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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 13, 42; k# _  N3 E" z+ C( _) V
, W3 C1 R3 }% F--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) f1 c$ r1 b. j  e$ r/ Y6 d爪哇战场一片狼藉,ABDA编队剩余的完好DD组成了一支敢死舰队返身杀回三宝垄日军登陆场,一通乱射,打死若干老师傅
( @- Z2 L% \8 O/ I8 a  @日军开始扫场泗水机场9 S3 @( @% B# @; e
北太战场,日军KB分队一直在周围逡巡,其余水面舰队活动频繁,阿达克岛的日军开始缺乏补给+ F/ E: z. T$ Q3 I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I$ v+ s4 ]9 t$ L
Night Time Surface Combat, near Semarang at 53,102, Range 1,000 Yards
5 q* ?  z' x2 y4 v/ `$ w' y8 i ! M* M8 i: G! a0 Y& E
Japanese Ships' u- [/ O+ y& t
      CL Sendai; _; K+ z. R5 |1 s) ~2 ^% p
      DD Yugiri, Shell hits 4,  on fire
; ^/ ^: M! N* H      xAK Katuragi Maru6 n$ r! \( m  A5 m+ g7 I
      xAK Tasmania Maru, Shell hits 1
2 s  h- q) c( L* e( w      xAK Yamagata Maru. y% T+ W6 M' Q* `9 m
      xAK Ume Maru, Shell hits 8, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage% q" C( S$ L0 x: t
      xAK Kotohira Maru, Shell hits 15, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
. G' [$ ~5 @. i/ M5 u7 k, v      xAK Meiu Maru- Y& U8 E0 Q( Q2 ~
      xAP Tatsuta Maru, Shell hits 13, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
. j2 C& U1 M' q/ U      xAP Brazil Maru, Shell hits 27, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage  a) ?5 k1 c5 ~, e% G+ Z/ J# H! w
      xAP Naminoue Maru, Shell hits 1,  on fire* i2 B4 K3 f: Z# o

) @3 I- x5 Y' e3 V+ v8 MAllied Ships
  T9 z! X6 ?. u      DD Barker
) C  z1 c2 s8 c- M      DD Bulmer, Shell hits 1" y8 D  p( O& P
      DD Edsall
9 z! S  ?2 ?& g4 O% k$ J2 Z0 w      DD John D. Ford3 X$ F" q! z; Z# P
      DD Paul Jones; i% M7 n% J7 w2 {$ R+ E
      DD Parrott
. l* C8 ?* R( F: z4 u+ D6 E% R8 G      DD Peary
8 i4 [8 M2 T& L/ Q6 q! A2 k      DD Pope, Shell hits 1,  on fire
3 E$ M. g; @5 C% s: P      DD Van Nes- }  @# Y  {) u
      DD Witte de With
/ e+ s& U9 Q$ t9 V0 R( m      DD Evertsen0 [4 h8 y+ {7 W7 j  A- ^
      DD Kortenaer
6 x; P" }5 Y9 ~) [      DD Scout
3 f3 p, {$ ?, y0 P % {; H" M3 B: u, _. e7 x
Japanese ground losses:* d% P1 W7 N7 Q( z+ }
      853 casualties reported
% D1 X2 k' E' f$ a- Y% X) t         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 C0 j2 j! z/ U" V
         Non Combat: 40 destroyed, 100 disabled! W& k% L% }! g" \
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 V7 R5 h! T0 r8 S8 k' }6 e
      Guns lost 16 (11 destroyed, 5 disabled)
! O/ b. M) I# g: m. ?      Vehicles lost 11 (4 destroyed, 7 disabled)
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 14, 423 D) n4 Y5 ^3 e7 W* a0 I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W6 M9 J; o: q3 D9 p; b1 A' l/ L
ABDA敢死舰队继续执行每日一偷袭的任务/ G# a( x) K6 n* _  L; e/ v; R) V
日军空挺队空降占领爪哇岛空城茂物; E' q+ I& O+ {" Y4 |& g
北太战场,日军KB分队继续每日扫场阿达克岛,盟军看起来需要上58搞一把吗?" N5 z0 ]4 E/ ^# N7 j! k8 y+ J
4 P* J1 E0 e1 w( w6 O5 ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" `5 U) z9 W0 bNight Time Surface Combat, near Semarang at 53,102, Range 6,000 Yards
2 o/ H) V. u) @) N7 L: l ' J$ V; E% n2 V. B) s/ w8 \
Japanese Ships
$ _1 h# [8 E& ~      CL Sendai' ~' ~2 q* l: ^/ b4 L# Y# s7 J
      DD Yugiri* w+ _+ Q  l# q$ ~& s  h/ x; K
      xAK Katuragi Maru3 K, ?7 u. I3 C7 h. w! h2 v% I) e2 Q
      xAK Tasmania Maru, Shell hits 11,  heavy fires,  heavy damage( B5 W. I% I% L
      xAK Yamagata Maru7 F+ u. s# O* m
      xAK Ume Maru, Shell hits 1,  heavy damage
" a3 C3 k  Y4 O) m8 U0 j. o3 h      xAK Meiu Maru, Shell hits 1' M9 v- Z* ~5 V6 v6 [' B4 ^# `
      xAP Brazil Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
) R' o' p2 B: L! a0 v, c      xAP Naminoue Maru, Shell hits 2,  on fire+ I4 o; T' }/ G, G
( e7 y4 s- p% v3 t# X% ?5 k
Allied Ships
" P- v$ F; y" ^2 Q9 @      DD Barker
" l4 G5 ~! X! f7 [% b3 y      DD Bulmer! ?/ E! j3 c- N" D; Z0 O# ]1 f3 @
      DD Edsall, Shell hits 2
- o* P" E* M8 f5 ~; O9 C- }      DD John D. Ford
- J3 E* u7 G* S. @" [, }! A: L      DD Paul Jones0 Y8 M# f0 W! w2 K+ A; H
      DD Parrott, Shell hits 1
1 I  c3 W3 B6 ?" E      DD Peary, Shell hits 1
1 A: d- x, l! A/ c3 r      DD Van Nes
8 G, F+ T. p+ b& D6 {+ B      DD Witte de With
  q; c/ e. K$ A, o% W( a3 N4 O- F. E      DD Evertsen, Shell hits 15 Q1 e7 \* t: C  k) S3 \
      DD Kortenaer, Shell hits 1
  H4 h4 B! U2 \  l5 T& J      DD Scout$ Q& u# y& X! C( g3 P( A$ [8 a

# Y+ a/ w/ B) l- B; ?$ D1 \" `5 uJapanese ground losses:
3 n' b/ p# L' C8 G      1379 casualties reported
5 E& O. D  S, w- e  x2 @" O7 [         Squads: 2 destroyed, 2 disabled
& m! A4 z$ G( R: B9 w# U. d         Non Combat: 68 destroyed, 132 disabled
6 e; C  Y8 t" p+ [! Q, g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 Z+ m; h& d+ _, c      Guns lost 20 (15 destroyed, 5 disabled)1 D& y/ }# }! Y# q
      Vehicles lost 8 (5 destroyed, 3 disabled)
0 k, {! M& d. @9 v--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, e6 H7 @* n$ n2 F. k在前两天重创的日军BB陆奥返回新加坡途中,被设伏的荷兰潜艇又命中2雷,陆奥能否撑住就看造化了
% s+ x* g! c- l% p3 c& @北太战场,日军在KB分队的掩护下,水面舰队比睿雾岛屡屡进犯阿达克岛,并多次试图补给上岛部队,盟军摄于KB威胁,只能用PT防御,N多飞机不幸被炸毁在机场,看起来阿达克岛的防空是否要放弃了?
7 ~4 n9 ?1 \7 G0 @; F- [南洋战场,日军一队运输队企图裸奔登陆马辰,盟军ABDA敢死舰队从泗水全速出击拦截,成功阻止其登陆;地面战场,日军占领了日惹、梭罗,正稳步向泗水推进中
5 @9 z9 y, d9 Y' x( f缅甸战场,在卡拉奇换装了P40E的飞虎队一分队终于赶到仰光机场,首次出战即获得丰硕战果  m  }6 @# M0 `3 C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: f# y2 `, t6 w! m( N3 u, D
Sub attack near Tambelan-eilanden  at 53,918 d1 P/ d) \# X; S
# X; Z! A5 o6 [8 B+ N9 g' _
Japanese Ships& L9 M# y. m+ |! ~* }' Q
      BB Mutsu, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage2 U$ N6 o7 y7 V+ B
      DD Natsushio
* p/ f5 ]( H5 y) W/ c      DMS W-117 R8 r* e- D& F$ W4 H2 a
      DMS W-14
! q( C' x  e% m, I; a! l # \' o  E6 q( X# ~7 @3 [
Allied Ships9 ^4 ~2 q4 w! b1 L+ J& A  h6 @. D
      SS O21. u  P6 ?' J1 W  Z' G
! E6 D& X% \) q9 n0 Z3 U$ G1 ^Night Time Surface Combat, near Bandjermasin at 60,99, Range 2,000 Yards, B: |% a; @6 E6 h( Y3 E

, O) ?8 Y' l. n* FJapanese Ships
1 }' c% a# A. C$ w      CL Tatsuta
/ H6 @' ~, A4 m8 y- n' d3 l) o      DD Ikazuchi, Shell hits 1* ^; I2 |* X2 \! x; s. S4 a  o
      DD Karii, Shell hits 2,  on fire7 q" E3 _- L" E, S, |& B% t( D
      E Kunashiri
$ h- W2 E2 P- }: B% t      TB Sagi3 v' H( Y+ @! N* t* {7 h3 o/ g/ W
      xAK Kasuga Maru #2, Shell hits 2,  on fire$ e- \! ?1 Y( u, s4 i& p
      xAK Tarushima Maru, Shell hits 4,  on fire
; N7 Z; r  v  ]- d# ]! d/ Z      xAK Takaoka Maru, Shell hits 1" m5 J6 W  Y3 W% T. d
      xAK Tusima Maru, Shell hits 2. W9 T3 _) s9 K) d4 v$ G4 y5 \4 g
4 ~, q1 f  ~5 R( u5 e; a
Allied Ships
9 g  q2 I: i+ p  L      DD Barker
5 \4 V" U; k2 x8 i( u      DD Bulmer7 N/ r0 j1 ^# {& ~1 [+ o
      DD Edsall3 F9 ]& _  _$ O# w, a" ]' N% |7 U
      DD John D. Ford
: `; f# u) C  _6 W- x- A2 @2 P1 T      DD Paul Jones
# ]# f9 y$ I8 V7 s/ \0 l7 ?$ l, ?! Z      DD Parrott
4 U- H9 v$ i( ^      DD Peary( |+ g( ]9 e! X/ P% [( x4 W
      DD Van Nes4 c8 Z: r, U3 W, f5 q' K% t$ |
      DD Witte de With
9 U& i. n* k6 K6 g5 ]      DD Evertsen, Shell hits 1,  on fire
% v( K! b5 e/ \& ?+ Z4 @" |      DD Kortenaer9 z6 L+ D9 F$ U& \
      DD Scout; C6 w) @% n- l1 L. r0 O
8 Z( @6 p- s2 H/ Y& L! F! E9 ?! u2 p
Japanese ground losses:+ i% f+ H5 M) W! g5 k
      73 casualties reported2 D  ?6 A/ X' S  w  U
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
+ I: P5 X' o9 j         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
* x6 f9 O9 Y* U  l         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 |1 a# v+ D5 e0 ]; i4 |8 g--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. {: ^4 Q, j- }& k4 g
Night Naval bombardment of Adak Island at 162,52
9 _. E( k" P' ]+ E
" P+ l) D. h% \5 QAllied aircraft
8 R: u3 Z& p/ i0 z; m% D# i      no flights
; g0 r2 a: v0 M) g5 V* M" b
- H, w9 l: C- i4 V7 a: ?Allied aircraft losses
* R* r5 [& ^9 R  y      B-26 Marauder: 5 damaged' h9 Z* ~/ E7 q6 |+ J
      B-26 Marauder: 1 destroyed on ground
) \# j( J. [- ^      A-24 Banshee: 3 damaged
, u: V5 w* [5 ]& i      A-24 Banshee: 1 destroyed on ground
/ B( u2 I9 H- |& y4 i      Kittyhawk I: 4 damaged
0 N6 w& v8 M4 ?7 Z3 d' I      Kittyhawk I: 1 destroyed on ground, U: p2 |& v5 u1 j' m
- ?8 G. b7 G' s+ |7 C0 t; y
Japanese Ships5 B0 u& h! a" Z0 n) A. p9 a
      BB Kirishima" }- u# ~2 V0 N: r$ n5 z
      BB Hiei% r3 J. ]* S+ C! p, Q; J' t  m
' B  d. D, N( u6 C" p: s
Allied ground losses:
, w( s6 t/ P# V" D      90 casualties reported5 M: C% @5 v3 Y0 ^/ \
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled7 j5 t7 r8 y! U# c
         Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 11 disabled
7 s6 [+ r- q% D: ^8 d1 o- a         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 3 disabled' O' |1 S% f4 f4 ?- [
      Guns lost 6 (2 destroyed, 4 disabled); M5 j2 t/ _/ r* N* ]8 _9 B/ \
      Vehicles lost 16 (6 destroyed, 10 disabled); @) h& ~0 O7 Q; B

. x# ^0 T  V1 j9 {Airbase hits 5& ?2 S% K% Q* `7 c1 o1 B
Airbase supply hits 2; y3 w* B7 U3 ~- I5 p" C5 Y: w
Runway hits 127 j  F7 @! c9 h: B; J/ Q
. R+ x3 Q) O) iMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53
! R* C2 n% y& L+ I
2 u4 q3 u9 g5 {# g5 rWeather in hex: Clear sky
/ r" n) N" ]# P/ L7 k
7 }; x2 Q( N( wRaid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
( f2 e7 N8 |+ O/ ]Estimated time to target is 10 minutes6 \; f0 s$ y( S
3 n( E- Z) |& d3 W: R7 F7 o
Japanese aircraft* T/ [7 f: j# z' V" t# h, [8 h
      A6M2 Zero x 157 [! ~7 |0 e% G3 E
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21
# V' f  n  [% B, q2 W 5 Y4 u- }! k$ e; I; O
Allied aircraft8 ^1 g# d$ i" ~8 {2 f- W
      H81-A3 x 34 S1 U8 k6 v* |5 [* X
      P-40E Warhawk x 23" r0 [) c8 `' k7 r; X- N- c1 ^

) I* L+ K' Y- ]. y1 QJapanese aircraft losses7 R. B$ q; I- |# M
      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
! l# K, N! b( L8 b      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 destroyed, 2 damaged
. j$ {* A& F" Y: Q
. V/ E; j" w: d; U' Z/ @No Allied losses
6 W& N, p, O4 M2 K% T, o
! D+ p  {$ W0 A7 ZAirbase hits 2
. t* m. k2 J5 U) |- d6 @Airbase supply hits 2  p0 F5 l3 m6 X% H
Runway hits 1
________意志力__战略__战术   - W5 G/ O- P6 c) k4 K4 R( w* ?  e
茶客大酱      S         D       E
310# amdddr ' g5 X- r' U+ S" ~3 g  W& w: @
. ]4 i$ u* T$ Z5 z
) }& |; M: S# n6 G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& k0 b5 F( S6 y1 O今日观察了一下VP值的变化,虽然没有发生大战,但是VP值陡然增加了200多点,是否预示着陆奥已经沉没?但是查看了一下沉船列表,却没有发现陆奥的踪影,大统领将继续追踪观察,确认陆奥是否真的已沉没6 M. f/ q3 U" a- {- q; b
爪哇战场,盟军继续执行每日一偷的战术,这样的好事已经无法长久了,查克大将的KB已经驶离新加坡,逼近爪哇海入口,掩护登陆爪哇岛的加里椰地Kalidjati" z& t" u& q1 y" r
! @+ O0 T) @0 A* T  i. X5 f  l" K阿达克岛也继续遭到KB分队的扫场,小鹰纷纷坠落% p& }- D  [) ^* Z$ t; r" D; \5 _
仰光亦继续遭到零战和隼的扫场,飞虎队尚能勉力支撑; V9 Z& A) n  D" o" }' A6 o+ p
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" r/ K# J: b! S( `$ N  {9 A" p) m3 J- o
Night Naval bombardment of Semarang at 53,1027 k+ Y5 Z( X8 i: R

) V6 P6 U  _: o4 Y! PJapanese aircraft
; t: v- o% m+ r  [      no flights& n5 [3 v  ?: ^6 A9 [' E" Q

/ l6 N8 c* J" a+ q5 T% \Japanese aircraft losses
9 _1 ]- j. x, ?+ Q4 J! p' Y8 @      A6M3 Zero: 1 damaged4 U0 R4 P! j, l0 W0 G
      A6M3 Zero: 1 destroyed on ground. s. O) Z: e# l: |, G# d" s
      Ki-27b Nate: 2 damaged
% `# ?, y+ ^+ m3 [& W8 T% @      Ki-27b Nate: 1 destroyed on ground0 t! W6 `6 J7 U5 y% B% }. K
4 m9 I/ K3 D3 A% d; T$ |& z
Japanese Ships
! G/ {7 d6 @' g* N) n; U5 Y      DMS W-2, Shell hits 2,  on fire  s) G3 _- K  i
% @6 Q% @+ M) r4 S& P% b
Allied Ships# a9 E- x8 {) L
      DD Scout
9 I$ ^) X0 a$ s! |* B! @      DD Kortenaer
9 [4 L6 H  f1 g, ^0 j1 a      DD Witte de With- D9 o" g4 I& R' \# X. T. `
      DD Van Nes2 R8 P% _/ h. \9 h$ V' }
      DD Peary: D8 {5 ]* ^4 E
      DD Parrott
+ v, U( S6 z" m: N      DD Paul Jones% ~" I' J* x, k' q
      DD John D. Ford. D4 O9 |" k: y. v; [
      DD Edsall' V& O$ e6 o) G( b) g# ]+ w5 g- f
      DD Bulmer: M- t4 o$ A6 }8 U5 K
      DD Barker
. H9 [9 S8 V( U" p. e5 A   d) A+ M8 c8 |
Japanese ground losses:
* A: r2 Q# E7 v# c      85 casualties reported1 b/ G- a3 C- P' a
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 c* f9 g: }+ l% k6 _
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 8 disabled9 Y/ P7 N: v- W9 \. u3 m0 @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 |  i, @1 V0 l# v* R ) p6 d- o; D- D5 S- d
Manpower hits 1: f0 D8 c; X# m9 p6 ?2 Q
Fires 419 K2 \) [- q9 m, v
Airbase hits 3
; `1 t3 ^- i8 L1 }, P+ G! c# HAirbase supply hits 9+ [8 v1 a3 M9 W: t9 Y2 K
Runway hits 37* b2 w8 T# U, u9 L% K
Port hits 1
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 17, 42  ~9 z* M2 t; k7 h, [
& h+ {; m" Q5 G, a- Q. k0 e% x  }. E" s; t南洋战场,泗水继续被扫场,战斗机已经消耗殆尽,KB杀入爪哇海,空袭了待在泗水的盟军ABDA敢死舰队,损失几艘DD,剩余受伤的DD准备转进到澳洲修理
2 M  w8 Y8 P1 i; b& E日军登陆宿雾和塔克洛班" g* A" u! r- T9 l6 E
5 m, F0 f: }7 n  A' l--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 b2 _3 o2 p( p  Y& e; \8 O: CMorning Air attack on TF, near Soerabaja at 56,104
1 E% u. V( B" ]
! U! s" r  s) E( pWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
) k' x" m2 o3 ~- U$ K+ H5 E 7 V- R8 J8 {2 {; \5 {2 w
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.* n, C  |/ W7 p: {) k7 c0 j
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
- g. j$ E! ]$ X8 o# E6 X% Q) x 6 R2 J3 r5 A9 k3 q2 l1 l
Japanese aircraft
9 d) S+ N; ?5 o9 a) B$ R% T9 P      A6M2 Zero x 45
" I7 ~9 i. U/ [6 P      B5N2 Kate x 501 x6 z+ Y" \" {: ]  @* T+ \
      D3A1 Val x 45( w/ p: r- q. f# E: }. s7 H9 I

1 N" T) O$ {4 W7 PAllied aircraft4 i: C. F5 t- G; h  m
      CW-21B Demon x 1- b  y: I% i9 f5 P4 O
      P-40E Warhawk x 3
4 O- L; j  d$ [- e; p: J% s ' _7 S5 p, ~! P$ p; Z
Japanese aircraft losses
6 j) H: e7 E  u* C! l      D3A1 Val: 2 damaged) Z% i$ @; q4 t" m$ R
: @. Q" r9 n# I9 N' r0 d
Allied aircraft losses
+ P, w+ }3 Y3 j# |      CW-21B Demon: 1 destroyed9 D; `; R! D/ Y0 P
! w' J1 U# ]  i/ Z* o' V
Allied Ships7 z5 }5 L9 _# q8 _
      DD John D. Ford, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
  X" U! L2 m& |0 h- ?7 Z      DD Peary, Bomb hits 1,  on fire2 a; K- [* a  o% Q$ }
      DD Kortenaer, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 j0 d& P: ?* E" F& d% M, Z  Q$ w9 a  G      DD Scout, Bomb hits 10 C1 N# z7 h* Y- n9 O' G
      DD Parrott, Bomb hits 1# x# U; V4 {2 {( g; L
      DD Witte de With, Bomb hits 1
7 v& U. d3 @! p      DD Van Nes, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage) {9 F, r, `) c1 R" s) _, h
      DD Paul Jones# f0 M$ s5 ~8 b& Z
      DD Barker
7 p4 V. y% i/ n' {, l2 J      DD Edsall, Bomb hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
" O3 _: n( l& T3 g--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% B( u. `4 x; G$ Q7 GPre-Invasion action off Adak Island (162,52) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!: V& e- K4 O5 X$ B" x+ A2 _' F! V" L
2 t+ c& n; s  |+ a! g
77 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.) f! V' t0 [* T9 \

' D$ G8 V7 ]7 B7 o" M: [Japanese Ships
4 U! i. n* ^: @. d  P+ @" |      CA Kako, Shell hits 1
5 Q5 s9 H$ i( p6 P      CL Tenryu, Shell hits 6,  heavy fires
+ R7 ?. A) u1 E9 {      DD Suzukaze, Shell hits 3,  on fire
8 y7 @& u2 d7 T      DD Umikaze, Shell hits 5,  on fire9 Z- y, o: M7 [- q' y" _* h
      DD Akigumo, Shell hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
! U7 q  g- R5 z. x 7 e! r9 V- S) H0 s6 M
Allied ground losses:% D1 G3 n# g% e% L% N0 l2 r
      53 casualties reported2 ~6 b9 R8 |& y: l  V
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; |1 A  c; A# x$ L. v
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
2 {4 O' t  A  o' Y& U$ N         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
& t+ \* k, G6 F) t6 y( g
5 y6 [. s" t' T难道怕牛牛四发北太出发夷平东京?