9月17日,攻克威克岛后扬长而去的盟军58舰队收到一个噩耗,留在威克岛卸载装备的数支大型运输船队遭到日军KB舰队的突然袭击,损失惨重。/ l2 Q( f+ }$ R" C" B' z
Morning Air attack on TF, near Wake Island at 136,98) F9 v7 J0 y$ }2 F7 D) q& c
5 E: F2 H8 T( _" F* A' AWeather in hex: Heavy rain) c: |; O, W& }
$ u" k) ?% Z' @
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
F2 S$ c1 ]( t; BEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
9 d6 _4 ~6 Q2 ^/ O$ j- C
6 Y" X S" d5 CJapanese aircraft" i8 A0 I% [2 [9 N- B
A6M5 Zero x 155& ^/ O+ I" ~: ?
B6N1 Jill x 95
' [5 @( h/ e) l/ X$ D$ m- i
" N7 ]; E. K8 ^: Z$ dJapanese aircraft losses
/ `0 Y. V& C8 ? B6N1 Jill: 12 damaged
/ o( K& ]( a/ e6 R* Y B6N1 Jill: 1 destroyed by flak* M, I; E5 ?5 P u
' e0 U2 D `9 b, ~- n
Allied Ships+ e5 [ a) r" K3 J5 b
AM Dash
9 k g9 g- Z0 V/ u! m+ r AK Blount, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk4 |5 ~5 e) b9 s7 ]; z
APA Elmore, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk5 m; E! T+ }: k% r x1 y
APA Fayette, Torpedo hits 1, on fire7 L* v0 ?" n+ p- Q2 J6 f: D; B8 s
APA Arthur Middleton, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk* y2 j% k, w# r( o9 i
APA Bolivar, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage0 z: m) _- @6 R
APA Callaway, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage& r8 [8 k0 {2 o* x
AM Constant, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
2 w4 k6 n; x1 \, ^3 F" k6 v. h AM Firm, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
) W- C, F9 F/ [8 q: `) h1 \0 V SC PC-580
- _$ M% [& [: Y( s5 c3 f) N APA Cambria, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk7 x' K- s/ g, |" K# e
APA President Adams, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk( w/ ~ h0 n/ Y* ?0 ~' R7 K
APA President Jackson
* R( s# M/ M% t" g. T5 w APA President Polk, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage6 ?% r& V! \1 M! D
AK Bullock) V/ H* j, G6 O6 {9 b
APA George Clymer, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
3 t0 h3 d8 D9 i/ K AK Alamosa) ?- c S- ]. ]. S: S: Q, A0 p' `& s
5 L( ^5 o6 Y4 k3 S' l( PAllied ground losses:
$ l* J a! Z# @- `; `$ Z Vehicles lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)* }$ d- _$ P. W9 I; A) r- g
' {8 ?# V* e2 ^5 E+ F1 c; f2 pMorning Air attack on TF, near Wake Island at 136,98' C d1 \% R' T4 h
" U) Q' l. Y3 s, v
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
9 a T: g' S: V$ I8 {
1 h0 o) a! R. W; F L q. rRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.7 v# ?- k# P! e! A: j% U
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
; `+ k7 Q; z' b! M4 ^5 a) b
! W- _) ]( N+ j; LJapanese aircraft/ w9 D# d- q$ Y o
A6M5 Zero x 27- ~$ W1 x/ ^' ?! b
B6N1 Jill x 13& s7 K2 `. {0 ~" y" m* n
. t# m3 ~3 @. Y0 a
Japanese aircraft losses
* ]4 d) B& M" I$ a" n B6N1 Jill: 2 damaged
, t# Z3 p6 S# g0 _7 ~ B6N1 Jill: 2 destroyed by flak+ K8 e2 d+ v, S* U1 w5 N Y- p- ~, q
2 ]5 m, u+ |' SAllied Ships% K0 d1 N3 \7 g8 J! G% |
APA Fayette, on fire
, e: x6 l$ ^2 r APA Callaway, on fire, heavy damage( |$ i( M5 n) P/ ]% |/ J/ d7 s
APA President Jackson, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
' A+ N8 I4 C6 ^' ] APA Bolivar, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
. x, e3 ~0 P" d: h, v. b& G2 n* L7 v- I; W
- }7 d; V& ]6 P0 Q2 L, b5 e同日,帝国精锐的南洋雷击队也不甘寂寞,在反复侦察之后确信盟军4发基地防御薄弱,发挥一式陆攻超远程攻击的优势,裸奔突袭了盟军战线后方的4发机场,大获成功,击毁击伤大量4发轰炸机。
4 r2 u6 r4 P5 _" q' P8 n# xMorning Air attack on Tarawa , at 136,128 . Q% l- Q! p0 f0 Q/ j6 }
, a: Q0 j" A% s) Z6 Y7 f
Weather in hex: Light cloud
) s: g# _- |: q; E, c, r, | 0 J- K. m. K: A7 K: Y5 ?9 ~
Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.# {' f+ k9 w! J% e7 h9 l$ A8 c# Y+ M
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes/ e* N# w$ Q% x, E4 D
* Z p4 A+ o T7 H7 k* _Japanese aircraft4 u& A; [% [9 q" ^
G4M1 Betty x 68
" K/ E/ y) ]2 ?! L4 ]; ~3 j % h4 m6 ^- R* H
Allied aircraft
; G- P0 d9 \9 u4 T7 I0 i, z no flights
' ~- I) y! h, a g; V, c
0 h) `! [6 C# h5 u5 c- w6 [1 VJapanese aircraft losses4 O% i2 U/ I# b( M" w- v; f8 n
G4M1 Betty: 15 damaged# P4 T; o$ I3 Y" Q$ a, u
( V+ U2 Z$ G. i% v4 `1 B# z
Allied aircraft losses
2 K; H2 U) N( w! E B-24J Liberator: 45 damaged' E9 T0 d) D n+ k% G0 }0 v
B-24J Liberator: 1 destroyed on ground
! {) Y8 n* l+ [* p1 d0 ?) t$ T4 j B-17F Fortress: 28 damaged
, v: I( D6 j% I- G; {% w B-17F Fortress: 1 destroyed on ground
7 s$ S2 I) z; D2 h! h. U$ [, ?. \ C-47 Skytrain: 24 damaged. e8 w9 ?2 R- S( u
C-47 Skytrain: 2 destroyed on ground
/ i) X, w( I! P+ p F-5A Lightning: 1 damaged
' Y& g( X1 u( R F-5A Lightning: 1 destroyed on ground3 A) H6 t" g' b7 z0 ?( k/ A3 D
B-24D1 Liberator: 22 damaged4 C8 e) q1 V/ ?2 S& X0 r+ y' L
B-24D1 Liberator: 2 destroyed on ground
4 g H+ B: }# u& V" n. z
: p6 ~1 @5 o- h3 p$ U+ C+ \. AAirbase hits 26( P, C6 f( G# w) k' ~3 r4 f
Airbase supply hits 9
4 Y/ O/ w6 _7 s2 gRunway hits 75
2 D+ _- Q o, U: P9 o6 M0 j
B( p, \: m) }在威克岛防御战中,帝国守军再次发扬艰苦奋战,死扛到底的武士道精神,让前来进攻的米国部队大吃苦头,损失惨重,这是帝国的无上荣耀,也昭示着盟军每前进一步,都要付出更大的代价。 |