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:hug: 偶也。我的英语菜的很,理解错误正常。昨晚脚上长了个脓疮感染了进医院住院了~~:hug: :hug: :hug: 今天去办住院手续
楼上的至于那么幸灾乐祸么,一点道德都没.. x0 B: I6 n$ [+ n( ^$ l8 \
* H5 r/ U8 v" F3 y$ _6 c
3 r# [" z7 f7 `1 z% z6 P$ O4 \, k既然他这么有信心,我们就用盟军应战好了,否则他借口盟军不熟悉,我们赢了也没意思
# l$ c4 E4 h4 Y2 o$ b  M/ Y, C
! o& B/ n& [' u推荐用官版,或者用他比较熟悉的版本,我相信我们这边团队参谋的力量,不用担心哪个版本不熟悉的问题
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
我也觉得应该用盟军。5 Q5 d  {: A+ l8 I
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
+ E- u6 w+ E* }
8 I; Q) u7 R: C  a7 OHi,; Z1 a: m2 e  k

  Y  e* n9 e: g- H: V& N# b6 FI have checked proposed scenario and I would stick with standard chs if possible. There is a lot of changes and i am not sure about playability - chs has been tested intensively even in late war.0 ?' ?9 d# t, R
Witp definitely favor Japan in ship and plane building, I think no need enhance this difference.
' R7 H# Z. i8 V3 N ' ~- p" a" p$ o# q, u# F
There is my HR list. Almost everything is negotiable. I want play Allied, and almost all HR favor Japan - they purpose is a balance game.
4 C5 [% y) ?) `) C! D4 r$ w0 s/ l . X8 g8 x. a, H6 U& c7 x
Hi Matthew,
9 S2 k" D/ F3 [. X; x3 j9 }2 v* x
, l9 c# A9 D% T7 i
There is my HR list. It is my attempt to be closer to RL and still having fun from game... I am open to discussion. I play two games now, 1/43 and 2/44, so the HR represent my experience. HR can not cover everything – soundness is the most important. Play as you think Allied commander would do...; V& R) H& a, M" R: _4 V/ [
; M  V- F8 @1 X/ F
; o% e( E% {2 v& g+ M

4 ^8 s1 [) X( w- z   L" ]9 H6 a2 d# z/ Y1 R2 Q

% Q; f/ ~) `  H4 n: g) E# O
& v8 I6 V; \% }, BDay 1
; N1 u; g4 W* y7 {- W5 Y! E+ b. t! P2 t* q$ R# v; z3 p  R
5 T; f( X0 {8 Y. w$ w3 M
1.No attack on CV.6 a  L) R; W; ?) G' ^
2.Only 1 port attack.
$ z6 }0 t; H# g' y$ Q) t; S3. Only 2 attack on PH during the first couple of days, then at least two weeks no attacks./ H3 h+ u  z5 }7 v. [( N6 ~
4. Only realistic movement on day one (no PM, Pago Pago or Amboina landings).
( u" s$ X: v. T) L9 J5.Allied player can only change orders in china.
& j6 p0 I. z: m9 Z1 T/ e) q% M. [# \# j9 }# E& j& J( n

5 @6 v2 g1 b& }2 B9 B4 ^HR3 L. z/ ~1 u7 m: ]) h# f2 \: r+ R

$ _0 g& o; `+ @7 x# M/ U  ^5 S * {6 X3 S6 k* R- Z
1. Russia must warned one week before invasion (i.e. declare war and wait one week).
: ^" V( o! U+ M  v+ I! P2 U4 N  x( R" n4 P$ {; v5 c: z
9 K, n" U9 x) ^
2.Allied pilots must come from pool. If the pool is empty, unexperienced pilot can not be taken. Chinese, Dutch and Russian pilots can do that.
/ T1 R5 A0 [9 x
+ Y* K/ ~( [6 u$ S' W4 Z+ U
% N/ I% E2 i. c4. Allied units can be landed only from TF with at least one half AP or landing crafts.$ r; Q% i$ _; W0 w. j: {" ]
5.Dutch and PHI units must have replacement off, if they have not any city with size 3+. Timor is not considered as Dutch territory. 9 E$ B3 a. h% v. n- M' @; Q
6.If Burma road is cut by Jap unit(s), all Chinese units out of china must be set as No replacements.5 \5 p3 T" ]) o4 ^
7.No mining from planes6 ]- Z4 T! t% j  ~
8. When the base is captured, AF can be used after the same number of days as AF size., Q+ a8 D5 }! l' J1 A- j
9. If atoll is occupied and Japanese units are still present, the AF can not be used.
$ K9 D( O: O3 ]! g/ s# d) ^/ W7 k10.Only base or dot could be place for landing (same paras). + |8 h6 s1 N/ }6 w: v
11. No sub commandos.
, `6 \  }) p( s8 B/ o9 A12.Paras can attack only as whole unit.
/ L) S: h5 o4 C/ s( [  I  H16.The shift of units using HQ change is banned.
4 o9 ~" t) n2 r. n9 `  }2 B17.Units in Mandzukuo must have at least 8000AS.
! o8 l% v6 p, a* z" ]18.Jap units in China could be used only there, if china is not occupied. The same for Chinese units (Indochina is considered as China).
- c% }* ~; o- Q: E! k$ f1 `) S# Z19.Chinese troops under SEA command can be used only in Barma.
% R. H$ S+ f0 w4 A$ l0 X. B20.4E minimum naval attack altitude is 15000 stop.
7 L8 u3 E- ^! u. i21.No upgrade 2E to 4E with exception of Bolo planes.( }2 q0 Z1 J' B$ [$ ]
22.4E can attack from China from July 1943; no city attack on chinese towns.! C9 g* z, o. Y0 W0 T0 B
23.No 4E naval attacks after 1942.: g1 o, w- _2 b% p8 c
24.If the dot base is 0/0, AF and port could be expanded only to size 1.* l% I/ n5 f" a. A$ ^, R3 c' m# `
25.Max number of planes is 50xAF size and 30xAF size on atoll.7 U3 y4 Y3 A1 T' D$ n, i
26.PT boats could be constructed only in ports 5+. Max number of PT operating in one hex is 12.
5 Z& x% {1 w9 K( H8 D6 A) n27.ASW TF max 6 ships.
) L4 a7 D" {+ Y' e. {
7 K( \' O- C4 i2 I, ?
% {: N8 u; l4 I) w- M8 S: s% W+ R' qCheck it and let me know.
% T$ X3 a3 I5 f, u2 c
' a4 {0 |0 x  R* N3 L5 x2 N4 YTomik
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
sp 开吧!
0 u& m, l+ D" h$ d/ A( b2 n6 b又有得观战了
1 e2 S1 q8 A% \* w0 I: v1 H建议这次像官网类似得详细aar (任务重啊 )
6.If Burma road is cut by Jap unit(s), all Chinese units out of china must be set as No replacements.

3 F* s8 u4 p7 r2 S3 |蔑视中国人啊!
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.