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* R5 s8 I- S( `% L% e红叶 发表于 2012-11-12 16:29
3 N. w8 x& ]( u6 J: }* X% t" _) b1 C
' q3 E5 F  U$ D也不算是授权,因为我的权利已经被无视了,谈何授权?1 D+ ~( r. Q* F( l
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
本帖最后由 amdddr 于 2012-11-12 20:56 编辑
* D& `& u7 E% L; |
1 y, p; e  p" C3 P* x) x( o2 v
/ x6 s. D/ P. g% P
: V/ V9 i1 E( ~4 U3 I9 e( o/ A
也不算是授权,因为我的权利已经被无视了,谈何授权?6 s' [' ]9 U- P' r& K
本档战局与战果暂时封存至1943年8月21日,自1943年8月22日当日测试档所产生的一切结果跟本天蝗无关,跟本档无关,谢谢。" Z. [# w- }" c7 ]' ]5 p; ^5 w
championzhao 发表于 2012-11-12 18:58
3 }8 h0 p: n  ^( U- d

9 v" |, Y4 u' C: W4 A+ L: [老赵在谈自己的权力之前,请先想想27之前苦等大半年,而后最近又苦等大半个月,其对手却无任何音讯,那他希望继续对战的权力又在哪里?尊重是互相给予的。
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
老赵典型的只想享受权利,完全不想履行该有的义务,所以无视他就好了。9 k6 y1 d  u8 o1 v9 e
本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2012-11-13 11:41 编辑 ' S& _  K. ^1 n* Q
3 G/ @) g! w$ g6 x* p/ Q
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 26, 43/ k# Y$ Y/ e* C6 d7 }4 K
! e: ^+ m7 Y: w8 f, j

+ J  }2 s  R# j! {/ O% |% }  [+ @盟军对夸贾林环礁的主岛Roi-Namur进行了灭绝人性的集中轰炸,一天毙伤日军数千人,直接削弱战斗力达70到80之多,一下子把日军的战斗力拉到与盟军齐平; s$ c- Z0 b. t
8 L: v, L8 q9 rMorning Air attack on 17th Garrison Unit , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)
5 \; k+ |/ v2 j
7 y) E: L. z* q+ kWeather in hex: Overcast9 }+ e& K6 X5 c& `4 Y2 R2 K

8 f1 ]' O, s0 N& @9 }  RRaid detected at 66 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.- J$ A; m( o( j# s
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes, o. U7 }  k/ w/ H& t

3 I) T: P, ]/ b6 e' s" wAllied aircraft, ]5 d: y9 W7 a0 j9 P! j/ A- j0 v
      B-24D Liberator x 24
2 P! g8 ?6 Z- ~3 {  W      B-24D1 Liberator x 15( k1 f' S: e& |- l% u* l# W8 g
      PB4Y-1 Liberator x 11/ O  p7 L/ S5 J+ o3 A5 f/ f) D

3 _$ |9 w, b1 ?: Z/ j6 m9 P  j2 yAllied aircraft losses# D3 m- P% Y3 W$ l) E7 h' _6 h
      PB4Y-1 Liberator: 1 damaged
+ X3 Z+ @' v0 y+ V! }
5 f2 g; t  d1 L' N% S; uJapanese ground losses:2 p& C# I, E( O* w2 g
      556 casualties reported- R% D* T8 R+ e% Z- n7 M! M& M
         Squads: 6 destroyed, 11 disabled
% }# W* P# F0 @0 P         Non Combat: 19 destroyed, 80 disabled
1 O; m' H- p% P# r: k" M) I         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled4 H' v+ g7 T: l7 w
      Guns lost 10 (2 destroyed, 8 disabled)  Q+ W/ \# Z/ G+ T5 S& @1 s

6 b9 ?1 A% Y8 u6 s2 q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 k& H1 r. Y" a- s, H
Morning Air attack on 17th Garrison Unit , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)
' L3 H" m5 o9 D& B. Y9 y% o
/ q4 E" W  w, m9 T) hWeather in hex: Overcast& b- c( U& a, H+ u, M7 D

3 G5 ~! ^, _4 e) }; qRaid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.1 G# }% q, x: S+ C" F5 ?, o
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes+ I+ W8 ~6 L0 K3 E/ `) B8 C
7 H: U. _6 r& E7 a. S" K' A
Allied aircraft
: O) N6 B3 x% |/ L6 g+ h4 K2 d  U      B-24D1 Liberator x 123 u$ e3 c; x) F) B/ B$ P
      PB4Y-1 Liberator x 24
3 D, }) a7 E$ F, H* W0 b: f5 s; e; C# I
Allied aircraft losses) n1 G1 a7 n2 w; G$ ^
      PB4Y-1 Liberator: 1 damaged( o* c$ t6 q& ]% B6 ~
2 ^% \5 H( m4 |+ e
Japanese ground losses:
0 p, G: t9 }# I      602 casualties reported, a& n- J" h2 R) N/ d% s
         Squads: 8 destroyed, 19 disabled& W6 \  o/ H8 x* M0 W
         Non Combat: 21 destroyed, 68 disabled& W+ i9 t! s3 e& W" Q5 E* S( h1 k. G
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
+ x! y1 u8 u0 G      Guns lost 4 (2 destroyed, 2 disabled)# `  O3 d# {( z- {

: f& n8 A2 g/ b( Z  _* _0 ?" ?# o1 Z- @
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ^( h% {, N' w# G* |- y# ]6 K# l
Morning Air attack on 6th Base Force, at 132,114 (Roi-Namur); t0 I0 S& Z8 m# [. H7 N

% _% |" ^6 N) k0 B) ?8 hWeather in hex: Overcast
: y/ g0 {; B, L5 o$ C8 a6 v: \8 p: d& R. d  P% g  ]* Q
Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.! q! `8 Y# y) K% S
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes
  N; v% G0 R1 M$ g$ X  j: Z4 h3 N' J8 a3 R. ~. e& r% l
Allied aircraft2 G6 e! f( K1 Z  K
      PV-1 Ventura x 36
$ k, \9 M+ C, Y/ Y6 R; u% T
% b1 I  r" r4 I' a. N# K1 BAllied aircraft losses: m) h0 t$ F; k# W  F- B
      PV-1 Ventura: 1 damaged4 j( m0 ]+ `% _4 N
! M! G/ i" B8 L* ~4 O6 l
Japanese ground losses:; _+ f- A3 \2 l5 K1 z& \/ a& p
      346 casualties reported  h' m) G" n2 ?& G! z! J9 w
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 8 disabled
- K: U+ t% A0 L; d  S6 K+ ]         Non Combat: 13 destroyed, 50 disabled
9 l% f# A9 Z3 E: Q: {         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled( B' R  t* c: B+ G* m! F( j
      Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)* [# t1 d+ T* p* _0 T

. |' B/ m$ j' g. P: L5 r5 M; b6 V# I4 x4 x( S6 z
. a9 H* f1 N# L$ i; H9 s( ]9 SMorning Air attack on 73rd JAAF AF Bn , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)' g8 Z8 x# {4 y0 x' t
6 d" }7 G" p5 e- X- Q3 [2 Z! s
Weather in hex: Overcast( v3 U' e. e. _+ X, J6 I9 Q! F' V+ H

/ L/ }# w. K; }. CRaid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
, C) m' h: H* bEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
/ b+ x# C7 ^0 ~) s; C
  }1 ]! k3 Y) W" c' C1 {) pAllied aircraft/ ~: i: S! L1 ?/ P
      PB4Y-1 Liberator x 126 ~( ]$ @* s( ~0 ~9 ]' r/ E

8 ~- ]3 }9 ]5 [8 j/ G! QNo Allied losses& d: [2 J5 ~# N1 \' X

0 [1 u' {; q0 J5 k" w/ vJapanese ground losses:! ], |/ ?" A) K; m9 t$ O
      101 casualties reported6 z! F' C0 W5 s6 M
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
- d# F( t* @" p+ G         Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 4 disabled0 G$ R, r9 S/ ?. \; K# o' p
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled& k/ T1 }1 ?8 q3 H0 b; G
$ `0 X/ W% ~4 W! c0 t3 }
8 d' w7 |4 T( X2 Q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 f0 ^6 D; F! M2 F7 G+ P  R
Morning Air attack on 72nd JAAF AF Bn , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)& Y, y2 R0 G+ Q; b# \! S

- W' c5 O9 l+ e1 h' D# t) fWeather in hex: Overcast& K" `6 G" y4 e' t" L

/ y2 A# i! N& `  h7 ORaid detected at 61 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.5 m7 x7 H0 S- u5 P
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes* u# e: J2 B3 S+ y+ j4 [) m$ `
+ K+ w# s# W! H0 ~' e$ F8 H
Allied aircraft
+ ~# E/ m, C5 T) B5 `9 ^. m      PV-1 Ventura x 24% m& t5 d2 u$ h

8 F6 Q9 ]& Z! y/ R3 kNo Allied losses
3 U' B1 O; M% k! A; K7 ^2 s$ |/ A, G6 I' k, X: t
Japanese ground losses:% N# n* Z# g7 A# V+ g- e! V
      186 casualties reported
9 n! j, s6 F% A% |. }% f  T         Squads: 4 destroyed, 1 disabled: B8 i! ]: J9 _9 I% `; e/ j
         Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 18 disabled
. i7 D/ r) u# y6 ?* O         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, ?7 ?$ M! p5 O1 ~
1 x' ?3 |/ S) z( i0 J
/ t2 d- T4 c1 t; _; _4 S
/ t" f) G: ?2 N5 O9 J- i1 m0 O( d--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 P, q" L% D, U) C1 OMorning Air attack on 113th JAAF AF Bn , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)
' ?/ Y% G- \! M/ D; W) J- Z9 @. P- Z  i
Weather in hex: Overcast
5 Y8 `" ]8 n4 V  w3 |, x3 `% Z6 l" W) ~9 z1 x
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
8 b7 {5 k6 R' x4 g0 S! SEstimated time to target is 9 minutes- |8 h, j8 }7 V1 m0 s  \' O8 S

; Y8 A8 a  }% p0 m; MAllied aircraft
6 T/ n8 [$ l. Z& t: O      B-25C Mitchell x 26
" @2 |6 N5 i7 o, B% v6 i
6 O, S0 }5 J2 |* H* T' d6 GNo Allied losses
, f. H& T: P8 g; O; [" F3 \2 B1 ^6 D0 @; W2 K; |
Japanese ground losses:3 L4 l. p8 Q3 W2 a  t8 Z
      76 casualties reported
/ v% ^( {6 r+ N8 V; r  s         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 [9 A8 _9 e) W         Non Combat: 24 destroyed, 22 disabled
" a/ L; A% D3 W0 f" u         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
: x- `" _, E# u5 F( p( t" P2 }- @$ C, Y      Vehicles lost 32 (17 destroyed, 15 disabled)9 }/ x8 M. ]4 S  F
6 }9 O0 ^# l4 ?) U! K. Q9 U

8 V+ Q8 N- B  `+ s% }9 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; p! w$ B) z2 f3 D2 ?/ {( K, v
Morning Air attack on 21st JAAF Base Force, at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)7 o5 [0 c" [2 G/ Z. s
6 P# E0 M6 b) d* R
Weather in hex: Overcast
0 r& M' ]) X# o' z8 M8 V. G! E- a1 I1 ?6 E( Y! t) Z
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.* T, M9 r: F: L' y; ]
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes
% V9 q# M" |9 g0 \9 c
* p  s& g& ^+ x1 G# VAllied aircraft5 b; i6 [, ]! w! x2 N
      B-24D1 Liberator x 283 l, V6 ~3 W! N2 B$ {- a1 j

) @2 n1 q* Z( JNo Allied losses
8 y% U* s3 m* V* N' e6 Y2 x. h$ L5 r3 Q- H7 T" ^7 l* q% S' Y9 Y2 E
Japanese ground losses:4 j+ h4 ]. V; @7 U% B+ V2 e
      310 casualties reported5 S/ Q  u! v7 i8 ~! w# \% d
         Squads: 4 destroyed, 12 disabled" m; r! V0 i6 ~- {/ d- I8 a8 Q9 p
         Non Combat: 45 destroyed, 6 disabled
6 u! R. y& h" `# v: r8 ]' E         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ q, n% |5 J- d& _" t5 O4 c      Guns lost 4 (2 destroyed, 2 disabled)2 ~2 S5 ?, h+ n, k0 i8 H) d
      Vehicles lost 36 (36 destroyed, 0 disabled)! ]. A% ~, K1 j- u' q4 k: {
0 g1 O( {* B$ p4 c$ S

4 F, @, e/ M( n! Q
2 z0 E/ ]! Q' k) r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; g8 ^9 w' d, ?) T' F
Morning Air attack on 6th Base Force, at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)
5 d0 ], V. i1 R3 N. b% Z
# j/ V; s' b$ q2 U5 F: uWeather in hex: Overcast" s8 e- s' L; v& S! N
8 z4 {$ l9 U* u
Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.5 o: f3 G8 ?; y5 G  o# I! z# g7 X
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes' p& {$ w3 |' k  w

, d  o3 ^  z* O. ?Allied aircraft! j! f/ s7 e: `/ X$ W
      B-25C Mitchell x 12
1 t! q- p6 j! G& J
; V& }# c* m, [1 _No Allied losses
0 Z" Y% ?/ i7 T  u2 S5 t( ?4 u2 I$ i# Y- n
Japanese ground losses:% J- @3 t6 S6 l9 l
      61 casualties reported
7 W( V% D' @+ t; u/ ]% l& [( k% [         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled6 V* c; x1 H1 D( M' @' J- K
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 5 disabled& o+ r, U7 k; H; j
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ C2 M6 x- \# q4 o
; ^. l1 ^# y( D4 q  g
; P1 v) L; x3 A5 @5 Z9 _! i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ]$ L0 V- u3 q$ |Morning Air attack on 17th Garrison Unit , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)
5 j7 O! O8 M2 X( g/ w, }4 J* m& b3 _9 N7 v: E  u: d0 @
Weather in hex: Overcast
* G; F2 j% o6 P- Z* c$ z1 r4 y  [) M9 z" ~" [* G/ z. T
Raid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
1 ]5 k, G/ k( N( k  ^Estimated time to target is 8 minutes$ i# Y" [- h8 H7 u3 G

4 i5 @& G3 [" V( `" _# t2 n, Y! d$ yAllied aircraft" P2 y" ~+ k( c2 R$ i8 J2 O
      B-25C Mitchell x 11' s  G! H9 L2 S1 L9 h- l

5 [: B# |2 K3 E. {$ i4 t  e( m2 vNo Allied losses# Q/ R" f  b) F% q2 }8 N

& {2 A/ c/ q: SJapanese ground losses:
' W) c; j: e( u/ @0 b2 H. U( ]$ v      134 casualties reported0 ?' [- B2 v4 j
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled
- w$ T% m3 L7 I2 K         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
1 @) N) x5 T6 j( v5 D- W9 V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) T+ }% R, i2 u
      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
& s2 _+ V: `' r' Z0 a
8 a9 ?4 j: O& B
- S9 e% k8 k7 ^+ U5 F--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 c$ i4 h8 R8 i" J/ dMorning Air attack on 7th JNAF Coy , at 132,114 (Roi-Namur)7 e6 S. K7 d4 R$ C- X* U
2 Q/ z8 \* L2 I2 p7 F* }
Weather in hex: Overcast/ \+ k) U2 m5 W9 t7 r4 h

6 E" j" p7 J5 E( ?3 E  xRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.% \9 r, u0 i, Z& H
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
! {. P, h" ~5 W) @+ [, g
" U2 e* }3 M$ d, [9 fAllied aircraft
* G: x: F2 e5 B2 u      B-24D1 Liberator x 9/ {, X* m0 O* p
7 V# ^8 b  J9 c; \$ L
Allied aircraft losses3 @7 }* h$ W4 D8 e/ @" b8 i: ^
      B-24D1 Liberator: 1 damaged
% C6 J# }* s% @" l
1 D0 y$ Z. d, y; y6 gJapanese ground losses:- ?" P1 {% m8 m  R( ~- a
      65 casualties reported2 P- \) n0 T7 B- G- n9 v5 S8 _2 V
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; B- C8 O0 W5 |. I6 T         Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 8 disabled
  z, f+ T8 G, c  E         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled) {8 z" r* }+ c" E
- j+ p+ ?1 a* {) I) }
/ M1 m$ v# [) R3 c/ v9 v
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, K0 S) b" T& m; m( q! V
9 ~2 X" o* l$ Z; P( K3 C& M* P
Ground combat at Roi-Namur (132,114)4 U( J6 w. _4 P. B% U

0 u. |8 e: p0 sAllied Bombardment attack
* g+ ?9 `2 c- p) Z8 `5 ^) L+ K) N7 G7 n3 S: [+ B! A: l, X* g" H: t0 {
Attacking force 2291 troops, 42 guns, 43 vehicles, Assault Value = 98
5 P& Z, [! h2 c5 ]! @9 X- a# M9 }" ~' ^% o- K9 O8 U# q+ O
Defending force 6247 troops, 79 guns, 25 vehicles, Assault Value = 972 J/ Q1 j9 A3 u# K1 M4 o
. c1 o. v4 Y) g7 k0 i
Allied ground losses:/ Q) C5 F, H( L! y! {
      7 casualties reported
2 \  s  z( i& n3 H/ J( O. q- H         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
" C# E' F5 e: V8 _8 d         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! M) S0 x6 M  A$ _& ~0 Y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- N9 Z2 e0 f1 q& l  d* ]9 t1 z/ u, p9 n. @) B4 F
Assaulting units:
. k$ W1 n$ }9 e% G    24th (Sep) Infantry Regiment2 S, ]* `. M+ ?9 \( E
    766th Tank Battalion
0 _4 _9 _# L4 R# D7 g9 i9 S+ K$ p" p' [: u; }- T, T* n% \' V
Defending units:
8 m1 G& O5 Q$ h) W  _) r: Z    113th Infantry Rgt /1
9 z) `4 M# D3 m: A' n+ W    17th Garrison Unit /1
1 @3 J( k6 B* ?4 i) b. T    72nd JAAF AF Bn
/ b- a! h( ~/ U4 z& l/ k7 `    73rd JAAF AF Bn
8 B; T- U4 P; {+ h6 p/ {    6th Base Force3 N; t& E" y. S2 i( I: @8 H6 P' [
    77th JAAF AF Bn
0 ?! y% t- Y- w$ V+ M1 c    7th JNAF Coy
! I4 I  c; E; q" ?; s( u    21st JAAF Base Force$ F, M6 s* l" R
    113th JAAF AF Bn
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
本帖最后由 红叶 于 2013-4-11 20:00 编辑
2 _8 y7 @& m, W0 Q' A( k
8 C$ b6 o1 n1 R- S& X6 r$ W4 W6 B4 U帝国陆海军将士在条件极其恶劣的情况下坚持奋战,抵抗极其顽强,盟军在马绍尔群岛的登陆战又一次打成焦灼状态,登陆盟军进退维谷,不得不呼叫占压倒性优势地位的空军部队提供空中火力支援。不得不承认,在这方面,米国的火力优势,发挥得淋漓尽致,但是,只要再岛上还有一个我军士兵在,战斗就绝不会停止。9 f; H/ A* s4 L) I
! x6 u% G3 Q8 o, Z* r! f  Y
后面的战报请移步* A. r; R, }" k
本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2014-6-6 07:32 编辑
4 J# d8 {) U* c- I2 F: k* v
, G' n% b% @- f6 n4 M应前任天蝗山本59的要求,本档战报将重新开贴继续,望广大WITP/AE爱好者移步围观,新帖名为新的《 新The Road to Pacific》,领衔主演古贺红叶大将及9527罗斯福。
( A6 M8 y+ v# q8 K2 e- E% fhttp://bbs.biku.net/thread-10590-1-1.html
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
6 M) t; B+ ^& p# a2 l" B) l. G+ F' ~) D+ J5 I6 ?
特此公布最新的情报界面和盟军日军损失,首先是战略地图:% k1 ?) W: i6 W- ?. T
hades1001 发表于 2012-1-23 23:26
! a- d& A5 S0 F8 F" U
看这个局势图,感觉印度、澳洲什么的都是浮云,最强大的海上掩护和投送力量,最强大的后续地面部队,最强大的后续空中支援、后勤支援,全都在珍珠港方向,威胁马绍尔群岛、威克岛、马里亚纳群岛、小笠原群岛、本土。. o5 M  R5 y+ o1 o