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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
靠 人尽可夫的27又勾搭上了 我代表军刀组致以你 日军优秀慰安妇 终身光荣称号
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
51# starlh & h, F) N& W, e! h& _* ^. O! }3 B
51# starlh
' n9 `; Z3 j0 Q* a屎打速速放弃90后投奔AE事业吧!
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 12, 43$ ?% d4 |; o" z; W! N
  }0 p: @4 f  S( {  E' k--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 u# ]4 [' u& y9 y* S
Morning Air attack on Hyderabad (Sindh) , at 42,10 - |$ ^% G, l0 v; }6 w

: n/ f0 b# F( X7 U/ `Weather in hex: Heavy rain1 r1 Q1 Y3 z+ ?
; v6 f( L, _! E9 ~
Raid detected at 43 NM, estimated altitude 44,000 feet.
9 J# a- Q$ B, pEstimated time to target is 12 minutes- \" P, h+ E3 i) ~) l- R4 l) g' w& q
" t5 p$ ]6 E  p+ l
Japanese aircraft$ M$ p$ D% q7 M& w4 ?0 ^# k
      N1K1-J George x 248 i: ?# j5 y2 Y6 g4 B! ^6 h8 J

3 s7 l+ u% Y% g* J2 }  f( }3 gAllied aircraft. `. v( P2 F5 g% _7 O, A" V
      P-66 Vanguard x 47) m& c- L( D' F
; H. ?7 Z( J; a7 N, h+ t& V; W
No Japanese losses
% j4 L6 w$ I( P  e5 B
. X7 h, x( f3 d5 Z) N( GAllied aircraft losses. Z/ R/ l4 N/ D" p$ {
      P-66 Vanguard: 9 destroyed
  T* A: l" |( R3 I" v9 V  N8 ~) s
. T0 \3 g, T3 a4 J3 j7 ?$ j1 wAircraft Attacking:4 i9 C! L) K3 L; Z
      13 x N1K1-J George sweeping at 41000 feet
( s! }+ T  s2 Z2 v" l7 ?$ f
7 C! o: X8 l% G, G* \1 N# j  F1 L& @  O7 E0 l" O! G- z
" z8 G  l2 [- i9 v* a& ?Morning Air attack on Hyderabad (Sindh) , at 42,10
; u( I0 C" N; g) U6 n% X6 D" j
* S% X2 _+ L$ B9 V) EWeather in hex: Heavy rain
+ t' k" g) m/ V. ~+ f$ D' O8 k" s/ H6 y2 f
Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 42,000 feet.8 [" |& g* r, O0 w
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
- w( x+ v! b9 X( E, i1 M. R7 v
+ f, I9 y1 N- T# i0 r- Y% zJapanese aircraft
3 }* G+ S7 Q9 e$ f4 y      N1K1-J George x 24
* F& L# V4 B" b6 |
9 ~; T7 Q4 r# p2 T" h! F$ b% J+ J# O# KAllied aircraft
  P* F+ l3 d: M9 [$ L      P-66 Vanguard x 128 i6 f" V3 S* Z5 P, ], B
* u# O. X  Z" c3 V1 G: C0 _* w
No Japanese losses; [: S# E9 p3 w
* ]. Q" e6 w7 z' Y! R# }) H: ^
Allied aircraft losses
7 U' g( {/ m# t5 d& [0 N( a      P-66 Vanguard: 5 destroyed" C8 C. S. \8 W) S2 o9 x
) g9 @6 t: Q  S5 ~. m
Aircraft Attacking:+ d- a# q, n# e6 ]
      22 x N1K1-J George sweeping at 41000 feet
" n+ V! S& L" [/ b' ~; L& M- O1 I) ~* x, \- d4 P0 u
! N! d8 d* V8 ^, \. N& [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# B8 P+ u( `) J
Morning Air attack on Hyderabad (Sindh) , at 42,10 ( q3 a0 Y0 j" t: W  {4 q- |
6 u+ }, [, _% |3 v. B
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
) [: q$ ]5 {; q( a  k# E* @2 [
4 x9 O7 Y# B( X- W6 b1 zRaid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 44,000 feet.
4 D+ R5 T9 P; yEstimated time to target is 22 minutes
6 v' ^" s' L9 Z, J' I* o# i! N- J( d9 `. a) G5 F0 [$ a  f
Japanese aircraft( \# C2 b8 V* h6 ?
      N1K1-J George x 6
2 B8 ^3 S0 l' l, a, B. F# ^/ y7 X- Z/ n/ R; w
Allied aircraft- D" Q; A0 J+ G4 g5 v
      P-66 Vanguard x 4
3 v7 x- L/ ]1 @% G; T6 f
+ ~* K/ N' r& G) m% }No Japanese losses8 k7 t6 v; _3 z, k( c( ]
( A* ?" z# p4 y( P& F& R% a
Allied aircraft losses
; r3 n' a  o  h9 y% m. L6 I- x      P-66 Vanguard: 3 destroyed
8 I4 K. d3 ^  z: s2 g4 [* H+ \% z* M) v
Aircraft Attacking:& {, y7 W9 Q0 C2 _* w7 _9 o' M9 \4 u
       3 x N1K1-J George sweeping at 41000 feet" ~9 p0 K4 }7 y1 t; M, U
       2 x N1K1-J George sweeping at 41000 feet
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
9月15日+ r2 K  ^9 ^2 T, l; y
: c$ p/ U& R, YGround combat at Wake Island (136,98)) I4 ~- v' d" R0 ^$ D

) [* O  x2 w5 _6 F- e2 w- Z1 eAllied Shock attack
9 c" p4 V$ C$ m, n( m" y( V) p$ p 3 L) n# J1 P; B8 B, H5 a
Attacking force 9777 troops, 188 guns, 207 vehicles, Assault Value = 280
# @( I+ J8 W7 q0 X
* D) a* l* I3 N" Z8 i2 sDefending force 4037 troops, 91 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 93; C+ [7 d6 ?4 B8 h7 ^' {  T
. _6 \1 m) I5 \9 W4 b5 d
Allied adjusted assault: 21 9 S! T% p! i! i0 J
: g# y/ d$ g0 s
Japanese adjusted defense: 10
) I9 H+ e1 P8 B* `: J' [
) I! `; P0 R5 Q# J7 D& P) IAllied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)
7 [, ~; ?+ I% Z* h. a/ t) o. Y
( |( A8 H9 O- S3 JAllied Assault reduces fortifications to 0
3 {% Z# G% h6 U, S
, g3 l# ^" W1 f: Q  H0 G7 gCombat modifiers% n1 f+ f! ~0 e! V( f+ ^$ U! _5 f
Defender: disruption(-), experience(-)- W, k4 [" J0 J* `
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
. W- t1 V6 U8 A: j6 H 1 J  o0 \- W+ T- D, J) s
Japanese ground losses:/ j% t9 K+ @, u7 v# V+ y
      1691 casualties reported
# x- f  W) ~4 m$ A& r         Squads: 75 destroyed, 33 disabled
3 t; r  |+ P3 l/ Z* F+ x* J! u7 c$ X         Non Combat: 47 destroyed, 33 disabled
4 \* u7 i$ U5 H- `         Engineers: 6 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 O- I; Y+ G, d7 Q, a      Guns lost 39 (19 destroyed, 20 disabled); H! ~! |/ W1 V$ R( o) c
1 d4 f6 L0 D" u& X% V
Allied ground losses:, s+ T* h) o* V# p4 t  c' {5 R
      599 casualties reported3 x# E9 m+ Z, a0 v% h, S1 w
         Squads: 21 destroyed, 49 disabled2 O# C3 v! Z7 h/ ^( f2 \" C
         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 8 disabled
. e9 r5 \3 H/ ~6 c" t( n         Engineers: 7 destroyed, 2 disabled3 L$ o3 r# ^; c3 d% }) B
      Guns lost 16 (7 destroyed, 9 disabled)
& G7 \1 `: u/ i! U& ]* p" V0 B8 [      Vehicles lost 9 (6 destroyed, 3 disabled); q' h+ y0 @" N: ]  J" R

: L9 T: `, B  x7 R4 H2 k! dAssaulting units:1 q: R, m, n/ X" z$ Z. |
    3rd Marine Division
6 u. {2 S9 g# U    2nd USMC Tank Battalion+ z3 A* d' U8 y% d4 g  p  t" N
7 c, F+ w. ^* `5 {- f1 S
Defending units:; i5 G$ X1 b' ~9 r. x0 t0 m
    53rd Naval Guard Unit! J5 z/ o2 U  n- `" ~
    Kure 3rd SNLF. Y+ e& G# d' W8 r
    Maizuru 2nd SNLF) C; k. h  l2 r( [- X+ |
    Yokosuka 7th SNLF
) ], {" q8 c$ [- v    Sasebo 7th SNLF /1
. m* U' w' b5 @& L9 S1 t    34th JNAF AF Unit
- @- d# h; w% I
: S( _8 f3 M4 q7 |+ O不过盟军拿下也意义不大,最多是个中转战,盟军部队还是要从珍珠港出发。
& V& G( n' w+ ^& m% y+ y' ?2 A( G7 d' k2 I' U$ ~
拿下珍珠港不是不可能,不过,需要2个条件:7 K5 F5 e" I/ s) e
" V+ G0 \% Q3 n& W4 B) U' J7 J- c2、日军及时把原本计划南下的兵力集结到珍珠港方向
- f1 ^. v5 |6 }- Q1 X- U* G( c6 P0 c, M
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 16, 43: r8 D6 c0 ]! i' W+ B9 R
& z* w2 i% c& V; z
太平洋前线再传捷报,陆战三师成功收复威克岛!是役击毙日寇8000余人,陆战三师伤亡过半,可谓两败俱伤的一战。不过威克岛的收复让盟军在北太的战线从中途岛大幅度前进了1000公里,盟军兵锋直逼南鸟岛马里亚纳一线,对日军的防御造成了巨大的压力,不管盟军会不会在这个方向继续前进,下面的每一步反攻都将是日本人血流成河4 _# A, Q$ Z) V

. n- j  [5 q: n! V; B5 @4 b" O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* e0 F1 t- e* b; P2 _% u/ x6 h, o, i' w1 L6 z
Ground combat at Wake Island (136,98)4 U: `! G5 ~8 N) c4 }6 O; j1 [
, K/ F2 _6 ^0 @$ _
Allied Shock attack
8 Y1 U8 q8 J  o4 X8 e' i# o% S/ L+ z9 i3 H' Z3 b8 Y' Q6 Q
Attacking force 431 troops, 0 guns, 70 vehicles, Assault Value = 222* x' ~* |1 X7 G8 N8 k- [8 n

/ W: F  X7 }1 D# M& ]& w# wDefending force 3114 troops, 70 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 46
- A" ?4 g4 M7 l. L0 N' v8 \7 s
1 Z- q* n+ X2 r1 I9 EAllied adjusted assault: 24 ( Z3 f2 e4 y5 K6 u

# t) N* \# O: n7 |9 oJapanese adjusted defense: 10 8 ]* n5 O( q# x: o5 F3 `' C* ^# s

' }7 r+ A( x4 S8 l. v8 |Allied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 0) ; Y$ S( L: g0 \: K( k2 [* n
- k$ a2 t3 U$ i2 Q5 d
Allied forces CAPTURE Wake Island !!!
1 q% s6 y3 d" ^) K: H$ i& ]  m) W- h, V' F
Combat modifiers4 B& V/ Y1 Y  m) v
Defender: disruption(-)  J$ V* @, m7 H" H; y6 N: ]4 G! _
Attacker: shock(+)
8 u# E' m' }3 ~/ F8 Y: \4 Q
) r8 {- D& {* t- U  X* z6 P+ YJapanese ground losses:
2 s; z. S/ w! ]      3650 casualties reported1 ?4 P& F' T, J$ b
         Squads: 103 destroyed, 0 disabled5 h6 O/ `- {% L6 f' D
         Non Combat: 321 destroyed, 22 disabled8 {% H' R! H1 U! U
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled4 Q( P; I' _2 e: ~
      Guns lost 76 (76 destroyed, 0 disabled)
' Q. {! `# ?" U4 Q( ~) H) K      Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
9 g! P# i: c6 q) m  @* p& r      Units destroyed 3
' R) m5 A5 o5 S  e0 Z1 F
7 W9 S8 G; H9 iAllied ground losses:, U) `3 }% N: ~) N! I  l
      Vehicles lost 16 (7 destroyed, 9 disabled)
) V$ f( H% Y+ Z, l9 i+ y: F; _" y) q) f( X+ m; y( d' ~% b1 N+ J4 P) j
Assaulting units:
1 ^  f# P* b/ H3 N+ I    3rd Marine Division
6 c& @' I0 o( k4 l    2nd USMC Tank Battalion
  }* m) o5 {. W) Z9 o: w5 Z& r: ^
Defending units:8 D% x5 C2 h& [3 y) O+ f  s' ]
    53rd Naval Guard Unit
1 |8 h  A+ |. o, k9 j5 }' R  k0 z    Kure 3rd SNLF
" P' v! {7 c: K8 g* s    Maizuru 2nd SNLF
2 A* a. U3 d" C& t: D5 I6 c4 w    Sasebo 7th SNLF /1: {- n" X" p/ F7 s
    Yokosuka 7th SNLF! }5 a8 j, B2 V; m, e3 Y
    34th JNAF AF Unit " z1 R' u# ?$ |. m

& ~0 I% \& b* `0 Y% |
$ u# v8 K5 a$ S( X% s% S; K--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- p' i* _  u1 V; e+ ?2 c. K7 H
" x, i- n/ n3 k! D" Q  {- cMaizuru 2nd SNLF Wiped Out at Wake Island by attrition!!!% L. i+ M6 V  A/ ~

  \" v6 V1 x( C4 D( d' g5 G: x) m; ]( H% K2 A& k. K
Japanese Unit(s) Wiped Out at Wake Island by attrition!!!
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."