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I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
0 ]4 p1 R1 y6 V( e) ^/ M2 V
4 e' v# M, ]& u! c0 W2 ?8 tHi,
3 o9 a6 w8 u5 ?, x' i) o& `( J5 [; ^6 W9 G+ [* o6 @- C5 g, g$ R
firstly I explain my HR you have asked to. Rule 4 - the number of AK on Allied side is enormous, It is possible to use them as landing craft - you load 5 divisions on 500AK and then you send them to capture any atoll without protection. The planes from base could sink/damage max. 20 ships per day, i.e. 20 from 500. You will unload next day 5 divisions and atoll is conquered... If you have to use at least one half of other ships then AK (i.e. AP, APD, LCI etc), you will be more carefull.
5 U2 Q: J/ g* t% nRule 16. You may change of any HQ. If you change for example western USA HQ to australian, all new units will appear in Australia under Australian command. If you change it to SEA, they will appear in India etc. It should be banned.
6 i# l* l0 s( _- ]
/ _& ?# \! O) `% S; u1 W1 XI agree will all your extra HR. The only question is banned oil attack out of HI - Palambang oil facilities were raided by British air fleet during WW2. What about no city attack on continents?! V4 [1 R% w* h1 ]# S, n# c

6 U5 e  W4 ^0 }# w: |8 vWe could start I think. Looking for the first turn.  E7 o7 M6 i4 H1 w& F6 |9 G

% L$ ?' }! X, c$ i5 m/ DTomik
yes, i will be allied commander.1 Q, m  j7 H8 t
to clarify - chs andrew extended map, but we agreed before.3 f( {9 f: I7 Q( u9 J! E' U# y

2 I5 p0 C& I1 x# |* A7 R! @2 Q( gTomik
以下10条是我提出的房规: V  N( l- e5 Z) z' V; e/ t: W. U

) i9 _: I$ M2 t: M1. No single ship TF in both friend or enemy base/dots, just pass the base/dot doesn't count.
: f9 N$ l" G( [1 p" O& Z! I$ T5 eAt least 5 ships in one TF when in friendly base, if there is less than 5 ships in one base, keep them together, disbanding your ships into port is not restricted. - U* M, Y: C9 G9 K7 s# K3 M: U
The number of transport TFs for invasion should be minimized.e.g., If you 150 transports for an invasion mission, there should be only 2 transport TF landing.
+ Y8 e  O2 d8 i3 j/ u% A+ [ 2 Z3 `) |+ j: P8 t9 @
2.  No land combats in North Pacific, including Alaska, Aleutian islands, north of Hokkaido, and kamchatka.
! x# x0 Q3 U0 R3 [
% m+ ?+ x  d* `0 |0 Y" ~1 c& p3. No attack on Heavy Industry,man power, resource, oil and all other facilities controlled by Japan except the 4 main islands. $ r, N7 F+ G/ @" ?# A
' J3 p6 m2 h! l# p! Q; [
4. Only air groups designed by game can run night air attacks.
6 X6 B: H# O3 \. V7 I9 x: q1 E9 o
6 I2 \( b4 a8 H# ]2 ]* L. ~5. No US marine Cosairs on carrier anytime, when using carriers transport cosairs, the mission of cosair should be set on"stay down". No britain cosairs on US carriers.
; o9 S% Y$ g  ~8 b6 F
% v6 o: p. a  n) T# T6. No shinden, shiden and raiden on Japan carriers.
$ x' I- h% ?9 X* {; G
+ q: R' _/ Y: ]3 _) _9 X# n0 t7. No allies aircrafts can use Russia bases before russia join the war. - O1 n  r( }# y4 k" {8 d! r3 A5 R

9 V; e: s7 s# [8. The total number of aircrafts for CV tf is limited to 600 per hex, number of CV is not restricted.
6 t* U) s0 v: x& ~! l* \( k
8 O. q- @, l6 H2 F9. No unrealistic para attack to stop enemy from retreating and armor units pursuing ememy., N9 Y2 A& M. O4 n3 T: f& }* S

% P5 A3 o! p! j6 w" y2 |10. No small units entering enemy units hex to stop them from moving. Recon purpose mission can only be executed once.
有没有人接战的?% Z8 b" w" V4 l' e6 V

3 Q$ h) n& \+ t7 D* @: b* I没人接我就上了~
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
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鬼子的消息还没来吗* _# W/ I2 d8 S( I, t% e
( J8 l3 M% r# d: V8 e( Y: u+ |& l
6 s4 w# w/ ?' h! k可以规定大艇只能运送物资,看似对日本不利,其实好处多了——日本的大艇飞行队有盟军多吗
chs里 海盗并不变态 窃以为无所谓
/ O$ E0 A6 c8 f& W# F0 u: n, ], [6 O+ O7 a