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本帖最后由 kong12 于 2009-10-29 15:40 编辑 6 }: o, v  O( O( _1 h% k! z
5 Y$ Y) b5 `2 _* Q
. B  d" f8 c0 V% C7 e$ e
, U0 Y8 p8 S8 B& _$ t9 o! RWhen a TF is docked in a port, its ships are still listed as part of the TF.
1 A" \* X" K1 {+ O
4 @7 M/ o2 `$ u( x) xA TF may disband itself if it is in a hex with a friendly port with a current size of at least 3. When a TF is disbanded, each of the ships that were in the TF will replenish its ammunition. Ships at a friendly port with a current size of at least 3 may exist in the port separate of a task force in which case they will maximize their repair capability at the expense of additional vulnerability to enemy air and ship bombardment attacks (this is considered being at anchor).: Y- x5 w& m4 e  A% H

4 d! m: @& u% {! `就是说dock 是 停泊(舰队不解散只靠港), anchor是抛锚(即舰队解散在港口里)
( W" E; m8 A5 c$ q% T/ ?: n3 P
4 e8 @. P- k* f$ n1 E中文witp的基地信息界面里的 停泊在某港的船只 会引起歧义。 建议改为 抛锚 符合原意。
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
本帖最后由 kong12 于 2009-10-29 09:45 编辑
* K% [% L8 I. g0 H* g$ l5 Q( ^
7 I2 N. R+ z. e$ L清楚这个区别挺重要的
( @3 s) b6 P0 D" }& o
+ w$ J! `& L9 `4 j$ x7 A抛锚或者停泊的船只不会受到因航行引起的系统损伤。(和舰队在海上对比)
' U8 M2 Y/ h' u8 {" c  I4 f6 q空袭会对停泊的舰队造成更大杀伤(和舰队在海上对比)
: |, w* K8 o& R# _7 @) I. ^" A空袭和对岸炮击会对抛锚的船只造成更大杀伤(和舰队停泊对比)0 v" L* S/ l8 S6 H& Z) s2 c
我军舰队只有对岸炮击才能攻击敌军抛锚的船只。$ f. o+ d* q: [, E0 `1 Y
, @5 O& W$ K  |5 z$ n" s( o, v. T抛锚的船只和停泊的舰队相比,能最大的发挥修复能力。
停泊应该是在港口所在60英里的格子里巡航,抛锚是解散编队进入港口的泊位1 c& j% ~2 K  J2 c/ d$ T2 X
左京大人 发表于 2009-10-29 10:59
, r. u$ \' y8 R' C
+ z4 k: o6 |- V$ C* r5 x你说的那个是出港,停泊是要舰队进港才算的。
+ F4 X' Y: d; T$ l  |可以在舰队信息界面最左上角看到