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新人请教:FATAL ERROR 200是什么?

进入游戏提示:FATAL ERROR 200
$ C. X, Z, g9 q/ x" N6 e3 C$ ~
6 u6 H& i) B- T) U3 ]7 a确认就退出: o& V' Y& L: D" U
1 z6 E  S% ~( D
. _, b% B8 R# F; q$ {. j" I* K% k! k* d
' [8 J% B& Y0 r" v. o
5 p. X' b4 C0 g8 G! s' m- ~只好发贴询问,请高手帮助
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
注册表文件运行了: k5 ?# J2 g# Q2 @. P+ \
) G4 Z1 A/ h' i0 X; ]3 u
还是进不去9 k6 Y: }4 q1 v$ W+ N

$ B- n$ L" N  F' n# c苦恼
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
我下载的是置顶帖子“WITP海陆空三军配置、后勤及战略战术图文并茂全教程-v1.0”中! u5 l& a" @: i* U% \* x

! E- L( A' }6 B$ P1 LMales大大提供的:Witp v1.806 中文完整硬盘版 (链接永久有效)% L- A0 _( E. p$ j
! Y4 t+ q) b/ [' W% w3 Z
6 s7 `( P) n$ P5 `& n: L
" H  R  s% D* N1 ~/ w/ f1 E就是进不了游戏。。。
9 L% F0 w9 d+ C+ f/ q/ M! ]这里下载试试
  u5 L4 M) |6 j" p3 z7 s' @  g) V/ w3 B# F  e9 d' W, z6 M/ _: x! p8 B/ [
- t+ V6 d$ {0 w( H( z0 b6 k
0 U; U0 t. ^+ y/ {' vWitp v1.806 中文完整硬盘版) I+ n5 n8 X, z+ H/ _6 v$ A6 O" [7 t

* L4 H9 v4 B! P+ Ihttp://www.rayfile.com/files/f1b ... -8932-0014221b798a/
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
我也碰到同样的问题,后来我先装了光盘1.0版的到C盘去,然后把中文的解压到D盘再玩硬盘版就没有问题,你可以参考下我装完光盘版之后注册表的内容,也许有帮助  d& n7 D8 h' L- t. `$ R

8 y8 q+ \1 r! o: E$ r
$ i6 }: L+ u$ k! ~8 z+ R[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific]7 s( d5 n9 m2 k$ G
"version"="v1.00"" L( ~  Q4 k7 C! `8 x% I& }7 |5 h+ w
"installed"="TRUE"7 G3 i9 e9 F! @" l+ w- h- ]
"installed to"="C:\\Matrix Games\\War in the Pacific"" @& U% e; U2 `5 n
"installed from"="F:". t& B% U# t: ?$ h3 B' u6 l  _" L
3 [- Z& a8 `5 j2 N* E- g"company"="ABC"
- }. g& r. m& c! Z) _"code"="MG001"0 r# _. z5 z# ]
6 b' c: n$ y& P. B
! j% o2 u/ _6 A8 Z  n& o4 e$ C这个,建议置顶帖对此类问题作出提示- m2 i4 @& I" F- a
) K' S9 T8 P4 A. h; {