本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2011-7-12 14:31 编辑 ) Y' c6 @% {; t+ r4 T
, O& y" @) C! N9 V5 u; ~* X2 G" q. n日方视角:+ E; ]3 k ]9 m F5 n6 }; ]
8 x+ K, P* A0 Z" U1 j6 P# ?( a% u1942年5月25日,注定是个伟大的日子,蝗军攻略帕果帕果之登陆部队,在已经完成登陆的情况下,水面战编队和运输船编队陆续后撤,KB也后撤一格殿后,然而一场海空大战竟然不期而遇。4 T4 C2 }. W9 i$ s
7 _& C5 f. a9 w4 w6 i/ c7 k5月24日,敌水面战编队企图偷袭帕果登陆船队,遭到KB迎头痛击后,KB上宝贵的鱼雷已经所剩无机,米酋之TF58以4艘CV的阵容,0CAP出击~~ / r6 S8 E* s; @7 @1 ~
0 w c! ~4 d1 I, x e3 t3 P/ |' ^; J
5月25日上午,敌机来犯,KB250架战斗机紧急迎战,击落击伤一半来犯敌机,突破CAP后的DB命中苍龙1弹,起火,中创,祥凤被弹3枚,重创、大火,致已经起飞的飞机无法正常降落,因此判定OP损失飞机90余架。于此同时,KB起飞70余架0战护送220多架舰攻出发攻击TF58,重创3CV7 J& `( |& K5 j6 H# f
5月25日下午,遭到重创的58起飞的飞机已经非常有限,几乎没有突破KB的CAP,KB起飞的200多架舰攻也因为缺乏鱼雷,对58的攻击扩大的战果有限。 ?, y5 Z9 m: R. l% o
+ ~2 g8 R7 y! t
) ?( D6 A) [* M, d3 ^* r5 f5 l7 V# T1 {/ R) [
$ N3 P9 {" i8 p: u
% n: E6 H# _3 E2 R$ k0 s
, z# v y# Q$ X) O- d帕果帕果此役,蝗军KB,OP损失90余架舰载机(飞行员损失不大),空战损失3架战斗机,取得击落盟军120余架精锐舰载机的战果,蝗军苍龙号中创、无大碍,祥凤号起火96,预计不保,取得重创盟军3CV的战果,今后相当长一段时间里,KB再无大敌~~
4 M' z" M8 w* J4 p
5 L4 x9 z' X/ X0 N" ]. f值得一提的是空战的前夜,蝗军BB编队果断再次炮击了帕果盟军基地,致使盟军刚刚转移上去的陆基战斗机和轰炸机在天亮后的CV对决中未派上用场。
/ i1 `( [- |3 D6 F$ ~2 E6 _5 t1 T* f( H' e7 A
8 S5 ]( {4 H/ C# s2 e4 i/ P+ |
* I# |+ ?" Y+ q: [2 [) j2 m. f--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 y1 c* V1 O) y" @6 r& PNight Naval bombardment of Pago Pago at 148,161 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
2 C! f& Y7 _9 r* K# B! k
: l8 R' P8 H8 N, i2 YAllied aircraft
$ P# O, d3 f% c no flights
: _" m5 t+ g9 J9 b: j9 ?+ c8 Z" P
6 g* L: H! N+ wAllied aircraft losses8 G* }, h6 S5 c
P-38E Lightning: 4 destroyed on ground
0 i+ d2 `) Q, p- `' h. u8 W- t B-26 Marauder: 3 destroyed on ground
( U& J+ K3 N# @, ~$ z0 G7 q
5 P& a* Y e! U9 e) E11 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
* M# \- k" F7 O. K2 k9 T- p; E, y/ B7 k
Japanese Ships
$ J3 v7 s W) R9 s# d! C CA Furutaka5 W. H( ~7 X3 q7 H( I
CA Aoba+ W( i2 h- \6 a
CA Kumano$ m1 |: x4 ^* g& a0 q8 j3 f3 Z
CA Ashigara
' ~5 Z' L. |2 p5 X/ U* q CL Oi6 p x/ q( m5 V
CL Kitakami$ e5 Z& f) S, F& L9 r
CL Yura- }( R9 L, P. Y+ h; p4 H
CL Nagara0 u5 T" E, |' ?1 d
CL Jintsu
3 U4 P2 u) F! ~" `/ M9 D2 I
5 K* D3 S1 g3 Q- g
/ V) d/ T; s7 X- ]6 ]" jAllied ground losses:. o: z% Q! l$ S, s f
29 casualties reported
1 S7 _) e% b* |# r Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, A& s, ]+ \$ d% @/ C6 {0 m( V Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
' A7 M1 d$ W3 y1 T% w2 O# L& U# f; P Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) a# n9 Q5 w8 k8 F8 X' Z" z2 [) n! o- I% v
3 O5 a: _' a& ~' h) f8 q
Airbase hits 81 R* Y4 Y3 F9 Q P. M9 a' S
Airbase supply hits 38 n8 ~0 M1 V. R( |' h% Y e+ @
Runway hits 10
! @' i1 l, ~ ~% m6 S; F, f# Z; A- A6 b! C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ?; @2 z7 n0 h4 z4 D$ s' x+ e y
; q. O% w, M. k4 U" gGround combat at Pago Pago (148,161), n, Z- @ a+ W; V( T
3 b$ K- P3 r3 p: X* F+ a: CJapanese Deliberate attack; O) H: U0 E3 n) }7 e2 y- t" v
; s2 P+ S4 R" @" h$ i' t0 BAttacking force 13898 troops, 133 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 398
% z" I1 j8 {- ?# y, \0 i) c# B' {* r O; r( A# O' L( Y
Defending force 4228 troops, 45 guns, 109 vehicles, Assault Value = 84* q. b6 V" _3 V- ?2 S
+ F+ d& p0 S* K7 Y5 R0 b8 F. @Japanese adjusted assault: 139
: c9 ]' J2 C: s
! I5 C1 `; {' M- v! c# A$ hAllied adjusted defense: 35
; {4 o% @ l0 ]: D6 K9 h6 p/ h/ k- G; Z+ v! a+ D" }8 ~2 ~
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 2)
+ _8 L1 b! Q' @5 o
@. y' Y% p; F" `; d! c( oJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
# q5 I) D5 j; A0 [# i4 m/ J9 M. a2 V0 L
Combat modifiers
* r2 n. L. h8 \/ W4 l+ { BDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-)
2 l8 I- g6 R3 Q7 |& gpreparation(-), experience(-)- ^- a8 n* z: G! p/ W/ l
% m8 k7 H1 i8 e, ~* O4 q& {
- Q& U. E3 j: n, m! n" d8 B! ?) s/ rJapanese ground losses:
/ R0 n2 W5 W" ]# M 642 casualties reported
# T4 ] {0 U0 P0 X: a& N2 ` Squads: 5 destroyed, 32 disabled2 N# I+ s4 w# b* l Y
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 37 disabled" ]% g9 Q0 s. B6 h( @2 N
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled. }9 O1 r& _6 x- W
3 {4 q4 m. T. n [. U& p
; |9 u/ j2 e' ~& V- D/ E* iAllied ground losses:& P. p2 V! D, w- m- B2 R) m$ F
387 casualties reported
: A* F/ s6 i9 u Squads: 4 destroyed, 25 disabled* l0 P( h( G; S6 ~
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 34 disabled
3 H/ K7 s# A% ^, q) C& P Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' b8 s L7 F F! m" u9 ]+ G4 e
& V7 M5 \7 v- D9 }/ U7 v
t' c, ^ F% a; v w1 d
Assaulting units: ]) |# n' r8 w+ W; ^
62nd Infantry Brigade2 d7 w" T/ i$ U) Z
144th Infantry Regiment% J" h; U* w) E6 h* ]2 x8 x3 o
8th Ind.Mixed Brigade( }1 F* P) t1 q- H
56th Infantry Brigade# o' E3 s0 W; Q) V+ G
Kure 5th SNLF
* V7 \, n7 a' a0 p7 G" j9 R4 P& Q, K# O6 B; Y5 O, i
Defending units:
! z$ k. i, H2 g: }6 Q. O1 Z Samoan Marine Battalion2 Y; o k; Z3 C
8th Marine Defense Battalion. Y! p# L7 U9 V$ j$ |
255th USN Base Force: {8 T$ s3 f4 }# V; N
2 _6 O$ t$ S7 t+ D' j
, k2 e! Z6 N4 @+ d5 _, V
同日在努美阿方向,蝗军水雷战队成功逮住盟军一队往塔纳岛送补给的船队,尽数将其歼灭。( T, N% |; ?2 [0 g5 u9 G Q
: ?* U0 e( X; Y! l6 b; ~$ ?/ Z9 h
* L1 m$ d# q! U' F8 ~. PNight Time Surface Combat, near Tanna at 120,157, Range 11,000 Yards
3 q v2 j. m& A0 X3 W; ?# ]1 \; W$ |& N. G8 w4 X! k. ~3 X) ^5 n) \
Japanese Ships
$ e# c7 j% j: X1 g3 h, B: E3 A- @ CL Tama& N1 k1 _& N; o2 v* a6 m
CL Kiso
! n+ Z2 D0 l+ A, o, n DD Maikaze
4 I+ G' P% {8 V DD Shiranui i% j$ `9 n" d1 x; f4 L( b
DD Tokitsukaze- W% O a$ q% h
DD Urakaze+ X% ]. A N; J) B( S
DD Natsugumo! _% V9 X. y i( q, O
DD Asagumo( t0 e% l8 E8 j) P5 B2 J/ t$ E
DD Murasame, }7 q$ F/ A) L0 p
DD Samidare
) ?5 N1 v9 C8 G, L8 U% b8 G DD Kawakaze
}# R# N0 d d8 A$ W% o5 C( j) d7 _ DD Umikaze
" O. D- d, v3 T/ C+ R% z5 H DD Suzukaze, b2 g9 q/ |2 X' U7 D8 F
DD Hatsuharu0 T" A0 P/ c% Z. L) n8 v3 o
. @7 D# \9 ?* ~% C# K
Allied Ships
$ x& _$ m" l7 o) u4 X AM Vireo, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
3 x- ~# y/ L3 @: X% Q, I AVP Heron, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
- [4 s. r3 M2 \5 T a2 G' ^ AVP Avocet, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
8 P% o- n7 x8 f6 u xAK Delawarean, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk; D6 l5 g1 E6 f) P: k2 L
xAK Floridian, Shell hits 20, and is sunk
3 U n+ L* }: _: c: B7 D xAK Indianan, Shell hits 19, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk" o1 Q# W' K- U! o" W! S3 Z% _
xAK Montanan, Shell hits 22, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk! y- @; d Z: F% f: E
xAK Ohioan, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk |. J3 O# u. `- Y& k( l9 @
xAK Oregonian, Shell hits 32, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
" O' E1 |- L9 k2 @ xAK Texan, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk4 |" ?) J" m1 }5 t. K
xAK Santa Elisa, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
& @2 N8 e* S, b xAK Ensley City, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
- ?8 q/ |% H1 O xAK Montgomery City, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk: L; i( L4 g. H, S
xAK Edgar Luckenbach, Shell hits 30, and is sunk0 r9 K! f/ W# z2 `4 m. n% D6 M
xAK F.J.Luckenbach, Shell hits 20, and is sunk9 _2 U4 _' Y, F( {9 K7 v8 p9 U
xAK Harry Luckenbach, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk* }3 y/ j5 ?3 s+ Q+ N
xAK Julia Luckenbach, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk* L4 \" W6 m# t4 t. _0 A, }4 d; ~4 a
xAK Paul Luckenbach, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
* N' k4 P' d& Y) X H3 p9 U* B xAK Walter Luckenbach, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
: W3 P$ K# U! B xAK Coquina, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk# p2 t4 t: s8 G0 C/ _1 P
xAK Fairland, Shell hits 12, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk9 w& G4 T2 v/ V, `& y3 }
xAK Talune, Shell hits 10, and is sunk% g! S/ q) j3 g) K
xAK Koomilya, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
+ e1 C7 j/ B: Z! `1 W4 k3 I3 m$ e# u xAK Mangola, Shell hits 25, and is sunk# d, K# Z/ G0 m- `; O& c J9 [
% R0 D* m1 L7 [ i; V
2 i, o( {" T9 s1 m6 |2 V: r9 o g: K
- s9 k- _# h) h9 i/ p' j8 O) X4 L, }0 V4 [" ~8 ~