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. G2 m/ G% @; R8 j如果情报同时再指出附近舰队为小航母编队的话,几乎可以确信是一个下了血本的调虎离山之计。
9 M/ F4 u8 a; L  B) I那么 ...
; ^7 \& Y; d+ Qgalex 发表于 2013-8-25 22:38
- b) a1 S+ P$ W4 m/ b
7 Q1 @2 V4 o" w2 A9 m' H6 v# v时已至44年底,即使这次仅仅是盟军的诱饵,日军能够取得一定的战术胜利,也是十分可贵的。
, O7 ^( j+ U8 F/ i6 q% L! p' w- V! Z* Y; v
1944年9月4日3 i% m! Y; L9 v' }4 `
, `0 ?  _; |$ g# D5 P: y: H. S7 c
  k- S/ A& G4 K" Z2 zAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 04, 44/ q) P& [  p/ \! l# R: {
9 G5 F0 [. m, m. ^Night Naval bombardment of Ponape at 119,113
1 q& s& \' a) F) U; R + G* e% A, w) c9 A' C5 T
Japanese Ships
6 `* Y0 y2 L3 D1 [( s+ Z3 L9 L2 R; N8 j      BB Yamashiro* t  _: _& W9 [6 T8 W5 A
      BB Fuso
* X& a' s6 z0 J7 D: M# J- ~      BB Mutsu
4 [, [  C# k- q  f6 o, ^      BB Nagato
; E1 ?0 J- A* W# W1 i      DD Kiyonami! O! O- F! u3 s0 d6 z7 d+ R  w# m
      DD Fujinami' o4 n0 c) Q0 l7 h
      DD Onami
9 \! B( I7 b" f1 _  D# e) m      DD Suzunami/ m1 k" P* H. ]" k
      DD Makigumo
- |2 o, r" V5 P& P8 \% z/ N( n      DD Kazegumo$ ]) v) h7 A3 l( z) o7 u# m& q9 S

1 w8 ~* x) o+ x, E, q+ P- g# XAllied ground losses:
! G3 n. O, L/ ]+ b1 g# P      46 casualties reported1 ~5 U1 z! }  m+ @4 p7 c
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% \' a7 }- o& o/ A         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 27 disabled
1 j. N) m9 |( q% _* z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 z" N- @( R. P% D% @9 b4 Y
      Vehicles lost 48 (24 destroyed, 24 disabled)
1 }2 r" W# r3 b( o* U" @6 M+ j  Y9 n# u! X
和帝国航空兵的饱和轰炸下- f) z( M, D/ t
, v6 v% j4 C0 TMorning Air attack on 44th Tank Battalion, at 119,113 (Ponape)
( j( P% U& z7 A0 [8 { ! ?. Q; k: f3 \' S
Weather in hex: Light rain
& b# b% {8 R9 l7 e ! z. }* ^* F+ S9 p% }% S
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.5 j" S7 ^" Q' P' s* y4 _
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes! {) T2 W+ i) H( a$ B8 ~9 B
) d  ]# T5 ?% B
Japanese aircraft' ~4 Z9 w2 j* s" `
      N1K5-J George x 17. K7 u( a  N- H# M8 b" s
      P1Y2 Frances x 51, c2 V/ Q, E2 |( b: p4 {) O
      Ki-84r Frank x 83
( w% D4 ~1 \0 Z! V+ c+ A* ?- x
1 ^4 Y% y9 F4 Q8 sNo Japanese losses' w3 V- k3 U3 U" _
1 u' H; N/ u( d3 ?
Allied ground losses:0 c- U% S! A5 a- M: d
      52 casualties reported
# @% ]1 O& F, u) I9 C, h" l         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
* Y9 K/ |( a- d         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled+ @' Z! }) y/ V+ J/ P
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 X3 V- d8 r9 y5 w& m$ r% {. {, L3 U9 e! V2 `& ^( ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s6 `3 ^6 V8 b
Morning Air attack on 364th(Sep) Infantry Regiment, at 119,113 (Ponape)9 C. M5 Z% O0 g" _
& N! x: G% x. x1 P8 O- `7 x
Weather in hex: Light rain& k  a1 }: |0 ?/ p1 r
1 i- [* u  h3 _- C' S' p0 h" Y% X
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
- {- K/ a- Q7 j0 X% w  |0 REstimated time to target is 5 minutes1 c% |! l' Y; D$ C& l

3 h5 O7 n8 f+ g/ YJapanese aircraft
7 M( m/ W$ B/ t2 Y      N1K5-J George x 21/ P9 u! q) B' e5 P3 x$ M
      Ki-67-Ia (T) Peggy x 70- q5 M0 Z- C: {9 c6 L  K% _8 F; u6 q
      Ki-84r Frank x 76: V$ ?1 Q, x! [- H
; C$ {$ M: z2 @: w* F9 E+ s
Japanese aircraft losses, D: v) R  q0 v/ g) L
      Ki-67-Ia (T) Peggy: 2 damaged6 ~; S, u0 g4 F9 ?/ I

3 M+ C' z( H7 h4 Q7 xAllied ground losses:7 C/ K5 U2 ~' \3 E6 r. d
      36 casualties reported' K3 u9 J1 H6 |8 A6 N
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled1 G; {4 `8 R# H# W5 o; ]
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled- i1 Q, Q' b7 x: h8 c! @! R
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, o, R9 ]" w  k# \" W: Q9 n$ ]/ Q- f4 N4 e" Q. l) f! w
帝国陆军对龟缩在滩头的盟军部队展开了最后的总攻,一举将敌军部队全部歼灭!( u  u$ k5 L. ~) \! D+ P
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' N1 C& V- O( H  `* i
, E; D* H0 N0 d& K+ H
Ground combat at Ponape (119,113)
2 X- z- e, A) ^
' _( G2 a+ H* ~1 n! DJapanese Shock attack* R% p7 d1 D: \1 }1 W# i$ ]% v
7 c. Z3 S% g( P; K9 Z
Attacking force 43658 troops, 570 guns, 165 vehicles, Assault Value = 1569
2 ]$ s% R4 n; c. ]: g4 A. z  q
5 k; X" l2 g" m' ^' M: z9 \Defending force 4289 troops, 47 guns, 438 vehicles, Assault Value = 1539 z( E1 K, X5 b1 K

- M& D$ {" |0 sJapanese adjusted assault: 5434
( l4 I5 [7 R; N# L1 {0 H9 {
5 E- Q& @5 j8 e2 T* u7 }3 i0 hAllied adjusted defense: 49
( C  t4 c. y, o; x* O0 h; U
. C, c" V3 y: A0 p3 ~6 S8 [7 }Japanese assault odds: 110 to 1
" x* ?9 C$ v% M* @2 G 9 i- X) R- }8 L; }7 }- c( w
Combat modifiers! _: D; ]( J' @4 E* `
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-)
' T# F4 n" a& r8 pAttacker: shock(+)
- u0 f# Z0 h5 K9 ^& i/ b 9 T" k! e! ]+ s! ]: C3 a" e! g
Japanese ground losses:8 f, N/ _& _5 E$ y/ y. N' i9 E
      817 casualties reported" R+ u5 r& y$ X( b  m
         Squads: 5 destroyed, 88 disabled
- H; K+ L* B+ |! P         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
/ x# V/ ?  I, k1 N$ q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, n) P5 l! o1 `& d3 B, u      Guns lost 11 (1 destroyed, 10 disabled)
$ a+ T- W: p! x2 j$ J      Vehicles lost 8 (3 destroyed, 5 disabled)  j! Y; r* K7 q' C9 O7 u1 L
; g( w. S+ I; V- r# g/ M$ W0 ?
Allied ground losses:
+ C  W  b) D, w% o  q+ M* i/ U      2743 casualties reported
  Q1 @/ \. i/ l$ U9 Q4 L         Squads: 65 destroyed, 0 disabled
" {$ ?+ l) t  V         Non Combat: 534 destroyed, 0 disabled" ]/ k2 o; D5 i* p# P! I: r
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# a5 M$ n& q5 a/ N      Guns lost 60 (60 destroyed, 0 disabled)
- t2 q: R$ v  u8 S( V/ ?      Vehicles lost 569 (569 destroyed, 0 disabled)+ i7 U" N! j7 j4 b- _) I2 W
      Units destroyed 5
4 v: q& w. e" e8 I3 a) N + K+ C6 q3 r4 Z+ P4 C
Assaulting units:) j2 R) b( s' j3 o. i: L) @+ Q
    144th Infantry Regiment8 ]1 I  T5 g, U; X
    Sasebo 7th SNLF
8 k! X+ X* z5 R/ H    52nd Naval Guard Unit/ D: ]  q% ~, x/ a! a8 W
    6th Guards Inf. Regiment
1 }% T5 I; a7 W: A    Kure 3rd SNLF# X/ c6 k' K6 f6 F
    138th Infantry Regiment
! g+ C& w. H9 o$ a- G    3rd Indpt SNLF Coy # L# O! {5 Z6 c! j3 z9 Z1 T. E
    81st Division. w, O0 E9 m5 I! |2 d% ]# `8 F
    Kure 7th SNLF, [4 S8 S* D5 f3 b; S
    33rd Division
* u( y: E7 q! Q    Ponape Naval Fortress) @- Y3 p9 l8 w1 {- a
    61st Field AA Battalion6 p- {- c* N2 y, B
    38th Ind. Engineer Regiment
- t; ~- R. ?- Q! m6 Y! ~. j    11th Ind.AA Gun Co ) F% D, g1 X+ w& u$ ^5 ]
    12th Ind.AA Gun Co
1 j9 r4 J* ]  d6 Z4 Q+ s8 Y2 L    60th Field AA Battalion' K9 P9 D3 M. T) W
    18th Field AF Construction Battalion0 u0 w& Y" I* n+ Q$ ~7 v0 ^
    18th Army
7 k, ?  M- c) ~: R. K1 B5 a    1st Ind.AA Gun Co
0 E% [0 F: M, G2 I6 E    63rd Field AA Battalion- |9 J1 j% y/ U% L: D) M3 j
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment, q" S/ ]3 [$ [1 \
    23rd Fld AA Gun Co - d. r% s0 v: B0 f7 i
    14th RF Gun (Pack) Battalion) _* A8 m' _) A
    2nd Ind.AA Gun Co 8 a- l" U: [& n+ s2 a! G
    1st Guards Field Artillery Regiment
/ P: a" J1 p0 n, L* `    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
9 c* v' ^( E, Y4 j" F4 t: D    53rd Construction Battalion. f! S8 U+ n8 r" h% P
    31st Ind.AA Gun Co
4 b. N7 `" Y. G! H1 Q3 h4 y% k    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion- v/ S- ?0 X$ C3 }6 m, K
    9th Fleet
4 G! u2 `# Y+ X+ b6 r* `0 l    12th Air Fleet, D, p& X/ e, n! E0 s7 X8 L7 R7 Z
    19th JAAF Base Force3 R! j7 c# {' ?
  a# F. ^( Z' F/ W
Defending units:
5 z" q7 [' |  Z7 ^" b    2nd USMC Amphb Tank Battalion# W1 F' M& ~2 h$ [
    706th Tank Battalion
1 W- A- |4 M3 d# z" w+ O& |    1st Filipino Inf Regiment
8 u& D& _+ j8 M6 }, m) @    44th Tank Battalion
% Z' U$ D7 J! P! p    364th(Sep) Infantry Regiment! Y- n! K3 ^2 \
5 h/ V) Y) c, V
) \  R  Q; B; K, I: |
$ k* F. f0 T/ i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ F% Y; @! }) pNight Naval bombardment of Marcus Island at 123,85 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!. N2 k) h9 x  Y) j! T: Z# x
9 p7 D& Q7 @1 d+ G
Allied aircraft
$ k: V7 W7 H6 y5 X2 \& J; D      no flights  V5 M! g4 F1 h5 Q
7 J9 L  B2 F1 `4 ]. j
Allied aircraft losses
4 c. |* K" T0 Y0 x* |. g      F6F-3 Hellcat: 11 damaged
% m: a  }5 x! _: ]% s, S7 S" I      F6F-3 Hellcat: 3 destroyed on ground& u, N/ R4 V6 L( G- h
      F-7A Liberator: 4 damaged
& H1 {3 R) d3 v6 i& s      F-7A Liberator: 1 destroyed on ground
& i# _( F* {' v+ S2 t      PBY-5A Catalina: 8 damaged
& k9 q* U5 a, {! M
) _- d- r- s- D6 R3 U& z3 i" F4 DJapanese Ships
& G3 s$ v# I  g6 O: w. T2 t- ~0 F1 T      BB Hyuga# ]5 n' ~$ ]3 f' R, j4 f
      BB Ise
# I! R: Y$ C- m  `- v      CA Chokai- e2 X, T' R! O% k+ x5 I# U) T
      CA Maya" P3 w/ [; N! v" Z: I
      CA Atago& K, f- n2 [' b3 w; q
      CA Takao8 S- O( G+ `) [' W( X, ]
      CL Noshiro
4 A- T2 ^' h& L* l      CL Agano
+ P$ v3 N. S0 G7 U5 J3 r0 W      DD Aogumo
6 b/ x9 E3 b6 l$ ?, R- m% Z2 l  A      DD Tagokaze( u) n. a) C* c6 x0 q! Y
      DD Ishikaze
5 q& T- M0 S, A- d: e- l      DD Teruzuki
# G1 Q$ z6 O0 q! t( ~# |/ D/ w 7 _' k; s7 [: U% T; U7 |+ ]
Allied ground losses:/ k+ W( K$ |$ ~% ]9 z+ [
      112 casualties reported
; r8 _4 d: r+ k, K0 h# u2 F         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled; E+ d$ s: e" f8 J2 s0 F
         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 44 disabled
6 J+ d* l6 C$ k         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
1 L3 B3 q3 t( z7 V! g      Guns lost 45 (14 destroyed, 31 disabled)9 o) Z" u- u, c9 ~% i0 _: s
      Vehicles lost 16 (2 destroyed, 14 disabled)
% j; }$ ^: R  ~- g" Z5 L
( M1 i5 l- `* h  Z" p: ^Airbase hits 16
9 f% U' K  \3 E  L% l  rAirbase supply hits 3
3 h7 u; @4 [6 t  u+ a7 B# d4 D; KRunway hits 31
+ B/ ]) w( _2 k: LPort hits 23$ `2 ~5 |* m0 S: }$ a( n8 J
Port supply hits 38 e9 e$ U5 _  l

( n/ e; ^  N7 j3 m8 z- H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Q1 b3 [( ^9 c( h) U: w
Morning Air attack on Marcus Island , at 123,85 ' Y9 R4 {  E9 q. }+ c( C
+ u4 Y% w/ O$ d; r5 W0 f$ M
Weather in hex: Light cloud
8 k" h. W0 @, R$ n ; d% d' q1 u% r) |+ E8 j7 f
Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 36,000 feet.
  N* Q$ ]* G; HEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
& R% i& H: ^5 a7 g# d
! n' h+ |8 f6 G  `, X) PJapanese aircraft0 T7 d# x% j  N" D, U
      A7M2 Sam x 9
! `: ~8 Y: }* M8 T, c
* B, b6 ^  X! d$ n$ E" v9 dAllied aircraft
0 M2 }" h' P/ T4 F" s" e! b6 h      F6F-3 Hellcat x 16
+ v+ Z! D# |7 f# N9 K# w. `! r . _8 B- o7 j! j! v6 K% X
Japanese aircraft losses
8 m- W/ M! j& @( ~7 M      A7M2 Sam: 2 destroyed
/ |6 Q0 v. W! [ 2 L% E% s' c4 ]! B, Q
Allied aircraft losses( \3 e8 X6 ?* g% e& |" L# Y# h
      F6F-3 Hellcat: 2 destroyed
+ T8 W' ~+ T: s7 M9 n) c  d  s
+ a9 Q- \0 H: F  A! H+ U& n. i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, B& _  G# I6 `6 R
Morning Air attack on Marcus Island , at 123,85
$ K8 W4 \1 k+ i% ^" G
' O7 e% w9 |1 JWeather in hex: Light cloud
! R3 k2 q7 x" D' R6 Y- C& t
3 ~5 u* C& _* `2 yRaid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 37,000 feet.
3 C, M# L3 _/ x. t: U/ s/ qEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
( O, Z7 z( k& l6 {% K * @5 f8 W; a) R& c7 Z
Japanese aircraft$ S' m" P# T/ ?. `7 ]  @, |
      A7M2 Sam x 38
. f) d7 p: p1 p  ~0 R/ i  Y  { # e8 y. \: g, r' `; v8 f# p
Allied aircraft
$ v5 g- ?5 k: D3 o      F6F-3 Hellcat x 4+ K4 {9 W' [7 y# u
8 h6 R+ S. V% ]: U' X  `! X: \
No Japanese losses% @- H, i0 y# T' I9 j; {
' ^+ V" q: B+ |0 H
Allied aircraft losses
! h0 g5 b, p$ `; f. H      F6F-3 Hellcat: 1 destroyed
$ p, J7 B7 M& G2 w* A* T6 W, a $ }" H$ E. p' n) m: a  I" m
Aircraft Attacking:* f* |# E2 S" A3 n& b; A
      29 x A7M2 Sam sweeping at 35000 feet3 \, d9 b: t" t5 g3 I
       9 x A7M2 Sam sweeping at 35000 feet
+ e, R- w- y$ |( |8 c  G* |& e+ A6 y) C
. J2 @' L# }9 mMorning Air attack on Marcus Island , at 123,85 & E( t; f1 p) [0 K8 I9 q  f! k

0 l6 @7 i7 M8 g4 q8 T  IWeather in hex: Light cloud
. i) N8 p; m) I- v  m- @* o4 V
7 ^) X# [5 X* @, e# e( D) CRaid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
* ^* S1 }2 V. ?2 P$ @% z9 AEstimated time to target is 8 minutes5 W; e2 D9 F+ ?& Y- c; i
- L1 w! D( t+ Y% v0 R: K- X& s
Japanese aircraft
) R) q" Z# a0 M3 C% ^1 Q  }      Ki-67-Ia (T) Peggy x 48% o9 E( Y2 L' M

4 Y. L/ q$ B" W9 X: x" j; fAllied aircraft; p+ I1 G, p' `! h, E% [! ?
      no flights7 l$ |& r1 l. x

/ M3 X% [" k4 m/ c, x) p2 E  }# SJapanese aircraft losses
+ ^0 e5 g( G  P$ k% A      Ki-67-Ia (T) Peggy: 4 damaged
6 Z6 n4 i* F$ O
' I1 _2 J. l* l6 R1 n. x6 tAllied aircraft losses
* G. G) L( q" N, r      F-7A Liberator: 1 damaged
+ o* i' l  x- y# v      F-7A Liberator: 1 destroyed on ground
7 M' }# K4 O/ z; R4 D7 g9 l      PBY-5A Catalina: 8 damaged
3 E, W+ Q$ N* v5 `- \  l      F6F-3 Hellcat: 2 damaged3 w" l0 ^- o$ {: a: {9 P4 T5 T
      F6F-3 Hellcat: 1 destroyed on ground
" H& P0 H6 R% P; w& I( t
2 q$ \$ t$ l: r, xAirbase hits 7
; E8 t& a* J$ |& k2 S# VAirbase supply hits 2# X  _" f2 e' I/ R' T% ]8 z
Runway hits 13
9 K* ?7 `9 Y6 p, B; S3 {2 ]
+ d. L/ Q: }! d+ J5 Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 q* V. m3 u5 C% G' O
Morning Air attack on Marcus Island , at 123,85 0 R8 ?% X1 K0 @" y4 z. n$ P7 `

* z! L# M* V; m4 W9 D* `Weather in hex: Light cloud3 q# M! }! {) H& V# _
8 S* q  T9 r8 a! {
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.* m' Z$ }( U% f" M; }% U8 s
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
6 G$ q4 [7 y0 x* i/ W9 u8 D , w1 ~7 P5 M" b7 M- O) Q5 n) X. Z* x
Japanese aircraft
% Y7 ?4 A9 l8 r, s/ E6 ?      Ki-67-Ia (T) Peggy x 21# n" [1 |" h( q+ }% o7 L8 r$ [

) V+ T! D7 o/ i5 y( \; g+ d# bAllied aircraft
1 {5 e* ?" u$ L      no flights) D- P  Y9 X5 r& z: ^" y* k) l
$ W' P1 o+ {9 X" `
Japanese aircraft losses4 a0 O; d7 B5 i/ r5 R8 R
      Ki-67-Ia (T) Peggy: 3 damaged
: H% s: j* ~' ?+ P
, ^9 w+ @; k! l5 B( J/ U6 Z8 VAllied aircraft losses3 M9 L2 o% P+ o  {# X
      PBY-5A Catalina: 3 damaged
  N6 q/ I  l) D1 y, [( C      PBY-5A Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
1 {6 a1 Q+ U+ Z) d" R$ Z3 i. h+ R ! o& B" ]7 K* R5 E, p. }5 I
Airbase supply hits 7$ y5 }+ g  n% d/ c/ r2 `3 R. X( t
Runway hits 10
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
753# hades1001
+ y- g. Q6 O( B1 k* W
( \  H. P$ ~3 W. K水机好像很容易各种原因不起飞。还是一般侦察机更靠谱一些
2 }8 Z& B* A% u2 C印度空军的B29空袭爪哇岛日军海军基地Medan,击沉数艘辅助船只。! n# s/ M3 _4 j) `
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) Q! _9 E) B0 X
Morning Air attack on Medan , at 46,76 ' ~' a# B7 t, K1 K8 K
, X. B- @& N' o( v. R  u
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms+ _! D0 y5 K5 ~4 E! B0 B

/ v) }5 X' U: G" `8 cRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.6 s: U7 Y! M2 @9 c; C- y
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
' X! i* B6 W' {7 g8 i6 `6 G7 U: j) p' d( Y0 g
Japanese aircraft0 @5 i  P3 q; `7 m
      Ki-84r Frank x 16
  T: ]& q, a* ^9 n
) L7 v( ]. j6 q5 q: pAllied aircraft/ [1 H: z8 {( D7 Y( c% O
      B-29-1 Superfort x 63
( E7 d4 @* k: t
7 ]7 _4 r6 S( z) l9 xNo Japanese losses( i' n9 V7 A6 S$ G! i
5 R5 l  ~6 O- [! }9 L
No Allied losses
0 I9 O9 F/ k- k
4 ~* e, h3 b! C# V: ]" }1 jJapanese Ships% ]% w. E" m+ E8 f3 [9 S( @9 G
      AD Nitii Maru, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
6 H* `* F# F" ?0 J0 I9 d2 C      AS Chicago Maru, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
1 H3 k- ~2 o7 [( R( x! z      AR Kirishima Maru, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage( P. ~% Q. a# V! }9 p8 ?2 ?: o
      AKE Nitiryu Maru, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage' b: A. M% F8 d: f, i
" J( W# F+ s/ v
Japanese ground losses:- ~7 m  y- B3 @' x4 ^: D
      6 casualties reported6 ~& y# @' P2 Z
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) Q1 \9 K  |% U" Y+ N/ L' o0 e
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled* v6 x5 B% u& l# }1 w  n
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 G/ }' E7 a+ s. @
. s1 _( f8 o1 ?+ lPort hits 13
3 F1 T1 E$ p" ~# w1 X3 yPort fuel hits 2
% W  g* }8 S( I" D1 U+ RPort supply hits 2
' v9 ?, n7 h/ T/ a! H# Z/ P, T9 L4 R. O: Z0 Q8 ^3 F3 T; x9 d' ~6 t
, e3 p7 [  o9 C- w' H" l" W

7 p8 d; X% B& I; |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 v/ p  @( w; ^# `  o
Morning Air attack on Medan , at 46,76
) ^2 a& [4 f- c- h* I) g6 G
7 h. [) n  I$ u3 B4 y8 }+ T9 nWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
/ I! l6 M3 r: H0 F, J. C& H) K  }& {
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.+ u+ f" X5 b- N' n0 E. S& B7 }8 e" g6 q* C
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
/ j* n% I' q9 Y. K# W% ?) ~& G" t2 ?& O8 V# u2 l$ d: Q- `
Japanese aircraft- X$ N4 h  m, N; ~0 F3 g
      Ki-84r Frank x 16' s8 P( E2 K6 K/ A. i
, @. w; c9 R2 ~/ I) l
Allied aircraft
" K+ {$ E9 z  l/ l/ }/ y# }      B-29-1 Superfort x 18
9 ?1 y5 E8 r4 _2 h7 D9 t( d8 k8 R% [7 l4 }+ K- R
No Japanese losses
2 q" V( r9 h) r" @7 G' m) y5 p, d% D( K& B0 g3 Q( ?6 ?( N7 J0 T* _
No Allied losses2 L( n1 z! l" s. q8 @/ g" t' O
+ }/ J8 X8 U# ^$ _3 h5 K
Japanese Ships
% I- ~1 S  g, G8 s& i0 @' W      AKE Nitiryu Maru, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
" ^8 q$ H6 V# ]! r0 }0 B2 }1 l% t8 o7 x, G
Port fuel hits 1
; p8 d7 E5 L0 b8 ]& \8 LPort supply hits 1
$ z2 c* e( ?% m# f2 Q1 W9 m; b* |; w: d6 O. ~2 ^6 C
8 ]1 I2 J/ ]  ~$ N: q6 a6 m
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ^# O$ a& p  A  U. ], F( g
Morning Air attack on Medan , at 46,76 4 e" q( \. s* F" ]; ^

0 x' z8 i, R( p# _; J! Z' OWeather in hex: Thunderstorms' w; H3 ~: i$ L  a1 {5 m) X8 ?
$ `* \7 n* X" |6 k0 p5 S
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.. _" V, k3 [4 r( f3 |1 z
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes& f( {( W; m( r; Z9 Z: H" o

( n) l7 H. a; Y! |$ S: [Japanese aircraft
( S5 i+ W% E( }5 |( J' g; L      Ki-84r Frank x 16
: @9 `' n/ a/ H8 t* ]/ T( w. J* N. l8 I, Q. ]
Allied aircraft: I9 O! ^1 r* h, `! S+ e4 z5 u: V
      B-29-1 Superfort x 87 T( ^, T5 o% ^2 p6 n) P

7 K' x2 L4 e( s$ k0 eNo Japanese losses$ K3 T1 R3 P$ g  ?2 E
& t) b# q  q* u" ?& F! Q* z
No Allied losses
, p! f& k3 w5 _4 U. a% p* y& [6 w9 g) m9 L+ d
Japanese Ships, V4 ~0 o) c) @2 y/ ?$ x$ D7 T1 z8 C
      AR Kirishima Maru, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage0 G+ C! {4 O; M' m- x+ d
      AD Nitii Maru, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
$ R* d% t- Z: Q& n/ ?" \: l3 C& f- ~4 O, ~
Port hits 2. f5 D( N1 R. m+ @  N
1 F3 u2 y0 H2 d/ U
! o* \* P: W$ C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" f6 x# C) b% h7 S% R
Morning Air attack on Medan , at 46,76 % `8 Z# G, U; i- R" Y. S
1 Y6 q$ e) R& ]3 q& H
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
* o) k6 c' G) s6 Q1 I- w" K! d) J
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
* F$ j- J& w/ h* \! WEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
5 L8 C8 h- o1 U" U* z8 t8 c5 B! N/ ]4 \
Japanese aircraft
. p2 b( r6 W: q+ Z. r5 l, L$ l      Ki-84r Frank x 15
6 W- h+ g) }- K& Q" n$ z
- Y8 X' A5 I: j3 Y( YAllied aircraft
3 [& r2 f, \, x3 d5 v      B-29-1 Superfort x 9
7 ^: H" u. c3 S+ b: e* O. K6 `6 n/ o  x" R
No Japanese losses
) r3 T! i" Q) y9 S3 {) S5 N9 V5 Q8 V: [  a  [% ^6 R
Allied aircraft losses% B. V# ^- x# F4 }7 N/ w* i# O% M
      B-29-1 Superfort: 1 damaged/ ^, `  |$ c2 o! c% L: L( B

; p" c5 u& \, iJapanese Ships  q: h; y$ Y4 q" M7 d! O
      AR Kirishima Maru, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage& O1 m# n: X2 P+ f' J2 \
9 o8 I4 _/ s+ o* F) p9 `6 G
Port fuel hits 11 @7 t8 ]. H9 r8 e+ o
! d6 K/ ?; ?% H# }
) h) j3 s1 g- X8 m6 U! w  h2 g: G
! U2 D; b* {6 pMorning Air attack on Medan , at 46,76 8 v3 q) d2 d6 c; N& {

0 J# p! \# h$ y( _! R" RWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
. L* U0 k# g3 ]4 z9 m! C  ?1 Z' |! ~
' s% Q0 N  ^) Q2 lRaid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.1 W3 X0 Q4 B6 g# {
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
4 d+ J; \  ~0 ?) v7 A
% n( G* P: t- S8 L! LJapanese aircraft3 I" P# q' c; B" g  [
      Ki-84r Frank x 12
. a7 I4 t& t' \* a
% Z3 L/ g5 T+ f  o+ r+ _Allied aircraft* a, `# ]  s- f' F
      B-29-1 Superfort x 11
' M, D5 k7 }+ {( O1 [) r3 X
( A% H: }. [  @" ZNo Japanese losses
% ~/ [: y( |8 Q/ B
& X) Q0 t+ M5 b0 ^! h# ENo Allied losses
6 r' Y6 a+ r/ ^2 Q. y- ?
+ [- R/ j0 @% g# ^: t! G& C. @Japanese Ships: f/ I/ ?8 w7 f( ?
      AR Kirishima Maru, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
8 B1 [3 }& T* t* E4 @1 g" f& H# g/ v# x$ H
Japanese ground losses:
2 X/ P. Z2 I& S6 H! |      5 casualties reported
5 |: u4 B2 k2 X1 [- ]# |         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 f" H/ @) \8 }9 ]" f5 C
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, W% z" ], T  e0 s
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 12, 44: h% n$ N5 c3 Y9 t3 ]* w$ O

+ F% v- i* K/ J2 @8 e  W$ O日军果然如预期般在南鸟岛大举登陆,岛上盟军精锐印度77th钦迪特旅浴血奋战,顶住了日寇疯狂的正面强攻,并给予敌重大杀伤,日军在没有预备的情况下攻克南鸟岛的希望骤减
3 n+ K+ ]) n$ V7 G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ G0 B3 @$ x, o$ Z: G( A2 lNight Naval bombardment of Marcus Island at 123,85
+ R( z; g. H8 I' o. V9 f! D, T# M0 T4 a2 l
Allied aircraft
: F2 _6 K4 a  J3 [) A5 [      no flights
8 G) h1 J; m* z% W3 d
2 R1 [3 o2 u0 A7 b& JAllied aircraft losses
* t/ R0 {- B/ o/ ]; j6 L      PBY-5A Catalina: 2 damaged
0 V- ?7 H( }9 e. F      F6F-3 Hellcat: 4 damaged
) U! \6 i, ^: y" u  L      F6F-3 Hellcat: 1 destroyed on ground
& g: Z, E& q4 Z. x5 y" e2 @0 j7 _3 b, K8 I7 {7 p+ |2 F# U
Japanese Ships
! l8 n& `8 h) q1 R" G( o      BB Hyuga8 U& i8 N  b9 R" R0 T5 @" g
      BB Ise: {- C' R& l% a" R0 \
      CA Chokai1 j5 k0 F* A* V" j) Z5 N
      CA Maya+ C& ]9 ?! A; U/ ~
      CA Atago
$ z6 ?, ~7 s. T6 x& f: M      CA Takao
7 g+ ~7 `  h  [' s! m- l7 a3 ^
% s' I* o5 I: D. K) o4 N& O4 d) lAllied ground losses:
& i& R$ d; @0 l; I! k( }      91 casualties reported
0 Y+ C, m( ~% Q! E) G) K         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled, T2 h  N+ ]5 H% p1 V. Z
         Non Combat: 12 destroyed, 30 disabled3 a& w) D7 I* w4 d% H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  o4 P/ c8 t5 P4 o" H/ Z2 k
      Guns lost 27 (8 destroyed, 19 disabled)  f) Z; Y* P0 E5 f4 w4 s7 v
      Vehicles lost 22 (10 destroyed, 12 disabled)# V" c2 C/ O4 C$ c

& j- _  p- g8 K, \' j8 bAirbase hits 5
5 G2 m- }+ _- m+ V, o, Z0 ZAirbase supply hits 1+ V5 y* s0 K: x( f& t
Runway hits 14
/ c& G' k# [3 |6 g& r/ j( h" S! S' R8 ^Port hits 17$ V" i6 V- _& O3 Z  e1 G
Port supply hits 29 }% E! q' G4 ?* F3 H
, d6 Z6 b0 g( j( [
BB Hyuga firing at Marcus Island
4 ?6 h2 E' Y( y" B# o' _4 HBB Ise firing at Marcus Island
  y/ O6 D+ x: X: `- F4 LE13A1 Jake acting as spotter for CA Chokai
: k% o9 |5 \9 a3 S8 `CA Chokai firing at 77th Chindit Brigade
3 e. A8 u' A. _1 y; a, w0 G1 VCA Maya firing at Marcus Island + w8 I. H# r; }( B" {3 W
CA Atago firing at Marcus Island 3 }. g( b" Q3 j, z
CA Takao firing at Marcus Island
: z" x2 u5 d4 [; ]' Y( P3 J" y2 v. ~3 I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  \. D' y8 |6 t
Pre-Invasion action off Marcus Island (123,85) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!8 K8 I7 ]5 _* v; R; K+ p: Q: a
) C4 M% X5 ?+ O9 M
238 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
  A. O( v1 X' a& C9 p1 t
4 k+ S' p% Q, b2 }/ u9 AJapanese Ships+ x$ J4 o9 W# _% m0 m4 y2 F; R
      CL Kashii, Shell hits 5
+ ]3 s. w! o* C& f      CL Kashima, Shell hits 10
6 p( S) ^7 V) j  L( L, n      AK Hokkai Maru, Shell hits 7- ^, b6 s1 a2 `5 U8 Y8 r
      E W-26
& ^! k- r; H/ d! G! V      LSD Nigitsu Maru0 K" K: @- ~+ d& p) T
      E Hatsukari
8 E) c' x2 J8 W" F( i, b6 O- \5 `. F" k7 K5 b; J0 K* c
Japanese ground losses:5 @& U. |1 Q% m; W# z" _
      253 casualties reported
) I' l6 p0 l; {2 i2 J' X- a9 }         Squads: 0 destroyed, 20 disabled  K* N  S$ Z) t+ F( @
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
, W, u& j; K7 m9 o4 g* r$ \         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! ]" g8 d- Y# A) E! J6 E- S      Guns lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)! K; Q# m7 D9 i8 \0 ?! l- T# |
2 n1 Z( H5 W9 c) W
CL Kashii firing at 76th Coast AA Regiment
' k( d9 N* n" |& O. ]+ `76th Coast AA Regiment firing at CL Kashii
. Z7 y6 o1 A/ O" b% [# LCL Kashima firing at 76th Coast AA Regiment
% D* `, A: p+ K# L/ R) C2 W. `76th Coast AA Regiment firing at CL Kashima
( ~$ a% B/ @8 [4 r5 G* m- n90mm M2 DP Gun Battery engaging AK Hokkai Maru at 7,000 yards/ U, S7 v, ~$ R: q/ l5 v
CL Kashii firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards0 q+ j4 I2 K! H2 O( @% Z- ~
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 5,000 yards! R5 |8 G5 g8 C& [' J
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards
/ Q' L& W! X* ?  w( ^2 J& X: ~& B* W) q- N% G

  w. j! C5 e4 S0 U) }! B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" X5 E8 z! Y8 EAmphibious Assault at Marcus Island (123,85)
' s/ ^* ~0 e& d) @7 Y3 V
" j# z' A' O" \1 u0 k7 uTF 95 troops unloading over beach at Marcus Island, 123,85
+ W9 V) G% {- H1 u7 b, r- ~5 t) A, F+ L( J8 P( m7 q$ H3 U. t' d
Japanese ground losses:6 y  q- w  C, I% h
      87 casualties reported6 L) B! z) N8 n) |1 I
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 5 disabled& {0 W) @: A6 J  H* n
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled% o- ~" x' D- P( {( l
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled: N: n; f- q, C
      Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled); N! V" y* g" L* V, m4 F0 R: h
      Vehicles lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled)
5 l" V/ k) N9 w( P& Q, f0 w% {' P8 e3 u* R$ N$ {, @' K
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 16th Ind.Mixed Rgt
% H% l5 L4 N% o( w$ z9 g8 F17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 12th Ind.Mixed Rgt /26 M* e! \$ c1 r5 e. ?, O

7 ]0 f6 S$ Q) f1 s" I( e. `
1 }: _* R. C1 w  e3 g# e- Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' T2 Z4 t1 \: {+ h$ Z& n
0 \* a1 K) T4 x$ X3 e3 k' `Ground combat at Marcus Island (123,85)) f5 x' p% L( W4 _8 D
% o" H! x2 O6 y
Allied Bombardment attack
5 E7 U/ z5 L& f! i) h, {
4 O6 E, k9 ~2 F" S% mAttacking force 3060 troops, 54 guns, 19 vehicles, Assault Value = 143& ^0 i* |  B5 ^7 R% Y5 J. _9 a
- N6 {$ D1 F+ C. y, P# d
Defending force 5198 troops, 132 guns, 48 vehicles, Assault Value = 192
, w& D$ b) V! @4 Z$ A' g- g
8 ^0 B2 h( a4 n; u4 Z. UAllied ground losses:
; t; o" h- f' [1 e$ P/ m# @) V      551 casualties reported/ A# T0 {* }8 `* y5 ?3 N
         Squads: 12 destroyed, 60 disabled' c, f: v5 @+ n: m
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled- |' |# M* f8 }( N0 _3 v
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 10 disabled8 t+ w4 n) J: x0 p) f8 M8 [, I* Z
      Guns lost 20 (5 destroyed, 15 disabled)5 v3 t0 k: h; Y1 r, a" a( V2 t
' y, K& e" W' ~4 ~, t% h: I* |& m
Assaulting units:
5 S) B4 ^. j9 l  ?    77th Chindit Brigade
) U9 b$ F5 r! e9 i    369th Coast AA Regiment9 ]5 t2 O! e' m
    76th Coast AA Regiment
1 q" B. ^- j+ I- f9 p; y$ Z    1st USMC Field Artillery Battalion
: B+ O9 [8 n% S; w    225th Field Artillery Battalion
. T9 ~6 S; }* n) N    2nd USMC Air Wing Base Force /1
7 F" Y7 `; Q- p) d( s( |! |
$ y9 U0 L* T3 @: c# \Defending units:
- D2 v3 D: r, a% _    16th Ind.Mixed Rgt /19 t7 b$ T) J% L/ a% i
    12th Ind.Mixed Rgt /1: B% A6 h2 i9 d$ a5 v$ Q
    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
, ~- E  p9 e& v. N+ f    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment8 [! z: p! u$ y; [
    2nd Medium Mortar Battalion
/ \  P" Q8 C& J- M( g* S% G  e( O, y; k0 m8 |4 |- l

( b  R8 L, e7 W6 U: F7 J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 I: x9 a# z' Q2 ^) z1 n! s$ W# t& q4 I- n) M
Ground combat at Marcus Island (123,85)  g6 ]( Z8 L0 ?8 f/ [

: S3 x8 V4 ]3 z# {Japanese Shock attack) W' b* n5 v( [4 Q0 J
4 I+ h& L+ {4 Q: H4 @8 x
Attacking force 5198 troops, 132 guns, 48 vehicles, Assault Value = 192* j( o' Z5 Y1 v- {' {+ |
& D. u! {5 e+ h% r0 e
Defending force 4411 troops, 234 guns, 88 vehicles, Assault Value = 81
" ?/ N( s5 v7 [& W8 P& }
, @2 G" ^! c2 e  dJapanese adjusted assault: 63
  k5 t! y! l3 D' x& T, Y. p: Y& r3 D5 x# F
Allied adjusted defense: 22 + ]$ |& ?1 E, N. S7 z0 Y

  s$ R6 S/ x1 a" {% N! b* cJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 3)
( U- o6 x! ^5 ^& H- J+ c
+ ~; `. b  l0 R3 Z, |" h4 ^Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 12 o+ P* G4 o8 w- p: Q
; W* b* }, U8 [- C  R
Combat modifiers
3 Q$ z; j. O6 y! @1 LDefender: forts(+), disruption(-), preparation(-)0 |% _1 ]3 P( M0 w# G
Attacker: shock(+)' Z' n) D6 T  g

5 s9 _2 w0 Y7 }! j3 s# IJapanese ground losses:6 Q4 d) v& V3 x' s1 ?9 T& x
      2762 casualties reported2 J& ?( Z7 g- S& d; C% H9 @
         Squads: 134 destroyed, 16 disabled! n" \" y6 B' F
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 27 disabled
5 J4 O. N/ i$ ]3 g3 H2 k7 E( R) \4 d1 Q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 R* S. z8 M" |: v$ ?/ g9 n( F, N      Guns lost 21 (19 destroyed, 2 disabled)
, x! T5 s: ?8 I$ K7 S, B' Y# A9 V- w5 Y4 }$ H: [3 j
Allied ground losses:
+ [7 w. j# P" Q# C6 `; j4 \8 j      298 casualties reported
$ }' E) V* D3 G# `         Squads: 1 destroyed, 30 disabled7 r. a' x6 S0 t/ \" z2 I
         Non Combat: 9 destroyed, 4 disabled7 I' ^7 \3 N8 R3 g
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 13 disabled
6 r& Q5 F! b* K" W) S      Guns lost 8 (2 destroyed, 6 disabled)1 q' w7 |# [5 M# a& ]' J4 @  J
      Vehicles lost 3 (2 destroyed, 1 disabled)
5 h' K, `$ w4 H' [' B
  B- L6 Q, W' V) SAssaulting units:/ u/ P. n* f$ @( z1 K4 s" c6 K9 w
    16th Ind.Mixed Rgt /1
* Z* R+ ^, {# `0 e; |    12th Ind.Mixed Rgt /1
% o2 a) D# A4 d, ?/ _, C$ q1 x    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
* s2 P6 _4 _" V0 M    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment8 F* @7 P2 E; k
    2nd Medium Mortar Battalion: T) x/ F  g% u! z. T5 D
+ q$ j9 A& C6 ?) D5 q3 z1 m) v; Z
Defending units:
, x; J7 W/ P& P; L2 \& k5 g# c    77th Chindit Brigade
' @, h7 f0 t2 x1 i    369th Coast AA Regiment6 C* a3 _6 e6 J5 i
    1st USMC Field Artillery Battalion
7 Y2 W, D  }  ?( l& w+ b    76th Coast AA Regiment
9 i4 r* O: @% K! a7 S7 X$ Q4 g) M+ p    225th Field Artillery Battalion
! ^; p6 L% t" k    2nd USMC Air Wing Base Force /19 _  X- _+ A: _% w& a, O4 t" f
  ]2 T! v  @; i
( A$ ]. O2 F2 z2 ^
4 N8 C# ~9 x* V' C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  c+ D0 o; M( j9 w
Morning Air attack on TF, near Marcus Island at 127,92
( q+ G' i2 D' k+ X1 f) Z& j0 F4 `( _/ ]
Weather in hex: Light cloud) R8 ^! h1 p& _; k* @$ F

* }+ C6 t# y" h! }6 B8 r% cRaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet., G$ ?6 ^" l7 V
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes- u+ c8 d  o6 m1 B6 _7 c

0 X/ N" P4 z6 v6 P$ W6 X9 d6 CJapanese aircraft# K$ E1 {2 w# \2 d1 x; f3 i  r+ L
      A7M2 Sam x 112! u* {# m5 d3 ^! W# U
      B7A2 Grace x 66' Q. y& t5 u" r; f
+ a1 R4 [# B9 c8 D/ P- K0 A3 L
Japanese aircraft losses
# Y; Z4 g& U+ T6 _  r% ]      B7A2 Grace: 21 damaged/ c9 t+ e7 n  K0 E' W( d
      B7A2 Grace: 2 destroyed by flak' ?8 e( @/ M4 f& _" ~
4 h; }1 C3 u0 ]( [
Allied Ships8 c2 o% O) w/ p  P4 ~  C
      DD Prichett
. U9 O: a" [; r& Z5 B      DD McKee, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage0 S) E% B; X3 W: }
      DD Morrison, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk" }' g$ l4 c: x' ^/ [: Q+ ^
      DD Smalley, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire- U' }- P/ \2 x0 {7 H- P% z
      DD Dashiell8 u2 f0 v& V* l2 z! \" u
      DD Robinson& a" y7 U( ^! X' h
      DD Ross7 z' G' Q9 u; r
      DD Dortch
4 w; G9 T) o" e
/ t1 G4 d( |, F/ s8 q+ e( QAircraft Attacking:
% h  p& T6 T1 P5 x* Q       4 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet( c1 f7 O4 F$ P* B
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
, a, p  p/ p5 d4 k9 L' d) W" ]      17 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet. J- X& ?0 e+ {. L& _
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
$ Q  `# i+ t6 Y1 D/ y! X0 C      13 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
8 Y# f+ a% F$ f" j$ c3 ~2 B               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
4 q3 ?9 @- s& b% K       9 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
* a: a6 K- S) J3 c2 R               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
8 n' z5 R3 P& Q% u5 w+ b       9 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet  C- z& [! t  M) |) M9 _
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
8 \0 A# g* Q0 {9 t8 l  c7 V% w      13 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
- ~& A- k2 s7 ]               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
# q. e" V3 m  f- K) z! m% Z0 W( E1 T) v  m# f
+ ^$ o% f8 A5 }5 I6 i! v  b
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; n6 }/ E4 r$ {6 X
Morning Air attack on TF, near Marcus Island at 127,92
5 a/ L) q3 @  b* X* W
% K0 H4 B- }$ Z7 }4 ?Weather in hex: Light cloud
5 {, g+ U0 N- Y3 U9 J3 g% q2 @/ d9 o* I- w- A' ~/ t
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
1 P- N- v/ o* JEstimated time to target is 22 minutes
6 L" A! e/ A2 R. p! }! N
7 O7 X0 Z, ^( p& S8 v1 kJapanese aircraft9 \+ ^& u/ O1 J
      A7M2 Sam x 84" x! B  \; F8 {1 R, K8 p/ N! C* z
      B7A2 Grace x 47) _6 J9 w  {4 a. m8 Y( Q* G5 t, z

) |1 x) r% {. H0 `6 y/ w- C& g& D6 ~* ~Japanese aircraft losses
1 u/ M) t2 O9 Q% R$ P: H8 m# u      B7A2 Grace: 5 damaged
. e5 l) b, T* i, ~+ u      B7A2 Grace: 1 destroyed by flak
3 k  g: y& p- A  C3 |
2 L! G' G; k) Q" \- SAllied Ships
- l9 \6 A$ l7 v7 T! X2 ~+ S      DD Ross
0 [8 \, ^, k7 R( r9 S      DD Dashiell, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage
, F& I! Y* d9 F. z      DD Tingey, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
. e9 P$ b; M' O: A7 ]- {0 o      DD Marshall2 T7 i0 g3 I3 F- a) |% g/ H) \
      DD Prichett
) k( u. d* u6 k9 ]0 v      DD Dortch2 [4 X4 W/ k: t
      DD Robinson, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage) L5 Z- b( L2 k6 _, c* }4 Y. v
6 p: x& \+ o' [6 J5 |
Aircraft Attacking:
& r. U9 I* c* K  u$ {4 g       3 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet2 f6 I9 W- a; t+ o! N. ?8 E
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
, @7 t  j* ^" |8 l      13 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet8 y0 G8 y  C" e& R- Z/ e$ U
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
4 ~) m: D3 [8 C      13 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet  b) D; @% }) R7 E- e
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo, G7 e* ]# C* `+ J% x) \8 G
      13 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet# h' p, I4 l; e6 f& @
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
2 Y) F3 k" M# T! W: V5 k& m" b! }       4 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
( u/ D/ X! b6 y7 b1 l, H7 m               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo% h: X! y6 x# a" w

, J' c/ l$ U) R
  J1 ?6 R! x" C/ P2 X2 L. g- ~" V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 B6 L7 O# l  P8 A
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Marcus Island at 127,92
1 s% d8 s# ^$ ^; ^9 G5 a' y( [) L; y
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
6 P5 |( ], ]& ~4 R2 I# Q; e. ^
7 T- C! s1 a- S8 s+ ]! RRaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
$ D+ ?7 O" L: S& k. f/ ZEstimated time to target is 22 minutes: |" b# C2 c5 k4 J: |4 C" P6 H& }
* W0 R) w0 y$ Z6 x* a/ a
Japanese aircraft. l4 r, B( v5 d6 L
      A7M2 Sam x 169% ]* h) i6 I" D4 s$ x! c
      B7A2 Grace x 364 \$ N! H& D& m8 }

6 M9 {$ {( w) N6 V& IJapanese aircraft losses' V8 r. H8 V5 V$ E. \, J' a
      B7A2 Grace: 10 damaged
5 M# B6 l' `$ Y8 p! g5 b) m
4 p( M  D3 I! J+ ?8 i( nAllied Ships
, \& o4 U/ ^8 K" o6 X+ a' c      DD Rowe5 L2 o; b7 @/ W$ X9 z- }% F
      DD Prichett
; H0 m* R/ |/ C1 z' L% f2 ?      DD Marshall2 P" z# U5 @* X+ U6 ^6 z: z6 J
      DD Ross) m2 D" o% B6 {- k8 T& v

$ t* s$ D2 a8 X2 mAircraft Attacking:
, s, y# ^. f' a( i, T3 l/ X6 @       9 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet. Z# K# ^  p/ n; P
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
! `: N& e% t  y+ e& y      27 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet% m( |8 H- J, n2 N; }% U/ x
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo' j! ^0 V( L2 x) K* Z

5 s) W7 e3 O0 }, \4 b* _( @3 d8 W! _( Y( b* g5 ?  Z
6 _: q2 c- I' X' N% Z" M8 ~' e1 z2 HAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Marcus Island at 127,92
/ ~$ T* Z4 ^7 A: G! M2 H, m1 [& U) T3 j8 j; c2 A. q, c
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
: D* ?6 Q' q' o/ l1 |
/ F% k; N' S8 ^4 J9 i( cRaid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
. j( v) ~5 P( }! YEstimated time to target is 21 minutes
, b9 m- ]* K- y+ x; U9 u! Z6 |  R( Y6 T" D3 y3 ]$ I5 u! D) R
Japanese aircraft
0 G# P  |( L+ e% W6 ?$ H      A7M2 Sam x 113# V( e* ?' \; l5 G
      B7A2 Grace x 54- W5 T  b2 y2 ?
) I7 S/ d# v# @+ b# a
Japanese aircraft losses
6 A+ q' G! q8 P' v4 b; Q      B7A2 Grace: 8 damaged
/ M/ I+ L7 }* q0 u1 T      B7A2 Grace: 4 destroyed by flak/ V% @" g& }/ _/ e, Y

3 E+ d1 e/ X9 p+ c3 iAllied Ships0 Z* ~, [# {+ x7 r, ?0 n* I3 d
      DD Dortch
- x( p! z0 t) h$ c, q4 I! A/ y      DD Ross
, z0 x' ?2 R2 c$ q, I& \7 x      DD Smalley, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
( Z. d* O2 q+ Q' v" z5 ?      DD McKee,  heavy damage6 w# @! E7 Q- h7 }2 _1 M
      DD Marshall
% R: o" P* q0 X( R      DD Rowe( m1 B! q. g% I
      DD Dashiell, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
) q# c5 h& F& |      DD Prichett
3 ~! x+ }: O& a6 H      DD Robinson, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
/ u4 r! |  u- ?1 w4 |
6 N; ^, }; n4 [4 g3 y/ rAircraft Attacking:
1 A2 I9 q5 B: j+ d9 C; S      24 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet
! i+ ]9 w6 k. D% Y               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo* J' N; r$ B" ?! {9 |9 Y
      26 x B7A2 Grace launching torpedoes at 200 feet  [0 i" X! y% ]3 V2 q/ w) R7 v
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 13, 441 h8 a/ Y9 l& K" e
( A, Y6 t; N9 l% {
) @+ b' ^" A) ]) K

6 \" u4 L2 g% q' k% R日寇登岛部队抱着不成功就成仁,靖国神厕见的宗旨第二天不顾伤亡决死突击,自联队指挥官下无一幸免全部阵亡。。。" Z4 ~/ [7 D6 x# Z: i4 n& A! Y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' K" L) B+ k/ ~. a1 J) Q$ \

+ x: D% ?4 f& OGround combat at Marcus Island (123,85)# P: g# n# v: Y( [+ j  c& J$ e3 K
' W5 h  l3 i6 g
Japanese Shock attack, H& a& U, D! H2 x1 X) @( Y# V* q( o
1 i# e0 I: B7 ]5 I7 c
Attacking force 4106 troops, 116 guns, 49 vehicles, Assault Value = 82
& d: O* _% R5 {, I+ _1 y* q& p7 r/ x
Defending force 4552 troops, 240 guns, 86 vehicles, Assault Value = 755 Y, q" D, u0 Y5 I, |: H

* L( i4 J! F- a2 xJapanese adjusted assault: 0 5 z: j1 P; z6 E: _
- o0 f) D9 |1 V
Allied adjusted defense: 36
1 M$ r9 T3 x* c! d& |  v, K$ E' s
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 99 (fort level 1) - s. m6 T4 M2 [/ y! T* R% b# i

5 w3 X# y' C: R& b$ xCombat modifiers
. F$ v* P' o* Q& m5 Z1 LDefender: disruption(-), preparation(-)
: F4 H9 O' A1 t. w! jAttacker: shock(+)
0 [# F0 `$ J$ w% P! A
3 g+ ?3 X2 v* m; T: Z( t5 QJapanese ground losses:
5 h+ Y( H  }) G9 j  H5 d% G- u      1484 casualties reported# e+ s) Z4 e9 Y# v, r* R% d
         Squads: 100 destroyed, 0 disabled( M1 w0 E9 b9 ]: J% x  A
         Non Combat: 27 destroyed, 106 disabled
2 D: ^' N9 b6 G! w. V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. L2 d8 Z& a0 k2 g- a. |
      Guns lost 30 (28 destroyed, 2 disabled)0 B, m. r! K( R7 R# y' W5 ~
      Vehicles lost 12 (12 destroyed, 0 disabled)* ?9 f$ f; u  p: g9 L
3 b5 ~: k; [, v2 D
Allied ground losses:  r2 G3 i" F" n" [' a2 u0 |
      107 casualties reported+ g& T8 M1 p5 ~
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled
/ J7 X/ Y2 S, j; Y         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
. e$ S: Y# Y4 C& H/ l- k, w         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled  E6 M9 K0 L% H) x& y' @7 @
      Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)5 e+ e6 J7 j' C% Y

) U; q5 c' Q  ]! _( y3 o( E$ tAssaulting units:
# H; J1 F& O7 P    12th Ind.Mixed Regiment
8 L% e2 q5 U4 n! u! D    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
7 T$ M0 ?! N1 ?8 Y9 h8 Z& B- S    16th Ind.Mixed Regiment6 `- N- K! W. K2 u1 h
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
% @) G1 }' J5 Q9 X7 l( E: b! W1 M    2nd Medium Mortar Battalion
* g/ F6 v5 e6 l: f- X
- O1 h2 u  n: R% y5 }' ADefending units:
; G# n9 N7 T9 [+ @    77th Chindit Brigade# A+ G0 k0 V8 L9 L" E) U
    24th (Sep) Infantry Rgt /1. N" M* i9 V1 V- R5 j2 y" K0 y& ]. v
    369th Coast AA Regiment1 m2 Q4 A6 o, ?3 Z, W6 l
    225th Field Artillery Battalion
# \! u% f+ h/ c    76th Coast AA Regiment
# G# ]1 y5 L1 `$ x3 n% b    1st USMC Field Artillery Battalion
5 m' Z' d- b6 V& e* i) P# |    2nd USMC Air Wing Base Force /18 K7 R$ ~! i0 U

% H  K) H/ R- F5 C1 ^
( Y: s! I7 I6 f/ J( \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. C  z. u; r0 T+ k
1 g4 P, S8 e5 E8 w7 E+ tGround combat at Marcus Island (123,85)& _1 L% i3 D; G3 c/ q* L1 c9 U3 w% m

4 s( I' I6 c4 h# W  yAllied Bombardment attack
9 [: h; {, Q& H% A% m8 C' x/ b
5 G% Y  t) y. `4 P- A  PAttacking force 2241 troops, 49 guns, 17 vehicles, Assault Value = 63
0 @' j; @/ X6 t+ u( `8 w2 v( H5 p9 j& F0 f
Defending force 2045 troops, 92 guns, 40 vehicles, Assault Value = 5
! @# ?% ]2 ]7 Z" C" ?- T0 ^, ?% l  v6 Q( S
Japanese ground losses:
* n; L* x) e$ R" Y2 C      4 casualties reported
+ `7 I/ F6 e$ `0 h8 G0 `9 r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 V; k0 s' s" D% g$ K! k         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled( H4 p  f3 [4 e
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' j8 o7 N" t1 K

$ |) `# p9 t4 ]/ p+ \( ]& IAssaulting units:
/ f* T) r1 o. w  d) w    77th Chindit Brigade+ Z* ?# v+ d& w2 h
    24th (Sep) Infantry Rgt /1
3 S4 E3 U* [+ F3 Y( t3 r0 t    1st USMC Field Artillery Battalion) E8 |& ]% U( m* d" }) L
    76th Coast AA Regiment
/ r7 F9 @* n5 Q1 o2 E( l- b: u' ^    225th Field Artillery Battalion0 y3 ]- i8 |9 t' r
    369th Coast AA Regiment
0 @) D; e  d4 Z$ y0 a, D    2nd USMC Air Wing Base Force /1' S7 y  [+ k9 g
9 l2 r% K& c+ D* X0 W- G: E* a
Defending units:
. v$ X+ \( g" Z# n  M    12th Ind.Mixed Regiment
* l( D6 L: }, k6 Y, F    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment9 ]1 a6 f: p! q! j/ v8 p
    16th Ind.Mixed Regiment/ Z7 E0 _( `* F% `# Z& p
    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
& o9 L( R5 c& z2 b$ G    2nd Medium Mortar Battalion
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
  N0 Q% R" P: _2 o8 |4 f5 X5 U. h由于日军AK卸载速度慢,没有在第一天卸完全部部队,导致第二天部队继续卸载,触发了自动突击机制,导致了日军部队的自杀攻击,拿下南鸟岛已经没有希望了,残余部队在滩头收拾了战友遗体和部队旗,撤出了此岛。
在登陆加成过后,日军如果不使用宝贵的几艘登陆舰登陆,那么登陆需要准备比预期高几倍的兵力才能有较大把握,特别是在盟军后期班组战斗力大大增强后,这种计算更只能往高里算,不可往低里算了。3 W( v+ i8 ?3 p" ]9 p