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盟军狠狠在外围准备了一年才为今日之突破打下基础7 `7 Z' j" a) j9 q! m! g

6 b. B; W& Y/ b$ {9 A4 _8 H天蝗的目光被钉在太平洋上,完全忽视了NG的防守
2 `# @1 d5 d9 A4 i3 j
* w/ N) G$ u/ G, p* ~6 p& [这次盟军面对数个日军9级机场跨海成功,为45年的大举反攻迈出了坚实的第一步,可喜可贺
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
战斗进行到1月23日,日盟双方都在经历着痛苦的煎熬9 m# C+ ]  n4 ^( F2 U: u

  t8 u: w' }: Y: T日军方面,米尔恩湾失守后,米尔恩湾方面守军撤退到野地,正在艰难的撤退途中。
9 K2 Q" K/ B) q6 v$ b' ^盟军方面,虽然攻占了米尔恩湾,但是莫尔兹比港还在日军手中,当初登陆的2000+盟军部队进攻激烈的攻城战,战斗力已经下降到只有1300+,而莫尔兹比港尚有5级城防,同时城内还有300+战力的守军在顽强抵抗,其抵抗烈度已经超过了日军和盟军双方的估计,盟军不得不在23日组织第二波增援部队登陆作战。8 L" K6 m1 g( N& f$ t
- w  f/ N' M: B/ r& |5 M
, @& j, |4 }, K! r: @4 _- x/ R. z( c+ K5 L
6 L& Z( q6 r4 x6 c% B. |
' L8 N2 _  f& q: w2 ^同时在泰国前线,盟军的兵力也在不断增加。5 f% W# G1 r7 F8 G1 J
) a$ ^& M! l6 t
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 24, 451 S+ D% G! n$ \) u
7 ]1 l# X$ P  |% P
盟军在海军的炮击支援下再度猛攻莫港,不过当地日军虽陷绝境,士气不减。爆发出强大的战斗力,和盟军打出1:1,莫港又多守了一天。$ d; X5 h# C; H" r+ E
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. n: w: w0 t# P- H- t3 Q9 q7 ?# W
Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130; A# B+ ~& ~$ G6 P7 q

. F7 m+ N. v; O0 K/ MAllied Ships1 ~3 g# C& i# Z+ [/ r) K) v
      CA Chicago II* |4 o% z& B# z4 j$ ^% b( o1 t& Q
      CA Canberra II
! O  c7 J! p; r4 g: u      CA Exeter; d& Q# m3 }$ p/ y8 X* V
      CA Cumberland
* V+ B7 q2 p' x: w! U      CA Suffolk
& m' w2 K/ \4 l      CA London
& f9 H9 R( o. q  w3 y' p      CA Shropshire
0 S% i: ~" i5 b, [      CA Boston4 S& B2 L( ~$ w0 f* }4 ]* O
      CA Baltimore% p; [- u5 V1 {8 n9 A- L# I

/ Y* q6 H2 R$ H# D$ N) jJapanese ground losses:0 r7 J6 Y( O7 O5 r2 h6 ?1 Y
      213 casualties reported
! m0 S2 i6 i; k+ D6 `         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled+ j( F+ }/ x: p4 W$ R
         Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 56 disabled* d) U/ C6 z5 P6 B2 f. u
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled7 x* R' ^6 K1 e2 t& ?8 U
      Guns lost 25 (2 destroyed, 23 disabled)
- L5 z; z' A1 K! q% C* [9 D      Vehicles lost 13 (4 destroyed, 9 disabled)* M3 o; a* S* z

7 u' y( o5 H7 n" O0 e4 eAirbase hits 9
! D+ |5 V5 {0 y' L; |5 G: L, l. z4 e- hAirbase supply hits 15 k% E0 O& C1 q# ]* ^9 W3 }
Runway hits 32
' Z9 }$ f4 a( o' v0 P7 u1 `* U' \Port hits 2
  W3 L. n( z: C2 x
$ g/ b. q( `5 u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 A, S% y' C$ j
Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130# `5 S' g) ?  k$ A
$ A! _1 r5 ~4 ^# O
Allied Ships8 N6 e( ^, @4 ?; M9 E
      BB Queen Elizabeth+ f8 {9 [/ o0 O1 X, `$ d; z/ e
      BB Valiant8 N) M) W! W( N6 o! ?
      BB Mississippi
- b' m6 C1 M! c; P( n      BB New Mexico+ M3 W7 @  w, W  N- g* E7 b8 F
      BB Idaho1 ^( q/ o- K' ]5 s
      BB West Virginia' t1 x6 z* k* j/ R  w( E
      BB Colorado
+ M! H: z5 Q3 T  r2 \& Q, Y" u5 U" C
$ Z* j# [: `! \4 A& oJapanese ground losses:6 w* T: Z5 h2 ~! L, A4 E' b
      198 casualties reported% e+ A7 e; i' R5 I' z
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
% P. `. Z; k) h$ L6 o4 \  c; m         Non Combat: 29 destroyed, 25 disabled; C9 W3 d+ P" k$ H; v- i9 W
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 G8 c. b5 o- [, f) q$ U
      Guns lost 49 (34 destroyed, 15 disabled)+ F% F2 G% f; A& [
      Vehicles lost 25 (23 destroyed, 2 disabled). Z: y1 _  f  o, W% ?

, }) |. m  k  H) W% RAirbase hits 76 c: E0 K% C% O! C/ D9 Z+ B- `- O
Airbase supply hits 18 g) w7 l4 W) O% B8 g4 I
Runway hits 27
$ g- ?0 y, O; W& ^1 U) `0 nPort hits 2
/ [4 g& c* J) }
+ E$ n0 v  n' [! l: w  v8 d2 {
+ }9 ?+ a4 ?- b7 q5 o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 g4 a( x' F, {, X+ }. r

) {( j) v% B' q- i& Z# H! B% w1 |Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
6 M: m- F9 K5 ]$ |3 d! f( L' p& v/ G
Allied Shock attack. [$ i! e& i  p1 y9 u$ C# ]
+ b- ?9 X* O: W8 j
Attacking force 50076 troops, 930 guns, 956 vehicles, Assault Value = 1499% _% I0 a1 e- |* H$ x% P* e' I

! v1 ~6 h( w' ]$ l/ k) IDefending force 16301 troops, 279 guns, 32 vehicles, Assault Value = 380
5 a1 a3 l6 V3 B& D
7 C  W( m) {8 E0 `, }* Z: j! SAllied engineers reduce fortifications to 4
8 `8 I* I: X+ `: X! [
  v* o1 S1 j5 N4 P2 j& sAllied adjusted assault: 3751
# m) ?( N2 h( _# U9 `
% O4 C1 ?/ w- ^, g! r- pJapanese adjusted defense: 2317
; B: O2 G2 X  U: l2 N2 |9 V. F8 \, w+ w; `+ D) e4 S% K
Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 4) + x( `3 [; e" h% y$ b3 t: u

2 P6 m. W* N! z5 P$ e, cAllied Assault reduces fortifications to 4/ w% J6 ^& `5 Z. X5 U

) S" d8 i9 w! X8 ^Combat modifiers2 c, d6 E0 T( p7 k1 d' B: Q; E
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), experience(-)) t2 i; @8 m( V. k" d; [
Attacker: shock(+)
$ ?7 v- c2 N- r3 t# \
$ o* w( {* |1 q  ^Japanese ground losses:
' o( ^, M6 E# v- P      592 casualties reported
, Q6 v8 {4 L7 V         Squads: 30 destroyed, 30 disabled
  s% b. ]* H, Z6 g  E         Non Combat: 142 destroyed, 4 disabled2 Y4 N. u, U( e7 K* l# L5 J
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 5 disabled* }3 g% P, q9 P  l, }0 z
      Guns lost 34 (23 destroyed, 11 disabled)$ Z6 E) j7 y' o$ Q
      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
  I% }  r7 }* @8 L- M) W      Units destroyed 2
9 P2 L, z$ A1 z4 {# M' V5 J! @. J4 a5 F9 c5 A5 j8 ~5 v
Allied ground losses:
5 c& {8 F0 x  N5 [4 V/ t7 b- g$ j. C      1357 casualties reported
5 k. o! m6 L- |0 I6 L         Squads: 7 destroyed, 163 disabled
7 M/ u  @' C9 L6 `$ |0 Q2 l         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 21 disabled
, D5 n- A/ D/ `         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 33 disabled. \' Z( K3 ?' v1 }: Q& E8 b" P
& J( o- E2 M2 x: i6 S3 `
Assaulting units:
" G; x. V4 Y) ^, O8 t8 z4 a    6th Australian Division; M4 }  p+ s8 K5 J+ u2 }, h
    32nd Infantry Division
. l  D8 ^( g, @    2nd Australian Division; h6 {. o/ J+ Q1 k1 _6 y4 ^* p: V& H
    3rd NZ Brigade
+ Z* [' ^- o; y: f. E' j    12th NZ Brigade
4 l+ ?- W! K7 M& U1 [" d0 W  I' Y    9th Australian Division6 R0 U" Z; t- Z) f
    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment$ U! g4 |8 H" m. g
    71st RAAF Wing . X# L7 s+ q. d0 ]5 w! b
    IX Corps Artillery % B% U8 d% n1 m8 n8 W- J5 @. _2 |
    81st RAAF Wing : I3 u& `! M7 z7 a& T/ @$ O! B* L
    II Australian Corps. _1 H7 Z3 N. q. j7 l( Z$ i
    10 RAAF Av Rgt ) p# G  Q! z% B
    22nd USN Naval Construction Regiment
$ d! @6 Q; J# S    167 Wing 1 v& d4 Y" l$ }4 @$ L$ c
    223rd Field Artillery Battalion2 i" B; M- I' Z" K( |
    694th Field Artillery Battalion) |4 B/ l) i' Q7 u: m
    70/100th Coast AA Regiment
4 Y1 C- U) E! L    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment9 V8 V; c' y* G% v
    Seventh USAAF Engineer Aviation Battalion' l( [7 c0 @, J: c; T& v% I
    293 Wing
6 r/ f4 \2 E1 h# G( v7 V' ~" B6 v1 |6 H
Defending units:6 }9 F8 o1 f  o$ a0 a& @
    67th Naval Guard Unit( d5 a* M4 _+ E
    41st Naval Guard Unit8 O  p3 Z% C# R. D
    47th Division  @5 P+ c# t. y) m/ U6 n( b
    89th Div /2
$ N$ q) t9 @) x  o3 c    23rd AA Regiment' P* I* u! x3 _0 v9 P
    37th JNAF AF Unit - h: p% S, [# V
    16th AA Regiment9 T5 J3 l/ o+ s# O/ `
    31st Field AA Battalion/ m* p6 O' ^' D! J: s
    30th JNAF AF Unit 0 V. V5 K7 b# z5 z& k8 p- Y
    1st Air Defense AA Battalion; E5 h; n/ _& n3 J/ e
    42nd JNAF AF Unit
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
- p& }/ @1 j( A/ ^/ ~
1 n" _6 V' w# E( y男人的大和
9 m3 a) L5 u" n5 i, Y: s/ \( `* E7 P$ M0 p6 S
( k" @6 _7 ~* E4 n0 h% b' v' V4 s' g- W
1 Y9 y; G, ]* X( ^2 G+ i' W% S  z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 B: D& g% S1 k) V. C, Y1 RMorning Air attack on TF, near Sarmi at 91,1146 W- ?- o$ Q8 Q& S' q7 \
4 R0 @0 Q3 h' L
Weather in hex: Severe storms
4 O. I' o" y) ^; m. q1 ]0 z2 k+ C: [0 H0 o4 z/ I8 Z) A
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
/ g# d" f9 g+ B8 M1 {7 n1 [Estimated time to target is 22 minutes5 d: s* A2 {! J
; L, X4 @/ ~% a! y0 c
Allied aircraft
1 F/ ~  Y$ |0 Y& @7 e      B-25D1 Mitchell x 373 L: |0 U5 K1 H: c

8 s+ @  V8 ~8 ~3 t7 vAllied aircraft losses
  u9 `* I! i- {& M! U6 n* |      B-25D1 Mitchell: 28 damaged. H( y0 t8 }7 N' A
      B-25D1 Mitchell: 3 destroyed by flak
/ w9 b- m9 N2 V/ d7 b1 g$ N: N1 ?. f  c" D5 z4 h2 E: I# n( F, ~$ I
Japanese Ships
; m* d; E# R, I$ M/ q4 c8 X      DD Satsukaze, Shell hits 2# o" h' H# e+ G% n% V5 z% c
      DD Yamanakaze, ]7 g' ?( Y( R2 v
      DD Takatakaze
2 E+ i* W! j, U' X! R      DD Myojinkaze1 ^2 v3 ^& @) q2 s. L. q
      DD Arikaze
2 H( t  R! t% f4 [      DD Urazuki5 \# ^+ U. M: x/ Y
      CA Chokai, Shell hits 5
# \. R  ]  u( y- x5 I2 l      CA Haguro
7 o. V+ B& }) C      DD Ishikaze, Shell hits 38 J% g0 T5 s8 J
      CA Mogami, Shell hits 72 S: ~6 B+ V( k; C/ X: t! ?0 g
      DD Shimakaze. C! E% K$ v3 ?3 u: I: @
      CA Kumano, Bomb hits 1,  on fire, F2 A3 v% w: _; _5 K; v. i8 ~
      CA Mikuma6 m) D$ {* ~. F. y) B+ O4 V
      CA Maya7 `1 T2 w9 T) i! T5 R
      DD Kosukaze7 a7 e( o% s, N

- _& ]: g7 P) cAircraft Attacking:# A5 l3 c. w6 R8 _+ V
      12 x B-25D1 Mitchell bombing and strafing from low level
+ S! G2 O% L" N# P               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb GP Bomb2 z0 m4 j5 V7 t$ J' c; _/ b
      13 x B-25D1 Mitchell bombing and strafing from low level' l0 G8 u! z, g2 X
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
' k7 ]0 a8 w0 ?" _       9 x B-25D1 Mitchell bombing and strafing from low level
  ^8 X  i, ?0 O; \0 [               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb6 C  {2 p" l- Q5 D
) K  _9 i- c% W' g) W- s3 v) T
3 }0 e+ Z, u" Q0 l- j' J3 k
+ D- s4 U5 w% O! P( z9 WMorning Air attack on TF, near Sarmi at 91,114/ P! P6 n9 \7 p
* q' j0 c4 L4 K
Weather in hex: Severe storms
& Y) A+ v- ?8 P* E% R. I% H3 ]. e+ Y- W  d4 H" o0 w$ j
Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.0 f. z8 G* Y5 N( j! H- E2 s7 u) i, w1 d
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes
: Z; y/ @5 Y2 ]2 ?3 k% n$ F6 l. m! L4 h# t) q
Allied aircraft. w( h% h2 `& X# V& j9 ^
      B-25D1 Mitchell x 6
, Z. b" t. N; Q- U: r' X* `& S4 r; i
( \. E# Z% O& |) b+ G$ eAllied aircraft losses
: k) U( i8 ?6 G' J      B-25D1 Mitchell: 6 damaged/ g: n' y  H& k) E' J

2 F" Q" W: i( e" p! C) kJapanese Ships
- S1 X) O$ A1 |0 O0 T/ V- ^      CA Maya
. s% L9 S7 H) j: g! [/ P6 D- V      BB Yamato, Bomb hits 1, W0 d7 w0 f( H
      DD Benigumo
1 Z0 L1 e" @, W      CA Suzuya) i" F1 P. h4 h8 u4 h8 u& t
; W" {/ U$ n5 O1 {
Aircraft Attacking:
& P4 P' J, Z0 m       6 x B-25D1 Mitchell bombing and strafing from low level/ H6 ]: e' b5 N, S- j: L
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
( e& C+ J0 G( L8 }
7 V5 o* E2 _  ?8 M0 L. `% z, j2 l, O1 A0 M( v/ D4 b: C' x/ o
* D4 r/ h/ B' s; k1 i9 _9 g+ }" W% _1 m$ s. D/ r: {) @  g
0 A3 c; q2 S0 x; b--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- h1 t: ^7 L1 e# R% c( M1 V
2 z6 q2 Q+ _& l* j+ q# B( wGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
+ e9 R8 T2 O# M5 \; {0 ~1 a- z2 L- q7 z2 Y1 ]1 x2 b
Allied Shock attack
4 B6 S( e( x: K2 p" K. [9 I% ]( j+ n% U9 A" p9 ?( A/ ~# d' X
Attacking force 49109 troops, 930 guns, 956 vehicles, Assault Value = 1356
$ ], K; p% C# @+ `1 T( d) y. C9 W" Y6 z! C# ?1 K% b: d
Defending force 15152 troops, 260 guns, 31 vehicles, Assault Value = 3304 T1 f$ w$ t5 I8 a% ?7 i

/ R1 N) f, A$ cAllied adjusted assault: 2623 , x2 A6 U  q9 }# ?0 ~) O
( T  o0 w3 ^' {& N6 @
Japanese adjusted defense: 957 9 f8 p& @2 t% ?& V) q+ j+ K
4 Y9 @9 v9 s6 G" |
Allied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 4)
4 j2 h1 q/ E6 B7 ]$ O: N2 Q7 A: e) z
6 I; b  M! C% W( J/ K* lAllied Assault reduces fortifications to 26 _7 q" L. M& i+ S$ d
# |' ~, l: I6 u3 ~, M
Combat modifiers  |, ~0 ^+ S1 c$ q5 Z
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), preparation(-)
6 J2 E1 H! O/ mAttacker: shock(+), N2 I7 L0 I4 w" G6 J5 G: h$ [

: \* ^, X  U0 a7 UJapanese ground losses:
* R. R/ Y) L& z1 O* v5 l+ a      1354 casualties reported6 r; ]0 b5 A, n, d8 i& n
         Squads: 10 destroyed, 126 disabled
9 h* t2 A3 a2 t4 q  E. o         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 22 disabled
; r! l8 d" g: t8 V/ F- |- B         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 23 disabled
2 _( B9 p( J  u" C/ r$ t' C      Guns lost 42 (6 destroyed, 36 disabled)
; X/ l( u- O6 v: v" ]$ y+ K4 m2 x0 }3 ~
- ^6 L8 T3 I5 F; W! [3 \4 hAllied ground losses:
) y# L7 P6 b: O- w  Y( ^/ `      1370 casualties reported4 m$ a0 \$ {0 U) I5 r8 ?" G
         Squads: 26 destroyed, 111 disabled
) R  b0 A; K2 q9 R3 {         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 24 disabled! p; n! R7 ?: Q) A7 u6 J. ^3 _
         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 31 disabled; c# h/ p4 P' s3 l
      Guns lost 21 (3 destroyed, 18 disabled)! F3 t2 L2 M5 d$ t2 `1 S% x
& r9 t( g( ?3 Y0 @  }: F5 a. |4 ^2 y( x
Assaulting units:7 G5 W/ M1 Z- B4 H6 B4 D
    6th Australian Division
# U; i% o8 O+ f. M, G    12th NZ Brigade
0 q/ j; L, T) K6 ~    2nd Australian Division
( m( [4 {6 b% i    3rd NZ Brigade
/ f* F: g1 F! ^+ q' o6 }  a    32nd Infantry Division7 H8 ^; f: j- \9 Z, t
    9th Australian Division, x. ?' B: B$ r% g; M( i. x1 e0 M/ F
    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment! I- g6 T  O/ s  f8 Q  O
    22nd USN Naval Construction Regiment2 {$ K( f# E+ t5 E- s) Q8 C
    70/100th Coast AA Regiment
/ `8 ?" k( a  C) q- K    167 Wing $ ^* o& `$ ]& O/ Z& A8 G
    II Australian Corps
& k, ^3 g. N4 P1 e1 w    694th Field Artillery Battalion4 E1 H/ o8 x5 c2 e: T
    Seventh USAAF Engineer Aviation Battalion
2 {" l5 v4 y: E, ]+ @% X    81st RAAF Wing   Q6 k  f- z) `  m, |% E( s
    10 RAAF Av Rgt
9 A% o$ v3 i+ W1 D0 n1 g    223rd Field Artillery Battalion
1 _" v# s* K, \3 U3 w! {! m    71st RAAF Wing
" ^& s7 _8 H# q% ~' v    IX Corps Artillery & ^  ]6 c+ S% }3 r( Y
    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment
3 C- ~* i$ p& t/ ]' {2 \8 D    293 Wing " l8 s4 {: `. g$ p8 }

& F- ^1 s! ]4 W& _9 Z. GDefending units:
- P! Z8 q; F8 g3 M0 I! w/ f1 t    47th Division
! d7 v$ x/ \7 t6 r# ~    89th Div /2& D9 j  |! S( [; U6 ?& C7 ]8 K
    37th JNAF AF Unit * c" O! Q$ y' D; \' }$ r
    23rd AA Regiment/ y1 L% M% }6 A" E/ k6 I1 v& O; D
    31st Field AA Battalion3 u# F/ q" c) @) ?) v8 @
    1st Air Defense AA Battalion
$ @( @0 W/ {# Y# S# H6 V9 E0 }1 d3 p    30th JNAF AF Unit ( @" @6 P  P$ q1 ]
    16th AA Regiment
  T& L, L' |- j9 {; `. g    42nd JNAF AF Unit ! c8 L: M( {6 A
/ i! ?2 O8 S$ \$ o+ O

7 B) H, ^% b* n9 \; s# E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 z  W( D; X4 P8 Z3 M7 U2 R- A1 L
/ Q) W$ S7 V# y( w8 l
Ground combat at Cocos Islands (33,101); E" q! U% E# o2 c
; D9 N( `1 ?) s
Allied Shock attack
( @( ~1 ?* F( q$ a  n) R
- H. C5 L* y) g1 P" |/ j% e3 tAttacking force 17183 troops, 438 guns, 200 vehicles, Assault Value = 619
# O1 |8 m# L" E/ p' Q; {8 V1 [5 w+ x5 \! q5 ]( i) d
Defending force 6939 troops, 33 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 202
$ |0 F4 N( X, F( K2 M0 h3 C
5 V5 _# }, n6 G% {0 G0 A" X, \Allied adjusted assault: 772
$ ~" F8 y  j! r2 M& y1 l5 l% j3 R% c- D9 S! a
Japanese adjusted defense: 84 , a7 W5 D3 \/ @3 C5 R

8 o/ P: h) _' I! p9 R" OAllied assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 6) 3 N# p* y$ c; ^
. _. t$ ^# ?7 L2 `$ g
Allied forces CAPTURE Cocos Islands !!!
  p# m& R) o9 w2 I# I4 h6 w  k7 h8 O) ^, ]2 |8 m. `! u
Combat modifiers
' \, ^. S4 \; o3 H" FDefender: forts(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)
3 z' L/ c) G. @; e; x. P6 EAttacker: shock(+)" Q! C9 _- P1 p: |. o
9 C+ r4 s* Q' `+ f0 E
Japanese ground losses:
' M: u* W9 v. Y( A9 U% L2 \" e      1588 casualties reported5 p, x: W8 [+ p8 |4 P, W/ S! a
         Squads: 14 destroyed, 162 disabled1 J( {8 U1 e7 ?6 _2 }8 V
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled
! }7 r$ r* m7 e  m         Engineers: 21 destroyed, 2 disabled4 A% @$ n3 v* `. v& d
      Guns lost 21 (10 destroyed, 11 disabled)
. B+ u% z. U9 T& S' `( F3 t+ V6 {& `, O' x. h, S' Y+ q
Allied ground losses:& l( W" G2 e- E7 I# q  I# {
      4435 casualties reported( H; S; i4 |6 ]3 x6 ?' {' `7 g0 R' W
         Squads: 150 destroyed, 323 disabled
+ F: }" y' x9 c8 W; K$ i         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 28 disabled
, ~0 M& E& L8 j( p% G1 K' T# I         Engineers: 6 destroyed, 55 disabled5 z3 Z4 h% _5 I
      Guns lost 117 (14 destroyed, 103 disabled)' o- R: `* k( A$ Z) C# q
5 k9 q& {; `4 {4 r
Assaulting units:
2 O  n" @2 S; l7 `$ [1 f3 b2 W    8th Marine Regiment( |, C9 |* u) E# S
    4th Marine Division3 o$ g/ m+ `. e3 r
    18th Canadian Brigade5 s9 }4 Z& }" q
    14th Army
$ Q& P4 c  [/ o4 ~" `6 }7 A$ C    224 Group RAF 4 `% c9 f0 u: i

1 ~; p. x+ A: H- N/ Z- @" i. vDefending units:7 `2 k% W4 \8 G
    22nd Ind.Mixed Brigade3 ]# Z4 M( \( B% v3 G. \5 A% M
    23rd JAAF AF Bn
7 Y9 s* @  F' G, c' J    6th Fleet /1
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
1,跳蛋攻击的逆天已经令人发指2 l* }% Z! D0 P& n: ]
2,莫尔兹比港守军继续顽强奋斗,英勇杀敌,在绝对劣势,孤立无援的情况下坚持了超过2个星期,拖住了多达4个师,2000+战力的盟军美澳联军,并对当面之敌给予极大杀伤,盟军战斗力在25日的攻击之后应该已经下降到不足1200,远远超过了大本营给予的预定计划,帝国决定火线晋升负责守卫莫尔兹比港的总指挥官,第47师团师团长渡边洋中将以大将军衔!) f* u$ b2 K4 _. K
3,南洋科科斯岛守军第22独立混成旅团在美军第4陆战师(并加强有第八陆战团和第18加拿大旅)的登陆攻击中也依托工事节节抵抗,在丢失机场前杀伤了大量盟军,盟军虽然夺下了机场港口,但是付出的牺牲却是日军的数倍!当前第22旅团将士仍然在科科斯岛上最后的阵地奋战不息!" O' s# G7 s3 L: `& A" E1 i. J4 x

2 q' m. P- `1 F: c# J如果盟军在接下来的每次战役中都遭受到如此顽强的抵抗,那么帝国后面的防御工作还是完全可以值得期待的!
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 26, 45( I0 P" D- t; z: T, w5 _- I0 }
! l- g' d0 a+ v: q7 u1 w7 J, s! ]
盟军舰队强力炮击莫港,樯橹灰飞烟灭,拿下NG第一个9级机场。1 }; G, c5 A8 _) R, D
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; q1 Z' n* \; E
Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130) _9 U/ p& I" C! `. k$ ?$ m

" C! T2 M" [: [, o- M- J8 ?! VAllied Ships
9 r, q- ~. t; [1 T- e5 k      CA Chicago II
0 N. A5 G5 Z' ^% C2 O+ w' Y+ s0 K  b      CA Canberra II) p; ~  Y7 o  h6 ?9 T& M% Q: n
      CA Exeter1 X  o( K7 E8 [# C' B' m7 v
      CA Cumberland8 }! W* i# ?/ p: B! L# d' `& o
      CA Suffolk
$ {# F4 I! I( X2 B0 a  W      CA London
0 I* d5 X  n1 u2 C/ J      CA Shropshire5 J. N3 ^( I/ m+ `/ \
      CA Boston
: u5 Q' W. A2 \) R$ r/ P% [      CA Baltimore/ g8 P! e+ E! ~, b: a: K2 P

# K# o8 i5 j* C% {Japanese ground losses:$ b% j. I* S* V- |* F
      172 casualties reported
, z( @+ d! Q- C5 H1 l' C. t         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
3 H! Q9 k7 P2 f4 p$ j8 \1 ]         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 26 disabled
: Y! H% t* k& t* o/ H, r         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled, [: {$ p3 Y7 v
      Guns lost 24 (6 destroyed, 18 disabled)
# H" U& E) l2 M# o3 Q6 t" x      Vehicles lost 11 (2 destroyed, 9 disabled)
% M0 B# b1 C3 j4 ~/ @; `; v9 S+ P% {6 E! x- l
Airbase hits 6; H9 h: o5 U9 ]" W" {& H
Runway hits 35+ V' t+ _2 P8 _+ O- i
Port hits 1% K" |. n* v2 q) Q# e9 Y! {- Y

3 ?5 t0 c+ A, |: G- A' V# n2 l# s* O' o' E8 i, Y2 F
8 p7 K+ U3 A; T9 K6 X3 RNight Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,1302 B+ A3 P$ E: R5 {# A

7 o) ^: H6 k0 t. A; AAllied Ships7 F$ p+ W% g: V- Q
      BB Richelieu3 I# X! [3 V+ _! T+ x
      BB King George V: \1 E+ s+ R4 B+ H( f
      BB Howe
7 b2 r7 ~3 o. B5 V# `      BB Prince of Wales
/ c! ?& t4 J6 \# K$ o# e5 ?      BB Alabama
' S  [- D5 C, ^, W9 X      BB Massachusetts3 T. A' w4 ^; E/ j! B% I. c$ w
      BB Indiana
/ e7 S$ X0 B% V9 o* _8 V/ z      BB South Dakota* v$ A) f- {' j' A. r  v" l+ s- x& K
      BB Washington! y2 [" ^, C% _6 ~" G( a! I
      BB North Carolina9 [( ~6 E/ g3 l% Z
      BC Renown
# d% x+ q: |  {      BC Repulse
4 \/ [* A& f5 s6 o2 ~9 @3 e
! i% y. O! ~4 M* ^( aJapanese ground losses:1 l4 p% S. ?( n, f3 W9 _
      1602 casualties reported; g6 T& c6 c  c( B
         Squads: 8 destroyed, 3 disabled) k4 O/ R" I% G1 ]3 T- l
         Non Combat: 140 destroyed, 97 disabled
3 ?6 y5 U% J9 b$ l3 N1 m         Engineers: 16 destroyed, 1 disabled
  w% t5 l# G3 H! F      Guns lost 80 (77 destroyed, 3 disabled)
3 d; G, z7 v% Z1 d+ n! h8 P. y      Vehicles lost 37 (35 destroyed, 2 disabled)
6 i* }0 [! a) t6 Y, L
1 s6 I' F* b8 d$ |# VAirbase hits 233 E* c$ ^) \& H: I- K6 t9 {6 V, ~( H
Airbase supply hits 57 h. Q( R: C/ v  j& y7 y) G7 W
Runway hits 575 Q4 H6 `* V1 M8 M% b7 T; |) h
Port hits 2
+ Z8 B9 B9 _1 BPort supply hits 1
7 D/ ^* q9 ]/ C
6 K* P. x; q6 K' A. {. E7 H  \4 f1 W. ?
9 X) L4 n7 ^. O1 c* P# E% b
8 j# i# l* |' {3 p. f" g) i- V! n7 v; k1 J( f/ j: j
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
" u0 ?0 s5 O7 V. E" E1 c8 |) o
Allied Shock attack
% Q7 ]' ^2 Z, g# N! z, Z# l- C) _6 b
Attacking force 47784 troops, 927 guns, 955 vehicles, Assault Value = 1178
9 _% \2 C! G$ Y7 b0 F" l% I3 R+ N4 E$ `! H
Defending force 12441 troops, 192 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 202% ?: a* t, z# O( D" s
( L$ B8 `5 b/ I) m
Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 1
! S) B/ h  E! T/ Y: |5 k
' [. F; R+ n" y6 o( EAllied adjusted assault: 700
8 y- j5 m' c1 Y- l+ L3 R4 K# i
: w- _% V7 ~) m3 g3 u" }Japanese adjusted defense: 91 5 e, J1 ?2 a6 U% k: d8 V& A

+ P7 m* u+ i$ R  `' ~- zAllied assault odds: 7 to 1 (fort level 1)
, i! b% |) Q2 w+ Y3 x& u. m) t( p
Allied forces CAPTURE Port Moresby !!!# b6 g9 r9 V1 \4 Q& Q* q5 g8 d/ J

; R, L8 W0 L, E* RCombat modifiers. Q: Z7 m2 T2 p$ Y% ]5 j* |8 \/ R
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
* e. [  N+ m' O! J5 LAttacker: shock(+)
4 ~' Z. n& P& e  p$ g, D0 l0 e& j2 H4 H+ l* V' J; z
Japanese ground losses:
" a# D: s6 N7 R: Z- d4 [3 x      6099 casualties reported
$ |! M* c8 R+ L/ f         Squads: 145 destroyed, 8 disabled- v& ^* [& _  z) X: E: Y4 @
         Non Combat: 186 destroyed, 15 disabled5 }9 j) E, M; L9 @& E
         Engineers: 71 destroyed, 0 disabled% s! j$ X* \+ n
      Guns lost 84 (84 destroyed, 0 disabled)1 [6 g. F; J9 Q% n. v2 P. ^9 _1 M
      Vehicles lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)" W4 T  _5 R' A" b; U+ A$ s
      Units retreated 5
: ]( B) X& M9 _, ?' s8 X1 t. U, c7 o) h, M9 d9 _
Allied ground losses:: b/ ^& d& G. r. V
      790 casualties reported
1 w8 H: C' ~) t! {/ p  w7 s         Squads: 27 destroyed, 55 disabled
5 x" \& _$ {+ w) }( c         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
. t: `3 H+ [. j1 v         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 9 disabled
5 Q) r8 X( m; J* ~. P" M" {3 D3 |; ^
Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!' ^4 f, z: Z; T1 v$ s
( D& P& `1 u1 l+ Q
Assaulting units:
+ r/ @7 c& {8 ^9 V, e0 _' i    2nd Australian Division, i4 _+ C3 W! D& G, g2 L
    3rd NZ Brigade
$ m! q  }% Q6 C6 W$ o# a    12th NZ Brigade
) Q/ K& x2 a  d    6th Australian Division* y! r: K5 v) A# z
    32nd Infantry Division4 e& i5 c) W. ]; p0 `8 k# t
    9th Australian Division
+ m7 V0 M7 ]2 s3 C& G* o% [, c    10 RAAF Av Rgt
& X; D/ L  n# x- Y    71st RAAF Wing 3 z2 U4 b! f; K
    167 Wing ; {& ^( J4 E3 r2 T# X& A3 c
    22nd USN Naval Construction Regiment: U7 a- x' ?1 ~$ @
    81st RAAF Wing
( T) C8 V2 i6 @4 v0 U    IX Corps Artillery
4 ^" o) x5 \0 {  \+ D; N" r    223rd Field Artillery Battalion
  a2 K* ^1 {2 d' w+ N$ U# d    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment
. ?  M  q1 \2 z2 `* O" C    694th Field Artillery Battalion
1 u! d, f4 {) m2 K# }; _) |6 W    II Australian Corps- Q0 u) W: g* ?' X
    70/100th Coast AA Regiment; L1 I1 B  U# X5 `+ K/ ^+ N
    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment, P9 K2 H. i* M
    Seventh USAAF Engineer Aviation Battalion( z* j- J' O8 H
    293 Wing
8 i# g0 c, M! G9 k) k# e
1 h0 Y! o; X! H4 D  ]; ODefending units:/ g& z, l  X3 Z5 N! l
    47th Division
" {7 F( q$ I) k    89th Div /2& i4 e) L% c7 z1 i$ V% r
    23rd AA Regiment
. T, }: k+ D: e    37th JNAF AF Unit
9 A% \7 _  C6 |9 L    30th JNAF AF Unit
8 m4 A, d2 c- m. J$ B" P    42nd JNAF AF Unit % G/ @! N' j; S6 K) {. I0 l
5 A* s' W. o; E) n* M( F

( O1 T( t5 k; Z! b) l: H% d% |# e1 E' H* O
日军Ki-83首次扫场,被盟军舰载海盗D打出翔,双发数据再好看也不行啊……; I% h& ^+ U3 \' d: y; `
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, [) |9 l9 ~% H9 `4 Z% w0 k% ^" p0 {
Morning Air attack on Cocos Islands , at 33,101 , L  X* a. S4 k9 y" l7 j/ M9 f
4 L4 l! ^$ k2 L  x
Weather in hex: Overcast+ b0 K) O) ~! q9 W1 O1 }% r
. L" H5 x  j& v, h5 _6 {- n
Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 34,000 feet.
( R3 v1 V6 y6 Y' U, r1 ^* GEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
7 p8 i: N( x4 h+ [$ W
( o  n. N! ~, H! v  nJapanese aircraft
* d  [8 s' _, s2 R# ^6 {0 S4 m! d      Ki-83 x 44! D) U3 @3 y6 ^  U/ c. Y  A
" X4 p' o' V2 H8 q$ j: K
Allied aircraft/ Z) U5 L; t/ j% e2 z9 }
      Corsair II x 28
9 ^7 C! b. o# V/ J3 a3 {9 S      F4U-1D Corsair x 62& Z$ h! b, J) O0 v( b

& B; a; z. T' M  ]5 m0 vJapanese aircraft losses( W8 \0 x3 [, t0 |' K. k, q
      Ki-83: 15 destroyed! y+ |1 x1 l$ i/ E

( e# ^$ d0 w  m4 H8 }# UAllied aircraft losses
" e# A( J4 N9 A! U( J1 a  f* [1 T9 [      Corsair II: 1 destroyed& c2 Q2 w' ^7 Z
      F4U-1D Corsair: 4 destroyed$ B' V% P% K) l0 T2 H. s9 d. p
& X; I$ P7 @# ]  Q2 t% j7 M
Aircraft Attacking:2 E) j& W" H5 _
      15 x Ki-83 sweeping at 30000 feet
; d( ~. u) Y% c( ^% k7 ^  M$ N9 S+ ?
/ P$ v- V, b- \
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: M. y1 H* u0 t
Morning Air attack on Cocos Islands , at 33,101 ) \: H- u+ X- N2 ^% S8 l  ^, F
- m" Y# _  }7 Z4 q* }, r
Weather in hex: Overcast
8 u2 r! s6 q+ u! P+ t. q3 K$ ]& y$ Y# I
' M2 d8 U6 i2 Z" URaid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 33,000 feet.
0 i2 z) D. {- Y' N9 v9 CEstimated time to target is 29 minutes
9 `9 e. K$ Z, v; y8 O' H# c( t2 c% H
Japanese aircraft+ J$ M) c- M1 n: q$ }) C
      Ki-83 x 8
9 j1 v5 L& |; X2 `  W, }$ \
' Y# _5 ?' a" p* S# m/ b$ Y' v+ m9 oAllied aircraft
+ d  T( |1 g3 P8 c4 M% s" l      Corsair II x 23
9 N; H2 M8 `8 K/ r& w, ~      F4U-1D Corsair x 421 [' r8 p2 U" T/ J1 y* {6 n! a
( {+ G. t! p4 p, r: ~! ]
Japanese aircraft losses% @( |- l! P1 o1 [5 w4 u6 g( {+ W- P
      Ki-83: 2 destroyed& W& d/ G; w+ J5 G# }. ^
/ X) k- Z3 d9 H9 Z
No Allied losses9 ~+ y8 T/ l" m. Y  x

. ]" p8 d; [- K+ s  ]8 M  ^# Y9 n2 H( b& U4 H) d+ l1 W- h
$ u- K: Z  ]7 R7 ^5 e
( Z" W( B  a1 }
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 B) }0 e* C4 t0 o+ D8 V

# l/ M6 M& S/ [Ground combat at Cocos Islands (33,101)/ S! _0 ~8 ?1 X$ k+ A2 P  ~. i

# I9 `  m+ c) E3 Z1 w" FAllied Deliberate attack
: h, f2 C4 J' Y; [7 \3 ^! R& U. y8 j6 d; s
Attacking force 10325 troops, 274 guns, 127 vehicles, Assault Value = 261
7 c& [0 {/ B* Z) \+ h7 Q& ~; F( F. S0 f# u) K0 K( h
Defending force 5410 troops, 25 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 69& A' @2 c) S4 [9 f
6 w9 e! ?# |% c
Allied adjusted assault: 144
( m4 b1 B: P) g9 Z& n1 Z
' H' U  C# t# iJapanese adjusted defense: 10
/ ]2 J3 d; K& i% ?3 M" \, ^9 ]
3 u: t9 h$ Y; ^Allied assault odds: 14 to 1 & V3 B9 Y: L4 M7 C
5 t7 V( J1 _% `9 n- V+ M1 s
Combat modifiers  z1 W7 u( W' K& d( c: }; l! d' \  g
Defender: disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-), supply(-)
9 z2 t$ _+ J9 v; YAttacker: . ^. y  e6 R" }7 n/ l) w

. h  p  ^- _5 O9 EJapanese ground losses:
) J  P1 m1 I. i! e      1124 casualties reported
1 t) g7 S' q3 X& }1 h% h0 S         Squads: 20 destroyed, 55 disabled7 y# |6 W: _: A3 ^1 K5 T6 ~
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 17 disabled
/ @5 ?; n) W" x( }0 H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled  B  l4 x) X& q* x7 c7 l

4 J* W/ P! s3 R0 T* \9 F( U9 }Allied ground losses:
( B3 P! L$ |/ @      211 casualties reported
: l, y5 w0 N' l( v+ \6 I         Squads: 0 destroyed, 29 disabled
9 r. k3 U) E7 y8 ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) I* U9 f8 \# E$ g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled9 |6 r0 Q1 w9 ]

. x% _5 K" ^) c& a+ h( w* B! KAssaulting units:
$ x; v% v% y5 ]' ~* A    8th Marine Regiment+ u6 M) D& ^& h4 u( |- U
    4th Marine Division3 ?9 p: i8 I( M! @9 O, u+ q) Z% s
    18th Canadian Brigade
5 }( W6 a$ d; [2 l: ~! Y) T$ ?+ y    224 Group RAF
4 t4 y/ J, ?  `  l    14th Army
! j, N8 N; H0 h$ ~    4th Marine Div /25) K8 b: K' ~" Z+ r0 [) H6 J9 A4 p

8 Y& `5 g/ e) ^5 Q. R# kDefending units:4 ^/ ]" f1 S8 y5 y7 Q; y' H
    22nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
; G, Y2 u9 a  g' @& Q7 f& O    23rd JAAF AF Bn
6 [- M$ J. L, p    6th Fleet /1
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
! s' V! l! ^# a" {+ }0 C4 ~日军一个主力师团在澳北达尔文附近下海
0 J; _1 W: D6 R9 U! \& r7 {+ Z) l--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- v8 \$ X1 d- o" q" ~  K" SMorning Air attack on TF, near Bathurst Island at 76,123
6 _+ F; P" ?9 w2 J' U% `
; U! H" O! Q1 B- I# W8 QWeather in hex: Overcast
5 B& ]5 u9 m" E4 {, l, [9 u" g/ |  C7 w2 R
Raid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
+ t9 S# S9 k6 wEstimated time to target is 32 minutes
  M; W" L8 L  g+ N7 j/ T& D! T3 S; j0 w. K) f
Allied aircraft: A2 {; D9 F- o
      F6F-3 Hellcat x 273 _% l) i1 y% h) n1 G
      TBF-1 Avenger x 90
% B+ a: z2 L3 I+ G0 ]. n1 A- w+ G7 S6 t0 ]! P5 u+ ~( I. ?3 N
No Allied losses2 z  w# g, b/ g- p. V# G- x

5 x' T$ E5 x4 t) f+ ]Japanese Ships5 U. y+ a! n8 ^
      xAK Amahi Maru, Bomb hits 6, and is sunk% F/ T* v" I1 z
      xAK Nihonka Maru, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
7 k. Z6 |1 w% w# B2 C+ q      xAK Unyo Maru #2, Bomb hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage" G. e$ F+ v% L% V( x( n
      xAK Toyu Maru! o8 @0 w8 _1 a
      xAK Kachaosan Maru, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires
+ t. z0 _+ n; W- t/ P      xAK Nojima Maru, Bomb hits 5, and is sunk
3 `! \2 ?! c% ?& ]3 S      E No.3) V! z6 C8 g; R8 S7 J1 X
( E" D1 u+ E* M$ x
Japanese ground losses:3 G7 Y0 e. o0 |5 T* W( e
      1082 casualties reported
! i* v3 P2 f8 R         Squads: 57 destroyed, 58 disabled
4 L" f. y1 x' h( q" G; b" `) P         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 7 disabled8 e: j, H7 m) q  h7 S3 r% ~
         Engineers: 17 destroyed, 26 disabled
8 w5 m& d4 X8 K! \      Guns lost 28 (21 destroyed, 7 disabled)+ |1 M6 h% ~0 q4 W$ g- u% M% [
) D* |" z- D* ?- r3 P
Aircraft Attacking:
6 s4 _) h$ ?% f  a- o: y7 w      90 x TBF-1 Avenger bombing from 6000 feet
) Z0 J' o; s4 h: o  s: x               Naval Attack:  2 x 500 lb GP Bomb
2 [% c9 k# v9 O, @5 K1 Y: c; o
* y3 u' C# a' _4 ^. j' k1 rHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Unyo Maru #2
6 @) [: X* z6 f/ |' x6 ZHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Amahi Maru- o5 C/ C$ }8 ^) q# @$ @/ s
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Nojima Maru/ J& ?" G: V- W9 d, T
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Kachaosan Maru
* V1 D& p6 ^* z% j4 v) CHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Nihonka Maru
, h" t+ e0 v- {- N7 G
" p5 E% y6 T! ~! g5 g( I- d: y" [- v# x) Y
2 z# R/ L4 E: k5 X0 [Morning Air attack on TF, near Bathurst Island at 76,123
- X) \$ l) z$ X6 u! L- s3 c, x
; {0 F( d) B( d+ b, ?Weather in hex: Overcast7 k5 X# P, _$ f) V+ I1 |9 F8 J
. d' i& K/ b0 k
Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.: T+ y0 v/ r% a/ h# V
Estimated time to target is 32 minutes
; I  ?/ Q; h* O
$ \  B2 k2 n- u' C7 e/ ZAllied aircraft
' B, W* s- u& u5 W; f0 E      TBF-1 Avenger x 89
; o! {: |7 ^6 M8 ^; w5 V$ n' n+ S. O
No Allied losses
+ X8 F9 a1 Y+ U: O* `. z6 C
; }: L: N& L( U" ~/ E$ s3 e% [Japanese Ships, g- o" g4 \% f! w! _/ J  W' _
      xAK Nihonka Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk9 o( M3 f' k1 g4 N9 _+ Z
      xAK Unyo Maru #2, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk$ B4 i+ D$ k2 I# H
      xAK Toyu Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk# f0 m$ ]! U9 x3 v2 [, ?
      xAK Kachaosan Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
0 Q- Z+ ^0 L) a$ k6 M0 e& x4 p) s      E No.112, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
4 n: f; R: t0 v  h. D- f      E No.3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk4 j+ l; V* V- p1 R  E: o$ w3 Q) P
  Y  s- u" K) f  m: l( ?* d3 g/ @
Japanese ground losses:
8 a3 P8 }+ Y5 x! S( C" N9 U+ j- V      2115 casualties reported1 n+ U' j2 R  }& q& D1 N
         Squads: 136 destroyed, 81 disabled8 p6 Y, v& X1 c" P
         Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 3 disabled5 ^: g8 m! P. _
         Engineers: 32 destroyed, 18 disabled; i% |! ^5 F* J2 ]0 B: c6 m
      Guns lost 53 (48 destroyed, 5 disabled)4 \% B* f$ J7 \1 H. F
2 Q" ]0 K8 ?3 C# S
Aircraft Attacking:" K" H8 R* O& B. d. u
      89 x TBF-1 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 Z( z; }' u1 ?4 ^2 k0 \4 X               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 30, 45( v/ p& v9 V1 H" A' ]9 A3 ?5 t. t2 u

& p2 }7 J2 r& K/ p9 @3 u5 k7 x( f; w日军偷袭米尔恩湾的轻型舰队天亮来不及撤回,遭到盟军空袭,当场毙命轻巡一艘,DD数艘
1 C5 }5 ?6 g. u! b; {# M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; |% _* g8 D- d1 uMorning Air attack on TF, near Normanby Island at 102,1336 t8 Z3 z' m! U$ b) g+ z/ l/ e
/ ?1 F" F9 [9 f2 |) i- ~
Weather in hex: Clear sky
4 L9 w9 ~" I& c* w% ~: J9 D
) s3 k: [% w$ h1 eRaid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.! s+ j) n+ l4 ~# T8 A7 q
Estimated time to target is 28 minutes
/ N* _# n8 ~, F7 X4 S# L* i' a* c$ M( V1 @7 g
Allied aircraft
6 s5 H+ }2 K! a7 {. O      P-38H Lightning x 50
+ H$ ^" Y  S0 o1 w7 z) u  s" Q      P-38J Lightning x 33
* R6 Q4 H- p4 C" l1 {) f% |      F6F-3 Hellcat x 24
0 a9 q0 |2 U* R/ ^& o% G! K      SBD-5 Dauntless x 66: n$ _8 B. f. F5 c' u
# l, _9 |8 Q% |# x" ]0 `3 m/ v6 Q
Allied aircraft losses5 m5 T) g+ k$ n4 u( f  t0 ?" V
      SBD-5 Dauntless: 1 damaged5 ~  Q: g" Q+ W( N+ H

' U0 o4 H0 D4 I7 ~Japanese Ships6 J5 m. y; m- p) n) Y" C! u' }
      CL Noshiro, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
4 X8 D% t1 w6 f- Q/ r, H  A      DD Yugumo, Bomb hits 2,  on fire5 S/ c9 Q2 _; ^
      DD Aogumo
' r+ y8 R9 l8 f5 W9 E      DD Makinami
# k/ l* K3 Z" v( Z: n6 _5 m      DD Akigumo, Bomb hits 1,  on fire& _. h6 d. K0 `  X) w
      DD Kazegumo, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
/ M& K8 u* w* M9 ?      DD Kishinami
7 O$ ?- J+ H  x- S' _      DD Fuyugumo# m" [7 y5 |- h6 P. @
      DD Makigumo" s. Z1 J# T3 Y! `- H0 v: V
/ p& p. z+ q8 F
! ~# N' B9 q; [! o* e! q/ G& U5 v; z, E

! ^, F* e! X5 Z; u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# p, [! N, z+ b0 jMorning Air attack on TF, near Normanby Island at 102,133. Q- D+ |! y9 f2 l& e! q) N

* D# I( h/ X! m) @9 r% F* kWeather in hex: Clear sky
/ {8 K8 V7 c. n; {. p8 c; f, F- D2 i; c8 v$ U, m- Q7 j) y8 w3 _0 d
Raid detected at 75 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.# p  e5 X& E' k( c" N
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes. _# E( V9 }) y  n

. F0 v6 ?- ~1 }! v- R  Y" @1 L# mAllied aircraft4 H7 |. U" f( u! C
      P-38J Lightning x 5
, b" k  I5 j8 g, G      SBD-5 Dauntless x 21& M9 Z1 z8 g! U) G
( [5 C! k. V; P+ z9 S
No Allied losses/ M/ ?3 k( o; m- d
  x" L- N3 `/ v7 r6 a, f" D
Japanese Ships
4 g/ c, _6 p1 [5 v  n9 Y2 [      CL Noshiro, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& p3 ^9 n) `/ F% a      DD Fuyugumo) k3 p% s5 o, Q+ b) O: Q
      DD Makigumo, {- `  x) M5 J) Y6 R
      DD Makinami
7 ]' X5 O- d5 e8 }( i; {      DD Kishinami0 a- U' @& g7 S5 R4 \
      DD Yugumo, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage- R2 l# V( X; s; H
      DD Akigumo,  heavy fires  K1 N/ ]6 Z, H- \/ \% J8 h

% y0 I* G7 h3 g* U  o8 \% }1 F1 E
- l& Y/ d) _0 q
0 X6 v' `& d6 ^盟军4发炸毁了地面上几百架日本各种辅助飞机,大获全胜$ E. j( d& \( a+ Q! R) \- @

# n7 `* Z, L8 [* W$ V0 q9 I: {" y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ~2 t; p9 m/ \8 E) X, ]Morning Air attack on Kavieng , at 106,122
& X1 p+ D/ O" ^5 K! Y9 V- J0 ?/ h5 q
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
$ _: z1 d$ y2 {' P
  u% n  r5 b' W: ?0 B7 U$ x' }4 IRaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
# l3 k! a! l7 P8 }# J* e8 SEstimated time to target is 27 minutes
+ H6 o) W8 P* }( ?
* L0 X0 F5 ~* t. L: rJapanese aircraft1 P: T9 n6 J9 I- g  a: g( T
      N1K1-J George x 24
7 F6 A0 d2 {% D  k0 n+ I: U7 L; M6 P/ P3 G2 L. ^
Allied aircraft3 |  m' f  R+ z8 f
      B-24D Liberator x 9
5 Z! k) l3 ^7 z% D4 _! V      B-24D1 Liberator x 21
9 }+ z5 W' I0 ~' h' P      B-24J Liberator x 110% U7 G: z' m+ q! s! j. C( |
) f# l+ O! B, G8 S! o# r
Japanese aircraft losses
+ ^! M* {2 U8 g0 k& M3 M4 C, p; X# b      N1K1-J George: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
# J# z$ X$ v% V! ]5 Q" a/ T      H8K2 Emily: 20 destroyed on ground. q  e; M* W# }# y
      Ki-49-II KAI Helen: 22 destroyed on ground( A* _; O; N1 O% ~7 o9 h, J( i
      L2D2 Tabby: 2 destroyed on ground# E! P- v7 i" i8 h: \- j
      B6N2 Jill: 4 destroyed on ground  s1 b- t) h8 R1 v* e4 z5 e2 D
      E15K1 Norm: 6 destroyed on ground8 e+ T( d! ]; ^6 j# v6 `: F1 n

8 Y" ~* T- }5 K1 ]1 Y. B2 RAllied aircraft losses
9 J/ L* B. h( J      B-24D1 Liberator: 2 destroyed
! ]7 k" ~3 Z6 j3 d6 ^4 V      B-24J Liberator: 4 destroyed, 9 damaged
- f6 \2 S: q6 G
3 E/ J% o* l5 d+ U4 LAirbase hits 603 o3 Y& D' G' Y* }1 T
Airbase supply hits 6
& D/ s: s" R2 b+ P/ `Runway hits 954 H5 j* R# m7 Y! O$ N

: c2 X% m& _# U% t2 D, q
; `7 y6 }$ j7 K& R0 i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 m  X4 a6 v4 {  n; _9 M" A9 V4 i
Morning Air attack on Kavieng , at 106,122 3 T( `2 y( A/ k( G
% A$ y* F: }. B" [; _
Weather in hex: Partial cloud* a% }/ k: L4 H+ ^! h1 w

( I8 g. M% O4 IRaid detected at 67 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.2 ?; t& r2 p0 }$ Y: W' _
Estimated time to target is 23 minutes
$ N6 F$ J/ w, q/ z6 T+ r0 E$ N2 F4 x  E1 N
Japanese aircraft
2 J* ~3 b7 u4 q' d- Q/ Q      N1K1-J George x 11) k( w- |6 _( G9 Z6 O6 B; i

% N% X! |9 |. k( gAllied aircraft6 ]& l  W' P& S0 P! e( q5 u3 }. v
      B-24D Liberator x 6- p( y6 }7 H, o6 h( h
      B-24J Liberator x 21
  l) M! L3 l. Y* N6 d8 l, Z3 m! y" z4 z, U
Japanese aircraft losses
" o/ n& }. c( H3 k! i) `      N1K1-J George: 1 destroyed# R) z: g6 b: n+ i( @) a) n# C
      H8K2 Emily: 1 destroyed on ground
- K3 r- j4 i7 K      Ki-49-II KAI Helen: 1 destroyed on ground/ h2 c/ [/ Y3 a+ K
      B6N2 Jill: 1 destroyed on ground- K6 w4 d7 r2 {" c
      E15K1 Norm: 1 destroyed on ground4 o2 V# I! E  y+ W- o) U
% x! ^# |; a  H$ g! B) @4 o
Allied aircraft losses
+ @* A9 {+ T; S* j      B-24D Liberator: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged6 _1 a/ ~" v" U) j! g- O, B5 ]
      B-24J Liberator: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged% A! T% \5 D6 C  `& Q  ?2 C
      B-24J Liberator: 1 destroyed by flak
' p2 t+ _: h+ Y
! Y- d4 y- t) J9 w) oAirbase hits 3
3 ^4 y/ s9 J  c6 G; PAirbase supply hits 25 x1 a3 ^5 t/ b3 \; y- a7 j
Runway hits 13
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."