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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 16, 42% n. F. W, P9 e7 Y2 |# B" D
' d- O% J. ^, Q( v, R* f
日本迭戈加西亚守军全体玉碎# X5 N, B3 [6 ^1 x3 W* ]' Z% l
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. P1 v0 I) z% j! S+ ?3 O
# |4 ?( N1 d) h7 `! `' d3 X9 s
Ground combat at Diego Garcia (11,62): x2 V' L  z8 h: Y
7 y0 c9 ?" R. ?) {
Allied Deliberate attack
% ]) E/ A: u, z  Y" r4 ]! _/ h& R& Z- u$ G+ f4 U% d6 d
Attacking force 37981 troops, 781 guns, 794 vehicles, Assault Value = 1229& }4 X/ u) q& S1 n8 h, h
' p# l1 g) k# W; h3 R' N1 g3 }/ x9 \1 F
Defending force 7035 troops, 56 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 119
$ U# a" I1 e6 o  s
  x3 H; j1 E( GAllied adjusted assault: 388 7 |! W2 ^6 M$ Y" P( P! I% i- M

3 V1 A) G' h. L, }Japanese adjusted defense: 5 # [7 B* {! `# v. H! Q; Z! A( m

" D4 P7 m! C% W4 M# _8 b' U4 NAllied assault odds: 77 to 1
$ Z2 F5 N, v" g5 z# j, P5 `5 L: f. N" f# ~& K9 P
Combat modifiers9 a" N# k' \, P0 O
Defender: disruption(-), supply(-)* l8 L( ~7 I4 T* r7 S
1 J% q1 @4 n3 Q" x* E$ n
" L$ e" ?2 R! x" p/ l9 W: YJapanese ground losses:  o  n" d0 S3 X( F
      4018 casualties reported; g% }7 E+ t. L7 p3 z
         Squads: 204 destroyed, 10 disabled, I( N  E+ u. O; r9 \  A2 ~: R( [; _
         Non Combat: 31 destroyed, 42 disabled5 J5 d- {0 B. _! s2 J+ {
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled% o8 Z: f9 X. [0 D. m
      Guns lost 41 (39 destroyed, 2 disabled), {4 V7 I' Y( j( x+ B
; K$ k0 e6 F$ }! m  ~

1 U+ o, [* n9 e4 X5 d, H+ HAllied ground losses:$ d# Z* j1 D/ }- D$ s( b) k6 i
      74 casualties reported
9 i% L# f( ]0 Q3 @4 d' ]4 }4 f         Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
# ]$ C( b5 Z3 ~9 t0 K         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; j4 {- ]0 c. f6 k* x; T         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
9 c  Z& ^! ~- Q& g5 L& {: P3 w
7 x8 X7 w4 ^  y$ z1 @6 F6 c- d$ W/ Y0 m% u- D( Q7 j
Assaulting units:
' h6 c, p, L8 n5 a$ v. i: v    I Aus Corps Engineer Battalion2 W4 j& `! u. K1 Y. \% a. H' S
    9th Indian Division, S* N5 V" ^- d7 B
    XXI Corps Engineer Battalion
6 k/ r" O8 r" G* y5 C3 P9 i: W    8th Indian Division! P! z% v' `  a
    51st Highland Division
; a% S& s6 h0 w3 n5 T+ M) f! u    222 Group RAF /1
; E, J6 G. \/ r. S+ w    116th RAF Base Force
- o5 }( V. P& ^4 H  |* l, a    823rd EAB /1) `/ P9 f; Y' E5 Q9 l8 a, ]: h' t1 [
    9th Marine Def Bn /12 q5 x2 K% Y8 r) f/ E- K4 F9 u( ]
    6th USN SeaBees /14 j7 m: f, i  j/ z
    3rd USN SeaBees /1
6 w' _2 R1 }" U! J    IV Indian Corps
3 p5 D  r" e' p  `$ A+ t0 b" D7 j* D4 C& u    15th USN SeaBees /12 V- Z4 K6 E  U3 v8 X6 b( H# ?" H
& x1 G& @4 q( T5 w6 _* ^# |: T) _
Defending units:
  H4 ]  L% Y) x    57th Infantry Brigade( q6 g+ E8 w" t
    III./4th Infantry Battalion
# c- J2 `3 a# S3 e. ^9 C; x" u! @: }    138th Infantry Regiment0 J+ _" G9 p; g: r8 I+ m
    3rd Provisional Base Force4 ]4 e4 l8 U8 v: y
8 Y5 p6 w" H0 a9 d; |+ B

) N5 O8 s3 i  y$ J! L9 G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& y. E& w7 g9 A4 f% A! W
/ N* M; }8 p6 [6 s
57th Infantry Brigade Wiped Out at Diego Garcia by attrition!!!9 b' n! P' w1 ~- A9 A; w- s2 J
$ [5 `" f. h/ c$ w# Y9 f7 J/ Q
) x' R, k4 R* f' J( T2 k$ d( O
+ c, I7 V1 L: {2 M5 l: Q- z138th Infantry Regiment Wiped Out at Diego Garcia by attrition!!!
; }) T5 V8 Y9 b8 W/ F. _  z7 w" ]/ ?. r+ M( T1 u. R1 }5 G
3 a, T0 I' B3 @# i7 s+ h  f9 o/ L! \6 g0 }
III./4th Infantry Battalion Wiped Out at Diego Garcia by attrition!!!
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."


$ a* e  A8 ~3 O9 J- G4 `2 m

- L& }1 `# p! _: z

6 {. [/ u- x2 `! ?3 X


+ D( Q1 K  V7 G5 D* \2 m


" g5 _3 w2 s7 _

- e3 D2 w9 c! ^+ d# E

6 i. A/ N/ M5 y

Ground combat at Diego Garcia (11,62)

0 u; Y0 O/ U4 R  d2 _/ X

9 N# k% f! x( N6 w  Z& _* J

5 p8 U% y3 e- p4 H. H. p; E

Allied Deliberate attack

, F  ^7 C) Z# J# C, z5 _

! Q; s% {, I# f

$ o! x/ @# S8 a- \

Attacking force 38389 troops, 787 guns, 794 vehicles, Assault Value = 1225

2 I; j6 B: K1 `" }

/ \: R; Z9 g( _. Q! y! c

- F9 ?" Y! B* M$ k

Defending force 1400 troops, 15 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5

! W3 p2 m) B+ y; H: d% [' k

' A- b4 ~: b" V, [% W4 f/ \

0 b& ?# d( J4 ]4 `

Allied adjusted assault: 653

" x, g2 V" @; z- Q7 i( j5 D0 ?- `

# Z: \; f2 ~) l, F! E  a8 o# d+ o) G

) P6 X  R! B2 e1 ^$ S

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

: A0 z" E8 ~6 [6 I& b

- I3 \) b. R0 V* _' P

; S3 r* Q! ^" s! z

Allied assault odds: 653 to 1

7 @' H* H" ?# v* n5 z6 o' M

7 O+ }( O2 q3 Q" b+ y, }1 s! L" `

" a# x# N" ]& T. M; S8 M

Combat modifiers

; m, `9 D8 I! o" W0 l, I

Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), supply(-)

: V9 s  ~4 M) u# G8 t- ^4 V


+ r) h$ m+ g5 Y: _

. J0 Z$ X, e5 a/ ~  |

" N2 u" V, D' @+ c: R4 _

Japanese ground losses:

5 p0 l2 C3 _" W& t" f4 g

      1386 casualties reported

' V) j4 z4 d; z, i2 ^

         Squads: 25 destroyed, 0 disabled

" i. d; z% X+ g' O6 w! |' K

         Non Combat: 151 destroyed, 0 disabled

7 \0 h" K. T; F) V

         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled

+ x; }) X/ r7 |6 b7 m3 ]+ \- |

      Guns lost 19 (19 destroyed, 0 disabled)

$ m2 y2 O0 ]: ?# y

      Units destroyed 1

( ?: M$ t1 `6 K8 N  ^4 \6 W& r

- @1 S+ ^( E8 |3 }& ]" B0 @5 x, d

) e. V2 K8 T. R

% |9 d5 I/ M2 h

9 D0 I7 U/ I) q! o  X9 N  `/ f

6 V7 j& k3 o* h

; k% w6 f* t. D" [6 ]$ k

Assaulting units:

3 A' c" C, d) t( @) U

    XXI Corps Engineer Battalion

  c+ ]4 f1 E* |, y

    9th Indian Division

: S+ b* x" i6 l

    8th Indian Division

+ {4 d. Z# F' v3 ?8 }# Y) S

    I Aus Corps Engineer Battalion

6 C0 \  {. z. z

    51st Highland Division

% p8 X6 N& I/ ^7 K; o

    15th USN Naval Construction Battalion

( Y& T8 m) g. X( r2 ]* B; I% j! l

    IV Indian Corps

* u% ~+ ?  c+ y4 [

    6th USN Naval Construction Battalion

3 O& z% \4 P  v+ Q9 M# \0 u1 c" |7 P

    9th Marine Def Bn /1

$ q' J; J, {5 }6 {+ {% s1 @' N

    3rd USN Naval Construction Battalion

- t& k9 m: K8 h

    116th RAF Base Force

0 i6 r" r. f" b

    823rd Engineer Aviation Battalion

, }+ g+ v. L6 q

    222 Group RAF /1

, G6 t$ p' Q$ {6 z2 u* U/ N

+ ~7 c# a: x% F- x

& Z4 G/ i5 }+ b2 c& O

Defending units:

6 s, h; w3 q7 H& [4 S

    3rd Provisional Base Force

8 x6 Y) i8 U( F& w: g( W

+ r. s/ _! p- u4 w6 Z! {! e

0 z% a$ {$ j4 n$ S

"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 18, 425 ]  e: a2 K5 l9 [
努美阿陷落# ]) A5 ~5 K- H- J. p: A- a6 p% Q

$ ]! I/ d! J1 U6 x" r7 v& s日寇35万余人在联合舰队的支援下对努美阿的美军发动了人海冲锋,亚美利加师和陆战二师的小伙子们把所有的枪管和炮管都打热报废,杀伤了无数敌人之后,由于敌我悬殊仍然无奈的被突破了防线,约3w美国陆军和海军陆战队员走进了战俘营。成为太平洋战争开战以来美军损失最大的一次战役。
9 ]7 i) B2 x2 L5 Y$ S
1 l& e  C0 U$ p; |% k4 y短短20来天的努美阿战役中美军硬性杀伤日寇步兵高达1000个班组,击伤3000班组,让日寇机动兵力短时间内损失了近4000AV的战斗力。加上印度战役和迭戈加西亚的损失,号称人肉无双的南方军在短短2个月内硬性损失了3000个战斗班组,占日军总战斗力的1/7。相比之下,盟军在努美阿损失的一个半美军师都已预留后路,很快就将补充完毕,重新投入战斗。他们的牺牲为盟军的反攻做出了完美的铺垫,烈士们的英名将被世人传诵。
0 `  k$ M: K( Z! E) j! @/ ~0 d6 M& p) q7 v+ b0 z4 E

1 v4 ^0 D4 W* t --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 ^% c* [* `4 K+ d) H# B
5 C7 N1 b: o2 `, p8 W* ~( T! ?Ground combat at Noumea (115,160)
4 w7 m+ @; r5 x6 ~
/ A& h( ?% q  Q  ~/ N4 k8 H) _Japanese Shock attack
( o  P& d4 r9 _+ m) i
9 `7 _# J; o1 l6 |$ u1 ZAttacking force 231425 troops, 2004 guns, 811 vehicles, Assault Value = 7565
: ~4 u; b& ^! }# T' T  A! f# n5 o  \
Defending force 36272 troops, 631 guns, 754 vehicles, Assault Value = 772
8 l0 h; v, }/ H% n
* G+ J! Y: J( B" E1 xJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0( v. |+ b: A- l& ~3 Y! J9 d
  \- a' n. {: L9 C- v
Japanese adjusted assault: 6772
8 e  j! y- Q& H
. U2 B2 A4 \5 H2 M9 R) r2 [) ^6 NAllied adjusted defense: 1369
; T9 j1 }% H1 q$ p
' g" ]0 e% [) {( H" b# B! SJapanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)
0 r3 D1 C- Y: O, j2 |- S0 p2 @, F7 P# f3 r' r% d2 ^) N
Japanese forces CAPTURE Noumea !!!
! Y+ j% ?1 N8 R1 D# U9 l1 q0 e$ q% K# b& e2 d" }6 [+ V
Combat modifiers
+ T5 [; B* ]9 s" }  M: C1 rDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-)
. O$ K% m% @; G0 {, T$ j" XAttacker: shock(+)
5 Y$ k. K" d- V& A& D" w
4 c( w5 Z- z2 xJapanese ground losses:* Q) f/ L9 A' u& w
      26801 casualties reported
  [4 j- i$ P0 c* i" k" f         Squads: 738 destroyed, 949 disabled
. E* o$ L: {2 ?$ B# C) R; h6 O         Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 336 disabled
5 i& F! v# `" U8 Z6 e  A         Engineers: 67 destroyed, 174 disabled
1 u5 N5 k& D7 q% O5 b- Y      Guns lost 239 (19 destroyed, 220 disabled)
9 b* b9 h( s9 J( @6 B      Vehicles lost 85 (6 destroyed, 79 disabled)
# z5 v5 j4 v7 z1 r5 [! {: l& r* U, _2 n  Y- ?" x8 w
3 `" a2 L* e! `9 s
Allied ground losses:
2 T9 @' O9 R7 {; x1 U. c& f& ]/ D      30904 casualties reported: l+ K, i0 {8 |4 y* j8 K% p8 U3 j
         Squads: 570 destroyed, 0 disabled
- @- \, m) N. @2 v* N  l         Non Combat: 1582 destroyed, 0 disabled
) w7 ^8 o8 {; z5 M4 Y         Engineers: 190 destroyed, 0 disabled3 P& F7 Q. e$ X* X
      Guns lost 662 (662 destroyed, 0 disabled)
; X% G2 B6 ^1 B; V9 ?1 q3 y' i      Vehicles lost 897 (897 destroyed, 0 disabled)* S' k2 C. c/ b  r. w1 e
      Units destroyed 23
: q* u2 u& j3 |
1 b3 a) \% Q9 f$ J& ^7 E* T" M
5 k! C! S/ n/ U/ LAssaulting units:+ Y0 C/ Y$ u8 U
    Imperial Guards Division
  z% ?# a. n+ S' j' k& \0 G    44th Naval Guard Unit
" y. Q! x' }" ^% r  ]- W7 s. D    85th Naval Guard Unit
7 G6 p  Q" E$ C, ~8 m, ]4 j    148th Infantry Regiment
! Q: _$ p7 h. P! ?2 m/ V4 @    8th Ind.Mixed Brigade; p* k! K2 o7 q/ p! i' Z+ O3 W( y7 ~
    Maizuru 3rd SNLF3 V+ b$ ?' w) E  x
    16th Guards Regiment
  ~5 c" G5 p' [: o/ R    52nd Infantry Brigade
. ~9 y; z# v0 j& S  {7 F. a" A( i- i    12th Garrison Unit 2 G9 j- _0 v+ A3 m3 K& g
    16th Naval Guard Unit3 R* ^: s+ z4 C+ y7 G
    Guards Mixed Brigade8 @# F! @$ v5 `+ y+ b  B
    14th Naval Guard Unit1 W% S! i3 c. x4 o% V8 j" Q
    42nd Infantry Regiment- r4 I; Y; @8 I8 e+ ?
    20th Infantry Regiment( w8 ~; x* D6 P) @1 c2 U1 i; J6 K. ]
    18th Naval Guard Unit  F/ `9 A' [% V9 i! b9 ~2 j: q
    32nd Division! s8 q, P) B9 |7 m
    33rd Division
  ?  {, }7 o2 ]4 o5 ~    14th Division
; j& i# d5 e* l0 G# `    34th Division
; ]/ |7 o& h# I9 o    4th Guards Division: e- [% i9 N; k  p
    62nd Infantry Brigade
2 j0 |: N2 W8 f" a! L% l3 T    54th Division- w: J  L5 H* o' v: w# p; Z
    17th Division0 B2 H5 A$ E! k& t
    19th Naval Guard Unit
/ n7 W" n& Y/ d" d    40th Division. C9 }/ \* G2 V4 Z
    10th Garrison Unit 0 r* S( X! a" ^3 b6 X& y
    18th Division* q: d7 D8 B! r
    Sasebo 3rd SNLF8 E+ U- n' `: b* Z9 m. d+ M  c
    18th Garrison Unit $ H: `, {9 t" j& y
    24th Infantry Regiment
* T6 r9 E* A/ |% t    6th Division2 @$ L: k# x; k
    58th Infantry Brigade
: N2 t2 T1 A" \3 z    104th Division" V# w( g; K& y: ?/ e
    2nd Mobile Infantry Regiment
4 T1 E' c4 [) |, E2 n    48th Engineer Regiment
4 c1 Q$ W0 u& c) C    88th Naval Guard Unit
, {! v8 t5 A/ }  P( a    113th Infantry Regiment7 U+ ~( J% F) i4 D" z! }
    15th Division
" J. t" D* n. }- h& M    16th Infantry Regiment8 S* E7 z' V5 F" e
    1st Mobile Infantry Regiment
2 n4 ?9 i' K7 q3 U5 o    17th Indpt Guards Regiment! m0 I# U4 ^  f; u  R+ ]/ J
    51st Field AA Battalion
5 q) a, e: V/ X, w, A7 E1 h    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion( u- q: G5 z$ G/ ~& L+ Z) F
    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
4 e  R0 O* e& t/ h! d  \    20th AA Regiment
! r" D) P1 I+ G/ |# }    16th Army
+ Y4 ^% r( \4 G5 U' Q7 b6 e    18th Army
' w- e. j5 U$ S& G    21st Army4 f& p" e4 z, W0 Z$ N
* N$ x  U' [% T
Defending units:
8 _9 ?, A& s% |" f& x5 {+ N    2nd USMC Engineer Regiment% q! v- N/ m# E0 ]7 ?; C" z
    8th Marine Regiment( @3 F+ O' {* O! m
    2nd Marine Regiment
# B: W- B: T% L) F    1st/102nd Infantry Battalion
& L+ A% a  H7 a. m$ A' _" p    Americal Infantry Division
+ U# N& a1 S) t+ c: g, j+ x    2nd Marine Raider Battalion
1 V' Y' Y, I% [, U' }! Y    2nd/102nd Infantry Battalion
- [' y6 A9 h7 ?8 M    3rd/102nd Infantry Bn /1
7 W1 U0 K) d3 f- ~    101st USN Base Force
# K( m5 W& S8 ]) P0 t4 T    1st USMC Air Wing Base Force! C( b( H- {" X9 b0 x7 r
    XIII US Fighter Cmd
0 ?+ w- }$ E& N1 h    I US Amphib Corps5 O+ L, _( W; r: P3 M
    2nd Marine Defense Battalion' ~. i( G/ v. I3 M/ D5 y. ?% a5 }6 A
    147th Field Artillery Regiment+ @& f: g, ?$ e# E2 V3 W* A8 f
    Ambon Base Force2 @4 x3 f7 L6 ?2 ]2 B& j
    110th USA Base Force  n" j/ V( j% o( n! Z# K
    64th Coast AA Regiment+ U* w% x) c+ _' K6 t
    205th Field Artillery Battalion
( V- \6 E7 q6 d% [6 H, V9 P4 M    115th USAAF Base Force- B& R2 b/ j# A4 P: \
    New Caledonia Det * K; l  e  a% ^- S; v
    32nd Aviation Base Force
( c$ x6 R0 x5 u9 `    111th USN Base Force
% K" f. O5 O& M; ]# j, O+ ]* P6 b    C Det USN Port Svc
6 x  r. I% J8 A6 C* o, {: r( [3 ~7 y" T4 W7 E6 m+ ^* \% i
6 p2 i+ ]$ w" S9 Q; l: r: D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I$ d: \9 {# _
TF 182 encounters mine field at Socotra (14,8)/ x* W9 g. R6 m1 ]5 u4 ]

+ z. h4 o% @' e- L. HJapanese Ships
) c& T) D7 p6 r; z      DD Mochizuki, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage& v3 m9 c) X4 K/ r
      DD Kisaragi, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage7 p$ d2 H& I& L3 ]8 Q/ k3 x, v
      DD Mutsuki, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage
+ Y, b4 r, A! _9 `/ U% A1 r" x 4 D# Z1 N4 ^5 c1 c$ ?: U: z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 |2 q3 j6 F: \2 ^- S% [1 }# y
Sub attack near Socotra  at 14,8! J8 O. }) c" n$ _# o+ [: m& Z
$ w2 K. R4 u3 s& C* Z$ r: ^2 F
Japanese Ships
+ _: u8 G' u) y# t$ _+ L1 G& M/ a      E Hayabusa
5 S' m9 T1 h9 E& ^. B! n  B      E Kari+ D' x+ U( j! @- k( i) s/ T
      E Kiji
7 I" M& ~0 ~' }" v      DD Kisaragi,  heavy damage: {+ S4 s7 O# S2 T+ h
      DD Mutsuki,  heavy damage1 o+ t+ ?0 h4 C% v$ q; a
. a: j$ b  L* A5 ^' o
Allied Ships9 E: q" n" m; q* t3 {' [$ Q  a
      SS KXIII, hits 36, and is sunk
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 23, 42+ b6 ~7 J5 A6 s+ ]9 ?0 V! }
( k8 T5 J& Q# [9 G( M
+ C4 T! n- L4 q& J9 g4 W( a6 h/ D
! E) O  K% i/ }--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) a1 R7 d% J1 G! O& wTF 102 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)% ~) ~4 L# ~' V! O7 D1 b. c; I

9 i+ ?( K0 R8 w8 ?Japanese Ships% O9 c, f" ^+ M! R( q/ w" L4 r
      SS RO-65, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage
5 z/ y! [. E/ I. B5 Z9 A
9 n! s, I7 ~% |9 I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Y- V  r( s( g7 K1 A9 P
TF 58 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)% V  [4 C- X9 n* p; K4 O  B
# x' x9 h" j$ k6 b
Japanese Ships
1 j5 `' |  L+ q0 \' D      SS I-176, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
& \' x; q: I% g0 x9 p      SS I-156, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
+ y* M6 N4 O7 N      SS I-154, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
& _7 H4 ~; M  q! Z4 [
# Q3 Y. ^0 ~) s6 `% x& h --------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 f" r4 K4 L0 d6 C- n+ J2 [
TF 58 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)
5 W% s- U2 M7 l) E5 `; f/ a- t
4 U% S. G# L0 z8 iJapanese Ships
! L4 Q; i$ p2 ]; P1 b      SS I-153, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage3 }& \! q7 h4 S& \7 |
      SS I-16, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage% v( Y1 X, u- s" r. y  B- h

  n" I) ]0 G2 S# N- R, M( R--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 H3 m& w* N, u/ m2 q9 ~TF 102 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)2 `0 [; L1 g9 D7 D; _6 m, _

) F& _9 o) t4 k8 D; r1 }Japanese Ships2 b2 U# |5 g  w; f
      SS RO-60, Mine hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage; `; e0 t0 O0 P0 _* J& u/ |$ x$ V

. w  @! U' Q9 h2 F: `: X/ j6 m1 J" `  e+ q+ A8 e( Y0 }
7 R: Q# n$ \9 b3 R
+ W/ A" f+ F8 t) b" [
5 h- f. ^8 ]$ J& p) g) ~5 I
: p. U1 q/ ^! @7 dTF 102 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)
0 B; B% S0 D# o5 g& H; U6 `( ]5 A7 F
Japanese Ships
* u& l, g* i4 j8 j# t. r& ~      SS RO-60, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
2 L- @) D  m! @+ |8 `
- g1 a+ G9 |$ w2 q: J
! H4 J# H# M% v2 I1 I& ~$ a
' U8 u! j* Z& H6 u1 [7 e1 y
6 q& [3 }; ^" o
) _8 S6 @- j7 z- p# L/ @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( {) z6 d: V8 l, GTF 58 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)2 ^" X9 m) X  U. Q5 H

  B) }( e9 R6 J5 B8 n. m& f3 L6 d( e  _5 xJapanese Ships4 t1 d- d3 Q& o7 h1 Z& S
      SS I-153, Mine hits 2,  heavy damage
. z: @- _. ~; Y% ]
7 b" v) @! U6 \0 j" F# a5 d
* y2 W  K/ S' p; E+ t( }9 ^
  ]; k# F$ S% C  U6 W. [
2 c- }: e( t7 G0 [! j
3 A0 h! d5 E: r: X& T--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& G; ^. W9 F& x; V' _TF 102 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)
+ \7 e; P+ t) d' K
, z. m7 q6 X2 _Japanese Ships
; ~8 f; ]& e1 n: B0 O      SS RO-60, Mine hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage3 r0 X7 i) `. {0 n
: u8 u6 y* M1 o4 H  ?& s9 p
7 ?' d& _1 P: f* c+ @9 F: r4 m" e

+ F0 F* q0 o6 o  y  ~5 ?
6 C' B: Z3 A9 f- D; X. v& w6 x
8 k) X& r* c0 S" k! p/ t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. w" j: N4 L) _7 y* r8 s- j  k6 e
TF 58 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)& ~# [4 ]5 x* {
/ J' a& B! N3 I0 K. i9 i
Japanese Ships; J  i2 V5 Z. f: C' n
      SS I-153, Mine hits 2,  heavy damage$ l: A. Q  |; g

3 b. G( g& s5 N/ {2 R* S* C7 ]* S0 p) a" s5 |7 t6 f6 {

, O  ?5 d. S  W+ K
. B( D! b* S; s3 ~9 [  J" t+ X) v9 ^& ~6 c6 Z6 g' r
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. V9 R0 e/ p/ k" j1 g  ^5 i
TF 58 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)
- E! Q8 M  G' j3 {) l0 M/ y. ^, p* T0 O, ]$ U9 m
Japanese Ships; o1 d2 B. R- @) R" {1 h1 l  Q5 D
      SS I-153, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage1 I& u$ S( i2 |2 a( P: }
      SS I-16, Mine hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage
& B- n+ t; Q! G
: f$ m8 |$ T0 \; R4 |
' t, E& r$ e  K* O! }6 T
: c& J8 @5 y; Z( R! i0 ?
* k& v' ~. X1 m+ e5 s  J$ b$ Y4 X. c9 j
2 r1 ~# T/ ?) i0 m( f' J9 d, ?6 j" |. GTF 58 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)
! a6 `2 U# `- l! [% ^* N1 g9 M8 S# B  F, g3 w
Japanese Ships- ]5 a; w9 f3 r) q
      SS I-153, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
4 I+ X/ M7 z  d; Z- }      SS I-16, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage& X/ [7 ~: F& x! `! Y5 O) v( G" D
7 ~8 ~0 O- C1 s8 }

$ G6 H: L9 Y! e3 e
+ q% Y. r9 T3 }  P! q! T8 Z. x. S1 K9 Y  L

" _0 n/ B. I% L! R9 e' D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; h( r, b! q5 K8 \TF 102 encounters mine field at Christmas Island (174,141)2 l" M. D  ^& Z: Q( {

1 {' e$ _( M" S  tJapanese Ships
# z4 a* X0 F; x% x: n% y; i- U) E      SS RO-60, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2011-11-20 03:55 编辑
3 Y& V/ h& a3 d3 u& e) q$ v( m% {+ {1 W! T" L8 b
当天印度空军把偷袭阿姆巴拉德,结果居然遭遇了日军紫电+钟馗的顽强抵抗,坑爹的紫电居然提前了半年投产,这让盟军怎么混6 O2 y$ l/ H8 x2 e& t
5 G" N/ \/ @  x% Z. F+ e, J& ?
闪电G和闪电F均由盟军最精锐的飞行员驾驶,与紫电+钟馗的战损比勉强维持在1:1.5, 这种结果对盟军来说当然是不可忍受的,更坑爹的是,2/3的sweep战机在轰炸机入场后才入场,结果英军的惠灵顿式轰炸机遭到了难于接受的损失,共有30架惠灵顿和6架美军的B25在这次空袭中被击落,此次行动盟军遭遇了完败
7 A5 N/ H. D- m' C3 S
8 ?2 o, \5 T  b1 C2 p  o* \8 s- [$ A& {7 a( }' Z5 P
在AE中,sweep虽然威力增强,但与轰炸机的配合成了巨大的问题,witp时代的3段击风光不在,可以说是对日本的重大利好。怎么使用盟军数量有限的战斗机同强大的日本争夺制空权,前人提出了种种建议,不过并没有一个完美的解决方案,只能留待大统领在未来的岁月里如履薄冰的慢慢研究了# R+ s5 l' m7 q
  h3 g- K# u) `7 `0 M5 HMorning Air attack on Ahmedabad , at 41,18 8 E; m+ t9 s5 s9 o/ p9 D, x( Q

# P- A  U* h8 M3 P# NWeather in hex: Severe storms
  e0 V6 p1 D* O- [  H
( ~  @" {( ]: N2 z& |& rRaid detected at 26 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
3 F0 L0 ~- F- d7 P3 r$ M/ jEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
3 p3 p3 N; P& c: y4 `8 H* p
* ~+ }$ H) ~, W/ rJapanese aircraft
" d( o, H6 H2 Y8 n0 {/ w5 y1 X" M      N1K1-J George x 29
. D2 @4 z3 R9 Y2 K      Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 63
) `; m7 x3 y7 N: w' ~. S! j/ u
" u/ ]9 e: L# Y3 ?
- y7 p1 c  e) j' V/ _5 Z% J2 |. e; |+ e& |; ^
Allied aircraft
* S+ A! L/ U2 J      P-38F Lightning x 22+ [1 i2 m! ]; m4 W$ J
: r9 }/ C8 m" ^

& N' y$ M, R0 m" u( O0 k8 jJapanese aircraft losses
2 {4 Y1 |/ T" q9 A      N1K1-J George: 1 destroyed9 j9 ~7 d/ U& n) F0 W
      Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed
" O/ X0 y- L+ M. f6 o* h. _
3 w3 P$ @" l8 h. X. l  vAllied aircraft losses
6 M4 {7 a- m" I, [, V" x0 K      P-38F Lightning: 2 destroyed0 e! g' p# B8 n( S' E& l/ H
6 d. o9 x7 t3 s" x) o

5 s" F8 R8 V. J6 Z  K--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  {" n. w- D1 H0 Y# k" |, n6 {0 I2 rMorning Air attack on Ahmedabad , at 41,18 / h# D/ ?& F& p/ C' m
, I( _* K1 Q' C- ?& l
Weather in hex: Severe storms
. h" n: ]% R, }" z# E
5 ?* h9 P  ^- f8 J+ p) j8 _Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
5 _7 y5 Y, Z/ I) N4 L* e3 LEstimated time to target is 15 minutes! C4 d* O! ]$ s* P) r2 A7 U6 u$ b
4 `- @8 J, F, v4 d( |/ y( E) ~
Japanese aircraft4 ?' X- d- H- x* w
      N1K1-J George x 31
: l( g- G9 i0 \/ l' Y      Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 56
5 f  D7 _) T+ A2 m1 N
9 M2 _' G' d( R# E; K5 M
# f" D, C* V3 I6 B$ ?- J" [3 V# Y5 \4 z8 M% t+ F: M/ U
Allied aircraft
- r. l; h- O2 _' A- \      Wellington Ic x 106
& {$ L% p! g  L! Z( Q      B-25C Mitchell x 30
* }1 n1 v! `4 n: w% g
0 n" U. _. Z, D) |2 b& Q0 q; S  F' G" B
Japanese aircraft losses
, j% }! i' m+ R      Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged3 O, Z# s4 r/ ]! e- w
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 destroyed on ground% ]8 I, J$ a* w+ }: \
      Ki-49-IIa Helen: 12 destroyed on ground
- D0 M2 Z9 l! b5 N      Ki-46-II Dinah: 2 destroyed on ground9 s+ Y8 d. R$ D; n2 B

9 r! [% }/ u* y- X0 D# A( o$ GAllied aircraft losses
! v/ h" o  o) ?1 `  [: Y7 s( c6 b      Wellington Ic: 18 destroyed, 25 damaged
& @: C& T9 Y- q( K  l1 W      B-25C Mitchell: 4 destroyed, 1 damaged# [: C" Y' w4 n: X
& x4 F* Q7 T$ P
Japanese ground losses:$ ]! f  I* Z! t! x  G
      134 casualties reported# L# w& q" \) ]! \$ B8 m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 E$ B! Q% ~$ O0 n; j
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 16 disabled) J! T1 t, K) O# b5 y/ H6 Q
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled
/ ^7 ?' f  h6 n: ~' z! s! p0 a' b( h
6 M5 c2 ?# _  ?) @( U' w

: l' I+ O! T, d, hAirbase hits 57# Y6 T( e' U3 F+ _8 W) X! {
Airbase supply hits 13
8 c. h: U, _0 t0 LRunway hits 154& s" L* C7 c0 ?
. C+ Z! f, R. j+ P$ p4 g" l" [( s
. C4 b5 @0 R0 t) L+ ^. H# f

& m$ R  W4 ^& `6 T# M+ w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. o4 x- {3 n/ Q; Q0 E6 A
Morning Air attack on Ahmedabad , at 41,18
( N+ F' j! `/ i( q/ i6 c% T5 G4 ^
Weather in hex: Severe storms) B; d& X& f1 L$ l1 b5 {

! O  r8 @$ Y* O" w, M2 l" YRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 40,000 feet.
0 i1 l1 H+ k% v8 `# g7 VEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
/ I# @1 p8 ^' u' ]! Y) @* e& v6 k/ D/ ]) d
Japanese aircraft: N6 X+ D/ W8 q
      N1K1-J George x 23! ^& H4 P  ^3 L7 v4 D9 b
      Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 32
: l7 }- N8 K% A, {: f# D. @2 s" G3 v- |3 H4 a* Q

. h9 J0 ?# z6 }9 V1 U, I) t
) @6 u. h7 i9 f3 x. ^' KAllied aircraft2 g4 h- e8 r+ I+ H* e& |) d
      P-38F Lightning x 28
' E8 x2 r" @! D) c) G      P-38G Lightning x 25
/ u5 v+ z7 r8 a4 ~* _$ m& {# C3 ~& n) _! L3 o* j

( e7 h9 ~* q1 b  uJapanese aircraft losses
4 n! s9 [; G* N4 j      N1K1-J George: 5 destroyed7 A7 o% l( T' S6 g2 ~# G# Y: }
      Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 5 destroyed
8 w& A% Y# ?* V4 G( h3 [9 F. d
& j* a2 F+ X1 t4 T% }, t$ uAllied aircraft losses4 _; z# E+ M( |
      P-38G Lightning: 1 destroyed; t: N$ M6 a4 N, f1 r6 Q$ }
; h" h9 ]$ P% j* s; j$ Z# b

7 d" ^$ m" T5 l4 \/ D, W# j
, Z6 q& V' ]6 n7 g. |* XAircraft Attacking:
* N' K! G5 l4 c+ ?: U( M       3 x P-38F Lightning sweeping at 39000 feet
; k, J; f8 \0 |( O       8 x P-38F Lightning sweeping at 39000 feet
/ o7 L/ J! M1 Y4 C6 \       5 x P-38G Lightning sweeping at 39000 feet
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 29, 42) J5 i5 G3 L2 a& V. w3 x/ n
4 T4 M  q- ?9 y/ ?$ _& J
偷袭迭戈加西亚的日军舰队遭到迎头痛击,当场被击沉两艘DD" k5 `" d* x  e: D4 _! V

" n% b- J. m9 C, ~6 y& \8 ]* D
6 ~- m# h+ H8 d) i; N& c  W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 D6 S7 J0 g( K( m
Day Time Surface Combat, near Diego Garcia at 11,62, Range 14,000 Yards; g2 b1 e, p' e) m
5 G6 u' v- ~4 d/ V' ~
Japanese Ships
2 H) {+ h5 m( h      DD Kamikaze, Shell hits 3,  on fire
" s% e! n$ l3 i) e4 y      DD Asakaze, Shell hits 2,  on fire+ t& }( h; B: g
      DD Harukaze, Shell hits 1
! M- E+ T5 E- C( D: t      DD Hayate, Shell hits 4
4 G8 A/ r6 d7 G: k0 I* N      DD Sanae, Shell hits 7, and is sunk2 [( N% \3 H* m* y# O# z+ ~
      DD Asagao, Shell hits 1,  on fire
3 M3 ?. n- O( N/ X, H      DD Fuyo, Shell hits 1+ u8 x3 `$ b$ A- ]' l. I  n
      DD Tsuga, Shell hits 8, and is sunk8 o9 w0 D/ u* E3 W
; _% I! P' S( J8 s
Allied Ships6 z8 j) j: v" M& F
      CL Ceres, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage  G) i+ H7 w; J! F; \* _4 m5 Z  `
      CL Mauritius$ c+ U. C7 v: \' P( p5 S0 i+ s
      CL Birmingham; G! C, p$ Q3 D+ ]( u
      CL Capetown
+ a, q) l; ]* R4 S) C      DD Aaron Ward, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires
, Y; v3 D5 D3 J      DD Arrow, Shell hits 2,  on fire  r6 t% R, x4 h9 r! N$ z4 W& k8 [4 O
      DD Decoy, Shell hits 1  {" X! w5 N' B9 p6 n, w/ w# Q! U
      DD Foxhound0 ^( B  l' x/ V5 S0 w3 Z% A
      DD Hotspur, Shell hits 1
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 30, 42* L+ y/ U# t6 @: A# S8 Q. j

, g# r- y7 L; a) ?# o9 I# F& z2 Y
: v0 n* e& W7 b+ R: X0 K5 j- X最近几天日本潜艇习惯性触雷,以后估计再也不敢摸进港口偷鱼了
: Q& F" t) _% k  a  v0 l--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: r+ |- z7 A- w- s- A5 z+ X$ c$ MTF 18 encounters mine field at Diego Garcia (11,62), W# V: X& E- B/ T
) n; j$ e, b; O3 |
Japanese Ships
+ D; V; R- W0 ^# L0 d/ I      SS I-36, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage7 E) p0 a  r: z: e% z/ B% j! ~  {: b  j
" T# n% Z) m3 m, D0 a8 Z0 u

' Q  ~$ t* `; ^1 j
' B" q& j4 C% X* a- ^+ I) o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Y) }2 S9 l: V# z: M3 b' ~Day Time Surface Combat, near Penrhyn Island at 165,151, Range 21,000 Yards
) s* l1 v, i7 a4 O  l
1 W1 k& I$ l1 b" L* S1 kJapanese aircraft4 f) `- S- J8 E) p) W/ \' @
      no flights
1 ~/ x, g9 S9 B. V" a) t6 D% s; B- i  X' D; A
Japanese aircraft losses. }% T& b9 f$ D0 t2 O$ C
      E13A1 Jake: 5 destroyed
# D, t6 S; ]' ^7 G$ o* j7 l! [+ R6 M. K
Japanese Ships
  Y3 O3 ]- `  ]  K      AV Kiyokawa Maru, Shell hits 14, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk  G" f4 V6 r# x. A( t
" J/ I5 V. ^! K4 `6 i1 A
Allied Ships/ D6 H: x8 w0 v' u1 v0 f, l" |
      CL Raleigh
" C7 |/ Z; Z! }5 U9 B; ^" B      CL St. Louis
. F0 _' j1 a! d8 h      DD O'Bannon! A4 W( {1 D7 b/ ~; x" e  O! E, h
      DD Henley5 W: t: t" o5 Z1 x, F+ l
      DD Patterson7 f- m. a( ~9 {. b( A- M' s
      DD Dunlap
. Q9 v  A, S- w+ @" K+ p' r      DD Mahan* Q$ B$ h) o; s. @) {; @9 A  A0 a/ X: n+ t
      DD Cummings
( S* u5 e& p$ c' L9 I      DD Lamson
9 h! E" Q* R) g/ O, {( \      DD Downes
7 n! q* a; u; h; i      DD Phelps. p! R. t; z$ P* v1 D4 {( Y6 W

3 e2 z/ A) i1 j' f5 q/ F
' n; m2 l2 ~+ S5 R盟军第n次偷袭惠灵顿,击落55架日军重爆; }0 Q% r5 U# r( P3 \; Z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% l, l2 ^1 l- h1 g
Morning Air attack on Wellington , at 112,191 : P- @) M( V( d# l2 ?
3 Z) [4 V8 G- C: u+ A; Q& w
Weather in hex: Partial cloud- o# a+ k3 i3 o  U& m
4 H$ Y2 n" M, D: G* k8 s0 u
Raid detected at 94 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.6 y4 e. s' f, b
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes5 {! Y2 L$ \( u# `9 ?. c  O7 N

* U8 E/ F/ l9 n+ r7 G% P% rJapanese aircraft8 M: h6 q: ?0 |* H- R
      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 994 t% g8 U- b* ?3 W

% P5 r% e; f6 I, V) o. A$ E9 V
0 W$ C: B1 ^$ e& [% m9 d3 [
, i; W/ l( Z3 E! XAllied aircraft
+ \/ L% o, c1 E: I2 b6 Z2 V2 q" w8 E      P-38G Lightning x 25
: P' `7 i* ^" S/ u6 H      P-40K Warhawk x 231 k# e9 D: G/ b  J
0 Q* v$ g- K, h& M- B& j
, S- T3 t5 S# _) A1 ?8 h
Japanese aircraft losses
' H; k8 }$ I% S9 p: c      Ki-49-IIa Helen: 29 destroyed, 13 damaged8 ?9 W  s4 ^# ~( d

' R  ?$ s0 e9 `4 ^No Allied losses+ Z3 H6 _9 ]8 m

1 f3 E/ o' q2 R( A$ S8 L" @, Z+ i! b
* g! M- [. k; a* b& ^0 y$ aAllied ground losses:% q8 i- p! \3 h
      5 casualties reported$ Z4 }3 N2 Z; e+ }: j
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 g' s6 O9 {, A
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled( E" e- ?: i, a) [3 F, x, {
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 y) k4 }8 W  b4 r& L' n" P' _
, S% g2 k/ Q7 [7 J+ _6 i! ]

6 b" [' {1 A, a7 e4 B$ T9 WAirbase hits 1
3 h1 E& @) g$ w. {  d, sAirbase supply hits 1) o# j+ `0 X' U8 n4 {# M
Runway hits 5
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2011-11-21 19:06 编辑
# D8 ], A+ |; V; y6 F) O- I1 B* v1 S) m
5 `* D2 p. W. r0 S' u
+ Q( [6 v1 f+ v  K$ G
8 ^7 z7 [- U) b! ^/ a. [; T+ H4 U8 w/ x0 S
/ v; [. P* o+ V$ e9 ^
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.