v1.8.0.6 HOT FIX - 5/25/2007 4:27:52 AM , G& s! c# B7 p5 Y+ N" U3 J/ J, z t9 ^) j. x' L" [, Q
The initial release of the v1.8.0.6 did not contain the item#1 fix " t1 A! [) @4 j2 `! m+ V+ dItem 1 – Correct issues related to task forces discontinuing loading after another task force was disbanded in the same hex. % p& E: }8 L: |" X' U" Q3 f# `This item was inadvertantly "backed out" of the patch after it had been corrected and tested. / ^) o& ~/ z: v: K, Q2 oThus we now have removed the initial invalid v1.8.0.6 from the download site and installed two new versions ! v9 B: y$ Y3 R7 a- F
(1) v1.8.0.6 - this version should be applied only to v1.8.0.4 games. It is a corrected version of the original v1.8.0.6 patch including the item 1. ~5 P. `2 Y' u(2) v1.8.0.6 HOT FIX - this version should only be applied to v1.8.0.6 games. It adds the item 1. 6 l( e0 ^" @( l9 AWe apologize for the error.