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/ ^4 U6 }* `" N( o; \7 K
3 A; q! T$ ?6 X! }隐忍已久的日军部队从3条战线上同时向盟军发起了攻击/ f6 X$ r! y; d4 ~8 K. e1 z% K

3 f6 i: e2 r0 T0 O" H首先是在印度洋科科斯岛附近,日军根据海搜机情报跟踪一队盟军运输船,并派出南洋驻留舰队攻击,成功追上了敌船队,可惜由于追击舰队本身力量太弱,没有对敌军造成重大伤害。+ g' @7 H- z1 h& D* m
+ x9 o0 l5 n" S3 `7 L$ C9 _) e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" S8 p" ^/ k. ~; C4 q/ gNight Time Surface Combat, near Cocos Islands at 18,89, Range 4,000 Yards
, _& y, b" s2 p0 _/ S3 h& `
' O$ M- Z1 \: n; T' Z5 n% P: xJapanese Ships
% w, f# Z% U2 _+ G9 S8 T" m+ X      DD Yayoi; M; l7 p( s! `* {8 b8 N0 A
      DD Nagatsuki, Shell hits 1' f. g6 \/ s4 |: C6 w  A
      E Asagao
2 Q4 ~+ ?) Z5 Y. s      E Fuyo0 m' k; d8 ]3 ^- ]. q- n0 M
      E Yugao
8 y9 w4 V) I% H  u! a: V4 h7 B      E Hasu& m9 y" k% d8 w; G& r! l/ L, |
1 Z* W* r$ |- H/ J5 M0 Q
Allied Ships; O  O7 i8 Z' K: u- K. U# B
      DE Austin, Shell hits 8
( d& v% X# U& _& \" S      DE Brackett, Shell hits 16,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
# x/ O! X) v: v# K" f7 @% A      PG Isabel, Shell hits 4
8 K! z1 A* a4 P$ F* j, X. C* c      AM Adroit
/ P! O. m0 g( ]. O, w+ s6 ^      AM Conflict2 }. ]- H3 ~7 C
      AM Daring8 f! A+ M( Q8 D5 M& F7 ^
      AM Dash, Shell hits 3,  on fire
' b7 T/ P5 K' ?9 g      APA McCawley% n4 z# W. a7 x# K( e
      APA Sheridan
) @0 s2 b' W0 T0 p( l* I      APA Sumter: N  r, R6 E& l
      APA Wayne" ^! M2 r0 W( l* v" F; Z
      APA Baxter
- k3 j! ~: U/ N) n8 k* B: U4 i7 h+ ]      APA La Salle
: f+ O3 _2 f- H  e      APA Comet4 D4 J. ^! a, [9 A0 ?
      APA John Land
: M" ~: B' d" ?% A      APA Golden City
/ l4 @! e9 L4 F  X# D- _      APA Herald of Morning) k* X) l2 n7 L# i) h% Y  M+ _
      APA Storm King6 P( d" }5 O: i! D* k
      APA Starlight
' t2 `) h' N* p6 ]8 ~2 w' z9 X      APA Gilliam
7 y9 f6 d$ e: [" Z7 [5 f5 d/ X      APA Appling
) s4 k) a5 U( m9 D      APA Audrain
& j- L+ r4 \7 x      APA Banner, \) a  a. P( D8 N0 P# n3 G, Y
      APA Cleburne
. u6 N* M4 M% Z, ~      APA Dawson6 p$ P  t: p$ A" p, t' @
      APA Fallon
2 [( ?* H0 P- a6 V$ Y      APA Crenshaw
; S2 Y% O; }6 d: u" U+ Z4 r      APA Elkheart, Shell hits 6; d3 t& r& I# q3 C) W! x$ M$ Y
      AKA Aurelia$ b2 P% T# o) X- i$ ]' U% l+ Y8 d
      AKA Artemis2 D" W' z! L0 D% r' V
      AKA Medea, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires- |+ g  Q/ t( T  d  l. ^8 e3 V: h# _$ e
      AKA Athene, J& G! T9 n" d( L4 A
      LSI(M) Prince Henry, Shell hits 25,  heavy fires,  heavy damage) }# G. M! f  l$ a; S' o
( _" \& b; ~, N9 C( b
Allied ground losses:
- B( u* \% k, _0 c      143 casualties reported
: ~8 r4 W9 E' q, h         Squads: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled$ ?: [1 Z# Z/ j
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
6 o# Y) P4 @- k3 w         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  a: N" j& u; G/ }5 x% r4 j. R. h& R7 L( T
接着,在中太平洋,趁着盟军主力不在的机会,日军登陆舰队又一次对南鸟岛发起决死的攻击,但是由于前期的飞机轰炸压制效果差,岛上盟军几乎没有受到什么削弱,登陆日军死伤惨重,未能拿下南鸟岛,好不容易在上一次南鸟岛攻略战中整备完的这几支日军部队又一次回炉重修.......: |8 K4 o# g, y! s4 H6 m" M- ]

0 k( k. C/ z2 c2 z2 D4 q% n # A' O4 E* c: ?, u# o2 ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 J$ e$ a' d  B1 I; b/ S0 G

3 z2 H0 k  R% t- w  L/ a/ iGround combat at Marcus Island (123,85)% o( R6 l* ~( T7 @) l6 J

( k1 g9 Y8 y! ?; c3 m% YJapanese Shock attack
# p. i( G, L% O) j* w! ]3 ~* ~
8 Y9 D7 J" a0 S, p" }Attacking force 5538 troops, 80 guns, 9 vehicles, Assault Value = 201! [4 `# K- P/ ^; ~

2 R1 O3 ~8 o+ ~! R! vDefending force 3169 troops, 134 guns, 82 vehicles, Assault Value = 92
8 D( X) H3 z9 Q; O" c4 a3 e
9 N/ U/ K9 h6 l8 j" z/ P) NJapanese adjusted assault: 37
* f4 o' n7 W: M2 R3 R8 s. ] ) @' R& c0 K$ W
Allied adjusted defense: 60
) C( {# K; [9 a: f4 q, s 4 V2 e9 a. b) i3 D4 b
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3) 2 c  y% @8 H# e  W# I
5 L- T6 f& V( E# v; r& {3 J
Combat modifiers' |% d1 l! s1 ]5 j
Defender: disruption(-), experience(-)
8 y% b! L" W' dAttacker: shock(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
" p% C+ f' u3 L+ [. t5 y
! A' l" H' ^9 G* ^( q8 ZJapanese ground losses:
# r/ o$ B) q8 Q% K. T' F      3785 casualties reported
. ?  }" D% A: ?' }1 C+ Q         Squads: 124 destroyed, 47 disabled% @" w, L* q- C
         Non Combat: 83 destroyed, 30 disabled" D" k6 A9 a8 R& m- P" V
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 ?  B( n" q+ T1 I* @7 @      Guns lost 27 (25 destroyed, 2 disabled)
7 u7 [# w$ f: q  q$ P      Vehicles lost 10 (10 destroyed, 0 disabled)! t5 T$ m4 c5 i, z( D. b

# G4 v8 ]! ?7 {; D* C  m( `+ T# aAllied ground losses:
) x; q$ Y, f5 G2 j, U# X2 C! ^      94 casualties reported
! Z  i: y8 ?# ]+ d" b         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled1 n8 K$ V/ p7 B$ Z- z
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 T, P' K% M- z) S         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 ]- v6 `/ C/ F2 I
      Guns lost 4 (1 destroyed, 3 disabled)5 z1 a. C, @) F8 s

% W/ Y9 v7 L) ?6 L! SAssaulting units:( P( U) m- K0 M  \5 e6 h
    12th Ind.Mixed Regiment
4 S: f! p1 s5 g5 L, F, J, B* j* \    16th Ind.Mixed Regiment
1 Z: x( m/ N( ~) U    3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment3 F9 c8 r8 q2 r* }& V" `7 t

/ m- m: X0 s# t; n1 FDefending units:
' d" ~' Y( M( p/ I6 {( K    24th (Sep) Infantry Regiment  {; S* @3 _; L7 G% M9 e' U
    76th Coast AA Regiment
/ l3 x% v1 }4 v; e! S2 u# V ! O* A& ^( k. B/ S  U9 T
: V1 C; S! v/ V0 X$ `
/ R# l( j% h0 {& i9 Z* ~6 Z; m9 B
& A" b& E  y8 l盟军一支轻型舰队在前天突袭特鲁克后返回了波纳佩基地,并解散在港口内补充,这一点被日军侦察机敏锐地注意到,正在附近海域待机的海军机动舰队决定利用这个机会,对这支处于解散状态的舰队展开致命打击!
9 L: I* A8 i0 X! O+ X侦查显示波纳佩有约200架战斗机把守,KB全力出击,还是有把握。此外在特鲁克待命的陆基战斗机机队也接到了扫场作战的指令,协助KB攻击。
  E, d6 w- O3 t4 p* x8 V2 ~' I4 R然而当天盟军防守松懈,港口上空值班战斗机出人意料的少,庞大的攻击机群没有受到什么阻拦就轻松突破,瞬间将波纳佩港口炸成一片火海!
( h& j" R! N' x5 K# {7 N--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" }2 n% v" }: cAfternoon Air attack on Ponape , at 119,113 3 ]& s+ S% L2 V% u5 e; s6 S
! A; E. v& x$ J; N, y* v" w! M$ @* A
Weather in hex: Light rain1 q$ R% ?- G/ x9 C' n
0 M8 c8 L2 ]( j
Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
5 t- u0 P3 e; F. J' rEstimated time to target is 33 minutes* J( t. {3 f3 J8 T
* J0 I) t( {* S2 I" F
Japanese aircraft# w6 i. m. S+ z3 J; Z& ]% }
      A7M2 Sam x 431
' L3 M6 i; {3 D, x8 s* J, T( _      B7A2 Grace x 344
$ m7 i* [9 ~' S1 }6 U; g      D4Y4 Judy x 80$ n9 q% i) h; K/ j
! b. W3 N& `+ @$ W
Allied aircraft
7 t, [, ^/ A5 ^- K      F6F-3 Hellcat x 366 x1 o" K; @  f  n

9 W/ m+ r' K! G9 Y( NJapanese aircraft losses
, [9 L! b8 a) _* P8 X9 j      A7M2 Sam: 8 destroyed* R$ C1 ?' q- U$ M; m7 V
      B7A2 Grace: 1 destroyed, 49 damaged
* Q4 y1 G) E: }      D4Y4 Judy: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged, m% `4 n& N9 T
      D4Y4 Judy: 1 destroyed by flak( u3 A* `( b) p

" }9 X+ b8 t9 P1 |2 t9 Z( a/ gAllied aircraft losses- d" x6 R& n, X' L
      F6F-3 Hellcat: 4 destroyed
/ x7 H. e8 O5 X# q# m
6 V+ L3 d2 t( xAllied Ships  n$ r2 D9 f+ e9 Y1 m4 l/ T2 b& b
      CL Achilles, Bomb hits 17,  heavy fires,  heavy damage6 M0 }  i: z$ G% L  u3 v% y  @3 d
      DD Blue II, Bomb hits 6,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& A* d1 n- R, K      SS Sea Dog, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk
) u. k( I9 v' U  t      DD Yarnall, Bomb hits 6, and is sunk) G/ O4 X, O" Y8 }9 Z
      DD Ross, Bomb hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage* }* V1 u9 \: J+ P8 o
      DD Marshall, Bomb hits 6, and is sunk4 b# c/ l4 R, @. G
      DD Wickes, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage1 \4 L4 U# T: R/ I  @0 D
      DD Wren, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk+ E$ V; h: ]1 a/ n/ u
      DD Cassin Young, Bomb hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& ~* U+ l# B. I+ Q      DD Wedderburn, Bomb hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 u  |7 v$ ^9 _      DD Samuel Moore, Bomb hits 10, and is sunk
2 |$ e% n8 n$ W9 h" R: t5 L. G      DD Smith, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
; G& X$ ?7 P0 ~) U( F      DD Prichett, Bomb hits 8,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
" p- _! ?9 N2 \4 a! I" s; L      DD Taussig, Bomb hits 9,  heavy fires,  heavy damage( H# V% P0 a( D/ t' t3 _
      DD Hyman, Bomb hits 6,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
3 C( p( ^7 k0 u5 ^$ V& _      DD Dortch, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage" i7 ]- [5 X' y. _" ]' ^# A/ d, f( X/ x

' V. v/ y4 d) x- a7 I6 Q0 pPort hits 284 x3 F0 G, I2 Q/ m
Port supply hits 4% _. Z3 u2 {% w* Q- O: k* X
: @0 b$ f' ?" [
盟军舰队在港口内受到重创,当场沉没5艘DD,其余军舰全部被重创起火,根据大统领事后交代,最大的轻巡洋舰也确认沉没,此外还损失约10艘DD,盟军留在中太的这支防御舰队几乎被一网打尽!作为代价,KB仅仅损失10多架战斗机,另外被高炮击落10多架攻击机,同时也击落直掩的地狱猫10多架。2 l$ O) p9 c2 k/ W
* r0 F+ d- x1 j) \
KB舰队45年首次出击取得了辉煌战绩!* L; Y& F: N" `

3 E* q  G* i+ r& v当天晚些时候盟军地面部队同时对莫尔兹比港和米尔恩湾发起新一轮进攻,当地日军部队尽管处于绝对劣势,仍然抵抗顽强,盟军在两地的进攻都没有什么进展,机场港口仍然都掌握在日军手中!2 U4 W8 A5 R( h2 S& I3 R- w' Q! |
2 ?' v* a' p. I
: |( B; w- A3 p# u$ Q, R
8 E3 ]- E) h1 O; m% OGround combat at Milne Bay (101,133)! H- v& ~+ Z# e' r! |" t1 v/ ?

  w. x1 P% U& b. }: R1 N: qAllied Deliberate attack8 s. g  E6 u% D
2 N; ^; g3 r* y
Attacking force 22095 troops, 391 guns, 562 vehicles, Assault Value = 8462 ^6 ^) r2 j* x0 }

8 E- u5 s& X  S. M5 z# n3 @3 }7 u3 CDefending force 8749 troops, 139 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 160
9 f+ ?7 D0 L+ {7 j% I2 t6 ?
3 ?. u" N% P' [1 jAllied adjusted assault: 483 + j1 t" r# m$ h1 y0 _% r
2 t: @( Z2 y% B5 Z
Japanese adjusted defense: 433 & C; }3 B% P8 i' Q4 S

+ a4 l7 _. i6 d  K9 h4 h( [Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 5)
2 q2 N6 F, y4 R( J& ? 3 `# F2 X: m) Y! i
Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 46 x. H6 O* ^' J0 m; s6 \, U  o

$ ?# j. f: P; OCombat modifiers. Q, P" E2 ]% W: X% G. q% x, P
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
$ @  B( S$ h) _% u* B) oAttacker:
5 t' |: _2 A4 d- X  v
" o1 M3 Z+ ^) J$ z' j! f& ]Japanese ground losses:" b& w. d0 t- Z4 U
      1111 casualties reported( _- w" S, g; X
         Squads: 62 destroyed, 22 disabled
; F( Q, r* O9 c& O1 t: [  l2 m         Non Combat: 64 destroyed, 11 disabled
! [8 ~! M( B  {  m6 \. N2 _         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled" c, {; U6 |2 U; b. l7 [% J$ E
      Guns lost 21 (16 destroyed, 5 disabled)# ]' u$ p2 {4 m/ T5 n

( t) d( y3 ?& I' j  q/ ~Allied ground losses:$ X9 R1 M9 f3 M! u# C- r
      359 casualties reported: D1 n! A. J/ v  S
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 42 disabled% N, v5 y8 o0 h! n
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled/ m. a& }+ p" P- Y1 t& o. V. t7 M9 V. i
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled4 y/ E, f" ^5 @5 R- ?5 E( _
      Guns lost 15 (1 destroyed, 14 disabled)
* t" r* m1 ?6 L0 T7 q  k' r/ H
4 _% @) X! p$ u' P1 l, ]! L" ~2 \Assaulting units:
& A4 H8 g$ X9 A/ V. s* ^    3rd Marine Division
0 h1 i+ H2 t4 o% I0 s    Americal Infantry Division+ C/ Q# ^( W1 D. y7 x( [: Y
    766th Tank Battalion, }6 [* \/ }; D. q# K5 V3 q# ~
    5th USMC Tank Battalion
3 J4 P* @1 M/ H! v' S0 e/ |- L- N    608th Coast AA Regiment
9 ~( O9 G0 R1 {/ f$ t    Tenth US Army
7 @1 f# |" P9 c* _. H- b* A    544th Field Artillery Battalion
( n2 `$ y* ^, g
! u, `) B( m. K9 M: l2 ^3 E4 YDefending units:
! I0 c7 [* a) m# N) v    48th Naval Guard Unit! B/ J4 y+ }. ~4 \- [. A' H- v4 R) l
    23rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
; u. L+ s! E, C; I5 m8 J    62nd Naval Guard Unit9 T: Q  t& Y8 l' y1 d
    89th Div /1
8 C9 Y. l& r: @6 E0 X. z    35th JNAF AF Unit 8 O4 y3 d" L0 N7 e
    11th RF Gun Battalion6 u! L' h' D9 B5 w. z7 z, o
    14th JAAF AF Coy
$ W2 O! O6 C. t" W8 M( S9 I    39th Field AA Battalion
% Z4 p# q1 Z( T, X4 c; \( o    3rd Fleet /2* W/ `8 d/ ^3 N7 |6 O
7 f8 U0 b' U6 w% I( H3 c# d% g
: u# y$ N  Q; u* A) ^) t; h
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
# d, S( l6 {( v7 P5 M 5 t- J+ R% G5 B- E0 V9 [( s' f2 R
Allied Deliberate attack" J9 f* w9 b- o' b5 s9 m# I& j

8 K+ L; u. u( q* M& kAttacking force 53354 troops, 929 guns, 956 vehicles, Assault Value = 1963! ?; B( ?( }, y9 Q' C7 U  w

+ r' c1 _" h2 o9 Y* j- e) XDefending force 17486 troops, 263 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 4947 T+ n- _0 E4 X: Z

2 l6 [4 F# ~$ ]/ b0 eAllied engineers reduce fortifications to 7. @9 ^: E* w, n( R
' g) i3 ~8 a5 U9 ]8 _' u
Allied adjusted assault: 3077
( |2 M4 y5 u+ j- Q6 f  y! G & z( n' {2 J5 Y
Japanese adjusted defense: 751 4 ~$ h; n: {+ U% m2 K

# R' T, S, l  P$ e( y2 N- _Allied assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 7) . H5 \; H3 C& r7 J2 t5 E, C9 ~
5 Z; w6 P- ^" {/ d
Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 7, L2 R/ K' W' h8 Y# w

% Q- h9 T. \- hCombat modifiers; c, p; q" ^4 a: a1 s) e
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
9 N; w+ n' N% K  j# y, ?& LAttacker: " b3 Q6 g7 c7 z6 W4 X" C
& L- R  Z* [1 b3 j: p
Japanese ground losses:
1 r1 m/ W4 m+ @) n8 c, I, n8 a! o) s      1645 casualties reported
9 P3 q* |( h2 \1 Z, |         Squads: 37 destroyed, 95 disabled
0 \6 T% _. f4 W. S3 F$ y         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 56 disabled: b( L- y- N8 p5 R7 z5 `4 H& ]
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
8 f1 X5 T1 @; g% Q- H* w( e* Y      Guns lost 32 (9 destroyed, 23 disabled)
/ {6 ~, A/ T5 ^! D* _
/ U4 O" `7 X, O4 `/ x  bAllied ground losses:
7 o! |5 J- ?: k8 B+ j# c) [+ y+ ?9 e      614 casualties reported7 \* [' d! e$ @5 m2 T, X, o, f# d: m) L( ^
         Squads: 9 destroyed, 189 disabled
# a3 B; c* g. m; t' G2 e4 n         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 19 disabled
+ j- u3 x- v+ x" k* d         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 19 disabled6 J( _2 C9 d/ H) a- ~, V
( w) }- h1 j4 S9 e+ M6 b
Assaulting units:
6 `# B$ O# |. h7 s; C, A& k    3rd NZ Brigade0 k2 h/ C/ Q( g: u" ?8 {1 C
    12th NZ Brigade
) h' `; z% V( D: \' Z; G  u    2nd Australian Division
) ]2 Q) f( N8 \/ s    6th Australian Division* _0 O# }; J9 ^/ q6 `
    32nd Infantry Division
* X) s; `' v; Y# n0 l4 K    9th Australian Division+ J2 Q5 [# d" y" ~
    71st RAAF Wing
. E' p" B' }+ t7 L" `    70/100th Coast AA Regiment1 s& p1 C; T3 b- `' H# y( u
    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment
, `7 h4 L" S* x' h4 Q+ E    223rd Field Artillery Battalion* r' s7 J, X" V& ]
    81st RAAF Wing
4 B5 Z, N3 \1 M9 ~    22nd USN Naval Construction Regiment
+ b% u4 A% i' j: _    II Australian Corps
7 S* o8 x- y/ x6 h( z+ \6 `" w    10 RAAF Av Rgt
% q* V/ ]4 c% h6 W( C0 [    167 Wing
6 P( e, |% E5 l, U5 y. |: l    694th Field Artillery Battalion
/ z* p6 U0 \; b    Seventh USAAF Engineer Aviation Battalion
2 V" z/ p9 f0 a- M& o/ h/ T1 v1 }    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment
, C" Y  G- a2 O: u# H/ S    IX Corps Artillery
) @* [  h7 d& x2 a8 I2 L    293 Wing / o! T8 D& B0 h

" m! C* Z) @. L' {- P( ~Defending units:
$ Z0 ~/ M/ K  r    47th Division0 M& N' {3 C& F$ f
    41st Naval Guard Unit
" H0 G, X' d1 s: h# f    67th Naval Guard Unit% F7 A5 S% Z2 i
    16th AA Regiment! V9 g9 x1 E7 `0 b1 D8 @) M
    1st Air Defense AA Battalion
( F+ N6 m. l5 P1 d: i9 e3 G! @    37th JNAF AF Unit
" z* j( k6 }  P5 ~- l# j/ n# M: P    31st Field AA Battalion
9 a6 Y- {9 \6 T8 K    40th Field AA Battalion
7 x9 t/ p$ p" u. r3 j& y. g' d: p7 v    23rd AA Regiment/ x% d) I( r" P" R+ h9 `
    30th JNAF AF Unit
0 A/ n1 M3 m3 o# T/ z$ E    42nd JNAF AF Unit
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 19, 45( X' ^" m* x0 k1 I! P: I! C, c

) b* K* I4 ]0 ^
9 d# K& |3 a/ T9 a' ~) {美军潜艇提诺萨号在南鸟岛海域6发齐射扶桑号
! d3 a+ q- T8 n+ v2 P, I$ I" h. m' m1 w
$ p4 R- a6 A0 m$ |+ `3 S
2 u  G) h5 W3 k/ c3 e1 `2 p& G& b1 C------------------------------------------------------------------------------% T) r; x( J3 w9 e! L! W
Sub attack near Marcus Island  at 121,87+ m- f3 c/ z: I& U
( i/ U0 ~; J  L1 q. e
Japanese Ships
2 B+ e& t6 q6 t" h! V0 W      BB Fuso
: D" G: [/ t2 L+ n      BB Yamashiro
$ b; Q. \1 _9 v+ Y6 [      DD Shinonome- Y( v3 Q  n; J9 v. f+ _: E
      DD Hibiki) D& E. f7 V/ H3 n
      DD Hikokaze' L+ ^; p* s1 |4 s$ @" {4 z* B
      DD Hatsuyuki+ k6 S( x0 n: _3 }9 {" ?5 W$ t# Y
5 y. \4 D( h* p( w
Allied Ships
8 ]* S- w, B" ~- A6 }      SS Tinosa, r! Z, C& P' k; U
, ^: H( `2 F) D# t  Z' M5 F
SS Tinosa launches 6 torpedoes at BB Fuso
+ Q# T7 A3 N) x4 P  p& FTinosa diving deep ....
3 [1 H0 Z8 B; D7 EDD Hikokaze fails to find sub and abandons search# c& ^: Q7 D( n" x7 g0 `
DD Hatsuyuki fails to find sub, continues to search...! Z6 u8 k" c: y" c
DD Hatsuyuki fails to find sub, continues to search...
0 H* y* s" |% \% B" u$ Q, u% {5 YDD Hatsuyuki attacking submerged sub ....4 t# L7 Y7 y  {
DD Hatsuyuki fails to find sub, continues to search...$ X; ~0 {! Z1 D7 p' {8 {9 ^* M+ }4 n
DD Hatsuyuki fails to find sub, continues to search...$ e+ ?( x) z- t
DD Hatsuyuki fails to find sub, continues to search...4 w0 s8 q6 C6 V- d- X9 \
Escort abandons search for sub
# d: u) f1 p. k3 X  v7 f: K5 M0 y* e7 @; t+ ]% L% T

7 n! [% V$ V, B! O盟军在米尔恩湾加强了攻势,莫港也获得进展,预计1-2天内就将拿下两地,打开NG战役的前沿阵地。
2 c2 g1 E! n: T; }/ m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: q8 n0 D  d/ c$ m% @
! D. |9 X8 q6 A. cGround combat at Milne Bay (101,133)
+ v8 K* \! }0 r" I$ [+ C1 k9 W9 e6 }/ \, ^
Allied Shock attack
+ Q7 m' i6 b; e; Y; E* V; c' |4 K: b+ n7 s
Attacking force 21830 troops, 398 guns, 571 vehicles, Assault Value = 805
( L1 j8 k! ?" H, y, B6 p1 }' n& {
Defending force 7759 troops, 125 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 134  P$ C+ k) J8 n- ^) P/ r

0 I& b0 g  D0 L, v: S  nAllied adjusted assault: 759 . a+ w' @* r3 e' V& F( I7 ~
/ E. S! T  Z" {! D  K
Japanese adjusted defense: 207 1 `- H+ o0 E3 q, d9 ]% [) [2 N
6 j. m! O$ H: d
Allied assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 4)   r3 a! B* z3 a
8 B5 a9 m% v/ m4 c; ~) Z
Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 1
, A- i5 I' d) w! L6 c" u7 x  L
Combat modifiers5 X. m6 f' b1 I4 \8 l( A
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+)
' ^- H: G, ]2 qAttacker: shock(+)7 `5 a9 p! |; P

% U5 _& P0 Y7 X1 u( LJapanese ground losses:. [* V, v7 c9 U& f
      1621 casualties reported) S) o) R: N3 |; w- ^
         Squads: 79 destroyed, 18 disabled
, q  H; P8 _% e- F$ u+ R         Non Combat: 27 destroyed, 57 disabled
4 R6 Z+ I( G9 j1 ]  _         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 2 disabled
+ w! ~, d' B3 F) N8 h; C. J      Guns lost 21 (14 destroyed, 7 disabled)
/ k8 R# A/ _3 Q) K6 p) t      Units destroyed 1
  I, ?3 A! h( a  B( ~
# @3 Z' E7 i% ^3 ~" M5 FAllied ground losses:9 c) V% N( |/ M  x: k- W8 ?: x
      274 casualties reported
# [" \* {$ r( d0 L" X" S         Squads: 0 destroyed, 31 disabled
+ S% i0 Q9 k! `- J( G. M# I4 E& X; L         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 15 disabled
0 N8 l, D5 D+ D& W1 g6 U' [         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
3 w# y( k$ u2 o& c" y' y! b" f      Guns lost 9 (5 destroyed, 4 disabled)1 b# j4 ?) _9 s$ @6 H; Z4 N$ l
      Vehicles lost 27 (1 destroyed, 26 disabled)7 U4 ~6 V( E$ ^5 u+ c
8 l1 {9 l( z( `! ]) O! u/ v" F& G
Assaulting units:4 N- |8 v$ J+ m; [
    766th Tank Battalion
& W/ R! x* o, m& ^2 P3 Q, W    3rd Marine Division' {# B# N- h. _3 V8 U
    Americal Infantry Division
% }5 M& G. r5 e% V1 P    5th USMC Tank Battalion3 C7 e, p& e( |
    Tenth US Army" @' N- {0 Z! D7 i/ J2 Z- b/ A
    608th Coast AA Regiment# v- r+ \4 B$ ~; c! p. R
    544th Field Artillery Battalion* d' \1 l$ Q3 ^8 I8 R
2 Q7 O6 M2 G& u  E( ~: N- {- @* n; ^
Defending units:1 ~* C3 ^- d, L, t- f
    62nd Naval Guard Unit8 H% w; E( V5 C8 q. S1 l2 V
    23rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
9 X5 e7 Y8 E  e: c+ l" R( _* D8 P    89th Div /1
8 L6 e% C/ Y5 M/ I, {& X* H( ~    48th Naval Guard Unit5 I7 X7 j' H9 S! t0 @
    14th JAAF AF Coy
4 B" }6 k8 a' P    11th RF Gun Battalion% a9 T$ L2 w) _; D! ]! T4 t
    35th JNAF AF Unit
! ?+ F6 r, u4 a: q, v2 z7 f3 ~    39th Field AA Battalion) K/ H% l/ w' G9 r* [8 W- U
    3rd Fleet /2; d" G7 t+ z/ q3 j, S( f3 _
2 d  Q: l5 T2 w' n
6 M! _# i+ }3 q9 M+ V% n, P. ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ~3 }4 W0 C, q
/ ?- N! _! r0 E& m' K
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)+ r/ L2 k! d& }3 w' |

3 x% `8 X0 ]+ X5 [, [Allied Deliberate attack3 f& _; c. ~" {- I

0 }# U1 v/ y2 WAttacking force 52188 troops, 929 guns, 956 vehicles, Assault Value = 1803
) p# r' i& N* ], W' i4 b- G$ U. L6 b- t
Defending force 16944 troops, 281 guns, 51 vehicles, Assault Value = 424
) U7 _# m/ Z2 _# x7 \0 W+ z7 |, P* v7 M7 D" `! ~8 U0 _% u: ]+ |1 z
Allied adjusted assault: 3187
% i1 n0 H% y7 _' [4 N1 H
1 d( b7 g( @1 O# w; F" {' QJapanese adjusted defense: 627
1 s! x* l) ?1 |* C2 ^7 P# m# ]! c* Z3 u5 D& Z
Allied assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 7) , r" q( A, ?3 J; r5 \6 e
. {3 {2 V6 }! w  m
Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 6
0 }4 K6 Z# Z, ^* \1 H9 k% }( u
- ~  t1 b; p, `! P7 i3 k, aCombat modifiers
, i( W9 ?5 E# {, k- x/ o6 X/ _Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), experience(-): K( W  @' m  i
( ?. `9 b" D) }2 j' z" Z* {, [6 q( d. h
Japanese ground losses:
# w4 `8 P. A1 U  K% i7 k      1914 casualties reported( t2 A$ Z# A: n! I) b/ }' J: x0 p
         Squads: 31 destroyed, 117 disabled
- l9 G  g* ^9 j9 U8 k         Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 32 disabled
: N+ C' i' a3 E4 m, Q2 ]         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
" z5 C5 j! g& L6 ~      Guns lost 34 (3 destroyed, 31 disabled)
5 I8 B3 \' z0 O/ o3 \/ F) P      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
& e1 F; e% |$ Q" i4 C# c$ |) P: h9 i* u+ n  j1 M% @9 \9 N' W
Allied ground losses:
. @# w3 |5 P/ k+ e/ W" W2 a1 L  h      1638 casualties reported
8 k! K1 W7 ~6 o  z3 D. d! t  C         Squads: 13 destroyed, 298 disabled
  _/ L, v' m! ?8 U. }         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 41 disabled6 }) M9 d: j! X4 U3 _
         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 80 disabled/ @2 a, Q  _  U3 `
      Guns lost 45 (1 destroyed, 44 disabled)
1 J( q0 b" f/ j# c4 p" ~5 h/ n1 z, J% _" I* W$ G
Assaulting units:
! j! m. @0 x& h* \2 V+ Z    6th Australian Division8 S' H) W% j0 D7 e
    12th NZ Brigade5 h9 ^! N, x: l' Y3 d* i/ f% ]
    32nd Infantry Division1 b; w3 b. r+ L' h" C: A
    2nd Australian Division. h7 p8 l/ J, f0 L& ^
    3rd NZ Brigade+ [+ D/ r1 @, y! M
    9th Australian Division
# _, z9 o9 [) D- B    II Australian Corps
; S' ?8 P. M& V0 V    167 Wing 2 p7 L, P0 b  M2 V' J9 _
    10 RAAF Av Rgt
6 e0 n" C+ Q6 n, P    IX Corps Artillery
( U, \0 w$ e2 P2 t" h    81st RAAF Wing & a" y2 d% F  h3 o- K
    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment
+ }) W" ^& U9 u6 _9 F5 _8 o    694th Field Artillery Battalion, h" `8 R0 A- Q& N9 d  P
    22nd USN Naval Construction Regiment
- o% C0 X! w- N4 V2 l  {2 U2 w    223rd Field Artillery Battalion
: m1 H% D! k4 `* i0 G5 \- U    71st RAAF Wing   Z5 E9 N9 G5 U7 M0 G3 A5 F
    Seventh USAAF Engineer Aviation Battalion
; U* }9 \, ]; t. ?    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment
. A4 K$ G! c& X* g: t7 J4 q    70/100th Coast AA Regiment
/ ?% j7 E" ^7 Z2 @6 v    293 Wing * O& h! ?4 e, H6 y

8 K" _4 H( g% P7 C0 z: q& FDefending units:5 w( d0 B$ q8 ?4 ^" X& y; b6 u
    47th Division2 w. t* [! i# m, f0 T  ]! g& B) v
    67th Naval Guard Unit- A' Q% m1 B5 @" Q9 i! P4 T
    89th Div /2
- X( Z! U- \% R- u+ p, W    23rd AA Regiment9 V" P# s- }% Y* S0 P$ H
    37th JNAF AF Unit
& m  {4 F0 c: |) \& n    40th Field AA Battalion: L3 O! Y8 I1 ]$ M
    30th JNAF AF Unit
! N4 k7 O6 W9 T8 J' A9 c9 I3 u    41st Naval Guard Unit+ k3 X/ u, I' h
    16th AA Regiment
; l0 s3 \! C) y# L& ?8 k5 |    1st Air Defense AA Battalion
, j$ t5 E4 W3 t( U+ b) \    31st Field AA Battalion
) Z' b) m# y$ ~- w    42nd JNAF AF Unit
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
$ a, D% E, O7 M9 B+ N! [: `6 b' k3 ]1 g# e& v/ S
盟军攻占米尔恩湾,日军利用东京快车增援了一个联队,不过果断被盟军打出翔2 {6 n  A. C; Q8 W
% n" M& `2 f; C/ }0 [: B8 @, H7 c4 W7 q. F
Ground combat at Milne Bay (101,133)3 `+ i- c! X( b5 g  R

- T7 e9 U3 Y4 }4 u& y5 NAllied Shock attack
! g8 _( M0 o" H% h& t; ?$ w4 }+ P( w: ?" r0 z. ?$ q
Attacking force 21465 troops, 393 guns, 570 vehicles, Assault Value = 767
1 B" m6 o8 B& g  O3 G  E. @8 b8 r! J8 O" q
Defending force 9558 troops, 134 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 197& p" G% J- W, w) P5 U

3 {9 q% I$ T  S" HAllied adjusted assault: 361 9 a( N% `4 F4 j  K
) p% T8 B0 b- J  F  V
Japanese adjusted defense: 103 $ q3 q; t' ?( b8 |

  ^6 f1 U/ v/ `7 QAllied assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 1)
2 [- {' F7 W% S. L  m  _7 N/ U6 X9 r' |. B; I' b4 p9 a8 d2 Q1 \
Allied forces CAPTURE Milne Bay !!!6 O5 i. H: p; ~* E' D
9 m, D  {$ b6 b& }' p" B9 |
Combat modifiers
: ^; S* o$ [% \) [Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
# ]9 P' T" M4 O5 N. [( {& \Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)$ [) z5 g0 n3 S) s/ v( {( s

& R5 ?% ?+ O& m' @Japanese ground losses:
% d8 @; r+ N+ @' K5 f6 B+ ^1 j      2837 casualties reported2 ]1 [. Q* o( e4 s- T5 ^% j
         Squads: 168 destroyed, 11 disabled3 a* r% ~) p0 |, `! M8 ^) N8 q
         Non Combat: 151 destroyed, 23 disabled) e7 g6 A% y% B4 B
         Engineers: 24 destroyed, 0 disabled) L" x  t/ t) U2 r* Y
      Guns lost 87 (87 destroyed, 0 disabled)
1 b9 H8 h8 d: s) {      Vehicles lost 8 (8 destroyed, 0 disabled)8 y' J( a4 H& ~6 B; q( T# y
      Units retreated 8
/ a  j- J9 r2 v# `" @* p1 |
. F( k  E( e, w: iAllied ground losses:
0 }* |2 R. z) R8 i1 ^0 G  b      200 casualties reported; U" o& M5 P. t
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 23 disabled; O# ^0 o! w/ H: y6 K8 @+ \
         Non Combat: 16 destroyed, 22 disabled
3 F  G" r/ Z8 o& Q2 R7 y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
0 U9 h: Y+ t5 u) U  X& \      Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)" a7 W3 _" h/ G1 P" c/ b
      Vehicles lost 43 (15 destroyed, 28 disabled)
/ U: z0 R+ W3 u0 ^3 e/ F; q
" o8 n2 q- h$ U3 L3 XDefeated Japanese Units Retreating!
* C0 M( f) a: F" `5 x7 b0 ]4 E4 x, O9 W0 I8 \) w' X
Assaulting units:
+ Y# z6 V+ l* S" f; N8 R    766th Tank Battalion
- C9 D; G5 L7 q2 z    3rd Marine Division. J! b6 _7 G. `6 d: C' M% }
    Americal Infantry Division5 n6 s/ r! }# B7 K
    5th USMC Tank Battalion; h- S/ G0 e1 _) p- ?  `: M
    Tenth US Army
$ j6 Y% ?9 Z0 j1 I; J+ O% L1 x    608th Coast AA Regiment' f3 J  N, s( q8 u6 q
    544th Field Artillery Battalion/ t# [9 ?, X5 M, Q- f

3 o4 r- H' X# G  ]Defending units:# u2 y# u& ?+ R; S; A+ M& }
    89th Div /1& L) {% P; m. B( X' {* G- |  K
    23rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
* k) K# ~  Q; W2 V6 A6 Z4 q    64th/A Div /1
: \: C4 m& K" V9 U6 f    11th RF Gun Battalion
* A+ V( R, B# j. J( r6 o& J7 N, c    35th JNAF AF Unit
# N0 h6 a  K$ E, S    39th Field AA Battalion0 t4 l1 R, k8 A' W# D
    48th Naval Guard Unit! T/ ^- s3 d! o# {
    62nd Naval Guard Unit
& Y6 t! Y+ _4 [' v    3rd Fleet /2
9 u! l  L8 H7 R* S9 U: o" x* F  \* A0 x- y+ d

; E2 A% G$ T& C) E  m: Z+ h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [% T+ m* @1 o. g$ e" t- S# L
6 {- I0 e, K3 {8 b& VGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
4 G9 O/ Z/ l$ T* w. g, S; @6 i9 ~0 Z# h+ |
Allied Shock attack
+ j. m% c, E0 c% X% G! Z9 t3 B/ H, \2 ?' ~1 d( o0 a
Attacking force 49956 troops, 928 guns, 956 vehicles, Assault Value = 1481
; E2 A2 l* V: I( Y5 w) m5 K- \7 `3 [/ F. u, V& ]; s  A
Defending force 16642 troops, 297 guns, 51 vehicles, Assault Value = 3579 {) d6 }  n0 ]9 B: P" c
4 R7 I% {$ E2 O6 i% c6 ~& h
Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 5
4 i3 O5 O2 D6 q1 r' n- [
1 Y' E9 J2 R1 i$ D5 ?2 KAllied adjusted assault: 1198
0 |! M9 M3 E6 O, S
# |) |0 `  r+ F2 {Japanese adjusted defense: 293
( @1 v- {1 T2 x/ C6 e
0 N+ w% ]/ o$ IAllied assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 5)
: @: h4 K, n5 F- \
4 y% T8 i$ b. |4 mAllied Assault reduces fortifications to 5
& P) n$ t" |$ G8 i2 S9 U$ |  i( @; M' p
Combat modifiers" A$ R& M/ V2 \) m% Q
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-); f4 J; t+ V1 e5 h. u' K
Attacker: shock(+)
: w2 r/ d$ {2 j6 i+ D
4 O0 R- |* K, v( j- G  e- N2 NJapanese ground losses:4 u, u: }2 \, [( p# H# j( g( n
      922 casualties reported
$ _9 f  d2 x  `. v+ B# g6 U4 {         Squads: 56 destroyed, 31 disabled
* C* A; A! W9 x! U         Non Combat: 24 destroyed, 67 disabled
; }  Q; O4 ~; P* h+ w' _" V; n9 H7 g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
0 Z2 ~! M) _" ~* m  o- u; H      Guns lost 49 (34 destroyed, 15 disabled)
$ N  V2 B* G7 i      Vehicles lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)5 Y$ L9 l3 X9 a7 M7 W
1 D; T0 v8 ]" e3 C
Allied ground losses:
' ~2 [, k8 x) w5 j0 x, D. e      1603 casualties reported+ B/ f1 T4 Q, o; B! G- R
         Squads: 14 destroyed, 129 disabled
3 a) n# U% N) q& U( I! ^. |, v         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled
1 w1 H4 ^  J& [         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 11 disabled6 s6 G3 ^4 p3 B% q, j
      Vehicles lost 15 (2 destroyed, 13 disabled)7 e7 o! O  A$ O( Y/ a3 A
  U& ~0 m# }7 n$ v* |! f4 l+ O  T
Assaulting units:8 y7 ~! H- v2 E  J
    12th NZ Brigade
" [( T# @* F, D: u5 E    2nd Australian Division% M6 B- l9 A; [4 L
    32nd Infantry Division
. S  }/ r# ]' v* }/ i' u* g6 r) M    6th Australian Division
' B- t5 M# @  G' z    3rd NZ Brigade* e9 x+ T& z0 M7 ?$ c& X5 g6 H
    9th Australian Division
" y; J/ y* R5 q$ j: ?0 q    Seventh USAAF Engineer Aviation Battalion( D! E9 Y) h3 Y2 u
    70/100th Coast AA Regiment) ^9 r" k! l/ x4 o( ^+ W8 I
    71st RAAF Wing
, W; E' {2 U* U4 F' V    694th Field Artillery Battalion5 D( B0 }0 d  N+ f; @* @* d& }3 i
    II Australian Corps4 l  Z8 j& O- K6 E) i; y* x
    223rd Field Artillery Battalion
6 e4 D* f" d7 I2 Z9 O    167 Wing 0 _8 g& |; }) i7 v' N
    22nd USN Naval Construction Regiment$ T7 h. n4 ~! f# K$ `$ ^( ~  o9 R
    IX Corps Artillery
2 s2 q6 a2 p  ~6 F% z0 D    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment# T2 T5 K# @* K8 I/ u' j
    81st RAAF Wing 0 o0 a$ o5 h! z9 x
    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment( ?2 z  n# z, S
    10 RAAF Av Rgt 7 [- G, C6 m! C: ]' Y. a/ K" p
    293 Wing
- f; ?( `  _0 P8 E. S* W  |! A' ^0 X  _% @
Defending units:. [3 R" u7 F9 |: [9 |2 |
    67th Naval Guard Unit0 f& P4 S: f/ W2 v3 J4 Q' v
    47th Division7 R; d% S" t5 q4 N1 Y! n6 J: S
    89th Div /2
1 x+ F# J+ Z% J    16th AA Regiment
5 `1 s9 f3 P. y8 r' m    41st Naval Guard Unit
! Z9 {/ d( M( b! r6 E. F2 \, b    30th JNAF AF Unit 4 x- e' c1 V+ d2 ]
    40th Field AA Battalion3 m: C; W8 |* s
    37th JNAF AF Unit
' p. y' t( Z2 r/ T1 B3 M+ V    1st Air Defense AA Battalion  n% Q  i/ l1 N) K" U+ X- l
    31st Field AA Battalion3 A8 |9 `8 A1 V1 K/ p
    23rd AA Regiment0 k1 {6 Y- `5 ?% Q6 v( m# |8 K: u
    42nd JNAF AF Unit
! Z& K0 P  l# G$ t# m* d
; T- N0 j7 x* z. G: a. P' O7 K4 s- h: F
2 o& h  y3 Q" l0 B9 j6 s' F+ g% B' f; _  G
Ground combat at 55,59 (near Tavoy)
: E7 M  G0 _7 l9 n. h% L! _+ w' p3 [8 n
Allied Bombardment attack
! ?4 P. h  m6 z  z4 X. D$ e% ^) a' T) Z+ r$ V# Q, m
Attacking force 47328 troops, 447 guns, 114 vehicles, Assault Value = 2006
% E7 X5 I+ |/ e2 A) w! u3 I3 b
0 Y) E( X! e- F, oDefending force 72567 troops, 872 guns, 384 vehicles, Assault Value = 2334
( l  f8 W( j. A4 {' k7 y! h# t* f8 O6 k  h2 e9 J; X+ Z4 I
Japanese ground losses:
3 i/ ]' E* V7 ]# t6 ^, a      85 casualties reported
/ p* o; y) p- W/ s$ ~8 F         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
0 M) m+ h* U" c1 ]- H  @1 F$ g         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 J0 |1 v. H, }4 ?# p1 v         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 w" I* k7 W, P6 ]
5 f5 M2 V9 G$ c
Allied ground losses:6 r2 K2 M) O) ]; P: [
      87 casualties reported
& k7 n+ [& K( Z4 ]2 @% b) K         Squads: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
) p" Q- E, }; k         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled4 r/ d6 k  _) A9 \' Z' P9 j
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ d- g- p6 e. p! N6 F5 h( e( B8 z! O, g      Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
! u/ T( L' n4 t" B. T9 _5 T* d# u6 t$ Q1 W
Assaulting units:+ f& J2 P6 M$ R  S; P/ R9 w1 f
    5th Chinese Corps6 `. I) c6 r% W7 W& e: l
    6th Chinese Corps
$ [! ^& G' @: x) }* f0 D    18th SP Field Artillery Regiment& R9 R( I2 r; K+ ?  f6 g8 ?
    85th British AT Gun Regiment
) X# |7 I' H, ~! ?# n. L4 {0 q  O    2nd Indian Heavy AA Regiment
, v7 k: ?9 h9 ]* h- t    24th Indian Mountain Gun Regiment6 D; G. Z) L7 Z6 C' H5 {
    16th Indian Heavy AA Regiment$ i: h: C/ A. z! k3 x
    77th Coast AA Regiment3 T' f" v" _' G  D
    88th Medium Regiment
0 b* [  i7 B; v( n; Y- O# B9 z- ^  V: a) d, i
Defending units:
: N9 c. n  G: }( i) r& t3 v    25th Ind.Mixed Brigade+ H4 y( D! v# Y8 q* Y" a0 d! C
    28th Ind.Mixed Brigade2 o: ?8 M1 P& K5 g
    61st Division
) ~/ |7 l9 J+ @% o% E6 i" E! o1 m    115th Infantry Regiment
5 S% A5 l; E/ g0 i/ e: z4 _    5th Raiding Force
3 Y1 o5 h3 K# E) D& W+ ^  \0 p    19th Ind.Mixed Brigade
. ^$ X5 Q" @: @8 P- j    112th Infantry Regiment% n5 W5 e; V' @. q, B, x4 t
    104th Division
# F$ @6 g. ^+ v5 }2 E% P$ T  c% u    14th Tank Regiment- E1 _: i) |" \
    86th Division& ^, U" k: e% `
    53rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
+ y" \, ^; K! ~5 R    50th Field AA Battalion* b/ Q* @; m2 N) t
    81st Field AA Battalion6 j4 H( C* S( G! `% Y. k& U: i1 g
    118th AA Regiment
% a! R( v6 y, p# C7 ?    7th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
! _) o8 F6 V& n- Z    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
# z6 `! j* X, y3 J% y* T7 q  F* g! C    Burma Area Army
& n- t, b3 V  j5 V8 A4 c9 q' j    8th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
; o6 P( I+ l/ c    57th Field AA Battalion5 j+ }5 y8 s: ^/ U
    34th Army
* J% k) f. Q8 J    45th Field AA Battalion
( r% \5 n. h' W! i' L- I, D    1st Mortar Regiment
5 t; k1 _! M; U' \, F) M    80th Field AA Battalion
0 M/ I8 \" c8 `' [$ p9 q& s    21st Air Defense AA Battalion
% T; J! P* m/ m- O    55th Field AA Battalion. g! J, `% w9 V/ v
    52nd Field AA Battalion$ L9 M5 K. c0 @" j1 s+ \
    53rd Field AA Battalion5 }# w/ O3 w# T
    1st RF Gun Battalion
2 D1 u; s5 c! u" I. Q- x    93rd JAAF AF Bn
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."