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446# Deutschina
( a9 @) B/ |4 o  s  z* S1 X+ E5 G" I这个日本人对他们小孩都有教育呀,比如光荣的《大航海时代》,如果利用得当,帆船也能在太平洋上来回跑,
445# wangqifeng 8 e3 a; U4 w0 s9 N6 w
! D' U  C% f0 P) K5 C% x8 d日军陆攻轰炸新加坡,盟军AA时常能击落几架,双方目前对此都比较满意。7 X" [# m: G; d
: J; b- p# E4 Q! K$ J: ]补给大部分已经上岸了,这点损失还算轻微。3 k6 N! n( q4 V3 Z- L; y
大陆战场日军在到处爬山,国军也在到处转进堵漏。日军这爬山的意志真坚决 8 L6 L% \! c4 N+ |4 @( e( o8 J
. d/ A1 ]- k) i% m# K
% |! g3 a5 w7 U6 T# J5 O9 lNight Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
- k* m6 l$ J/ O# jAllied Ships
' E: u  r" P: v# [# m, ?/ x      CL Durban" U0 i  y3 [; T, f
      CL Dragon% R$ z# Z/ Y5 @! c5 }% b2 Y6 |
      CL Danae% d3 w& P3 `2 F. z2 Q
      DD Piet Hein* J9 Z. n. q6 N8 j1 p( g- G
      DD Banckert/ y- O1 X8 V7 h- H
      DD Vendetta; x2 ~4 I' G. g& k
      DD Vampire
: N/ D; q  Z( [  P! _------------------------------------------------------------
+ K6 ]" h$ A1 dMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  5 R- P+ A# ?1 r
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 8 q7 A0 d. J4 L: ]9 x. ~8 X
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
3 u+ L3 x4 @- M8 V' X/ V. y  ]0 gEstimated time to target is 15 minutes # K+ z! i! [* C; o9 E
Japanese aircraft5 `& r( `" |2 W: m3 t" A. x
      G3M2 Nell x 30
* U, d2 T0 o. \/ j- U. }Japanese aircraft losses
8 i+ a) M! b0 d5 k7 V7 U' \      G3M2 Nell: 21 damaged
8 n7 F' f# A' J1 X% ?9 ]$ R      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak
) o9 ?: V: S* }6 ~8 `Airbase hits 2
- @! G0 F' a9 V8 |, p8 hAirbase supply hits 2
" M1 P+ }$ o3 j% h6 [Runway hits 19
! M; F: H: k3 R2 H----------------------------------------------------------------
- e6 H. f8 e4 x7 c3 f. E+ zMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 ) i* F! z. B  h
Weather in hex: Light rain
7 [* Y' v- B, PRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.4 h# P2 J$ S- \* O
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes 1 _: H( u; c' U7 h9 v" b8 y
Japanese aircraft7 `7 N: O2 o# W
      A6M2 Zero x 23
* N0 ?# H/ ^" o$ r  b      D3A1 Val x 5
' `8 B5 [% ]- F5 ONo Japanese losses 4 X$ J1 v. n) l1 R1 w
Allied Ships1 j# ~6 ~, [3 }% H- X
      xAK Tanfield1 \; j. r; J/ Q6 g* O: X9 `7 a
      xAK Kiangsu, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage $ W  D( R( {1 n" T( B8 ~
Aircraft Attacking:
( a( c+ n: N) }( N       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
1 A/ J* [3 \9 {, \               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb5 ?2 H  A/ B+ k; i+ I
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000': f" o0 w" m, j# y! Y1 C6 ?
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb 1 D* ^2 L& E% J' G, K5 ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 L9 Q: n+ ]3 i; @  a" `4 h# f
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
7 R1 a2 v5 y3 n/ X; t0 |, {! mWeather in hex: Light rain
0 ?) t# |, L* {5 ~( h5 u: m+ p7 yRaid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
5 |0 ?0 z0 S5 Z. F+ g& fEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
( a4 m5 k! e, {7 R8 ]Japanese aircraft
) D' l& g3 Y8 Z5 T8 o      A6M2 Zero x 122 ( w2 y6 z$ a) t$ I, i( b: S
No Japanese losses 2 ^& u; q/ y2 U% X  M
Aircraft Attacking:
9 F* z5 s" _; B5 V) {; j7 R- w      45 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet* M- s, A5 O  F% l' v+ R
      26 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet* a6 U& J; e# Q9 K3 p- ]# B
      31 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet4 O& S' I2 A' g* Q7 b% \& D0 d  d
      20 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
! q1 Z/ \% Y" o3 Q---------------------------------------------------------------
8 a4 M8 B: c1 R- C  P* y! rMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53
7 W7 k7 e3 S2 T6 G# l. ~& Y; |Weather in hex: Light rain
' v8 h4 J0 Y4 [* h( a. A6 _  }  sRaid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
1 ?  {0 r! A( s, t, bEstimated time to target is 14 minutes
1 p0 I6 j6 U" Y% K# C+ M9 M& R+ OJapanese aircraft
. o$ ^. u& w' a/ w1 S. b4 }4 k6 B      D3A1 Val x 3 9 z1 ]2 J% i, {; ~& b  T; |! S& q! K
No Japanese losses
- f1 v) F$ f- xAllied Ships
# f& A, X9 N  R& {% x+ v% O" ^' ]; j      xAK Caithness, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
; t" w1 n3 c7 aAircraft Attacking:7 \) j! k. @. J( q6 ]# n
       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
' w& {& g9 W# t0 |               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb . x5 w2 R% Z/ f1 Z) A- q2 Q6 n
( ^1 \$ {4 k) |' b$ _  t/ @9 H& QMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 3 L: a8 j# ^4 W8 f9 n0 C: P
Weather in hex: Light rain 5 k) P8 M+ o! s% q
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet./ M; {6 t& k$ g, g' b
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
' }0 r/ K6 V  iJapanese aircraft9 B( u$ S% m: `7 y, m
      Ki-51 Sonia x 18 $ N( b- B; l, y+ r5 V' _) \
No Japanese losses
0 B5 @# b6 w. O6 }: ~* KAllied Ships
1 |0 B1 S* U) O( O0 V6 x      xAK Baroda5 d3 c8 o4 N! M6 K# y/ p4 F( R* E
      xAK Indianan, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
5 @* }8 q0 B* D      xAK Wo Sang* N0 S% Y: j" G% O, j3 V0 a& }9 o7 q
      xAK Wulin8 Y$ i4 [) Z& h! q: H% a' x" E
      xAK Sirsa, Bomb hits 1 % O2 O4 c- W" s0 `$ o8 N$ i
Aircraft Attacking:
9 ~: r2 ]2 z. I, F& d8 {      18 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet+ `1 [5 U( c2 e/ k( J+ ]: G
               Naval Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb; z! y) |( Q1 S& {7 d+ ~
" c  V# \  M% T: ]Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) , B+ _; N& t8 d% U
Japanese Bombardment attack
; Y3 j3 v& s, d: W" A6 tAttacking force 69980 troops, 950 guns, 488 vehicles, Assault Value = 2351 1 p7 N  p8 J- K1 p
Defending force 104960 troops, 654 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2888
0 e) W$ C3 o0 i6 _8 X9 KJapanese ground losses:9 s! G$ L  p/ P) b
      82 casualties reported
3 o. E2 r" H. w         Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled$ H: `; l, ]1 H  T  l5 P! K) W
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 @  ]1 s+ O# v3 L0 U1 [/ E         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 z* a( O* W& z1 t1 FAllied ground losses:5 G8 c7 o2 k8 G2 _/ j
      78 casualties reported
; |% G, X( {: W% U: b0 m         Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
# R+ I5 z/ v" J2 L3 G% {& u: N         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, E; E# H3 z) G! T  c8 D. i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
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9 B& F( d6 ~0 }' l) V! u飞虎队再次升空,如果前几天的表现算抢眼的话,今天的表现只能用惊艳来形容了( ^. k0 F3 i0 U4 S6 L9 F, @
" H' j1 H) K* z6 O估计是日军前期损失了不少精锐,飞行员经验有所下降,且近一个星期长时间的扫场) A0 J& `$ [) T
" d/ T" h$ R) I0 T* D( {* A新加坡照例打下几架陆攻,大陆的安康由于菜花安排失误,出现小规模突击。( h: M4 D. j" A2 z' Y
$ L# N: k( d1 h6 g; f8 n
3 ^) P( \+ n* J/ L7 x, AMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  : [: t; X! p7 ]# ~
Weather in hex: Clear sky
# u" r( E% s: SRaid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.# O* S  ?! f/ `/ k1 u
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
; A% w: b) ^0 k7 t9 MJapanese aircraft
0 Z1 o- [4 I; B* i      A6M2 Zero x 45 % |! h4 C  c8 ]0 q
Allied aircraft1 y7 |7 W) H6 j) R
      H81-A3 x 13# H% z, x; `) k
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 8
- r9 r1 A, [& i! w3 w      Hurricane IIb Trop x 27
0 P" C: v4 G$ [: R8 q% Z      P-39D Airacobra x 16
2 n4 ~/ l2 W3 ]+ L      P-40E Warhawk x 10 + }) g  ^, O) `  |" E/ ?5 e
Japanese aircraft losses3 S7 j8 [; D$ T# M3 n0 w
      A6M2 Zero: 8 destroyed
. R5 `; ]. [; p. t: ?# zAllied aircraft losses: E: ?. W* ^2 E% Y$ _
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed! x8 H2 F. i' D) t6 I' W
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
& t! q, G+ ~- J$ U& a# PAircraft Attacking:: m* a3 U. f- k1 v2 M7 ~
      16 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
* y7 d2 ~' w( R! f9 m, K5 M* t9 ]CAP engaged:
$ R- u2 |# [. E1 @: o2 ?* KAVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (0 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)
6 z5 R8 u# L8 t$ O- Q- c$ f      5 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.' w# w7 m4 V& w" X, O% c  v/ I- D
      Group patrol altitude is 20000
) M( T% u$ {1 o% ]      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes9 W$ z3 Y6 O" n4 ^9 K
AVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 7 on standby, 0 scrambling)0 T' t: A( Y6 C* A/ s  a8 i6 v) K
      3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
1 S' {2 \& e# X4 Q      Group patrol altitude is 20000
+ b5 q; K3 e3 x) h" p( x4 R* G      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
5 {# v9 b; `( M4 N, [AVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)0 K1 ~% P5 d3 y( e3 K
      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.9 W+ j4 @( h4 ~! f
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 / \6 [, I4 y0 F2 w# j
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 25 minutes4 ~/ Y! {3 B% I' q( m+ O
No.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)
9 b1 H' g0 g/ [! c/ W      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
, g) ]; d9 _8 m2 R      Group patrol altitude is 20000 $ @: K3 O- C4 C7 W. O9 M7 \/ }/ h
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes
7 [; j) ?! w3 y8 q: N* C! f, VNo.136 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 2 on standby, 0 scrambling); a+ t$ f: L, i5 s! F3 l5 [1 |0 W; X
      1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
' y( a. ^; m% g2 K      Group patrol altitude is 20000
; ]+ N9 V* f0 H. ?9 p( ]( z; O      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
- w" X* Z1 \+ C# R; K: J; TNo.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 8 on standby, 0 scrambling)
: V1 O+ V0 @# z! Q+ N$ R2 B' ^0 M      3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
' G8 C9 j4 @8 b, B/ V, h      Group patrol altitude is 20000 6 l4 C9 \; \/ c$ c$ h" |5 ?
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes8 n- z1 Q; b0 e* P
No.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
+ L' c9 S1 V; C: s/ V- V$ A      2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
1 F" E* p& m2 x9 [      Group patrol altitude is 20000 9 w+ O7 O3 A2 _2 J/ V! j) a
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 23 minutes
5 D" r9 b( V3 g: F8 l5 W- m( x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" p# y0 r$ V+ {- ?" C
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  # y) Y  U' g1 O! j8 H4 H3 }
Weather in hex: Clear sky ) f9 o- B$ E4 f+ j. m5 ?% Q
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
+ L" J- Q0 n+ S( y# w+ }Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
5 {6 g5 ^8 F  e6 ?( j8 ^Japanese aircraft
0 k: g& K! z) D: X& T5 k; l" }      A6M2 Zero x 38 + ^5 d, S/ j/ H+ ]
Allied aircraft# y3 T  g1 w" U+ X* B' J$ x
      H81-A3 x 12/ J: d! q. B' f3 E9 V
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 8
. _% [' f! [7 P. ~4 ]1 O% l      Hurricane IIb Trop x 19
( P& o: Y+ P+ v4 r      P-39D Airacobra x 9. T  H( X! i  |; C9 r1 p! r5 \. B
      P-40E Warhawk x 7
4 \; I8 p" ?$ u) d/ QJapanese aircraft losses6 Z! |6 j  ~7 A
      A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed
8 Y) n7 G5 K" m( o' `9 ?) eAllied aircraft losses' D: T$ }1 f. O+ _$ S+ {
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed; |9 ^4 s+ S' ~& w+ O& m; L5 x
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
4 w# c) S! G) J5 `9 w4 DAircraft Attacking:; j: |2 ?( Y) D
      16 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
4 R% t, z1 {* q------------------------------------------------------3 [8 J! V; w: ^
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
1 f: K3 c- T& g* P( bWeather in hex: Clear sky ' G2 u5 Z& P  }' f/ |
Raid spotted at 43 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.; r9 a2 t$ C4 e# {3 M
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes 5 R7 F  Z& [5 T: k1 B9 ]: h! i
Japanese aircraft: n) Y9 e3 M$ g) h( `' P
      A6M2 Zero x 31 9 o% m/ `# P( A( {
Allied aircraft$ J% U) I2 P9 C( Y
      H81-A3 x 10
8 q& B' r9 e5 c$ c      Hurricane IIa Trop x 55 {* N: ^- g5 t8 }5 @( I- |( P
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 15
2 C3 O0 E1 h  o. x6 n9 @' M  [      P-39D Airacobra x 6, ]% u$ U( R" P5 o& ^$ ?* b; }0 R
      P-40E Warhawk x 4 2 T- j6 k5 I8 V& o" E4 `
Japanese aircraft losses) Z( f0 x: Q+ K  s* c
      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed
6 R& P( x7 Q" g. S# ?, SAllied aircraft losses
4 }' T  ]7 F% P- K" A. @: U8 C      H81-A3: 1 destroyed# [4 |7 J; k& _# S3 A% M( ]
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed 6 K3 Q; _4 f6 i: W5 |" n1 N- N
Aircraft Attacking:
8 B8 Z, d! r" x- t      14 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet/ }- M! r: o' s: C9 {
---------------------------------------------------------------4 s" X7 V% ?6 g; E7 w
Morning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai
. r! B$ x0 ]( Z- W4 b0 P2 FWeather in hex: Overcast 2 E! ]8 W: M$ [
Raid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
/ M: ?( t& D9 ~Estimated time to target is 19 minutes & M" T* q9 y9 j; b1 H( \/ [2 j4 q7 C
Allied aircraft
7 S" [. N. a* b      Wirraway x 3 - ^- n* H! `* _# c
No Allied losses
& ]8 Y! B7 G. K$ W( k" e  B# MAircraft Attacking:7 U  D4 R; S# U5 V) o; N+ ^
       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet1 ~4 B# X; q1 H9 t- ]7 W8 d; O
               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb/ G7 O& s3 C* ^* u
9 B5 O5 {! C7 e- X; O8 y/ UMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
; l/ _1 q0 c* Z" I: z1 _- S( m7 P/ uWeather in hex: Clear sky/ v0 w7 d/ i$ M* M
Raid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
6 L' q* e  N, D6 \  q) {Estimated time to target is 7 minutes " C* ^6 `$ V- L- M0 ^+ d8 R& }5 T! t
Japanese aircraft
9 t4 y9 r! j0 q      A6M2 Zero x 22
: n2 N6 e9 H0 BAllied aircraft
" K  v$ N1 K- `      H81-A3 x 6
& }! `( x6 B" y: f      Hurricane IIa Trop x 38 ~- F5 I' x9 D8 ?3 V0 t
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 10
8 p, ?  Q# M: w' _: Q      P-39D Airacobra x 3
# @! w) b1 s1 o9 @; k      P-40E Warhawk x 2
5 X) E4 v" M( @. t, sJapanese aircraft losses
1 @1 P: ]. U* n      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
0 @5 q6 X4 G3 R3 w1 y! L9 H  \Allied aircraft losses* x3 Q& s" ~$ E
      H81-A3: 2 destroyed$ q# T% C" R; F4 d5 T5 A
      Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed' X: y  h$ `& c" W
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
" L( y5 r! w3 r4 M: PAircraft Attacking:
$ s1 H( T5 ]7 C. [% N( N7 t! I$ n3 Q" X       2 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
) E6 u% K' a5 W* w% O" p---------------------------------------------------------------) V5 m& N: f8 `" x) G. y; S4 w
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
& g0 x- n; p3 F  u( D$ SWeather in hex: Moderate rain 6 I7 S3 [. e8 P7 r
Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.) y" I  g5 g' K8 @! M" ~
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
* g3 `7 t( E% |, y- n- wJapanese aircraft, q' F9 P. C3 H% C
      G3M2 Nell x 8
: s: C& u; ~6 X% R' [Japanese aircraft losses
+ N( n5 e+ {6 @  f' F      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
/ F6 M1 j$ W* E0 u      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak ! N, N5 A3 S) _0 u* `
Airbase hits 1
8 p1 i* ], o8 oRunway hits 2
' k0 }8 I: t% U. w" n+ R% ^! {# lAircraft Attacking:. n! D! D9 K. E7 V8 ~. J
       5 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet * . \* k) r5 |& {
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
& z- [4 y' ^' w7 G3 `6 r2 L2 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' q' ]( q7 s- H% Z% O+ @
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  6 g1 }% Y! y2 u' }
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
! L: `: d2 h! U) DRaid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.  R: E1 P/ O3 A7 `; A' W5 z& }
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
8 c( G) Y; P2 Z. B5 b% c% hJapanese aircraft5 g1 e+ B# ^7 [* J! `- ~
      G3M2 Nell x 6 ) l  T0 j) C( f4 q* o5 I6 D
Japanese aircraft losses- H, R3 B5 t! V2 m0 @6 j( X
      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
5 J+ J1 k2 t" R/ n      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak 0 O2 r4 z* r/ n8 E( L, g# j3 Z
Airbase hits 1! ]5 m# M9 `/ i7 A; `: |( u
Airbase supply hits 1/ h2 s6 I1 e% t% y
Runway hits 2 5 x4 p9 r5 U# u9 i
Aircraft Attacking:
; q9 T0 q0 O3 g       4 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet *
* ~+ \3 s- s- ?( F/ W+ f               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb7 Q: h8 o  h* k0 r, B1 L1 v5 v
$ k6 i! d; @0 S( t) GAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53
5 L% G. X% E; P% \. a1 `/ O& bWeather in hex: Moderate rain $ x4 R! {8 y& ~  l5 Z: A+ h
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
" a+ k8 _0 B: v3 q/ KEstimated time to target is 13 minutes " T8 n' T7 U; N
Japanese aircraft; e) G6 `0 o* k5 x3 p- h. D7 M6 t2 @
      A6M2 Zero x 7" \  L' g& l" t$ ^0 p" e2 T
      D3A1 Val x 9 9 K3 X7 R9 x# Y, y0 ^
Allied aircraft
6 e6 Z7 i9 _, h, U6 o      H81-A3 x 1- r/ ?0 v' c4 j$ k/ N5 @: [
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 1( T/ c7 ~, s9 V" |( }9 l
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 34 ?" P. K1 L  \& Z# L1 p7 K
      P-39D Airacobra x 7# v& L+ }$ }* j  p2 k6 x
      P-40E Warhawk x 1 4 C" i+ ^0 B' I6 q
Japanese aircraft losses
+ x2 D$ Q* c; l* e; l      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
* |. f3 T- P: k( |5 d      D3A1 Val: 5 destroyed
8 C) q2 G/ F0 {. u4 B* O4 o2 rNo Allied losses
, R) Y. P- b) H! u5 lAllied Ships
1 j. s7 d* N! c      xAK Santa Elisa, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
& h& {& ^( z8 r' _# hAircraft Attacking:
. R0 X0 P- ^7 W6 R5 ~! H       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
# A3 R/ q+ m  ~" t3 Q               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb# u7 d- l8 i8 _
CAP engaged:
3 W% [2 S8 n1 HAVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (2 airborne, 5 on standby, 0 scrambling)& z7 A5 P6 U9 U! \, H7 z) \4 _# s
      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
$ g/ d' m+ y  g: U! \, ]      Group patrol altitude is 20000 ! T: [6 z$ C0 u& D# G$ o
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes& V6 a- d1 Z( E# g7 y& z+ c
      6 planes vectored on to bombers8 J! t* j( U% t% ]" @
AVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
' G) W" a: h7 U# W      1 plane(s) intercepting now.0 ?1 w. G; \, u) B
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.! ?- t/ l# w/ d  L
      Raid is overhead
6 a# q+ d6 N2 y2 f' a# AAVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
/ T6 l* E0 ~% x7 U: ~5 k      1 plane(s) intercepting now.: E7 ?2 x0 C7 }# n2 ~1 o0 O
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.8 I4 i, x9 ?. ^* T  N
      Raid is overhead! r, v5 e5 h3 P
No.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling): H0 e/ v! P7 z1 ?
      2 plane(s) intercepting now., S" R( _) {, U$ ^
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
) g+ \) v+ P0 ?      Raid is overhead+ [3 d6 s9 A0 Q* N& C5 Y; K
No.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)9 V& ?- h+ [1 M
      1 plane(s) intercepting now.! g6 n3 K! c$ O/ W
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
/ e, X& \7 b$ o5 o      Raid is overhead$ t8 J+ A  p/ x3 u8 n4 y7 K
      1 planes vectored on to bombers
$ w# p& }) {. c7 d* u! UNo.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)! e# B+ H4 j/ E7 {5 W' E: B
      1 plane(s) intercepting now.4 o$ A( X, r  F
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
$ m3 u1 ^2 ~( v8 N      Raid is overhead
* e8 V  ]) d/ _' ?  E4 W. x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: J1 i) I* }$ I  eAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Singapore at 50,84
) i% _0 u6 n5 f) g% K2 uWeather in hex: Moderate rain / m0 z7 ?! A" S
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
8 C/ }/ I0 n! }7 m/ B  R# VEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
+ X% ]" q5 b9 k! `( @- U/ DJapanese aircraft
) I. g7 _. J: W( [  s! r      G4M1 Betty x 4
/ X' W- Q& H0 VJapanese aircraft losses
" x) t8 F7 O4 k      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged
2 C/ D5 V& P" U% ]: J      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
8 R% _6 e% B" p" AAllied Ships. p. X) B* Z, e( d9 L
      ML No. 423
$ \; V4 J; \; _8 f) W6 ^* K6 E7 Y( U" BAircraft Attacking:; e7 d! n+ b! c9 t1 ]3 I
       2 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet3 i; g( [. o3 c. U/ V) P
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo . r" ?( R" w% z. o2 `' o% d* Q* \. ]+ H
. k3 z. E0 W6 u& d5 \$ XAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Singapore at 50,84 , ]9 t8 C; |  z* a" }, [) ?
Weather in hex: Moderate rain / W& g3 u* B+ x: K# P# i
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
# B4 Q* H% `/ V' M7 r) o: SEstimated time to target is 14 minutes + R  _' \9 b% h% `4 B% Y, F
Japanese aircraft
: N3 F$ J  `! L      G4M1 Betty x 6 - k1 J( V9 H$ |8 l2 L& D
Japanese aircraft losses7 _7 o- s4 i+ o! l
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
' c7 p! u8 V6 a/ jAllied Ships$ s- D; F! e4 a: D3 a
      ML No. 362
7 j5 `. \+ W. Z) T, B      HDML Pahalwan . @: c/ y* `4 t5 o
Aircraft Attacking:
# k( X# X6 f: v9 b: W! g       5 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
5 C+ C! }. x9 J( U/ V7 P2 B- s               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo ; A+ `$ Q" Y% l
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ]4 f- c- S) ?& M) L
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  - [+ X% V5 R4 y* l+ y! c6 c
Weather in hex: Moderate rain ; E  p, u9 N& x0 {
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
0 U, t2 g. x& v2 w  m1 @/ OEstimated time to target is 10 minutes ; J& v* j$ L% p7 |# ^: W
Japanese aircraft' N0 }9 G7 P6 K; B% T/ l
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18 2 W1 j  {3 Z# E$ q; f
Japanese aircraft losses+ W' C+ x- ?8 w1 c% ?/ r5 g5 e
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged   ~+ P% @* F; t; q' T3 k
Airbase supply hits 1
8 A) g" Q7 s7 h, K0 uRunway hits 1
4 p3 d( X7 }. ?, b* NAircraft Attacking:5 ]; I6 }0 k) G
       9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet *
: u/ |: \8 o( l% w" K3 ^/ H               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
# O' h8 [7 G# o       9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet *
6 S/ C6 N9 Q% w               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb 7 i9 S7 [# A9 U
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ H0 t6 J" b' \/ P( B% a2 P
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  ' {9 p8 m# K& ~& o4 G0 q+ ?# U, V
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
: i1 k3 _; Y+ o" vRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
2 }+ Q% w' k% h$ A3 EEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
. @4 s  u- v4 G7 m4 Z( G5 w2 h( g: r4 WJapanese aircraft  j6 W+ D8 y) t5 b0 p. S: ^
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 13 + `8 s2 E9 ?# Z5 z6 ^# v4 C2 S
Japanese aircraft losses: [0 C$ r& P0 O/ l0 P' a
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged
8 `3 h( x2 G* X1 l$ P  gAirbase supply hits 1- G; G% ]4 j6 T
Runway hits 1
% a/ A" N# t3 n7 x, e! `  [-------------------------------------------------------------
2 ^4 U% T, V- Q, j( p) lAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 " |( \9 |! W! H  u5 w+ Z* I
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
7 ]9 T9 X) `* FRaid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.# g( ?, I# I( _  k+ _3 [* C1 B1 T
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes
% M$ H7 T: L2 ~Japanese aircraft
: c% E+ l( [7 e5 i# t      A6M2 Zero x 9) }2 {& s0 Z1 T% ?% h
      Ki-51 Sonia x 18
& e2 `" Z5 C* a5 Z% t) d" I$ h) EAllied aircraft
2 q+ f% I8 `# L7 u0 M9 @4 W7 g# F      H81-A3 x 1
) ~; Q4 V* w/ H: i1 l# J6 r      P-39D Airacobra x 5
1 S8 s. a# h: G4 w0 x! C      P-40E Warhawk x 1 % L( `$ ?9 P( @, X% p
Japanese aircraft losses! @+ A: I8 g, m. F9 U
      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
$ d) ]) v- B0 n      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
% ^* |! d" B- g( M" }' N; YNo Allied losses
9 J! \7 E% ]* q  H. f9 M4 u- hAllied Ships6 u0 M$ v( U- q( X" o! t
      xAK Jalapalaka
% P9 [/ B/ D: Q9 `" y! {! }      xAK Hunan& E7 c* A1 l1 Q3 x1 N- H
      xAK Jaladurga
5 N# {* `" z& R7 r4 Q      xAK Indianan,  heavy fires,  heavy damage2 V% w; k. {0 A, J+ d" Z8 o
      xAK Liran
- n; z7 z7 j* i3 s' d" HAircraft Attacking:
. {* k' J" ?3 }      16 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet
5 R" K. r% o: O# V               Naval Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
. b8 {- b% {5 m- p' i# B-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ C2 l' M; @" v4 }5 oGround combat at Ankang (82,42) 6 p3 r) u* F* P; Z1 i
Japanese Shock attack ; m1 Q/ s! j/ Y2 H# v5 h
Attacking force 74007 troops, 962 guns, 896 vehicles, Assault Value = 2356 4 F4 v  M1 y/ d
Defending force 105253 troops, 655 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2910 , R$ C, J  L% m) [8 S6 R
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3
! ?9 }- q* c8 w+ k# gJapanese adjusted assault: 35  
  S1 h6 e: D( J  ?' E  [% {* uAllied adjusted defense: 9511  0 x5 r" W+ l+ v- O# n  W
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 271 (fort level 3)  
) X$ _! l! @+ Y. S: |) zCombat modifiers
. F, l( L/ e% F' Z% W$ QDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-)
6 Q$ _9 Q% J* u  c5 X# w! z, O9 ` experience(-). e# d/ k( y5 V/ _
Attacker: shock(+)
& N! [' b9 Q1 D  sJapanese ground losses:4 g% B8 R( u4 s
      382 casualties reported
  k6 ?: H6 M9 z         Squads: 0 destroyed, 23 disabled* T6 D; d) U1 q, h1 D4 e
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 57 disabled
: b) q# S5 c- {1 m0 t% I1 e         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
8 D& _) u& C7 t/ n( ]5 {+ r% v$ y' s      Guns lost 22 (2 destroyed, 20 disabled). m' x+ w# `- i% B" v4 {! x
      Vehicles lost 199 (20 destroyed, 179 disabled) 2 J1 ~1 i/ i8 A# p8 C0 j
Allied ground losses:- L4 F0 z! U/ B; _8 q5 L
      367 casualties reported# A8 O+ G  U" S2 X6 a  {
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 45 disabled
1 `4 h2 Z& H- B2 B         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
6 N. Z3 L+ S+ c         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled 0 O* Z. h% K7 E+ u- R* `
-------------------------------------------------------------- ' Z( U7 z2 Q8 Q
Ground combat at Ningsia (84,33) 0 m, h) D$ ^& O6 W
Japanese Shock attack ' M3 L2 Z% M3 C2 {& A. E) W
Attacking force 5851 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 349
) r( L6 l& `% X: @. hDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
. L9 i# D# M) B# l; U7 eJapanese adjusted assault: 192  
  B) [7 ]8 z6 u3 X' a; lAllied adjusted defense: 1  2 ~8 q& A6 Z7 [% R
Japanese assault odds: 192 to 1 (fort level 1)  3 t$ `/ c/ ?' Q3 g6 T
Japanese forces CAPTURE Ningsia !!!
0 N# E& c/ F) d' V1 @- _6 G/ ACombat modifiers
) Z5 v8 l  l) n' ]Attacker: shock(+) 9 m3 E+ E+ k7 o9 W6 g+ F$ X
Assaulting units:
( w( ~, k0 |% r: x+ s    2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
( c0 Y8 ?% k7 n' L) g# z    4th Cavalry Brigade9 F$ K' l( r9 ^7 I) S5 X
    1st Cavalry Brigade, }! x' R5 Y! A5 h: _* F& u
    7th NCPC Infantry Brigade
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# Q  t) W# H# q仰光上空终于安静了,当天焦点转移到了新加坡,荷兰海军炮击了新加坡,日军也轰炸了此地
8 z6 w( a3 X: V2 |7 o, i接下来就是一次日军的地面突击,将城防降到2级,虽死亡人数日军依然多于盟军
2 O* ?3 z; e; }; q  ~8 @但下降明显,且盟军永久损失班组比日军多,这意味在新加坡陷落的日子不远了。
$ K* D& c% {+ s. t% t3 A' _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 p2 c9 z' w/ u  G8 G3 K, r+ P
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
: W/ H3 f" F0 P5 G- LAllied Ships
$ S5 }) h9 n8 ~. z      CL Durban" `2 I* \2 P: }# k. U8 }4 v
      CL Dragon
) I$ S# T2 |) g6 F& e- d! A      CL Danae8 {1 j; a+ h! D* l+ t
      DD Piet Hein  r  G% W8 I/ W
      DD Banckert
/ r0 R; \! G# I! l/ }# e      DD Vampire 3 m& t. r% z2 o8 E
Japanese ground losses:6 k# s+ M( D3 i9 J' V# p
      5 casualties reported
! t6 Q; d0 @- g! l* w- p$ p         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" Q) u7 k% J0 u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled1 c7 {! _5 o! U* w" ~6 ^8 @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. [" B5 Z% R( J3 O: E--------------------------------------------------------------
6 q1 c- Q9 t* a4 Y! E9 L$ fMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84    c9 @9 W9 _( M7 |
Weather in hex: Light cloud : G# g" D5 a3 y& U! W" c
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.8 u' x7 Y* t& W; x  w
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
& q( A/ t0 s5 f+ r* b' kJapanese aircraft% o8 h4 A1 \" S. ~2 q6 H/ N
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 30
3 ~' N' L! {8 S9 C) _# r      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12' @6 k3 E1 [/ D* \" W" `
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9
$ p/ V* H+ J, tJapanese aircraft losses
0 R. j5 h% _3 F3 S7 ?      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 9 damaged
) `, Q( Y  ~* [- a7 ]9 P( o      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak   l" N4 M& D$ e
Airbase hits 43 {, I4 M7 o) ]  L  U
Runway hits 13
& e$ `: j( x6 K+ q5 {: ]8 L----------------------------------------------------------3 U7 R2 |. a- t  b8 w) R
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
% _' p. _9 ~4 M' UWeather in hex: Light cloud 3 h+ T/ D  U% I  y7 c& s& v) S
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.' |! I; |) f8 j
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
% X: q2 \( D9 _" ?# N4 KJapanese aircraft
# p3 g! e: `# R4 T8 |* V" N6 h  X      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9
: x7 y4 V" T: X* O$ WJapanese aircraft losses
- z; _" b& Q- g5 h8 r8 q8 s8 R! D      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
- O+ D) ?% Y0 h3 ?: b- x5 e      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak + x" X6 r' O7 s, O; T& a" i
Airbase hits 3& i% d" I2 f3 ~4 g. ^! z9 ^0 y  O
Runway hits 1
/ T1 k3 `  i1 J7 U  B* g/ X----------------------------------------------------------
/ R# ~+ J( S  {* XMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
) w6 f8 W" M. i7 D: |; V1 i6 fWeather in hex: Light cloud / a' r7 _4 I9 C
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
. m6 z* H+ H/ |% EEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
0 V3 C: B( n4 D$ o# g0 _. iJapanese aircraft
' r! Z, J" h8 x7 W      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 129 F, O2 E2 |) j- A) H+ ]. p0 A
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 8
8 f5 S% Z( ~& s( dJapanese aircraft losses
2 E! B2 d: b8 K+ b8 F3 h      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
9 y& Q+ G' }" a) \9 k& r      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
8 Z* `' t4 s4 `, h: _Airbase supply hits 16 M6 h  G6 M7 c9 a3 {
Runway hits 55 X, N) l# c8 a+ M, [+ E# T( F8 [
--------------------------------------------------------------0 l5 ^1 r3 T4 |2 n; a% d; ]
Morning Air attack on 8th Ind. Engineer Regiment, at 82,48 , near Ichang
' a6 q  B3 q" G, v- E* o# mWeather in hex: Partial cloud 1 u+ ?( N' C5 Y: m: V9 A; L! ]; ]
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.  A2 O, Y- N) |7 z$ ^6 F* i; x
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
! ~9 T9 C- \0 H) cAllied aircraft8 ]- L3 t# P0 V- C8 b; L
      A-29A Hudson x 9 % S  o$ n' Z6 e4 h! d; ^
Allied aircraft losses
2 h/ `# c) l8 w$ q6 I/ t1 _/ a      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged " l6 {3 n8 Y9 u5 f1 {7 P5 `) {
Aircraft Attacking:
0 E! F3 f! A& B; N       9 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet( ^+ Y1 [8 `/ M* z: v( c
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
1 S/ C. x6 s3 c& i( H! f4 a0 V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  {7 W  W) C3 R) F  p" s
Morning Air attack on 33rd Division, at 55,55 (Moulmein)
: [* w5 j! s; S; K+ TWeather in hex: Partial cloud
7 [7 u4 p4 R. P; r! xRaid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
# b. u; e( q9 Q/ ^- N3 zEstimated time to target is 12 minutes 3 d4 {. H& Z8 R/ e7 g
Allied aircraft
6 F. F) ?: L. Y; E; e      Wirraway x 3 4 \! {: g" ?# D: V$ m
No Allied losses 1 t/ ]5 |* u3 {, t  b) l( V& }# S
Aircraft Attacking:
9 @! G+ {+ E; Z8 `: _9 y       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet# Z* y: i, b/ ~+ F: E; V
               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb5 q, G* Q- N( M8 A- b" r8 G2 G3 t: E
-------------------------------------------------------- 1 N! Q; v5 n& e% A) }7 v# _
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) % \4 _) S3 K8 U3 V+ s$ }- |
Japanese Bombardment attack - c' H8 J9 Q: \$ N
Attacking force 69995 troops, 948 guns, 488 vehicles, Assault Value = 2259 # |- s7 h  |/ F, j( {
Defending force 125815 troops, 731 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3657 " N& `# S! H0 A) b: m! ?
Japanese ground losses:* x7 C1 r! \4 L* T8 v
      83 casualties reported
( w4 a/ J$ L/ L' @) y         Squads: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled* x) H  ^  h+ l  Y  L- W
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  ~: m0 C" q1 D" I. U
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled " M3 R3 }" I8 |( @
Allied ground losses:3 m2 B. Z$ I& H+ M
      64 casualties reported
: a- s: E3 W2 ?8 b* m         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
1 ]8 Q# s6 G0 }8 T* Z2 ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
5 Q0 B* e! |2 b- d: |* ^4 p         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
: S1 U2 l5 ^5 A, Y/ [; ^-------------------------------------------------------
4 q) O$ v2 G7 d& gGround combat at Singapore (50,84) 2 `. |- T$ q4 x$ E) N% z+ n0 L
Japanese Shock attack
* `% X1 b8 e. q" W! mAttacking force 114108 troops, 1155 guns, 276 vehicles, Assault Value = 3344
7 u$ q% Y9 S. k3 G2 Q6 pDefending force 43716 troops, 492 guns, 297 vehicles, Assault Value = 910 1 W  Q7 v# |9 L9 o2 n
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2
+ a# y3 @4 _/ u, J% G5 U: FJapanese adjusted assault: 1358  2 _3 ~5 P; Q, l
Allied adjusted defense: 2811  " _/ r+ l$ G4 ^+ Q2 G* J0 L0 R/ x7 }
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 2)  7 j6 R; q, `% D" j
Combat modifiers
: I2 S; g! r3 ]. @Defender: terrain(+), forts(+)
+ ?9 h; p7 V' WAttacker: shock(+) : S% b0 R: ]" l4 i
Japanese ground losses:
7 b. c( [2 H' u: I% ^0 A      5130 casualties reported: z4 }5 v/ I# |# y' [, J! x1 A
         Squads: 71 destroyed, 394 disabled# ?. R* F% b, H
         Non Combat: 21 destroyed, 69 disabled
. U( `6 I# o. H- x( x3 U3 ^" z         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 64 disabled
. ?; z3 e4 I6 \( x      Guns lost 71 (5 destroyed, 66 disabled)& K3 X: r4 \  d1 Z2 i
      Vehicles lost 12 (1 destroyed, 11 disabled) : J' i$ Q4 K1 K) Z% F& ?+ c
Allied ground losses:
; w3 ^+ ]' X9 B9 z' J+ Z4 I' E! l      3336 casualties reported% h( ~, _) C$ R; {
         Squads: 216 destroyed, 81 disabled
- `7 h8 @  r6 J- K1 }1 E8 k8 J         Non Combat: 51 destroyed, 176 disabled
8 K" K% k7 W+ g0 j) `$ Z6 n         Engineers: 7 destroyed, 37 disabled
3 {# x0 \3 z0 i; [- s9 Z# `      Guns lost 43 (17 destroyed, 26 disabled)! @  E6 p2 w9 s
      Vehicles lost 31 (7 destroyed, 24 disabled) & U) n/ N( a# ?9 a5 C' n' P4 `$ U2 D* t
Assaulting units:
% Z. n9 h% G* h4 `8 ]    III./143rd Infantry Battalion( P& w& b# `0 h& Q$ I) `" }( j! f
    42nd Infantry Regiment
9 ]$ K' \; Q$ N1 R+ J; {8 b    I./143rd Infantry Battalion
- }* \+ m! _& V+ g  o    113th Infantry Regiment% G3 z# Z2 ]0 Q, q
    6th RTA Division
6 L3 m( R* l' y5 m" @6 `; T$ K    2nd RTA Division  k. C" |2 j! c/ T% H6 ?
    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
& e# D8 W4 c) ~6 y3 y" F5 x6 W    56th Infantry Regiment
* f, r7 d, o% q, w, M    56th Recon Regiment
2 s+ S  y6 p  x    3rd RTA Division# b6 v9 a9 ~# v8 b+ b
    55th Infantry Regiment
, |" _1 h" @# a8 [" F) I    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
; N+ O3 }1 r/ l% g& Y4 d3 m    41st Infantry Regiment
/ {; H& T1 @: S) r5 Z    114th Infantry Regiment# ]# U, T9 _7 z4 i7 f' @; s
    4th Division
" w% d; ?" @1 X$ t! G    21st Division! w* R) q3 e. R" Q/ a6 Q8 `  L
    112th Infantry Regiment
7 u' m; _; a$ O$ k% O2 Y; O- S    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment* M2 e  n; w9 L2 X) e. X2 n
    148th Infantry Regiment
" X% j/ @0 }5 c" a- k9 _6 q8 L    56th Engineer Regiment0 n, f3 p/ O! {8 q# ^( h. W: d6 p( F
    11th Infantry Regiment
" t* ^. p: ?* g; M5 b% o# ?    21st Infantry Regiment  M1 F3 e0 t3 M/ [2 ~
    4th RTA Division
; P& n  S  T: t    91st Naval Guard Unit0 J9 u- u. Q# }; B9 u
    12th Engineer Regiment
+ M7 \8 C5 r9 i5 D$ F8 e$ e6 E    5th Engineer Regiment- J% n9 \4 H  g/ {. O0 C, `
    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment
3 q  R/ ?4 r: k$ h* u: K  |" U5 u+ h4 _    55th Engineer Regiment! M$ E8 N9 L  E0 M1 S
    38th Division
9 a5 W+ O* r( E8 d    Imperial Guards Division  K5 U7 M  j2 J: l  {
    7th RTA Division
% p2 e: {; U' T- R( _3 O, }    21st Fld AA Gun Co 3 V8 J. I$ O' O0 i7 }5 {) y% M
    34th Field AA Battalion
% Y( [4 C8 f3 v0 g1 _    15th Army
3 t7 `3 \6 ?' v' ~    25th Army
# W; D& s" X6 ~& B- S) b    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment" V% ~( o" b. B0 K
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment
0 _% |; y$ t5 M4 w$ j    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
$ [6 \* G  g( H  J* F9 M    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment
0 z" V7 K  M5 U    56th Field Artillery Regiment
7 B7 _9 N  L5 ~( n/ y. e* p    5th Field Artillery Regiment2 _( x/ Z3 R) U5 ~* W
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion0 \9 L& D" o' T1 a6 a6 K# ^
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion + S* \, E) U8 e
Defending units:
+ ~7 p, r8 \# I* w# U4 L' ^    27th Australian Brigade
9 T0 u1 l( v; D    2/17 Dogra Battalion! X& J+ o- J# y% G0 L
    2nd Malay Battalion2 H" O% B, R) n3 j; d
    1st Malay Battalion* [7 D1 j0 D: X7 a8 R' P: T
    SSVF Brigade
: D' R7 W8 n- A+ A# ?- v    3rd Cavalry Regiment
3 C% D; [" [0 A2 ?* ~3 J- }- M    11th Indian Division
, T4 u# S0 r8 `/ c2 C    1st Manchester Battalion: y: H1 c* ^  S8 Z6 {9 ^0 O4 J
    2nd Loyal Battalion
6 `* e% V5 J% X$ l5 K    22nd Australian Brigade
* e" W' ?6 @# W: X$ l    3rd SSVF Battalion9 B  p# J8 u8 C5 r
    5/14th Punjab Battalion6 J' Z# U% x2 f3 h
    9th Indian Division7 `7 E: \# S/ }7 O0 A/ v
    1st ISF Base Force
) U4 b. D+ q' A' L    223 Group RAF 2 d& j% E, k5 W* I1 T# t
    III Indian Corps
& |+ i& {( }/ Q: A& E    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment7 C2 W+ @. `0 V+ v: b
    2nd ISF Base Force! L+ ], B! q3 p" N% c% o3 |+ j
    3rd Heavy AA Regiment
1 F4 r, j9 U  i" x    1st Mysore Battalion9 Y' v5 _. t' ?8 ~& e% q, w# o% M
    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
* U3 @  K6 Z9 n4 j  ]    112th RAF Base Force
1 v0 f3 f6 q/ i  B2 w$ |2 t    Singapore Base Force( m: O, c! M9 Q2 e+ W% I6 N
    Malayan Air Wing ( P, k; O) y8 k- t8 ]8 B8 P
    Singapore Fortress
5 m6 F  K$ q& A- w2 A    Malaya Army
% m' s. K+ q; F% R0 v/ J    224 Group RAF
, z, U. ^1 j1 l- R& Y3 T0 e    111th RAF Base Force
! ]. C3 v0 ?  U/ [    AHQ Far East , x7 a; F( l; M+ U- b
    24th NZ Pioneer Coy
  M) L, i1 f* r5 D" K6 {    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
6 R  A) c. k2 o    110th RAF Base Force
$ G0 F: R* Y& |. l) _    109th RAF  Base Force
$ ?" M) b. n1 S, v% h5 w    2nd Gordons Battalion( g! R2 A' K, H% U& G6 b' ~. S* N3 v
    109th RN Base Force
445# wangqifeng  
5 N$ }  J# P2 c/ ~这个观点,是你对飞艇的观念依然停留在1战后期,几十年来,随着材料技术,气象预报技术,通信技术和太阳能技术进步,飞艇安全系数提高了很多
; T2 Q# W' N% \6 c9 Elala23159 发表于 2014-11-14 09:07
+ ?& B. J+ w* @& N
马来盟军毕竟是乌合之众,缺乏真正精锐的战斗部队,能让这么多鬼子折腾这么久,付出这么大代价已经不错了。如果趁KB流连于莫港,南方军主力困顿于狮城的这个时机加强了爪哇防务,战略上也是划算的。若能把日军在南洋 ...
# u. D: B6 r9 B) G3 t4 a; S9 H' z% f/ _3 Mwangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-14 16:42
5 h- u/ I' D; X新加坡防守拖延的时间已经达到预期了,接下来拖一天就赚一天,
; Y" e5 ^' g6 K, ~3 D爪哇也集结了1500+战力,4级城防+山地,目前正在冲5级城防。, S9 h5 c/ Q* y0 Y
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-11-15 10:45 编辑
6 @' k3 d+ H, d0 O6 K$ ~  P5 l7 L; y0 ^
# U  H0 c* r) `% Y7 N" j, B. W仰光的编队已经完成卸载,正在返航,陆攻见缝插针,一旦有编队没有直掩就来扔炸弹。
  k% C& w9 D" \0 l14万补给,除去缅甸部队的消耗和损失,剩下13w左右,已经有11万进入大陆。+ n, r2 S& L" J' C: c7 ?" }
) O4 ~' ?6 ]9 x4 Y# l5 h这后勤总管不好当啊。。。 # [* L0 ^2 T" \) C" p
同时泰国过来的日军地面部队,开始过河往仰光移动,估计是因为前期日军的轰炸骚扰& y: C2 N6 ^$ d9 Z+ S: b# j: e( X
+ {& _3 p  d  D( p0 L+ _* x且至少有一个师团,当天盟军考虑再三未发动反突击。" k1 S& p. d+ S% z% q
9 |8 ^. U% [  j6 y  _+ q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# c2 V, a5 E+ I# |% d: M. zMorning Air attack on TF, near Bassein at 52,51 0 v. c0 [5 \' f9 U+ S
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
8 T. J! k& h3 Q6 cRaid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.% L  ]" p8 @' m! S) k- |
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes , p6 G( f" W6 ^( o
Japanese aircraft
8 G" E3 Z& u  S( a      G3M2 Nell x 32
; F2 c" }. P4 g& s! a  C. oJapanese aircraft losses
! L4 Z( q: j" G      G3M2 Nell: 12 damaged
1 u% z# e/ T* u9 {: e/ vAllied Ships
0 j. f" p! N- Z. ]: v* I      xAK Montanan
: S; W* d: N+ I' o8 L. h  H9 e      xAK Ping Wo, Bomb hits 1,  on fire% B0 g/ I  J) T
      xAK Tak Sang0 `+ [( b6 H  `: L
      xAK Garmula, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage) E+ b2 ~$ W7 a9 v* c! |9 b
      xAK Ho Kiang, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage7 \4 \0 n9 I: W( W
      xAK Wulin, Bomb hits 1,  on fire4 X( d5 @! d/ `, Y- f0 F8 x
      xAK Baroda, Bomb hits 1 0 F8 Z9 Y* @' `2 R5 Z3 H4 y9 M6 z
Aircraft Attacking:4 s* h9 g; u- `
      32 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
. ^4 V5 W6 L7 H               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb ' B4 {2 E+ r& v4 X1 _: R- D" q
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Ho Kiang2 \' ^. X/ K) l9 n- `$ |2 j
------------------------------------------------------  H9 }/ w! d" }' u4 a2 h
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  8 X) h4 t- N2 J- I
Weather in hex: Overcast
/ W) g! ^  t# T! Z! x5 cRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
. n/ _- `" T( x$ u: Z' x8 v0 }# kEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
! q. C& n4 W0 A$ Q- m) _" wJapanese aircraft
% L5 v" ~, d" i1 L0 q3 n5 \      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19
' D- I4 ^3 ?$ N: D      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12
, X8 h# x/ G+ C      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
# Q. \! s+ F" G6 \1 M7 |, ^Allied aircraft* V5 b, c+ |! b
      Buffalo I x 18
: I4 e1 N, T) h+ U2 `2 ?5 w  [6 GJapanese aircraft losses& ]4 o2 s- l4 I9 K
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed, 10 damaged
) U! `4 X; M# n      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed
5 l  G; W1 h/ z2 @7 \      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged
3 g9 f! y! O6 B7 b: a( _; F* CNo Allied losses
: ^0 S$ {# b2 y+ [" [5 e- JAirbase hits 5; H, L0 R6 W8 R( M6 d
Runway hits 6 . _& b! @$ \4 I( O+ L5 S8 I0 M
" Y5 {. L& c( M" {7 PMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  9 u+ F' v( m5 }  Q( S
Weather in hex: Overcast ( @9 r9 H; L  m% w& H$ ?
Raid detected at 21 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.- Y) r9 N6 [: X1 O9 I: o$ ]' e
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
* s6 T% J$ V; B. k& R, r9 P  s0 JJapanese aircraft
3 J, p/ Y) u/ `/ E# v7 [* l0 L9 U      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6 + l7 A: P) w, w6 T+ s6 ~. Q' e( h
Allied aircraft
2 x- C- }; c5 d! W6 G3 k      Buffalo I x 7 1 L( |; {. l& ?" `
Japanese aircraft losses9 A' P" U/ P9 K1 T( l
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 destroyed
3 ?# \: H2 B: d4 `/ l6 R- J! nNo Allied losses
$ u) A5 m+ u, a9 A$ I" P8 R------------------------------------------------------------
4 D+ c# Z5 w, B3 a9 PMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
' H! p6 |, x+ R" C9 P9 O1 ~Weather in hex: Overcast * V. X/ h8 a; d0 A8 H
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
) F  T7 t. f- f# }- k* vEstimated time to target is 12 minutes 6 g9 K2 p  F& W+ s6 K% T( [6 V) f
Japanese aircraft7 V6 p, c- n& F
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 8
; x; p/ r/ G  L# o7 K% p  d3 m5 _+ b      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12# B4 Q1 o, Y1 g1 Q6 R
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 11) w3 c  e8 q& w% P* p
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6
9 Q$ k% f  ^2 @+ ?7 B# }; vAllied aircraft" y% ]( \( e0 }5 z( }
      Buffalo I x 3 - p" t: z( b. k, z  E
Japanese aircraft losses
  N7 G3 t  U7 z: V' q      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
: K* G  ?3 S3 e/ \' m      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
; Z0 F( }5 B, _3 T* ^7 m      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged/ ~+ S0 s% o% b4 O! I* X! [/ n
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
# q( y0 G5 {# ?' L5 vAllied aircraft losses
& X* \2 t# n7 N/ V      Buffalo I: 1 destroyed
) M" y& |! F3 B3 y9 uAirbase hits 17 F' p, b7 c; v: y5 B* ?1 ^
Runway hits 3$ G. b$ {7 f1 P: r3 [9 ^9 Y
% F& o) W  m- GGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
9 k8 j6 z1 C) [# {: A: PJapanese Bombardment attack 2 X7 N6 b: k+ \" s- _9 \7 H
Attacking force 70053 troops, 950 guns, 488 vehicles, Assault Value = 2263
' r& v1 e- S$ ^8 wDefending force 126041 troops, 732 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3665 ( N0 j  `3 w+ u4 U8 n" N+ O
Japanese ground losses:
- l7 K! t) Z1 J# m      27 casualties reported% c8 u8 d4 h6 W2 R% _& X
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled) [- n$ I' Q) c! S5 ]
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 A7 x' P! X1 _
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 u" H) E8 q, _3 |Allied ground losses:
& O( ]6 c* n( E: o/ L0 t      172 casualties reported
: P6 |" [& r$ I$ ]4 \8 ?         Squads: 5 destroyed, 8 disabled& n# Y; L# H" l! o* v+ [, _
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled* G* y$ H6 x5 P7 y. S
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
! P. ?4 Q2 L0 h---------------------------------------------- % j9 f/ k$ ]3 q. D7 g6 o
Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)
' B5 s% J! y' W& M0 oJapanese Bombardment attack
* C% _2 Q! l" F2 D, ?Attacking force 102036 troops, 1128 guns, 218 vehicles, Assault Value = 2977
) W# v  B6 r( S; T; {Defending force 40407 troops, 476 guns, 290 vehicles, Assault Value = 734 & d0 A# ~( w: S' l
Japanese ground losses:
, i/ ?/ [4 \! J- s% s) l, @      53 casualties reported+ v& C4 O1 @' Y) ^! ~
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
- v# C- \2 h2 b* B/ W& v' h         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- X; V# T  l, L) s; W# J
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 s1 U! v. Z* cAllied ground losses:
# m$ M1 n" H  `" j7 ~/ E6 r- g      25 casualties reported
9 A" _5 T: F- e& X8 \         Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
2 o, p0 {1 s8 ]+ g' T; ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ [1 u  _1 i, ]# E3 j# g9 {         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& J9 ]; Y- r$ Z* i
------------------------------------------------------ $ r3 S1 w- q( l3 t) R
Ground combat at 56,54 (near Moulmein)
% @- h5 V; u; pJapanese Shock attack
6 E6 {3 K7 H" p* ~" a' ]" lAttacking force 5833 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 220   B4 I* d9 G2 N, M+ F
Defending force 26441 troops, 189 guns, 91 vehicles, Assault Value = 1116 : z- T) x3 D4 `4 M3 H: ^
Japanese adjusted assault: 9  4 x# j5 t7 f3 |
Allied adjusted defense: 661  - V% |; B; \9 O2 H9 o+ O
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 73  - \3 n3 e* D6 ~3 V& l
Combat modifiers
# J0 \1 W8 m. L( z4 [/ ZDefender: terrain(+), experience(-)3 C7 S# E: a, C+ c1 M7 ^6 t! z
Attacker: shock(+)
3 a, B) u) v5 OJapanese ground losses:
6 P/ }2 T3 R+ K0 C0 }0 C# J$ q      3430 casualties reported" l: h- l8 c; F' r
         Squads: 78 destroyed, 110 disabled( Y: Y1 b# F& p" J# C
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 22 disabled
6 F  G" O; ?. y. [4 e/ U: O         Engineers: 7 destroyed, 11 disabled# ~  d% p' d" Q9 W% ~  H
      Guns lost 26 (1 destroyed, 25 disabled)
" D" J) ~6 T- p& R- ]* _' E+ ?4 yAllied ground losses:# y* e/ M( s- r2 m
      43 casualties reported
. i: ]& b: }9 L* }' l- C         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled4 O8 i( C* _5 w: B8 q* q( ], G
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( o+ W5 ~  e/ h) m- r2 v9 V0 b         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 2 I8 {% m% z( e2 s$ V
Assaulting units:/ ]# M8 D/ q$ U' W  \
    15th Guards Regiment) t; @5 ]' f6 J9 G- f4 i! P$ U$ _1 X
    1st RTA/A Division
% L6 D" ~+ b* F, a* [9 c    7th Field AF Construction Battalion2 t6 ~" n2 a0 r
    55th Const Co  % N* ?& K; X7 f: t! w3 F  D# [
Defending units:8 g) q" x8 B# P" x) u
    1st Burma Division7 N* y2 d' J, K
    Mandalay BMP Battalion4 n# `# b( H2 P3 j% j
    Upper Burma BAF Battalion" Y6 {  J( W7 R2 k) ]
    10th Burma Rifles Battalion& ~$ w$ @  I9 X! x# c# q
    BFF Brigade/ D# I4 U8 [* c4 H
    Railway BAF Battalion
) |( T  [: F# L5 Z    Tenasserim BAF Battalion" d! B# f: c7 r) |2 H) {, Q
    4th Burma Rifles Battalion6 v+ Z- t5 O8 E: T8 [' J- E* T# S
    1st Gloucestershire Battalion! Z' ?( M9 D  z/ P$ _
    46th Indian Brigade% u: R2 ^8 k! O, |
    9th Burma Rifles Battalion
4 @( x. S( d( ^& l4 q9 L    44th Indian Brigade
7 c$ K) {# n. V2 i    17th Indian Division
2 v0 x% u' ?7 y' y& S& w$ d    Burma Command
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-11-15 11:00 编辑 7 K, U5 c3 E  g2 P+ u

9 p& o: U' j/ }6 iAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 08, 42
( }% p8 S9 V& v7 y# @  B: ]- U' ?% Y日军试图从南北2个方向同时过河,逼近仰光,北面盟军守备比较空虚,
0 u8 J2 ?  Z* W0 M南面的日军继昨天部分过河突击之后,估计是剩余战力过低,当天过河的后续部队再次突击5 b& C, e  a$ x1 i8 g! ?# i7 F
' O" f6 m" z! G& M. ~当天仰光上空的扫场也恢复了,由于盟军补给编队已经完成卸载,飞虎队不想做无谓消耗
+ a9 a. s' h* a* |3 b2 E( `已经撤离仰光。
" Q0 C) h4 b6 b: Z) O1 o3 p' J* N. ?+ K
-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ p6 E& ]) X# s% ^
Morning Air attack on 3rd Burma Rifles Battalion, at 56,53 , near Pegu
* J6 Q, f/ ~+ \& i$ hWeather in hex: Light cloud ( s  K8 `& A" `2 U) S; [8 p6 P
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.0 P, j; ]; h1 A6 Y; u% n4 R
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
5 J6 ]! q. I$ n' G" _Japanese aircraft) |7 i4 `# n9 q7 z; E5 A2 I
      A6M2 Zero x 20
6 l7 U/ o; C: l& C      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 35, e# X! Q7 X7 Q9 Z/ T' y& @+ n
      Ki-51 Sonia x 22 / Q( ?, r& N# g7 ~! t- f. ^! B
No Japanese losses % o5 N: Z0 g, @0 s; W
Allied ground losses:( ?; a6 X8 u$ m( f
      8 casualties reported
' v3 y: T, [. |3 G( A8 p         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled" v. q4 B2 ^' ^# a7 U1 Q( E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 @! D, Y5 W3 A# E' @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 0 w9 h9 {' W+ l2 Y
----------------------------------------------------------( c: X2 E% k) k$ |! a- ?' m# }
Morning Air attack on 5th Recon Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai 2 A$ Z+ h  I( X! E( t' c; ?
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
0 n/ V- r' F; g) p3 N9 GRaid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
3 s' i: Y& l  B1 m( q) O" `0 V" {Estimated time to target is 16 minutes 5 P# R2 L' d8 [+ q" }
Allied aircraft! U+ r; ?$ A2 x6 n; N. ~
      Wirraway x 3 6 ~3 ?9 D0 z. y' I
No Allied losses : ^- {' J% k) B" @
Aircraft Attacking:5 G- }7 S  t5 j$ u2 ~* I' Q
       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
  ?0 D9 X$ T. R5 N               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
) `1 o! E$ x9 ]+ b1 w5 ?2 W: f( v--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 p8 r* n3 W& F+ v. n: B" T! a6 jAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  ' _1 Y% ^* Y% ?! J' O( x
Weather in hex: Light rain
# H9 Q, L. L7 }9 C' V  D. VRaid spotted at 23 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.0 U( D3 U. B4 c8 F% V4 B
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes * C3 Q$ m. ]. n7 s
Japanese aircraft
  [* l' p) T3 H      A6M2 Zero x 19
8 u7 T; v  `( V) [No Japanese losses
; S  h9 _% l/ x( a3 \1 b& iAircraft Attacking:
, G$ s: T( g! Z3 _. @      19 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
" G$ p. f, I" ]7 H( x0 C$ Z4 B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' j& |" {* p! r, t3 BAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  5 Q; ?& G) O9 I& M
Weather in hex: Light rain $ L9 f- n7 p8 a
Raid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
/ O& ]) U4 `. r0 l/ k1 _Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
! `' |/ u/ ?6 G* G9 p) T9 kJapanese aircraft+ p$ c; Y$ n% ]8 U
      A6M2 Zero x 19 1 V4 B( J0 @' g' o8 a6 Q4 F
No Japanese losses
# v; \& p# ?- R+ n' vAircraft Attacking:
0 r( j" C, U+ R0 y. p! Z+ L      19 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
9 V* B! M& A5 N--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% y8 ~9 E* m9 f+ H( uAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
& q7 {+ [+ z, Y7 {; G% _4 g& {Weather in hex: Light rain
6 r4 H3 }* H" iRaid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.& w. H( g1 K- f( n4 R. O' _
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
! h, Y+ i' O- {" r" Z6 x! `Japanese aircraft
. C* F0 O2 L& g; Y$ e' R6 e6 ?      A6M2 Zero x 23 3 i1 v0 d3 f4 K" u" G
No Japanese losses
1 U& c2 D# T6 `% N: c' b. h8 dAircraft Attacking:
. U7 ~+ ]2 N7 ^; |      23 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet + I8 ^& J# }8 N9 m( ?) W/ X% C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: a/ u4 u' B) T3 W2 o4 l
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
, I. s0 x# C. Q4 V# ^, mWeather in hex: Light rain # C4 h' s8 v! W5 n  z' A
Raid spotted at 30 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
. T; z5 w( P6 ~. p/ m$ T% KEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
* e) ?9 X$ I+ @3 S% x( X3 J1 CJapanese aircraft
( U7 k! r7 F7 b5 O3 {) R      A6M2 Zero x 23
! c$ u. g7 R8 z. M& d" _. pNo Japanese losses * k" ^' B# U4 N- b( ]# K  v
Aircraft Attacking:
8 [0 ]5 j4 J. E. }# s      23 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
# H5 V8 P* q* r0 z" B- w4 e( O6 _: N------------------------------------------------------
  G7 {( u- O1 ^4 X/ qAfternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  - D$ o+ W5 q+ d  B- I1 b6 K
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
: h$ y  d# S7 d1 S7 Y4 ]8 ?Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.4 x$ W7 H8 i9 X, w* D  ]. @
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes ) P" C1 M  p  Z
Japanese aircraft0 Y$ J1 R0 n; A; s+ K: [
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 6
% c% y7 P& X, t8 g$ L+ i( @: ^2 L      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 11
9 J% z' j8 N7 F4 |: o      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6
: S. A  L' L# |( i! \- ZJapanese aircraft losses
% v+ b2 }  _1 }' Z9 m/ X      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
8 @: S: h7 i4 S; @: y9 T: y9 w      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
* K+ }& o. y2 c' x4 {/ N      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged % c2 ]1 |5 X! H+ a0 l8 r5 G* `* j% ?
Airbase hits 2' b7 m. `- O% z) k% M
Runway hits 7$ x( ?5 w. t! l8 y) F' [
-----------------------------------------------------------4 G2 R# a  \6 Z7 a& ?) h% V0 }
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
. N* b' j6 Z. p. t4 z/ jWeather in hex: Partial cloud 4 B) z7 t, E, y8 W) p) l
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
/ s- g9 n$ }6 K- I. g. LEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
( h9 D& |2 u$ E2 U1 h2 XJapanese aircraft: j9 \' |6 {! [; ?7 _6 J6 x
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9( L! j# v2 L& Y1 C: V
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 11
( f2 [7 Y1 h+ M9 s0 Z" A      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 7 4 l1 R8 n+ C$ j* e! V$ k
Allied aircraft
3 B$ g5 o# S& O+ S      no flights 6 e) p2 l7 U5 j! C  r
Japanese aircraft losses% x/ S7 L2 I0 E2 Y9 E; f+ @9 k0 r3 D. M5 M
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged
. ~- `5 h1 i4 ^/ V$ {, e      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
( y: H( S0 O# mAllied aircraft losses
& }+ V5 Q8 u- A/ J$ e4 o      Buffalo I: 1 damaged
: |7 g1 Y) ^7 ^1 XAirbase hits 2
$ B8 H$ L8 I& u* [Airbase supply hits 18 B( R" u1 R- E! |* n+ w2 Z1 L
Runway hits 9
, U( f+ a; ?0 ?------------------------------------------------------------
* S. n; W6 R$ Z9 J  O& C0 a3 p6 vGround combat at 56,54 (near Moulmein) ( Y4 A* c7 L2 d9 Y
Japanese Shock attack
9 A- t5 n: q, @7 ^Attacking force 12815 troops, 120 guns, 32 vehicles, Assault Value = 482 . Z! a/ H# w  H" \1 @
Defending force 26433 troops, 190 guns, 91 vehicles, Assault Value = 1114
6 O9 w( b) h% q. T, _+ gJapanese adjusted assault: 164  0 q) o' u' L0 W, H) T
Allied adjusted defense: 1321  1 s+ X% |9 Q- j
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 8  % n5 x$ W( J5 h
Combat modifiers
3 x7 g% Q1 a6 [0 v6 n+ b0 YDefender: terrain(+), experience(-), k! |: e+ }2 f3 p) x# A' L" U9 o+ N
Attacker: shock(+) / K/ D. @) ~7 ~: |! o/ [+ \
Japanese ground losses:
' P9 W( M, l; y' E/ I' L2 O      3137 casualties reported
6 P  B1 P& H" o- V. A) s9 Z# F         Squads: 9 destroyed, 263 disabled3 W/ F! k: n1 q9 K! j" W
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 21 disabled0 \- g1 F" {0 E; I7 r0 K
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 30 disabled . i7 M- g3 P6 c8 H$ E. y
Allied ground losses:9 ^( E; z% X( Q) u" J
      328 casualties reported& c2 ]# J6 e4 I/ J
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 20 disabled+ s2 k& w2 U- [8 X
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled; o5 S( u/ ]8 _) y! a, O9 `
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
- ]: u: k& [$ T$ Z7 K9 d0 K% KAssaulting units:
& h( ]5 o/ C4 k+ |" ~    33rd Division
# @+ O6 U) t1 m6 f    15th Guards Regiment2 ?( n. A8 H1 C7 \4 }% X& y- X
    1st RTA/A Division
/ c% E; n! [6 _- f6 s7 w* o    7th Field AF Construction Battalion* j2 Q. k# f9 u' Z
    55th Const Co  9 x. J, {$ b# a; O
Defending units:$ q. C6 ^/ g5 J* r( j2 v8 u
    1st Burma Division  V2 [. k1 E0 s. d7 Q
    BFF Brigade
3 [! h7 u/ W' A. H# \) t! }    Tenasserim BAF Battalion
/ B0 O# H6 i6 w# T# R8 `    44th Indian Brigade
8 V4 l: [/ f. M! j# b3 `! [5 T    1st Gloucestershire Battalion  \2 O. `1 R2 C! ^
    9th Burma Rifles Battalion
7 `, z0 c" a$ L% U+ `/ X    Railway BAF Battalion
+ p  \$ M( D, t1 m# H; N. `, Z( m    Upper Burma BAF Battalion
! T# B$ x0 I9 n# }    4th Burma Rifles Battalion
/ t5 y8 S, b( V1 e    10th Burma Rifles Battalion9 L- g! G+ x9 F7 R: {
    46th Indian Brigade5 Z/ f6 q! Q. B! [0 ]" j
    Mandalay BMP Battalion7 H/ p2 Z+ n7 V" @
    17th Indian Division
2 P7 w" {5 h! K: a    Burma Command
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菜花还是太直接了,其实缅甸这种地方,日军只要做出一副迂回包抄的态势,盟军自己都得跑路,没有大统领敢于为了给国军送补给把防守印度的兵力都在这里给围歼掉的。该抢时间的要点得强攻速攻,不用着急的次要地段用战 ...
$ Q) j; Q+ }' Q5 ]' o2 W1 j2 [2 Xwangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-15 13:31
' k  W8 R/ R  `" ^缅甸的攻略,个人感觉要不就速攻,开局就压制仰光,然后带近2k战力爬过去。
. e( C! G  v( Y前期马来半岛的部队都在走路 一般要到1月半左右才能到新加坡附近,
" v  K. i8 m# k3 J2 |这时候马来半岛的战力其实都在路上,没啥大作用。" `! \0 D, R' I
1 _1 Q8 t) I$ J2 |2 M  L& q, |
& c# d; ~: p) f8 v至于你提到的迂回不知道你打算迂回哪里,地面部队去北路攻击腊戍?
0 b2 G2 y& S3 f' N* J. ]当盟军增援后,日军由于主力都被吸引到了新加坡方向,这个方向兵力有限。! H. c6 W$ s  q" P
且盟军有铁路机动优势,日军很难出其不意,如果是迂回印度大陆的话就要kb配合了$ `' w& }8 u* J1 ^( @7 E' Y1 K
上去的44 45 46,3个旅团,本位面的大统领不打算撤回这些部队了# E3 z* O7 a* o8 c' W
+ M3 X! r) H% N( {  I& F7 k日军恢复了对仰光的扫场,估计零战产量已经上来了,损失个几十架日军没啥反应。' Z# H. ?6 m+ x5 \3 t9 R
仰光附近,南面过河的日军突击失败,目前混乱应该很高,盟军决定发动反突击,, u6 n( g; d3 G) f, K) {9 G, J
) C. w3 N( ^# P9 C4 \$ ~/ {7 C(要不要过河再突击一把日军?没准能把33师团全歼了,浪费日军pp去复活)' q. ~! t* a4 [( a
# k% r! f2 Z8 a. a2 M1 _- \- g------------------------------------------------------------
$ R' S) V) M# C& ?! ZMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
4 C5 y) t# S' BWeather in hex: Heavy rain
( X$ D# s: ~. N6 I& ^8 aRaid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
& i/ J5 `4 y% \( z% w3 pEstimated time to target is 8 minutes 2 t4 F8 J. D9 J3 U( P3 D9 u: z
Japanese aircraft" X. B) S6 G+ S1 E( Y
      A6M2 Zero x 22 * `  Q2 |  {3 Y: f2 H# v. V
No Japanese losses . F/ C2 |. s% Y( {) X, W! ?! o( y
Aircraft Attacking:
9 P5 E, e0 W6 @5 x      22 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  
2 J9 p- T" ?0 g-----------------------------------------------------------# _+ w( [5 R( B; S& v) t) E
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
0 y3 R; ?, |) S6 H- M# oWeather in hex: Heavy rain / _7 v8 v1 d. B9 `' N2 ]: {
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
! R" e3 b( I  G, y9 k  KEstimated time to target is 6 minutes / x; d& ]$ k9 b+ M+ `1 T" d
Japanese aircraft
8 n! x% T& M5 u9 b/ y/ G) W! v      A6M2 Zero x 19 / D6 G; x5 Q# z# w: r
No Japanese losses
# D3 g! g/ ~8 \. _% H" jAircraft Attacking:( u, ^7 k2 E$ G% d# g) x7 ]$ Z8 S
      19 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  
4 v. a5 Y3 o) Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 R5 C7 T; i0 Z7 M
Morning Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein / K6 S* Y$ ?8 v9 ?1 ^
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
/ o" z7 ?" }2 mRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.7 `$ u2 U, h( K$ c7 |9 Z
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
7 n9 e+ V( \: v( BJapanese aircraft' a6 C, M/ h5 {% Y! W1 s
      A6M2 Zero x 23& [9 y( k# Q4 O0 F( h
      G3M2 Nell x 256 e$ D& y5 L: A  K* a
      G4M1 Betty x 20   l" \0 _* N. W1 A7 x; @# z  x# z6 M
Japanese aircraft losses
# {3 |6 v* f  ]5 y      G3M2 Nell: 7 damaged
: Y7 M! _7 A% b% U0 q7 N      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
  B* ?7 n( y: f$ e" R8 w  ^7 {Allied ground losses:
5 g. K$ @9 H. \4 o$ S      107 casualties reported& n9 k! \. u) q( H/ a
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
4 X7 S  q8 ?- Q; g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled
6 r% ?1 p0 V" M         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled( @0 Y, U- A. H8 k6 L. b) Q
-----------------------------------------------------------5 X4 a: q3 t4 H1 a3 p' d. P
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  5 M& u4 _/ e" b
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
8 t! V7 y- b! {2 [0 A8 \! i& Q( eRaid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
' t2 G4 Z- Y' EEstimated time to target is 8 minutes , j! P2 J, b. i' c2 y, u5 A& U6 e
Japanese aircraft
0 p0 u+ Z9 b! q9 D& l" z$ N      A6M2 Zero x 17
3 D# \: ^2 G3 m; {" {' p3 PNo Japanese losses
& w2 {$ ^9 p4 H0 \Aircraft Attacking:
8 @! F* L/ w  R7 H1 i       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
' \/ k$ Y9 d3 |( S' @0 W! n$ a$ q       5 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
" v! a( K; W1 C9 f2 z! {8 Y       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  
) S; ?: X9 A- B7 ^. I: V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ J8 s  s& f6 ]6 D/ N6 B
Morning Air attack on Lark Battalion, at 104,126 , near Gasmata 6 ]! X6 l  }! X0 @
Weather in hex: Light cloud & ]- [/ s! ^  Z6 y  v7 f
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.; Z& e( i( X6 g4 |3 u
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes   A+ I; {5 d9 v
Japanese aircraft8 k6 x* O( M7 o% R
      A6M2 Zero x 22
4 {. z. \/ @) C8 G. K* K      B5N1 Kate x 3, w5 z/ ~6 a" ?
      B5N2 Kate x 30 E- h. o" l; a9 q9 G8 U, _6 Z9 C$ i
      G4M1 Betty x 6
3 l% k/ `0 C& ?- R/ P3 d. sNo Japanese losses$ V, q9 `! U+ y/ S! r( D
Allied ground losses:
. [' {8 U+ G! m) q' }      8 casualties reported
: w' q- Q# i/ f; b" I" D6 w+ ]         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% ~/ {) O8 K" G) a9 L         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ H4 u7 ~4 ?% G8 N2 f' `+ a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  i' g" R# _/ t1 k, _
6 }+ ?3 y* H* _4 h+ PMorning Air attack on 103rd RN Base Force, at 54,53 (Rangoon)
) W* e8 x- A$ ^9 z! p) ~3 N2 Y. AWeather in hex: Heavy rain 6 n1 Q- t( e6 M0 N% @
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.  X7 q5 n* V  O8 ]
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 0 w6 C1 d, `4 i
Japanese aircraft4 a% I+ S3 Q. k2 J
      A6M2 Zero x 4/ D- w, Q: H9 R7 n2 Q5 i
      B5M1 Mabel x 6 ! U8 w: A' V8 k0 W7 z& K' y
Japanese aircraft losses4 r/ k" T- c, B" i2 |
      B5M1 Mabel: 5 damaged
5 {; J- E( T9 Q" E8 I9 M7 m2 OAllied ground losses:0 i& a5 @* K7 s) ~7 W( [  \
      21 casualties reported: n' [, m( C" I' u8 b
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% e# D0 F- |. g6 w) l* {* ?, r5 M
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled2 y' L, L. ~! `  c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 1 h1 l$ f& Y8 n$ q+ \
Aircraft Attacking:
6 j6 P. N- n' U% t6 o1 G       6 x B5M1 Mabel bombing from 10000 feet * $ M8 r/ h: ~; I( F7 ^
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb$ \* w, A7 e8 s* o) Y
5 L5 X) I$ \; m- c% a$ z7 ^3 \Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
& @, d7 M$ x7 j- wWeather in hex: Clear sky 7 ?( c) ~1 ]0 ]% ?
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
. Q/ G  T; e) C# wEstimated time to target is 11 minutes ! `1 N( `5 ^, B. s( F+ e
Japanese aircraft1 ?  _) A5 x3 r
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 16
5 Q* z$ v$ s7 C: U      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 122 ^' p/ q3 H+ Y7 p
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 20 ) g1 t3 u& N8 c  j
Japanese aircraft losses- I( Y$ c* |; l+ A5 o+ I/ O2 G) [* o6 ?
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged8 M* h' R9 t# u- d
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 10 damaged. h4 f" U4 X! {, \2 h8 E
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak $ O3 o% @5 c! _1 V6 F
Airbase hits 3* @5 @' n  \3 a4 T/ G& K
Airbase supply hits 2
% |1 Y$ B2 ?0 W% D- a; XRunway hits 23
$ h' W6 c6 X. l1 KAircraft Attacking:
( H2 }# E' P; P$ s      13 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
6 C/ ]% A/ E# X8 h* H! H: _               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb0 K. b' H- R4 S5 s, a4 Q/ l
       2 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
9 d! x  E3 |2 \  J, g  f               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb7 ~' g3 O& d( b/ I0 r
      17 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
6 y( e  z, ~2 A1 Z               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb- h. x7 H: \) N+ ]
       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet9 R1 Q9 `6 f* E+ Q* }9 s
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb 0 _6 x6 X- V5 y( S: n+ c9 g5 L1 L
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ A, G! H  D) P
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
% R" v2 v- K4 @! t" V5 wWeather in hex: Clear sky 8 k( p7 s. F- y: l3 N/ p8 |
Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.3 j' J* c6 R% l5 f/ D- k
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
1 T( r' {8 x8 ?6 ZJapanese aircraft; t$ \' L1 S! V! ^
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9 ; c; y$ [" K, y- s/ c& o" J0 K
Japanese aircraft losses
1 t5 H4 C; G! U% `7 b      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 5 damaged) u6 L" [5 y, |' t0 W7 V: ]
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak 8 l! F: F) A' `! J. a( z
Airbase hits 1
7 ]% U0 P2 n5 sAirbase supply hits 1$ q- x" @5 C$ E. M/ G7 S
Runway hits 1 $ X) G- b# y8 ~" ]. \6 N) Q& A  k
Aircraft Attacking:
; r: i) K1 U/ [, g9 M       8 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet9 B0 J0 @- T2 C0 I- l
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
! p( a3 o: R0 v% z- L3 B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* W! X) M8 F2 E# i6 V" N  Z- AMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
) s! I# Q1 q( S8 }  JWeather in hex: Heavy rain 0 R8 W6 d8 ?3 N1 u
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.* t& d1 d% S; q
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
- [# N4 a# r+ C7 _( e* C, a6 V9 XJapanese aircraft
! l( v6 a) B9 J2 D5 J- a      A6M2 Zero x 18- Q' u: Y! d( d
      Ki-51 Sonia x 22
- q$ q& m+ d! S8 Y* U" c+ m5 vJapanese aircraft losses
) Y) J8 S- @( |: Q. f8 P; g( R      Ki-51 Sonia: 11 damaged
" G4 ~6 Q/ l7 Y6 e, H7 \/ Y, o      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak ) E% h/ J4 `& R0 m1 K+ |9 C; V
Airbase hits 2# S. `$ `9 c1 [7 U8 o4 W
Airbase supply hits 20 ]2 e* R; U7 A. ~& F; N
Runway hits 15$ J% w1 s3 G, W7 C
---------------------------------------------------------------% k1 G4 t) p: x* X' E
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
' b5 k! U6 n: r. ^Weather in hex: Clear sky
. r- \" P$ k3 Q( aRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.7 n! d) E1 i  I% I8 Y8 f
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes ; H& o" R. T# ^+ {; f
Japanese aircraft
9 Q/ e) P# V( e# W- |& m$ G# ?  s      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 145 j0 x. k  ]/ B+ \
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 11 2 _. n  G1 q2 F, ~- o
Japanese aircraft losses
) s( n" Y5 G4 ]. U      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 13 damaged
1 f  U0 ]) b! L$ \( _& D8 VAirbase supply hits 1
) A4 j: V0 A2 F. P  t6 k8 B# S7 o: Z7 F' vRunway hits 4. {% C5 m' |( x, u6 b3 ?4 z9 z
/ @' M, Q* _. n) F% @' jMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  3 X6 r; U: y3 X' E! s  [& ]
Weather in hex: Heavy rain / w& {2 b, V# f( j$ [
Raid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
3 [/ j7 L! G+ `; T/ C1 q: ~8 gEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
( F5 u1 q5 g% K  q" d  t/ ]" F% ?Japanese aircraft
  M& ^9 ^) V, s- G/ F! L. l      A6M2 Zero x 24 9 ]; n1 d' I$ L: H% V$ ^; y
No Japanese losses
6 U/ p$ l  x* S& j$ [/ xAircraft Attacking:
2 T+ s+ [$ b9 Z2 e      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  
# \9 |/ b% b" x  W/ b+ }; e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( A2 h2 x9 K9 N' ^2 }0 kAfternoon Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai ; L& `3 e* t8 P& C
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 4 F  D$ O( \: f+ c2 t
Raid spotted at 48 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
" V& o$ C( u. A) pEstimated time to target is 21 minutes : u% _; v, i- c7 @7 o
Japanese aircraft2 \0 m, \- C; I8 i( D
      A6M2 Zero x 2 ) [; W6 z$ U7 Y$ q6 I2 b
Allied aircraft% K1 R2 E" |+ p0 w5 l
      Wirraway x 3
- q; x6 u, i% e  o, ?) @No Japanese losses 2 S) V: k# Y5 b  `
No Allied losses 6 X. N2 d* e* ~
Aircraft Attacking:! o. h  G' `) L& d2 m/ ~
       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet% J0 `0 @' v7 U5 d2 G
               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
/ l+ `" w, |" r- [1 ^CAP engaged:/ h% h, @- ?0 I7 z& |) ^4 t. O( h
Yamada Det S-1 with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)$ S  H5 L% s% L; q6 t
      (2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
, _: Q  B$ B% u& D; ]      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
2 m( A5 e0 `$ ~* D% ]5 t, V4 o      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.  D& n( i& \% h
& N9 `5 b' S; c7 y# U" \: xGround combat at 85,40 (near Sian)
8 f5 [+ `9 W9 H: z. }9 I/ jJapanese Shock attack
0 E2 |  J" L* X# [9 kAttacking force 5836 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 210
7 {/ x2 P4 K' Q& tDefending force 6265 troops, 66 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 115
1 X7 \5 H7 h5 x3 IJapanese adjusted assault: 160  + Z6 ]& a3 U2 d; m
Allied adjusted defense: 57  
3 G+ w4 ~: [2 l$ {! R2 n8 F0 o  WJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1  % |, {# e7 |% y; v; n& q
Combat modifiers8 r  V7 A' b  T- U( C6 \* u; T% U
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)
. C% M' ]* B! Y1 ]$ Q0 CAttacker: shock(+), leaders(-) " a. f. F" {' \! a
Japanese ground losses:
/ y. s) o5 Z- g- k      246 casualties reported
) M% Y9 [+ f6 c3 B         Squads: 0 destroyed, 27 disabled
) l- {7 f  R0 U         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
2 q$ W0 [" \) P$ ?         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
- Z, s: @# Z' f( lAllied ground losses:# q0 m2 @5 d3 V* k! _
      2306 casualties reported. L0 `! y" H" t) X+ o* ]" l+ T8 W
         Squads: 33 destroyed, 3 disabled
' y3 B& Y( `/ E1 o$ \3 X         Non Combat: 147 destroyed, 0 disabled- W: I* Q& `. o* F; @
         Engineers: 8 destroyed, 2 disabled
5 @' M  f! p5 K; g9 k' D6 \      Guns lost 16 (6 destroyed, 10 disabled)
& p  x# s, _9 |1 C& d5 t* {# o8 _      Units retreated 1 8 j+ d, G% V8 G# q9 [
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
* i: C% D# G1 F7 F; @Assaulting units:# f* J$ p8 f! Q
    6th Ind.Mixed Brigade
& V6 X. A- g* X2 S5 s, ?Defending units:
# X' o$ I+ s' _  d& _. l. [    35th Chinese Corps 7 v+ G/ H8 n) @; I/ p
-------------------------------------------------------------------- % j+ M5 K9 ^4 u' q% q
Ground combat at 56,54 (near Moulmein)
7 u& ~+ B& l+ D- A7 zAllied Shock attack
! f9 M/ m8 o! c) E& M2 @Attacking force 24872 troops, 190 guns, 61 vehicles, Assault Value = 1066 ( @' U- S; b' ]4 n
Defending force 14500 troops, 177 guns, 39 vehicles, Assault Value = 246 ' ]( A+ K' c2 ^) j, L3 z, g9 a7 c
Allied adjusted assault: 946  - {" J2 t- E9 S/ o# N
Japanese adjusted defense: 193  ! ?( s8 d4 T1 R  M
Allied assault odds: 4 to 1  
  v, c' Y7 M0 |' k# VCombat modifiers  B  ]6 Z  v( ~, \7 F! y" r
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
6 T$ e/ m  D, T. MAttacker: shock(+)
# q8 `  I/ ?8 ?% e/ ]$ {Japanese ground losses:
; P' z2 u! ^$ ?0 C5 [      5927 casualties reported
: D3 Y* ^6 [0 F  L         Squads: 201 destroyed, 2 disabled
- x" z/ D3 s6 ^! Q         Non Combat: 117 destroyed, 47 disabled5 N) y5 g7 R9 I3 e' Y5 I* Y3 r
         Engineers: 38 destroyed, 7 disabled
5 H8 l6 p9 }5 }/ ]3 Y$ E+ R      Guns lost 59 (51 destroyed, 8 disabled)' k4 y- {- G- `0 _/ \! T; k6 Z# b
      Vehicles lost 7 (7 destroyed, 0 disabled)
( J1 \* d/ C' X2 g      Units retreated 5 6 M, @" s  L  T+ a7 j
Allied ground losses:
( ]& A  K! h/ _) t- ]2 X  M# U      785 casualties reported
6 D" s: ~: P, i  s2 T; i         Squads: 1 destroyed, 77 disabled% {+ q1 B( H8 D9 g& A7 Q7 o
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled( n. ^% ?/ G/ |3 i/ T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
( ^# k# |" A* h1 y+ ~Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!
. H, W; K6 A( j5 u% sAssaulting units:5 D% h: I. K0 M) S! Q
    1st Gloucestershire Battalion
' A( u# \" I3 w! r( ~    1st Burma Division
1 `( g6 F8 v* `$ P& J9 ?    10th Burma Rifles Battalion- `* B/ a$ ~4 G( M$ _' M. T
    9th Burma Rifles Battalion
! H5 R" [6 }7 P/ E. X    BFF Brigade" L/ A. p) D& Q% z! c4 m0 S! e5 p
    Railway BAF Battalion) ^$ P0 Q2 s" B; B" C( a
    Upper Burma BAF Battalion( B/ B; @! Y1 m4 L# T
    46th Indian Brigade
7 H# Q& g) z; K7 d    Mandalay BMP Battalion
' z5 d* X9 U+ G+ o" j+ |! j+ S% q    Tenasserim BAF Battalion4 Z$ d8 ^  H# ~! _+ U  b( A
    4th Burma Rifles Battalion8 Q( [/ y6 u4 z& g9 M
    44th Indian Brigade5 h! {4 ^4 u. x/ G! l7 |/ P/ `
    17th Indian Division
" G$ y4 ~( Q1 ^- J  i6 s! j    Burma Command  
9 s: o% A" x" H/ O- b& o" z% EDefending units:
! z6 F! v( }9 l( Z    15th Guards Regiment% ?, h- v; S, M3 \3 ]( _3 D
    33rd Division
, |. X! C0 m7 n" L% v0 e4 w8 c    1st RTA/A Division6 N1 I1 i2 k0 a6 ~* L
    7th Field AF Construction Battalion) H! o: e: `; Q
    55th Const Co
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 10, 42& V7 h1 _2 P) s. D
& k" y8 H+ T8 p为保证北方日军过河,日军轰炸机倾巢而出,轰炸当地盟军,以拖延盟军北上的步伐,; ~5 M: p* J3 b8 b
盟军也猜到了这点,当天安排飞虎队全体7k高度 LCAP当地,以损失5架战斗机的代价
4 c. t1 N# ~9 [$ R! D+ {打下了大概60架的日军轰炸机,好好的火鸡了一把日军
' l* R& c9 F- U) w6 }8 x1 }9 X( Z9 m1 i- R7 L
2 R( d' o3 `' gMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  4 ?! m' F! R/ W: F0 a% H" i, a
Weather in hex: Clear sky , D( B  ]$ E) p. m2 N9 q# x
Raid spotted at 32 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.$ K( U1 l0 F8 L% [- U
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes 4 t6 [' P3 Y$ J  q4 v: \+ d7 n: J
Japanese aircraft
! v9 q+ J% c2 b  e/ H1 T% T      A6M2 Zero x 24 , G* i& J" H. Y6 H- Q
No Japanese losses
. Q, m& N: T" c( z& c& ~0 [1 x* ]Aircraft Attacking:
# }6 j" j, O# K" s& E; s! u" N      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  
' }  y# F2 f8 A7 O( U7 a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: t( }& e3 I8 \8 J- r* H0 PMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  / o& B( Q: Q8 O1 I9 m% P. B( l
Weather in hex: Clear sky
" j) o, ?) V* ?! e4 Q% R4 TRaid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.5 j- r7 G: y3 s
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes / a- z1 A/ }7 K' F' v! Y
Japanese aircraft4 ~  S3 Z4 ~% ?! ?2 [
      A6M2 Zero x 24
' ~8 U6 {4 z7 s# i1 LNo Japanese losses # P; }5 g( _0 \% k* T) t
Aircraft Attacking:
( e" o/ s& r' H) U" H      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  ( `( K0 v) b. T( P
) C' z& n/ w, l4 h9 t: F# xMorning Air attack on 44th Indian Brigade, at 56,54 , near Moulmein 9 Z/ V1 t; V+ x/ ~! h$ O2 C
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms ) y: g+ L0 P* e0 t! D$ Z( q) S3 p) \5 k
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.( T+ X' \2 {+ A
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 4 W) P0 b1 K5 `. |4 v, E: f
Japanese aircraft
; M1 ?4 A4 m7 [/ e, O  }" u0 `/ C3 }. L      G3M2 Nell x 283 Y! h0 i( `& ~( U
      G4M1 Betty x 7 0 y' t# W, c0 b( g
Allied aircraft9 D: U3 H& j7 V4 s7 Z
      H81-A3 x 53 H5 a: ^  f; a6 U7 y4 m: ]. u
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 6. Y& q- T' c, Y2 s4 \5 S5 Y
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 16
6 R) ^5 n! w& D: W% L. v      P-39D Airacobra x 9! h$ f- H! K9 P2 Z
      P-40E Warhawk x 8 " S) C% z4 B! O6 q( }  X* h
Japanese aircraft losses
: Z$ w8 K# x) r+ \3 T. q. g      G3M2 Nell: 9 destroyed, 2 damaged$ g& ^/ z5 k1 `" h
      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed % p* N7 L& a4 j* Z
No Allied losses
0 [/ P2 N, A# TAllied ground losses:& w7 n& }0 N& N+ G8 e& k
      5 casualties reported) V; {- U* x1 l( D
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  |; R: z; t0 s, z/ U* V, X6 D         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled: [6 f- q3 d; o( {- g( H  n: C
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled" l) a% r8 T0 ~2 W: [6 Q6 o4 R. q
------------------------------------------------------------% K4 r: q: s& @) ~( e0 ?
Morning Air attack on 44th Indian Brigade, at 56,54 , near Moulmein
6 t8 O, R( i+ P& J+ J0 ~, z% v7 _8 cWeather in hex: Thunderstorms + V" r# E$ w2 h  S$ r2 I6 S0 f$ t7 z
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.5 M. ?; i* U( q) L% }$ Q6 D/ [: Z5 c
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes ) J: U" D) C3 O2 B/ F
Japanese aircraft
' u+ }. s3 l3 A8 W) D, a3 e- @6 \      A6M2 Zero x 25
) P8 o' U' A) z, |- ~7 d& F) R! e      G4M1 Betty x 19 8 h) u6 b6 M$ i6 V
Allied aircraft
3 R& M+ n: y+ C  P      H81-A3 x 2
. N: c& r2 {, U2 Q* u      Hurricane IIa Trop x 45 r$ v" U6 z% K3 w; O; p
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 12
2 G7 ?  @3 M9 |      P-39D Airacobra x 8
; M5 P, t' q' J) J      P-40E Warhawk x 3 $ \9 u  x/ m! }
Japanese aircraft losses
" V0 S( Z' K- L      G4M1 Betty: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged
. E5 a2 f, u. X, MNo Allied losses
! ]" N3 Z+ ?/ r6 s- ]: JAllied ground losses:
/ ?! v" u; g3 Q7 W      6 casualties reported
" k, d7 `, T8 f4 ^/ F( t         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled& {# [- C# p+ f( U( _. q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- u! M; Q5 q$ r" [. V4 A  `
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 d0 L$ e6 F, U: O' i) O( {1 i-----------------------------------------------------------
, D0 O! U3 j6 ?$ X4 _Morning Air attack on 46th Indian Brigade, at 56,54 , near Moulmein
. L7 S& `: E1 P) A9 k6 T5 c1 ~Weather in hex: Thunderstorms $ \: T0 f8 ]$ d& f
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
. b: d. Q6 R. f7 K- e% y- T7 o, _6 OEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
4 p. ]) N$ n; ^3 X3 gJapanese aircraft. m) n; e. E, z  k6 Z0 q3 u9 x
      A6M2 Zero x 7- m) q# O9 [# P- J
      G4M1 Betty x 11
% e1 s* S: N$ J4 C5 J% t9 X6 p7 GAllied aircraft* z$ e) b( q1 t# `9 C# l
      H81-A3 x 1% j) N$ Z. n+ S+ s. `$ ?: \
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 3) a. b  y8 V1 Y: u' T
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 5/ b+ P) w& L! }% B) Z! @4 u' P+ E
      P-39D Airacobra x 8
' z4 o) y3 _$ b4 G: _      P-40E Warhawk x 2
* N, c* e. G3 z+ P! Q6 ^) RJapanese aircraft losses) h5 _8 M/ c* {# A
      G4M1 Betty: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged   r6 K( A3 v4 k7 H: J
Allied aircraft losses
0 u* L: N3 B( O4 h( U3 s+ y8 N      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed: w* [  T! e2 x+ y7 y) }5 Y# p
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed # `$ e4 j' w  R5 o/ T- B% P
Aircraft Attacking:
8 f. G" Q; W3 W) A5 p% K+ [       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
) Z$ H/ ~+ Z% A8 z3 p& e- N+ v* ~               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb; [; m! @7 |! w  b6 L' {. k: u9 {
-------------------------------------------------------& \9 k3 q4 a6 n! B2 H
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
+ S# u+ L' Q0 {9 }9 d5 _# sWeather in hex: Clear sky
6 R7 F$ M4 y. _Raid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.- p$ }9 H/ Z  f$ t, T
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes ' _7 ?& J4 p% B" x( C- N9 [. W
Japanese aircraft
& i8 O  V+ o5 M* W0 _- m. H! W      A6M2 Zero x 41
7 V% F& {/ l% ]! x# t) ANo Japanese losses 2 p0 P6 p0 S/ o
Aircraft Attacking:3 `# B" j% q! q8 J
      29 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *
7 K1 x! `8 o0 o, ~' d       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet * : D. e! M/ Q7 t( Y4 ~, T  ^
       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet *  3 g( W) f* H  x/ ~, m- e( I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ M: Y+ l9 X; c7 y6 L8 ?# I+ ?
Morning Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein
+ ~/ E+ `( v: ^8 e# {7 pWeather in hex: Thunderstorms + `; A, p7 `- a2 b# [" B
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
2 |- ~1 T- @4 _5 ^$ SEstimated time to target is 5 minutes 2 [% m! I& H9 |/ F, ]! z0 t
Japanese aircraft
/ @/ s8 @$ e# L- X/ z7 S  D      B5M1 Mabel x 3
5 A) k3 S6 l$ v5 gAllied aircraft
4 G8 q; t  |" m/ `      H81-A3 x 1
% w# x' e; d" W% W4 b8 p4 ]8 h, n      Hurricane IIa Trop x 1
. q) ~5 T( O9 F, Q, k5 `      Hurricane IIb Trop x 33 B0 }& U3 r' o3 U0 t+ _  f
      P-39D Airacobra x 1
& H( r  Y2 I# q) W3 oJapanese aircraft losses
# K/ I5 D' f/ Y% B! ~* w      B5M1 Mabel: 1 destroyed ) F& ]* Y7 v' \! S6 x- N1 ?
No Allied losses7 m" n& H3 ?$ W' N+ P
--------------------------------------------------------" {* l& [9 G& k1 \& u' R2 T( l, R& g
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  ( i! w" e; a# r& C7 [2 _9 P4 r/ e
Weather in hex: Moderate rain 3 W2 C0 W  s. Y- ]& ^  o
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.2 Y( k2 O" c3 p8 b3 N. L, Y
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 8 e$ C/ L6 X3 ^1 J! K2 l4 \6 z2 }
Japanese aircraft/ K1 O% N" @5 }: V6 I! r$ j& E
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 29. E6 o  T* Z. D, g, {1 r3 m
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6
; w+ \5 \% \. DJapanese aircraft losses
; J! Y; V0 T3 e( R      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged. u, A  {# m9 R5 \1 ]/ V
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged
  Q. `" ~' E! ^: _8 Q      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
: k7 n8 i% l1 \7 r/ `6 T4 Y( LAllied ground losses:
+ N# W- U- G! H4 n5 j* R      4 casualties reported
; O# _  p& F6 [& I- U8 b6 O         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# M! m- k9 N! K6 T
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ Z5 M1 M5 [, P( w$ H8 Q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled & C% o* H2 p1 p- H# w" M
Airbase hits 1
3 v) W& f5 U( \8 E* pAirbase supply hits 1' A6 @( Q8 i/ v
Runway hits 15& R# S0 R" A1 y+ n9 `6 F, B* C
, n8 E. T& y* `7 OMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  : ~/ d: R% H) R+ X" X; m8 v7 R
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
' O" I" g/ a8 o6 d7 ~Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.. t6 V! V, Y& }9 a" W; _
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
& V4 `9 m' G5 R- r( J: x1 C" y& pJapanese aircraft8 a# L! v& N; J' E6 d+ N
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12
$ a3 h6 J* J, k' j      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 7 ; a3 @! t  [1 I; `2 F/ g
Japanese aircraft losses
" g( y, i: i# o      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
' N& l" b# ], |Airbase hits 19 V2 h+ |7 X+ F4 _4 z
Runway hits 2
6 K$ p9 T* Q; D+ f% e% Z: Y" JAircraft Attacking:
9 S; w8 g! N7 f3 _5 [       7 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet3 Q: g, Z' X! Q& o
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb5 g( s2 Q- v0 a
/ b+ e5 m9 W+ z2 ]Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
' K; ^* L9 C5 Y7 BWeather in hex: Clear sky 5 A& x* X5 |0 b4 W' |3 ~* R$ o2 z! O  ]
Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.$ m& b) e2 {0 }5 `: ~+ r5 g! j
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
7 n0 I' M' F* hJapanese aircraft/ T6 y, J$ r2 G2 i* F' l. ?
      A6M2 Zero x 17
. C" @5 a1 D) z      Ki-51 Sonia x 14 7 i. o* i$ L. h9 m8 d: W1 U) A/ s3 {
Japanese aircraft losses
8 g+ Z4 K2 [2 Y, y2 n0 l      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 damaged7 G& I! p: Q8 e9 M9 ?
      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak & F  C9 S& z1 @& z) l: q1 ~
Airbase hits 4
+ q6 C# ], N" T# ?3 L0 v* `8 d( TAirbase supply hits 2* Y" }/ G  u8 J+ f
Runway hits 11. q$ B: [' Q5 i8 G* V
$ j3 M2 I7 c( CMorning Air attack on 1st Burma Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein 5 q6 s8 c2 w9 a( u  r6 w* D
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
9 s+ ?, k: p9 `9 W1 j- @: rRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.' e2 u: o* s, x+ C
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes $ ?3 [. u: E$ [4 t( B/ D7 m! w
Japanese aircraft! a; G! a0 u! ^; T$ v) ~
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21   @7 z7 v' z  `4 E( ~7 K9 `9 Z
Allied aircraft
6 ~# k1 p& S  O      H81-A3 x 10 {0 ]) j& e2 M7 O
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 1
* t/ \/ `' [/ Q/ V( f8 G; T9 S! k; W      Hurricane IIb Trop x 3! N' Z/ ]6 z! N9 S
      P-39D Airacobra x 1 9 S3 @# [, ?0 Y
Japanese aircraft losses
" g2 f- b/ L% ?      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 destroyed, 3 damaged * a1 w0 H, A% e' Y+ q
No Allied losses
9 S$ }4 ^6 n* b' j. S& y: V/ k2 [Allied ground losses:4 D8 R; Y% O, G7 c# N/ W
      16 casualties reported* ^8 J3 q8 o, E( r
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; V+ N7 f6 d' u         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
. `9 V+ u$ H" }. J& T0 {/ C         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled + I- _$ m2 D2 A( r, Q9 ?
Aircraft Attacking:$ J) l$ B2 F- V- U3 P0 Z& [
      17 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet2 g4 K/ T# @$ q9 n, w
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb7 x# R7 ?8 V0 j
$ [# }3 L5 T. _4 }+ a7 \Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
9 \1 P# v- p( N! Q, W$ r$ KWeather in hex: Moderate rain
3 o5 C- w% }6 I- h9 LRaid detected at 32 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.7 M$ {/ b2 d  _" q/ A3 f
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
" }' C# A: e" aJapanese aircraft7 {  e% \* r8 f0 v' s! t! i7 {. N
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 11
; R$ |6 Y' f% }Japanese aircraft losses( a! Z& |6 I$ n! s, m
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged" r) Q6 \6 V" ~- b8 _" \
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
4 M% K; r$ L9 U( uAirbase hits 1
" E& V  s7 n4 Q( R+ {Airbase supply hits 1
3 u/ T( z& h; T$ U0 d1 ARunway hits 2 4 o* E7 v+ I' @( @3 x& d5 n  W1 Z: U
Aircraft Attacking:2 M" l: M+ C4 ]3 S" A5 c
      11 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet4 j& i! C; y0 L0 Q+ H& ^2 i
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb% }  F/ ^; Y4 x) }
-----------------------------------------------------------: f: ^9 E) T6 t) R2 D& j. K
Morning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai
- O' f( {/ q4 m8 p- R) kWeather in hex: Heavy cloud   h/ X+ E  o' h  n! K
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
* W# j1 ~4 h& w! Y1 ]Estimated time to target is 17 minutes # j* `& W3 L1 q/ S
Japanese aircraft/ [( H* Z% f* F3 Y. Y
      A6M2 Zero x 2 0 h& s0 i- H' H6 Z- N5 N% y$ Q) I
Allied aircraft6 l; \6 L# s. M# ~
      Wirraway x 3 , E6 O5 r$ J4 g/ Z
No Japanese losses
( _1 v- H0 g4 T& n% KNo Allied losses
  k1 n" L+ W( W4 uAircraft Attacking:7 a6 X# @1 z$ z
       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
% B9 E! T; M7 z1 t6 g               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
: X% J, d0 x( R9 m% \--------------------------------------------------
* [( J! t7 ^: ?" ~$ _Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)
4 v. G3 S$ B5 O; _4 Q" x. w7 t9 r8 A9 qJapanese Bombardment attack 8 t9 e/ t( k% s, `: ]+ t1 E( S
Attacking force 104224 troops, 1128 guns, 218 vehicles, Assault Value = 3226 9 e3 s' O5 [0 N4 U, m$ b+ x5 |
Defending force 41139 troops, 476 guns, 289 vehicles, Assault Value = 789
0 }$ _, f' _2 H& q3 [5 t6 NJapanese ground losses:
0 b* t7 Z$ t9 |% Y- B9 O4 p3 f      31 casualties reported
9 x8 ?( ~2 g! I7 ~3 N         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
5 k% l8 W5 _8 C6 M7 W; i         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# V, R! Y$ k' {         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% @/ i- L# M0 X1 wAllied ground losses:- C$ {& S7 k: s
      29 casualties reported0 y  K6 r4 s/ B9 |
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 ]8 k4 E" `& @8 [7 B
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled, @; ^% {6 I3 L% v* I9 P  V
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
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