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[AE] AE又有补丁了

又有一个小补丁1096a,晕啊 4 ]( t' s& @. T* ?1 S" i
  l; Z9 D' ]1 c) L7 Q; Nhttp://www.matrixgames.com/forums/attachment.asp?m=2323211: E: q* b; ^0 j
补丁内容( W' z: L5 l( X1 e0 A
Patch 02 Hot fix (build 1096a) . F: v, c% h) ?6 z7 }! v
+ B) f; n# n1 w* l( R7 u( J2 S, v
changeLog: % g  B/ C! V  {$ d
; Y0 c% F/ u' w2 |5 x# U
01. Resolve supply/fuel/resource/oil overflow issues causing loss of same.
6 `; X: [, H# K) _4 [' l1 U1 N6 {2 ^+ u/ b$ s8 q
02. Fixed issue that was preventing some bases from being resupplied. ! [1 O5 j( s( U& S. y  V2 z& l

* r0 t7 j& g, Q9 ~: I03. Added terrain and fort effects against artillery attacks. 0 S! W" ~: n8 X% i

" G: A" D. N4 f, b) E0 P04. Artillery when used offensively use 2x amount of supplies. " ^( j3 A! x# D; |" o/ Y% n3 S

5 A6 G" P8 M9 F  A6 F) [  J6 P. g) h05. Fixed save not reading properly issue. + X: r4 [1 T; r( s/ H& J
0 r, a# m6 ^+ ~- z0 n- ~3 e
06. Fixed overflow issue with air skills going backwards . % `' m: b  s2 H# X6 W# G* r7 J# v
4 R7 {0 O8 W- O6 T
07. Fixed some display issues caused by Transfer Ships. 3 o: [% h& I" b) {
- s6 m' s5 c( ?8 C
08. Fixed CTD issue with Clouds ! A3 u* X3 Y% L% p+ F0 C  ~) T, T  i

% q+ q4 {$ A# l/ L) q09. Fixed issue displaying LCUs at enemy base.
0 ?8 G4 B. M/ W, n" u( K( I' o) W0 w4 q+ \9 U7 Q- p, m, m- S+ l
10. Fixed issue with groups that are on withdrawn ships. 7 F6 p) C0 t2 G# ^7 T; T
$ S% K' y6 X2 v4 ?! N
11. Adjust ASW/Escort/Submarine attack issue.