经过一天的爬山涉水, 上山下坡,我们的第一个晚上是扎营在 DUMP 66(海拔470米).DUMP 66 是位於一小河道旁边平整的地面,一幅战时的供给基地.
9 T- d" R8 _% Z3 X% q" r0 j6 s! t7 c i
士兵Bert Kienzle 在他的日记中记录到:"1942年9月16 日日军不断进攻并占领了IORIBAIWA, 上午10点30分,接到命令,2小时之内撤离出IORIBAIWA 南部的营地DUMP 44。我们撤退到IMITA 山以南建立一个营地称为" 66 " . 这是一个很令人厌倦的一天,小道的双方向都挤满了前方撤退的先头部队以及运送人员来回携带供给和伤员到安全地方.傍晚的暴雨致使携带运送人员不能回到营地. 9月17日,我们用24小时建立了简单帐篷,厕所和医院的营地称DUMP 66, 继续日常供给给前沿兵力."
& i7 z2 ^" n* w5 \ t; M8 x
: D \3 }5 `8 Q, t9 }2 r( k/ a( z; ^+ I( W' ]% A: T0 D
DUMP66著名的另一个原因就是工兵BERT BERO 在此地写下了最有名战争期间的诗
! h8 I% c# ^- K- ^9 Z(来自科科达崎岖小道头发曲卷的天使),字里行间催人泪下.1 J& I6 }, ^: F6 s6 H
* T- m- f2 u! J' i4 o# A* @
2 P. a; ? L4 G% JMany a mother in Australia when the busy day is done. [# S/ M- E. l4 ~2 ^' [
Sends a prayer to the Almighty for the keeping of her son! X% }& W# }- W8 |7 l4 y# K
Asking that an angel guide him and bring him safely back
# {4 g( S/ n$ S8 x" p5 s/ \/ HNow we see those prayers are answered on the Owen Stanley Track.
! v4 u; o( D3 ~$ E x! _8 T1 IFor they haven't any halos only holes slashed in their ears
" r/ u* C& c8 @+ VAnd their faces worked by tattoos with scratch pins in their hair
, d0 V2 p- ^5 u8 r- N( z+ K, D$ b- TBringing back the badly wounded just as steady as a horse
; @& ^# c& u6 p8 ?( f9 n2 a4 b# SUsing leaves to keep the rain off and as gentle as a nurse. {( b# L* D/ @0 V6 g' I
Slow and careful in the bad places on the awful mountain track
3 ]" W; W2 z9 f |! kThey look upon their faces would make you think Christ was black- d& E6 S7 r$ d, d! G) F% c
Not a move to hurt the wounded as they treat him like a saint , J# e( b5 a0 I0 u) M5 p
It's a picture worth recording that an artist's yet to paint
5 V, U: a) S5 V9 OMany a lad will see his mother and husbands see their wives- Y7 _+ ~8 z; m! B9 O9 z) n
Just because the fuzzy wuzzy carried them to save their lives. F. j, Y) d# o+ `' b" j9 M/ M
From mortar bombs and machine gun fire or chance surprise attacks
/ w4 q* @% `0 y1 A0 j$ bTo the safety and the care of doctors at the bottom of the track
' f j1 V# L- D* K1 hMay the mothers of Australia when they offer up a prayer1 Z' i! n( Z3 [8 ~
Mention those impromptu angels with their fuzzy wuzzy hair.% j, }9 @( \# [ }/ \4 B% q/ H
; Y, j1 P4 e& E$ H0 I) F中文大意是:
1 n' z+ v+ @( N0 ]& e4 I, o. G. N: `6 i b
许多澳洲母亲在忙碌了一天后,, {) `3 D+ n8 O/ w
" `5 o3 ?$ p0 i/ N0 y+ [6 b& o要求天使保护儿子的平安引导他安全返家,7 i; k$ z- b: M0 Z
我们现在看到祈祷在科科达的“头发曲圈的天使”身上灵验,/ b1 @5 g( V+ Q
他们身上没有任何光环只有耳朵上穿了耳洞,0 l% i) j; ?2 T! `) ~7 Q. l
他们脸上刺有图案还有曲圈的黑发,( @; K3 w/ K: {/ s, J
- t" H. R1 E) t+ z- Q1 y2 K0 r( U! f用蕉叶为伤员档雨犹如一名温柔的护士,: k" M( c7 a# U& f! J# A
, b1 l4 t9 U1 r" w* d# J# N看着他们的脸会令你觉得耶稣是黑人。# U: G7 f- D, |% m0 b1 c
没有任何伤员在途中受伤害,6 j2 f. O( i5 i& S& e
6 a+ H, o* `+ _这是一幅值得画家记载的一个画面。
' m( a- {) T# {$ y许多儿子回到到母亲的怀抱丈夫团聚他们的妻子,
: t8 [7 s* \) d, T: J6 l7 K只是因为这些“头发曲圈的天使”挽救了他们的生命,
! V# r6 ?4 M( K, ] n穿越迫击炮弹和机枪扫射或突袭,2 N% j7 T1 Y. e1 i# `$ I) c
4 ^: \3 g. Z: R$ o当澳洲的母亲们祈祷时,
+ }$ [, ]8 _5 R- x5 Z请也为这即席的“头发曲圈的天使”们提供一个祈祷。. d9 w) p8 p3 V# _
) m. A9 t P& R- w, b. K
" ~( o4 j* p' x' N4 B- z5 U2 k历史照片:战时的FUZZY WUZZY抬着伤员过河
3 S( E' W: ?+ x( @ R6 g, n: S% M J/ c7 A
0 p1 {: m8 e5 }6 H& j) h2 X8 R5 }9 K
5 F/ e- J6 `; |' m8 @) h[ 本帖最后由 WendyWen 于 2007-10-3 21:52 编辑 ] |