3 B
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes
9 N6 r, u) u9 G7 ~" j+ ^: A: C
& v3 I; J, ]3 t. c. T! S# jAllied aircraft8 ~7 k  }% H- \( M( Y
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 183 I" ?4 k. l9 D% j/ w7 C! V4 \

, J$ X1 u6 w+ C  qNo Allied losses
! D( e: T" ^' T8 u% q
; j! b8 l2 \1 C" J# hJapanese Ships0 {( {4 D! y- @% U
      CA Mogami, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage8 X) i6 L. T; c
      CA Mikuma, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
6 K$ N1 X4 [8 C/ d3 g: g      DD Asashio
3 n1 y! C! \( F7 F7 E: M      DD Oshio, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
, N% k: r8 `  j' v      DD Michishio, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
% @0 U7 N/ F9 f! B! T--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; e& m! E: q  U: U* i6 K
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 164,54' p. ]6 U0 a/ n* y' W5 W
2 T0 I7 K1 T' z+ D
Weather in hex: Light rain; ]) @3 l7 e. N

4 J$ e$ W+ \6 r) N8 f! gRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
7 {% d" j+ O2 ?* s4 PEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
2 X- F) N/ {! [8 U " k  f( M# h8 F" y2 W8 {
Japanese aircraft. l; t8 u5 ^2 H! e  x( K
      no flights
9 S- Y# e* t% a& q( f * Z. q/ S5 Q  `2 K: W
Allied aircraft
5 [$ O: d. p$ N* H      F4F-3A Wildcat x 129 ]( d* o1 U8 t6 X4 S* J% o4 o' L- U
      F4F-3 Wildcat x 12
3 Y. ~, n( ^2 ^3 ]5 n      SBD-3 Dauntless x 36' C! P  |7 t( k0 R7 Q) Y+ z! O
      TBF-1 Avenger x 152 y; y& F% f8 v% A+ j( M
' ~* m7 J) `2 C9 N
No Japanese losses0 d$ R1 \: R0 d

. [8 C7 {9 [7 i) I# XAllied aircraft losses
3 b: c5 d" C5 A1 M2 O; Z      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 damaged7 ^3 n+ ^# g- O3 I5 m

$ M) o( v$ N% _' G! N2 h5 dJapanese Ships
! A9 @" B3 t, X  m5 l% g      DD Arashio, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage5 W, T* `# w4 ^" H
      BB Hiei, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk+ \2 Q. v7 X0 ?, y6 f7 z6 S* A' k
      DD Natsugumo
" q6 _% R" L$ |' d1 d% k1 G! r. D- A' d      BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage. D+ B2 C& ~6 X. g! l# Z0 A
      DD Kawakaze, Bomb hits 1
) L" ]" Y; _5 P  I" ?/ F/ ^      CL Natori, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
9 j6 x8 Q! B% ~6 q3 u      DD Asagumo, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
" W3 f' j* s: r% n4 |( b2 M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 x+ N1 F7 G$ f: n1 l
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 164,54
( Q  C& V+ o+ w+ v6 U7 { 5 Z! B$ {  r; q6 Q
Weather in hex: Light rain4 Z  J9 s& U2 C/ d/ j

7 d( w4 f( R- i1 e& p# }5 h* `- hRaid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
  w5 T* U1 n0 oEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
( s7 r) y, R, @$ T; @ 1 w  r1 a' }: n6 C
Japanese aircraft. f9 T$ a- e( W% I8 b
      no flights
4 V' U+ i' Y4 w: x) {' B8 O % P, ~! c7 _3 f8 ~# E. j* Z* M
Allied aircraft- V$ ?$ j6 ^0 m# A% S. K' c
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 16  h) c; S* @" X/ \# D, `

- }! o1 P( }/ K" t/ f! W" Q9 U5 ?No Japanese losses
6 ~  z9 W" q& [# l # D% H7 C7 R1 K7 s: J8 W- D
Allied aircraft losses1 v* S; g) n) k/ M
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 damaged
/ w$ ^" x' O& L* D. ^/ ~6 T  [! a      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak* j: S5 d2 e# A: ]: \$ @
- Y" B6 Z2 t: ~( m2 b, c
Japanese Ships& [7 G+ K& ^: O9 g
      BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
; s8 d6 K3 @% w- `$ [# U9 V      DD Kawakaze3 d6 L8 g3 c4 A& u- l1 `
6 q' J& y. }$ @# j1 s0 LAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Atka Island at 164,54
5 u4 }3 R1 |/ r6 q; D5 }4 G: V
9 l# b) p& B: m+ \/ {7 K% z9 S2 kWeather in hex: Light rain
" D* O* h4 g- i7 u
3 k& K( \1 ?& V0 r7 LRaid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.. V; ]) l. b* ^7 [
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes$ @2 o' E' o' e) w/ ~3 S3 F

. |9 T* F0 U% @! w2 q+ _& _! }9 wAllied aircraft, O) m% r0 {- y. K6 b2 X
      A-24 Banshee x 14
9 Y- S; g1 U8 ]& X/ n# s& F* ?
# Y. a3 L! w2 N, L7 ^0 BAllied aircraft losses
* j, e2 K. \. I6 K+ x, g      A-24 Banshee: 1 damaged5 W3 {2 N/ q# G% ]* V9 u

6 H% H/ c% J1 u, m8 ]Japanese Ships0 z  C+ B& r0 p0 M. ^
      CA Iwaki,  heavy fires,  heavy damage! Z4 y7 W) U( ]; r' [% j
      DD Kawakaze, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk5 w+ j$ d; S, `) z# `  r
      DD Natsugumo
  [3 T' f2 G7 B7 o
, O$ `; x8 y3 v0 r0 J+ u$ I+ ?8 P6 m) m; Z9 E
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Q- h0 J0 W* ]* L! d) U# f
# K- q: B  j: v1 Q- S
Ground combat at Attu Island (153,49)* O; j! G% P9 v' ?: t. ]

; f2 i$ g' ^( v, A9 W1 R. OJapanese Bombardment attack
4 y/ e- Z& O3 c3 D 8 Q5 @: g, X5 z3 F; o/ Y9 m
Attacking force 1776 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 91
( c" W7 V" \$ J/ C$ ~$ n9 f& m+ B2 T 7 P$ Z: [# B0 r/ ]! b
Defending force 462 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1% j) n! c$ t! `; f+ z$ T/ c
# c6 M2 w1 n4 ?. H! d' h; X% ?
Assaulting units:
' S) a$ n2 l$ [' ~6 S# V* e    3rd Guard ADU Coastal Gun Battalion
' w" X4 o- E0 M4 B7 I    302nd Ind.Infantry Battalion
$ r2 D; |; L% O. N7 e( P    12th Indpt SNLF Coy
/ X$ s% d9 D* F6 L    8th Field AF Construction Battalion( T& I  @9 H/ s7 I
    7th Base Force
- Q  J2 S) R1 V4 @) G    5th IJN AA Battalion
  N2 M( @6 B  y3 X+ w
7 B( z- v9 a7 C0 t0 _3 V& C7 rDefending units:1 M  j" x& y/ Z9 b. s9 ]2 m" w& E) i
    WS KNIL Territory Rgt /1
9 l0 N5 Q7 Y- h- F, O2 S官網也有42年被滅kb還能打下去的
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 20, 421 X% ]% K1 c8 O/ z  x, t  j
9 p- t& `" |, W) e: ]盟军正式登陆阿图岛( ^( f3 \* ^* J, A* H7 g
同时,北太发生CV对决,KB和TF58爆发海空战,KB2鹤赤城加贺CVL龙凤全灭,盟军仅企业号受伤1 j6 Z. m! o& e2 ?. f/ P
58以品字形阵型出击,每个编队2CV,CVE单独编队提供全直掩: _4 G3 ?; }0 z( O9 F
上午58出击2波次,另一波因为编队正好处于雨区而未能出击,将KB悉数击伤,KB上午出动1波,命中企业号2雷, [$ i! U. q3 T- _! v
) N& r% Y$ i; R: U9 p  D" ~& e从阿达克岛和阿姆奇特卡岛的陆基SBD和LB则纷纷出动捡漏6 @# t0 v! i6 [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, v0 p2 B" q: z# [6 {. l/ P) b
Amphibious Assault at Attu Island (153,49)9 [7 s; r2 {( }
- K& z3 G, e0 r3 n8 h  q3 g
TF 130 troops unloading over beach at Attu Island, 153,49+ l; y$ h3 t( {9 }
0 q" a  W! x- E: m+ R( k) q) m3 f% S
Allied ground losses:
+ f- U3 O  @' s0 h7 m9 y# y      253 casualties reported
! j$ C4 G! m+ H* u, f5 H         Squads: 6 destroyed, 31 disabled
# H( N4 I1 u1 J$ P         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled$ R9 h0 f+ U$ d+ g7 p
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. `0 B$ ?/ T, ?0 @; F8 m      Guns lost 4 (0 destroyed, 4 disabled)* T$ z* S# J2 c3 n. f' a# p' W
      Vehicles lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)8 Z: C- ~! V% B  k4 e
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 \' @  e9 r. ]6 B

5 g$ c1 N  |, Y! y- K) Y4 X3 tGround combat at Attu Island (153,49)8 m2 O  @# ?! x  n$ q8 z

+ L' J+ L! x& z: d, z/ Z" m$ sJapanese Deliberate attack  N, D! P8 [9 Y: t, ]
+ x+ [& f' k; u! @6 Y5 H
Attacking force 5357 troops, 43 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 97( R. H+ p% b5 Y: E9 I' @6 f) g

' ]+ `, R+ [0 R: O" xDefending force 9498 troops, 68 guns, 129 vehicles, Assault Value = 426$ V1 I4 q) {: {5 X& l* }6 k
* W9 b9 F! g/ Z5 i' g
Japanese adjusted assault: 0 * `9 @7 J0 S3 U0 E# ~; ?

# ~7 |) d9 W0 S$ E& O; @Allied adjusted defense: 339 7 ?7 B* C5 e) f5 }3 L5 M' y) Q2 H
, q1 h( I7 K+ q
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 99
# R: Y  Y7 b8 ^ ; g; U) Z, U- P, y* W$ x6 H
Combat modifiers
8 s* W; m1 ^0 @6 p7 b9 _: ]Defender: terrain(+)
8 F; r9 o; `% h3 a3 YAttacker:
0 d! P1 N8 N3 L: a/ `+ y: y 2 B4 ?  u6 j, X$ g. ^. D
Japanese ground losses:! S# N; A! W4 k
      1597 casualties reported
& ]4 t" ], U7 `* l, \         Squads: 61 destroyed, 29 disabled
/ C& n' a  [" B, `$ {2 [5 x3 h         Non Combat: 17 destroyed, 45 disabled
4 y8 o& q# g4 q- b0 d0 R+ B6 n/ F         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 8 disabled" m8 o9 T: `5 ^9 U1 U$ Q# Y3 p
      Guns lost 21 (15 destroyed, 6 disabled)
3 U6 F% l0 K" R      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)' S) g6 \: ^- V2 X/ [
+ |( s' ?4 P9 x" B" p
Allied ground losses:
/ C2 `  a6 X( b      100 casualties reported
& `- a3 _: I8 j" X         Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled' J% ^4 f6 s5 R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 W  p1 X* S& S
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% E  p5 `: @4 |$ l0 }3 q1 k
% ^3 t! n3 T0 `) r
Assaulting units:
' s1 E" G' W) F& i    3rd Guard ADU Coastal Gun Battalion
+ K  q' o) V# D0 \  U    302nd Ind.Infantry Battalion; M0 G2 W$ w( A1 T
    12th Indpt SNLF Coy - g; [1 W' E& s8 T
    7th Base Force3 r5 }) Y2 b% z3 U( j" D+ [
    8th Field AF Construction Battalion
: M$ [! U/ B- X8 X8 D% j5 t    5th IJN AA Battalion* F) T8 h" f/ {6 I6 R

# i) d/ V# n# z5 ADefending units:7 p  g3 }3 N6 w1 R
    Americal Infantry Div /1
9 `+ `; d  n  ^! n) |    4th (Sep) Infantry Rgt /1# |2 b$ c: x7 k% V* l. K& o4 M  Y% ~
    201st(Sep) Infantry Rgt /1$ |0 q: q% e8 r4 }8 i% K
    151st Combat Engr Rgt /15 E/ X  L. `( p4 T( J0 h0 t: T/ v
    153rd(Sep) Infantry Rgt /1( a* m$ G9 v9 o( {  j
    198th FA Bn /1
: d$ D( a  I) \* l8 Z* H    250th Cst Art Rgt /2
+ f, P$ L5 J' W    81st FA Bn /1
  c+ i4 J; [' n' G6 u* c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Q/ Z$ L! V/ x: SMorning Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57
, ~* l/ ]2 t+ }* M
& t8 _3 D, l- w1 Y3 PWeather in hex: Thunderstorms# `; G1 l9 ]) v  f$ ?+ C

, t$ o  M$ }7 i6 |; A# hRaid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.1 L' F0 u6 ]6 q# ~! K$ l
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes
8 \5 q# F& Q$ A7 w6 Q' \7 Z # m7 G; f& G. ~* X. I
Japanese aircraft1 ^+ g* [+ }4 Q
      A6M2 Zero x 25
, E7 T& D9 k+ }6 L& T& o! G ! \; e8 `' O* j! r
Allied aircraft
/ v5 B/ E" q' \& B      F4F-3A Wildcat x 12
2 w+ v) {' B" r, z8 |+ e, \      F4F-3 Wildcat x 121 ]  v" C) M. h0 x& X
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 724 @0 q/ m0 Z# n2 e
      TBF-1 Avenger x 30
6 w1 ?5 [3 U# E' A# {9 Y' u1 B$ F
' k- n7 U. ~8 Q- m: }( A; ANo Japanese losses
7 K. b+ y0 y* ?/ n) v9 S/ a / o: f7 z3 n6 [
Allied aircraft losses
! F9 k8 N) S8 [) Y" C      F4F-3A Wildcat: 4 destroyed: x1 z. D  d# k. q4 J
      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed# h5 _5 h) o8 D% [3 V& H
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed, 17 damaged
' z2 R' t& K/ N+ Y+ i- D      SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 destroyed by flak) N& C* G3 T4 [  C
      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged
5 }0 ]- n# D9 _3 S2 M2 A
9 b; n2 p9 G7 |+ o# {4 v, BJapanese Ships- g  L4 f! Q% A8 f4 k6 |3 I
      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires9 f5 D& L+ e" |# h2 V
      CV Akagi, Torpedo hits 15 t9 o7 d+ ^0 c& o6 X1 i9 _1 d
      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
2 `" e9 E& M2 `9 w      CV Kaga, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy fires; _; @0 B' U. u: o6 m: V+ R# R
      CVL Ryuho, Bomb hits 2( D% p% y5 Y& p0 c
      CA Furutaka, l+ m& e7 B$ V- z  q
      CA Kako, Bomb hits 10 s! d# H9 m" b( c, N* j0 r& R
; R: s5 W* x8 n/ B2 U- s* cMorning Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,575 `6 A) j5 s$ `) s

' E8 _# R$ \0 C+ ~/ cWeather in hex: Thunderstorms4 y% H, {( F+ N' Q. t8 r
. @1 O9 Z, B; ]8 I
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
8 o1 f* U' [  i  GEstimated time to target is 31 minutes; j1 r5 t. @) O$ Q
, ]# N2 X! g1 m2 B- {# }) A
Japanese aircraft& X4 R7 z- O5 r. @* J1 C
      A6M2 Zero x 16: a; v9 E& @& u0 b3 l

  ?0 W+ F! x# c) ZAllied aircraft' x7 m9 h6 F  T( d. d5 h  i
      F4F-3P Wildcat x 12
7 p7 ^$ L' U6 g) m/ N5 A! F      F4F-4 Wildcat x 15
! ^# P$ E' E9 O      SBD-3 Dauntless x 51
, O, S( z0 v0 e6 [" d      TBF-1 Avenger x 30
/ n$ S2 G, \9 ]; H  O7 n7 v
& U' g( N" D9 uJapanese aircraft losses
7 c+ C2 _4 h+ X# |5 G      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
9 K  L8 ?# |6 m % K& J8 q/ _) J. v4 D
Allied aircraft losses7 a( j+ ]# X4 Z- k8 s- b
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed, 7 damaged
  n5 {7 Q: _0 e4 v8 {      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak% |& |! u3 l% E: u5 E( a5 E, i6 v
      TBF-1 Avenger: 2 destroyed, 5 damaged7 F  ]. K  Y2 f9 q0 l) f/ f% l
& V* \) x- v# w# `6 `! J0 ?1 r& a
Japanese Ships
5 T; t# U8 d' [; C      CV Kaga,  heavy fires' X' s0 A& |! ]
      CVL Ryuho, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires) ?" e1 `8 N, w) X) x5 }3 F2 z+ W
      CV Zuikaku,  on fire
0 E* l4 T: F' @- Q6 u3 y7 C      CV Akagi# @; x  @2 o$ v) F
      CV Shokaku, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
7 s  d/ _* r6 Q& R- G      DD Tamanami1 u1 @& D% {2 X4 X3 I# M
      CL Nagara% i( u# z/ w. q$ D
      DD Oite- {; s* j- B6 M6 R  p2 j  `; z
      DD Okikaze, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
( D5 x* a- _& T' i% U      CA Furutaka
" t* C# D  B7 T! R      CA Kako, Bomb hits 1
9 P7 \* W; o* l0 x4 ~      DD Minekaze. [; u7 N( n9 a% X4 ~9 C% Y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ?+ Y! X0 o, E' s- P$ s8 P
Morning Air attack on TF, near Amchitka Island at 156,54
: K% ?/ p# I! A7 z! t! F1 j , V; q9 m) _; W; |
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud8 v6 X  _4 _: b% x: k% H7 ]3 B8 R# j5 Z

8 Z* Q* }2 W) _0 U5 ORaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
: @: [1 ~- Y% s( iEstimated time to target is 15 minutes
( B+ Q+ o* H; N" Z0 V+ B/ t & X) Q! d) i9 F* X- P
Japanese aircraft9 D: O% f' H' H7 J
      A6M2 Zero x 33
6 r0 C  v6 i( J: d      B5N2 Kate x 61: C2 f" P) _' u% _7 H, |
      D3A1 Val x 44
% l1 j- a3 P1 g1 A( j3 B $ [+ K; y+ U0 t! y4 F( h
Allied aircraft6 z" G1 `& M4 Y3 D- r; G
      F4F-3A Wildcat x 173 Z( f9 f! e8 s; y2 a" q9 B7 Y5 X
      F4F-3 Wildcat x 481 Q. w% I) {8 c- h0 [- t9 f* m6 m
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 81, V3 |. V. }4 ^% D
1 ~( z$ Q8 o+ Z* A) W
Japanese aircraft losses  }$ k7 F& l4 _3 b
      A6M2 Zero: 6 destroyed
" x6 g& |" n- t( E+ l4 q, w. B      B5N2 Kate: 16 destroyed, 9 damaged- i- D: _% f+ T
      B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed by flak
. K+ h7 M7 J$ A- O( D1 l      D3A1 Val: 12 destroyed, 5 damaged
6 W' _* k' P6 l# b8 y4 r      D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak
& ^8 j2 q2 O7 V: P# A - _+ T3 D: K7 }* A3 h* t. }
Allied aircraft losses/ Y$ Z8 \5 w4 f' y* k3 s
      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed& W; ~( f: }' A
* ], i9 F; V- f) q) n+ v
Allied Ships! ]  W, q' J  |( @' [
      CVE Copahee
2 e) _  N3 A8 b" p. V2 Z      CV Yorktown; A0 T: J9 B5 M7 L/ E( s/ D
      CV Enterprise, Torpedo hits 2" N# {+ v; u: j( s
      CLAA San Diego
5 C9 Z! `( I$ [2 n0 l) j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( O& }. ^5 l; B& f) ]& D8 r
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57/ G/ T' C8 [9 Q3 t: {7 M

  G& L, b1 J7 Q9 F# h3 S- }Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
; w! M( g: ]% q1 x5 X 3 A2 _  c7 q% C1 W/ }
Raid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
" S/ f: K0 E2 D3 d2 [* M4 F4 k) ^Estimated time to target is 29 minutes
! M" ?* n/ j6 o( I+ q+ |% a! k$ ? ( Y8 o$ o  G. D3 C; ?* j; Q
Japanese aircraft
& p& |$ ~# z, v) }3 T& F. c3 g      A6M2 Zero x 31 [2 l5 D0 Q6 ^4 |8 U

" W+ x$ t. v# sAllied aircraft1 d( H4 ~' e: ~) j
      F4F-3 Wildcat x 25 E3 L. e% R  a& n. s  p9 X
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 19% i0 P, e3 t) f; R$ e
! H* O$ r: \2 V, s! I* d
No Japanese losses& O- X+ x1 ]5 N4 T) I' }; g, y4 \

9 V' R+ w& v& [4 y+ G2 u) Y: MAllied aircraft losses
1 w! C5 \: h( ]& b( |8 A      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
+ p' o( f2 C' N+ ^: a      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
1 b: _5 }( A5 s+ O" u      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
. H7 D, Z9 }& P. o5 F, m3 n( k3 f ' H4 ^0 O% ~6 G/ G- A
Japanese Ships( c+ T: b0 M' T5 r% c' C
      CV Kaga, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
6 j- H! y/ j) a! I      CL Agano, Bomb hits 1,  on fire( h4 b+ ^  l. x) L) w
      CV Akagi3 ]& I& I$ G, k1 y' q& l
      CV Zuikaku,  on fire
& @% {3 n  M+ u8 Z! }  G      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
8 J! D# o' {: c2 q3 {. k. }+ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ?5 f7 K+ K, ]. {6 C" a, TAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57
% U" n- G7 Z) _) A
# M# X2 n) w/ v. TWeather in hex: Heavy cloud+ P+ ~- M+ P% C1 f5 C. W' ^6 `

. o, M  q1 C6 tRaid detected at 54 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
( M6 H4 y& A4 tEstimated time to target is 25 minutes
" o2 N' Q; `' g- Y2 G& E. N# v. i, b
! O- [9 L6 r$ N/ Q2 i( [Japanese aircraft, p3 q0 r- W* _6 T( W- N
      A6M2 Zero x 2
1 f$ P0 q% ~2 w5 O
9 X& f, ?# q! z4 A: e7 }5 b7 oAllied aircraft
" ?5 U' ]) `% N# F: R- o; t      SBD-3 Dauntless x 2
$ V$ ]6 t* a6 x" h      TBF-1 Avenger x 66 R0 W' y" k* x& W* k9 ]
& C/ d& {  ?( V. i; S1 [& f
No Japanese losses# a+ u# H* y* \' D& d
+ l% w# {- W! b8 ~# N
No Allied losses
3 g$ n, s5 }1 q9 J8 x/ g/ b3 @4 E2 c9 o
5 W0 G: I  l4 v$ Y  w- r$ a: DJapanese Ships3 n0 U4 L) s3 J( X
      CV Akagi: {- F* f2 @' G& z, j
      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage" c8 [) u  {! M: o
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 F2 Y! j) m9 P/ U/ x, \6 V
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57
! A2 u1 t" n6 _/ r% T( t  O
9 L4 F5 e% J+ ]" z  }Weather in hex: Heavy cloud; h4 @  v! k' _9 a" r2 C
8 d) j- Z2 e4 n: B: q* {1 i
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.2 i$ L& Z8 P, |. [1 Q2 f4 b. T
Estimated time to target is 37 minutes  k9 N9 Z% O: V1 _) H

6 x8 d; j) ]  T  ^Allied aircraft
6 J# a" i7 {3 ^! j1 g7 P      F4F-3 Wildcat x 5
4 H7 a) Y$ W* {      TBF-1 Avenger x 3
" w7 l5 S& S2 }% ?% g. @
; Q& Z' a# b( R$ YAllied aircraft losses% v9 c' _. f# j
      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged( h9 i8 N& }* p& }1 w! f$ n, N9 b
9 u% @7 t+ K2 k! [' b5 |
Japanese Ships
4 X, E7 z" x  B+ G  ~" N      CV Akagi, Torpedo hits 1, i6 P8 ?) C/ y' ^
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  H- P1 d1 ^) f$ \3 w
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Amchitka Island at 156,56
* G  t/ r) W6 a/ d1 i
$ w$ K) C7 I6 o. X6 I1 y0 ]+ y: jWeather in hex: Heavy rain
+ B1 x2 I4 ?4 ]) h& h  `
3 K8 n" i, w7 f- u3 ZRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
) J, F2 E$ T/ g! U/ M) P6 S8 t/ xEstimated time to target is 15 minutes* Q0 w( m4 Y. |& j* Q& f

. h8 r" P3 w# ]# @6 g! k* ]/ ?6 JJapanese aircraft
+ @# ]* s" O6 b+ Y1 T0 R5 ^. t      A6M2 Zero x 6! a! q( R. Q/ m! R; l
      B5N2 Kate x 15
! u- a; b& h5 [! J+ B      D3A1 Val x 19
  n4 b: t+ g1 ]5 l; g4 R : I2 K' A. f( D( M0 h- U1 a7 i
Allied aircraft
  o4 ^& \# T$ g4 l9 o: k      F4F-3 Wildcat x 36, N+ Q1 k6 |3 h
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 36
6 h# Z: A5 J2 Z , h% E5 E$ F6 T7 J6 c# V9 d
Japanese aircraft losses3 ^% ^: u, n$ q6 I$ |
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed6 f4 A- X7 f1 e! h7 m
      B5N2 Kate: 7 destroyed, 1 damaged4 e5 C2 N& `9 ~
      D3A1 Val: 10 destroyed, 1 damaged* H( ]4 \$ w( c/ Z. k/ p, h
7 ?* d  P; K: m- P0 A( K/ m
Allied aircraft losses; P* `4 K: g4 T4 [5 j& A. T+ B. Y
      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed6 J; q: P1 z5 g
+ [! i* c, ^6 |5 |' }& n
Allied Ships
' W4 d0 R% c' ~/ j- y* d      CV Lexington0 K! t2 y2 T- K
      CV Saratoga
" a# }+ ^, l$ u& A7 ^1 r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( H2 N* G: t0 m; UAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57, A; B8 |! t- Z8 A) `* W
. L4 }7 ~6 L# _4 o
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
0 F: i  X3 V1 G ; q% y/ P1 r# u1 N; P
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.: v, ^9 z+ ]9 b: ?
Estimated time to target is 31 minutes$ L6 a% A/ @8 N0 M# q

+ H  e* ?1 s/ Q7 O/ D; qAllied aircraft
: E; L& g3 L! E$ F      F4F-3 Wildcat x 12
( e7 N  E( @2 P: P( ^- o      F4F-4 Wildcat x 12
* g2 M" `4 G  P% P. [( h      SBD-3 Dauntless x 70- _  L% _" ], _1 w  E' {* b
      TBF-1 Avenger x 30
! X% l1 O. D# r9 M8 T
# p: N9 t% P1 y7 y3 C4 `Allied aircraft losses
& `. U2 m2 J- V8 w      SBD-3 Dauntless: 4 damaged/ _" r8 \+ a% m8 L4 _: \. b
      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged
3 k3 a5 `$ b# z
( Z+ z" s% f7 w, DJapanese Ships3 U6 @. I* E: R7 u+ H  a6 ?, f1 q
      CV Akagi, Bomb hits 6,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
, I0 C. k, L1 _' t1 V( r4 s      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
' x: k( }( h7 y% \      DD Asakaze7 Z+ i5 z; F  o; s$ a( j* p
      DD Tamanami
4 n9 b" j& S! J& c2 J      DD Onami7 B* t1 ?1 F( i" [. d
      DD Kazegumo, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
9 y% R( \7 F+ s* c4 ?      CA Kako, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
. ]' C. ?- t+ P1 x0 E1 u      DD Oite
5 ?$ u6 ~4 ]6 N: C% `, F      DD Mutsuki, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage) n! f% G: [, f  B  c8 I
      DD Suzukaze
# f: X0 d2 E! o+ m5 C      CA Furutaka, Torpedo hits 1  h, L8 U) g* C: ^, m$ j) B
      CL Nagara7 `+ t. N: A* |# I4 v1 x( B
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, c) `" {# R; G/ J5 Y/ V
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57" ]7 z7 H/ J2 |" E8 z; H; N
3 G2 h! e; Q$ ^( l& D) X1 W% x
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud( _; C1 g4 a1 E6 u

, i) V  b3 l9 s$ w0 d- PRaid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
% v. y2 D9 @7 O, j) M1 aEstimated time to target is 30 minutes
" I8 k! Z3 N, q5 [5 L% g. n6 T " w! ~; \- E; c  h4 N  k
Allied aircraft
& \7 M5 w5 y+ g/ s7 p, H1 Y( X* i      A-24 Banshee x 2! ?1 m3 a6 j6 @) v/ e9 [0 r
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 25  v& ], j3 q8 g5 V# _. i5 d
9 N8 |( I$ I$ L3 L0 K* F
Allied aircraft losses
" w" _( U7 d/ i( c1 Y7 `  ^      A-24 Banshee: 1 damaged3 ]1 k6 v' e: j0 ?6 t4 j% e- v; }
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 damaged
, ^6 {' r  C6 {; X: L. s' H 6 \- y( k# B/ [, B% G! `
Japanese Ships
1 K! [' G) C* D3 H" d; l1 P' n* d      CVL Ryuho, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
% \  c4 q1 `5 I3 ~$ w$ L      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 S0 I1 u8 u/ f  [! |      CV Zuikaku,  heavy fires
7 T0 O% m2 p3 T) y/ `' Y% F; i      CL Agano, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
4 k) b2 Z9 y# D% W# K0 x$ X  H      DD Okikaze, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 L/ ]4 R# n6 A      CV Kaga, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage) o- q+ L, O5 C, d
- n! h1 _& s' I7 S8 o( b7 E0 IAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57
- V- U; ]: k2 o5 g) ~7 F   F" ?) V' B( F5 {: b4 x* Y/ Z  K
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
. ]9 k0 K2 g# C% L; }2 q 5 h1 I6 `3 u& z6 i
Raid detected at 32 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.; r. Q5 j& `' B8 T
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
1 s# E! I  _" U 1 R6 N: ^& b( ]% Q* @0 W" n
Allied aircraft
, w4 N+ S! n- E4 v" h4 P      A-24 Banshee x 14
3 F- j8 p. b" ]2 s: G   c, H7 H5 U% O/ ~& Y; s
Allied aircraft losses" z4 u9 j- a7 V3 \& m; ?% s9 [1 F
      A-24 Banshee: 1 damaged5 x: _: P4 n$ b/ `
8 M, X/ h5 w# P1 m* E3 v. h, {
Japanese Ships
6 p: V$ {" G* n# N3 \+ R      CVL Ryuho,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
8 B. u$ `$ I/ d  t  [- s* s      CV Kaga, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
  t- c8 q+ a5 t' l+ s; c# i      DD Okikaze,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
3 z. N2 Q+ v0 o- [3 B5 N4 B      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage  k+ S' E2 h) t1 Z- i. a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: n) l5 h0 S( B4 s4 q( y) ~7 x7 Y
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57. F" ?: H; `1 X' f2 P' b9 X
+ V5 V4 s1 |7 N0 U0 f( `+ s
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud) q# f3 ]( |- I5 @1 t4 G- g

/ f! N& ^. g1 w" Y; gRaid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.+ d" }5 c7 ~2 z6 E: m% b1 T
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes
. O$ J" v8 B. G# `* D3 l! p: ^8 _* M
: {6 C+ W, f+ t* l4 O0 yAllied aircraft3 r: L0 p  F" e) F
      A-24 Banshee x 2
1 q4 O" a$ x, s% w 4 p* t3 w" v/ u- R! n; f
No Allied losses
& w" x+ ~& r0 |/ g% [' N( J* h 6 r6 i; Y9 w( f2 {
Japanese Ships! j: ?0 w! a2 \5 H
      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
, Y  e" l$ n' @- C) W; k5 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 c% B4 Q* v$ ?" Q$ G* iAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57$ N( |$ y4 K2 L9 C" }3 D: J( ]8 t

/ W  D$ e2 f$ ^  i' v0 y5 eWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
- |* O, A: M6 Z( u/ g% Q
( y+ l- m7 c+ x, o* R3 K) S7 ERaid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.  {" I3 s( U0 a4 O; t8 T( Q# c+ N  g
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes* ~7 u  T6 ~/ {
# {% F) n" b5 }; h" d+ b
Allied aircraft& I8 H% n; w( u/ X$ y9 a! B' ^5 e
      F4F-3A Wildcat x 23 e% Z2 n- u# }
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 31' X3 }$ r0 v" b. O7 m6 v: ~0 c
      TBF-1 Avenger x 15
/ K1 e+ ]. \+ H- O 7 o& }; Q$ p) ^0 ]7 L2 g
Allied aircraft losses# ]# I! E. Q/ ~; s  n
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 4 damaged! B0 O1 w7 C1 W6 X1 L/ S) N
      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged
1 {# T* w, h4 P/ M, G& @
' _  w+ K$ {, a- fJapanese Ships
5 ~  Q7 N- O5 U) R      CV Akagi, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage# R) n5 F: X7 H+ k( p3 _' p: I9 a
      DD Oite) T! t. l; d. n5 Q: q
      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
% Q/ X3 E3 ?+ j: v; K5 R      CA Kako, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
! j' L. |* K" g% ?& I$ y      CA Furutaka, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage, N* K' Q, A7 s5 A& W4 C/ e. Z6 Q2 A, {
      DD Onami4 T" U: a; C( P0 J, z, H
      DD Tamanami6 ~# b! R! o3 l% `1 b8 I- A8 v
      CL Nagara, Bomb hits 1,  on fire+ H) @8 {' j4 U0 H8 F$ h
      DD Suzukaze, Torpedo hits 1
2 D2 G6 Q5 M  E4 J( j9 B$ J+ Y0 z      DD Minekaze
8 G1 v8 q# k2 A4 P4 x5 o      DD Asakaze& V# z9 G8 E0 j$ l9 p4 }
- C- {' P( C. T& m! m2 ~7 `0 ]9 CAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57
  F  E6 k/ p+ \3 C& w
; r! ^4 k0 ~- z; _: X) ]Weather in hex: Heavy cloud( [; ^1 w; G) ~6 M8 M  M9 H1 R

8 D! z) d3 F% v' L0 KRaid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.- ?4 G4 S3 |( w
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes
$ I! Q8 T0 c8 I) C3 I% d- a. E ; l7 }( T4 k  Z6 s4 ?
Japanese aircraft' s7 m/ J! T& T
      no flights; Y& ~. a$ t9 z) o

5 c% j7 e0 l- CAllied aircraft1 G+ Q4 p; B& m# K9 @8 a! Z/ \
      F4F-3P Wildcat x 10
5 t: B" }+ m: U; w      F4F-4 Wildcat x 14
- g4 j) W( y9 h8 s      SBD-3 Dauntless x 63
. K) y$ W; o" h      TBF-1 Avenger x 18
; L0 d0 w0 I  ^% \- C
9 ~* @& s& Y  ]! j! V6 m( [% ?0 JNo Japanese losses1 u% o- E" q7 _& J  K0 D9 [

/ k9 i' ?& K, @9 k8 r/ kAllied aircraft losses- l) J, @. H2 i. B: x$ k: B, n
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 damaged
4 z5 Z* z/ A- k- C% E) J      TBF-1 Avenger: 3 damaged- h) P) g0 ~1 [- o. ?& N: P

$ V4 X: c  ]! S, ]+ eJapanese Ships
; \; h, ~/ S( g3 w5 c5 U      CV Akagi,  heavy fires,  heavy damage6 w7 G7 |6 M/ T9 l! h
      CA Kako, and is sunk( U) {; d4 z$ G" g3 e
      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage% @9 e' D( W0 h, A/ R$ ~9 E
      CL Nagara, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk+ h7 u% ~& N: m& D
      DD Mutsuki, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
% t6 C0 `9 \4 F" ^! g3 u      DD Onami
2 [' Y1 D/ J+ J% f7 H7 ~/ ~      DD Kazegumo, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk; P; A/ d( V% S
      DD Asakaze
7 O& h* K+ M( Z3 @  I      DD Suzukaze, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage3 K6 h" g9 Q, W" c# u* G9 ^
      DD Oite" Z( v, e- s2 R3 _& `" _& }& i
      DD Minekaze
; A5 h/ S# X" W5 {8 u3 ]4 S      DD Tamanami, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
; V- }4 [: M' E# [/ V3 _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 d9 j7 Q& ]' ^Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Ulak Island at 158,57
) V1 C8 \9 P$ }
6 M8 I. d% Q# s8 r8 jWeather in hex: Heavy cloud: J# X3 h" b% P" h' B" h  c& n

/ y' G  T+ y: f4 E) w8 _. nRaid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
. \/ Y. L8 I) \0 S$ zEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
3 C4 D" N0 w% @1 k0 T  d% ~ * t% Y( k9 ?( l* `" z
Allied aircraft7 Q4 q7 n' Y$ A
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 169 F& ^  W+ m) _- S1 Z
% ^2 H0 J! _7 z+ m" R7 x
Allied aircraft losses2 v' s) K$ B6 ~  w- u% A* s
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged6 Y. T& s7 G( P, w
2 x+ ^$ t% N4 n4 k
Japanese Ships
8 x: r9 b% w, x/ ~# E: o      CVL Ryuho,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
- k( x; x1 U7 i8 \$ k" R) T* }& S      CV Kaga, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
* L% I5 a9 y1 l2 O: T      DD Sawakaze
, `4 v: v% g: D( o$ \      DD Okikaze, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
9 N; u/ N: h# i1 A9 B& w) C# D投降诏书如下:3 a! h! W2 t! Z

4 s  M# Z2 I0 N  E4 P0 g- m. ~ ; ]( u" M0 B2 f( S0 x: r$ K0 q* q& d
Game Over0 L  f" l: }% r5 X0 k
Congratulations on a decisive naval victory. I'm done. Good luck with your next game; I need to go back and play the AI and learn the game better.
. v: h) X( }" g) P  ZChuck