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; K: V  ?( s# A- z2 Z" d% r" d制空权好拿,问题是夏威夷和隔壁有兵驻守的大岛都是岸炮一打就是10000多下,岸轰舰队损失惨重,敌前登陆更是以两万为单位的死伤。以前登陆的那些招数全部没用了。
1 N! I0 \9 T* o2 ]& w. \+ q请高人指点,我占了两格远的小岛,扩大了机场和港口作为修整基地,难道只能用飞机舰艇封锁珍珠港直到它没有补给为止吗?
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Pearl Harbour
) M! o+ R3 K( G$ E9 Z% A6 s0 g3 x3 Q
Ok, there are 2 forms of Pearl Harbour; a small Pearl harbour with limited resources aimed at sinking his Naval assetts by forcing him to fight and seiging Oahu and a full Pearl Harbour where you try to take Oahu early. % U& o2 G  F0 H' {, ]
, r6 D; T' g2 c6 j2 u
Both of these strategies have a reduced PHI effort and both use a normal Pearl Harbour strike on day 1.
5 K( }0 G- B& V5 k4 T5 D: ?' f* @3 F; K( ]" z% g
Small Hawaii
, w" W7 z) J9 [5 g! Z7 e3 E4 G7 B0 }* K
The goal is to force him to commit Naval assets when you are most prepared to fight him Dec. 41 and early 42. $ E5 t+ D* _; n

, W6 ^0 O) t2 y: G( i7 A$ g0 tPHI
4 v, O. V9 W9 E5 n- J, ~# }Land a Brigade and maybe a regiment in the PHI take some territory, keep him busy and most importantly, get him to use his supplies. Not sure if this modeled but the PHI was mobilizing and training so you may be giving him some nice units. With air power, the PHI units experience and moral he wont unseat a Brigade from some defensive terrain. If he commits everything land the 38th in a nice position when Hong Kong falls. 3 P% Q2 n4 }9 Z" z  F4 O" c0 h

& L7 x; ~8 v9 D+ OMalaysia / DEI " X# P' M% I! s& z# C$ c. n3 |5 Q
Malaysia can happen at Normal or slightly slower pace, once Hawaii is taken KB can return (the fast transports will already have returned and you can do a normal DEI.) ( @% U: ~8 @/ r; h& F& n$ n
$ W8 A6 J) M, T5 E: }/ ]) W5 r( r
Hawaii % `  G4 ?& d- `7 S/ W+ X
Use 2 good divisions, ie, 116th and one other, use fast transports (so KB does not have to stay there) to secure the other Hawaii islands (1 div is probably even enough but better safe) and try this strategy. Taking the approach islands is critical though (don't use big forces to give the game away), Midway, Baker and Johnston Island based planes can alert him of an invasion. Take them and he will have less warning its coming. 2 T  ~( g' H1 W6 d! U6 f

4 G) \) a& f- j9 \* o4 f9 xSurprise is important blind him (ie, take Baker, Midway, Johnson), do not plan for these landings (you can plan for Oahu once you have taken all the other islands). Use fast Task Forces.
! r+ j& c1 k# l: R8 z% S- ^4 {. f2 v- ^2 m' s# H1 M' R
Take Johnson so you can: ! H- E9 U1 t1 O0 n3 p3 J( y! }' ^& S

0 P2 N- d6 r' c% M- Hit Pearl with Betties and from there helping the invasion.
- r# H' u$ Z1 O& H5 `6 y0 Q" {7 P1 f6 J0 J# ~& |/ a, d
- Redeploy Betties to Pearl.
4 N3 O8 g% y, N6 ~, S6 M+ m0 k* u* B3 F
Don't land on Oahu. Take Hawaii and all the other small islands build up the air bases and attrition him. The goals: 6 f# q/ l  M; L& T9 n
4 N' g. e; P' z: h. H8 a* Z
- Disrupt his troops. % D5 ^& c7 J4 o

/ G# A3 j! T( M0 F+ m- Keep the air field down.
7 D  z- G/ @, f; n7 y) e5 M* E0 }& r, S0 z& z5 e' B
- Reduce supplies.
; @) V8 n0 e* c. z! r
& u1 O8 K+ G" @  y- Bomb the guns.
! ^. s% d7 k; n& ]$ \8 @8 E* v
& B& g3 O7 t; i3 v0 p+ |2 t- Sink any relief ships or ships in PH. (So all those old battleships will be sunk by the Army air not 3 days getting your Navy pilots shot up).
  N* o1 a5 ]) i- X; V
) a1 W" m' w3 J1 ]# D4 ?0 U0 O- Your going to need 3-4 Airfields at least as he will shutdown a field when KB leaves. Hilo, Kona, Lihue and Molokai are all needed. The 2 dot bases should be float plane bases. + c. N( `  Z) e: N$ H

. ^- |% [1 S' B: F3 x- P6 D3 POnce things are in your favor take Oahu. Best of all you can use barges for the landing and pick decent weather. Weather makes a big difference, if your invasion hits a storm its in big trouble.
, U3 d4 j! k) r! ?9 I, D5 m( a% M# N1 Y5 f2 D
Even if you fail you will take out a lot of shipping and can withdraw your forces, consider if you do a direct attack and fail with a full Hawaii. ' m) z: o& t3 L6 O: _  h" f5 l0 S0 `

" N" l) e  M9 WFor fighters package some Oscars and Sallies on AKs from China and Malaysia (once you win the air war there), you cant take the PHI ones as you will need them to keep his head down. This is important because in the attrition phase you want the army planes to do the hard work. Save the Navy pilots / Betties for hitting any ships that try to reinforce Pearl.
9 }* t& v) l" b
: n9 g4 s9 t) u" L  _0 XDo not include Heavy cruisers and Battleships in invasion fleets. Do not bombard Oahu unless it has been heavily suppressed. The risk gain is just not worth it with the Wimpy AE bombardments. ) s& |& K. a3 k' X$ z9 X5 F
0 A; M& \- w& c+ J

* Q* v- M: S2 L7 kLarge Hawaii / {' d" w  d5 J

3 O7 I$ r# v7 L/ \6 N8 S* |This is a 5+ Division landing either at start or after a single air base has been taken for cover. The goal here is PP.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.