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[AE] 【AE】历史首回合测试战报

AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 07, 41 $ A, X/ m  n: J* Y; X
( ~; n: q# p1 RMidget Sub attack inside harbor of Pearl Harbor!!!    (蝗军袖珍潜艇潜入珍珠港,雷击BB宾夕法尼亚)
/ ^. U$ f& C( u( g6 e/ L. T9 j  g
# o/ `+ o! Y9 [; b" w4 PJapanese Ships # \+ W  Q" m! {* E
SSX Ha-22, hits 1 ! Z$ e4 D: U- B4 {  h

& X9 ?6 h% {5 _5 v, ~0 K; L% E$ SAllied Ships 0 ^# [' ]7 o( c
BB Pennsylvania, Torpedo hits 1 % y% t! s  F8 _- o4 ~
PC Taney
/ H/ g' N/ U4 X! q8 _" q2 h1 m4 X+ ~
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 r* B) E. J1 R0 \8 ~
Midget Sub attack inside harbor of Pearl Harbor!!! 7 X, s5 ^2 T- u6 M( Z

+ s! L8 E7 V' U5 L; y: t: h; j/ aJapanese Ships # l- V# `* M6 c  @0 f; ^5 P( K* p
SSX Ha-14, hits 3, heavy damage
& j7 R0 T  `+ n0 ^
2 _- ]6 p% V: F# Q" nAllied Ships
8 v; i6 j; [( b9 tBB Maryland, Torpedo hits 1   K4 c" u7 s5 _+ n. P* F
PC Taney $ p  Z3 `' e7 X0 C1 D7 z
5 b; f. u0 ]) N: w
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( m" e6 n( r+ W1 r$ l
Morning Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 180,107 (KB的怒吼)0 C- Q9 K! N0 C" ^
$ ?7 ]' a' K; P3 N' y% g1 j/ h5 c8 W
Weather in hex: Clear sky  (天气异常晴朗,蝗军起飞68架0战掩护270架轰炸机光临PH)) U  i% K' e1 A" S+ l- a( G% L
( H% Q: B6 A5 \5 l
Japanese aircraft
8 Q! _- ~+ C" E0 }( @- ]A6M2 Zero x 68 ! T" W9 k) G* l8 ~& P
B5N2 Kate x 144 , U. f- X+ W* ^+ D
D3A1 Val x 126
* z1 y+ z0 e( |, j2 C+ G5 X
6 c7 G# Q# r5 T" W$ F- \" `5 n" U2 p# S
Allied aircraft   I+ A( N# c* K: ]* t# {6 p
no flights  (米国鬼子未有任何反应)+ ]; \. j& j1 r- v
% X8 \" n2 `& ]4 w5 ?) v: ]/ b" d
Japanese aircraft losses  (损失极为轻微)
$ _+ v. k  b) V; hA6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged ) W$ t6 V# a% A6 J. |
B5N2 Kate: 5 destroyed, 21 damaged
/ w5 o5 Y' q! x0 i1 g. D4 U- wD3A1 Val: 1 destroyed, 14 damaged
3 Y6 Y& q6 P3 G9 B  f9 R
) z2 c  T6 D8 t5 }0 r8 Q( r4 M% gAllied aircraft losses 4 Z2 \( q4 `  Y  S, l
PBY-5 Catalina: 35 destroyed on ground
. }1 q* w/ j% n% qA-20A Havoc: 5 destroyed on ground 3 ?/ y+ W1 k0 r( V
P-36A Mohawk: 13 destroyed on ground
( j! x5 B4 R! [  H% q) H# AB-17E Fortress: 3 destroyed on ground
7 \; @1 `4 s2 g( {8 h2 DB-18A Bolo: 13 destroyed on ground
  x1 M# y# @; w& F- o5 F% KP-40B Warhawk: 32 destroyed on ground - g, g7 g" `$ w9 N4 r
B-17D Fortress: 6 destroyed on ground
4 m6 D: R' I8 z1 M2 H% r7 yR3D-2: 1 destroyed on ground 4 F: P/ z: A$ L) y# p
SBD-1 Dauntless: 8 destroyed on ground 9 Q; o6 k0 d- q# A2 V
F4F-3 Wildcat: 4 destroyed on ground & C8 p1 a% x2 S" V
C-33: 1 destroyed on ground
6 k: K6 c: f2 x6 V6 I7 p% yO-47A: 3 destroyed on ground
' j# W+ ?: A* [3 n! lP-26A: 1 destroyed on ground
4 B( n: L& _$ P" N& k5 j$ [' R2 O: X2 y$ {
Allied Ships (8艘BB当场沉没7艘,这在WITP中是根本不能想象的) 3 W% `- d7 Q) G* k' M
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 6, and is sunk # _  w( V. K' n
DMS Trevor, Bomb hits 1, on fire : u7 q6 z- K: R1 L
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk
( H' }6 l1 t6 U0 x6 W; L% }AV Tangier, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
1 u) s1 f- x! ~0 C2 q" FBB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 6, and is sunk 7 @0 X! ?* W4 r4 R1 Y
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk ) s5 f. o6 `% g" E
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage . ?0 C, Z% w, f
BB Maryland, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 6, and is sunk
3 G7 ^2 r% L! ^4 R, ZBB Nevada, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 7, and is sunk 0 M# k. D( z6 @% e- G% r& _
BB California, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
, {2 E* I6 w! Z( p6 k1 e" NDD Downes, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
7 N! ?) K/ ~$ w2 F+ d1 @CL Honolulu, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, heavy damage 4 O) O* _: ^6 X" ~  k+ h
CL Helena, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
8 Y# _1 r  l" _- o( u8 @6 y5 RDM Pruitt, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk 6 B4 k9 j" o& }# C; O% t
DD Conyngham, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk , d$ y: F) b' w4 `
DD Farragut, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
% U6 C% }8 ]' u$ RPG Sacramento, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires 9 u( v- Y5 S2 X. s, k
xAP St. Mihel, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk ; ]! _* Q2 C, e( q) e, P
SS Tautog, Bomb hits 1
% H: P; m$ j$ O7 [+ k9 N  y* Y/ XCL Raleigh, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage 1 t% h. E: k, T2 A- b- [6 y
DM Sicard, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk 7 u" D1 v9 t1 @# X3 O& `% [5 W2 G
CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 1 2 M( N3 |- V" P) z, w/ x
DM Tracy, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
% y  I3 w* B! F; p& O5 pCM Oglala, Bomb hits 1, on fire 7 m  I5 v: R$ ]
DD Ralph Talbot, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk 3 p# C1 C7 W+ g9 W2 P& R  n
DD Schley, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
5 r, x' v# q$ iAR Medusa, Bomb hits 1
2 u# G& F& h$ Z! r  D; zCL St. Louis, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1
' @9 B: k) a1 I& D' A# z2 TAS Pelias, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire $ q( K" q6 U# ^; j6 `
AV Wright, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk - d8 u# Z, ]5 c
DM Preble, Bomb hits 1, on fire
* S4 s' w6 A) B: B/ D# U5 g0 oCL Detroit, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
9 Q2 |4 E# |% ?; _; y/ r, FAV Curtiss, Bomb hits 1, on fire
" r7 V3 I0 N, _! ^  ?1 S6 yDM Gamble, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage 2 \5 P( h9 d8 ?: n
PT-28, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk 0 |+ b) D: b/ i# P" l2 I
DD Reid, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk ) q7 S4 v8 P* Y* C
CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
* X% \0 U+ s: _  Y5 n- V* ]. ]% b+ dCL Phoenix, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
% @- A& ?9 ^3 A* ~+ I$ F2 ~- |DD Jarvis, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
. u6 }6 U' @/ F4 j7 ?+ x7 J3 lDD Dale, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
& d% V+ S8 [' j) TDD Aylwin, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
! s, j" [' @7 UAO Ramapo, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
; ^/ y# l, S/ n: R8 c% F" X. jDD MacDonough, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires 6 }; q0 S/ L* ]
DD Chew, Bomb hits 1, on fire , x" q* M5 O$ U7 K* I2 ?
DD Shaw, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires ' i* v7 w6 v; B  F: s( {( J
DD Bagley, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk ( f0 S% W) V3 v8 v, J# H
DM Ramsay, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
, R: K" S0 p3 S+ C# p
5 M) S8 O9 I5 oAllied ground losses: ( X7 f1 r" \% ?# t
6 casualties reported # E: V* N( |, _' |: B  |  V
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ' ]2 D4 V: T; S8 i
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled . h6 x9 z9 p5 \5 O" @1 f
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
' A. o& P2 b$ X+ |* C2 t9 FVehicles lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled)
( u  }- Z. T, I7 o, {
& c- u6 |8 C. S- g) N) n, _7 o' B9 N  `! k
Airbase hits 51
$ J9 Q- C* @3 Z" [Airbase supply hits 1 , C$ V9 c0 y, @, }
Runway hits 174
/ c; L/ o- b/ h' W# {+ W0 P7 ]7 z# j( q+ j( ~  D' d) _
* Q1 k+ x9 D% @' c- d; |) r
Aircraft Attacking: (可以看出战报文件更加详细了,攻击的目标和弹种数量详细的列了出来)
  t$ ^1 _& [6 ^  L13 x A6M2 Zero attacking from 100 feet 9 Z' W9 I; \  z; _! \  \
Airfield Attack: 2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
; z: \8 m! M+ S! y# k' D, ~17 x D3A1 Val diving from 10000' ! Y: R: N6 L" e
Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
3 J% e6 c, K! _, c26 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
% w6 T. a: Y% G& X: iPort Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
. P7 A9 W4 n! X. ~4 G( K' F15 x A6M2 Zero attacking from 100 feet
1 ?, i/ Z+ r/ @5 F) U! q2 Y7 aAirfield Attack: 2 x 60 kg GP Bomb - u  x) f1 N; e8 L5 g
25 x D3A1 Val diving from 10000' + n; }7 s" o2 M( a4 Z% X; L. O
Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb ' e9 s! P7 z6 |% ^- F
25 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet - [% z$ |1 d) @3 T- J
Port Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo 7 g; d/ Y9 P: n0 `4 P6 t$ J0 u; Y
4 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 15000 feet
" K* c# ?' r* K3 _17 x D3A1 Val diving from 10000'
/ c2 B* ~* i8 l+ t4 U' ZPort Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
) r4 }0 A* a: `17 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
7 s! q4 K3 [: MPort Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
+ Y& S1 t( E) f5 O4 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 15000 feet ( t% u6 \- U! L9 t* ^
17 x D3A1 Val diving from 10000' 3 n+ }; ], [7 r
Port Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb 7 ^6 h# j" u/ ]
16 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet ) V6 A& w  U4 N" C: K- z
Port Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo . |) Y% S  e+ G. {5 ?3 D* M' {+ M# C
25 x D3A1 Val diving from 10000' 5 e; k0 M: ^. E, Z1 K# |1 F
Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
) j' j3 X$ z; b6 Y$ c- A27 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 9000 feet
: o, B& U/ l1 }Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
$ Q) ]7 u% J2 w. l5 u25 x D3A1 Val diving from 10000' ' j! x+ Z  a% R
Airfield Attack: 1 x 250 kg GP Bomb . q8 H4 J8 r) v5 P( C3 b
27 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 9000 feet
! v, J8 Z' D9 x1 o8 IAirfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
( |/ L( ]1 U; f  W% ?2 g8 ^! H% w6 G% w& ~7 x4 b0 w
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet. (是不是实战的感觉更强了呢?雷达发现40海里外敌机群,高度7K英尺)
$ O; |6 a' h. C7 {7 n% L) Q6 o0 sEstimated time to target is 13 minutes (预计13分钟后到达目标上空)9 S( J4 S$ f* c
盟军各型舰船纷纷拼命机动规避3 x- J5 ~8 s0 m8 P( l% I) b
a Maryland class BB manuvering ...(Ev 63 / Sp 20)
4 F% n7 ^, X7 h$ ?# S8 p: nDMS Trevor manuvering ...(Ev 63 / Sp 22)
! ~0 l0 G  q) k* i- F6 Aa Tennessee class BB manuvering ...(Ev 65 / Sp 21)
: G, o; X) l6 P" ~% Ha Pennsylvania class BB manuvering ...(Ev 59 / Sp 17)
- i5 O4 u, V6 p) Ran Allied CM manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 14)
- _0 t" e' x: D$ i0 m/ c* Zan Allied CV manuvering ...(Ev 55 / Sp 21)
$ [6 [- G' `6 R7 ~5 Aan Allied CV manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 15)
  \4 x+ Y5 \+ `& L) D" r+ l9 @an Allied BB manuvering ...(Ev 67 / Sp 13) 1 S0 b4 f( ~2 w
an Allied CV manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 15) ( d( C1 }/ G- T1 G
a Royal Sovereign class BB manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 21) 3 G1 R1 D* F% i; g# z9 r% t0 e
DD Downes manuvering ...(Ev 57 / Sp 20) 2 t3 G0 T) ~0 {
an Allied CL manuvering ...(Ev 61 / Sp 21)
+ }1 I) |+ P" ]( Zan Allied DD manuvering ...(Ev 56 / Sp 22)
- U- I8 N: S, ~! W6 q$ iDM Pruitt manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 25)
) A3 T# w0 S+ @# b2 h6 JDD Conyngham manuvering ...(Ev 59 / Sp 0)   `& f& J: `% h" z
DD Farragut manuvering ...(Ev 64 / Sp 0)
( w& F& j* n" j6 b+ Uan Allied CL manuvering ...(Ev 59 / Sp 20) 5 |; x0 V5 c) L  R! D1 u" \* P
a Langley class AV manuvering ...(Ev 50 / Sp 9)
& S8 h& Y. m) {3 ]2 s, q9 ZPG Sacramento manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 9) ( R3 u, y# k" F4 P: _7 d
xAP St. Mihel manuvering ...(Ev 61 / Sp 4) . Y4 u+ t. ]6 P- u# v3 m
BB Arizona manuvering ...(Ev 66 / Sp 4)
4 b/ u' z% @! u1 |; T5 H" h( uSS Tautog manuvering ...(Ev 54 / Sp 19)
$ c: D, s( w0 c4 U. M% \3 DCL Raleigh manuvering ...(Ev 51 / Sp 34) * Y% i# p* O' f% g3 q/ P5 I! e
DM Sicard manuvering ...(Ev 54 / Sp 0)
0 j$ A. j! r( v, ]a Portland class CA manuvering ...(Ev 50 / Sp 32)
8 p4 v" S& n. Wa Brooklyn class CL manuvering ...(Ev 65 / Sp 32)
3 ]% ~' G6 a" Y8 H# j% ]% cDM Tracy manuvering ...(Ev 68 / Sp 0)
! B$ k  P7 S& i. \3 ?DD Ralph Talbot manuvering ...(Ev 58 / Sp 26)
( g# D0 V: c2 z( M0 NDD Schley manuvering ...(Ev 69 / Sp 17)
4 d& e+ |1 i8 R% Ca Prometheus class AR manuvering ...(Ev 55 / Sp 12)
8 M) ^$ V* v( P  W% p  y& p5 Xa Leander class CL manuvering ...(Ev 64 / Sp 27) ( F( s4 i4 U9 D( x
an Allied AS manuvering ...(Ev 61 / Sp 14)
" e9 o9 I) U5 u5 Q. v% L( {: yan Allied AV manuvering ...(Ev 66 / Sp 11) 5 C6 ]% D2 V3 b+ B  v2 L- e
DM Preble manuvering ...(Ev 62 / Sp 24)
- b$ |6 k" W. L6 X0 h+ q. J# f% V  k1 X/ r
马来方向,Z舰队惨遭袭击& e2 y4 G$ F* l8 }0 w
/ t% D8 M. p/ z% P8 ]! ~, E2 B! p/ Y
; p+ }: x4 P# n" n$ E, _Morning Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82
# N6 C$ G, ~) D: \; G; G
% q. y) k" C1 h0 p+ ~' T% J+ H  FWeather in hex: Clear sky
8 [8 n: P" \1 G! x+ E% I0 J
  X( u' s, L0 L+ k1 B* i* GJapanese aircraft # s5 x5 q/ k5 U/ t% N& A
G4M1 Betty x 13
. a1 k2 u: ?0 I. m/ h! G; p) ?* p$ e+ u7 d& X8 W
7 F& R5 S" y5 W7 x, ^+ Q' J
Allied aircraft ; r$ K# i$ C% `6 D
Buffalo I x 2 : r: S! [4 H0 T& m% N  x/ J; N

: o/ F2 y! t, [: ]" \0 A) s( J0 f- Q* N7 Z" X2 m7 Y7 k
Japanese aircraft losses 5 h( x; F' t8 E. {0 Q* b$ u
G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed, 9 damaged 8 f8 g! p% m. X) Y- V

( S# ?4 G; b; [$ l
# W* H; }8 a# G  G! I8 dAllied Ships   ]6 E( \' K9 L% M" w. a
BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage (BC反击3雷中的,小命不保)
; s( ~4 S0 F& a" o
2 l3 y) ?# ]% ^7 a% |
* ?, m$ _4 x' E* X2 i
: n. O! d' m1 |( t. kAircraft Attacking: $ W6 J4 e2 ^2 U) ^. K
9 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
" K1 s/ H5 Q4 m% WNaval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
0 r/ K$ E5 b! `, Q5 ~
" M# d5 w4 _+ o4 V3 U0 H0 f) jCAP engaged: (盟军飞机前来直掩)
- C( S0 K. C7 E" G- h3 yNo.243 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling) (皇家空军243中队驾着老爷水牛前来)/ {$ Q0 A; e3 f3 r& A6 p' G$ R
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.) (2架飞机在BC反击上空直掩)
. G9 E- I2 b+ e, T2 plane(s) intercepting now. (2架截击)
1 g6 y% v- O1 U) r" ?& o0 ~4 r  {; v4 bGroup patrol altitude is 10000 (巡逻高度1W英尺)3 n7 L7 S# |& @' ?" h+ _
Raid is overhead (空袭到来)) n. B, O# k  V8 H1 k
: i- j: R1 y6 {% C. f. J  f6 @
' F% y: x$ T: k; n/ X' \Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
; K1 [* \! J4 o5 ~8 S# ^8 @  R9 r7 JEstimated time to target is 5 minutes 7 q, E6 K  E- f7 @/ X* o' h' y
an Allied BC manuvering ...(Ev 56 / Sp 28)
8 W2 y! E2 F) }6 X$ |Repulse manuvering changes...(Ev 59 / Sp 34) ; m( L7 b% O1 j% r
Repulse manuvering changes...(Ev 58 / Sp 22) 9 w; T1 ]% ^7 Z2 X# H, W
Repulse manuvering changes...(Ev 52 / Sp 32)
6 [0 [+ k/ F; x% m$ i; rRepulse manuvering changes...(Ev 53 / Sp 30)
+ ?5 l0 W- F/ fRepulse manuvering changes...(Ev 53 / Sp 25) 8 e. e* u* V1 V& d
Repulse manuvering changes...(Ev 60 / Sp 37)
3 K4 r/ z) K1 n, n! \! Q" ]  ]  i7 R% W" LRepulse manuvering changes...(Ev 53 / Sp 23) 2 j! e* R, J7 @# t4 e) |' R+ ^
Repulse manuvering changes...(Ev 52 / Sp 28) 9 O7 g& R" o# h
Repulse manuvering changes...(Ev 54 / Sp 25)
% F# W# p) T; E7 q0 }
( S0 |- M8 j9 x5 j* v5 L* a& c/ b6 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ o& V/ p- S8 l7 C* ]7 VAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82 : W+ `3 t- q$ C8 _6 R* ~

* W; k, \, V. ?4 P: Y' @6 e; jWeather in hex: Clear sky ; {2 d. z! }8 G' h# w# ^

5 I5 h$ B/ c  H) R; J1 e% bJapanese aircraft
4 b$ [9 d6 K9 B( l4 l/ pG4M1 Betty x 19 % x+ |0 p0 L- ^0 z8 A

3 s! z  L2 [7 z3 g- i& `4 k
8 c8 ?7 l1 i8 a) t7 fAllied aircraft
) V1 ?  ?5 K7 @Buffalo I x 10 # V1 \5 t- y+ x

8 o/ Y8 Y7 x/ B, r. R5 y$ V2 e4 V1 Q2 S
Japanese aircraft losses
; j1 ?2 Z7 L0 d; P9 z7 |G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed, 15 damaged
( e: o9 G1 |5 J, F' }* I5 W2 n4 g
7 C" ^. P2 W1 r8 e
Allied Ships ! j9 |& n) k0 ?3 r$ B2 b( ^6 P
BB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage  (亲王号BB也光荣退役鸟)7 R6 z" v( x- r1 c& b
Aircraft Attacking: / [! P9 e! N. f! i" ^
14 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet 1 L  C" v1 d: _* c: k8 N; I
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
# m, ], U2 u" U. a
: n5 M, k: }( I0 M; xCAP engaged:
# }5 m' d) z6 ~' j7 b6 X( b" {; _No.243 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
% b; @# N8 \+ ?0 ?: r2 plane(s) intercepting now.
! x: X5 g+ C9 L; E& M, D* M: IGroup patrol altitude is 10000
7 l, A% e4 N6 s" ], ^4 X" A4 \Raid is overhead / x3 ]; y0 Q; N. l. u4 @
No.453 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 C$ ~" E7 u$ N2 plane(s) intercepting now. 8 P2 a9 c9 i" S' D8 l
Group patrol altitude is 10000 2 [4 n0 v+ A# V6 O' r% c
Raid is overhead 1 [3 g  Q' E3 `" R, H3 p1 @
No.488 Sqn RAF with Buffalo I (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
  _8 E4 p. }: i% M( k3 plane(s) intercepting now. 4 T7 T& K# Y" Z8 G) D% A6 E
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact. : A' G" [9 o% [6 e/ c
Group patrol altitude is 10000 2 e! x( L6 p% z- t' L" L+ O
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes $ |* l  c8 ]! p* y0 R+ _
, o# ?* J; a7 ^% |1 S+ V, [
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
) l3 ^; b. `8 gEstimated time to target is 14 minutes 7 ~  o. d$ Z  b3 X8 F/ \
BB Prince of Wales manuvering ...(Ev 56 / Sp 28)
% x; T1 R/ Z* N& T9 w6 n, F5 EPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 51 / Sp 33) , ^$ M7 w; C1 s
Prince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 57 / Sp 35) & f; `8 H2 O4 ~. e# u
Prince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 60 / Sp 33)
+ D- k9 f; E$ t1 i# nPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 55 / Sp 23)
5 Y0 I1 {* C: S% R2 S& bPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 55 / Sp 30)
. i4 F% D, E& P- U1 {* V9 m7 K  LPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 50 / Sp 30)
2 K# M, h8 @9 }3 {5 V- a; BPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 50 / Sp 27)
1 w3 O1 S' |3 C) r: z6 v. s$ T8 I0 y# PPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 65 / Sp 25)
& o2 [$ m6 {0 ZPrince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 57 / Sp 30) 0 o$ M8 p; y" d  h  V$ ~
Prince of Wales manuvering changes...(Ev 58 / Sp 21)
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
老赵 把贴几张AE的截图 啊* D# c# K8 {" D8 j; S" p
如果有手册 放个连接 大家先研究研究哦
6# ss__328 1 V- i* @2 ]+ _
6# ss__328
# C, O# [9 ~! {# o1 l0 |+ L8 z- F+ H你要老赵违法?
1 Q8 m2 T8 z$ U. @7 l" fbrokos 发表于 2009-5-15 11:21
( e7 m( _5 l" o% k. A1 B- w% a
违法的事总要有人来干嘛,呵呵$ Q+ v0 [2 m+ M. q4 [3 k

# l* [# p: ~; L' v$ s想问下老赵,操作性上有没有提升.按小时记的回合部署实在是痛苦
. g+ R* y( V( p3 ], C5 l  m另外就是AI寻路能力希望能提高,否则,三天两头跑着跑着跑到野地里就不那么好玩了。
本帖最后由 ss__328 于 2009-5-15 16:21 编辑 ) N4 l" I- R0 C1 s* n- p
, d: _2 Z- F9 C( M; y1 q8 m) l6 f
至少应该加个飞行队批量转移功能和陆军批量移动功能嘛,按ctrl键选中多个部队,然后一次性移动2 Y2 V7 q6 _% Y6 P% Z

/ X9 s' i( c- a还有部队上舰也应该简化抄作,比如选中一个部队分配它进入舰队的某些船,再选一个部队再分配  ^; [" B$ T( w! N- p
舰队组成也应该优化,利用好shift和ctrl进行多选组队,一个一个船的点我心痛我鼠标啊。* W3 c5 s; e: G4 S+ G8 i* a

0 x9 i9 g7 z2 E$ @就改动这么三点,我相信回合时间至少减半!!!/ F5 i1 A7 P' g$ @9 v/ \) q

9 f2 S: j/ }) o, J至少这么不友好的界面操作的软件在我们公司是不许发售的,呵呵