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I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
阿三兵团和马来妹也算三个装备1VP啊………… 国军怎么就那么不值钱。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
1月1号才进行分数胜利判断的/ J: ]  w0 C4 _8 N
即使很早就打到了胜利的比例 要保持到年尾也不是那么容易的
6 \  a& x7 a. f2 B1 f盟军早期用狂野冲锋,和龟缩避战两种战略的时候: L9 j: T$ L* r( P( k) Q8 `3 U
日军在43年1月1号打到4:1的分数可能性分别有多大$ n- P9 j) y# g9 `3 o. h
7 ]0 N9 Y0 E, m0 a神风型正在测试中。
主要是那些殖民老爷兵、阿三兵团之类的分太多,战斗力差,跑又跑不掉。我那局我就希望盟军的什么澳洲师都增援过来,这样我百分之一百分数胜利。 & Z: m. }& \' b  c
: K, U( T6 x- |0 X
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
下面那个红体字说明9 {: S9 R/ ?" F; p, g
$ n4 o. Q! R& D& c
3 V1 x6 g* U% W. l/ S2 @43年某时间点上他差75个胜利点达到4:1的胜利
/ j9 L1 S' X. D从GAME的角度来说是幸还是不幸呢
& B* n# {6 D0 g  ^' n& G% n  f5 I
% E0 K" B9 W3 ^. g2 e2 F9 {# n
' J/ @2 _* C! ?. X+ o
( z1 Q1 P4 h# c  C7 y+ b& T不过这至少证明
/ s7 t* I5 S) W9 }9 z! Q即便有PZB那么大的优势,也没有达到分数4:1的目标
3 C0 X$ C% y% Z' c8 Q5 r" `* ?" N
" e. r0 Q. |, R9 Q
! R3 L/ L( W( j, @          
                           Enemy lands in Malaya!!  - 10/7/2006 10:34:15 PM                                                                                                        
                  PzB9 Q8 F; b( H" `8 ~8 d) C
                                    Matrix Legion of Honor. x  b4 K6 M  B# r$ Y; o

+ x1 u0 B% Z: w
1 G2 ^- m; I5 d                  

  X( u9 f9 W6 b& ^+ q' E) ~                  Posts:  2736
( k" q+ X  u& ]/ e% l! X1 Y1 U( n                  Joined:  10/3/2000
! R4 [# n  }0 DFrom:  No(r)way
2 I$ u5 ?: {; m' ~; s9 C. ]Status: offline                                 
                 Managed to overwrite todays screenie...well, Andy has landed in Malaya!!
: f! L' `) U* Q- | While we lost a heap of ac on the ground at Singapore and several ships were damaged, I'm quite pleased. 3 b9 ]5 i- o; \, g$ o
Malaya is the perefect Malaria pit to wear down and delay the enemy.
4 p* P/ ~( I7 E0 T. V  * J* Y. v. W$ C$ c6 f
Will be interesting to see were Andy lands his troops, looks like it'll be the west coast.
5 X  f; @) i! v% _# ]* ]/ Y I'm going to keep the bulk of my troops in Singapore while delaying the enemy with combat groups. 2 Z3 }8 h2 m! ?, I9 e
My first actions were to divide my airgroups into multiple bases. These will conduct naval air and kamikaze  , @+ {: H+ B2 }
attacks on the enemy from Victoria Point and south to Soerabaja. No way Andy can close them all down.
/ R: t7 M1 ]" c3 f7 t  " E. s0 u- F( \$ O4 O( b* G' l2 V
The fleet will stay in port and I will not deploy the strategic air reserves. Let's play hide and seek and  
- B$ @+ I0 P9 M9 k7 q$ b see how long we can delay the inevitable It's almost October 44 and I'd rather fight the enemy in Malaya # P; T, d9 I: ?) _
than close to the Home Islands.
4 l- I2 u3 L/ w  
; p% J: C/ i* x* u Got some other cunning plans as well, will be interesting to see what chaos we can create!
! D0 g/ f+ X9 P  
5 l" ~, I% l3 Y8 z, X5 C Nik, you asked about enemy subs: Andy has tried multiple sub campaigns, but asw groups - air and sea, have inflicted ! i% T4 R4 o% _  \
heavy casualties and forced the enemy to withdraw with heavy casualties time and again. Most convoys have been big and 8 {* G4 _0 t  _( Y. w* L
well escorted. Why re-do all the mistakes the Japs did in WWII!?-) + ^$ `3 n9 h. t* C1 v  _
# M3 I9 ]$ P' |7 P5 J Pauk, the Musashi (or the Musha as Herbie-san calls her ) was SUNK as well   
2 E0 [4 [$ u2 {) d Will read about the Bismarck next time, all of them can surely not sink....
4 m! X, f4 r% c1 }  F, B# F  + @9 k) [. ?  Q4 C* a( o. g
I always regain motivation to play, but I've been extremely busy and tired lately. The going may get a bit slow in the
9 Y2 H  i: F; H8 w: p weeks to come, will have 10 days vacation with the gf in a week Before that I'm a busy bee at work.   J2 ~6 a8 g; ?1 X2 M
  7 a6 k) [! j4 M
The capture of India and Burma certainly has an interesting effect on the game. The effort it takes to achieve this
& Z+ r  w' \2 u: t' u! k means that only very limited actions can be taken in the South Pacific and leads to a somewhat historical time frame - N9 P* [# m& s3 d3 j7 I
in the major theatres. Think I missed 75 points to achieve auto victory, and in a way I think that was a good thing.