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[AE] AE终于又有新补丁了,呼唤老赵

1 W" r5 m$ J0 d, eWar in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition Gets a Massive Update
* i/ d% l0 B( m: zHundreds of fixes and improvements!
9 F" `5 _5 Y3 Z* S
% _% W! \8 e9 H2 ~" SArlington, VT, February 8th, 2012 – Matrix Games (www.matrixgames.com), Slitherine (www.slitherine.com) and Henderson Field Designs are proud to release a major new update for their award winning WWII Pacific Theatre mega game, War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition! The new comprehensive v1.01.08r9 update contains hundreds of fixes, tweaks and improvements, including dozens of interface improvements! Please note that while it is possible to continue existing games, players will need to start a new game to see the full effect of these data fixes and improvements.
$ y1 ~( w8 C1 K
! N$ }# w, S0 {Erik Rutins, Director of Product Development at Matrix Games, said “Unparalleled in its realism and scope, War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition is a must-have for any Pacific Theatre buff. This is the sixth official update since the release of Admiral’s Edition and it’s a big one! If you are thinking of starting a game of War in the Pacific, make sure you apply this update first! War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition just keeps getting better, and thanks to the dedicated development team and the active involvement of the community, it looks guaranteed to provide years of future enjoyment.” ' t+ w  b# q+ H2 J, x& [( o1 j  ?
) f( q$ w1 W8 ]. c/ P$ _; F
War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition is the result of many additional man-years of development from a dedicated and experienced team including subject matter experts and experienced programmers. This has resulted in an improved War in the Pacific experience across the board. This is the entire War in the Pacific down to individual aircraft, vehicles, ships, guns and squads - more than just a game, it's an encyclopedia of the war compiled from many sources to an unmatched level of detail. Add in a much improved AI and more secure PBEM play and you have the makings of a new classic! . Z. ?: i( E- `) [8 j, _; r
- w! S' N- D; ~; a. m# T
War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition is a stand-alone release which does not require ownership of War in the Pacific. The Admiral’s Edition installation process will not overwrite original War in the Pacific files, but instead the expansion installs along side the original installation of the game and runs as a separate game.
1 c1 @6 h, j  i* q  S" q  x, T, v# b1 X" u- v2 s- w
The individual features and improvements to Admiral’s Edition are far too numerous to mention in total in this announcement, but the product page link below goes into enough detail to please any War in the Pacific fan. 7 J8 ]7 |# z1 U; ?) _
9 w+ I9 x' E( M
As our first "Collector's Edition", the boxed version also comes with a Full Color Printed 330 page manual! / j: z; v$ L& [! E2 R; n( L

- M& J) ~1 }( w$ `0 _War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition is a standalone release and does not require War in the Pacific to install and play. ! |3 }9 U8 U' ?) S" i% J) ?2 j
/ B! s: j% D; G/ t( B
This update is comprehensive and will bring all previous versions of War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition to version 1.01.08r9. The download link for the update can be found here. Matrix Games recommends that all owners of War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition update to this version. Get more information on War in the Pacific – Admiral’s Edition from its official product page.
5 Q# W! U. s+ ?, C% D# Z4 Z9 j. L' O! D$ m貌似R9已经出来了N久了吧
等汉化。  嘶哑的呼喊。  群喊之
补丁内容如下:8 C; _- d# V" B4 a
1. Sixth Official Update – This release is a comprehensive release updating all previous versions to v1.01.08r9
4 T( w. o3 @% k! W4 D2 \0 g2. Code Changes" G2 W% C6 U, W1 ~/ X! g2 i& q
7 U( ~0 [% o( {8 g1. Possible LCU or Task Force being lost if not set-up properly at scenario start.- o3 C* O% i! y6 R. w6 r" F
2. Travel delay for East Coast and off-map movement for group leaders." y: t2 Z* f5 a8 X$ N! @& w
3. Fragment disbanding when loaded on ship.% ?4 R% F1 Y# h" z" C
4. Refuelling of barges from carried fuel cargo.: Z: R6 y) g% ~; \
5. Changing TF mission not checking TF size- B8 l) }7 _. Y* J  F2 t6 u# n) q6 a
6. Changing of group arrival base at scenario start due to initial base ownership, rather than who owns base when the group is due to arrive.) p; Y4 p2 C& G
7. Ships in lists were refuelled when viewing the list on screen.
: _# R9 t5 e) x; Z8. Empty group showing after group transfer from ship.
0 F' X: P0 G  F. I5 ]* k9. Event on a non-base hex appeared as a base.( n+ {9 a2 h; t# P( u* Z" F7 D
10. Over-flow issue with ‘fuel required’ at a base.
( W& s% G/ k! j" R11. Background screen of a larger underlying screen was left behind when a smaller screen was shown and map was moved.(base screen on industry management screen)
& a7 K& g7 b0 z9 d" A3 L- E9 ^7 @5 _12. Showing enemy unit count in a non-detected hex.0 N# _& C. ]2 g) K9 e9 h
13. Soviet activation being on at start of scenario was not allowing Japanese air attacks against Soviet locations.
0 _3 ]: A; Y. E+ _  I& ?2 v14. Error in TF list screen for guns' ammo.
. X/ U4 |% i' [- l; ?15. Aerial mine-laying mission being left out of the bomber interception check.
, k# G& o0 H  u( m+ n# H16. Error in unescorted bomber withdraw alert.
' u/ T; F5 y# A- C4 y7 G" r% \17. Ship-based groups in port or on docked TF being able to be transferred from damaged ships.& Y  T3 L3 O9 A/ @
18. Attack bomber not being set to strafe correctly sometimes.( d# |# Y% N7 l( A4 e9 }! G
19. Extended the save game load checks to include checking the fuel/oil/resource/supply load does not exceed ship capacity., e5 z5 E/ R. p+ V, f" k( J% F$ k
20. Recon/search flights were being shown with escort/sweeps in same hex.  p/ ^) W$ E( G4 V6 [9 ?; k
21. Supply/fuel/oil/resource totals didn't always agree across various screens.
+ B  q1 {' h5 j- i1 S. z22. Secondary Chinese home base incorrect - was CHENGTING should have been CHENGTU
% y( a6 I. z  f23. Zone to zone movement when a direct connection is not available (off-map boxes to Aden/Abadan prior to Med opening)
! G' o! G. t/ P( D5 G7 j! x24. Added protection to stop connecting invalid destination zones that leads to above.
( X! t: C* o  s* x. ~% \; }, [25. ARD repair not working correctly" Z0 o$ p) W* e
26. Auto dock being allowed at port 0-2; should not be.0 ^/ U" j# D. D& Y) P  R, P
27. Error that could stop Heavy bombers from picking a base to attack& G+ ~5 U) }/ q5 ^8 ~
28. ASW experience sometimes incorrectly modified in sub combat.
' o" N6 Y6 p3 x; \29. Defensive subs not working properly5 S; a' A( q7 t, H- [7 G2 B' h) Z
30. Subs might not upgrade due to patrols.  L# h( K, v: `3 |1 q+ r/ c
31. Fixed a follow TF error.
  h! p& v- Y, g6 M1 ]7 e0 M. Z32. Ship repair estimate error.; @' T0 ^/ a/ o3 U7 R
33. Radar detection for land units being overridden by 'visual' spotting.; E% g  A9 s0 l
34. Weather setting for non-base LCUs not being correctly set for all units in the same hex.
, X$ f* E  M+ y/ j35. Suppress restoration of the Combat Event report in PBEM games due to Japanese info being available to Allied player, Q5 Q& A2 ~+ e+ c, N, H
36. Airborne radar impact on Air Search lost.
/ e7 b3 I/ n9 m8 y* c2 }! j37. Search arcs being generated in reverse sequence.
2 {# t; g4 p8 E- l38. Wrong pilot losing skill points (for flying wrong type of plane) when transferred to Pilot Reserve on the 'Request Veteran' screen.* c9 e+ k3 n: m2 a! q
39. Change to protect AI from generating errors from bad data in scenario file.
2 h* @* y* Y8 |0 I0 K* a40. Top Pilot list treated TRACOM as if a Japanese group.
3 O4 J3 q% J" |, o  S2 s41. Underflow issue with large naval support numbers.; p! `4 K5 F: B5 k; ~
42. Amphibious HQ not always loading on AGC. If no Amphibious HQ, then a land or naval HQ will try to load on the AGC.
! D1 J# o( b8 ~5 d! ]3 x43. Loading groups not showing up in the load lists on 'Load Troops' screen.! l8 [& ?9 e; t: \0 _4 T% [
44. Swapping of fragment and parent was not transferring some items." n. N' j5 X( ~6 v+ ^1 Y
45. Transport of devices by non-float planes to dot base (no AF) not being allowed.
2 d/ r7 e0 ?$ s46. Plane fatigue not being restored by standing down CV groups.3 U9 ^" S; I$ U2 L% Z3 c$ ]
47. CTD when withdrawing ship at a non-base off-map location.: \3 A' c' [7 z% O4 q' t
48. Sub mine numbers not always being cleared when tube/mines are removed when not in a port. b1 Q! @& {) B
49. Units in wrong mode for Amphibious TF. Ensure only correct mode units loaded4 P& R) D3 o) }, }4 k, Z
50. Group fragments on ships not combining.
- g5 E' ?* D* y- G" r. [51. Escorts changing to bombing mission if its’ secondary was a bombing one.& W0 v+ {2 P" Y9 C
52. CTD caused by search plane being killed.6 O0 T( e8 H4 A; k% ~8 X
53. Fix to not allow component LCU to be rebuilt if parent already reformed.3 K, }  L! d) t8 _6 ]
54. Fix to flak from ships in port being used as if in a TF.
. Y0 ^/ e% L" K" u+ @7 z55. Fix to suppress groups that have been lost due to a ship class change.
- ~' @! G- t! N. g9 r# n% D/ C56. Fix to not auto-disband TF with routing parameters.
/ N& {1 c) u( S; g+ F57. TFs getting stuck in off-map mode.7 O& K. {0 p+ }' T. y9 K1 w
58. Industry Management screen showing incorrect N/MSY build points.8 y8 V+ D: T" L
59. Withdraw ship button missing on ship screen.# z" g% M4 r5 C
60. Rebuilt LCUs changing PP on subsequent displays." e1 W1 H& e# _, s. g; W" D9 H
61. 'Buy with supply' ships remaining at 1 day delay.
# Z. B! ~2 E; b6 m- E) r: l62. Error in Kamikaze determination in Flak Attack.$ W( P2 Q! J5 L& I% [/ e
63. Kamikaze training not affecting low naval bombing.0 \1 U& X1 U& G; H
64. Transfer of pilot to group of different type lost too many skill points.
  M+ K* l% }4 I65. Fix to remove ships under repair/conversion from AV support total.
7 f/ `( V* ]( l/ U( i# n66. No ground attack against enemy land units in friendly base hex.
! y0 U( @8 g1 T% Y( U67. Fix to allow float planes to transport troops to coastal bases., h( r- t8 v$ r4 Y8 [5 Q
68. Arriving LCU units were building more than needed devices if not enough in device pool.
  i+ C4 f, W1 f# p* R69. Wrong Allied device being returned to pool on device upgrade.
) m8 |8 S3 n/ z. f# ~' e70. Altitude not correct on some dive bomber attacks in AAA.
: W" N; N2 ]2 P4 m! i% G0 w  l2 p! V6 c71. Auto convoy returning resource/oil to home base when not required to.. P2 [  u. Y+ Y$ A9 f0 x( |- _; n7 S
72. CTD when checking groups on withdrawing ships.6 n) ?/ l3 i/ o
73. Packing time and operational mode moved to editor components of parent LCU.
5 D" ~0 M# L8 z; H8 d7 Z) w74. Leader of delayed group being continually re-assigned.! ~/ w6 V4 K8 p8 s. z  l' R
75. First HQ of either side not being selected.
/ B. H, H' L  c2 ?1 F  e; |76. Fix to stop return cargo for CS or AC when home base and current base are the same.
$ U4 J4 i$ k6 d* T. T8 m' _; p77. Set TF to use off-map if destination is off-map and TF not moving off-map.2 e9 I, A! }5 O, h. p& n
78. Fix to force ships to arrive at national base if original location is not valid to form TF; stop ships arriving at 'land-locked' base.
! ?7 H' Y/ T2 ?) C$ x; F79. Fix for non-mine device being in special mine slot [#9] for sub mine-laying.
2 u% P5 S0 b+ d& L2 H80. Fix to group leader-pilot losing connection to a being a pilot.
, q0 x1 R% d! L( a! D9 V5 J81. Fix to Occupying empty bases gets incorrect HQ. New HQ will be the theatre HQ of base doing capture, or first LCU in hex.% J# h! W( g6 p2 O0 r& p/ P
82. Japanese production was over-producing upgraded devices for LCUs.$ b# z. ]# n+ V2 k+ U8 q; _
83. Sub-unit LCUs not having the withdrawal delay decremented.
- D% F/ I8 K9 F84. Updated off-map checks for home base.9 h9 @1 H0 W2 M# |& o
85. Fixed data corruption due to code overflow.
& l4 L9 N8 o: G! g4 P7 m86. Not all TRACOM pilots showed in lists.
% N; H. q/ Y# t- h) I3 l87. Retreat from TF surface combat only if actual combat occurred.1 H% N1 Y" u. S; O
88. AI code changing human-controlled LCU weapon devices.
" y+ X- R' D6 X& X/ ^# N* ~89. Empty fragments stop editor sub-units from recombining.5 i/ u: }/ v& ^3 p2 ]/ L8 I
90. Some leaders that moved between units retained their move lock-out so didn't show in free leader list.
5 L3 C# q" H4 O4 O91. Group's upgrade path lost on splitting group.
1 W+ ^5 l1 _; o* `# b2 L92. Fix to recombining devices of editor component subunit to handle mismatched devices.
! E: Z7 w  `$ k- p# \: N$ b1 t93. Add production resources to pool if scenario player's production on, else add to normal device pools.: R8 Q& A2 z9 l4 r8 u8 Q* @* c: W6 ~
94. Preserve highest leader when recombining subunits.  ]$ c2 Z8 s& ~6 D7 Z2 K* D. Z+ G% ~
95. In loading scenario, pilots not added to General Reserve (group 0). (Pilots can't be put directly into TRACOM by editor, as group 30000 can't be assigned there. It can set by using 'wtiploadae' tool.)
8 ~" p: m4 A2 L- i1 r, ]  p6 {96. Using off-map movement, it was possible to route TFs with large ships to river ports.8 G- e8 T# K! ^/ P
97. On-map TF hex list behaves like other TF hex lists
  w. m/ p9 B: }7 j7 T, m98. TOE upgrades happening too soon due to the upgrade delay being set to 9999 which ended up as no delay.(Existing games not affected but new games will not have these TOE upgrades)- m; \. N& ~' I( v% M% m
99. Detached groups wouldn't re-attach to parent group.: {. h" s2 ~% c! h: r
100. Loop in upgrade of LCU devices.
& T1 h' g$ ^+ i+ W8 M101. Error in limiting CD fire.# w1 P/ D! i1 C5 N- d' m5 N* ?, z7 U. z
102. Occasional drop out of base selection, disappearance of mouse over.; n: y; ?" h* d5 @9 k6 d
103. Building VM units corrupted TOE of GHQ and Kwantung HQ.
6 c* A' I1 O! _6 s1 B( }, m104. Old convoy units could show up in Destroyed LCU list.9 v5 W7 P  E1 @% ^' @& }6 o6 M
105. Fix to LCU withdraw date not being cleared when unit killed; fixed so that destroyed LCUs can't be reformed if originally due to withdraw., s1 [7 {  r( X& z/ r* g* L5 A
106. Build rate of supply-generated ships was '0'; should have been ‘1’.* k# n/ M; n0 ]. E/ X7 W5 Q
107. Disbanded LCUs don't count for rebuild check.
8 K4 c# s+ P: ~, \108. Auto-upgrade of squad/engineer devices when LCU takes upgrades; incorrectly changed earlier in beta.5 [% @; w" M- U, q7 O, @4 v
109. Error in initial settings of manpower at start of scenario1 v  G& @  r6 P! a
110. Seaplane support from minor damaged disbanded ship.
( p7 V; y, ?- W7 I" q111. Administration stacking info on group screen not correct./ w' e, d' V! t4 y+ M7 C
112. Return CS cargo of fuel or supply didn't always get returned. Expected only oil or resources being returned. TF could stay loading/waiting.. e: w* F0 ^# M2 [, y
113. Naval retreat after combat which could force TF to retreat "off-map"
' e% F$ V2 p7 N- k4 N, c114. TFs not moving in hex subject to minefields; seemed to have been broken by an earlier fix.
* s0 I6 [/ O* G; B% ]* H: U0 g115. Wrong screen show when returning BACK from Group screen to groups-in-base list screen.+ q, n+ o6 u* m' g- s
116. Error in MP and ARM points for some squad-type devices.
$ N' f& d  S( T- v117. Not all devices being shown in the device/industry/resource pool.& w% S6 X! P% \9 J8 O( {8 ^
118. Air group detachments not on map dropped from parent group.* d6 t& U5 }" h! r1 Y* S# ^. w( p
119. Trainee replacement pool not being reduced.
1 N/ [0 l) V- `7 c5 v& L2 s120. Missing devices from Japan pool when device is upgraded and more are needed to be built.& a4 X, c! k- ?
121. Moonlight and Turn were mixed together on top line of some screens./ W% H# O( F9 {  U; w
122. Mines were not being removed from sub properly if TF wasn't docked.
# e% M9 h4 j" u$ H1 `; j- i2 h123. Wrong altitude being used sometimes, impacting raid, co-ordination and low level intercepts.' R3 R& x7 v7 o6 M
124. Lock-up during air/land combat due to overflow.
. b  @6 d; k' @( }125. Carry over replacement delay on LCU recombining.  q1 q4 [  P% U. r" F4 k
126. Error in movement of fuel and determination of excess resources.4 c' U, r' @- J+ h5 J; k' A/ I0 ^* u
127. Auto-upgrade of squad devices when LCU taking replacements causes an upgrade.  M0 h+ @4 x1 l; l$ j7 |5 a' ?
128. Fragments were taking settings from the parent group, rather than group being created from.
$ v; \/ X" ~0 {129. AA rockets not showing up in some of the class/ship weapon lists.& {: }" T. p4 e: g8 @
130. Unable to get plane replacement on smaller groups.. g9 Y3 p: r% Y
131. Some reported altitudes are 100' off the correct value.3 x; M2 r' }* Z! S4 t
132. Large LCU killed off due to overflow issue.  d/ |  a  b$ S. W
133. Display issue with ship reinforce screen) K" `: h: E0 J
134. Escorts not being marked as used in some cases causing multiple sweeps.
: b" [/ ]' o) z0 E135. Strategic move set while packing caused move of only one hex.$ }  o3 i' ~6 i1 F: A
136. Dedicated training group lost ability to add trainee pilots.
5 b. |0 D# W4 x137. A LCU movement flag was not always being cleared which could cause a move to suddenly be cancelled.7 a& ?* q5 r$ V: a: s
138. Additional place list sort when loading a save to correct map errors.
# s, m/ s; I7 E; b139. Reordered the map place display list to restore possible missing LCUs.
$ E/ y- `; S3 c; y140. Converted too many old devices from pool.
1 \% k% E: o6 S# e6 F141. TOE upgrades could lose devices as counts were sometimes replaced, rather than added.. K. h- C4 `7 S1 T( Y
142. On turn 1, a mid-turn Allied save can be read by Japan by skipping the password. Only applicable on that one save.
, o8 W/ b$ u2 U  l; v7 j143. Carrier trained status not transferred when recombining split groups.
/ A! M. y7 d3 E) Z144. Ship due upgrade count could have a number but nothing in due lists. (Upgrade ship was under repair. Combination of Ships under repair and Ships due upgrade shows those which are being repaired that might jump into an upgrade at same time)+ ^6 ~+ R( b" K% U: w7 e
145. Wrong pilot reserve being accessed when no pilots in replacement pool.: H3 a2 m' X, w; |; ?/ r/ D
146. For TOE upgrade include some non-device items such as Torpedo Ordnance, HQ type/radius change, etc.2 r# Y# U# Z( ~$ p
147. Missing weapons on in-game ship database.
1 U+ t! G  C: a. ], P0 h4 w148. CTD caused by TF endurance going below 0.
) @9 ?  o& u' c1 r" P149. Low skill pilots could start with high individual skill4 y* A3 _! U( F" R* Y0 Y; w$ K
150. CTD caused by overflow of refuelling arrays if large number of ships in TFs in same hex.
6 n3 Q* S0 o9 G) i4 [( z151. Possible TF unloading issue when no squads are present.
* Z3 c+ \4 e8 @7 c0 y* V: f. H152. Mine-laying mission didn't 'return by same path' if way-points set.6 o2 m0 c" F1 u0 \
153. Refuelling ship from port didn't check for available ops points8 e; g2 k: u+ R% m( k1 r  [
154. Incorrect calculation for number of planes at base; earlier patch bug .9 E" q4 k. b1 ~5 \$ f: P
155. Error in calculation of engines for airfield stacking; revealed by previous tweak.6 s/ o3 H* ~0 q# @, ], r
156. Manage repair error for minimum conversions incorrect from 1108p2; not allowing change from Pier-side.
( m4 y2 @* t3 f3 A0 s3 E  a  Q157. Overflow of pilot array corrupting map locations.
$ \* f8 L6 Y  n( y9 N& F( k' {158. Radar range on air detection was overstated by a factor of 2 or 3. Wrong mixture of ft, yards, NM, miles.
9 c: G2 [4 e1 G2 i/ i2 i, j( Q159. Bug in repair estimates could add random cargo capacity to ships.
) h! ]# d1 T8 O. M160. Don't allow moving LCUs to be loaded on ships# O% v6 Y5 T" e- B! Q
161. Groups at off-map locations (base or TF) not performing Training missions
7 ~; g1 ?; \/ n/ Q1 j: s5 Q162. City attack industry not set when flights were split off from main attack.
; R9 S1 w  }1 u6 i2 M163. Access to random variable causing combat replay issues2 D' Q2 W; A$ Y
164. Manage ship repairs not showing weapon damage repair capability properly.! r6 y1 l8 w# J
165. 'Active' filter not showing green initially for group and reserve pilot lists." X; J5 v2 R6 J& V9 O* k/ H5 _! ?
166. Planes with torpedo as primary weapon unable to be selected for port mining.
, F. J* J; b# P8 M. [3 ~/ V; k& Z167. Force a delay on LCU & groups due as reinforcements but arrive early at enemy base
6 u# w/ x9 |  [' F0 x  u+ |168. Adjust search arcs range for drop tanks if applicable! S' [  p! M- o  k# [0 `
169. Bug in off-map TF calculation
: N4 }) q- E; V/ [9 C2 y170. Set 'All opMode' to MOVE changed static units
' c7 ~# x6 S, K171. CTD due to too many groups in base2 T& V- }$ Y( r2 ^; s
172. Non-transport TF are trying to un/load
. A# B3 \5 v& ?- C173. Added special case of base/shipyard size to weapon repair estimate as in line with actual shipyard repairs
0 f+ C+ x2 [  D174. Fragment that lost its parent could vanish, rather than stay on map8 i! j  p' P- k; n2 y8 X! B* s
175. Industry totals on Industry menu
% ~5 ?" d; C, _- N; _* ]2 }3 F176. Missing search patrol level on night mission% g+ d- Q( n9 a
177. Bug not letting land based groups see all plane upgrades' s& ]2 N/ M3 i
178. Industry Management not expanding (1)x0 size industry
) _9 `5 \& g7 l- P/ K1 w# B! B179. Carry over withdraw type to editor subunits
8 e' }' \0 {- q; Q8 U5 m- r' |$ S. T180. Fast Transport not updating cargo/troop capacity in creation of TF screen
6 J% _: m+ g8 R3 [- T181. Auto Convoy TF should retain their Home Base as a supply hub base5 ?% W3 C7 p+ i0 W( R
182. Auto Convoy TF home base is not supply hub base& G' s* _% V0 z
183. Error with groups not showing on ships in TF transfer screen
# P* K2 F9 `' O- P) h/ d184. Group re-size to consider total planes in group rather than maximum group size when considering operational capacity on ship, i* n: v( }: v1 d
185. Force map centre on false sightings to help with map sequencing
# {0 ~# [! w' Z% R. C4 w: M' d. A186. Restored fully repaired factory needed before R&D starts
5 ~$ @4 @( M3 b8 u/ ]$ r, B+ R8 \187. Removed incorrect DL addition for TF launched air patrols
3 t5 ~9 J: G  V2 S7 t5 G188. Not all dead group fragments being removed is stopping upgrade, rebuilding, etc.8 ]  a4 q1 b6 v: k* M8 z+ M
189. Correct 'from zone' for TF starting at off-map base for way-points- v& h) K) y. S
190. ‘Aux’ overstated on enemy TF mouse over5 p# ?1 d6 i5 ?. u/ E3 U8 m
191. LCU mouse over being cut short for large number of enemy units
+ \0 d1 }' i! ~6 y- l192. No planes, no torpedo ordnance available
+ F1 f+ I" [. R193. Player's ACS TFs could be re-directed by AI& b% H) {0 K. b, P% g/ p2 n7 p
194. Suppress AR from being operational if AR has any repair delays
! ]! P% Q- C$ ~/ W9 p) T$ e/ f; k195. Mouse over on Pilot List sometimes gave wrong info
  Z( Q* Y7 V7 H7 G( d& A, z196. Retained original delay on LCU if enemy still holds base at scenario start; random delay time could cause unit to return to national base
( v0 U; h4 x5 E197. Restored LCU image on small land unit screen (like reinforcements)
' n$ J; ]/ B* a198. Allow more ships to show in TF transfer screen
5 y# p8 L: V* _/ X& M  I199. Soviet release did not always free Japanese to attack
9 _" p5 I/ Z4 q0 T1 l200. TOE device upgrade not always occurring' V6 Z& z3 B$ X3 u
201. AI could reassign human TK task force for pickup oil/fuel purposes
3 U4 v9 G) n2 T2 Q8 U202. Base movement of off-map groups overriding restricted HQ check0 t$ K3 C; N$ _9 W/ u. e+ y9 G
203. Fixed Industry Management screen not checking if base is active before adding RES and OIL pools; affect small map scenarios( G& V1 W3 Q$ ~: G+ n
204. Suppress option for Withdraw on Intel Screen if not enabled- ]2 K0 l, ~8 D4 B) K- r3 R2 w
205. Some level bomber switches in user upgrades not costing PPs
1 q. j; D4 j! O/ ?1 R206. Revamped the ability to keep pilot from being release on the group screen. Corrects rank sort error9 E1 n( l+ H$ ]: c
207. Army list screen had some overlapping text
0 j  q* G! n# G) A208. Expanding of AF showed strange %6 O  C2 X7 z) ^4 H. V
209. Player upgrade aircraft showing wrong PPs& ]% X- u8 q* e  V  `9 F/ O) k" `8 W
210. Repair of Air HQ devices with Replacements denied% W- A! ?; t1 I( V+ i
211. LCU replacements could cause 'free' upgrade sometimes* N& w9 b9 J& I) T# q
212. Low level altitude penalty using wrong altitude
4 Q9 `- q! l- J3 n4 ^' }7 ]213. Defender pilot not always getting fatigue from high altitude penalty
/ f% }8 O% I" E- U6 ^214. Fatigue on groups at range 0 - error exposed in 1108q9/ L! ?0 H! [" e: E: b: o1 |1 W2 [
215. Railway move of groups at heavily damaged AFs not always working4 S+ M6 ?. e9 d1 b5 Y0 L9 V# _2 {
216. LCU not showing on map5 N- P* Y" w' P8 z7 d4 \
217. Expanding '0' factories' G3 ]( u9 P& Y; L: I; K
218. Possible negative max limit for pilots! a3 B* s4 V7 G/ O2 J% Z
219. Sync bug due to AUTO_UPGRADE option test for subs
" g8 h* i2 H0 e2 }2 j220. Possible 'anchored ships' screen pops up on group list
; u4 Q1 g; C6 s+ ]7 q221. Off-loading parent LCU sometimes disappeared leaving orphaned fragment
" v; b" Z1 P) z8 p" U1 C222. Removed limit of non-zero port for repairs - left over from WITP and stops use of repair ships in port 0
$ o! X- q5 L; b' O* Z. _223. Arrival ship list sort not working if ship due to arrive in a TF4 d2 Y0 B  y4 B4 D
224. Error in industry menu for yard points - reporting HI need instead
$ a& o0 C; G4 a$ g7 C$ k& \225. Air-borne radar not checked in night raid detection; include moon and radar in check
6 j4 k4 t& j* }3 N8 U) E226. Air-borne radar not being passed to split-off flights, affects night combat% B7 ~/ h9 f" f/ j: M
227. Search direction not passed to 'Set all' groups2 v3 K* W2 V2 _1 b4 v& @5 R
228. Lock scroll box on sunk ship list when showing a ship
# c0 L# F' h. Q. m229. Wrong nationality test on group arrival if no base set resulting in delayed arrival
  [' s5 S8 I# L) J& X& U1 i4 o230. NFs don't always have AIR SEARCH radar; assume NF with air radar is SEARCH. Problem lies with incorrect data for radar device. If NF can have both air and ground radar, then air should be listed after ground radar.
$ {, n* j4 Q4 M' J231. HQ not swapping with fragment sometimes* R3 E8 g' S/ a: t9 S
232. Error in class of re-spawned midget sub
2 T( W0 A3 B" m. \' l6 A" @, h233. Auto upgrade of TOE device when LCU upgrade off.
4 ~' A; X2 e' L# B7 z! |234. Misplaced TF icon not matching map location* M% Z* d5 n2 Z8 k/ o6 @6 ~* @
235. Group arriving at a ship still had delay of 1 stopping getting of pilots
; n7 s4 y; C% |! ]3 w, m5 M5 x) _236. Large number of groups could cause CTD in air attack( p9 i) _& K: S5 }- s: z: q
237. Missing troop level in non-base hex
% h$ a' \$ Z* S$ \% h5 Q238. Patrol air missions from ships took incorrect endurance from TF - relief CAP increased endurance used+ @) @1 i" w( N" Q5 y5 ?2 _9 G  k0 p* l
239. Retain Escort mission if too many ships in new TF mission - causes issues to some code if wrong number of ships present1 w# |! a* f! Q& a' a
240. Incorrect TF# used after surface combat (caused sync but wrong ships used endurance)
+ y5 f( Y4 m9 ^241. Cargo capacity for resources not fully used9 J+ |9 b+ f1 t: o7 b, W
242. Naval groups on delayed ships shown on lists8 {: W3 v6 u( K! n, J9 u5 E7 v
243. No pilot replacement selection from trainee
, G2 H+ }( \) {9 ], n/ z0 k: |244. Releasing one veteran pilot causes needed pilot count to go to zero rather than be reduced by one
& o$ k2 O+ B- I$ U4 Z5 r* J3 Z9 s245. CS would not necessarily return to the correct destination when way-points used
0 O: N$ \' v: V" j, o, R246. CS not being docked at home base causes confusion for return trip
9 c! P' t0 E* U4 c) J$ K247. LCU leader being lost on landing fragment swap
% Z& G' N+ t9 x3 c$ I2 C) T248. Multiple LCU sub-units being in same TF being merged on landing3 W3 H; K: \. W- a" F0 R, H
249. Ships building at captured enemy base could be cancelled incorrectly5 M; r/ t( l" v' U9 f9 n
250. Invasion LCU auto-bombardment exhausting supply. Auto-bombarding based on available supply so LCUs lacking supply wont.
ae最大的BUG 就是 点某些船的水机队会跳出游戏!6个小时的排兵布阵,一刹那悲剧了。
ae最大的BUG 就是 点某些船的水机队会跳出游戏!6个小时的排兵布阵,一刹那悲剧了。
; p4 \5 l" |8 e. p) {  I9 Mkkzhouyu 发表于 2012-2-20 01:25
* r1 S% s5 t4 a* z3 O% U

) L3 |, S: g. s, b  d' V% ?9 L1 q估计是汉化的问题,原版还从没遇到过跳出的情况
ae最大的BUG 就是 点某些船的水机队会跳出游戏!6个小时的排兵布阵,一刹那悲剧了。
9 O$ E3 v# G8 Q2 M# `5 q: Ckkzhouyu 发表于 2012-2-20 01:25
1 Y( p. g8 P+ V
. F% r1 y- s" M0 B: v+ x' t* ~6 K英文版不存在这个问题
这是2012年2月份的官方正式补丁啊,应该不是很久以前吧, D2 ]+ a: n1 v
kampfgruppe 发表于 2012-2-19 21:10
0 Q* O/ }) Z: K+ ^" @4 q
这个补丁在1月24日就放出了, J, M) C/ f) _0 i! s+ T( c+ C  p
ae最大的BUG 就是 点某些船的水机队会跳出游戏!6个小时的排兵布阵,一刹那悲剧了。
* G6 L- R% w9 gkkzhouyu 发表于 2012-2-20 01:25
; \+ R4 @6 Y+ K2 I
  s' T1 R5 A8 R: m9 r2 g3 J6 u; W估计是汉化的时候工作量太大,某个字符输入的时候有偏差。不过水机编队大可以用机队管理界面来操作,不需要单独去点吧?