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5月23日! ~- a# ~7 o' z# `7 ^/ |% y

+ I, i& P) E9 O* y; e' ^  p& K强袭拉包尔基地的盟军4发机群遭到日军战斗机群的拦截,损失比较严重,一天之内丢了超过30架4发和20架闪电
& L* [" ]7 V) P' E( |7 Y9 o" c% D+ a7 H$ n7 g! P
$ L# `. m1 x  Z% f/ [9 @" ]$ }Morning Air attack on Rabaul , at 106,125 3 E7 J! j/ f0 \' \( B, ]1 k  v
9 x& A0 \& L; h1 o
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
! u: s7 _7 a6 M8 }+ {' H 7 N& M& Z( |. T* P- j, U$ M
Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
" @, Q1 ~1 n. ]4 }Estimated time to target is 26 minutes+ a, Y6 x+ [' p% \  Z( N( M; o- g

4 C0 r1 ^* n) r6 DJapanese aircraft
3 u7 f" s% @: n7 \0 V  @# S9 }3 X      N1K5-J George x 18
/ }1 y1 ]' J2 [4 H, _' }; G* D8 H      Ki-83 x 46
! ~( P# @: b* }% q      Ki-84r Frank x 47
( c/ S, G' _9 B% C) | $ R: M" D" V4 ]+ ~! y7 R
Allied aircraft
! h3 E* ?0 q& j8 f) Z3 x/ J6 A" I      B-24D Liberator x 6( X& `7 w/ r% V$ g7 R# U
      B-24D1 Liberator x 301 A# O: [8 W7 }. b
      P-38L Lightning x 24
+ \9 g( I( S$ u
; U2 }5 M# K$ z9 bNo Japanese losses; U" Q1 o! \: c6 r8 ?
6 b& p  ~% M, C' Q
Allied aircraft losses
, C; o+ n  I' ?8 s7 v      B-24D Liberator: 2 damaged3 l: N' {; B; |1 m
      B-24D1 Liberator: 7 destroyed, 7 damaged
! T0 N9 v1 E1 H4 M0 P/ ?! c/ \1 ]      P-38L Lightning: 11 destroyed
* ]7 E1 u- C# H% a' L# g3 { " C# u9 d. h% F. m1 |
Airbase hits 153 c, m+ r+ \- @
Airbase supply hits 1
1 G& V' f& q$ G# YRunway hits 27
6 r2 k  o( z9 ^  @- l* M. {
: Y6 Q% Z. b9 k; A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ L# B$ t3 \  [; Y5 N6 G4 x4 W; ?
Morning Air attack on Rabaul , at 106,125 $ O$ E' ~1 \+ F: r( Y9 E5 `

* y+ S! c9 Y& Q4 n$ T9 s! zWeather in hex: Partial cloud4 g. d; w7 ~1 L' p% Q+ P/ A
1 v5 M! x$ x+ |. x; T0 @: r
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.) p  `" b/ C5 v
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
  J! A6 R6 H8 j4 ] 7 T( p8 i: V. n( e/ M4 {6 d( ^
Japanese aircraft
* n; E! p! F. r! T/ k, X9 S      N1K5-J George x 184 g1 p6 U; v/ x  m
      Ki-83 x 399 U& A/ u, Q5 |" a
      Ki-84r Frank x 43* B; _0 J7 C1 L! b- E

; h/ Z: ]  O" Q& {' ]; @Allied aircraft
. I2 e' s3 I% Y      B-24D Liberator x 9
  B' C6 S3 {  O
& D0 |$ B7 Z+ A0 }7 s! |$ tNo Japanese losses9 b" A1 j( B& s; J! o# s
/ Z9 X( }/ M& R
Allied aircraft losses# n' w; k1 a+ {# L) L
      B-24D Liberator: 5 destroyed, 1 damaged
/ V% e! I  Q; Q5 t  V. i      B-24D Liberator: 1 destroyed by flak9 m% Y0 p8 l& r" t! Q1 E5 K

" T) T. C9 s2 N) t+ @) _0 ]9 VAirbase hits 1
3 c( V( K4 X0 L! D$ v# N% [! `
3 @+ l0 a6 p, R6 ~, T3 m7 S--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 p* u3 G  R1 e1 w
Morning Air attack on Rabaul , at 106,125
5 _+ A5 A8 `5 K! f& i; L+ j
9 o7 C7 _% J$ D0 R7 P- tWeather in hex: Partial cloud# z$ b+ ~% ^- ]; c3 e5 W0 m
& G0 n5 o% R5 |1 Q/ X
Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.& q  ?" P. ^' l) x7 p
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
6 J& V! e! g$ R" u" }; `- s$ p. {9 `' X ! q( E+ J: S# ^7 ?: _3 L# E
Japanese aircraft
7 L# d7 @: c5 \: K0 }6 Q      N1K5-J George x 17( G' i0 e8 h" x9 g! T# w
      Ki-83 x 37
) Z' b6 a7 `, w! `' R( @7 C/ w      Ki-84r Frank x 43! y; W) B* i; M, _
  c) G: M0 D3 l5 h5 c
Allied aircraft# P/ o1 _0 {! W5 G
      B-24D1 Liberator x 8
" Y( [# X: Y, u. f* j; j, W. a: c 9 \- k- n" \' I, V" {- E9 U
Japanese aircraft losses) u6 h9 s% _; ~  E; A% ]
      Ki-84r Frank: 1 destroyed7 j3 w5 C$ G. i6 ~# ]8 P

/ R" ]/ G/ Q' m$ u; NAllied aircraft losses! X, z! {3 J9 c) P! u
      B-24D1 Liberator: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged8 B& N% A8 V( j9 j
      B-24D1 Liberator: 1 destroyed by flak
9 L& A. |* S2 r# e7 p+ j
& L: }! P8 t  @6 G0 M7 t盟军在万鸦老进行扫荡战,清扫残余的日军部队,万鸦老战役开战第二天就基本消灭了当地日军的主力。特高课已经开始对敌前将领是否通敌展开调查。
3 W. d* @9 @* j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! w: h3 C* Z& h4 K, t" G! r

5 k9 i6 |8 \2 T' LGround combat at Manado (75,99)' Q1 |( w! `$ h6 _
1 Y& C' u5 @, k0 h2 [  ~& S3 S7 ^
Allied Deliberate attack# x# U6 H: R) {4 P
. _  ^! R" R: u+ F" Z. @, i
Attacking force 164790 troops, 3246 guns, 3741 vehicles, Assault Value = 5802
. _/ o8 Q: r  c) t0 d& V5 l. b1 [
0 @* ]/ Q3 R9 }9 \  @Defending force 23796 troops, 175 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 4082 {9 ^. z+ j7 y  [1 N8 P6 H* b
' s# D4 a; E* |* [
Allied adjusted assault: 7976 ( q1 r+ `! D5 W. I( [
' S! A' _: Q- F. x+ ]
Japanese adjusted defense: 289 7 P8 k+ e% {5 |* B9 g$ N' ]  ^

; t# x/ \" Y0 X. tAllied assault odds: 27 to 1
8 Q1 h; Z- I: I  b) A- H : Y; a" I; @1 a" {
Combat modifiers8 {& g5 m; ?: X& b
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), supply(-), b5 W* y3 \4 g- S! k
Attacker: ( q6 P. c9 n# y' e1 T8 g1 d

2 L4 c% K0 A- X- b% o+ c# T# yJapanese ground losses:* t9 k2 t) B+ T9 x
      6937 casualties reported8 Z5 Z' J9 |' y3 c7 }
         Squads: 288 destroyed, 46 disabled6 F6 }% S% M5 X! b; E
         Non Combat: 229 destroyed, 97 disabled9 e/ l$ @$ x8 _0 W0 Z. W
         Engineers: 7 destroyed, 5 disabled
5 T  L4 l  f7 B* `0 \      Guns lost 52 (44 destroyed, 8 disabled)' ]% R" P& C6 Z' \" Y  H$ N! L
      Vehicles lost 7 (5 destroyed, 2 disabled)
1 a9 K5 ^4 r9 n, Q      Units destroyed 3
* X$ ?* ]" P: g: P4 x
" i. w% x8 F; y/ u' Q+ uAllied ground losses:
) |$ I9 i/ l0 I5 A      1437 casualties reported& w+ h3 P, I1 m4 N. e: f& ]
         Squads: 10 destroyed, 201 disabled4 Q  W7 f- J" g
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 24 disabled
- _" j: E( B' u( Z+ U7 c         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 22 disabled
$ O4 w" z- y; O  z. r. t      Vehicles lost 25 (3 destroyed, 22 disabled)" @# E; F+ V0 a! K
4 U$ ]. n! |( J- h3 ]8 ?
Assaulting units:+ {( G+ w# m9 K! p
    27th Infantry Division
' i8 _6 M9 [0 A) z    16th Light Cavalry Regiment
+ k: f" r' n7 U+ V' k    96th Infantry Division
0 L2 v0 i( a& D  K. M    81st Infantry Division
# i4 N+ G% H# e* c% e    33rd Infantry Division/ A# H% U. k/ \
    2nd Marine Division
. C: c; m, @4 o. Z& B7 U    10th Indian Division% T/ K# f/ [% d: X/ _: S6 U
    37th Infantry Division
! S* V4 \0 V7 R3 W5 r    6th Marine Division
$ k' f: R" j  g' ]1 E  `2 N; O    3rd Motor Brigade
6 ~6 o& g/ V& \. R8 g, Z    I Corps Cmbt Engineer Regiment
! s! Q- z: t6 U. Q    5th Marine Division! T5 d3 }5 |9 W- r: T4 g* `
    6th Infantry Division9 R& P9 @: P  Y) z' @
    3rd Cavalry Regiment
; G+ H& _- V. v* B    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion
! `1 i/ c% J0 U0 d3 g) F    1st Cavalry (Spec) Cavalry Division2 A. M. b& _- P6 D/ D; X! A' a& P
    2nd NZ Division
9 d0 s8 r5 D* d/ Z) F+ Q1 \    1st Marine Division
8 G) r2 n- @# E2 ~- Z    2nd Army Tank Brigade
! y0 F; O; X, f" E" e* I( `' P1 S    VII US Amphib Force
8 }1 Z+ I9 h2 W, ?: ?: ^9 R$ N    USAFFE 0 r( m4 d; M8 P! Z; X
    276th Coastal Artillery Battalion
8 @* ]  g0 p8 X, j& l, f1 _# h    4th Field Artillery Battalion5 ~. j/ t% H& e" j( k) J/ g
    3rd USMC Field Artillery Battalion
1 r2 @7 }& j. H    I Corps Artillery 6 e4 X3 M( }  y7 Z& i5 z$ w
    X Corps Artillery ; n  x$ A; @2 Z7 f! v
    154th FA Bn * I6 R/ k6 m' K5 J
    52nd Marine Defense Battalion( o3 q) i* J$ Z
4 d, G( Q- S0 H( S, u
Defending units:4 q" y- w! J- U7 Q
    91st Division
6 ^) y1 X7 S+ b8 G    56th Division
1 w% S$ d& u+ v' h( Z+ T* }    14th Division
2 e0 ^4 s  f- o! c/ u; @; Q7 z    Maizuru 1st SNLF
2 r* @: c2 v" `2 t8 g" W- e    8th Area Army /1/ _' W% T/ ^) c! y
    38th Ind. Engineer Regiment+ e1 Y2 m. f6 A* o  g  m9 u1 b
    113th JAAF AF Bn - }7 ]2 Y* `8 }2 j* u1 v
    30th Ind. Engineer Regiment
) Y: f4 @+ Y" o& j( U/ M    Gohoku JNAF Base Force
2 j: W; f: x* s% [. }$ U2 }3 u) J9 p    10th Area Fleet
& T& v6 A: }! W% [0 U4 {    72nd JAAF AF Bn * T: y; ~( a6 D
    2nd Amphibious Bde /22 K. s+ O, K! }2 e( Q
    48th Fld AA Bn /23 M2 H. w. q# [
; q! @  f% Q2 j  M7 P- [
盟军在万隆的攻势也在加紧准备当中,除了集结当面的兵力外,轰炸机的轰炸也是一天都没有停歇过,不过每天都有5架左右的轰炸机被日军AA揍下来。% s# {# y4 I2 R5 \) K! g$ g
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 x2 k( T& A  M& K* a! X
  j1 A1 p( j* c, e; r" t
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
8 X; [# t9 P$ s! x5 c+ e2 ~; L 8 |% P. t. ^1 H/ e& S6 {7 n
Allied Bombardment attack
" Z4 C( A+ ]! b% o
) g! y- Y0 d. @; O2 k3 w+ B0 X; ]Attacking force 10194 troops, 286 guns, 672 vehicles, Assault Value = 4082
, M( s8 R/ m( T& n ! T+ W9 f' {# }" R5 X$ @
Defending force 36791 troops, 370 guns, 85 vehicles, Assault Value = 1083
5 r8 L+ C7 C  G
! x3 ?. P4 t( l+ c) OJapanese ground losses:; K7 @& c! |, D! J  X+ F" r/ {* t
      12 casualties reported
8 g: _0 r: r7 G; c         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled1 ]5 H  A8 w: R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) a; J0 M6 V# B2 O0 G2 j         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# h- C; U. y( d. Q& z
1 |7 Z, J2 G  D4 G+ W
Allied ground losses:
! y* M* x; v; y      4 casualties reported% ?2 d* h; c' v/ O" u
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 u- m" ?) {$ z% c6 B' B% a' S' Y         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled8 P) H; g1 B5 m3 q/ L0 J6 b1 N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled7 J+ H5 I9 q! d9 B, A
      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)" D! d! g; D0 h! m$ S& B

5 ], `! o7 ?0 m5 r# CAssaulting units:* Y6 F, n/ b. s0 G. b- J6 f. l
    11th Australian Division. H' H, i5 ]: ]$ e$ e/ Y
    50th Tank Brigade0 [8 p) E5 }- y. o
    254th Armoured Brigade
2 E( O1 u* s8 N+ T  O8 [    93rd Infantry Division
5 I# f/ d5 I5 I! s) F9 Q/ _    9th Indian Division0 K( w3 s  {) `7 O- S* ]1 L
    7th Australian Division+ t# u3 z! H( x4 A. J
    18th British Division
# v* h1 M: q8 \8 ]9 ]7 m$ {    8th Australian Division* a% f0 I* @6 F/ C
    32nd Army Tank Brigade
, g$ V4 h& g, T! s& d- y    31st Armoured Division0 w, q7 P  i" l% ~( L, M
    51st Highland Division
  a$ p' D" {; f2 Q5 T* M) j( Y. Z    97th Field Artillery Battalion
/ p& `9 q) C) k2 o2 t    2/16th Field Regiment
! V) r& L& v: a! N2 R; D+ a$ x    XI US Corps
. v! z4 n; R1 {/ \( e4 W' C    251st Field Artillery Battalion
: B5 J% G7 L% S+ v/ N" \    1st Medium Regiment! }+ b# d- A4 V: f7 M6 b/ Z, ^
    249th Field Artillery Battalion
7 o$ {# P. `& C6 b6 Y# j7 e9 c# f    108th Tank Attack Regiment9 L1 v' C0 Z9 A3 Z% H( i1 ]
    56th Australian Lt AA Regiment' R8 H2 ?% X. u6 `

: U4 G: w3 @7 j8 H9 T/ R, B, CDefending units:; H+ C4 `0 f# `: E
    49th/A Division( x3 B; S- ]# T( B3 H
    22nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
/ v' o0 p7 ?9 u+ T1 |6 {    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
& n6 s) i, g6 a) E& [* k  d/ F    17th Ind.Mixed Regiment
# ?" \* b$ W+ Z4 j) r/ B2 q0 l5 w8 Z5 e    11th Militia Regiment
4 O) n7 |9 J0 q; O1 M) d2 F    6th Java Militia Regiment, v/ \' @; u: A
    49th/B Division
9 z% O. ~! M- j1 o2 I( w8 F    49th/C Division% J! X) U" k6 h4 B, e+ c
    13th Field AF Construction Battalion. b7 f) W% j$ U( j' _" W
    27th Special Base Force1 ~; |) C6 L$ [# G8 z3 S: {% Q
    36th Field AA Battalion* _; p9 M, a8 @( g; P0 @
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
$ }6 ~: ~3 p' O$ J8 c    48th Field AA Battalion
) e$ K2 ]5 k) R    39th Ind. Engineer Regiment' g( c: D2 ?/ |& c
    49th Field AA Battalion& C! S# z, @: L1 u3 A: g7 K# y
    55th Const Co ) ]4 A$ o8 G% {. }8 U7 G
    49th Const Co
+ t) J! e3 v$ G& ]2 u    17th Naval Construction Battalion
. g4 `# J5 H+ b$ S! g" Z. b0 E    47th Road Const Co
1 S& s; b2 P# G  }) v- @    9th Medium FA Rgt /2! Z7 `" T, d* Q' w
    3rd JNAF AF Unit
" L' H/ V) [( R    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment' \& J% I! Q7 x- [# w
    56th Field AA Battalion
% u6 l2 V7 c1 W- I* C+ X: u, Z    21st Army! _& s2 ^4 y8 }5 K) q9 V
    97th JAAF AF Bn
" K" Y5 D" Z4 \0 J    3rd FF Const Unit , o+ V& @6 R, F! G' f: n, m  k8 K
    12th Air Defense AA Rgt /3
房规不能用苏联基地,也 不能用苏联基地战略轰炸
毛子的轰炸机指望不上,就算最后打到朝鲜半岛够到本土,也没有足够强力的战斗机护航% f& L( l( q" a# d& l

5 i% h. G1 R- _( s) B  g% ~/ M5 @" A: T* y目前来看毛子最强最有战斗力的飞机非伊尔2莫属,本身就是可以携带两枚250KG炸弹的对地强击机,同时兼具战斗机的性能,除了升限不够高以外,中低空应该是个强手,而且,这货居然拥有整个游戏里唯一的2级装甲.....连B29的装甲都只有1,它居然能有2的装甲防护,耐久也是比较高的,实战起来很可能会比较麻烦,我甚至怀疑这货完全可以裸奔轰炸


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