发表于 2012-4-3 21:29
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- }/ `! V" U2 y2 h/ o
+ r. e0 H3 e1 t- P" ^( P4 t夜战惠灵顿!
1 C0 k' `# i, v- @% `6 T0 z2 B- \1 z% t9 V' [
+ V0 B5 h& z7 v6 y# C6 X% |! F! V6 ~* l0 @4 g2 ?
42%的月光使得盟军雷达的技术优势得以发挥,两场夜战都是盟军发现并突袭日军,不过很遗憾由于双方战力差距过大,突袭并没有给盟军带来多大战果,第一战中美军名舰博伊西号没有沉在南洋但还是没有躲过这一劫,被大和,长门等舰的420,460巨炮连续爆菊当场沉没,另有休伯特号重伤进港排水, g3 X1 j$ T, k& O4 ?
3 q7 W4 ]: h7 q; A1 w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; s, Z0 L7 L+ p7 cNight Time Surface Combat, near Wellington at 112,191, Range 8,000 Yards
$ k, }0 L0 q2 Y2 m3 n9 o% [ T$ n2 t& A) u3 w$ M& ^: n" T5 ?
Allied aircraft
! Y3 B3 H0 v0 }: u0 w# k no flights
$ k% {; F, h1 W" V
, a9 C$ U# X" g; y2 ^5 O( ^Allied aircraft losses
g' A" ?5 f) s; _1 q- n4 O SOC-1 Seagull: 2 destroyed+ G! C! Q1 w& {8 G3 c# a2 Y: q
% D; L+ N* | n0 I9 S8 p- Q6 a EJapanese Ships
. {4 {" S9 v4 t& K. R) Z BB Hiei, Shell hits 1
$ e# d, G7 }& Y: \+ y! M( Z BB Kirishima, Shell hits 1
+ V7 B- @2 d- D X4 K/ t7 Q$ w7 ` BB Nagato, Shell hits 2- e3 z4 k- s; k1 f: P$ C& a6 ^2 ]
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 7
! z% ]5 z, ?) }* Z8 P1 p BB Yamato, Shell hits 7
/ E/ e! a! e- i, k j+ g CA Maya
( Y+ q2 o1 K+ i" }2 U CA Chokai
; p! \* f' @& B% u2 @$ T6 [ CA Myoko
% E8 F4 z3 y3 X# f, q CA Mikuma, Shell hits 13 W0 U- n) K' W5 b
CA Furutaka, Shell hits 3 Q) H1 q8 l$ Y2 q7 Z+ F+ R; Z- K
CL Kitakami
" _3 H/ R/ f C1 w' p* w! y: \ CL Oi, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire# T! q1 D8 t' W; N3 E
DD Ikazuchi1 i, Q! B: c7 N% ~: w) E" h
DD Usugumo. H. [1 ~' d6 v4 x
DD Uranami, Shell hits 1, on fire
: x8 ?: P' \6 G* D: D+ L DD Asagiri" }# q7 u: h4 |& X4 @& F+ \: z8 x
DD Kisaragi
- T4 R( [, ] i% b( N) W+ E/ ^ DD Yayoi% D I( i. R7 _$ |/ O7 _+ k/ D
DD Uzuki* o# X2 Z y/ D, A4 J" H, l( _
DD Satsuki+ [- |8 p1 j4 _
DD Sawakaze* n0 V* u# h% h, [( }# o
DD Tachikaze7 S: @2 P7 c9 T! S% A, s
DD Namikaze
9 Q- C: _& Q, R3 C* ^ DD Tachekaze
' R+ Z, }- {( Q" y# L3 |$ M+ j; X DD Kosugiri
# L6 F+ \1 ? O, _6 w1 n R: e! t3 v& X7 _9 m
Allied Ships# y: e* E6 \4 R$ E+ f$ Z: |) z# {2 }
CL Leander, Shell hits 1
, |; k( l! c( M4 c, e) c9 i CL Achilles
! r9 c" z; j6 G! q3 h CL Perth
: q+ c z- l- X CL Hobart, Shell hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
7 G4 h3 I) V% N, j" ]) Y7 q! c CL Mauritius
$ p# h& \3 ?" D7 m5 @) q3 ]- Q1 v CL Newcastle, Shell hits 1
% [4 H3 h) B* k, }+ ] CL Boise, Shell hits 33, and is sunk
! y% X/ ?1 x C- X DD Ralph Talbot
, s. I) j8 p, y% S DD Henley, Shell hits 1
' q6 B3 \1 f, O5 o DD Gridley
# A+ Q( w0 p- o T9 b, U DD Benham, Shell hits 1
3 p8 M: f0 H/ W; E DD Ellet
8 y& z( d# s" z. [! x DD Stack, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
* s/ _0 ~4 k4 p7 d1 C! G DD Sterett, Shell hits 1
5 g+ h* B& ?) B% ` DD Wilson
1 W U7 Y$ W3 D
3 [$ |% ~. o: Z) v( T) n$ `* O, r! T4 U
: c) E( Z; ~2 A8 T/ u! t& z& m
Japanese Ships Reported to be Approaching!
) N- a: w1 a2 P8 LAllied TF begins to get underway
0 Y) r5 d2 J4 ~) y) NJapanese Ships Reported to be Approaching!1 H: |0 ^, a6 V
Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions and 42% moonlight: 12,000 yards& B% w% u+ [ M' Q' d
Range closes to 20,000 yards...# y7 \* r1 y$ S/ V, }7 J2 T7 d9 T" q
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 20,000 yards
( K' p$ L& @, ]: Y+ F- w7 b# \Range closes to 14,000 yards...
# r& I# Z/ U) C$ j1 C8 @CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 14,000 yards1 R7 d' i# ~; A
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
2 f0 D1 g. X% ^: w0 B. S6 ^CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 8,000 yards
9 `6 \9 l7 L( B6 ^5 U: z- B+ GAllies open fire on surprised Japanese ships at 8,000 yards0 \; S l9 ?& D1 t/ L
7 Q3 q/ s; j% J8 L* w$ j! i
& C* \- G' `' M随后杀入惠灵顿海域的日军舰队遭遇盟军水雷大阵,连损两条重巡2 P- f. @. I; S* U
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 S) A0 N3 g8 L
TF 26 encounters mine field at Wellington (112,191)
) l( x# x8 b6 y( I2 c3 l. f) X3 h2 F$ e" }2 J2 j* s& _1 T& d1 f: {
Japanese Ships1 V. \$ M* n! u$ C, P
CA Mikuma, Mine hits 2) d' v7 A% I8 B+ m! a9 r/ t3 \
DD Sawakaze, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage7 j6 q8 k& {0 ^% c" _
DD Satsuki, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage' u: W" R7 Y9 L: K
CA Furutaka, Mine hits 2, heavy damage3 B) s* o o1 l/ T) J/ O1 _! F$ ?
DD Usugumo, Mine hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
1 Z1 F- |! A2 n3 O" ]
) l' S9 j; Q1 ]% g8 R从新西兰南岛及时赶到的威尔士亲王编队拦截了日军大和编队,此时日军编队船只由于水雷的影响已经减半,但是火力上的差距依然十分明显,盟军一艘BB对阵日军5艘BB,盟军重巡的8寸炮完全无法对日舰造成任何威胁。不过皇家海军名不虚传,一代名舰威尔士亲王号从南洋死里逃生,经过半年修理后首次投入战斗,战斗力丝毫不减,8000码距离上首发命中大和号,直接摧毁了大和号的舰桥和控制室,作为旗舰的大和号立刻对局势失去掌握,燃起的大火成为夜晚最醒目的目标,吸引了盟军绝大多数的火力,不过即使被命中了4-5发14寸炮弹,霓虹国耗尽国帑堆积的终极战舰也仅仅是起火还没有重创,堪称生命的奇迹。
1 Y$ Q) ?4 S$ b5 P8 ]1 a( J* u- ]8 f
而盟军方面就没有那么好运了,重巡芝加哥号被大和的460炮完爆,2炮即告毙命,重巡文森尼斯号也中了几发420和460炮弹,重伤进港排水。威尔士亲王号被日舰集中射击,不过只受了中伤,略微修理后仍然可以继续战斗。 4 O# |" S/ w9 _! |' a! P" F4 i
! o) R( s# d$ n. N8 |
) e' o, r! T/ ], ~1 B' ~Night Time Surface Combat, near Wellington at 112,191, Range 8,000 Yards. K6 P3 f8 e6 O$ l
5 m, e" {3 z; I' P. B* U
Japanese Ships
# y8 D! a8 l, M BB Hiei, Shell hits 1, on fire- _: q6 B# ^8 u' K$ n p
BB Kirishima, Shell hits 1$ r- @' V/ u/ _( C
BB Nagato, Shell hits 4, on fire2 W) n, T, a, j) X* V4 n' G
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 2
5 l5 G" _1 V, _8 B6 d- {, | ], j BB Yamato, Shell hits 39, heavy fires1 C3 ]2 [% @/ |1 K5 `
CA Myoko) e. c+ L$ W4 }! R) d3 N* K
CL Kitakami! p4 u" S! @1 R. R
DD Ikazuchi, Shell hits 1, on fire
3 l( H' M6 f! e# | DD Uranami, Shell hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage8 |% h7 z5 [$ h- i. a6 p3 q
DD Asagiri2 R; y8 M( L' D7 x9 Q
DD Kisaragi" V& G: I; f$ h: C0 P9 }- e7 k; i
DD Yayoi: W& s. S7 O0 ?" N3 r0 F* `% t
DD Uzuki7 u9 S; d% h4 ~1 r2 U# D
O+ | @, `# ~& | Y5 m+ Z/ sAllied Ships
& h4 }9 I0 t2 S0 Z1 Q3 Y2 c: b BB Prince of Wales, Shell hits 9, on fire+ ~+ i7 G- z0 N5 t: _
CA Portland
; H @0 L( x% \3 E CA Houston
3 E4 W1 s! U w+ I5 _" Y3 @# V" T CA Chester9 N4 D' F' Z' ~/ ]# L. |
CA Chicago, Shell hits 5, and is sunk
/ ?7 l) ?0 j4 t# r3 J CA Salt Lake City
5 R0 y' B( m: e( ~' w CA Astoria
4 S! d- b' ~, N# N* L5 ^ CA Vincennes, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
6 \- f/ i/ A# s3 o% x- D CA Australia9 g; b8 y" h9 E! O2 f
CA Canberra, Shell hits 1
0 _8 l; b) ]8 C* H# d/ U5 J CA Dorsetshire
4 n% Z4 D4 t* u6 _; G5 f CA Cornwall
& p# `& [6 X& e5 A8 ]% V1 J5 u- @ CA Exeter
8 _0 b) ]# n- E1 L6 U DD Lansdowne" X1 z2 N2 e$ R$ I! k+ N
DD McCalla8 H* p/ h" E8 d; D$ C
DD Sims
$ y6 L" F) j+ Z0 p DD Hughes
9 i, n7 b- H+ c DD Anderson
j9 }( l$ F; @ DD Russell! v2 d$ Q: ?; A- ^/ g$ r* y; r2 `0 ~
DD Mahan
$ V+ P6 { g+ h; I DD Case
' y& K' m- F+ C, p1 ?4 Z- _( t DD Conyngham
' P5 F- k9 O8 |% W+ A( e DD Shaw8 @0 Y+ W9 s! S V+ s
DD Reid
' Z! n0 ]& s1 _3 f6 S) \, N& d7 x DD Flusser
, a; ]9 L) a7 W! A* l; P. c
U8 h& W) ?+ Q. |) x$ L c$ O" S1 }" g) q7 N
4 {& e: P& M2 e3 A g, p+ H, m; B1 Y0 A! V5 l
Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions and 42% moonlight: 12,000 yards
" d# n) ^' i5 r3 I2 d( vRange closes to 20,000 yards...& D. V, o: P' K) k2 d8 p% t' u( w
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 20,000 yards$ d' o3 X* c+ p1 r# D3 I
Range closes to 14,000 yards...
+ Q/ x, u w. T- LCONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 14,000 yards" l3 [: Q4 \ [- N7 N% }$ J5 R
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
9 N5 K3 @3 ]. T, Q3 kCONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 8,000 yards# I$ t* r, J6 K" Y5 ?. [( |% D
Allies open fire on surprised Japanese ships at 8,000 yards! o; R3 x! H: X" F" L. l6 {
BB Prince of Wales fires at BB Yamato at 8,000 yards |
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women." |