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毛子的轰炸机指望不上,就算最后打到朝鲜半岛够到本土,也没有足够强力的战斗机护航; v  `0 b9 _: E) D
3 Z% b! _6 M  O/ i% B
目前来看毛子最强最有战斗力的飞机非伊尔2莫属,本身就是可以携带两枚250KG炸弹的对地强击机,同时兼具战斗机的性能,除了升限 ...% [9 n* P& i" {  o
红叶 发表于 2014-8-1 16:16
6 B) L! {5 x  v1 c) g
8 W4 N. h" u, @  s7 h2 o
8 d0 L. x( P$ s2 X% M% ^
3 f0 g+ S- Q1 a. t& m, bKI-94战机首次实战
9 B$ k- I8 J& g4 N* S) I' f0 {& R- l# r8 t: k
主动扫场轻松击败两倍于己的地狱猫直掩& l# T3 T8 O3 L9 d. v. S" n
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 24, 45$ A* j' j1 {4 ^  |* r1 y
( H5 W+ S) C# B7 q5 }7 YMorning Air attack on Manus , at 101,119
' m+ J: t; I' L$ q/ L: C9 g
- ^3 `9 i$ Y3 q) [+ `! M) XWeather in hex: Partial cloud
5 L3 n, I" r, s& l   f% {* r" F$ ]" y  e  o" }# C  S
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 47,000 feet.4 w0 p7 o5 s. q, z8 }; Y
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes& _0 U0 y* K! x0 |$ [  S- L

$ z* L- Q; S/ o7 P9 TJapanese aircraft  W/ F+ O6 u: _+ G9 U
      Ki-94-II x 32
0 t/ h$ [5 L# x5 }& [7 G2 a0 r2 ]
* K, u3 V' j  ?: z8 |Allied aircraft
" c* }7 N$ Q' S. N4 ~) ?- }0 z      F6F-5 Hellcat x 67
5 t$ y1 w- r& R/ I7 X7 G
7 T& U  O) j# Z3 z5 k: @Japanese aircraft losses
/ Y' c( s% Q8 B' `      Ki-94-II: 4 destroyed
- r& H/ a' B6 f% G
( O( w6 B9 e0 ^/ T* qAllied aircraft losses
. A8 b( Q3 E$ s! r' Q6 E      F6F-5 Hellcat: 7 destroyed
5 `0 O9 A( }$ ]: e! _$ l7 E, o* k& S, L0 {  d- l
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 ]1 d. Y" [' \9 l' q0 t- I. G+ q
Morning Air attack on Manus , at 101,119
6 Z" M3 v& @; i2 s$ B7 w
0 A+ V  V3 o' X9 d5 M1 ?& F! JWeather in hex: Partial cloud3 [% }5 C$ G- b: J  p

! ]* ^  L5 _- w: Y9 G( ]7 ^2 YRaid detected at 185 NM, estimated altitude 46,000 feet.
1 Q) d/ `$ q8 E+ b0 E6 O6 b6 t7 O/ eEstimated time to target is 46 minutes! Z& ]% L6 l  N" n+ x4 \; R7 g
1 y$ l- i+ Q: L! @, J
Japanese aircraft: y" w! M9 ]  d: w/ k& Z
      Ki-94-II x 493 O- }; ~% |/ z) B/ G9 g+ K
5 d4 D5 ~) G% O& l5 r
Allied aircraft
1 `, Z6 w- E  G( _9 A& Z( N      F6F-5 Hellcat x 48
  m% c& V; ~, o$ I0 u8 N" p 6 q8 F* F9 p+ r0 T( J6 p
Japanese aircraft losses
6 X! W4 O/ N. Q' c5 k  Q$ D+ K: |      Ki-94-II: 1 destroyed
( B- [( J6 J2 H6 R9 E0 R
/ A, }; g5 ~) wAllied aircraft losses( i1 }& `# E& W# J( I
      F6F-5 Hellcat: 9 destroyed  w5 u& K1 ~  q9 x7 W

8 B8 W' M3 C, v$ V5 r$ M接下来很快就会有更多的KI-94机队投入到南洋正在激战的一线空战中去,盟军战斗机队将面临严重的挑战!
本帖最后由 J2M5 于 2014-8-2 13:34 编辑 : s8 X% D0 |2 M) D
9 B4 T( l% U' [
升限压制扫场果然很威猛啊,就看与P47P51交换比了. x2 \. ?# z% A6 S& u7 y* s
当天的交换比大概在1:2.5左右- Y, }1 W! u  H) c; n. U& C
: z& e0 S2 I& ~* d( x- r& K
$ [9 q( B! U8 E' g  \/ O+ M/ G' K+ y, D: D( C' e
6 Y# |3 o3 {" ^0 G8 P  S8 b4 v/ t" a
4 \, S$ \& C7 Q5 E5 Y' n帝国在爪哇设防的第21军选择退出沿海大城市在山城万隆设防看来是一个明智的选择,避开了盟军海军炮击的威胁之后,盟军唯一能做的只有用轰炸机不断来轰炸消耗日军部队了,可惜由于山地的影响,对地面部队的杀伤极为有限,而且日军布置在万隆的AA部队每天都能击落一些盟军轰炸机,累计已经有30~40架盟军轰炸机损失在此地。正面虽然有超过4000战力的盟军部队与日军对峙,但是仍然不敢轻易发动攻击,爪哇战役由于万隆这个钉子的存在也变得旷日持久。
6 p  R: n2 x: G3 O8 s; `1 l+ f  {  J( j
2 I3 b2 J* c4 A& u7 i. i3 ]- w
- j1 ?* N1 u, l6 o/ A+ |& Z# qGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
( S3 f! z" E/ }0 i9 N' Q " m$ s9 y4 r' J) k4 d
Allied Bombardment attack, t5 x0 i4 P! l3 c
: A) U8 f4 |: _  @) ?
Attacking force 10186 troops, 286 guns, 672 vehicles, Assault Value = 4724
5 H( G' m! q( w7 D- Z0 d' w $ k3 o! r' s* d0 L
Defending force 36681 troops, 370 guns, 85 vehicles, Assault Value = 1075
( L* S" r1 O, e# J0 p' l! y) G/ I
/ u# M; b2 W7 N; `Japanese ground losses:9 J  V8 v5 m* ~/ k4 T1 a
      6 casualties reported# }3 Q  s1 o5 O/ A3 y
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; G, m, ^$ U7 H+ B& I- i         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# I7 d6 ~+ ^7 ~6 C' W0 V# G         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% M9 F. j0 @/ f! d
* X- Z6 q% A0 l3 M7 T. B; t9 BAllied ground losses:2 B* b$ q3 |8 \. k; x( c% F
      27 casualties reported
& _8 L3 ?0 H* C' M# O         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled8 ]9 y" v( |3 l* n$ v+ T& |
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
% M1 g' m+ \: \" }6 v+ p) \         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ q' _; c" O' n2 l/ P ' z) O5 N/ |% }3 U, W7 _0 W- Y' H
Assaulting units:1 L8 m' H! i& P% h: {! w- g
    2/4th Armoured Regiment
/ E3 R/ u% k9 w) m: h6 K    18th British Division
9 h$ f9 G+ P6 i% D7 B    2nd Marine Regiment( \' o" z7 S8 G' i
    671th Tank Destroyer Battalion
4 Q  V. S; H4 ]/ ~0 V; d    254th Armoured Brigade& E3 Z5 i; X; G5 `: ~
    670th Tank Destroyer Battalion0 l9 w; }( E; j
    50th Tank Brigade
( i3 x8 r0 B7 t    8th Australian Division( M4 G9 B* s: \* @9 E2 i. C
    3rd Carabiniers Regiment
$ h) F6 a. ^& }5 o    93rd Infantry Division
- \; b' X; w! n, q% d" X    31st Armoured Division9 a; J1 Y- P) l8 I. w! d) A
    32nd Army Tank Brigade
: K: H( C3 w4 E0 \- g& }2 h    11th Australian Division; j( o: r. y" j) P
    9th Indian Division
1 D8 _: G( k5 H7 z    1st Army Tank Regiment( T7 A: g5 {% r6 h! P/ R! H3 \
    4th Armoured Brigade
$ b, y* T9 k- M/ {$ \+ i) q    7th Australian Division" p2 F0 g, `- q% ]$ b! x8 X
    51st Highland Division
: o  H# v. P/ X' T. |7 _) q* ~    1st Medium Regiment1 l) p! K6 t1 |6 j: d4 j
    251st Field Artillery Battalion
8 A1 X: W, |5 N    97th Field Artillery Battalion
9 ?" I3 f; R3 a* `( I$ ~! L8 u    108th Tank Attack Regiment
4 D, b: r& S: c- m% T2 S    2/16th Field Regiment
9 f+ x7 u9 B- Z6 b    XI US Corps5 U+ e. y" T3 ?, u
    249th Field Artillery Battalion% u) f& }* c) U$ P
    56th Australian Lt AA Regiment, K" L% S0 R, M% y
- i/ \" I5 H" z; O) }
Defending units:6 U5 z% j9 W3 X5 o
    11th Militia Regiment6 y- J  T5 n) r# f0 k1 {
    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
$ a$ k6 J0 ~: f' \" h    49th/B Division
% [1 w6 c8 ~2 {" N7 h' U    22nd Ind.Mixed Brigade2 j9 [) ~; `& I% d4 p; D; a
    17th Ind.Mixed Regiment
, z9 l+ O- A. \    49th/A Division1 F3 L/ C2 A0 r3 t: h% d4 {
    6th Java Militia Regiment
' q4 X/ `. u& P0 ?; K    49th/C Division
0 @5 ^2 s  D* U1 x6 {0 g" Y6 k' V    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
- A2 }* M7 W0 Z& M: E, n' G) X: ^    3rd FF Const Unit % |% u& ~4 N* B, Y- c
    9th Medium FA Rgt /2
8 \/ H! A* L$ w9 t8 o) c    48th Field AA Battalion4 m$ J2 ^  y9 G5 p+ F
    55th Const Co / S# O. {) n! _. J& F
    27th Special Base Force* g: H$ t- I' n
    17th Naval Construction Battalion1 C) x. n# K( E. F/ x) T2 ~
    36th Field AA Battalion
. v- N4 E! w0 q+ `$ G7 r& {    97th JAAF AF Bn & m2 K2 E! z3 ^5 G5 I
    39th Ind. Engineer Regiment
( l; n6 {+ O' G% ?. K4 z    56th Field AA Battalion2 r7 L5 y( G+ E$ n6 q( m
    21st Army5 S' r" ^3 o* t# j" j6 Q0 Z- ~
    47th Road Const Co
6 ?( L. \( r; w: f( F: t    3rd JNAF AF Unit * X* ~! Q( b; X* ?, `7 j: U$ w$ Q( _5 ^* p
    49th Field AA Battalion4 k( O$ ], p$ a# \$ d) U! ^$ s1 h, T
    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
  T* Y' N! A9 `* `, Y5 v7 U    13th Field AF Construction Battalion
. s! t  L2 e  A( B8 R+ Z7 s' Q1 z    49th Const Co ( T/ C4 {$ V6 c* {- T
    12th Air Defense AA Rgt /3
' d4 Q1 {4 v+ [0 [4 B! t
0 I* O4 N7 w/ R. q  U9 W
% q5 c  z6 w; {" r8 G同时,盟军在肖特兰的美国陆军第41步兵师在休整之后也对当地日军部队展开了连续两天的强攻,但是除了增添伤亡外毫无进展。3 h! |: [2 ]. \% ]# B

, p  ]) r# c8 }3 t4 ^# D  P  Z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ U0 J* x, d! S: |* B# c; I% j2 `7 _ 2 t. i# y; E, z* R' _; D6 ~
Ground combat at Shortlands (109,131); K4 |" a/ s7 r% J& p" i6 a2 L% p
" J% }% Z9 g) }3 X
Allied Deliberate attack
9 l6 Y8 n7 q# V1 ?+ o7 ~; i5 }
+ U8 D7 {' M6 rAttacking force 8378 troops, 212 guns, 183 vehicles, Assault Value = 291
- R: ?  r* v  E' n& D ( ?! r) E/ X8 N+ V5 r
Defending force 4949 troops, 52 guns, 15 vehicles, Assault Value = 1139 b: k% \# n" p  z) d
' \3 a  v1 R! R: P) f# M' G' [; A) g
Allied adjusted assault: 50
6 G( e) Y  R0 c/ q% ~6 W
/ |+ ?& G) n2 b4 a6 hJapanese adjusted defense: 253
( |0 ~/ \2 r9 K; e0 L. H , r! E1 U- `8 L7 w
Allied assault odds: 1 to 5 (fort level 6) # t; }; E; H- R9 S
+ j% V5 x" Z% q6 q3 i3 N, U! m4 G
Combat modifiers
0 [$ l% Z5 U& bDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), experience(-): F0 J; I& q1 x, m# X
Attacker: leaders(-)# [5 z( F% U7 h/ s/ a

9 Q) `5 |: u, f5 I; B; MJapanese ground losses:6 b4 q; c) e* I7 M! i3 O8 y- ], ?
      245 casualties reported2 E% |& W; X$ l# _( g+ i
         Squads: 3 destroyed, 15 disabled
* U! H7 @: _1 `: f8 H, N& F         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled# d# q; O' X8 X- F. k
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled6 j* v( \$ m- \( j1 n
      Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)" H! P; Q6 H2 X8 X! p3 X
: H8 S% J5 \% A( s3 w
Allied ground losses:
* V6 J8 @! c  _1 l# M' U! ^4 v' V      148 casualties reported
! C1 G: G+ w% v- {) o) n         Squads: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled) E9 |( C2 E$ v+ ^; q/ k' X7 @! c: I5 X
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
8 Z: B# r! K0 L  p+ G7 \         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
/ h3 Q2 u" {  q6 p0 e5 a * u/ l+ ^# F  U/ P2 n$ F
Assaulting units:5 H+ r% g9 K) U/ ^. @8 X) Z; J7 D
    41st Infantry Division5 Y2 h' Y' ^; g, t$ b2 Q
9 r/ Q5 {0 f5 F* Q! ^. L
Defending units:
* \, |" ?5 s( B1 Q& X    41st Guard Battalion
: Z: z( i4 \6 s  y; y. M( p    86th Naval Guard Unit! v; j" M# n/ c! s9 L
    I/66th Naval Guard Unit
( q/ j$ x7 }9 R- S9 P- c    11th JNAF AF Unit
( d. |* R2 E* Y  G6 E    Kure 3rd SNLF
" F* J0 O1 k9 G" |2 Y, K+ M5 E" n    11th RF Gun Battalion
2 e) f0 _5 p- A. G0 F. [    44th JNAF AF Unit
* B+ w3 |4 B+ N7 d6 E& t
) i* |$ \1 u( d- F  r4 P目的不在于守住这些已经断绝后援的基地,而在于尽可能给盟军制造麻烦,拖延时间,我个人的经验感觉放个1000左右的战力差不多,放太多容易被围而不打,放太少又起不到牵制的作用
" z2 H  H  s# _9 T5 p* Y- K* T  G6 [  Q5 ]/ k0 U
5 }+ j8 \/ b7 u3 R
' D' p( L. ^/ Z( K  \1 x* m当然牺牲总会得到回报,盟军目前的进度基本符合大本营的估计,绝对国防圈建设一日千里啊~
, p+ C9 u/ P, V  p, U. J; `3 |$ @4 v6 p; w8 c* Z4 G
盟军展开了对万隆的攻势!  I. W  ~! e7 p1 a# j$ S

7 a' B! J* J; w- W1 U- O3 Z攻击首日,盟军集中了大量轰炸机对万隆展开了千机轰炸,部署在万隆附近的帝国防空炮兵部队奋起反击,击落超过10架盟军轰炸机,但是盟军飞机数量太多,地面仍然被压制,所幸山地地形的有力掩护,盟军的轰炸行动对于地面部队的杀伤非常有限。
3 p  Q- V- V0 N* cAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 28, 45
) M/ v, E  o( @. O  a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* G! B- t/ r$ V3 SMorning Air attack on 3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)9 D0 r2 q# u: y/ w9 m
$ c, a- ~) H( c" V( }* j3 h3 u0 k
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
; R# K1 V8 Z# I9 j, Q7 A ' s7 k+ M% y) b' X
Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.* C4 S! b, i% e+ R
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes3 V4 h) x: X% N2 n
) A# L! `& t9 x9 D5 O
Allied aircraft2 Z/ R  `. F1 i) o5 v
      PV-1 Ventura x 40; m; _  p, ^+ A" o6 E. o" l  N
      P-38L Lightning x 36
  d3 n/ [* N7 N* o( b' w' Z9 {6 U
' d; v2 t4 K7 {" _) U" d4 IAllied aircraft losses
( G# N1 k% N  n; J; K" p: d) B      PV-1 Ventura: 7 damaged1 ?6 k4 Y; u' Q, ]
      PV-1 Ventura: 1 destroyed by flak' T2 E1 Z9 y8 x2 R
! e: D) x6 X5 _' z! P  n# B4 l  ~
Japanese ground losses:' d: ]* T% k8 c0 U
      11 casualties reported
9 L! B: ^* ~. G+ M3 X6 n) q( \         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled  n! f. l" y+ t
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 s- B0 w+ |, l( R- o. M5 w         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 _, n. |! h( H% I4 i

: q3 w9 E8 B; o5 G9 d! V) W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& v4 r' Z. W; X0 p$ `3 _
Morning Air attack on 49th/C Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)2 I6 a, P, ?1 _. a6 Y2 T

; g( J# q7 x' Q+ VWeather in hex: Heavy rain
  ~& p  w& q3 j2 w1 Z5 @6 o4 g 9 a! P5 @/ J0 l& v; L0 c
Raid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
+ X. `) B" G1 e7 v6 QEstimated time to target is 17 minutes; B/ V7 e6 n* _  y; s9 l

7 P3 D9 X8 H+ t! N/ h* M$ K1 ^Allied aircraft
$ l- ~: E' x1 q8 l7 @      A-26B Invader x 50
' [9 _9 Q6 ]# Q+ }% a/ A1 D      B-25H Mitchell x 36, l+ X  A. n# ~7 G+ u7 W2 H/ }
      B-25J1 Mitchell x 360 `3 ]2 }. W# w2 O# u
      B-25J11 Mitchell x 26
1 ~0 Q+ F) H3 X' q" }$ [, ]      P-38L Lightning x 6
# H7 w! n: w. U+ Y: z# ]8 q7 x/ Q0 n 8 D% f- F  G6 k0 Q6 ^0 l
Allied aircraft losses( j! y; X' ^  g  Y
      B-25H Mitchell: 24 damaged3 n$ q3 }8 ^: a, s, d
      B-25H Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak
( s) c6 X$ Q5 W3 G3 a* w9 ]6 ~      B-25J1 Mitchell: 15 damaged
5 P1 Z! D# c$ y/ a" C5 e9 O4 H* i      B-25J11 Mitchell: 13 damaged
; ~( Z8 F- G. ?' q: g$ i      B-25J11 Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak
5 `! q( v- R5 k( o7 |4 @ , n0 \% g9 k7 p7 t5 j
Japanese ground losses:9 E. Q) P2 }9 m1 M( K9 x: ^
      15 casualties reported
" v7 G, l" J+ Q  @         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 B& `) B9 L% C6 h: r4 h( X8 [
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled1 y. L4 i( s" g, f2 s% L4 F2 R
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% K2 i- q2 r& X/ z4 O# H, W. u% J
! f( ~  G. C! Z' q, z3 D+ C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 L6 s5 @5 r7 F7 E. f  {. M
Morning Air attack on 49th/C Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)" J$ U, N/ {/ k# Z) ^8 U4 R
' Y2 N7 j) j0 {  a7 s8 ]
Weather in hex: Heavy rain5 a4 ^/ n3 q8 [9 y; c5 i/ ]6 r
: t/ J) A$ b9 G0 {$ }: O- w
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
/ C  _/ G( s5 S# U, I& LEstimated time to target is 12 minutes  I( X+ U) I6 I* d
6 W, o( P3 r6 r! d& O3 z' F( L# ]
Allied aircraft0 m- \& ?  @; X0 K2 A9 i7 q
      B-25H Mitchell x 7
9 U3 r* e4 j# ?, G
, L: R3 M+ H4 h6 QAllied aircraft losses
4 F1 z" c+ K$ N      B-25H Mitchell: 4 damaged
; F% u' w; @9 X8 N6 P$ `0 w+ o- V      B-25H Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak
4 L! p* h5 H+ V1 K. i , L: R# [# b, _9 w  y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 t: i$ r7 W+ T' U! I* N- X. }
Morning Air attack on 49th/A Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
- q* V- ], v) d  R8 Z( r
4 B) f. i; f+ U7 l$ qWeather in hex: Heavy rain9 h9 a" w9 I6 m& n$ e

. V8 b7 J: y4 g4 ?; }) v+ G( qRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
/ G( |5 v8 D7 c- k8 b1 ^- Y8 mEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
" q/ U' E, z9 R8 [( v8 C 8 C# ^/ M9 t, t6 Z! k1 J* {4 m
Allied aircraft
4 U+ U& F! n- J2 `      A-26B Invader x 12
3 E( ^( W. `% M! w; @1 m$ a % p8 M/ [9 Q) h
Allied aircraft losses
9 A, L$ l4 }$ D+ B. p% \      A-26B Invader: 3 damaged
7 I* ?1 z, _% Z: O4 Q7 x# n      A-26B Invader: 1 destroyed by flak/ Q& ^6 l, L$ B1 ]$ u7 p
8 Q- Y# k& C, }
' Y6 {5 n5 Y3 ]8 T- eMorning Air attack on 49th/B Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)2 X. V5 c) x6 G" y9 e3 c* q) H

) P0 D' A- O( H( X6 t. U1 JWeather in hex: Heavy rain) v; l; O; z4 u* J
+ X$ h, G$ |2 q5 m
Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
$ u/ t9 ~4 q: n3 e" Y3 k5 [8 P; |Estimated time to target is 18 minutes
  B  q, }* Y* o! T' {8 z ! c" \3 H3 U& F& a
Allied aircraft  f; f  ?6 e- `# u& Q% y& ]4 P
      B-25J11 Mitchell x 93 M' g5 n6 A6 ]' D# X

% W. ~7 e. l) O) l% m+ G5 }Allied aircraft losses* v5 q7 \1 p- c) o, \
      B-25J11 Mitchell: 5 damaged
% w, r# i/ b$ e0 J; W" l      B-25J11 Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak; \0 f4 J: E  \# G+ X8 L+ o4 j: W
% [3 y  X/ H) ]% b) i) J1 W6 f
Japanese ground losses:7 I3 R+ j( P3 P4 e; N; I
      21 casualties reported" I, h: |) }! E
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
  a- |; E6 k& Q) A2 u$ a         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* w: N0 O0 X4 e
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# B$ U/ u0 V* q. o
' v; U0 V6 `3 Z. R' hMorning Air attack on 3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 50,100 (Bandoeng). ?( G3 g2 i0 E
5 [7 _, ]* M8 |9 _& X& {
Weather in hex: Heavy rain% Z; ~5 n$ S7 y3 A) c8 t- u% a

* k' e# {9 ~' i" c8 mRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
8 A/ j3 s; k, k3 Q- P( TEstimated time to target is 6 minutes6 j+ L6 x( ~# [% F
2 n# S9 V6 ~, i& @! y7 c/ m
Allied aircraft
5 F% n3 f% {- K) Q# H0 g      B-25J1 Mitchell x 9+ J' Q5 L3 ?' [5 M: t

( H. B6 r' u  G# X" cAllied aircraft losses6 M6 R8 s; B3 {3 M$ m0 s2 w* r
      B-25J1 Mitchell: 4 damaged
& V' ^7 I/ F! g      B-25J1 Mitchell: 1 destroyed by flak2 H& W6 C( n! N8 ?- n
: Z6 p; [1 w" a# j  \, z$ G1 W
0 g' h; r2 M# r, }: _4 z* w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 |7 M$ l( z0 Y, U! a
& Y2 s0 ~( r$ F. d2 f1 l3 J4 B. rGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
7 m! z# _' R% u3 j$ G  F
$ s! A. _) o% f, ~3 R/ l1 mAllied Deliberate attack1 ]- B( i7 R8 K/ [
  s5 d9 t8 e) g. k$ c) w3 z5 Q/ q
Attacking force 114689 troops, 1852 guns, 4005 vehicles, Assault Value = 5178* ^) {& D# P- Y/ h3 |

- G  a& F1 g0 n) J& p* fDefending force 36648 troops, 369 guns, 85 vehicles, Assault Value = 1074' `/ H0 \3 t& g) D6 S
; V! x( S8 m$ f* Y/ X& D
Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 5. D% G! w9 @3 ]  t; `. A$ K: y) T
, s2 R: D4 H% p4 x
Allied adjusted assault: 3410 , ?7 k9 p# i) m( t
6 e5 f9 }! w  G
Japanese adjusted defense: 4009
. X! G. d, G4 B7 D $ q; m( W6 `' o1 h# N' F) s
Allied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 5)
. _" ?, p5 H, F$ A: x
% R. y  l( H* U: r2 ]4 }: hCombat modifiers
: f3 ^2 s- ^3 O& [$ G+ r3 R7 D, jDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), disruption(-)
; R+ c7 ]7 f; N- \/ x5 Y/ f preparation(-), experience(-)
" D) h1 W& j4 f4 Z# qAttacker: - z% e  b+ d& _7 ~# K) Q( d

% f6 R' x, N( w9 V0 A2 SJapanese ground losses:: x2 V  m% |7 g$ s! m0 q
      3832 casualties reported, d6 D- N8 R0 n: e5 g- k+ Q
         Squads: 23 destroyed, 313 disabled- Y9 t3 U$ l. ~! P- n
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 50 disabled. Y9 `, G1 @4 l, x+ S0 e# p
         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 46 disabled
0 Q1 ~) `, c: }2 e7 @9 `$ U+ ?      Guns lost 52 (5 destroyed, 47 disabled)
4 S2 ]& ]- F+ G1 V7 O; [, @ ! n2 B3 z' O0 s; s( [
Allied ground losses:" |( S  b2 \2 ^2 c8 {& i' \: t
      2742 casualties reported
4 E& |; z) h5 {1 q' R         Squads: 9 destroyed, 449 disabled
2 Q5 c- [& g$ H, @$ @4 a' s         Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 106 disabled" e4 V+ b/ ~, ^" ]8 H( N1 ~
         Engineers: 7 destroyed, 42 disabled
- Y( K- m" Q( M/ k3 v, Z7 s; C      Guns lost 93 (2 destroyed, 91 disabled)* Q2 I3 a) Q, N' {5 I
      Vehicles lost 83 (3 destroyed, 80 disabled)
' u& ~; U4 c: U8 h* t# _: C ( n) r- k9 I; X7 A# x, h
Assaulting units:
  f: W0 [' U0 H3 c/ H    8th Australian Division
" P0 a& v  @( h" r& M! S    9th Indian Division
. b( _! n8 `' I$ p    2/5th Armoured Regiment+ b! Q% Q8 _" d% w+ V5 X
    2/4th Armoured Regiment3 T9 U* v, c  Q9 E
    268th Motorised Brigade
' z) w- x/ @. |& |+ n5 F    1st Army Tank Regiment1 {% @% a3 J. p* Z
    2nd Marine Regiment
% V8 y" l8 l2 m: u# U. k; Y- j2 V4 c    632nd Battalion
: @4 S5 S) x1 @* b2 g, B6 c    254th Armoured Brigade1 C/ v9 e' c: C! G( _( v2 m
    2/6th Armoured Regiment
. N  ~( y! ]! i2 u; ~) a1 V8 R( @$ a    671th Tank Destroyer Battalion9 O# g9 A- y. B" R5 m
    670th Tank Destroyer Battalion- v0 A' h+ H% I: I% G7 Q
    50th Tank Brigade' U1 v3 ?# v6 _0 b5 a
    31st Armoured Division
% O6 \9 ~+ [$ X% Q5 [. Y( r; l    11th Australian Division
! x# t8 `) d' V: K" [    4th Armoured Brigade
' {: r: w( O' p$ I    Gardner's Horse Regiment
+ [; M" W  W. u* }- Y    32nd Army Tank Brigade
. Q' G: h1 `* ?3 q5 ~. ]8 y    637th Tank Destroyer Battalion7 H' Z" N7 C& @6 }! [3 Q
    18th British Division# v5 e  @* `! y5 J! o4 a9 c% v
    93rd Infantry Division
- Y; K+ x' `5 \  r: A    7th Australian Division0 Y- A1 C4 k: O# e7 T) W1 j
    3rd Carabiniers Regiment! `- @  t4 ^( c4 D  O+ b0 K
    51st Highland Division  A! A, |% j- n- x3 N! Z
    2/16th Field Regiment
& k) r( h0 `* O* Q% J    251st Field Artillery Battalion# M5 _. V9 F: \0 L/ {
    97th Field Artillery Battalion
) E5 U: m6 H+ @5 I: a    1st Medium Regiment
  x2 r, F1 Z5 [% j6 B5 o' d    108th Tank Attack Regiment8 ^- n3 ]' ?0 r6 Z) b0 w
    XI US Corps& F4 P; U( X1 _( l+ A
    249th Field Artillery Battalion% [9 i% [3 \9 }  I
    56th Australian Lt AA Regiment8 N! y. q7 V: n6 v1 l
# e2 ~: C: N* P3 ~
Defending units:* [* V) E6 f8 N4 i+ m. Z3 q: }
    49th/B Division
. K" X# i8 O/ w! s" y9 {3 [; }$ V- I    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade$ d: e2 v" W& }6 P
    11th Militia Regiment
, n- J+ Q" V4 ]$ A3 o6 Q: Z    6th Java Militia Regiment6 w* \) w+ R5 b
    49th/A Division
6 l8 V( p$ r4 ~    17th Ind.Mixed Regiment# E+ F( v( b, }$ h6 l( z; ~
    22nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
4 t! o; U2 Y, E! u+ @. d) G    49th/C Division/ W! M0 y- C2 W/ W$ d
    4th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
, T0 y* C8 g  [    13th Field AF Construction Battalion% D" ]! a7 d- }4 ?
    49th Field AA Battalion  X& K, b, p/ \4 }
    49th Const Co
6 |5 e0 r& i+ L( e( x' H4 d5 C    3rd FF Const Unit . V* O, t& s' `1 q1 X' }2 P( i# j
    39th Ind. Engineer Regiment
* c* v2 n: }2 M9 |4 z# K/ p/ l. K    17th Naval Construction Battalion
% ]: m  v! T4 ~- U$ \" K5 f    36th Field AA Battalion
3 K/ [0 [; q& q. M% ]    55th Const Co
  @- n; a+ _" P3 L' q8 E( F    97th JAAF AF Bn
6 p1 g, r1 ^8 k    27th Special Base Force
4 h" {6 k8 A1 A1 _7 W* z    3rd JNAF AF Unit 6 u4 M# g+ w9 P4 Q0 k( t
    48th Field AA Battalion
5 y: D9 U7 ?9 y: w    56th Field AA Battalion, h% ]- Q$ q8 Y. Y: c4 [
    47th Road Const Co
6 L" D& J0 V3 n! q1 G$ K! z    9th Medium FA Rgt /2
+ G, x) E9 Z2 F8 D& T4 z    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
, S2 l/ f" ]$ n  m9 L    21st Army* Q; M' i: o0 z# G/ W
    12th Air Defense AA Rgt /3
4 }2 S# S( o% y0 g7 G2 q7 G
% H. K+ |8 o3 ^( H3 e同样是1000+左右的兵力,同样是6级城防,同样是面对5000+战力的攻城盟军,在没有舰队炮击的扰乱下,帝国部队发挥出了正常的实力,这一次的实验证明,盟军舰队炮击对于陆战调整值的影响之大,已经远远超过的正常范围,可以说是一个真正的BUG
正在修整的盟军部队有一个打怪练级的副本怎么能不刷!% f$ @* ~/ Q4 r: R
* z4 A8 S; j- ~' p
) O4 z( A8 y1 ], I4 y
( g1 ~0 K( r+ c. L( z, o# A: {# ~另外这次万隆盟军没有准备度没有HQ也没有海军炮击,当然不可能打出万鸦老那种战果# w3 u3 d4 E( ?  F. i
% H  \6 ~% g: G# Y2 G
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
5 d% U1 q! T( t% e" A0 z  O7 a" K) p- V7 f2 j, }
这1000多AV的日军1,2个礼拜就能刷完,所有参战的盟军部队经验都能涨一点. t3 _7 y6 y5 R0 b1 J0 u- p
2 K- \' t  o3 }# p
另外这次万隆盟军没有准备度没有HQ也没有海军炮击,当然不可能打出万鸦老那种战 ...
! k& z/ I( I. a1 s1 Xhades1001 发表于 2014-8-6 13:29
( f- s: v$ S2 \  f: W: b
: L0 h% G4 q+ @2 \! o/ d/ {