3月19日,帝国航空兵继续前一日的攻势企图扩大战果,同时盟军也反应迅速,开始在航线上布置远程直掩,因此第二日的空袭战果减小,损失增大,两天的空袭行动过后,尽管对于盟军的海上交通线进行了相当的打击,但是参加行动的紫电改5中队和彗星4中队都损失了超过70%的飞机,不得不撤出战斗重新整备。南洋空战的惨烈程度可见一斑。% r) ^" D+ m. s. T! f4 r! P9 n
& K. r$ t) W1 J7 j8 c2 [Morning Air attack on TF, near Boela at 80,111
& B0 d! ?% W. T4 a0 T+ G) h: e5 R
6 D5 h3 @( T1 e3 E9 _ n4 rWeather in hex: Clear sky
& \+ }# [- c" I v2 g0 T1 I8 V( S7 x ; m8 i* X, a2 Q$ {( B4 Q! g& Q
Raid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
j8 t2 D# q; ^" JEstimated time to target is 8 minutes2 @: y) g& k0 ?. ~+ [& D! U0 t' u+ p
% \6 e, G) z! G6 I& kJapanese aircraft. `- T! G! T# y; x
D4Y4 Judy x 219 ^5 x! `7 h: X! D
N1K5-J George x 24" V+ E+ w5 L W" c
/ K2 d5 R x( ?$ |) C
Allied aircraft
8 X; L- h4 `3 u! S; w" f( } Spitfire VIII x 32$ i% t/ B+ r9 Q2 g
5 @1 |2 w7 v: D2 Z, S4 TJapanese aircraft losses) H+ \, {- E2 e" l
N1K5-J George: 11 destroyed
5 ?4 D* U1 ~! ` ! j" Y' K% [, g9 I2 O1 g
Allied aircraft losses
0 P' Y" ~' R+ F4 I3 s" ^ Spitfire VIII: 1 destroyed! e6 I" f, I! l5 M3 |5 G! u
6 F4 _! b& [" O3 w, d- NAllied Ships
6 \ C8 c, C/ a$ |: K' A LST-579, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
2 E9 `: ?) Z+ Z. }1 A) ? PG Clive, Bomb hits 4, and is sunk6 K; S) |1 d4 Y4 Y
LST-581, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
$ h% [( q) F) c) c; ]3 j LST-582, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk0 {& m t9 T5 C2 j
LST-578, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage, i9 S, D6 x0 ~3 V* i2 D3 U
LST-580, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage" k: z/ H( V* Y$ l
. j; s8 @8 y+ I; y-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `( z" y5 u9 e
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Boela at 80,1109 G/ c0 v; F3 s; _
$ z6 M- t( L/ F9 k& D8 UWeather in hex: Partial cloud
1 m' r/ Q: Z' l6 V: N( o+ H4 d
* O- v) ^1 _5 l4 p7 c4 D4 @Raid detected at 103 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
0 L( c6 @' Q2 @9 P# M8 vEstimated time to target is 30 minutes
- z, d5 i3 o' F+ L5 C
, G* X. q& n4 p6 f8 n' X( DJapanese aircraft
* W+ c" T3 i% G8 u- u. s! k D4Y4 Judy x 21
& J' W9 y( p* D, K' U9 O N1K5-J George x 2, r/ I4 q s9 R
' U- P7 b8 {; W! Q! R( ^0 E# hAllied aircraft
3 t7 H% `+ [- D' u+ ^0 j( v& r0 g Spitfire VIII x 42
! d" R9 M" w2 ]" C3 u& F Spitfire VIII x 290 P" S% J/ ?4 ^) D$ D2 s( t! h/ D
F4U-1D Corsair x 21
4 ~! B" d+ x$ p8 d# k* c P-51D Mustang x 73
3 C2 |! u$ X+ M q1 k# z8 v ' X4 Q9 R+ T8 D! N
Japanese aircraft losses5 }* |0 J7 ^( R* y; e) y2 S4 [
D4Y4 Judy: 10 destroyed, 4 damaged
3 Q- d: F4 P4 g% z D4Y4 Judy: 1 destroyed by flak# v- ]* U3 c8 I
N1K5-J George: 1 destroyed' d1 d5 _' ]9 H
4 L7 a5 E+ D& M$ B) w
No Allied losses
: z+ ~6 ?1 Y+ j; N
" W' H' h+ d! S1 L5 K& `7 rAllied Ships8 F3 e7 h* \& O+ d3 A9 C, i
DD Stephen Potter
9 D- u2 X. B$ k9 ]: ^5 C8 q, s DD Mahan
5 b" z3 |) @7 C$ {6 v* b
# Z' [- @1 g' R! G当天帝国航空兵还对盟军刚刚攻占的库旁基地机场展开了压制行动,共出动了超过120架轰炸机,虽然压制了机场,但是仅仅盟军高射炮部队就击落了超过30架轰炸机,各参战部队损失不小。- K. l! U2 t% i0 @( ^! V
# ^2 O3 [" ]) M! L3 G5 n. FMorning Air attack on Koepang , at 68,116
6 [ S8 R+ \5 W% O " N4 s9 H0 \4 f" w( C
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
8 b4 ~& G- V" D$ u# B# d$ C# x $ \1 M$ c0 D/ l( @2 T
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
% ~# W- T+ K- Q0 F% s4 v" [Estimated time to target is 30 minutes
6 e a# j$ N! |. B2 y1 o( v
4 d6 S; K w, Q, Q! q F& eJapanese aircraft5 b9 Z3 Z: S/ M3 t+ P
G3M3 Nell x 59
( o5 s3 Z5 R+ D1 `9 P! D. n: y/ q% }: R # M- B5 l$ L" M) e' F: [& c( d
Japanese aircraft losses& `+ k) t- v1 C/ k. [# K( l
G3M3 Nell: 38 damaged
% q9 ?# G5 q0 Y! b5 ~; w$ C G3M3 Nell: 6 destroyed by flak' |7 R2 f6 X# S) b$ z4 r
! I) ?0 n8 J/ C; ZAllied ground losses:
5 ^4 X4 } k$ {( e# N( I 13 casualties reported2 n, e. W: i8 U
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ T( ?1 {, Y3 x" _ Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
1 u3 h6 I0 X( d) |) Y7 y8 @ Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& s0 N, P$ s# ]6 u
$ h, [7 c0 O+ v2 p: u% C! }% w6 ^Airbase hits 6
0 G: t- C+ A# D! C/ J2 c& r3 dAirbase supply hits 12 A; Q) E* j" f. n3 W7 l
Runway hits 68
# I# X4 ~: } v6 m! k) t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ]+ D- H- [1 Y# W, Y; ^! E
Morning Air attack on Koepang , at 68,116 & I( K: N) T5 U+ N: U3 i' f
9 |2 j0 O* I: d5 F- h4 S9 J
Weather in hex: Partial cloud6 e' `+ b5 S* N! {9 |
: N/ n2 S4 l5 o) QRaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.) f# v. ? `: {" h9 Z" |# a
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes
; b5 r* Z- T; ?& @
# h8 R- H0 M9 O9 M3 PJapanese aircraft, H5 e( b8 m7 r6 N9 ]
G3M3 Nell x 18* e/ z* e. L# T1 ?$ a" L
# s5 r+ ?8 \$ `2 E+ mJapanese aircraft losses
0 U7 o4 W; D H& f. z& }; m, w G3M3 Nell: 11 damaged
- J2 R9 A& R& o7 h G3M3 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak
; p7 p) q; B9 k7 |3 w1 T
" q5 h0 J, T) U5 d: y1 [Airbase hits 1
% S# S+ A1 i2 d* W! u/ Q$ J$ GRunway hits 8+ F" K/ Z; F* R
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s2 X5 ?* u- J( s
Morning Air attack on Koepang , at 68,116 " y5 k5 a y. ]2 O
5 @! m6 O0 \0 l) l5 C; U
Weather in hex: Partial cloud9 v7 N0 Q4 n2 X" y
; Y5 z/ j. V. z6 [) D( G% e5 q6 GRaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet. L, g' h. B# w8 i+ l/ T
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes
' _. A' @' B( y' F0 } 6 {$ P6 y" p! u; {3 ?
Japanese aircraft
- C0 ^4 L0 }. `/ f# ^- U. x G3M3 Nell x 18( p6 a3 `+ g, q$ C% b$ K
1 F" @' q! M& Q, n2 w* Q7 |Japanese aircraft losses
; W! z N/ }6 B$ A& R G3M3 Nell: 11 damaged$ ]# o* {% _( o8 q8 c7 S' o
G3M3 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak5 I r! d5 `6 ]0 Y n; W
: [, g, }' q' M8 x0 H& ^
Airbase hits 2
. T. J4 z# k1 r' X% q- t1 x, qRunway hits 12# {! ~* Z+ [& _" I4 ]4 E9 c
5 x0 {7 o& k! D当天在澳东海域,盟军反潜编队也和打草谷的帝国潜水战队发生冲突,冲突中一艘盟军DE和一艘帝国SS沉没。
2 |# t s( B: m5 T* v# p. p--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% q [/ Z# {* S8 RSub attack near Cooktown at 93,139
9 N! y2 K0 J6 N f
# o4 }8 D) b$ x% O7 _/ e# nJapanese Ships/ v8 [3 ?9 b7 ]! V$ S' Q: u
SS RO-34, hits 18, heavy damage9 i( u; {9 s+ F/ i0 y4 c4 C
9 p# a- t- g O" l9 d$ m
Allied Ships
7 F5 t+ T! b! a4 q. M DE Paul G. Baker
- V; x% }% A( ?- ~5 }# m DE William Seiverling, r' p) `0 y# _" f
DE Vammen7 E, ~8 p$ H) Q- ~1 `" n- F9 `
3 o* V: `: P f: b--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) l( _* h5 H4 w$ PASW attack near Townsville at 95,1449 b1 g% ]6 q4 P! }4 F2 Z. H
9 Y; c1 }0 }0 o+ o/ p, ?! m/ c2 S
Japanese Ships
8 c. P) H& c7 ~4 g2 d SS I-158, hits 14, heavy damage( _ z# O. g% S! P" \
2 H# v! m8 v) v5 _3 N6 Q/ ~
Allied Ships
7 I( `% f: T6 ?# D7 q: t6 M DE George E. Davis, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage6 a f, S& `' \1 f& M
DE Ulvert M. Moore% t T2 o$ ]) E
DE Oliver Mitchell
) a7 k, J% X1 o DE Edwin A. Howard
. W/ d) k2 g+ m" i2 Y# [8 h5 Y/ q4 w DE Alvin C. Cockrell4 y; A* R7 l; t7 E
DE Lloyd E. Acree
; R4 ?, f0 } b DE LeRay Wilson
% z; i5 Z2 q5 E8 k/ t7 }4 |6 f DE Kenneth M. Willet( N1 E9 F/ r E6 V2 \
DE Presley% B2 ?! V+ _* R# ^9 ?7 H# ?
DE Oberrender |