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歌名是The Marines' Hymn  . {5 K' Y" P; j3 S
: k! c3 V- T- D1950年版美国战争片《火海浴血战》的片头音乐。3 X1 ^5 n7 K/ P. s6 T1 S. Q. ~. L
From the Halls of Montezuma, ; S: X: e# V! P7 o, l  T" k
To the shores of Tripoli; 5 n6 O  j) O/ h8 ?- _- l! V
We fight our country's battles . Y$ `2 y7 h' V5 L/ o: T( [+ X
In the air, on land, and sea;
) `( r1 `! p1 G. E! T6 VFirst to fight for right and freedom   v) e2 L. j9 M$ g
And to keep our honor clean: 6 i1 N0 Z# W; i' N4 C' t2 e( o
We are proud to claim the title * {5 {- L5 v5 \9 x2 t
Of United States Marine. 3 ^/ f7 I* j) a# `- y
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze , o& y2 F0 i8 m
From dawn to setting sun; - e4 u. {3 N% U' r/ d+ ]# Y" N" p9 O
We have fought in every clime and place
- Q- ~4 i7 Z, a$ @' p4 B2 oWhere we could take a gun; " {8 a! H! X8 X& F
In the snow of far-off Northern lands 9 Y! N7 A1 G8 O1 F
And in sunny tropic scenes; 0 f, A4 O3 D6 i3 X  L1 i
You will find us always on the job , ~3 E4 l3 k2 u/ l" L  H. v6 @7 U
The United States Marines. ( X9 s7 t: H: N
Here's health to you and to our Corps 4 s* j2 w  J* V$ m, l7 ^8 a  m1 Z
Which we are proud to serve; & [: H4 A' p$ |$ Z( n4 p0 g( T
In many a strife we've fought for life . I( Q* y! e+ d" T0 c1 i; J
And never lost our nerve;
7 s/ r  r4 e: y  |1 q7 I5 DIf the Army and the Navy
- T+ r1 t4 O' M, z( X5 G- n4 L1 nEver look on Heaven’s scenes; ( h* @0 a) d% i/ a% Y6 x- i: e
They will find the streets are guarded 6 m2 d8 G$ S1 _9 V8 I$ a
By The United States Marines.
http://www2.mp3raid.com/search/d ... 6f/marine_hymn.html
( V/ B6 o% Q. \, q: G是不是这个?
, q& O  B3 J+ t' l3 Y5 t" G" F是不是这个?/ `7 }8 U0 ?2 i0 ~, k8 Q! p
kevin_hx 发表于 2012-2-9 22:30
. H' q2 S6 F/ E' C: B4 u这个算是最接近的版本了,+ F" Q* D- O2 G! A8 Z# {- E
和电影里出现的版本还是稍有些不同,3 J+ G: j& r5 X& K$ s" @) t8 ?
8 i1 t) y5 _& y9 X在反映太平洋战争的美国电影中,
6 [( E/ H, j4 g5 D已经在三部电影里面听到过这首歌曲了。
7 L% D! C; m0 @7 c3 \要是能转成音频就好了,可惜我不会弄。9 H4 H* N7 M' B2 }
' X9 E% C/ ^* c
8 C7 T  q- {- ^. \6 s8 ~9 w谢谢了!
找到了片名叫勇冠三车  反映海军陆战队开赴前线前的训练生活# A9 z$ S4 W: M6 J1 F
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg3NDg5NjA0.html+ ^; D6 }0 H; `. R4 M+ A+ p3 q

5 L# w) u/ i- }  h5 R+ {ps: 在83:06有亮点~
看见亮点了, Me, Chinese