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[AE] 官网各种AE“奇葩”房规大观

* B" k9 k1 l' T) k. f6 i; \整理后发现很多奇葩房规,现将各种奇异房规翻译后发上来,给各位岛群众点评
! i; Z8 f4 U: _4 g2 p8 `( g) a. p
4 f1 u: ]% ?+ P7 N- h$ {AE官网各种“奇葩”房规大观& G1 g& x/ h( {+ w( P3 ]
-Japanese will withdraw KB from Hawaii by Dec 9th at the lastest (ie 2 days of strikes)
8 d4 w' F9 [0 T# Y2 Z日军KB只能轰炸PH2天
. r, u+ K) w( T4 A2 J0 l1 u6 k$ w% }& z4 t- i
-No moving Kwangtung LCUs into China without paying PPs ( ]+ U( ]- g. p. g& G
& r& l9 m5 ]: t6 J- J: c  b
! I* L' p+ }+ k$ c- ?-No moving Chinese LCUs into Manchuria (Japan) or Burma (Allies) without paying PPs + ^1 |2 R- {8 U0 n9 l
国军反攻满洲或者入缅必须改属3 l, J. o9 o; s1 `% b0 B
& \: d; w, d" h7 l- R
-No moving Thai LCUs into China or Burma without paying PPs
" q" Y% D4 w, O1 F" w! C泰国军队入缅或进攻中国必须改属2 }$ o7 x, B" l+ o: @( I9 f
3 E$ q. N" X4 ~% k3 o& o4 r" F7 O
- KB must return to metropolitan port (or Saipan/Kwajalein/Truk/Palaos) after PH attack. 6 w% e6 S9 Q5 V' C1 |& a$ h$ V
Only one exception: If Wake Island hold on by the marines against the first IJN/IJA invasion + a3 m6 L2 B) H6 @+ |5 P$ e  N
attempt then the IJ player can redeploy two carrier with their escorts to support a second ; a! _9 o9 ?& P" w, s8 {
invasion attempt. 7 p* k- d! }$ ~; N, G; o4 ~
' B# `  V# r$ s1 T  c* R5 q/ Q9 p4 p  y: S3 y3 N) q1 w$ k" t
-There is a limit on MAX 4 "non" chinese 4E bombers Sqdns can be stationated in China. They must be US Sqdrns and operate only out level 6+ AF.The air support to the operational bases of these squads must be by American units. ; m6 W* M$ i7 M8 t0 l1 v# F
中国只能进驻美国的4个4发中队,且必须在6级机场起飞,必须由美国地勤单位负责维护9 A6 j% K  {! d8 i. r9 i) _0 i
: h" e. I7 Y6 t4 B
- Malacca strait must not be crossed by IJN surface ships until Singapore is in IJA hands., U8 }8 c  E, _
7 m. i" @% O/ Y& i; }$ m0 |8 T8 R0 y( v
- No ships or submarines can be send to a target hex out of range. (Exception: TFs meeting with AO´s replenishment TF)
& e9 M4 K4 G* q% n- ]3 \* n2 p( o禁止舰船和潜艇指定超出航程的目的地,除非半路有AO补给0 e% n- q9 R  x& @+ `: P& x
+ e0 f& x7 |2 T$ |8 c% G
- Thay forces can not move out of 3 hexes of their national frontier. 5 t' _$ q3 s2 ]- L$ I
/ Y) v3 u$ N. E$ X+ w8 Q* f7 W0 E6 L. M3 c% q
- We can only airdrop a unit on a target if it has at least 40 prep points on the target it’s dropped on.  j, @' R' S6 n7 v
; [/ b2 b5 ]6 l9 o$ c( ]' {9 ~- P% E( w. M$ \9 P
- NO allied reaction to Tarawa landings to avoid gamey tactics. After Wake receive the japanese first visit, the american can react to this whatever they want.
' l: ~! u# [, k. ~3 g2 _! E盟军禁止拦截日军登陆塔拉瓦,理由:gamey战术,盟军在威克岛被进攻前禁止增援
" I' R0 ?2 f, ^# B0 \4 f* A# X  ^1 `4 `# N3 }
- ASW patrol by 2e LBA limited to 1 unit per base. Also only 1 CV squadron per hex containing one or more CVs, CVLs or CVEs can be assigned to ASW missions.
# q. f1 k+ w% g; A陆航双发反潜每个基地仅限1个中队,每格海域中仅限一个CV编队执行舰载机反潜任务
4 s2 B/ c( f0 _: l3 Q4 f4 \" P' W. }0 p: Z6 z$ z
Offensive operations in jungle and mountain hexes on the Burmese front should be stopped from early-July to early-November, allowing R&R and unit rotations, and give both players on the front a much less bloody (and much more interesting) experience. This would mean:
2 _* k/ P* D7 W7 ]: q* Q! |- \6 U- No deliberate or shock attack in the jungle hexs in the designated area . D1 A& t  Y! Z) ^7 B" l5 x! ]
- Bombardment attacks are still allowed
' m0 }% K" l) ?( g& `& m) d/ z- Movement into friendly or empty hexes are still allowed * {) l; s0 G& t( q" M" R  k3 m0 g8 }
- No offensive air ops from or against the Burmese front hex (recon still allowed)
* X$ @1 a4 I( k8 R! l* j- No offensive carrier operations in the Gulf of Bengal against Burma (other naval ops, including bombardment, are still allowed). Striking either Bengal, Northern India or Malaya from carriers in the Gulf is still allowed, of course. 6 g  w) z1 U& Q9 }. ]
缅甸雨季房规3 t" p; o4 e" _5 B
从7月初到11月初,缅甸禁止攻势作战:禁止在丛林地形谨慎进攻或突击,允许炮击,部队允许行军到己方格或空格,禁止飞机执行除侦查外的行动,CV禁止从孟加拉湾空袭缅甸,允许岸轰,允许CV从孟加拉湾空袭印度北部和马来亚0 r4 V9 M. X- i/ O8 u! l( w

2 _  u4 P' {9 e# C; vAircraft Limitations: * }/ X' p- f- ?6 x
-No A6M3 on CVEs $ t5 F- r5 \1 [) b- i. y
-No A6M4 on any form of Carrier
: J4 l  q/ G# B% A6 ^& T-A7M Sam and B7A-D Grace cannot be operated from CVEs! f& T& [' E' _  R6 ]- O. H
禁止A6M3上CVE,禁止A6M4上舰,禁止A7M和B7A-D上CVE1 M) ^/ i* U: U$ C0 a& P* }: T" h# z- V
/ Y  v* d, u! f4 e$ H
- 4e bombers CANNOT bomb troops
# T7 v6 [  j  |" Y. q/ \4发禁止对地轰炸部队
# Y0 V& L/ o2 a: X  T; m. ]
% L6 V4 F. K7 w' ]' K+ f: S- 4 engine bombers cannot naval attack below 10k ft
: ]( n" V: _' Q8 a  @& I4发对海攻击不低于10000英尺* ^! w6 _/ L/ n; E  u
  V* n2 o; c) \5 a, Y" L4 ?- Y2 o
- Max 5 artillery units per base (except for cornered situations)
, {+ u1 h. H8 ~0 H+ Q5 f9 Q8 m每个基地最多配置5个炮兵单位,除非被逼入绝境
4 n  C( a1 d1 n* X5 ~4 D- y/ H* r& V% F) u' f! C8 m  p, o% `# G
- The Allied Player may not evacuate any LCUs from Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, or the Philippines until July 1st of 1942.
) F! i3 e6 W5 O$ s/ C5 b盟军在1942年7月1日前,禁止从马来亚、南洋、菲律宾撤出部队$ v+ }8 n" F! K4 W: @7 ^

# k: A4 E! _: [- The Allied Player may not reinforce of introduce LCUs into Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, or the Philippines until July 1st of 1942. # s# J$ ~5 H. q) {5 @8 ?
* Z8 `8 a/ l! z6 |) `& D) x% v$ q
- Players will not resize air groups to ahistorical levels. Note: This means no 72 plane units or anything similar shall be manually created for use in combat or for training purposes.
& s( o0 e6 d, U禁止扩编机队编制到历史上没有的规模
4 ]- y5 J, i  s  m2 t2 e
0 H; q$ e# F- ^6 y$ U- No ASW air missions prior to 1944
. [9 e* y, ?% F/ N/ O# y1944年前禁止飞机反潜% I, n3 F9 h* s. w+ K2 u; h

! W, V- N: h  W* E# N- No ASW TF prior to 1944
* ^) ]* b8 s6 r, ^1 B3 b9 u" J- V5 s1944年前禁止编反潜编队
$ Y9 o! u# S& s9 W1 Z3 P) a3 N
. m2 F/ @$ l- ~: x- May not use "supply draw" feature to suck supplies to China1 |9 [! Z! m$ b& Z: X3 i7 }
6 ?0 L0 t. F6 g; R, J/ q% T. b# l. [) k
- No more than one 4EB Group per airbase until 1944
4 R: ?6 o$ Y/ m  F  S* d44年前每个基地最多1个4发中队
1 N% _/ X$ c! |" I; X
6 K9 l3 J* D' h) X* q/ Y9 P- No super-CAP carriers by replacing bombers with fighters
9 j# ~" z( l9 G, Y0 h) Y; h( o( N+ O: Y禁止组建超级直掩CV编队,即禁止组建全部装载战斗机的CV编队
6 W( w4 B! u, i6 Q+ Z
  S# O2 l$ X2 m# X- No night airfield/port bombing if moonlight is less that 50 %
( V, e1 t9 h! S* @" H/ B# I$ b月光度低于50%,禁止夜间轰炸
* S# W6 b# b- G& S
; O5 K( q! X5 U  L# Q! A" n- No submarine invasions (with one exception, Marine Rangers from SST submarines). USS Argonaut, USS Seawolf, USS Nautilus, and USS Dolphin.
! _3 ~; I% L% @/ {允许SST和部分美国潜艇载人登陆
1 X& h) k4 W1 }/ R1 ~+ z5 @" z2 j  i, E2 N6 ]
- Tokyo cannot be bombarded with an atomic bomb.1 x. |7 j' \8 x6 A+ y# I
6 X$ v9 M5 `4 ~7 B. x' A/ t& M! }& d" P. p1 y
- No Chinese troops may enter Burma until the fall of Rangoon.
3 z; Q4 S# L" P6 O0 {; p$ d( j中国军队在仰光陷落前不得进入缅甸) c$ O. q0 e# \5 T. E

& j& q7 k3 I% J0 F-The AVG can not be transferred out of China or Burma. In other words no transfer to Singapore or the DEI for use there.
# L, O8 H7 y; V$ `9 x/ u+ p飞虎队不得离开中缅战区。换句话说就是禁止转场到新加坡或者南洋作战7 g1 V0 t" R  c. `! U# [
8 {! h7 W7 [0 r7 Z1 Y
- The maximum number of Chinese forces under NCAC in November 1942 must be 9 divisions. (A Chinese Corps = 3 infantry divisions)
$ S- g  o& n5 U2 A42年11月中国军队入缅作战最多只能有9个师,1个军等于3个师% ?8 ?+ V- L' H4 A0 m0 i
9 k1 j2 j, ^! Y9 v4 P
- No Kwantung HQs may leave until 1944 or until the invasion of the Mariana Islands (Operation A-Go), the occupation of Rangoon or the occupation of a base in DEI with an airfield with level 4 or higher occurs. ' U2 Y5 I; ]- Q) |+ W
8 V" Z6 b1 }- m$ K
) f( ]5 g% J# A) ~-Until June 1942 no air unit can be extracted from Kwangtung, and thereafter it can be done but up to a monthly Daitai but always keeping 4 Fighter Daitais and 8 bombers Daitais in Manchuria. % s( x9 X5 c+ ~3 R
& |! |& x2 Q5 N5 y, H- s. z  g" y4 @  K* u
- Dutch Air units cannot be disbanded nor can they be withdrawn. & l3 I2 l) P3 @" p. Z5 j
  X' R0 q7 E6 |" P, T" s4 I
1 A, D- \5 F# o8 ?- Dutch ships may operate in Indic Ocean waters or between Australia and New Guinea, but not in the Pacific.
0 t. f3 p6 G0 s8 N& y5 p3 ?  i荷兰军舰禁止出现在太平洋,只能在印度洋或者澳大利亚和新几内亚之间的海域活动
3 b9 m: G) k0 U1 U
' B/ H0 V5 |9 t. S, K# R7 K- Dutch submarines can operate within the waters that lie between the South China Sea and northern Australia (the area of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes and Timor).
7 h4 U8 v0 Y1 p: |- G8 w0 ^荷兰潜艇只能在南中国海和澳北活动(苏门答腊、爪哇、婆罗洲、苏拉威西岛、帝汶岛)6 H$ Z0 t- |& Q% N" h9 K' X
/ I5 `- F) s8 i9 b6 Y; `
- The IJA Japanese units must have a minimum of 25 planning points to land in any of the enemy DEI bases.
3 b4 T7 D! ]% A$ w6 v日本陆军必须满足准备度达到25%才能进攻相应的南洋基地
0 n; G/ Y  B1 [2 h! T  `$ {  N3 U+ S" ?
- Philippine based air units may not be disbanded or withdrawn in a manner that would result in the transfer of aircraft or the pilots back into the aircraft or pilot pools. If the unit is withdrawn, the allied player must answer "no" to the reform unit in x days question. 1 ]* h+ B$ w2 U) [- y& e# y& l
7 x6 \7 s" O- s3 f9 u
4 j- i) |. h6 s; p3 P9 W8 ~2 r" y- Manila is an open city. During the initial Japanese conquest, MacArthur declared Manila to be an open city. As such, the allies may not build additional fortifications there and must retreat from the hex rather than fighting battles for it when the Japanese reach the city. The Japanese player may not use this to his advantage by trying gamey tactics (like paradrop, etc) to take the city early. He can only take the city as part of a general advance from the north, south, or east. After Japan has conquered all of Luzon, all bets are off and Manila is no longer an open city.2 d. p7 ~6 O, i5 w3 N; J
1 q# k9 K$ k0 a2 O3 C( A
. e" g( j7 s/ J6 n- Philippine based air units may not receive replacement aircraft other than by disbanding other Philippine based air units into those units.   L3 n/ p9 t  s7 o- Q8 D5 K/ D
- H1 Z1 {: J; A/ d. V
9 `  Y0 l( v6 `+ s- S7 C- The attack on Australia should wait until Timor, Ambon, Kendari, Mandanao, Batavia Soerabaja and are under Japanese control since the Japanese supply lines could have been attacked from these bases. 9 f3 _, T9 m2 ?6 O6 `) j  J
日军必须占领帝汶、安汶、肯达理、万鸦老、巴达维亚和苏腊巴亚后才能进攻澳洲, x* t+ A+ l* X" d, F

, ]& U( n4 R- a8 x/ D* R- The Japanese player can start landing in Australia once he has a reserve of 3000 political points. Once started, political points should be kept until the capture of all ports in northern Australia (Darwin, Wyndham-Broome-Port Hedland-Broome) (preemptive invasion option) or once Perth, or Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane have fallen into Japanese hands (choice of long-range strategic operation). Once these goals achieved, the Japanese player will be relieved to spend those reserve political points in what he considers best.
3 O/ |- C2 F' V日军登陆澳洲前必须至少有3000PP点,并在占领澳北(达尔文、布鲁姆、温德哈姆等)或者占领珀斯前或者占领悉尼墨尔本布里斯班前保持至少3000PP点
& G( h3 [+ _8 r3 c# A
  N+ f  s/ l8 z2 ]+ p- Additionally, IJA units to be landed on Australian territory must have a minimum of 80 preparation points (not needed for IJN ground units).   G6 v3 F( N6 X) D$ M; p6 L
+ i* [0 L, Z, T$ G
7 K" R) }9 J- w; @- If the Japanese player wants to take the decision to invade Indian borders before 1944 he must also have a stock of political points (just as in the case of Australia). This reserve will be of 4,000 political points and will be relieved from the obligation to maintain it at the time they fall into his hands either Calcutta or Bombay or Colombo and Trincomalee. Also, all units of the IJA that are to cross the border with India or land in Ceylon must have at least 80 preparation points. 6 ~- R4 p3 p* i" h  z" Q
1 \* y9 Y+ ]$ X* J( \4 R; q4 A4 m4 Y
- The territory of Thailand shall not be violated in any way by the U.S. ground forces. U.S. air and naval forces are free to operate over Thailand without restriction. British are exempt from this rule.
, M. Q: v  G1 L6 p% w+ G美军地面部队禁止进入泰国作战,空军不限,英军不限
- N7 M9 M$ o# B5 {/ u3 u0 B6 D
) g% w4 f  i( |- Until September 1942 no high-value (HV) units (consider CV, CVL, BB, BC) will operate in the Pacific (except for repairs, transit to ports in US and return from them).
* n0 f1 Z& I! Q8 u9 F42年9月前,英国皇家海军主力舰包括各种CV/BB/BC禁止进入太平洋作战,除非是去修理% H5 t& }7 f( |1 W0 C/ ~. Q
3 q6 n0 K. c1 Y8 B5 t
- From January 1943 a single high-value naval unit could operate in the Pacific (as happened with HMS Victorious in the Solomon campaign, which operated alongside the USS Saratoga)
4 k/ H7 ]: p! D( ~/ _: g从43年1月开始,仅允许1艘英国主力舰进入太平洋作战(据说是模拟胜利号航母协同萨拉托加号参加所罗门战役)
  |' Y5 _+ ?, {6 s
3 {! t6 k& H  f; ?' b$ k2 M- From 1945 onwards the Royal Navy can operate freely in the Pacific (creation of the Pacific Fleet under U.S. command).
; @! p" Q3 [3 S1 G9 p45年以后英国不限制在太平洋作战
3 m& d5 s: j' w  H: c! H
# _1 X: f' j: r  M* J/ ~- The high-value vessels of the Pacific Fleet (BB, CV) will operate only between the West Coast and Hawaii until Hawaii islands are fully recovered. 5 w7 X$ l9 H! m' y* A( [
美国太平洋舰队主力舰包括BB/CV在PH完全修好前只能在西海岸和夏威夷之间海域活动& c, C8 _' U* W. ^7 Y. ^: B8 p- n8 c2 i

- g4 b1 o  j. E- cease fire in China until 1 Feb 42" @" t- ?5 R& Q, _- j
42年2月1日前中国战区停火3 n  i# d& E) V: p" h" _
: n6 ]3 U' H! f$ ?
- IJAAF units must operate with IJAAF aviation support and IJNAF must operate with IJNAF aviation support) s0 }  C& S" b  S; r6 J% W3 g
- |) D6 Y' y# \+ Z' k) ^
  h3 h1 T0 q$ A- The only IJAAF plane that may be used in an ASW role is the Ki-51 (to reflect historical use)
8 ~4 E% `( W. P# B  \7 e6 }8 X日本陆航只能由Ki-51九九袭击机执行反潜任务
/ {3 d1 f* v& q+ T: y$ D& j; d$ ]$ j. Y& _
- Commonwealth land and air units may only operate to liberate Commonwealth possessions as well as the Dutch East Indies – i.e. British, Indian, Dutch, Australian and New Zealand units are limited to Australia, New Zealand, India, Burma, Malaya, New Guinea, New Britain, the Solomons, New Hebrides, Fiji, Tonga, Samao etc and the whole of the Dutch East Indies) ! ^6 k' r4 T! a1 d
: ]) W& E- }* p5 V3 G( s) H
. r* H# j7 E4 C/ I* I- Manila subs can form TF based on a date/time stamp (use the last digit in a pre-determined e-mail). Since this may be the second port attack, the last digit in the time (hh:mm:ss) is used to determine how many subs can form TF (anywhere from 1-9 SS can be formed up).4 j- d! g; u& }* m, F2 c9 X
$ R: e7 k) P, E/ ~7 V$ e
, B0 D, x- x+ V: S' b# c/ R另外,目前官网流行的AE通用房规正在整理中。。。。稍后放出
- No ASW air missions prior to 1944& y4 k, ]# K( L, |. t. A' E2 a- {7 I/ _+ k' E+ ?, e5 R( U
1944年前禁止飞机反潜, r( A: t: ]6 m# S
! N+ C  V0 d- o3 n' _4 j( U; ?- a1 ]& W
9 q( I8 n0 a! w, ~/ m- No ASW TF prior to 1944
' Q+ N2 d# e7 @" Q0 C9 r4 x" V" g4 U0 T1944年前禁止编反潜编队5 f0 S1 U9 w( F8 U$ O9 }
( b- d( N, h: J% g& a4 J8 p; S* y& ]1 |# P' X& R, N( s
本帖最后由 lhdblys 于 2012-8-13 21:03 编辑
& u$ K- E$ |8 _0 N" M& o# q: Y
" y  K5 `; \) W$ c' q) t我觉得以下四条太有必要了,要玩得高兴、持久,必须通过房规来使游戏变得更平衡、更合理。1 j' K. d# W( ]% c$ c1 Z5 }: y7 u
1、日军KB只能轰炸PH2天* k$ _  f: r& S3 @, n# G- {1 o
4 o  H: E0 o3 _! O/ E# P6 D3、国军反攻满洲或者入缅必须改属4 P) {9 ~6 p! ?
4、泰国军队入缅或进攻中国必须改属" f9 {' n: y" Z" y0 p1 W- \* J
$ }' Q. @( S( S1、国军入朝鲜、日本本土应该改属
( _/ W% g9 }9 o8 \# _9 @2、禁用原子弹
1 w/ W7 G' {; m7 c1 |6 |7 a5 o- L原子弹应限定攻击范围,广岛,长崎,小仓。) [- r- S5 l# C* w" w) ?
国军在日军不进攻时,不得抢先攻击日军。- N( O3 o: H! K0 k/ T# Z
